THE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF WEST CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. a/k/a St. Michael the Archangel Greek Orthodox Church 4705 W. Gulf-to-Lake Hwy, Lecanto, Florida 34461 MINUTES A duly noticed meeting of the Parish Council was held on November 12th, 2007 MEMBER ATTENDANCE: Absent Council Members Present Vernikos, Ioannis Fr., Priest Mavros, George S.; President X Aucoin, Dorothea X X X Cologna, John; Vice-President X Dalmanieras, Alex Stavros, John Parish Priest and Officers Present X Binikos-Brom, Athena, Secretary Ponticos, Stephan A.; Treasurer Minnelli, Diane X Lovelace, Richard Vassiliou, Dimitrios X Patides, Bill Absent X X X X GUESTS PRESENT: Emmanuel Kafes, Amy Mirialakis, Nancy Cologna CALL TO ORDER: The Parish Council meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm with an opening prayer. Scriptural Reading / Reflections: Inadvertently skipped. See Father's report SUMMARY OF MEETING A. Reading and approval of last meeting’s minutes: Motion to approve previous minutes by Diane Minnelli, 2nd by Alex Dalmanieras Unanimously approved with a change in the Festival Report, striking all but the first sentence. B. President’s report: C. The President reported that he had received an e-mail from Jenny Phillips requesting that she be allowed to purchase her dance costume. The President Indicated that several years ago the church purchased material for the making of Dance Costumes by Laurie Kirkendall. The cost for around 6 costumes was about $300 making each costume have an average cost of approx. $50. Following discussion John Cologna moved that Jenny Phillips be allowed to keep her costume, compliments of the parish. Motion was 2nd by Doey Aucoin and passed unanimously. Vice President’s report: No Report D. Secretary’s report: Absent E. Treasurer’s report: a. Fund balance- see attached b. YTD General Fund (operating) report- see attached c. YTD Building (sanctuary) report- see attached d. Cantonis Sanctuary Fund Report- see attached John Cologna asked for some clarification on the "Building" Fund and "Sanctuary" Fund. The President explained these two funds are essentially one. The "Building" Fund is the checking account whereas the "Sanctuary" Fund consists of two brokerage investment accounts, one managed by a third party money manager. For the past 3+ years, as funds have been needed for the Sanctuary project, the money first comes out of whatever may be in the checking account (which consist of donations made to the "Building" fund as well as donations made to the special "5 Year Pledge" for the Sanctuary. When Sanctuary project costs exceed what is available in the Building Fund Checking account, monies are transferred from the Brokerage account to pay for those expenses. Hence, the total available funds for the Sanctuary Project is the sum of whatever is in the Sanctuary/Building Fund Checking Account + the Brokerage Account managed by a 3rd party + the brokerage account held at Wachovia. Since the brokerage account managed by a 3rd party imposes a management fee of 1/4 of 1% per quarter, monies are transferred from this account (into the checking account) first. The other account the church has is the General (Operating) Fund account which is used to pay all of the churches operating expenses. All reports were unanimously approved on a motion by Alex Dalmanieras and 2nd by Doey Aucoin. F. Committee and Ministry reports: 1. Ministries a. Parish Life by J. Stavros John Stavros reported that the Men's club will be getting together in January (after the holidays). Amy, who was present as a guest reported that the Philoptochos will be having their meeting on Nov. 25th and will be offering a Thanksgiving Meal (luncheon) on November 22nd consisting of fish. At the Nov. meeting they will be identifying what charities they wish to support. b. Youth by A. Binikos-Brom Nancy Cologna, who was present as a guest, reported that the Youth have raised approximately $170 in the OCMC boxes that were circulated several months ago. This money will be forwarded to the OCMC. Nancy also reported that the Youth would like to plan an outing on the Anclotte River. Cost, including lunches would approximate $300 depending on the number of children who participate. Adults would pay their own costs. Nancy requested that the Parish Council authorize the expenditure of $300. On a motion by Diane Minnelli and 2nd by John Stavros, the request was approved. The President brought to the Council's attention a request made last month that a detail of the Youth Income and Expenses for 2007 be presented. The report showed total expenditures so far this year of $731 and income of $104, indicating that the Parish has supported the youth with $627 this fiscal year. Nancy indicated that the Youth also raised money at their Rummage / Yard sale. The Treasurer indicated he has not received that money. There was also discussion on the Youth having their own checking account. The President indicated that he personally felt that until the youth group matures a little more it may be premature for them to have their own account. The Youth have not met at all during 2007 and meetings last year were few and sporadic. There was no further discussion on the item. Nancy voiced her disappointment in that her Council Liaison, Athena Binikos-Brom, has not contacted her at all this year. c. Religious No Report by. D. Vassiliou d. Stewardship: No Report by R. Lovelace e. Outreach and Welcome: by D. Minnelli Diane reported that she and Bunny Dart have visited several parishioners and have sent several cards as well as made several phone calls. f. Budget and Planning: by A.Dalmanieras The proposed 2008 budget as revised per the discussions of the previous meeting was presented. Richard Lovelace moved, 2nd by Diane Minnelli that the revised proposed budget be presented to the General Assembly at the Nov. 18th meeting. The motion passed unanimously. g. Facilities: by B. Patides 1. Summary Bill reported that the HVAC systems were repaired just before the festival and the roof leak has had some work done on it. The President indicated that last time he spoke with the roofer they indicated that they think they have resolved the problem but are awaiting word from Bill that the problem is resolved at which time they will return to put the tile back. Bill also submitted a summary list of "major" items that need to be done at the hall. The list included: Item Flooring (to replace existing carpet in main hall) Ceiling Tile Painting Landscaping Description Carpet (not installed) Wood (installed) Tile (installed) 2 x 4 Tile 2 x 2 Tile + cross bars Main Hall Walls Requires sprinkler system repair Approx. Cost $ 7,200 - $ 9,000 $ 23,500 - $33,900 $ 17,500 $ 2,100 - $ 3,400 $ 2,700 $ 450 Unknown The council discussed the projects. Following discussion it was determined that, besides the painting, we should first wait until after the Festival and Food Service profits are known and compared to the budgetary expectations for FY 08 and then decisions can be made on which items to pursue. There was also discussion that the sprinkler system should not be pursed until after the Sanctuary is built as the entire area near the well, as well as the islands and parking lot area will be dug up, therefore causing more damage. 2. h. Motions: Bill Patides moved, Dimitri Vassiliou 2nd that we move forward with painting at an approximate cost of $450. The motion was approved unanimously. Building and Finance: by S. Ponticos 1. Summary: Site work is progressing, building plans are being finalized (MEP) and then will be ready for submission to the county within a week or two. Pipe work, related to the site work will be begin in a couple of weeks and will take approx. 8 weeks to complete. A survey will also be done soon to validate the foundation area as a survey is required before the foundation can be poured. Except for the site work, work on the Sanctuary is pending approval from Atlanta to sign the contract with the contractor. 2. Site Safety Manager: Mr. Emmanuel Kafes, who was a guest at the meeting, discussed his previous work in NY as a Site Safety Manager. He indicated that he would typically review work on a site, as well as the site, to insure safety issues are being addressed. Such issues would include HazMat mitigation, general safety etc. He volunteered his services as a member of the parish. Since Site Safety Management is not included in any of the contracts with the Contractor or Architect, and since these services will be provided gratis, the Council approved having Mr. Ponticos speak with Mr. Kafes and engage his services. Mr. Kafes would not interfere with the project, he would merely prepare a report and submit to the Building Chairman who would take any needed action. i. 2. H. Education and Cultural Life: No Report by D. Aucoin Committees: a. Food Service: by John Cologna John reported that there are a couple of banquets scheduled in December, 1 in January and one this weekend. He also reported that he is working with Nancy to develop a marketing plan. Dimitri Vassiliou indicated that it would be nice if the Food Service committee could receive additional information regarding the banquets (contracts / calendars etc.). John advised Dimitri that his wife Dimitra had the desired information. b. Festival: by Bill Patides Bill reported that the Gross revenue for the Festival approximates $61,000 (down from last October's $78,000). All bills have not yet been received, hence an Income Statement is not yet available. The council discussed the dates for the Spring and Fall festivals 2008 and settled on the first weekend in May (2nd, 3rd and 4th) and the last weekend in October (Oct 31, Nov. 1st, 2nd). Bill and John reported that most of the left over items, except for the skewers have been sold or almost sold. There are a few items left from YiaYia's kitchen which are being sold on Sunday along with baked goods. George asked how much baked good items are left. John indicated the two "Seia's" (Seia Moumouris and Sia Phillos) handled the bakery and he does not know what is left. Report from Priest requiring Parish Council action: by Fr. Ioannis Father began his report with Scriptural reflections. The President had accidentally skipped this item on the agenda. Father read from Ephesians Chapter 2 and Matthew Chapter 6. He continued by stating that what we do, we do for the glorification of God and our salvation, not to reward individuals. When we say we forgive, we must mean it, not just say the words. The animosity is not good for the Parish or the individual. Father also stated that once again it is necessary to say that what is discussed in meetings must stay at the meeting and not discussed outside the meeting. He further stated that we must love another. Board members were not present during the Archangel Michael services to honor our patron as well as be prepared to receive Christ’s and the Archangel Michael’s love. We must love one another, our hearts are not in the right place. No one on the council is worthy. We should prepare, fast, confess, so that we change and become better. We must change our heart and truly love each other. Instead of looking at people’s mistakes and all the negatives they’ve done, we should look at the good they’ve done and be positive. Let’s work together, accept Christ with joy and happiness and love one another. Father also indicated that he is only here in the capacity of a priest and all matters that don’t involve the spiritual life of the parish are the responsibility of the council. He will not involve himself in such matters. I. K. New Business: 1. The President reported that he has purchased a lockable file cabinet and has begun moving records and securing them in this cabinet. He will continue doing so until all the records have been relocated to the church, organized and secured In order to make the transition following the first of the year smooth and easy for those who assume office. 2. The President also indicated that he and Father have had conversation's regarding a need to create more storage space at the church. There was discussion about purchasing a storage shed as well as constructing an addition to the existing storage room. Father indicated that he and George have had conversations and the fact that some records are stored at his home are by necessity due to the fact that there is no secure storage area at the church. George reported that there are boxes (one box per year) dating back to 1981. These boxes contain old bills and old bank statements. All other records are being relocated to the file cabinet that has been purchased and if necessary and 2nd cabinet can also be located next to the new one. Following discussion it was determined that: (1) Richard will coordinate with the men's club to clean out the area behind the altar, the choir robe room, the meeting room and the outside storage room in order to dispose of any junk and organize those items that need to be retained. (2) Richard will draft some drawings on expanding the existing storage room. After Building Permits have been obtained the Council can review Richard's drawings and work with the contractor through the change order process to perhaps have this storage room expanded. Correspondence: a. K. Letter from Bunny Dart sharing her concern about the behavior of John Stavros at the Festival and his dialogue with Steve Ponticos. (Letter attached). John Stavros indicates for clarification that he did not touch anyone. Good of the Council: Steve verbalized his gross concern about having council members making public accusatory statement. Steve reviewed and discussed the process by which festival money is accounted for, the fact that all monies are counted by at least two people, sequentially numbered receipts are issued and signed by the “giver” and the “receiver”. The process insures a complete accountability of all funds and he was shocked that some folks either did not know the process or didn’t come ask him of the process that did not involve him then came and publicly accuse him. Steve suggested that such conduct is unbecoming of a Parish Council Member, is grossly detrimental to the Parish and on a personal level certainly places him in a very awkward situation in that he is a major businessman in the community and such public accusations can be very detrimental to him personally and his business. Steve gave the example that “what if a banker was sitting at the table where this outburst and accusations were taking place? How could he (Steve) go and meet with the bank President for a $5 million loan the next day for a project he is developing? The banker would say – his own church thinks he’s a thief – why should we trust him?” Diane Minnelli asked to be recognized at which time she read a statement prepared by her husband Dominic (see below): Dominic’s statement: 1. 2. 3. Sunday morning (3nd day of festival) John Stavros approached me and asked me to speak with Steve about taking money home on Sat. nite. Amy and I did make a nite deposit of the monies that were received up to approximately 5PM Sat. John was referring to the money received after 5PM. He also said that he requested Amy to talk with Steve. He went on how Steve broke Father’s rule. He was very adamant about it. I was taken back when he said how do I know Steve took the money home. I turned to him and said how do you know Amy and I made the nite deposit of some $20,000 Sat nite. The answer was there were two of us. His reply was that you trust him. My reply was of course I do. Do you think the Ponticos need this money. I called Diane over, she said I should tell George Mavros and at that moment Nancy Ponticos and George came by and I informed them of my conversation with Stavros. Following discussion, John Stavros apologized for speaking loudly and indicated he did not mean to call Steve a thief and does not believe Steve is a thief. He was merely concerned about Steve’s safety and security. L. Next Meeting Date and Time: The next meeting is scheduled for December 10th 2007 at 6:00 p.m. M. Closing Prayer and Adjournment: Following a closing prayer by Fr. Ioannis, a motion was made to adjourn by Steve Ponticos and 2nd by Doey Aucoin. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 pm Respectfully Submitted George Mavros, for Athena Binikos-Brom Secretary Approved by the Board Dr. George S. Mavros President Rev. Fr. Ioannis Vernikos Parish Priest