November 1, 2007 - Forest Lake Area Schools




Forest Lake, Minnesota


November 1, 2007

A regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 831, Forest Lake,

Minnesota, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 1, 2007, at the School

District Office Building. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll was called and the following members were present: Bill Bresin, David Gay, Joe Grafft, Dan Kieger, Eric Langness, Rob

Rapheal, and Superintendent Lynn Steenblock, ex officio. Member Julie Corcoran was absent.

Agenda Review – The agenda was reviewed and unchanged.


Listening Session: David Gay and Dan Kieger conducted the 6:00 p.m. Listening Session and reported that people came to talk about using the school bus strobe lights more often, bus washing, enrollment, budget, technology student safety, backgrounds checks, and measures of student success.


Scandia Elementary School – Principal Julianne Greiman introduced fifth grade teachers

Katy Gross and Jeremy Swensen who gave a presentation on a typical school day team teaching their students.

Science Curriculum Review – Senior High Science Teacher Brad Ward presented a review of the district’s Science Curriculum and program.


Joe Grafft reported that the Youth Service Bureau’s Gala last Saturday was a huge success.

Bill Bresin acknowledged receipt of the Agriculture Department’s Annual Report.

Dan Kieger attended Lino Lakes Elementary’s Family Literacy Night.


Buildings & Grounds – David Gay reported that the committee discussed Green Seal

Certified cleaning products.

Communications – Eric Langness reported that the committee reviewed the enhanced

Columbus Elementary and Southwest Junior High web sites, the upcoming enhanced Forest

Lake Elementary, ALC, and Montessori web sites, Advanced Placement and College-in-the-

Schools classes, and the “Educator for a Day’ program.


Finance – At the Finance Committee meeting, Dan Kieger reported that the committee reviewed the 2007-08 district budget, the anticipated 2008-09 district budget, communicating with the public, and bus purchases.

Policy – Rob Rapheal reported that the Policy Committee reviewed the instructional materials policy and both mandated abuse reporting policies on this meeting’s agenda.

Staff Welfare – Bill Bresin reported that the committee discussed the Strategic Plan and Q-


Superintendent’s report: Superintendent Steenblock reported that the October 5-6 meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee reviewed the plan’s mission, beliefs, and strategies. He pointed out how the Agriculture Program’s Annual Report ties into the Strategic Plan, and

Strategy Two involves staff development for classified staff. He reported that the World

Language Task Force is meeting. The cross country running team is in state competition this weekend, and the girls’ volleyball team is playing their sectional tournament game this evening.


Member Grafft moved, seconded by Member Gay, to approve consent agenda items 7.2-7.4.

All members voted aye and the motion carried.

7.2 Approved the Bills as of November 1, 2007.

7.3 Classified Personnel:

A. Retirement: Glenn Grubbs – change retirement date to November 30, 2007.

B. Resignation:

1. Russell Adair – eff. 9-15-07.

2. Kimberly Gallegos – eff. 10-26-07.

3. LaVerne Niemi – eff. 9-10-07.

4. Katherine Stutelberg – eff. 10-9-07.

C. Termination:

1. Carmen Ahyai – eff. 9-4-07.

2. Heidi Christensen – eff. 11-1-07.

3. Thomas Gamboni – eff. 11-1-07.

4. Timothy Hoppe – eff. 11-1-07.

D. Employment:

1. Amber Alsaker – eff. 9-17-07.

2. Patty Blom – eff. 9-20-07.

3. Renelle Boyd – eff. 10-8-07.

4. Susan Cerwinski – eff. 10-15-07.

5. Kelly Conlin – 9-17-07.

6. Melissa Johnson – eff. 9-28-07.

7. Angela Kroyer – eff. 9-17-07.

8. Allyse Petroske – eff. 9-17-07.


9. Brian Roth – eff. 10-8-07.

10. Lori Schultz – eff. 10-17-07.

11. Beth Smith – eff. 10-10-07.

E. Transfer:

1. Angela Kroyer – increase hours eff. 10-8-08.

2. Joy Larson-Hartford – increase to 20 hrs./wk., 40 wk./yr., eff. 10-8-07.

3. Nicole Noren – increase hours to 5 hr./day, 40 wk./yr., eff. 10-8-07.

4. Kimberly Peterson – to Activities Office Asst. IV at FLHS eff. 10-5-07.

5. Barbara Proehl – increase hours to 12.25 hr./wk., 40 wk./yr., eff. 10-8-07.

6. Laura Thell – to Cook Helper/Lg. Hr. at SW Jr. High. eff. 10-15-07.

7. Angie Zick – increase to 18 hrs./wk., 40 wk./yr. eff. 10-2-07.

F. Leave of Absence:

1. Timothy Brown – LOA Sept. 4 through Nov. 30, 2007.

2. Kris Kne – LOA Nov. 6 through Dec. 17, 2007.

3. Pamela Mercer – LOA Nov. 1-30, and Feb.1-29, 2008.

4. Kathleen Paulino – LOA Oct. 22 thorugh Nov. 1, 2007.

5. Kara Rotramel – LOA Nov. 7, 2007 through Jan. 31, 2008.

6. Dana Wrich – LOA Oct. 8 through Nov. 2, 2007.

G. Additional Positions:

1. ECFE Teacher Assistant at the CLC eff. 11-6-07.

2. SAC Asst. Site Manager at Columbus Elem. eff. 10-15-07.

7.4 Licensed Personnel:

A. Unpaid Leave of Absence:

1. Katie DePrez – Child care leave of absence about 1/28/08-4/11/08.

2. Megan Halverson – Child care leave of absence about 1/14/08-2/8/08.

3. Sara Schneider – Child care leave of absence for 2008-09.

B. Non-Curricular Position (on non-contract status):

1. Matthew Blackstad - .95 girls’ Assistant Gymnastics Coach (FLHS).

2. Ashley Brett – .75 girls’ Assistant Gymnastics Coach (FLHS).

3. Jim Caldwell – Volunteer Boys’ Assistant Hockey Coach (FLHS).

4. Bob Dettmer – Volunteer 7/8 grade Assistant Wrestling Coach (SW).

5. Tricia Hofeld – Third Assistant/Technical Musical Director (FLHS).

6. Jean Laqua – First Assistant/Vocal Musical Director (FLHS).

7. Tim Newcomb – Senior High Musical Director.

8. Bill Porter – Volunteer 7/8 grade Assistant Wrestling Coach (FW).

9. Phil Raaen – Second Assistant Musical Director (FLHS).

10. Carol Suess - .85 girls’ Assistant Gymnastics Coach (FLHS).

11. Jenae Sumption – 7 th

grade Assistant Volleyball Coach (CJH).

12. Andrew Waldron – Fourth Assistant Choreographer (FLHS).

13. Emily Ziemer – Destination Imagination Coach (Scandia).

C. Additional Assignment: Carol Kuschke – Extra hour assignment for the 2007-08

school year.

D. Retirement: Douglas Stottler – Retire effective October 29, 2007.


7.1 Minutes – Member Langness requested a correction to the October 4, 2007 meeting minutes agenda item 10.3 to read that Member Rapheal seconded his motion instead of Member Gay. Member Langness moved, seconded by Member Gay, to approve the October 17, 2007, and the October 4, 2007 meeting minutes as corrected. All members present voted aye and the motion carried.

8.0 Donations: Member Grafft introduced the resolution to accept with appreciation the following contributions and permit their use as designated by the donors. The motion was duly seconded by Member Langness, all members voted aye and the resolution was adopted. Donations: From Target Take Charge of Education - $1,230.72 for

Wyoming Elementary, $91.17 for the Area Learning Center, and $354.97 for Central

Montessori educational materials; $250 from the Forest Lake Area Partnership for

Families, Inc. to support the SADD program at FLHS; $150 from Meister’s

Restaurant for Scandia Elementary student activities and enrichment; $1,175.52 from

Office Max for school supplies for Lino Lakes Elem.; 500 three-ring binders for

Forest View Elem. and Century Junior High from Synovis IS; for the Euroband trip rootbeer fundraiser - $250 ice cream from Schwan’s, $160 Rootbeer from American

Bottling Co., and service from Marketplace Foods to receive the Rootbeer; $300 for

Special Olympics Bowling Shirts from Tire Warehouse & Service, Inc.; $568 Baltic birch plywood for Southwest Junior High Industrial Tech classroom projects from

Lon Musolf Distr. Inc.; $40 from Marketplace Foods’ varsity football team promotion; and $800 from the Forest Lake Area Athletic Association for basketball equipment.


9.1 Directors’ Job Descriptions – Member Kieger moved to adopt changes to the Director of Business Services policy 203, Director of Special Education Services policy 204,

Director of Community Education policy 210, Director of Administration and Human

Resources policy 211, and Director of Teaching and Learning Policy 214. The motion was seconded by Member Gay, and by roll call vote all members voted aye and the motion carried.

9.2 Bus Purchase – Member Kieger moved permission to purchase seven school buses from the Hoglund Bus Co. for $83,409.12 each through the State of Minnesota’s

Cooperative Purchasing Venture Program, and to trade-in seven 1994 buses. The motion was seconded by Member Grafft, and by roll call vote all members present voted aye and the motion carried.

9.3 Strategic Plan – Member Kieger moved to approve the language change to a 2007-08

Strategic Plan Goal to read: “100% of our students who take the ACT will score above the ACT college readiness benchmark scores.” The motion was seconded by

Member Rapheal, all members voted aye and the motion carried.




10.1 Technology Use Policy #540 – First reading of the Technology Acceptable Use and

Safety Policy #540. Member Grafft moved to dispense with the second reading and adopt the Technology Acceptable Use and Safety Policy #540. The motion was seconded by Member Rapheal, all members present voted aye and the motion carried.

10.2 Mandated Vulnerable Adults Policy #414 – First reading of the Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults Policy 414. Member Grafft moved to dispense with the second reading and adopt the Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of

Vulnerable Adults Policy #414. The motion was seconded by Member Rapheal, all members present voted aye and the motion carried.


Mandated Abuse Reporting Policy #522 – First reading of the Mandated Reporting of

Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse Policy #522. Member Grafft moved, seconded by Member Rapheal, to dispense with the second reading and adopt this policy. Member Langness requested that this item be placed on the next meeting agenda to allow for further public review and comments. Members Grafft and

Rapheal agreed and withdrew their motion and second, whereby this policy will be placed on the next meeting agenda for review and Board action.


President Bresin reported that Board Members received email survey questions from students.

The School Board Election will be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2007. There will be a

Special School Board Meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 8, 2007 to canvass the election results.

The annual Truth in Taxation Hearing will be Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at 7 p.m. in the senior high media center.

At 8:39 p.m. Member Gay moved, seconded by Member Kieger, to recess the regular meeting to go into closed session to discuss a student expulsion. The closed meeting convened at 8:46 p.m. with Members Bresin, Gay, Grafft, Kieger, Langness and Rapheal. Member Corcoran was absent.

Also present were Lynn Steenblock and Ron Spies.

The regular meeting reconvened at 8:52 p.m. with all members present except Member Corcoran.

Member Grafft moved to adopt the Resolution Expelling a Student. The motion was seconded by

Member Langness, by roll call vote all members vote aye and the resolution was adopted.

As there was no further business, Member Grafft moved, seconded by Member Rapheal, to adjourn at 8:54 p.m. All members voted aye and the meeting adjourned.

Bill Bresin President


Rob Rapheal Clerk
