Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 1BVT 1.60.5 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING CATEGORY I Issue 1 Revision 23 Technical Specifications Surveillance Requirements Frequency Performed T.S. 5.5.4, SR, SR, LRS Prepared by Date D. T. Jones 02/09/10 Reviewed by SPECIAL (SEE P&L IV.D) Pages Issued 1 - 45 Date J. A. Manoleras Approved for Use: 02/25/10 PORC Meeting PAF 10-00074 Effective Date 03/04/10 Approved by D. C. Reeves Initials _________ Date _________ Date 02/25/10 Beaver Valley Power Station IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING Unit 1 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 2 of 45 Table Of Contents I. PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................... 3 II. GENERAL TEST METHOD.......................................................................................................... 4 III. SPECIAL TEST EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................................... 5 IV. PREREQUISITES ........................................................................................................................ 6 V. INITIAL CONDITIONS.................................................................................................................. 7 VI. PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................ 8 VII. PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................ 10 A Selecting Valves for Testing ............................................................................................. 10 B Additional Testing ............................................................................................................. 12 C Tracking Test Results ....................................................................................................... 16 VIII. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ......................................................................................................... 17 IX. REFERENCES........................................................................................................................... 20 X. CHRONOLOGY OF CHANGES ................................................................................................. 23 XI. DATA SHEETS .......................................................................................................................... 30 XII. ATTACHMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 44 XIII. FIGURES/TABLES/GRAPHS ..................................................................................................... 45 Table of Contents Beaver Valley Power Station IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING I. Unit 1 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 3 of 45 PURPOSE Note: Technical Specifications SR, SR and LRS require testing per the Inservice Testing Program (T.S. 5.5.4 and the ASME OM Code). The ASME OM Code (2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda) requires testing of safety and relief valves in accordance with Appendix I. Appendix I, Paragraphs I-1320(a) and I-1350(a) require testing of the Pressurizer Code Safety Valves [RV-1RC-551A, B and C] and Main Steam Safety Valves [SV-1MS-101A, 101B, 101C, 102A, 102B, 102C, 103A, 103B, 103C, 104A, 104B, 104C, 105A, 105B, and 105C] once every 5 years with a minimum of 20% of the valves tested within 24 months. Appendix I, Paragraph I-1390 requires testing or replacement of Class 2 and 3 "thermal" relief valves once every 10 years. Appendix I, Paragraph I-1350(a) requires testing of remaining Class 2 or 3 relief valves once every 10 years with a minimum of 20% of the valves tested within any 48 months. There is no grace period for testing relief valves. The purpose of this test is to provide the necessary instructions for establishing a test schedule and to provide a source for documenting the actual testing performed in accordance with Appendix I of the ASME OM Code, (Inservice Testing of Pressure Relief Devices in Light-Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants) and Technical Specifications T.S. 5.5.4, SR, SR and LRS on those safety and relief valves included in the BVPS-1 IST Program. Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING II. 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 4 of 45 GENERAL TEST METHOD This test has been divided into three sections. Section VII.A includes the instructions for selecting the current group of valves for testing ensuring the testing schedules required by the ASME OM Code, Appendix I for Class 1, 2 and 3 safety and relief valve testing is maintained. It contains the necessary steps to ensure this list of valves is provided to the Relief Valve Project Manager and Appendix J Program Owner. If NOT already written, Orders will be prepared with instructions to perform the required testing for the initial test group of valves. Each safety and relief valve will be visually examined, leak tested and set pressure tested in accordance with the requirements of the ASME OM Code, Appendix I using 1/2 CMP-75-RELIEF VALVE-1M, 1BVT1.21.2, or applicable certified laboratory procedure. Section VII.B is only performed for non-thermal relief valves in the event of valve failures in the initial test group. It provides the necessary instructions for the selection of additional valves for testing in accordance with Paragraphs I-1320(c) and I-1350(c) of the ASME OM Code, Appendix I. It ensures the Relief Valve Project Manager and Appendix J Program Owner are informed of these additional valves requiring testing and that all necessary Orders are prepared to perform this testing. Section VII.C follows the testing being performed prior to, during or following the present refueling outage and ensures all required testing is completed. Beaver Valley Power Station IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING III. SPECIAL TEST EQUIPMENT None Unit 1 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 5 of 45 Beaver Valley Power Station IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING Unit 1 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 6 of 45 IV. PREREQUISITES A. A completed performance copy of this procedure from the preceding refueling outage is available, and this procedure has been revised to include the most recent “As Left” test dates/outage including the next six columns of groups/refueling outages (and dates) for each valve on Data Sheet 2. ________/_______ Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING V. INITIAL CONDITIONS A. Plant Status Changes 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 7 of 45 This procedure does not affect plant status. B. SM/US Sign-on Not Required C. Reactor Operator Sign-on Not Required D. Procedure Performer Initial Conditions. 1. The plant is preparing for entry into a refueling outage, however, some safety and relief valves may be tested prior to, during or following the refueling outage. (See P&L VI.B.) ________/_______ Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 8 of 45 VI. PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS A. For any safety or non-thermal relief valve which is considered to have FAILED in accordance with Section VIII (Acceptable Criteria) of this BVT, then two (2) "additional" valves from the same system category shall be tested. If any of the "additional" valves also FAILS, then the remaining valves from the same system category shall be tested. B. Care should be taken when scheduling any safety or relief valve to be tested while on-line. If a scheduled valve FAILS, then any "additional" valves required to be tested as a result of the failure would be expected to be tested as soon as practical. However, NRC guidance states the ASME OM Code does not specify when the additional testing should be done when a relief valve fails the acceptance criteria. Appendix I of the ASME OM Code allows 3 months for testing a partial complement of valves. Performance of all tests (including the required additional tests) within the 3-month period would be appropriate as long as the cause of the failure has been determined NOT to be applicable to the other valves in the same system category. If the cause of the failure has been determined to be applicable to the other valves in the same system category, then immediate corrective actions or a justification for continued operation may be required. Failure of a valve may require a Technical Specification REQUIRED ACTION be performed or the plant be shutdown in order to test the "additional" valves (i.e., because removal of the "additional" valve(s) from service for testing makes the system INOPERABLE, or the "additional" valve(s) are located inside Containment). C. Safety and relief valves are required to be tested at the temperature of the environment surrounding the valve at its installed plant location during the phase of plant operation for which the valve is required for overpressure protection. It is permissible, however, to test at ambient conditions on a test stand as long as a correlation between the operating and testing ambient temperatures is performed in accordance with the requirements of Appendix I of the ASME OM Code. Data Sheet 2 lists the "Compensated Ambient Setpoint and Range" for each relief valve when testing at ambient conditions on a test stand. Safety valves are either tested at operating ambient temperatures in their installed locations or are sent offsite for testing. Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING D. 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 9 of 45 Technical Specifications SR, SR and LRS require testing per the Inservice Testing Program (T.S. 5.5.4 and the ASME OM Code). The ASME OM Code (2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda) requires testing of safety and relief valves in accordance with Appendix I. Appendix I, Paragraphs I-1320(a) and I-1350 require testing of the Pressurizer Code Safety Valves [RV-1RC-551A, B and C] and Main Steam Safety Valves [SV-1MS-101A, 101B, 101C, 102A, 102B, 102C, 103A, 103B, 103C, 104A, 104B, 104C, 105A, 105B, and 105C] once every 5 years with a minimum of 20% of the valves tested within 24 months. Appendix I, Paragraph I-1390 requires testing or replacement of Class 2 and 3 "thermal" relief valves once every 10 years. Appendix I, Paragraph I-1350(a) requires testing of remaining Class 2 or 3 relief valves once every 10 years with a minimum of 20% of the valves tested within any 48 months. There is no grace period for testing relief valves. E. The ASME O&M Committee’s response to OM Code Inquiry 03-01 defined the 5 and 10 year test intervals for relief valves as including not only the time the valves are installed in the plant, but also the storage time following as left testing prior to installation of the valves. Therefore, the “Last Tested” dates on Data Sheet 2 should be based on the “as left” test date of each relief valve prior to being installed in its plant functional location. F. If a Pressurizer Code Safety Valve had been removed for testing during a previous refueling outage and it became a “spare” valve for replacement in the future, then it should be retested (and refurbished if needed) at an offsite facility within 6 months prior to being installed during the refueling outage, so that its 5 year test interval is not exceeded over the next 3 refueling outage cycles. G. If a Main Steam Safety Valve had been removed for testing during a previous refueling outage and it became a “spare” valve for replacement in the future, then it should be retested (and refurbished if needed) at an offsite facility within 6 months prior to being installed during the refueling outage, OR trevitested per 1BVT 1.21.2 during a subsequent refueling outage such that its 5 year test interval is not exceeded over the next 3 refueling outage cycles. H. Appendix I, Paragraph I-1390 of the ASME OM Code allows Class 2 and 3 relief valves that are used in "thermal" relief applications to be replaced instead of tested on a 10-year frequency. However, if a "thermal" relief valves is tested and fails, testing of additional thermal relief valves is not required to be performed per the ASME OM Code. Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING VII. PROCEDURE CAUTION: A. 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 10 of 45 SEE P&L VI.A - H. Selecting Valves for Testing 1. From Data Sheet 2 for the valves in the group to be tested during the present or upcoming refueling outage, record the group number, all of the valve functional location numbers from that group, and the compensated ambient setpoint pressures and ranges for these valves on Data Sheet 1. ________/_______ 2. Review the column from Data Sheet 2 containing the refueling outage and date last tested. If the time period between the date last tested and the scheduled end of the current refueling outage is 60 months or more for any Class 1 or Main Steam Safety Valve, or 120 months or more for any Class 2 or 3 relief valve, those valves shall be added to the list of valves to be tested. From Data Sheet 2, record the group numbers, the valve functional location numbers and the compensated ambient setpoint pressures and ranges for these valves on Data Sheet 1. ________/_______ Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING Note: 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 11 of 45 Orders can be generated by either initiating a Notification in SAP or by requesting the Surveillance Coordinator to generate a Surveillance Order in SAP based on the list of "model notifications" on Attachment 1 in this BVT. If a Surveillance Order is to be generated, the Surveillance Coordinator should also be provided with a "limit date" for testing the relief valve(s) that can be tested on-line based on the 5 year/24 month or 10 year/48 month requirements of Appendix I of the ASME OM Code. (See P&L VI.D.) 3. Ensure Orders are prepared to perform the required testing in accordance with this BVT, 1/2 CMP-75-RELIEF VALVE-1M, 1BVT 1.21.2 and/or applicable certified laboratory procedure. ________/_______ a. Verify any Orders prepared for testing [RV-1RC-551A, B or C] are written or revised to state a purchase order (P.O.) to obtain testing from a "certified" laboratory is required per response to NRC Information Notice 91-74. (Reference IX.H). ________/_______ b. Verify any Orders prepared for testing any Main Steam Safety Valve(s) at an offsite facility require the valve(s) to be uninsulated and tested at conditions approximating the ambient temperatures the valve(s) will see during normal operation (135F ± 15F). (Reference IX.K.). (N/A if the Main Steam Safety Valves are to be tested onsite.) ________/_______ 4. Record the Order numbers on Data Sheet 1. ________/_______ 5. Provide copies of Data Sheet 1 to the Relief Valve Project Manager and Appendix J Program Owner (if applicable) for their use in scheduling the testing. ________/_______ Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 12 of 45 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING B. Additional Testing Note: Section VII.B is only required to be performed if a safety or non-thermal relief valve (or valves) from the list of valves to be tested, selected in Section VII.A of this test, fails the setpoint test and additional valves are listed in the system or system category. Note: If valves from more than one system fail, repeat Section VII.B of this procedure for each system. 1. For each valve failure that occurs in a given system or system category from the original list of valves to be tested, two (2) additional valves from the same system or system category shall be selected for testing. a. Record the system or system category designation code and the functional location number(s) of the failed valve(s) in that system below. System/Category Code _____________________ Failed Valve Functional Location No(s). _____________________ ________/_______ Note: Valve selections should be based on prior discussions with the responsible Operations, Maintenance and Outage Central personnel and the Appendix J Program Owner (if applicable). b. Select the additional valves to be tested from the system or system category in which the failure(s) occurred from the next sequential group of valves for that system or system category from Data Sheet 2. If the required number of valves from that group are either unavailable or inconvenient for testing, the selection of alternate valves from the remaining groups are permissible. ________/_______ Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING c. 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 13 of 45 From Data Sheet 2, record on Data Sheet 1 the group number(s), the functional location numbers and the compensated ambient setpoint pressures and ranges for these additional valves. ________/_______ Note: Orders can be generated by either initiating a Notification in SAP or by requesting the Surveillance Coordinator to generate a Surveillance Order in SAP based on the list of "model notifications" on Attachment 1 in this BVT. If a Surveillance Order is to be generated, the Surveillance Coordinator should also be provided with a "limit date" for testing the relief valve(s) that can be tested on-line based on the 5 year/24 month or 10 year/48 month requirements of Appendix I of the ASME OM Code. (See P&L VI.D.) d. If not previously written, ensure Orders are prepared to perform the required testing on the additional valves in accordance with this BVT, 1/2CMP-75-RELIEF VALVE-1M, 1BVT 1.21.2 and/or applicable certified laboratory procedure. ________/_______ 1) Verify any Orders prepared for testing [RV-1RC-551A, B or C] are written or revised to state a purchase order (P.O.) to obtain testing from a "certified" laboratory is required per response to NRC Information Notice 91-74. (Reference IX.H) (otherwise N/A). ________/_______ 2) Verify any Orders prepared for testing any Main Steam Safety Valve(s) at an offsite facility require the valve(s) to be uninsulated and tested at conditions approximating the ambient temperatures the valve(s) will see during normal operation (135F ± 15F). (Reference IX.K.) (otherwise N/A). ________/_______ e. Record the Order numbers on Data Sheet 1. ________/_______ Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING f. 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 14 of 45 Send a copy of the updated Data Sheet 1 to the Relief Valve Project Manager and Appendix J Program Owner (if applicable). ________/_______ Note: 2. "N/A" Steps VII.B.2.a-e if they are not to be performed. If any of the additional valves selected for testing in accordance with Step VII.B.1 fail the setpoint test, perform the following: a. Inform the Relief Valve Project Manager and Outage Central that all of the remaining valves in the system or system category in which the failure occurred shall be tested. ________/_______ b. From Data Sheet 2, record on Data Sheet 1 the remaining valve functional location numbers, their compensated ambient setpoint pressures and ranges and their corresponding group numbers. ________/_______ Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING Note: 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 15 of 45 Orders can be generated by either initiating a Notification in SAP or by requesting the Surveillance Coordinator to generate a Surveillance Order in SAP based on the list of "model notifications" on Attachment 1 in this BVT. If a Surveillance Order is to be generated, the Surveillance Coordinator should also be provided with a "limit date" for testing the relief valve(s) that can be done on-line based on the 5 year/24 month or 10 year/48 month requirements of Appendix I of the ASME OM Code. (See P&L VI.D.) c. If not previously written, ensure Orders are prepared to perform the required testing in accordance with this BVT, 1/2CMP-75-RELIEF VALVE-1M, 1BVT 1.21.2 and/or applicable certified laboratory procedure. ________/_______ 1) Verify any Orders prepared for testing [RV-1RC-551A, B or C] are written or revised to state a purchase order (P.O.) to obtain testing from a "certified" laboratory is required per response to NRC Information Notice 91-74. (Reference IX.H) (otherwise N/A). ________/_______ 2) Verify any Orders prepared for testing any Main Steam Safety Valve(s) at an offsite facility require the valve(s) to be uninsulated and tested at conditions approximating the ambient temperatures the valve(s) will see during normal operation (135F ± 15F). (Reference IX.K.) (otherwise N/A). ________/_______ d. Record the Order numbers on Data Sheet 1. ________/_______ e. Send a copy of the updated Data Sheet 1 to the Relief Valve Project Manager and Appendix J Program Owner (if applicable). ________/_______ Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING C. 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 16 of 45 Tracking Test Results 1. Track the testing being performed as follows: Note: Steps VII.C.1.a-d may be performed concurrently with each other. a. Contact Maintenance or the applicable 1BVT 1.21.2 Test Engineer, and review their CMP/BVT test results on a regular basis while testing is going on. ________/_______ b. As testing is performed on the valve removed, record on Data Sheet 1, the "As Found Setpoint" and “As Found Leak Test Results” from the initial test for each valve removed. ________/_______ c. As testing is successfully completed on the valve to be installed, record on Data Sheet 1 the two (2) "As Left Setpoints" and the “As Left Leak Test Results.” ________/_______ d. As testing is successfully completed on each valve, record on Data Sheet 2 the “As Found” and "As Left" test dates in the column for the Group being tested during the present (or upcoming or most recent) refueling outage. ________/_______ e. After all required valve testing for the present (or upcoming or most recent) refueling outage has been successfully performed, have the IST Coordinator complete the "Relief Valve Log Sheets" maintained in the computerized IST database (PV-Plus). ________/_______ 2. Provide a copy of Data Sheets 1 and 2 to the Appendix J Program Owner so that Type-C testing of any new relief valves installed can be properly scheduled in the future. ________/_______ Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 17 of 45 VIII. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Note: The validated setpoint pressure listed in the setpoint calculation (Ref. IX.P) may be compensated due to temperature compensation when testing at ambient conditions on a test stand. Note: A Condition Report should be generated to evaluate any safety or relief valve which fails to comply with the set-pressure acceptance criteria so the cause of the failure can be determined and corrected in accordance with the ASME OM Code, Appendix I. This evaluation should also determine the need for additional testing to address any generic concerns which could apply to valves in the same or other system categories. A. All of the safety and non-thermal relief valves required to be tested by the ASME OM Code, Appendix I, have been successfully setpoint tested. (Refer to References IX.B, L, M and Q.) 1. The two (2) "As Left" setpoint readings for each valve reinstalled on the system are within the ranges established on Data Sheet 2. 2. The correct number of "additional" valves as determined by Step VII.B.1 and/or Step VII.B.2 have been tested. B. The following criteria was used to determine whether a valve passed or failed. (Refer to References IX.E, F, J and P.) 1. A PASS is defined as a valve whose "As Found" setpoint reading (first lift) is within 3% of the valve's compensated ambient setpoint pressure found on Data Sheet 2 OR within the owner established limit for the exceptions listed as follows: a. None Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 18 of 45 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING 2. A FAILURE is defined as a valve which fails to lift or whose "As Found" setpoint reading (first lift) is outside 3% of the valve's compensated ambient setpoint pressure found on Data Sheet 2 OR a valve which cannot be pressurized and fails to lift due to excessive leakage. 3. For the Pressurizer Code Safety Valves [ RV-1RC-551A,B,C]: (Refer to Reference IX.D) a. The valve is considered to have PASSED if the "As Found" setpoint reading (first lift) is within 3% of the valve's design lift pressure, 2485 psig (2410.5 - 2559.5 psig). b. The valve is considered to have FAILED if the "As Found" setpoint reading (first lift) is outside the 3% band (2410.5 - 2559.5 psig). c. Before the valves are reinstalled, the two (2) "As Left" setpoint readings must be within ±1% of the valve's design lift pressure, 2485 psig (2460.2 - 2509.8 psig). 4. The Main Steam Safety Valves (MSSV) shall meet the following acceptance criteria and that specified in 1BVT 1.21.2, "Trevitest Method for Main Steam Safety Valve Setpoint Check". (Refer to References IX.D and G) a. A MSSV is considered to have PASSED if the "As Found" setpoint reading (first lift) is within the tolerance below for the valve's setpoint pressure found on Data Sheet 2. Main Steam Safety Valve b. Lift Setting Tolerances SV-1MS-101A, B and C +1% / -3% SV-1MS-102A, B and C 3 % SV-1MS-103A, B and C 3% SV-1MS-104A, B and C 3% SV-1MS-105A, B and C 3% A MSSV is considered to have FAILED if the "As Found" setpoint reading (first lift) is outside the tolerance band above. However, testing additional valves is NOT required unless the "As Found" setpoint reading (first lift) was outside the +3,-3% band. c. Two (2) "As Left" setpoint readings must be within ±1% of the valve's setpoint found on Data Sheet 2. Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING C. 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 19 of 45 Any safety or relief valve failing the leak test requirements contained in 1/2 CMP-75-RELIEF VALVE-1M, 1BVT 1.21.2, or applicable certified laboratory procedure shall be refurbished or replaced and retested. (Refer to Reference IX.B) Note: Appendix I, Paragraph I-1390 of the ASME OM Code allows Class 2 and 3 relief valves that are used in "thermal" relief applications to be replaced instead of tested on a 10-year frequency. However, if a "thermal" relief valve is tested and fails, testing of additional thermal relief valves is not required to be performed. D. All "thermal" relief valves required to be tested by the ASME OM Code, Appendix I, have been replaced or tested with the "as left" setpoint readings within the ranges established on Data Sheet 2. (Refer to Reference IX.B) Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 20 of 45 IX. REFERENCES A. O.M. Chapter 55A, Section 4, OST 1.55A.2, "ISI Safety and Relief Tracking", Issue 1, Revision 14. B. ASME OM Code (2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda), Appendix I, "Inservice Testing of Pressure Relief Devices in Light-Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants" C. BVPS Unit 1 IST Program. D. Technical Specifications T.S. 5.5.4, SR, SR and LRS E. EM 61335, "Evaluation Criteria for IST Relief Valves". F. EM 63185, "Acceptance Criteria for Testing of Liquid Relief Valves". G. NRC Summary of Public Workshops and Answers to Panel Questions on Inservice Testing Issues (7/18/97), Section 2.4. H. EM 103799, Response to NRC Information Notice 91-74: "Changes in Pressurizer Safety Valve Setpoints Before Installation". I. EM 105901 and EM 107101, "Pass/Failure Criteria for Additional Relief Valve Testing". J. CR 00-4100, "OE11622 - Failure to Expand Scope to Test Additional Relief Valves". K. Industry Operating Experience Report Position on NRC Information Notice 96-03, "Main Steam Safety Valve Setpoint Variation as a Result of Thermal Effects", and DRR 01-04242 to 1BVT1.21.2 (Issue 2, Rev. 10) P&L VI.N. L. NUREG-1482, "Guidelines for Inservice Testing at Nuclear Power Plants," (Rev. 1). M. EM 116129 (TER-12445), "Compensated Relief Valve Set Pressures." N. CA 02-05273-118, Deletion of CREBAPS RV's (ECP 02-0243). O. CARF 980596-13 (DCP-2313). P. CR 10-71335, "Revision to + 10% Failure Limit Criteria for IST Relief Valves". Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING Q. 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 21 of 45 Relief Valve Setpoint Calculation Packages: 1. Westinghouse PL&S Document 05.010-0006 for [RV-1RC-551A, B, C], [RV-1CH-203] and [RV-1SI-858A, 858B, 858C] 2. Westinghouse PL&S Document 05.010-0006 and TER-11549 for [RV-1CH-382A] 3. DCP-1985 for [RV-1CH-382B] 4. DCP-232 for [RV-1CH-383] 5. SP-1CH-07-0 for [RV-1CH-391] 6. SP-1DA-01-1 & TER-11535 for [RV-1DA-101] 7. SP-1DA-01-0 for [RV-1DG-102] 8. DMC-3064-0 and DMC-2390 (ND1MNE:7362 dated 8/25/95) for [RV-1RH-721] 9. DCP-324 for [RV-1SI-845A, B, C] 10. SP-1SI-03-0 for [RV-1SI-857] 11. SP-1SI-04-2 for [RV-1SI-894] 12. SP-1GN-01-0 for [RV-1GN-118, 120] 13. SP-1GN-02-0 for [RV-1GN-108, 109, 117, 119] 14. SP-1QS-04-1 for [RV-1QS-100A, B] and ECP 02-0676 15. SP-1SS-01-1 for [RV-1SS-605, 606, 607] 16. SP-1SS-02-1 for [RV-1SS-608] 17. SP-1SS-03-0 for [RV-1SS-609, 610, 611] 18. SP-1CC-05-1 for [RV-1CC-109] 19. SP-1CC-11-0 and DCP-1781 for [RV-1CC-116A, B, C] 20. SP-1CC-14-0 and DCP-1781 for [RV-1CC-119A, B] Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 22 of 45 21. SP-1CC-15-0 and DCP-1781 for [RV-1CC-136A, B] 22. SP-1CC-16-0 for [RV-1CC-139A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, P, R] 23. SP-1CC-25-1 for [RV-1CC-261, 262, 263, 264] 24. SP-1CC-26-0 for [RV-1CC-265 thru 275] 25. SP-1FW-04-1 for [RV-1FW-155] 26. SP-1RW-06-2 for [RV-1RW-101A, B, C, D] 27. SP-1RW-07-1 and TER-5588 for [RV-1RW-102A, B, C] 28. SP-1RW-08-2 for [RV-1RW-106A, B] 29. SP-1IA-01-1 for [RV-1IA-107A, B, C, D,E, F] 30. SP-1IA-02-0 for [RV-1IA-108, 109, 117] 31. SP-1EE-05-0 for [RV-1EE-201A, B, C], [RV-1EE-202A, B, C], [RV-1EE-203A, B, C] and [RV-1EE-204A, B, C] 32. SP-1EE-09-0 for [RV-1EE-101A, B, C, D] Beaver Valley Power Station IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING X. Unit 1 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 23 of 45 CHRONOLOGY OF CHANGES Issue 1, Revision 14 - Revised the group of people to notify about relief valve testing to the Maintenance/Construction Relief Valve Coordinator, Relief Valve Planner and System Engineer (responsible for Type-C testing). Changed "mark" number to "asset" number. Changed sub-Orders to just Orders. Added that logging of IST relief valve information can be done on a "computerized form" instead. Changed MEL to EMPAC Asset Database (EAD). Added into the Acceptance Criteria as recommended by NUREG-1482, that an evaluation of a relief valve failure should also determine the need for additional testing to address any generic concerns which could apply to valves in the same or other system categories. Revised Acceptance Criteria VIII.B.1 and 2 to consider a relief valve which cannot be pressurized (lift tested) due to excessive leakage to be considered a failure (Reference: CR 00-4100 and OE11622). Added a Note to Acceptance Criteria VIII.B.2.a. which explains why additional relief valve testing is not required if as found set pressures for certain relief valves with lower limits are exceeded. Added references to Acceptance Criteria Section. Separated [RV-1CH-383 and 391] into a separate System Category since their system application (sees Charging pump discharge pressure) and type (model, smaller size and higher setpoint) are different than the other relief valves in their present group. And although [RV-1SI-857] is in System 11, it has also been moved to this new System Category since it also sees Charging pump discharge pressure and is of similar manufacturer, size and set pressure. Separated [RV-1GN-118, 119 and 120] into a separate System Category since their system application (tank relief) and type (model, smaller size and higher setpoint) are different than the other Nitrogen Supply to the PORV Relief Valves in their present group. Separated [RV-1IA-108, 109 and 117] into a separate System Category since their system application (instrument air supply to the PORV's) and type (model, larger size, and lower setpoint) are different than the Intake Structure Flood Door Seal Compressed Air Tank Relief Valves in their present group. Separated RCP Thermal Barrier Relief Valve [RV-1CC-116A, B, and C] into a separate System Category since their type (model and higher setpoint) are different than the CCR H/X relief valves in their present group. Moved some CC and RW relief valves into different groups to minimize the impact of testing additional relief valves during 1R14 following replacement of carbon steel spring washers with stainless steel spring washers (Reference: CR's 00-0909 and 00-1187). Due to the changes above, moved several other CH, SI, GN, CC, RW and IA relief valves into different refueling outage groups in order to keep the overall refueling outage population approximately equal. Revised the setpoint for [RV-1FW-155] to 1600 psig per Calc. SP-1FW-04-1, EM200766, TER-13498, and CR 001131. Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 24 of 45 Issue 1, Revision 15 - Incorporated TCN-02-00093 for changing reference to Technical Specification 4.4.2 to Licensing Requirements Manual, LRS 8.2.1 per Licensing Amendment No. 246 (CA 02-00822-19). Incorporated TCN-01-00292 which revised the setpoint for [RV-1SI-894] to 750 psig. Incorporated TCN-02-00012 which updated P&L VI.B with respect to testing relief valves on-line. Revised the required ambient air temperature and range when testing the MSSV's to 135F 15F per 1BVT1.21.2 (Rev. 10). Re-arranged [RV-1SI-894], [RV-1FW-155] and [RV-1VS-101E] to later group numbers based on recent acceptable testing of these relief valves during 1R14. Noted that relief valve testing could occur prior to, during, or following a refueling outage. Noted that additional testing of relief valves would come from additional valves listed in the system or system category. Corrected reference to EMPAC Asset Database (EAD) to Asset Equipment List (AEL) throughout the procedure. (DRR-02-01536). Issue 1, Revision 16 - Added a Note to Data Sheet 2 allowing all system category (1CC-) relief valves in Group 4 (for 1R15) to be postponed to 1R16 since the requirement to test 20% of the 1CC relief valves in 48 months was already met by testing enough 1CC relief valves during 1R14. Added a Note to Data Sheet 2 allowing testing of [1QS-RV-100A and/or B] to be tested after 1R15 while on-line when a new bellows style relief valve will be available for installation. Since changing from a non-bellows to a bellows style relief valve will no longer involve a system back-pressure of 28 psig on the relief pressure of 150 psig, the setpoints for [RV-1QS-100A and B] have been changed from 122 psig to 150 psig per ECP 02-0676 (DIE-08). Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 25 of 45 Issue 1, Revision 17 - Corrected title of Relief Valve Coordinator. Changed references to "asset" numbers to "functional location" numbers per SAP. Noted that Orders could be generated by either initiating a notification in SAP or by requesting the Surveillance Coordinator to generate a Surveillance WO in SAP based on the list of "model notifications" included in new Attachment 1. Also, noted that a "limit date" should be provided with Surveillance WO requests per CA 03-11080-02. Added reference to PV-Plus for recording relief valve test data for IST trending. Noted that validated setpoints are no longer listed in the EMPAC AEL, but are listed in the setpoint calculation documents instead. Combined [RV-1DA-101] and [RV-1DG-102] into one group called "1DA/DG - CNMT Penet Thermal Reliefs" based on review of manufacturer, type, system application and service media. Re-arranged the groupings of several System relief valves due to the add/drop scope reviews done for 1R16, while still maintaining the 10 year/48 month frequency requirements of OM-1. This resulted in re-arranging relief valves [RV-1CH-257], [RV-1SI-894 and 845C], [RV-1CC-110, 113C, 116A, 116B, 116C, 139E, 139K, 139L, 140C, 140E, 140G, 140K, 265, 269 and 275], [RV-1RW101C], and [RV-1EE-101A and C]. Grouped the PORV Nitrogen/Instrument Air RV's based on the fact that a common clearance can be used to clear 3 of 9 RV's at the same time. Noted that [RV-1CC-111A and B], [RV-1IA-107A through F] and [RV-1EE-101A through D] may be able to be tested on-line. Deleted CREBAPS Bottle Relief Valves [1RV-1VS-101A, B, C, D and E] since this system was removed from Unit 1/2 during 2R10 per ECP 2-0243 (CA 02-005273-118). Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 26 of 45 Issue 1, Revision 18 - Changed title of Relief Valve Coordinator to Relief Valve Project Manager. Changed title of System Engineer for the Type-C Program to Appendix J Program Owner. Changed work order (WO’s) to just Orders. Revised Prerequisite IV.A to also require the procedure to be revised to include the most recent “As Left” test dates/outages including the next six columns of groups/refueling outages (and dates) for each valve on Data Sheet 2. Added P&L VI.E defining ASME O&M Code Inquiry 03-01 that includes shelf time in the test interval for relief valves. Added P&L VI.F and G for testing “spare” Pressurizer Code Safety Valves and MSSV’s prior to installation in order to ensure their 5 year test intervals are not exceeded. Also added tracking of the Pressurizer Code Safety Valves and MSSV’s by serial number in order to ensure their 5 year test intervals are not exceeded (Ref. CA 05-00511-02). Clarified in Step VII.C.1.b to record “As Found” setpoint and leakage rate data from valve removed. Clarified in Step VII.C.1.c to record “As Left” setpoint and leakage rate data from valve to be installed. Added in Step VII.C.1.d to record “As Found” and “As Left” test dates on Data Sheet 2. Added “As Left” leakage rate column to Data Sheet 1. Combined setpoint information from Table 1 into Data Sheet 2 and reformatted Data Sheet 2 to include date last tested, test frequency requirements, six groupings with respective refueling outages/dates, relief valve manufacturer, model number, service media and system descriptions. Deleted testing of [RV-1CH-209 and 257] from this BVT since these relief valves have been deleted from the BVPS-1 IST Program. Moved testing of [RV-1SI-845B] from Group 6 to 1 and [RV-1SI-845C] from Group 1 to 2. Moved testing of [RV-1QS-100A] from Groups 2,4 to 1,5 and [RV-1QS-100B] from Group 4,6 to 3,5. Moved testing of [RC-1CC-110] from Group 6 to 3. Deleted testing of [RV-1CC-113A, 113B, 113C, 117, 118 and 140A through 140R] from this BVT since the relief valves have been downgraded to Category 2 per ECP 04-0310 and have been deleted from the BVPS-1 IST Program. Moved testing of [RV-1CC-139D] from Group 2 to 1, [RV-1CC-139G] from Group 1 to 2, [RV-1CC-139H] from Group 1 to 2, [RV-1CC-139I] from Group 2 to 3 and [RV-1CC-139N] from Group 4 to 5. Moved testing of [RV-1CC-270] from Group 5 to 4. Moved Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 27 of 45 testing [RV-1RW-102A] from Group 2 to 1,5 and [RV-1RW-106B] from Group 1 to 2. Moved testing of [RV-1IA-107A] from Group 2 to 1, [RV-1IA-107B] from Group 1 to 2, [RV-1IA-107E] from Group 6 to 5 and [RV-1IA-107F] from Group 5 to 1,6. Moved testing of [RV-1EE-101A] from Group 6 to 5. Incorporated PAF 04-02351 to move testing of [RV-1EE-201C] from Group 5 (1R16) to Group 6 (1R17). Corrected [BV-RV-1CH-857] to [BV-RV-1SI-857] on Attachment 1. Issue 1, Revision 19 - Incorporated changes for ITS Conversion Project (CR 05-03306). Removed references to LRS 8.2.1which was deleted from the LRM in Revision 37. Issue 1, Revision 20 - Included reference to LRS ITS Conversion Project (CR-05-03306). Issue 1, Revision 21 - Incorporated changes associated with Appendix I of the ASME OM Code (2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda) which replaced the former requirements of OM-1 (1989 Edition of ASME OM Code). Deleted reference to [CTS] leaving only Improved Tech Spec requirements in place. Added new testing requirements for "thermal" relief valves now grouped separately on Data Sheet 2. Revised the P&L's for testing the Pressurizer Code Safety Valves and Main Steam Safety Valves to recommend testing of the spare valve(s) within 6 months of a refueling outage in order to ensure the 5-year test interval is not exceeded over a 3 refueling outage period. Revised the upper setpoint limit for the Pressurizer Code Safety Valves from +1% to +3% per Improved Tech Spec 3.4.10 and EPU LAR 1A-302. Revised the upper setpoint limit for the Main Steam Safety Valves per [ITS] Tech Spec 3.7.1 and EPU LAR 1A-302. Updated referenced calculations to their latest revisions. Deleted testing of [RV-1CC-110, 111A, 111B, 115A, 115B and 115C] since they have also been deleted from the BVPS-1 IST Program (10-year update). Re-arranged relief valve groups on Data Sheet 2 based on 1R17 test results and on separate grouping of "thermal" relief valves. Corrected transposed setpoint data for [RV-1SI-857] and [RV-1CH-391]. Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 28 of 45 Issue 1, Revision 22 - Per Notification 600478590, added a statement to the purpose and P&L VI.D that there is no grace period for testing relief valves. Revised Steps VII.A.3.c, VII.B.1.d.3) and VII.B.2.c.3), and provided additional guidance in Acceptance Criteria Step VIII.B.2.a on expanding scope if a failure occurs for relief valves with lower -3% limits (to limit loss of system flow if the relief valve were lift low). Added a new Step (VII.C.2) to provide a copy of Data Sheets 1 and 2 to the Appendix J Program Owner so that Type-C testing of any new relief valves installed can be properly scheduled in the future. Inputted 1R18 test dates onto Data Sheet 2. Combined relief valves in system groups 1CH and 1RH as they are the same manufacturer, are similar in size and model, and use the same service media, then moved testing of [RV-1RH-721] to Group 3 (1R20). Updated model numbers listed in system groups 1RC, 1CH, 1SI and 1QS. Re-arranged several relief valves within their system groups in order to spread out testing over a 10 year period (6 refueling outage) and to maintain 20% of the relief valves tested within a 24 or 48 month period as required by Appendix I of the ASME OM Code. This resulted in moving testing of thermal relief valve [RV-1CC-116C] from Group 3 (1R20) to 1 (1R24), [RV-1CC-264 and 268] from Group 2 (1R19) to 3 (1R20), [RV-1RW-101A] from Group 3 (1R20) to 1 (1R24), and corrected [RV-1RW-102A] from Group 2 (1R19) to 1 (1R24). Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 29 of 45 Issue 1, Revision 23 - Per Notification 600551773 for 2R20: 1) Incorporated 1R19 test dates and adjusted "group" columns to correspond with 1R20 through 1R25. 2) Corrected blocks in columns for [RV-1SI-858A, B and C] to match with corresponding group numbers. 3) Re-arranged groups for [RV-1IA-107A-F] based on most recent test dates and those left to do within 6RFO. 4) Re-arranged groups for [RV-1EE-101A-D] based on most recent test dates and those left to do within 6RFO. 5) Based on [RV-1SI-984] being tested during 1R19, moved next test 6RFO out to 1R25 into Group 2. 6) Moved testing of [RV-1RW-102B] from Group 5 to Group 6 (1R23) to align with current PM of 3RFO frequency. Per CR 10-71335, revised the PASS/FAIL criteria from +10% to 3% OR within the owner established limit for any exceptions listed (there are no exceptions at present). This also eliminated Acceptance Criteria VIII.B.2.a. Group Functional No. Location No. Order No. Range Results (psig) As Left As Left Setpoints Leak Test (psig) Results Comments Beaver Valley Power Station Setpoint As Found As Found (psig) and Leak Test Setpoint Valve Page _____ of _____ IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING SUMMARY LIST OF VALVES FOR TESTING XI. DATA SHEETS DATA SHEET 1 Unit 1 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 30 of 45 Initials: __________ Date: __________ LAST TESTED GRP 3 GRP 4 GRP 5 (P&L VI.E) ----------------- ---------------------1R20 (Fall 2010) 1R21 1R22 OUTAGE As Found/As Left Dates (S’12) (F’13) GRP 6 GRP1 GRP2 --------- --------- --------1R23 1R24 1R25 (S’15) (F’16) (S’18) # Unit 1 SYSTEM 1RC / PRESSURIZER CODE SAFETY VALVES / STEAM SERVICE / 6x6 TARGET ROCK MODEL 569C-001-1 (TEST EACH INSTALLED VALVE EVERY 5 YEARS AND 1 OF 3 EVERY 24 MONTHS / ALSO SEE P&L’s VI.E and VI.F.) S/N 5 2,5 / B 2485 04/02/09 # 2485 74.5 (RV-1RC-551_) 1R19 (2410.5 – 2559.5) S/N 1 3,6 / A 2485 08/28/06 # 2485 74.5 (RV-1RC-551_) 1R18 (2410.5 – 2559.5) S/N 4 1,4 / C 2485 08/31/07 # 2485 74.5 (RV-1RC-551_) 1R18 (2410.5 – 2559.5) S/N 3 NA / Spare 2485 04/27/09 # 2485 74.5 (RV-1RC-551_) 1R19 (2410.5 – 2559.5) S/N 6 NA / Spare 2485 __/__/__ # 2485 74.5 (RV-1RC-551_) (NEW) (2410.5 – 2559.5) S/N 7 NA / Spare 2485 __/__/__ # 2485 74.5 (RV-1RC-551_) (NEW) (2410.5 – 2559.5) Beaver Valley Power Station RELIEF VALVE IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE SETPOINTS AND TRACKING LOG SHEET (DATE LAST COMPLETED) GROUP # -------------COMPENSATED CURRENT AMBIENT SETPOINT LOCATION SETPOINT AND RANGE IN PLANT (psig) (SEE P&L VI.C) (psig) IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING DATA SHEET 2 This valve must be reset to 2485 psig 1% (2460.2-2509.8 psig) before reinstallation. In addition, the lift setting pressure shall correspond to ambient conditions for the valve at nominal operating temperature and pressure (Reference XI.D). If scope expansion is required due to a failure, only the installed locations must be tested unless the cause of the failure is common to all valves including the spare (S) valves. 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 31 of 45 LAST TESTED GRP 3 GRP 4 GRP 5 (P&L VI.E) ----------------- ---------------------1R20 (Fall 2010) 1R21 1R22 OUTAGE As Found/As Left Dates (S’12) (F’13) GRP 6 GRP1 GRP2 --------- --------- --------1R23 1R24 1R25 (S’15) (F’16) (S’18) Unit 1 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 32 of 45 SYSTEM 1MS / MAIN STEAM SAFETY VALVES / STEAM SERVICE / 6x10 DRESSER MODEL 3707(3787)RAX-RT21 OR 3707A(3787)-RT21 (TEST EACH INSTALLED VALVE EVERY 5 YEARS AND 3 OF 15 EVERY 24 MONTHS / ALSO SEE P&L’s VI.E and VI.G.) S/N BY-89642 1,4 / A 1075 # 1075 +10.7 / -32.2 07/23/07 (SV-1MS-101_) (1042.8 – 1085.7) 1R18 S/N BM-07756 2,5 / B 1075 # 1075 +10.7 / -32.2 02/11/09 (SV-1MS-101_) (1042.8 – 1085.7) 1R19 S/N BM-07758 3,6 / C 1075 # 1075 +10.7 / -32.2 09/23/07 (SV-1MS-101_) (1042.8 – 1085.7) 1R18 S/N BM-07757 NA / Spare 1075 # 1075 +10.7 / -32.2 __/__/__ (SV-1MS-101_) (1042.8 – 1085.7) S/N BY-89643 1,4 / A 1085 07/23/07 # 1085 32.5 (SV-1MS-102_) 1R18 (1052.5 – 1117.5) S/N BM-07759 2,5 / B 1085 02/13/09 # 1085 32.5 (SV-1MS-102_) 1R19 (1052.5 – 1117.5) S/N BM-07761 3,6 / C 1085 09/23/07 # 1085 32.5 (SV-1MS-102_) 1R18 (1052.5 – 1117.5) S/N BM-07760 NA / Spare 1085 __/__/__ # 1085 32.5 (SV-1MS-102_) (1052.5 – 1117.5) S/N BY-89644 1,4 / A 1095 07/23/07 # 1095 32.8 (SV-1MS-103_) 1R18 (1062.2 – 1127.8) S/N BM-07762 2,5 / B 1095 02/15/09 # 1095 32.8 (SV-1MS-103_) 1R19 (1062.2 – 1127.8) S/N BM-07764 3,6 / C 1095 08/24/06 # 1095 32.8 (SV-1MS-103_) (1062.2 – 1127.8) Mid-cycle 17 S/N BM-07763 NA / Spare 1095 __/__/__ # 1095 32.8 (SV-1MS-103_) (1062.2 – 1127.8) S/N BY-89645 1,4 / A 1110 07/23/07 # 1110 33.3 (SV-1MS-104_) 1R18 (1076.7 – 1143.3) S/N BM-07765 2,5 / B 1110 02/12/09 # 1110 33.3 (SV-1MS-104_) 1R19 (1076.7 – 1143.3) Beaver Valley Power Station RELIEF VALVE IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE SETPOINTS AND TRACKING LOG SHEET (DATE LAST COMPLETED) GROUP # -------------COMPENSATED CURRENT AMBIENT SETPOINT LOCATION SETPOINT AND RANGE IN PLANT (psig) (SEE P&L VI.C) (psig) IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING DATA SHEET 2 LAST TESTED GRP 3 GRP 4 GRP 5 (P&L VI.E) ----------------- ---------------------1R20 (Fall 2010) 1R21 1R22 OUTAGE As Found/As Left Dates (S’12) (F’13) GRP 6 GRP1 GRP2 --------- --------- --------1R23 1R24 1R25 (S’15) (F’16) (S’18) Unit 1 S/N BM-07767 3,6 / C 1110 09/23/07 # 1110 33.3 (SV-1MS-104_) 1R18 (1076.7 – 1143.3) S/N BM-07766 NA / Spare 1110 __/__/__ # 1110 33.3 (SV-1MS-104_) (1076.7 – 1143.3) S/N BY-89646 1,4 / A 1125 07/23/07 # 1125 33.7 (SV-1MS-105_) 1R18 (1091.3 – 1158.7) S/N BM-07768 2,5 / B 1125 02/12/09 # 1125 33.7 (SV-1MS-105_) 1R19 (1091.3 – 1158.7) S/N BM-07770 3,6 / C 1125 03/03/06 # 1125 33.7 (SV-1MS-105_) 1R17 (1091.3 – 1158.7) S/N BM-07769 NA / Spare 1125 __/__/__ # 1125 33.7 (SV-1MS-105_) (1091.3 – 1158.7) # This valve must be reset to 1% before reinstallation. In addition, the lift setting pressure shall correspond to ambient conditions for the valve at nominal operating temperature and pressure (Reference XI.D). If scope expansion is required due to a failure, only the installed locations must be tested unless the cause of the failure is common to all valves including the spare (S) valves Beaver Valley Power Station RELIEF VALVE IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE SETPOINTS AND TRACKING LOG SHEET (DATE LAST COMPLETED) GROUP # -------------COMPENSATED CURRENT AMBIENT SETPOINT LOCATION SETPOINT AND RANGE IN PLANT (psig) (SEE P&L VI.C) (psig) IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING DATA SHEET 2 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 33 of 45 LAST TESTED GRP 3 GRP 4 GRP 5 (P&L VI.E) ----------------- ---------------------1R20 (Fall 2010) 1R21 1R22 OUTAGE As Found/As Left Dates (S’12) (F’13) GRP 6 GRP1 GRP2 --------- --------- --------1R23 1R24 1R25 (S’15) (F’16) (S’18) SYSTEM 1CH & 1RH / LETDOWN, SEAL RETURN HEADER, SEAL WATER HEAT HEAT EXCHANGER RELIEFS AND RHR PUMP SUCTION HEADER RELIEFS / LIQUID SERVICE / 2x3 and 3x4 CROSBY MODEL JB-25 (TEST EACH VALVE EVERY 10 YEARS AND 1 OF4 VALVES EVERY 48 MONTHS) RV-1CH-203 4 600 04/02/03 606 18 (TYPE-C) 1R15 (588 – 624) RV-1CH-382A 2 147 04/26/09 148 4 1R19 (144 – 152) RV-1CH-382B 6 200 01/27/06 200 6 1R17 (194 – 206) RV-1RH-721 3 600 01/20/06 606 18 1R17 (588 – 624) RV-1SI-845B RV-1SI-845C RV-1SI-858A RV-1SI-858C 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 34 of 45 RV-1SI-858B SYSTEM 1SI / SI ACCUMULATOR RELIEFS / GAS SERVICE / 1x2 CROSBY MODEL JO-45-SPEC (TEST EACH VALVE EVERY 10 YEARS AND 1 OF 3 VALVES EVERY 48 MONTHS) 1 700 10/03/07 700 21 1R18 (679 – 721) 3 700 09/21/01 700 21 1R14 (679 – 721) 5 700 11/04/04 700 21 1R16 (679 – 721) Unit 1 RV-1SI-845A SYSTEM 1SI / LHSI PUMP DISCH RELIEFS & CNMT PENET THERMAL RELIEF / LIQUID SERVICE / ¾x1 CROSBY MODEL JRAK-BS-B or JRMK-BS-B (TEST EACH VALVE EVERY 10 YEARS AND 1 OF 3 VALVES EVERY 48 MONTHS) 5 235 10/22/04 237 7 1R16 (230 – 244) 1 235 10/19/07 237 7 1R18 (230 – 244) 3 235 09/04/01 237 7 1R14 (230 – 244) Beaver Valley Power Station RELIEF VALVE IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE SETPOINTS AND TRACKING LOG SHEET (DATE LAST COMPLETED) GROUP # -------------COMPENSATED CURRENT AMBIENT SETPOINT LOCATION SETPOINT AND RANGE IN PLANT (psig) (SEE P&L VI.C) (psig) IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING DATA SHEET 2 LAST TESTED GRP 3 GRP 4 GRP 5 (P&L VI.E) ----------------- ---------------------1R20 (Fall 2010) 1R21 1R22 OUTAGE As Found/As Left Dates (S’12) (F’13) GRP 6 GRP1 GRP2 --------- --------- --------1R23 1R24 1R25 (S’15) (F’16) (S’18) SYSTEM 1GN / PORV NITROGEN SUPPLY LINE RELIEFS / GAS SERVICE / 1X1½ SAGE MODEL 463125C OR CROSBY MODEL 9721133A (TEST EACH VALVE EVERY 10 YEARS□□ AND 1 OF 3 VALVES EVERY 48 MONTHS) RV-1GN-108 1 + 265 05/05/09 265 7 1R19 (258 – 272) RV-1GN-109 3 $ 265 05/04/09 265 7 1R19 (258 – 272) RV-1GN-117 5 # 265 05/04/09 265 7 1R19 (258 – 272) 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 35 of 45 SYSTEM 1IA / PORV INSTRUMENT AIR SUPPLY RELIEFS / GAS SERVICE / 1X1½ CROSBY MODEL 9721133A (TEST EACH VALVE EVERY 10 YEARS AND 1 OF 3 VALVES EVERY 48 MONTHS) RV-1IA-108 1 + 70 10/01/07 70 2 1R18 (68 – 72) RV-1IA-109 3 $ 70 09/21/01 70 2 1R14 (68 – 72) RV-1IA-117 5 # 70 10/29/04 70 2 1R16 (68 – 72) Unit 1 SYSTEM 1GN / PORV NITROGEN SUPPLY TANK RELIEFS / GAS SERVICE / ¾x1 CROSBY MODEL 9511113A (TEST EACH VALVE EVERY 10 YEARS AND 1 OF 3 VALVES EVERY 48 MONTHS) RV-1GN-118 5 # 700 02/28/06 700 21 1R17 (679 – 721) RV-1GN-119 1 + 700 04/08/09 700 21 1R19 (679 – 721) RV-1GN-120 3 $ 700 08/22/07 700 21 1R18 (679 – 721) Beaver Valley Power Station RELIEF VALVE IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE SETPOINTS AND TRACKING LOG SHEET (DATE LAST COMPLETED) GROUP # -------------COMPENSATED CURRENT AMBIENT SETPOINT LOCATION SETPOINT AND RANGE IN PLANT (psig) (SEE P&L VI.C) (psig) IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING DATA SHEET 2 LAST TESTED GRP 3 GRP 4 GRP 5 (P&L VI.E) ----------------- ---------------------1R20 (Fall 2010) 1R21 1R22 OUTAGE As Found/As Left Dates (S’12) (F’13) GRP 6 GRP1 GRP2 --------- --------- --------1R23 1R24 1R25 (S’15) (F’16) (S’18) SYSTEM 1QS / CHEMICAL ADDITION PUMP DISCHARGE RELIEFS / LIQUID SERVICE / 1½x2½ FARRIS MODEL 26GB10L-120S4SP (TEST EACH VALVE EVERY 10 YEARS AND 1 OF 2 VALVES EVERY 48 MONTHS) RV-1QS-100A□ 1,(5) 150 10/05/07 150 4 1R18 (146 – 154) RV-1QS-100B□ 3,(5) 150 10/15/07 150 4 1R18 (146 – 154) □ This relief valve may be able to be tested on-line. Either [RV-1QS-100A] OR [RV-1QS-100B] may be tested in Group 5. 10 psig pres comp) 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 36 of 45 SYSTEM 1IA / INTAKE STRUCTURE FLOOD DOOR SEAL AIR TANK RELIEFS / GAS SERVICE / ½” CROSBY MODEL 951480ME (TEST EACH VALVE EVERY 10 YEARS AND 2 OF 6 VALVES EVERY 48 MONTHS) RV-1IA-107A□ 6 85 02/27/09 85 2 Pre-1R19 (83 – 87) RV-1IA-107B□ 3 85 03/10/05 85 2 Post-1R16 (83 – 87) RV-1IA-107C□ 1 85 06/18/09 85 2 Post-1R19 (83 – 87) RV-1IA-107D□ 2 85 06/20/09 85 2 Post-1R19 (83 – 87) RV-1IA-107E□ 4 85 12/15/04 85 2 Post-1R16 (83 – 87) RV-1IA-107F□ 5 85 03/07/08 85 2 Post-1R18 (83 – 87) □ This relief valve may be able to be tested on-line. Unit 1 SYSTEM 1FW / TURBINE-DRIVEN AFW PUMP DISCH RELIEF / LIQUID SERVICE / 3x4 DRESSER MODEL 1914JC-1 (TEST VALVE EVERY 10 YEARS AND ONCE EVERY 48 MONTHS) RV-1FW-155 1,3,5 1600 09/29/07 1600 48 (incl 1R18 (1552 – 1648) Beaver Valley Power Station RELIEF VALVE IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE SETPOINTS AND TRACKING LOG SHEET (DATE LAST COMPLETED) GROUP # -------------COMPENSATED CURRENT AMBIENT SETPOINT LOCATION SETPOINT AND RANGE IN PLANT (psig) (SEE P&L VI.C) (psig) IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING DATA SHEET 2 LAST TESTED GRP 3 GRP 4 GRP 5 (P&L VI.E) ----------------- ---------------------1R20 (Fall 2010) 1R21 1R22 OUTAGE As Found/As Left Dates (S’12) (F’13) GRP 6 GRP1 GRP2 --------- --------- --------1R23 1R24 1R25 (S’15) (F’16) (S’18) Unit 1 SYSTEM 1EE / EDG FUEL OIL TRANSFER PUMP DISCH RELIEFS / LIQUID (OIL) SERVICE□□ / 1x2 FARRIS MODEL 26DA10L-120 (TEST EACH VALVE EVERY 10 YEARS AND 1 OF 4 VALVES EVERY 48 MONTHS) RV-1EE-101A□ 4 45 08/31/04 45 2 Pre-1R16 (43 – 47) RV-1EE-101B□ 1 45 10/12/07 45 2 1R18 (43 – 47) RV-1EE-101C□ 2 45 11/23/08 45 2 Pre-1R19 (43 – 47) RV-1EE-101D□ 5 45 07/18/05 45 2 Pre-1R17 (43 – 47) □ This relief valve may be able to be tested on-line. □□ The use of water to test these oil service relief valves is an acceptable alternative as evaluated in accordance with Paragraph I-8300 of Appendix I. Beaver Valley Power Station RELIEF VALVE IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE SETPOINTS AND TRACKING LOG SHEET (DATE LAST COMPLETED) GROUP # -------------COMPENSATED CURRENT AMBIENT SETPOINT LOCATION SETPOINT AND RANGE IN PLANT (psig) (SEE P&L VI.C) (psig) IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING DATA SHEET 2 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 37 of 45 RV-1EE-201A RV-1EE-201B RV-1EE-201C RV-1EE-202A RV-1EE-202B RV-1EE-203A RV-1EE-203B RV-1EE-203C RV-1EE-204A RV-1EE-204B SYSTEM 1EE / EDG AIR START TANK RELIEFS / GAS SERVICE / ½x1” CROSBY MODEL JRUE (TEST EACH VALVE EVERY 10 YEARS AND 3 OF 12 VALVES EVERY 48 MONTHS) 6 220 03/11/06 220 6 1R17 (214 – 226) 2 220 04/24/09 220 6 1R19 (214 – 226) 5 220 03/10/06 220 6 1R17 (214 – 226) 6 220 03/10/06 220 6 1R17 (214 – 226) 1 220 10/13/07 220 6 1R18 (214 – 226) 3 220 09/02/01 220 6 1R14 (214 – 226) 1 220 09/27/07 220 6 1R18 (214 – 226) 3 220 09/24/01 220 6 1R14 (214 – 226) 4 220 03/11/03 220 6 1R15 (214 – 226) 2 220 05/01/09 220 6 1R19 (214 – 226) 4 220 03/12/03 220 6 1R15 (214 – 226) 5 220 11/01/04 220 6 1R16 (214 – 226) 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 38 of 45 RV-1EE-204C GRP 6 GRP1 GRP2 --------- --------- --------1R23 1R24 1R25 (S’15) (F’16) (S’18) Unit 1 RV-1EE-202C LAST TESTED GRP 3 GRP 4 GRP 5 (P&L VI.E) ----------------- ---------------------1R20 (Fall 2010) 1R21 1R22 OUTAGE As Found/As Left Dates (S’12) (F’13) Beaver Valley Power Station RELIEF VALVE IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE SETPOINTS AND TRACKING LOG SHEET (DATE LAST COMPLETED) GROUP # -------------COMPENSATED CURRENT AMBIENT SETPOINT LOCATION SETPOINT AND RANGE IN PLANT (psig) (SEE P&L VI.C) (psig) IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING DATA SHEET 2 5 RV-1DA-101 (TYPE-C) RV-1DG-102 (TYPE-C) RV-1SI-857 5 RV-1SI-894 2 RV-1SS-605 (TYPE-C) RV-1SS-606 (TYPE-C) RV-1SS-607 (TYPE-C) RV-1SS-608 (TYPE-C) RV-1SS-609 (TYPE-C) RV-1SS-610 (TYPE-C) RV-1SS-611 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-109 5 3 6 1 2 4 3 6 2 5 3 RV-1CC-116B 5 pres comp) 2472 (incl 13 psig pres comp) 2472 74 (2398 – 2546) 10/21/04 1R16 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 39 of 45 RV-1CC-116A "THERMAL" RELIEF VALVES (EACH VALVE MUST BE TESTED OR REPLACED ONCE EVERY 10 YEARS) 2472 09/07/01 2472 74 (incl 13 psig 1R14 (2398 – 2546) Unit 1 RV-1CH-391 Beaver Valley Power Station 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING RV-1CH-383 "THERMAL" RELIEF VALVES (EACH VALVE MUST BE TESTED OR REPLACED ONCE EVERY 10 YEARS) 2735 10/10/07 2735 82 1R18 (2653 – 2817) 2735 11/02/04 2735 82 1R16 (2653 – 2817) 150 11/02/04 150 4 1R16 (146 – 154) 100 10/15/07 100 3 1R18 (97 – 103) 2735 03/14/06 2762 82 1R17 (2680 – 2844) 750 05/02/09 750 22 1R14 (728 – 772) 700 10/16/07 700 21 1R18 (679 – 721) 2485 09/27/07 2535 76 1R18 (2459 – 2611) 2485 05/03/09 2510 75 1R19 (2435 – 2585) 2485 04/03/03 2535 76 1R15 (2459 – 2611) 2485 09/25/01 2535 76 1R14 (2459 – 2611) 2485 02/26/06 2510 75 1R17 (2435 – 2585) 2485 04/28/09 2535 76 1R19 (2459 – 2611) 150 11/05/04 150 4 1R16 (146 – 154) RV-1CC-116C 1 2472 (incl 13 psig pres comp) RV-1CC-119A 4 141 (incl 9 psig pres comp) RV-1CC-119B 6 141 (incl 9 psig pres comp) RV-1CC-136A 4 148 (incl 2 psig pres comp) 6 148 (incl 2 psig pres comp) RV-1CC-139A 1 150 RV-1CC-139B 1 150 RV-1CC-139C 1 150 RV-1CC-139D 1 150 RV-1CC-139E 1 150 2472 74 (2398 – 2546) 10/18/07 1R18 141 4 (137 – 145) 10/30/04 1R16 141 4 (137 – 145) 03/16/06 1R17 148 4 (144 – 152) 05/14/09 1R19 148 4 (144 – 152) 01/10/06 1R17 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) 06/08/07 1R18 09/21/07 1R18 04/06/07 1R18 04/05/07 1R18 03/29/07 1R18 GRP 6 GRP1 GRP2 --------- --------- --------1R23 1R24 1R25 (S’15) (F’16) (S’18) Unit 1 RV-1CC-136B LAST TESTED GRP 3 GRP 4 GRP 5 (P&L VI.E) ----------------- ---------------------1R20 (Fall 2010) 1R21 1R22 OUTAGE As Found/As Left Dates (S’12) (F’13) Beaver Valley Power Station RELIEF VALVE IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE SETPOINTS AND TRACKING LOG SHEET (DATE LAST COMPLETED) GROUP # -------------COMPENSATED CURRENT AMBIENT SETPOINT LOCATION SETPOINT AND RANGE IN PLANT (psig) (SEE P&L VI.C) (psig) IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING DATA SHEET 2 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 40 of 45 6 RV-1CC-139H 6 RV-1CC-139I 3 RV-1CC-139J 3 RV-1CC-139K 6 RV-1CC-139L 6 RV-1CC-139M 1 RV-1CC-139N 1 RV-1CC-139P 6 RV-1CC-139R 1 RV-1CC-261 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-262 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-263 (TYPE-C) 2 5 3 4 "THERMAL" RELIEF VALVES (EACH VALVE MUST BE TESTED OR REPLACED ONCE EVERY 10 YEARS) 150 09/18/01 150 4 1R14 (146 – 154) 150 10/30/04 150 4 1R16 (146 – 154) 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 41 of 45 RV-1CC-264 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-265 (TYPE-C) 1 Unit 1 RV-1CC-139G Beaver Valley Power Station 1 IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING RV-1CC-139F "THERMAL" RELIEF VALVES (EACH VALVE MUST BE TESTED OR REPLACED ONCE EVERY 10 YEARS) 150 04/04/07 150 4 1R18 (146 – 154) 150 03/16/06 150 4 1R17 (146 – 154) 150 03/16/06 150 4 1R17 (146 – 154) 150 09/08/01 150 4 1R14 (146 – 154) 150 09/06/01 150 4 1R14 (146 – 154) 150 02/27/06 150 4 1R17 (146 – 154) 150 03/07/06 150 4 1R17 (146 – 154) 150 03/29/07 150 4 1R18 (146 – 154) 150 05/23/07 150 4 1R18 (146 – 154) 150 05/11/07 150 4 1R18 (146 – 154) 150 05/09/07 150 4 1R18 (146 – 154) 150 03/11/09 150 4 1R19 (146 – 154) 150 06/07/07 150 4 1R18 (146 – 154) 150 10/09/07 150 4 1R18 (146 – 154) 1 150 6 150 3 150 6 150 4 150 6 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 6 150 1 RV-1RW-101B 2 RV-1RW-101C 6 RV-1RW-101D 2 06/06/07 1R18 01/10/06 1R17 09/08/01 1R14 11/26/05 1R17 01/30/04 1R16 01/12/06 1R17 05/23/07 1R18 03/11/09 1R19 09/18/01 1R14 01/14/06 1R17 "THERMAL" RELIEF VALVES (EACH VALVE MUST BE TESTED OR REPLACED ONCE EVERY 10 YEARS) 85 10/02/07 85 2 1R18 (83 – 87) 85 04/25/09 85 2 1R19 (83 – 87) 85 02/25/06 85 2 1R17 (83 – 87) 85 05/04/09 85 2 1R19 (83 – 87) 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 42 of 45 RV-1RW-101A 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) 150 4 (146 – 154) GRP 6 GRP1 GRP2 --------- --------- --------1R23 1R24 1R25 (S’15) (F’16) (S’18) Unit 1 RV-1CC-266 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-267 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-268 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-269 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-270 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-271 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-272 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-273 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-274 (TYPE-C) RV-1CC-275 (TYPE-C) LAST TESTED GRP 3 GRP 4 GRP 5 (P&L VI.E) ----------------- ---------------------1R20 (Fall 2010) 1R21 1R22 OUTAGE As Found/As Left Dates (S’12) (F’13) Beaver Valley Power Station RELIEF VALVE IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE SETPOINTS AND TRACKING LOG SHEET (DATE LAST COMPLETED) GROUP # -------------COMPENSATED CURRENT AMBIENT SETPOINT LOCATION SETPOINT AND RANGE IN PLANT (psig) (SEE P&L VI.C) (psig) IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING DATA SHEET 2 RV-1RW-102A 1 74 (incl 1 psig pres comp) RV-1RW-102B 6 74 (incl 1 psig pres comp) RV-1RW-102C 3 74 (incl 1 psig pres comp) RV-1RW-106A 3 75 RV-1RW-106B 4 75 LAST TESTED GRP 3 GRP 4 GRP 5 (P&L VI.E) ----------------- ---------------------1R20 (Fall 2010) 1R21 1R22 OUTAGE As Found/As Left Dates (S’12) (F’13) 10/16/07 1R18 74 2 (72 – 76) 03/27/06 1R17 74 2 (72 – 76) 03/18/03 1R15 75 2 (73 – 77) 75 2 (73 – 77) 04/01/03 1R15 03/14/03 1R15 Unit 1 74 2 (72 – 76) GRP 6 GRP1 GRP2 --------- --------- --------1R23 1R24 1R25 (S’15) (F’16) (S’18) Beaver Valley Power Station RELIEF VALVE IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE SETPOINTS AND TRACKING LOG SHEET (DATE LAST COMPLETED) GROUP # -------------COMPENSATED CURRENT AMBIENT SETPOINT LOCATION SETPOINT AND RANGE IN PLANT (psig) (SEE P&L VI.C) (psig) IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING DATA SHEET 2 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 43 of 45 Beaver Valley Power Station IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING XII. Unit 1 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 44 of 45 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Model Notifications for Valve Functional Location Nos. Beaver Valley Power Station IST SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TRACKING XIII. FIGURES/TABLES/GRAPHS None Unit 1 1BVT 1.60.5 Issue 1 Revision 23 Page 45 of 45