Resume of Patrick CHANEZON - Chanezon family's home page



API Evangelist


40 years, french nationality, green card

16 years experience in software development and evangelism

Learn what I'm up to these days on my weblog . Get the latest version of this document at

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EDUCATION: MS CS Ecole Centrale de Lyon - 1993


API Evangelist - OpenSocial







3 years at Google : API Evangelist for AdWords, Checkout, OpenSocial

5 years at Sun : Weblogs, RSS, Open Source, Portals, software architect, B2B, technical evangelist,

tech lead, training manager

3 years at Netscape/AOL : Consulting, Portals and B2B, architect, engineering manager

2 years at Andersen Consulting : Workflow, consultant

1 year as a Software Development Engineer at CSII : Client/Server development

Before : 1 year overseeing software research at the army and 21 months of miscellaneous internships



Operating Systems: Mac OS X, Windows 2000, NT, Solaris, Linux

Languages: C#, Ruby, java (J2EE, AspectJ, JNI ) , C#, C++/C, STL , JavaScript, Perl, VB, REXX,

Pascal, Cobol, SQL, Informix 4GL, Prolog, Lisp

Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Struts


Software: OpenSocial API, Checkout API, (most Google APIs) AdWords API , , Apache, Tomcat, Java

Enterprise Server (Web, Portal, Application, Directory, Identity) , BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0, BEA

Weblogic 6.1 and 7, IBM WebSphere 4.0, Collaxa BPEL Orchestration Server , iPlanet Market Maker , iPlanet Portal Server 3.0

, iPlanet Web Server 4.1

, Tomcat 3.0

, Netscape Application Server 4.0

(servlets and Extensions ), Open Market Content Server , Netscape Process Manager 1.0

, Netscape

SuiteSpot 3.5, Lotus Notes 4 , Design/1 V7.1 (C/S CASE), Explorer (C/S CASE), MS Office 7

(VBA), MTest, QA Partner, Emicat

Databases: MySql, ORACLE 8, INFORMIX.

Tools: ROME , soap4r, Maven , NetNewsWire , Radio Userland , Ant , gmake , JCloak , TWiki , SAMBA ,

OptimizeIt, TOAD, MS Project 98, Visio

Methods: XP, UML, Design Patterns, METHOD/1, MERISE (Data modeling), DOD, Petri Nets


Business Development, PR, Technology Evangelism, Training / Coaching, Project Management

(open source and proprietary, long term or short term commando projects), Virtual Team

Leadership (20 people 3 continents), Competitive Analysis, Recruiting, Time Management,

Resolution of technical trade-offs


July 2005 - Now: Google - OpenSocial API Evangelist

I was the first API evangelist hired at Google in 2005 when Google had 3 APIs. I helped build a team of 40 developer relations, for 40 APIs, while evangelizing

APIs that were not staffed (Google Data, Google Maps, Google Web Toolkit,...).

I evangelized the AdWords API for a year, building a developer program, managing the biggest customers, and initiated the

AdWords partnership.

Then I built a developer program for the Google Checkout API, managed a virtual team of 20 developers to build SDKs in all languages, test the API, and provide merchants with a turnkey offering to integrate Checkout.

In 2007 I started the OpenSocial developer outreach program, convincing 18 social sites in various industries to join OpenSocial, preparing the launch event with 70 applications, growing the standard and managing social sites relationships to get many sites live. These days 3 sites went live, representing 150

M users (MySpace, Hi5, Orkut), and I'm working on growing the number of

OpenSocial sites (Yahoo, ...), attracting developers to OpenSocial and build an ecosystem of advertisers, tool vendors and IT firms around the standard.

I gave numerous presentations, keynotes and organized developer events worldwide in the past 3 years: details on my new blog and old blog .

October 2001 - June 2005: Sun - Sun Java System Portal Server -

Portal Architect, Weblogs, RSS, Open Source

Since october 2001 I came back to France after 3 years in Silicon Valley. I work remotely from Paris where I am one of the 5 architects in the Sun ONE Portal

Server team, which is based in the US and India.

 I helped defined our product plan for Sun Portal 7.0

in the Content

Management, Collaboration and Weblog/Wiki/RSS area, and helped implemented some of the collaboration features.

 Open Source/RSS: With Alejandro Abdelnur and Elaine Chien I created the ROME (Rss and atOM utilitiEs) open source project on

Today it has 9 external developers, is used by other open source projects,

Sun products, and powers sites like and I presented

ROME at the Sun Open Source Summit and Open Source Get Together

Paris in 2004. In 2005 I created the java-syndication Yahoo Group in order to start a collaboration/standardization among the java open source projects dealing with syndication. We made a joint presentation at

JavaOne 2005 . I also presented ROME at XTech2005 .

 Weblogs o In 2002 I identified weblogs as a new trend in collaborative software and started one myself o In 2003 I gave a presentation to my team about weblog technologies o I attended BlogTalk - A European Conference On Weblogs o In 2004 after Jonathan Schwartz announced that Sun adopted

RSS and hired Tim Bray to lead that effort I wrote an internal manifesto entitled As We May Collaborate about RSS and weblogs in the whole Sun software stack. o I participated in weblog adoption at Sun, both internally and externally. I suggested to use Roller to setup

, wrote an internal user provisioning application for it, and am part of the blogmasters at Sun. o In 2005 I was part of the team who received the CEO Award for launching

 Portal Developer Experience: I worked a few months on defining a roadmap for Portal Developer Tools: Eclipse plugin, making struts and

JSF work for JSR 168 based Portals, maven plugin for Portal development.

 Aspect Oriented Programming o I started playing with AspectJ and suggested some use in Sun software.

 Process improvement / Tools o Pushed for my team to use wikis to collaborate on design documents: I setup a Twiki server for my team in 2001. The wiki ideas seems to catch up at a larger scale. o Suggested to use maven as our build tool, and to provide our customers with a maven based workspace

 Gave Collaxa some developer feedback about their Collaxa BPEL

Orchestration Server

 I reviewed our team's detailed design for implementation of WSRP specification.

 I reviewed the design for our new version of SOAP Portlet: I played with the Google APIs when they shipped and provided a patch to Google.

Suggested to use Google's WSDL as an example.

 I did some competitive analysis of BEA and IBM Portal products: these were used by the marketing and engineering team.

 I was the architect for the port Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0

to other application servers: BEA Weblogic 6.1 and IBM WebSphere 4.0. This feature was noted as a critical differenciator in the press coverage that followed the announcement: Network World , Infoworld , CNET . o solved and coded the main technical aspects o specified the work for the team o when the version shipped, I personnally helped the sales and professional services teams to sell the first references of the product: we won 2 account, one against BEA and one against


 I assisted Alejandro Abdelnur for JSR 168 Portlet Specification to define a set of APIs for Portal computing addressing the areas of aggregation, personalization, presentation and security.

 I refactored NetMail, a component of iPS of 25 000 lines of code for next release. This included: o server side refactoring, to use the new Sun ONE Identity Server product for preferences and single sign-on o change the build process to use ant instead of make o refactor the security code of 2 signed applets to make them run using the security models of all browsers (IE4 on windows,

Netscape 4, Netscape 6, IE4 on mac) o I created a XSL stylesheet to generate schema documentation from the iDSAME XML schema automatically during the build process and proposed it to the iDSAME team.

 I helped in the architecture of the provider for SOAP Services for the next version of iPS. This involves researching the following technologies:


December 2000 - June 2001: Sun - iPlanet Market Maker - iMM

Technical Evangelist / Customization Training Manager

For 6 months, while continuing my job as tech lead for portal, I created the training division for iMM from scratch and evangelized developers worlwide.

This assignment had 4 periods:

 Creating the evangelization program and the training material. For 3 months I coordinated a team of 10 people from different divisions

(training, engineering, QA, marketing) to create the material for the iMM

1.0 training. I created the development environment for the labs and created all the labs myself based people's input. I organized and reviewed all the slides and created many myself. I asked for posters with technical diagrams to be designed and designed the iMM T-shirt for the training. I defined a template for javadoc that all the team followed. I developped some debugging tools to make the customization process easier.

 Evangelizing the world. For 2 months I delivered the training 5 times worldwide (US, Asia, Europe) and trained 100 developers to customize iMM. The feedback was extremely positive.

 We hired a training manager. I trained her and did the transition so that she successfully delivered 4 classes less than 2 months after her arrival.

 I led the effort to migrate the training from 1.0 to 4.0: this had to be done in 2 weeks instead of 2 months as I had planned. In order to achieve this

I led a team of 17 people on 3 continents (India, UK, USA) to migrate the different pieces. I created some documentation to explain how to do it and assigned the tasks to take advantage of the jetlag. I managed the project to a successful completion in the deadlines, leveraging the tools as much as possible(website, mailing list).

 The training material has been used as a base for a presentation of the product to analysts for a review in Infoworld.

January 2000-November 2000: AOL - iPlanet Market Maker -

Portal/EServices Tech Lead: project management, architecture, implementation, tools and processes development

iPlanet Market Maker (iMM) is a digital marketplace software for B2B

exchanges developed by iPlanet. I manage the portal module team (2 persons) who develops the Portal framework used by all other modules of iMM.

This framework is in java, using servlets, JSPs and XML. The display is completely dynamic and personalized based on an XML description stored in the database for each user. It allows multiple level of personalization (Market Maker, company, user) and defines a Swing-like containment hierarchy and message passing mechanism that allows module developers to concentrate on their business logic instead of having to bother with a web application implementation details.

This framework is now being integrated into iPlanet Portal Server , the portal offering of iPlanet.

 I helped define the requirements and manage the schedule for the module.

 I hired a new team member and coached her to bring her up to speed.

 I developed part of the framework for our 1.0 release: My Netscape -like personalization page and display profile serialization (in XML to Oracle).

 I participated in discussions with the iPlanet Portal Server team in order for them to implement Vortex requirements in their product.

 I did some research on content syndication through ICE but we decided that this feature will be handled by the Portal Server product.

 For our next release I will help define how we implement eServices

(through SOAP and XML adapters).

 Because our team's development processes were not very well defined and instrumented, I also took the following initiatives that go beyond my job description: o I helped the infrastructure team defining the build process: I pushed for the use of the open source Jakarta/Ant as our build tool, by creating the first build files for the whole team, and I submitted an Ant patch for the javadoc task that was included in the official Apache ant release. Following our example, iPlanet begun to standardize on ant as a build tool for java projects. o I coded some ant tasks to manipulate the NT registry and centralize CLASSPATH settings. I defined how environment settings would be handled for everyone. o I researched, discovered and documented for the team, the debug process in our development environment, ie suggested to use Tomcat in order to be able to debug JSPs in Cafe. o I setup a developer’s workstation master and provided silent installation of the servers (Oracle, iDS4.0) on NT in order to cut down the adaptation time for new developers on the project: this allows our team to better scale. o I introduced and documented number of tools that are used by many developers today: Jspc, TOAD, Optimize It o I am a technical reference for other developers in client side cross-browser DHTML/javascript development.

1999 (2 m): Engineering Manager for My Netscape : project management, technical architecture

I managed a team of 3 people on the My Netscape service. My Netscape provides a personalized home page to 7 Million users.

My main accomplishment during these 2 month was to define the server side technical architecture for sidebar in Communicator 6.0

, gathering requirements from 4 different departments inside Netscape: specify the syntax of server side

RDF files, specify automatic generation programs for some files, specify the workflow for other files, integrate these files in the content management system, define a deployment and QA process, specify a caching program that was developed by an engineer in my team.

1999 (5 m) : Software architect for

Custom Netcenter

Extensions : technical architecture and implementation (java/C++)

During 5 months I worked in a team of 4 on Custom Netcenter Extensions , a product that allows corporations to deploy their own customized portal, integrating Netcenter personalized content with their existing content and applications in a single personalized portal.

The project was canceled and we handed our code to the iPlanet Portal Server , team for them to integrate the feature into their product.

 I was in charge of the technical architecture: we chose to build it as a

NAS4.0 application using servlets and service modules in java and C++ for common services. The application was designed to handle 1 Million users per installation. I studied the use of custom NAS extensions and decided against it.

 I also designed and implemented the cache module: it is a java extension that uses C++ and STL via JNI for scalability and performance.

 I am the buildmaster for the team: I designed the makefiles, the file layout, the coding standards, and the automatic document generation for the project.

1999 (5 m) :

Content Management Architect

for Netscape

Netcenter : application customization in java

During 5 months I worked on the customization of FutureTense IPS and

Xcelerate (now Open Market Content Server ) for Netcenter, which involved:

 My main focus was on the internationalization of IPS: I extended the system (with java and XML) in order to allow the input/output of content in any encoding and store it in UTF8 in the database.

 I Designed and maintained some of the most complex custom elements of the system, and helped templates designers to use them

 I coached consultants to implement required features

 I helped a colleague to design a perl import tool to translate html content in XML

 I collaborated with Operations in order to define the Content

Management production process and qualify critical bugs

1997 - 1999: Senior Consultant at Netscape Professional Services for Netscape France: java development, NAS

1999: PSA : Directory Architecture

Assistance in the definition of a Directory Architecture for 100 000 users.

1999: French Employment Agency : NAS extensions

Installation and tuning of NAS extension for CICS. Development of a NAS

Extension for a french Mainframe System (BULL GECOS8 TP8).

1998: Caisse Epargne du Nord (Bank) - Enterprise & Proxy silent install

I sold the developments made for Syseca to a french Bank in order to leverage

Professional Services investment

1998: Airbus - Project Management for a Document Management Application

I managed the customer relationship and coached a consultant in order to finish a Document Management application in SSJS.

1998: Miscellaneous assignments in Directory & Calendar architecture

French Finance Department , Scetauroute, Dassault

1997-98 (7 m) : French Foreign Office / Syseca - System Architecture & Custom

Development o Definition of a protocol and an architecture to allow Asynchronous

Administration of Netscape Enterprise & Calendar Server. Definition of

Netscape Asynchronous Administration Protocol (NSAAP). Design and coding of a server in java, Netscape Asynchronous Administration Server (NSAAS), to implement the protocol. o Customization of Netscape Enterprise & Calendar Server on NT installer programs to allow silent installation. Installshield, C & C++ coding.

1995 - 1997: Technology Consultant at Andersen Consulting (Now

Accenture): workflow applications based on Lotus Notes

1 m : GEC-Alsthom - Technical Project Manager for the Reengineering of the bidding process - Design of a Workflow application for this process.

1 m : Design and development of a web site to demonstrate the multimedia and internet abilities of a tactile screen kiosk

6 m : Design and development of Notes applications with strong workflow and security requirements.

2 m: Faculty for Andersen new hires training on Client/Server, in Paris and Chicago.

6 m: Technical expert in a Software Deployment department for the French Department of National Education . I designed, prototyped and proposed to the client a web site for the Deployment Department, and explained them how to use the web tools to deliver a better Software Deployment Service.

6 m: Functional test, design, then project management on the Batch Discounting System project at France Telecom .

1994 - 1995: Client-Server Software Development Engineer / CSII


1993-1994: Army at french DoD as assistant to a Research Manager

Management of 40 software research contracts for a 3 M$ budget.

May 90 - july 93: 21 months of various internships in the industry and services

 THOMSON-CSF (Radars) : Engineer Degree porject on Software Metrics

 CEA ( Social and Economic Studies ): Statistical Data Analysis for Opinion study

 ARES (Management Software): Member of 4 Development teams

 RHONE-POULENC Basic Chemicals Co.(Chemistry, USA): Services for environment


 French: Mother language

English: Fluent

German: Basic

Patrick Chanezo n

San Francisco, CA, 94117

USA email:
