Research Project Worksheet

Research Plan Sheet
Research topic:
Questions: What questions do you want to answer through this
research project?
Type your main question here.
Type several additional questions that pertain to your main question.
Searching ideas: To be efficient with your searching you need to
have a plan. List your ideas in the following boxes.
What are some key words or short phrases you can use as search
terms? (identifying search terms)
Mark the resources will you use for your research. (214 library resources)
Electric Library
CQ Researcher
Student Resource Center
Opposing Viewpoints
History databases
Social Studies databases
Biography databases
Online Encyclopedias
Science Resource Center
Finalizing topic: Go to some of the sources and do some background
reading, trying to answer your questions. (Internet searching hints)
Choose one question to focus on for your research project. List it in
the following box.
Type your final project question here. (will this topic work?)