The Economic and Industrial Revolution Unit Focus Questions 1. Why was England the first to Industrialize? 2. How did society change as a result of the Industrial Revolution and how did society react to those changes? 3. How did the lives of workers change during the IR and how did this impact social classes? Date Topic Homework 11/9 18th Century SAQ 11/10 Intro to Industrialization 11/12-13 DBQ Practice/Important inventions of the IR 11/16 Ideologies that support the IR – Malthus and Ricardo 11/17 Reforming the IR: Unions, Reform laws 11/18-19 DBQ 11/20 IR Wrap Up 11/23 MC Test: Industrial Revolution Read pages 685-689 1. Fill in document packet. Read pages 690-695 2. Take notes as you read. Your notes should focus on the following: Working conditions in the factory, living conditions in the cities and reforms that were instituted to improve both of those conditions Read pages 706-709 3. Explain how these new ideologies and beliefs are a reaction to the social and economic changes of the Industrial Revolution giving the significance of the following people and ideas: Socialism, Communism, Chartism, Robert Owen, Flora Tristan, Henri St. Simon, Charles Fourier, PJ Proudhon, Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx Read pages 696-701 and answer the following question: 4. Using 2 specific authors and their works explain how the literature of the time reflected the social conditions of the Industrial Revolution Ideologies that are reactions to Read pages 699-701 and answer the following 2 questions: the IR: Socialism, 5. People became aware of the problems in the factory system due to the widespread Communism availability of newspapers. Explain the role of public opinion in presenting the problems of the day and how religious and educational institutions tried to remedy these solutions. 6. How did the Industrial Revolution create the concept of domesticity and how did it increase the distinction between roles for men and roles for women? 7. Look at the cartoon from Punch magazine on p. 700 in your textbook and practice DBQ style analysis and Extended Analysis: -What is the cartoon showing about class difference in London? (this is analysis) - Why was this written in the way it was? (Do an Extended Analysis – HC, POD, IA or POV) Prepare for DBQ. Review rubrics and skills. Review Assignmet: 8. Write the definition and significance of 6 key terms below OR write a 1 paragraph response to one of the essential questions using 6 key terms below. Prepare for MC Test TERMS/ CONCEPTS - Study these in ADDITION to your HW questions and class work. British Industrialization Agricultural Revolution Technological Advancements James Hargreaves Edmund Cartwright David Ricardo Adam Smith Steam Engine Matthew Boulton George Stephenson Why was England first? Impact of Industry on Labor and Reforms Mines Act 1842 Robert Owen Factory Act Edwin Chadwick Poor Laws Crystal Palace Child Labor Combination Acts 1799 Socialism Communism Flora Tristan St. Simon Louis Blanc Social and Cultural Change PJ Proudhon Chartism Balzac Bronte Domestication Gender Roles George Cruikshank Romantics Textile Industry Thomas Malthus James Watt Railroads and Coal Mines Labor Act 1833 Friedrich Engels Jobs by Gender Luddites Karl Marx Charles Fourier Dickens George Sand Labor/Class paradigm- Social Classes Long Run Themes that connect to other units in AP Euro: New technologies, the emergence of individual rights and a newer theme - the emergence of social class. DBQ Graphic Organizer Thesis: Contextualization: Thesis: ...X,Y, and Z Body: Uses of Evidence and support of argument (2-3 main points) X Topic sentence for this subtopic. List the documents. 1) Make sure to connect each document to your thesis and 2) do one of the “HIPP” Extended Analysis. Don’t forget Extended Analysis Hist. Cont. Int. Aud. Purp. P.O.V Y Topic sentence for this subtopic. List the documents. Z Topic sentence for this subtopic. List the documents. Restate and Conclusion: Synthesis: Don’t forget outside information. Where will this go in your essay? (WHICH SUBTOPIC(S)?)