Attachment A: - Texas Health and Human Services Commission


Texas Health and Human Services Commission

EDW/BI Solution - RFP No. 529-16-0001

Attachment L: Project Management Requirements Detail

Attachment L

Respondents will address each of the Oversight requirements appearing in the table below. In addition, the attached table will be completed and returned as part of the response document. If "NO unable to Provide" is selected, an explanation is to be provided in the applicable column provided for that requirement.

Req ID Detailed Description Explanation for "No Unable to Provide"

NO Unable to





Section L.1 - Project Management Requirements (PMR)

The Contractor will perform all operations tasks and activities, and oversee and manage all tasks performed by subcontractors. HHSC reserves the right to waive the review and approval of the Contractor’s work products or processes. HHSC written approval of any Contractor work product or process will not relieve the Contractor of liability for any errors and omissions in such work product or process.

The Contractor will perform, manage and control all tasks and activities defined by the requirements in the RFP, according to an industry recognized methodology (e.g. Project Management Institute (PMI)). The

Contractor will describe this methodology and explain how it is integrated in the Contractor's operations. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology will be used and is applicable across all information technology environments.

The Contractor will use Life Cycle Management to ensure a structured approach to information systems development and operation.

A single resource accountable for the success of all aspects of the Solution A single, dedicated project manager will be appointed for each implementation phase of the Solution

Project managers will coordinate between implementation running in tandem.

A comprehensive Project Management Plan and Project

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Texas Health and Human Services Commission

EDW/BI Solution - RFP No. 529-16-0001

Req ID Detailed Description




Schedule is required within sixty (60) Calendar days of Contract start date.

An updated Project Management Plan and Project Schedule are also required within sixty (60) Calendar days from the start of each succeeding phase of implementation.

The Contractor will maintain HHSC-approved project management tool(s) for the management of operations. The statuses included in the tool(s) will be limited to open, closed, and pending to ensure standardization and traceability of work products throughout the Contract. The Contractor will develop and use reason codes as rationale for any other activities and statuses related to specific business transactions within the operational area. The Contractor will document notes within the tool using clear, specific and comprehensive language, including dates, action items, next steps, and decisions made with corresponding due dates. Any exceptions to these requirements will be approved in writing by HHSC before implementation.

The Contractor will create and maintain all policies and procedures, and ensure that updates to these policies and procedures are dated and formatted so that it is apparent to the reader what changes have been made. All policies and procedures must be provided to HHSC upon request.

When the Contractor discovers any problem that jeopardizes timely completion of its required tasks and obligations under the contract, the

Contractor will notify the HHSC Project Manager orally and by e-mail. The notifications will be delivered as soon as possible but no later than at the close of business on the day the problem is identified if, the problem occurs prior to the normal close of business. If the problem occurs after close of business, notification will be delivered no later than 7:00AM on

Explanation for "No Unable to Provide"

Attachment L

NO Unable to


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Texas Health and Human Services Commission

EDW/BI Solution - RFP No. 529-16-0001

Req ID Detailed Description




PMR10 the following Business Day.

The Contractor, at HHSC's request will develop a Corrective Action Plan

(CAP), including root cause analysis, within seven (7) Business Days, and submit to HHSC for written approval.

The Contractor will adhere to the Department of Information Resources

(DIR) Texas Project Management Delivery Framework for Project

Management Lifecycle (PMLC) and Software Development Lifecycle

(SDLC) as documented on the DIR website.

Project Framework for Project Management Lifecycle (PMLC)

SDLC Extension in Texas Project Delivery Framework can be found using this link:

Project Framework for Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

The Contractor will propose a minimum number of on-site systems operational support personnel to ensure effective management of systems projects in all environments.

The Contractor will submit a weekly report of staff hours charged against the project. The Contractor will work with HHSC to develop the format for this report allowing HHSC to view hour utilization at an individual, task, phase, and stage level at a minimum.

The Contractor’s key personnel will be approved in writing by HHSC prior to assuming a role on the project. Key personnel may not be removed from the project or reassigned within the project without the written permission of HHSC. Notification of change of key personnel will be provided to HHSC at least fifteen (15) Business Days in advance of the change, with resumes for HHSC approval of replacement resources provided at least ten (10) Business Days in advance of the requested change.

Explanation for "No Unable to Provide"

Attachment L

NO Unable to


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Texas Health and Human Services Commission

EDW/BI Solution - RFP No. 529-16-0001

Req ID Detailed Description

PMR11 The Contractor will comply with all SLAs that are relevant to this section.

Explanation for "No Unable to Provide"

Attachment L

NO Unable to


Section L.2 - Required Project Management (PMLC) Deliverables

There are separate stage gate reviews for Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR). The Contractor is responsible for ensuring complete deliverables, both draft and final, are available for all DIR stage gate reviews. Please refer to the Deliverable Descriptions document in the Procurement

Library for additional information on required deliverables. All deliverables must use the current version of templates, applying any HHSC customizations specified in templates, provided in the Procurement Library.

PMLC-1 Project Management Plan (including sub management plans)

PMLC-2 Project Schedule

PMLC-3 Status Reports

PMLC-4 Defect Management and Reporting

PMLC-5 Project Closeout Plan

Section L.3 - Required SDLC Deliverables

There are separate stage gate reviews for Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR). The Contractor is responsible for ensuring complete deliverables, both draft and final, are available for all DIR stage gate reviews. Please refer to the Deliverable Descriptions document in the Procurement

Library for additional information on required deliverables. All deliverables must use the current version of templates, applying any HHSC customizations specified in templates, provided in the Procurement Library.



Seven Conditions and Standards

SDLC Phase

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Texas Health and Human Services Commission

EDW/BI Solution - RFP No. 529-16-0001

Req ID Detailed Description





System Requirements Specification (SRS)

Requirements to SRS Traceability Matrix

Explanation for "No Unable to Provide"

Design and Development Phase

Attachment L

NO Unable to


Interface Control Document

Technical Architecture Diagram

System Design Document (SDD)

Metadata Design Document

ETL Process Design Document

Reporting Design Documents

Requirements to SDD Traceability Matrix

System Security Plan

Implementation Phase



Software Configuration Management (SCM) Plan

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Texas Health and Human Services Commission

EDW/BI Solution - RFP No. 529-16-0001

Req ID Detailed Description





Defect Reports

Requirements and SDD to Release Traceability Matrix

Testing Phase

Explanation for "No Unable to Provide"

Attachment L

NO Unable to






Test Plan

Test Scenarios

Deployment Phase







Deployment Plan

Deployment Testing and Release Acceptance

Data Use / Data Exchange Agreement

Training Phase





Training Plan

User Training

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Texas Health and Human Services Commission

EDW/BI Solution - RFP No. 529-16-0001

Req ID Detailed Description





Support Transitioning Plan

Operations Manual

Attachment L

Transition Phase

Explanation for "No Unable to Provide"

NO Unable to


Page L-7
