Classify - Thinking Skills

Evaluative Reading Comprehension—Classify, Thinking Skills--RIT 201 – 210
1. Read the list of terms.
Baste – to moisten meat with melted drippings while cooking
Darn – to mend by sewing stitches across a gap
Quilt – a bed cover filled with down
Seam – a line that marks joining edges
Given the definitions, which technique is a sewing method?
A. darn
B. quilt
C. baste
D. seam
2. Read the passage.
A.) And even though I didn’t agree with her then, I knew that she understood how much I had
suffered during the evening’s dinner.
B.) Robert was a star basketball player.
C.) It wasn’t until many years later – long after I had gotten over my crush on Robert – that I
was able to fully appreciate her lesson and the true purpose behind our particular menu.
D.) For Christmas Eve that year, she had chosen all my favorite foods.
Which sentence does not belong?
A. B
C. C
D. D
Copyright Info: “Fish Cheeks”, page 137, Holt Rinehart Elements of Literature
3. Read the paragraph.
I love to go boating. First of all, rivers are so beautiful. I love watching the trees and green hills
as I float by. Next, I love to fish on the boat. There are many kinds of trout in my state and they
make a delicious meal.
Match the paragraph to the correct outline below.
A. Fishing
B. Boating
trees and hills
kinds of trout
C. Trees
elm trees
D. Meals
-on a boat
fried fish
-at home
broiled fish
4. Read the list.
If you were going to split these words into two categories, which words would be in the
‘furniture’ category?
A. chair, floor, seat, bench
B. chair, bench, recliner, couch, seat
C. floor, wall, door, window
D. seat, couch, floor, door
5. Read the following definitions.
Banana – A sweet, grainy, yellow fruit with a thick peeling
Orange – A tart, pulpy, orange fruit with a bumpy rind.
Grapes – Sweet, juicy, fruit that can be seedless or have seeds and comes in numerous colors.
Lemon - A sour, yellow fruit used in juices and recipes with a thick peeling.
Which fruit is different from the others?
A. banana
B. orange
C. grape
D. lemon
6. Read the paragraph.
Dogs and cats make great pets. They’re both soft, furry, and affectionate. Both can be trained to
respect their owner’s property. Cats are lot quieter than dogs, but a dog’s barking is often valued
for protecting its owner’s house and valuables.
How are cats and dogs different according to the paragraph?
A. Cats are more affectionate.
B. Dogs are louder than cats.
C. Dogs destroy their owner’s property.
D. Cats often ruin furniture with their claws.
7. Read the outline.
My Favorite Classes
A. Water Coloring
B. Crayons
C. Painting
A. Typing
B. Creating Presentations
C. Searching the Internet
III. Math
A. Word Problems
B. Measurement
C. ?
Which of the following topics could be added to the outline?
A. Globes
B. Calculators
C. crafts
D. books
8. Which object does not belong in the same category as the others?
A. car
B. motorcycle
C. truck
D. boat
9. Read the following definitions.
Anger: expressing extreme dislike
Sadness: a feeling of sorrow or gloom
Elation: great happiness or satisfaction
Horror: to be extremely shocked or frightened
Apathy: an attitude of not caring
How are the defined words alike?
A. They all indicate unhappiness.
B. They all begin with different letters.
C. They each describe a mood or emotion.
D. They are each two syllables long.