1 Dr. Erwin A. MacN. George Dept. of Applied Mathematics & Statistics Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794-3600 USA Telephone: (631) 632-8370 602 Route 25A, Saint James, NY 11780-1403 USA Telephone: (631) 584-3274 E-mail : egeorge@ams.sunysb.edu URL : http://www.ams.sunysb.edu/~egeorge PROFILE Skilled research and teaching academic with a master’s in pure mathematics and a doctorate in applied mathematics. Ten years experience teaching a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate university mathematics/applie d mathematics/statistics courses. Research Interests: computational fluid mechanics, numerical analysis, parallel computing, partial differential equations, ordinary differential equations, biological and medical mathematics, atmospheric science, earth sci ence, oceanography, mathematics education. EDUCATION Ph.D. in Computational Applied Mathematics Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA Dissertation topic: A Numerical Study of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability 1998-2003 Advisor: Dr. James Glimm M.A. in Mathematics Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 1994-1996 B.A. with Honours in Mathematics; minor in French University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada 1989-1993 RECENT EXPERIENCE Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fe llow Aug. 2004 – present Postdoctoral Research Associate Jan. 2004 – Aug. 2004 Research Assistant 1999 – Dec. 2003 Teaching Assistant 1998 – 2000 Instructor spring 2000 and summers 2002-2004 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA Teach linear algebra, advanced calculus, differential equations, and statistics. Teaching assistant for numerical analysis and differential equations courses . Write and grade portions of the Applied Mathematics and Statistics doctoral qualifying exam. Research assistant/associate on topics such as astrophysical jets, fluid mixing, front tracking, the level set method, parallel programming, image processing . Develop front tracking and total variation diminishing computational codes for use on the parallel computers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Centre (NERSC). Major writer of NERSC computer time request proposal for the Applied Mathematics and Statistics department. Affiliate at Brookhaven National Laboratory. 2 CV for Dr. Erwin George Instructor 1996-1998 Teaching Assistant 1994-1996 Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA Taught algebra, trigonometry, pre-calculus, ordinary and partial differential equations, and linear algebra. Was teaching assistant for calculus courses. Wrote, proofread, and graded examinations for multi -section courses. Proofread workbook and solutions manual being written by a faculty member for a business calculus course. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIPS Society for Industrial and Applied Mathe matics; Society; Mathematical Association of America; American Mathematical Society; National Geographic Society. American Physical PUBLICATIONS 1. The influence of scale breaking phenomena on turbulent mixing rates (E. George, J. Glimm, X. Li, Y. Li, X. Liu. SUBMITTED to Physical Review Letters ). 2. Self similarity of Rayleigh-Taylor mixing rates (E. George and J. Glimm, Physics of Fluids , vol. 17, issue 5, article 054101, May 2005). 3. Shock wave interactions in spherical and perturbed spherical geomet ries (S. Dutta, E. George, J. Glimm, J. Grove, H. Jin, T. Lee, X. Li, D. H. Sharp, K. Ye, Y. Yu, Y. Zhang, and M. Zhao, Nonlinear Analysis , IN PRESS, Elsevier, 2005). 4. A Numerical study of Rayleigh-Taylor instability (E. George, Doctoral Dissertation , December 2003). 5. Simulation of fluid mixing in acceleration driven instabilities (E. George, J. Glimm, X. L. Li, Z. L. Xu, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 [Proceedings of the 2nd MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Edited by K.J. Bathe], pp. 908-911, Elsevier, 2003). 6. Simplification, conservation and adaptivity in the front tracking method (E. George, J. Glimm, J. W. Grove, X. L. Li, Y. J. Liu, Z. L. Xu, N. Zhao, Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications [Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems , Edited by T. Hou and E. Tadmor], pp. 175-184, Springer-Verlag, 2003). 7. Numerical methods for the determination of mixing (E. George, J. Glimm, X. L. Li, A. Marchese, Z. L. Xu, J. W. Grove, D. H. Sharp, Laser and Particle Beams , vol. 21, pp. 437442, 2003. Los Alamos National Laboratory report No. LA-UR-02-1996 ). 8. A comparison of experimental, theoretical, and numerical simulation Rayleigh-Taylor mixing rates (E. George, J. Glimm, X.-L. Li, A. Marchese, Z.-L. Xu, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [USA], vol. 99, no. 5, pp. 2587-2592, March 2002). SELECTED PRESENTATIONS Self similarity of Rayleigh-Taylor mixing rates : Applied Mathematics Seminar, Stony Brook University, A comparison of experimental, theoretical, and numerical simulation Rayleigh-Taylor mixing rates : American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting, Dallas, TX, November October 2004. 2002. A comparison of experimental, theoretical, and numerical simulation Rayleigh-Taylor mixing rates : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 50th Anniversary and Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, July 2002. Front tracking in two space dimensions : Applied Mathematics Seminar, Stony Brook University, June 2000. 3 CV for Dr. Erwin George HONOURS Department of Energy sponsorship to attend the ACTS (Advanced Computational Testing and Simulation) Toolkit workshop, October 2001, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. National Science Foundation VIGRE (Vertically Integrated Grants in Research and Education) Doctoral Fellowship (2002 - 2003), Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Stony Brook University. Research Assistantship (1999 - 2002, 2003), Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Stony Brook University. Teaching Assistantship (1998 - 2000), Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Stony Brook University. Turner Fellowship (1998 - 2002), Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Stony Brook University. Teaching Assistantship, Department of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University (1994 - 1996). Dean's List, University of Guelph, ( spring 1990, spring 1991). C, MPI, C++, Fortran77, Fortran90, Unix shell programming, Awk, Perl, HTML . MATLAB, Maple, Graphics calculators, Lotus 123, Excel. LaTex, AMS-Tex, emacs, vi, Wordperfect, Word. French (read/write/speak). SKILLS REFERENCES 1) Dr. James Glimm (Ph.D. dissertation advisor) - Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. P-138A Mathematics Tower Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794-3600, USA Telephone: (631) 632-8355; FAX: (631) 632-8490 E-mail: glimm@ams.sunysb.edu Home page: www.ams.sunysb.edu/~glimm 2) Dr. Xiaolin Li (Ph.D. dissertation committee chair) - Professor and Graduate Programme Director, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 1-121 Mathematics Tower Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794-3600, USA Telephone: (631) 632-8354; FAX: (631) 632-8490 E-mail: linli@ams.sunysb.edu Home page: www.ams.sunysb.edu/~linli 3) Dr. Alan Tucker (Primary teaching referee) - Distinguished Teaching Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. P-138 Mathematics Tower Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794-3600, USA Telephone: (631) 632-8365; FAX: (631) 632-8490 E-mail: atucker@notes.cc.sunysb.edu Home page: www.ams.sunysb.edu/~tucker