ICEHL 13, Programme MONDAY 1700-1900 1900 Arrival of participants, registration Conference Warming Reception at the premises of the English Department; buffet dinner and drinks TUESDAY 0900-0915 0915-1015 Conference Opening Culpeper, Jonathan and Merja Kytö Historical dialogue via the corpus methodology Room II Room III Room I Lass, Roger 1030-1100 Cuyckens, Hubert Competing variants – A diachronic per- Aster me the dell huge: Substitutive logic and spective on the variation between gerunds chains of permission in 13th-entury scribal and infinitives as verbal complements languages Peterborough Chronicle Alex Bergs & Janne Skaffari OPENING Elly van Gelderen The Peterborough Chronicle as the Beginning of Middle English: Grammaticalization as Late Merge Bridget Drinka The Periphrastic Perfect in Early English: Evidence from the Peterborough Chronicle Britton, Derek 1100-1130 Alcaraz-Sintes, Alejandro Old English adjective syntactic complemenThe Middle English loss of geminate consotation and semantic classes of adjectives nants Coffee Break Honeybone, Patrick Seoane, Elena Lynn Sims 1200-1230 Osawa, Fuyo The tough-construction: its emergence and Laryngeal inheritance and borrowing: a new Changing styles: On the recent evolution of Syntactic Patterns in the Peterborough Chronidevelopment view of the development of the English fricascientific British and American English cle: Are They Markers of a Northern or a tive ‘voicing’ contrast Southern Dialect? Liebl, Christian Caroll, Ruth Agnieszka Pysz 1230-1300 Rohdenburg, Günter The role of functional constraints in the The A and O of a medieval English sound Marking the text in Middle English recipes The Usage of Demonstratives in the PeterborEnglish complement system change ough Chronicle against the Background of the Old English Paradigm Lunch Break Archer, Dawn and Paul Rayson Betty S. Phillips 1500-1530 Fanego, Teresa Teach-in: Pintzuk, Susan and Ann Taylor Using an historical semantic tagger as a Æ-Raising in the Peterborough Chronicle Cognitive motivations for a recursive The Use of Historical Corpora in Linguistic diagnostic tool for variation in spelling Research cycle in grammaticalization Hebda, Anna Oliver M. Traxel 1530-1600 Yanez-Bouza, Nuria Preposition stranding in Early Modern The orthography of long vowels in the Cursor Linking Old English and Middle English: The English: A corpus-based approach Mundi Peterborough Chronicle as an Introductory Teaching Tool to the History of English Coffee Break McSparran, Frances continued Carol Percy 1630-1700 Matsumoto, Meiko The historical development of composite Revising the Brut: Redactor, scribe and the To HEL with PC; or, the Peterborough Chronipredicates with have and take in letters BL Cotton Otho C.xiii copy of Lagamon's cle in North America Brut Minkova, Donka Derek Britton 1700-1730 Egan, Thomas Pronominal and full nominal subjects in Phonetic naturalness vs. orthography in the Orm’s wikenn and Compounds with -wican in competing constructions formation of a standardized consonantal Annal 1137 of the Peterborough Chronicle inventory of English ROUNDUP Evening Reception at the City Hall WEDNESDAY 0900-100 Smith, Jeremy Why is these not those? Some implications of the history of the English plural demonstratives Room II Room III Diachronic perspectives on ESP Bugaj, Joanna Archer, Dawn Aalberse, Suzanne P. Workshop– The case of business and official How to express inanimate possession? A Defence lawyers in the Early Modern English What du can say abouth thou. A comparison correspondence from ME to LModE diachronic investigation of Middle Scots and period: The beginnings of advocacy? of T-loss in English and Dutch (Marina Dossena and Susan Fitzmaurice) Middle English third person singular possessive structures Filppula, Markku Laitinen, Mikko Schlüter, Julia Internal vs. external possessor constructions The role of writers' gender in expressing A small word of great interest: Variation and in the history of English common gender in English correspondence change in the indefinite article from early Middle English to Present-Day English Coffee Break Mitchener, Garrett de Smet, Hendrik Durkin, Philip continued) A mathematical model of the loss of verbDiachronic aspects of complementation. The Loanword etymologies in the third edition of second in Middle English spread of for…to infinitives as verbal com- the OED: The benefits of the application of a plements in Late Modern English consistent methodology for the scholarly user Pearl, Lisa Sue Claridge, Claudia Pitkänen, Heli Acquisition theory in language change modWelsh influence in Welsh English and some The superlative in 19th century English eling: Old English OV loss neighbouring dialects Chapman, Don Mondorf, Britta Örsi, Tibor Analogical modelling and English negative Comparative Alternation from Late Modern Unmotivated use of borrowings from French prefixes English to Present Day English in Mandeville's Travels Lunch Break Haeberli, Eric and Susan Pintzuk Thim, Stefan Ogura, Mieko and William S.-Y. Wang continued The distribution of finite verbs in Old Eng- Phrasal verbs in Late Middle and Early Mod- Ambiguity and language evolution: Evolution lish: Structural and quantitative issues ern English of homophones and syllable number of words Baekken, Björg Alderson, Simon Beal, Joan, C. and Anthony P. Grant Word order and information structure in 17th A brief history of English onomatopoeic Make do and mend: an online investigation on Clausal connectives Workshop century English words neologisation and the dearth of borrowing in newer English wartime vocabulary U. Lenker & A. Meurman-Solin Taylor, Ann Ciszek, Ewa Knappe, Gabriele Breul, Carsten Rhythmical prose in Old English and its On two competing suffixes in Middle English Historical English phraseology: Aspects of the A relevance theoretic view on issues in the effects on verb-object order development of idioms and fixed expressions history of clausal connectives in the history of English Coffee Break Eitler, Tamaś Kay, Christian and Irene Wotherspoon Navalpotro, Gómez Ana Adamson, Sylvia Sociolectal, dialectal and communicative Towards an electronic Thesaurus of Old EngOn the history of be about to + INF and as a Connectivity as a stylistic ideal, aspects of word order competition in Late lish semi-auxiliary in PDE 1670-1730 Middle English Akimoto, Minoji Ogura, Michiko Boulonnais, Dominique González-Cruz, Ana I. On the decline of after and forth in verb Lexical comparison between Old English Auxiliary do and the periphrastic strategy On the subjectification of adverbial clause phrases Psalter glosses connectives: semantic and pragmatic considerations on the development of while-clauses Room I 1015-1045 1045-1115 1145-1215 1215-1245 1245-1315 1445-1515 1515-1545 1545-1615 1645-1715 1715-1745 Evening Visit to Liechtenstein Museum THURSDAY Day free for excursions FRIDAY 0900-100 Room I 1015-1045 Nevalainen, Terttu "he Not got a coffin Nor I have got No Money": Multiple negation in 18th-century nongentry correspondence 1045-1115 van Bergen, Linda Ne + infinitive in Old English ? 1145-1215 Koike, Takeshi The grammaticalisation of the determinative function of a genitive nominal after the end of the OE period 1215-1245 Wood, Johanna Demonstratives and possessives: From Old English to Present-day English? 1245-1315 Williamson, Keith A new perspective on the relative pronoun in Early Scots Wright, Laura Southern voicing revisited: London schoolchildren's social networks Room II Room III Cort, Alison Wełna, Jerzy You better believe it’s modal! A categoryPeculiar vowel changes in the sequences based study of change from 1650 to Present weor/wyr/wor in early English Day Taeymans, Martine Johannesson, Nils-Lennart A corpus-based investigation into the semi- The eo-spellings in the Orrmulum: A corpusmodal dare in Late Middle English to Early based approach Modern English Coffee Break Adamson, Sylvia and Victorina GonzálezHogg, Richard Díaz, Old English morphology: Some theoretical Back to the very beginning: The development problems of intensifiers in Early Modern English Méndez-Naya, Belén, Oldireva Gustafsson, Larisa Full good, right good, well good? On the Irregular verbs in seventeenth and eighteenth competition of intensifiers in the Middle Engcentury grammars: a maze of classifications lish period Vezzosi, Letizia Guzmán-González, Trinidad Attributive intensifiers in English: How to Aelfric and the grammatical category of genexplain their properties in a diachronic perder spective Lunch Break Hintikka, Marianna Mair, Christian The semantic field of EVIL in the history of Grammatical change in 20th century English: English: Cognitive categories and prototypes Drift, convergence and divergence Kahlas-Tarkka, Leena Fischer, Olga Words conveying totality in early English Notes on the developments in the category adjective from Old to Middle English 1445-1515 Stenroos, Merja The spread of they in Middle English: Functional, diatopic and diastratic perspectives 1515-1545 Nakamura, Fuijo A history of the negative imperative do in seventeenth to nineteenth-century diaries and correspondence Kossmann, Bianca Morgan, Davita 1545-1615 Elenbaas, Marion Transitional particle syntax: on the rise of Þa him abuten weore riche and henen: MedieObjects and adverbs in Early English particle-object order in Middle English val corpora and the study of semantic change Coffee Break Molina, Clara and Romano, Manuela von Mengden, Ferdinand 1645-1715 Suzuki, Hironori Word order in Old English poetry: AlliteraThe semantic analysis of just: A contrastive Some characteristics of Old English numeral tion as the key factor analysis in English and Romance system Pons-Sanz, Sara M. Sauer, Hans 1715-1745 Being a thrall of the antichrist: How much Lexicography and Old English plant names lower can you get? Evening Conference Dinner Clausal connectives Workshop (continued) Los, Bettelou The to-infinitive: from prepositional phrase to subjunctive clause López-Couso, María José Adverbial connectives within and beyond adverbial subordination: The history of lest Molencki, Rafal The origin and development of the conjunction/preposition since in English Rissanen, Matti The short history of Old English oth Sorva, Elina From an analytic phrase to an atomic connective: the grammaticalization of albeit Kohnen, Thomas Connective profiles in the history of English texts. Aspects of orality and literacy General Discussion General Discussion SATURDAY 0900-100 1015-1045 1045-1115 1145-1215 1215-1245 1245-1315 1445-1515 1515-1545 Wischer, Ilse Grammaticalisation and language contact in the history of English Room I Room II Room III Pablé, Adrian Shiina, Michi Auer, Anita Invariant be and weren't levelling as grammatical features of Correlation between the pronominal and nominal address Prescription and usage in the 18th century: A methodological 19th century New England folk speech: Evidence from verforms in Early Modern English advance? nacular fiction Scahill, John Nevala, Minna and Palander-Collin, Minna Kornexl, Lucia Middle English word-geography: The evidence of Ancrene Reported Speech in 18th-century letters: A pragmatic per"Qwerby knowyst þe genityf case?" – 'Signs' of linguistic Wisse spective awareness in Late Medieval and Early Modern English grammatical texts Coffee Break Thaisen, Jacob Sairio, Anni Bilynsky, Michael Spellings, dialects and textual studies: The CUL Gg. 4.27 Social networks of bluestockings in 18th century England: Getting a diachronic view of synonyms: Verbs and Canterbury Tales Elizabeth Montagu's use of the progressive deverbatives Vázquez González, Juan Gabriel Nurmi, Arja and Päivi Pahta Denison, David A Northwest Germanic conceptual isogloss: entertaining in Code-switching in the Helsinki Corpus: A thousand years of The reversal of meaning of substitute Old English and Old Norse multilingual practices Davidson, Mary Catherine Gisborne, Nikolas Code-switching and cultural contact in Medieval England The history of English evidential verbs of appearance Lunch Break Tieken-Boon van Ostade, Ingrid Grygiel, Marcin "Disrespectful and too familiar"? The use of short forms in Non-linearity and panchronic dimension of semantic changes eighteenth-century letters affecting the OE synonyms of MAN Raumolin-Brunberg, Helena Wotschke, Ingrid Language change and the individual: The role of migration The southernization of educated pronunciation in England: Historical relevance and future prospects 1545-1615 1645-1715 1715 Coffee Break Business Meeting Closing of ICEHL13