Dr. Huma Ahmed-Ghosh Associate Professor Department of Women's Studies Professor Ghosh has 10 years experience in teaching graduate and undergraduate level Anthropology, Women Studies, and Asian Studies courses pertaining to gender relations in Asia and international development. She conducted research in India on the impact of agricultural development on rural women and the status of women in the handicraft industry. Her current research is on cultural adaptation strategies of immigrant Muslim women in Southern California and on Islam and feminism. More recently, she has been traveling to Afghanistan to do research on the role of women-run NGOs in the reconstruction of the country. Education Institution Syracuse University Syracuse, NY Date Degree Field of Study 1990 PhD Anthropology Jawaharal Nehru University New Delhi, India 1981 MPhil Sociology Jawaharal Nehru University New Delhi, India 1979 MA Sociology University of Delhi Delhi, India 1977 BA (Hons.) Economics Back to Top Teaching Positions Institution San Diego State University Rank Dates Major Subject Associate Professor 2005Present Women's Studies San Diego State University Assistant Professor 20022004 Women's Studies San Diego State University Assistant Professor 19992002 Women’s Studies, Asian Studies San Diego State University East-West Center, Hawaii. Lecturer 19941999 Post-Doctoral Fellowship 19901991 Women’s Studies, Anthropology, Asian Studies Other Employment World Bank, Social Science Consultant. 1991-1992 Division of Agriculture and Development in Asia. Prepared a policy paper based on evaluation of World Bank projects in South and Southeast Asia. United Nations Commission for Social Policy and Welfare. 1999-2003. Member technical task force on Ageing. Back to Top Curriculum Development Women’s Studies 602 ---- Seminar: Methods of Inquiry Women's Studies 590 ----Feminist Thought Women's Studies 580 ----Women in International Development Women's Studies 536 ----Women, Race and Class Women's Studies 530 ---- Comparative Gender Politics (Distance Learning Course) Women's Studies 530 --- Women in International Movements, (China and India Study Abroad) Women's Studies 530 --- Women’s Movements and Activism Women's Studies 310 ----Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective Women's Studies 210 ----Women in the Social Sciences Anthropology 102 ----Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Anthropology 350 ----World Ethnographies Asian Studies/Women's Studies 331 ----Women in Asian Society Textbooks and Other Teaching Aids Participated in the creation of Workbook for WMNST 530, “Comparative Gender Politics,” in collaboration with the Women's Studies Department in Orebro, Sweden Back to Top Graduate Student Committees Ph.D. Committees Rahman, Tabassum. 2002. Identity Formation of Second Generation Muslim Women in the USA. California School of Professional Psychology. Shah, Seema. 1998. Self-Esteem Issues: A Comparative Study of Asian American and Caucasian American Teenagers in the U.S.A. California School of Professional Psychology. San Diego. M.A. Theses Chaired Chandrasekhar, Preethi. (2005) Representation of Women’s Experiences of Partition in Indian Films. Department of Women’s Studies. SDSU. Tadwalkar, Rucha. (2005) Actualization of Equality among Indian-American Married Couples. Department of Women’s Studies. SDSU. Shi, Lihong. 2003. Girls Education in Rural China. Department of Women’s Studies. SDSU. Huo, Yujia. 2003. Women Bartenders in San Diego. Department of Women’s Studies. SDSU. Bakhru, Tanya. 2003. Impact of Reproductive Health Policies on Women in India. Department of Women’s Studies. SDSU. Abbassi, Anud. 2003. Women in the Garment Industry in Jordan. Department of Women’s Studies. SDSU. Rashid, Mona. 2002. A Case Study of NGOs in Pakistan. Department of Asian Studies. SDSU. Spillane, David. 2002. Pakistan and the Discourse of Development. Department of Asian Studies. SDSU. Woodden, Jeannette. (In progress) Women’s Movements in the Philippines. Hou, Hujie. (In progress) The Status of Student Wives from China in San Diego. Master’s Committee Member Chrostowsky, Marybeth. (2005) Resettlement Issues of Sudanese Refugee Women. Department of Anthropology. SDSU. Henderson, Denise. 2003. Feminist Critique of Organized Religions: A Curriculum for Revising a Women’s Studies Course. Project. Department of Women’s Studies. SDSU. Tawara, Reiko. 2002. Comparison of Rape Laws in the United States and Japan. Department of Criminal Justice. SDSU. Gulati, Susheel. 2000. Indian Women’s Participation in Sports. Department of Exercise and Nutritional Studies. SDSU. Simmons, Jessica. 2000. Diasporic and Sexual Identities: A Fragmented Sense of Self in Jamaica Kincaid’s Lucy and Michelle Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven. Department of Women’s Studies, SDSU. De Iberri, Linda. In progress. The Interface of Feminism and Gay Rights: A Crosscultural Comparison of US and African Movements. Department of Anthropology. SDSU. Maitino, Alisso. In progress. Gender Differences in Personality Across Cultures. Department of Psychology. SDSU. Dulthumanon, Purnima. In progress. Domestic Violence Among Asian-American Women. Department of Sociology. SDSU. Adducci, Matilde. In progress. Rural Policies and Rural Movements: The Case of Uttar Pradesh. Department of Development Policies. School of Oriental and African Studies. London, UK. Vickery, Sheliah. In progress. Survival Strategies of Refugee Cambodian Women. Department of Anthropology. SDSU. LaGroteria, Angela. In progress. The Power of Place and Creativity: Women's Writing from Appalachia. Back to Top Publications Articles in Refereed Journals Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 2004. “Portraits of Believers: Ahmadi Women Performing Faith in the Diaspora.” Journal of International Women’s Studies. Nov.vol.6,no.1. Pgs. 73-92. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 2003. “A History of Women in Afghanistan: Lessons Learnt for the Future: Women in Afghanistan.” Journal of International Women’s Studies. vol.4.no.3. May. Pgs.1-14. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 2003. “Writing the Nation on the Beauty Queen’s Body: Implications for a ‘Hindu’ Nation.” Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism. vol.4. no.1. October. Pgs. 205-227. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 2003. “Chattels of Society: Domestic Violence in India,” Violence Against Women. vol.10. no.1. December. Pgs. 94-118. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 1987. “Changes in the Status of North Indian Women - A Case Study of Palitpur Village.” Working Paper No. 141, Michigan State University: Women in International Development. Pgs. 1-23. Ahmed, Huma. 1980. “Protest Movements by Women.” Journal of Youth Affairs. September. New Delhi: Vishwa Yuva Kendra. Pgs. 7-20. Forthcoming Ahmed-Ghosh, 2006. “Voices of Afghan Women: Human Rights and Economic Development.” International Feminist Journal of Politics. vol. 8,no.1. March. Ahmed-Ghosh, 2006. “Ahmadi Women: Reconciling Faith with Vulnerable Reality Through Education.” Journal of International Women’s Studies. May. Chapters in Refereed Books Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 2005. “Deconstructing the Human Rights Discourse: Relevance for Afghan Women” (peer reviewed) in Sustainable Development: Bridging the Research/Policy Gaps in Southern Contexts, edited by Saba Khattak. Oxford University Press. December. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 1994. “Preserving Identity: A Case of Palitpur,” in Forging Identities: Gender, Community and the State, edited by Zoya Hasan. New Delhi: Kali for Women/Westview Press. Pgs. 169-187. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 1993. “Agricultural Development and Work Pattern of Women in a North Indian Village,” in Women and Work in South Asia: Regional Patterns and Perspectives, edited by Saraswati Raju and Deipica Bagchi. London: Routledge. Pgs. 180-195. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 1991. “From Ivory Towers to Mud Huts: Trials and Acceptance of a Fieldworker,” in From the Female Eye: Accounts of Women Field Workers Studying Their Own Communities, edited by M.N. Panini. New Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation. Pgs. 11-19. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 2006. “Afghan Women: Stranded at the Intersection of Local and Global Patriarchies,” in Gendered Violence in South Asia, edited by Angana Chatterji and Lubna Choudhury. New Delhi: Zubaan Press. (February). Other Publications Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 2004. “Afghan Women’s Rights: Trials and Tribulations.” TJSL Law Review (Thomas Jefferson School of Law). vol.27, no.1. Pg.27-31. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 2003. “The USA Patriot Act and Anthropology.” Anthropology News. vol.44. no.1. Pg.10. April. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 2001. “Feminist Perspective: September 11th and Afghan Women.” Lemar-Aftaab. Afghanmagazine.com. December 2001. Pg. 1-2. Translated into French. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 2000. “Impact of Globalization on the Images of Older Women in India.” Report of International Symposium on the Impact of Globalization on the Images of Older Women. United Nations Programme on Ageing. Pgs.21-28. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 1999. "Gendering Anthropology." Anthropology Newsletter. San Diego State University. Pgs. 1,6. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 1998. "Women Trapped in a Web of Hierarchy: Life Cycle of Women in India." INSTRAW. (a United Nations Publication). Pgs.10-17. Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 1995. “Muslim Women Reflecting Changes in State-Society Relations in India.” Farhang: The Persian Cultural Review. Winter. Issue, Volume 5. Pgs. 8-12. Blumberg, Rae Lesser, with Huma Ahmed-Ghosh. 1989. “Income Under Female Versus Male Control: Differential Spending Patterns and Consequences When Women Lose Control of Returns to Labor.” Population and Development Series, The World Bank. Pgs. 60-72. Book Reviews 2003. Women for Afghan Women: Shattering Myths and Claiming the Future. Edited by Sunita Mehta. www.sawnet/books. 2001. Muslim Women: Crafting a North American Identity, by Shahnaz Khan. In Journal of American Ethnic History. vol.20. no.4. Pgs. 95-96. 2001. Guru’s Gift: An Ethnography Exploring Gender Equality with North American Sikh, by Cynthia Mehmood and Stacy Brady. In Journal of American Ethnic History. vol.20. no.4. Pgs. 115-116. 1999. A Patchwork Shawl: Chronicles of South Asian Women in America, by Shamita Das Das-Gupta. Violence Against Women: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal. vol.6. no.2. Pgs. 223-228. 1999. Surviving on Gold Mountain: A History of Chinese American Women and Their Lives, by Huping Ling. Journal of San Diego History. vol.8. no.2. Pg. 6. Grants and Fellowships since 1999 Fred J. Hansen Institute for World Peace 2004. Received a $32,000 grant for conducting a regional cooperation workshop in India with Afghanistan and Pakistan on, “Training for Women’s Economic Skills Promotion in South Asia: Afghanistan, India and Pakistan.” SDSU Office of International Programs. 2004. With Prof. Doreen Mattingly to create an exchange program with the Center for Women’s Studies and Development Center, Delhi University, India. Fred J. Hansen Institute for World Peace. 2003. Two grants facilitated my trip to Afghanistan to study women-run non-government organizations (NGOs). It has resulted in a manuscript entitled, “Deconstructing the Human Rights Discourse: A Case-study of Afghanistan.” Submitted to International Feminist Journal of Politics. It has also resulted in my coordinating the Hansen Foundation’s interest in hosting a major workshop on issues of NGO management training for women in Afghanistan in partnership with women-run NGOs in India, and Pakistan. $4,800 and $4,000. Grants-in-Aid, SDSU Foundation. 2003. This grant facilitated the hiring of a research assistant to help conduct interviews and transcribing with second-generation Muslim women in San Diego. This has resulted in a work in progress, “Post September 11: Second-Generation Muslim Women in America.” $6,500. SDSU Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity (RSCA) Award. 2003. This grant was a leave of absence for a semester. During the grant period I conducted research among second-generation Muslim women and the construction of their identities post 9/11. I conducted interviews, and researched secondary sources on the topic. I also completed and submitted two articles to peer reviewed journals on Ahmadi women. California Council for the Humanities. 2003. Participated in a successful grant application with the San Diego Public Library and Malcolm X Library to the for a project titled, Stories of Faith: Religion and Diversity in San Diego. $80,000. Fred J. Hansen Institute for World Peace. 2002. Minigrant for “Women’s Peace Activism in India.” Provided funding for students in the Study Abroad Program to India. $5,000 Fred J. Hansen Institute for World Peace. 2002. Minigrant for attending and participating in a workshop, “Role of Women in Regional Cooperation towards South Asian Peace,” in Kathmandu, Nepal, in June 2002. $5,000 Fred J. Hansen Institute for World Peace. 2002. Minigrant for “Women’s Peace Activism in India.” Provided funding for students in the Study Abroad Program to India. $5,000 Fred J. Hansen Institute for World Peace. 2001. Minigrant for “Women Connecting: Gender, Peace, and Politics in China and the United States.” Provided funding for students in the Study Abroad Program to China. $5,000 SDSU Office of International Programs. 2001. With Prof. Doreen Mattingly to conduct the Study Abroad Program in China. $4,000 SDSU Office of International Program Award. 2000. China. International Opportunity Grants for exchange programs with Chinese Universities (Profs. Susan Cayleff, Oliva Espin, and Doreen Mattingly). $6,000 SDSU Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity (RSCA) Award. 1999. This grant was awarded to study Ahmadi women and their coping strategies in a foreign society. The research resulted in a conference presentation, “Claiming their Space: Ahmadi Women in North America,” at University of California, Irvine, on Muslim Identities in North America. May 2000. $3,531. SDSU Office of International Programs. 1999. This grant along with the following grant enabled to cover travel expenses to India and Pakistan. $1,000. Fred J. Hansen Institute for World Peace 1999. This grant enabled me, in collaboration with Deepak Gupta, to establish links in India and Pakistan through a people-to-people dialogue forum for South Asian peace. This project resulted in a conference presentation, “The University as a Peacemaking Agent: SDSU Experience.” With Deepak Gupta. Center for the Studies of Geopolitics, Punjab University, Chandigarh. India. USA State Department. 2004. (Pending) Grant Proposal (RFGP) No. ECA/PE/C/NEAAF-05-02 - South Asia Professional Exchanges and Training Program for Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Submitted a grant proposal with the Hansen Institute to the South Asia Bureau of the U.S. State Department for a project titled, “Training for Women’s Economic Skills Promotion in South Asia: Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan.” $200.000. Presentation of Papers: (1999-present) Conferences and Workshops: Oct.2004 “Role of Women NGOs in Post-Conflict Afghanistan.” World Association of Non-Government Organizations. Budapest, Hungary. Oct. 21-24. July 2004 Feminism Contesting Globalization. University College, Dublin, Ireland. July 8-10. May 2004 “Gender, Empire, Violence: A Case of Afghanistan.” Carnegie-Mellon Workshop. UC-Riverside. May 21. May 2004 Feminism and Fundamentalism: Implications for Secularism, Rights and Patriotism. Feminists Rethink South Asia Workshop. UCSD. San Diego. May 1-2. Feb.2004 “Afghan Women’s Rights: Trials and Tribulations.” Fourth Annual Women and Law Conference. Thomas Jefferson School of Law. San Diego. Feb.20. Oct.2002 “History of Women in Afghanistan: Lessons Learnt for the Future.” comitato di difesa sostegno promozione dei diritti donne afgane. Turin, Italy. Oct.11-12. Oct. 2000 “Barbie Goes to India: Impact of Globalization on the Imaging of Women Sept.2000 May 2000 Feb.2000 Oct.1999 in India.” Annual Meetings on South Asia. University of Wisconsin, Madison. Oct. 12-15. “Negotiating Identity and Gender Among Immigrant Muslims.” Annual Druze Studies Conference. San Diego. Sept. 8. “Claiming Their Space: Ahmadi Women in North America.” Muslim Identities in North America Conference, University of California, Irvine. May 3-4. “University as an Agent of Peacemaker: SDSU Experience.” With Deepak Gupta. Center for the Studies of Geopolitics, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India. Feb.20-24 “Impact of Globalization on the Images of Older Women in India.” International Symposium. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Oct.13-15. Invited Talks at Local Universities and Community: Oct.2003 “Stories of Afghan Women: Making Changes in their Lives.” Feminist Research Colloquia. Department of Women’s Studies, SDSU. Oct.22. April2002 “Women and Islam.” Point Loma Nazarene University. April 3. March2002 “Gender, War, and Afghanistan.” Hoover High School, Young Women’s Club, San Diego. March 15. Jan.2002 “Overview of the History of Women in Afghanistan.” United Nations Association, San Diego Chapter. Jan. 26. Nov.2001 “Women and War: Feminist Dilemmas, Afghanistan as a Case.” Teach-in. San Diego State University. Nov. 12. Nov.2001 “Not All Arabs are Muslims, Not All Muslims are Arabs.” Malcolm X Library. San Diego. Nov. 8. Nov.2001 “Afghanistan: Women, Politics and Refugees.” University of California, San Diego. Nov. 29. Sept.2001 “Women in Afghanistan Before and After the Taliban.” University of San Diego. Law School and Amnesty International. Sept. 29. March 2001 “Stress, Success and PMS: What Superwoman is Teaching our Daughters.” Roundtable discussion. DURGA: The San Diego Women’s Performance Festival. March 16. April 2001 “Diversity in the Workplace: Gender, Race and Class.” City of San Diego: Park and Recreation Department. April 4. June 2001 “Status of Asian American Women through US History.” Beijing University, Beijing: China. June 3. June 2001 “Impact of Westernization on Body and Body Images of Women in China.” Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu: China. June 6. April 2000 “Issues and Identities of Asian-American Women.” Chinese University, Hong Kong. April 5. Oct.1999 Nov.1999 “Muslim Immigrant Women in North America.” Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Oct. 20. “Strategies to Encounter Domestic Violence among South Asian Immigrants.” Sanctuary---Joining Hands Against Violence. San Diego. (cannot remember date) Memberships: Member Phi Beta Delta. San Diego. 1997-present. American Association for Asian Studies. (USA) 1995-present. Association of Women in Development (AWID). (USA) 1985-present. Indian Sociological Association. (India) 1981-present. Center for Women’s Development Studies, New Delhi. (India) 1990-present. Member, Indian Association of Women’s Studies. (India) 1994-present. Other Professional Growth Activities Professional Service Editorial Board Asia-Pacific Horizons, Department of Asian Studies Newsletter. SDSU. 1995-present. Editorial Board Collegiate Press for their books on Women’s Studies. 1997-present. Referee American Journal of Preventive Medicine Working Papers: Women in International Development. Michigan State University International Feminist Journal of Politics The Professional Geographer Violence Against Women Pacific South West Women’s Studies Association. 2001& 2002. Evaluated essays for National Women Studies Association’s Women of Color Caucus. Manuscript Review. 1999. Cultural Anthropology. Serena Nanda and Richard Warms. External Academic Reviewer. 1998. Program of Interdisciplinary Disciplines, College of Liberal Arts, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Technical Expert. June 2000. Participated in a workshop on rewriting the United Nations Policy Paper on Ageing. Frankfurt, Germany. Service for the University and the Community College of Arts and Letters Service Center for Islamic and Arabic Studies. Advisory Committee Member, Center for Islamic and Arabic Studies (CIAS). SDSU. (2003-present) Department of Asian Studies. Committee member: Proposal to establish the Department of Asian Studies. (1998-2000) Gerontology Department. Committee member: Academic Review Committee for the Gerontology Program. San Diego State University. (2001) Department Of Women’s Studies International Exchange Programs: Established an exchange program with Kanodia College, India. Took a group of 15 students and faculty to India in December 2002. Currently in the process of creating an exchange program with the Center for Women’s Studies and Development, Delhi University, India, and University of Hyderabad. Established an Exchange Program with the Women’s Studies Center, Beijing University, Beijing. In June 2001, traveled to China with 21 students and gave two lectures in Beijing and Chengdu. I was also integral to the grant writing process for the China project. Member of Women’s Studies Faculty Search Committees. (2000, 2001, 2003) Member of Graduate Admissions Committee. (1999-present) Member of the Department of Women’s Studies Feminist Research Colloquia Committee. (2002-present) Community Service Founding member, past president and Advisory Committee member, South Asian Women’s Initiative (SAWI), a support group for women of South Asian origin. (1997present). Founded a Book Club to encourage more South Asian women to participate in the SAWI program, and organized fund-raisers to fund the newly created hotline for distressed women. Member, San Diego Chapter-United Nations. (2002-present) Media BBC, London. 2002. Interviewed by Innes Bowen on Queen Soraya and the Afghan Women’s Movement. KPBS Radio. 2001 to present. Guest on These Days with Tom Fudge. Issues of Afghan women and war, education, and Muslim women in the USA. KPBS Radio. 2003-2004. In The Lounge with Dirk Soutro. Human Rights and Immigrants. Iraqi women writers in exile. KPBS Radio. 2000. Interviewed by Beth Accomando on the Indian Film Festival in San Diego. KPBS Television. 2003. Panelist on Democracy in Iraq, and Muslim Immigrants in San Diego. Panels hosted by Gloria Penner. Channel 8. 2003. Interviewed by Phil Blauer on situation of Afghanistan.