- classic

Classic Entertainment (Pvt) Ltd.
#88, Ataturk Avenue, G-6/3, Islamabad. Tel: +92 51 2829157 Fax: +9251 2829158
email: info@classic.com.pk
Private & Confidential
We are pleased to introduce Classic Entertainment (Pvt.) Limited, as total solution
provider in the Media sector with the vision, energy and drive of new developments
within the media sector of Pakistan. Classic provides a diverse set of services to local &
international customers, applying State of the Art leading edge technology to a total
systems perspective to congregate our client’s most challenging requirements. We
engineer for the future, by anticipating new client’s requirement and industry trends
utilizing state of the art technology.
At Classic, our experience, knowledge and professional skills have enabled us to
anticipate the economic and industrial growth, which can lead Pakistan to its full
potential of success and economic stability.
Media in Pakistan-Bird’s Eye View:
One of the results of efficient and effective telecommunication is globalization. With
globalization comes increased complexity and growth in every industry and every
country is a part of, exchange of new ideas and technology. Pakistan’s television
medium was traditionally a single channel environment. Things were a lot easier then as
compared to now. If you wanted to reach the mass audience, all you had to do was
place an ad during the channels primetime. But this was ten years ago. With the influx
of satellite channels and the wide spread acceptance of cable television Pakistan has
suddenly sprung in to a multi- channel environment. The audiences now have a choice
and so do the marketers.
Unfortunately no marketer has unlimited budgets to finance their campaigns. Increased
pressure to improve growth and profits in a developing economy also does not help.
Cutting down on advertising expenses may mean eroding brand equity and therefore
lowering profits. Increasing advertising expenses means cutting in to a share of the
Media Company’s work is to increase effectiveness and efficiency of advertising
budgets. This means that those marketers may even be able to reduce their budget
without compromising on advertising objectives. Effectiveness is improved through
careful planning in order to minimize wastage of money spent on channels, which may
be too costly.
Classic Entertainment (Pvt) Ltd.
#88, Ataturk Avenue, G-6/3, Islamabad. Tel: +92 51 2829157 Fax: +9251 2829158
email: info@classic.com.pk
Private & Confidential
Since media agencies generally work with more than one client, they are in a better
position to negotiate than a single client. The reason for this is that media agencies
negotiate with the media suppliers on the basis of the budget of all its clients and this
translates in to higher discounts for the clients.
What is Classic Entertainment?
Classic Entertainment established in 2002 is a broadcasting, distribution and
marketing company.
In this time we have produced, aired & distributed entertainment, infotainment and
Music based content.
Classic Entertainment helps advertisers communicate with target market more
efficiently and more effectively through its strategic partners in the region.
The Team:
Classic Entertainment has a team of dedicated and highly motivated professionals,
comprising Concept developers, Directors, Media planners, buyers and distributors.
Oxygene TV ( www.oxygene.com.pk )
Oxygene is famous Music, Lifestyle and Entertainment Television Channel of Pakistan.
Launched on January 24, 2009, by Classic Entertainment Oxygene exudes infinite
energy. It is Music & Lifestyle based television channel that is all set to provide quality
entertainment on a continuous basis through superior song selection and placement to
its viewers. Oxygene is truly a platform where the music lovers have the prerogative to
voice its opinion and speak the mind. The viewer of Oxygene is no ordinary viewer, it is
the one that has the courage to “question” and also find answers.
Oxygene is exclusively and essentially Music & Lifestyle based television channel with a
target audience ranging between the ages 15 and 45. However, age does not become an
impediment; Oxygene also grips those young at heart!
The viewer of Oxygene stands out! Oxygene is the space for high-spirited people who
have the audacity to discover themselves by taking up challenges, bonding with the
fraternity, and being real, while forming a strong community of people with a passion
that is relentless.
Classic Entertainment (Pvt) Ltd.
#88, Ataturk Avenue, G-6/3, Islamabad. Tel: +92 51 2829157 Fax: +9251 2829158
email: info@classic.com.pk
Private & Confidential
Famous Program’s of Oxygene Music TV Channel Pakistan:
Go West
Music Unlimited
Mangta Hai Kya
Vaat izz?
Kahin Beete na Yeh Pal
Subha Hogai Maamo
Content for Channels:
Classic Entertainment is one of the largest software suppliers to the National and
International Networks and other media.
Classic Entertainment has exclusive access to the libraries of different channels for
further sale and distribution purpose.
Associated Press:
Classic Entertainment is the sole responsible firm to conduct all kinds of sales activities
on behalf of Associated Press in Pakistan. In just little span of two years Classic has
captured roughly 60% of the market. Sales of Associated Press products comprise
breaking news, general news, technology and entertainment news.
The Broadcasting for AP:
Classic is also looking after all the broadcasting needs of ASSOCIATED PRESS from
Government of Pakistan has issued first ever long term news gathering license to Classic
Entertainment to be used for Associated Press.
Classic Entertainment has established a broadcast centre for ASSOCIATED PRESS in
Islamabad, with play out and live stand up facility. This state of the art facility is fully
functional and caters to all ASSOCIATED PRESS and its client’s requirements.
Classic Entertainment (Pvt) Ltd.
#88, Ataturk Avenue, G-6/3, Islamabad. Tel: +92 51 2829157 Fax: +9251 2829158
email: info@classic.com.pk
Private & Confidential
Landing Rights:
Afghan TV ( www.afghantv.af )
Classic Entertainment has been granted landing rights for Afghan TV by the Pakistan
Electronic Media Regulatory Authority.
Afghan TV is the first private and independent TV from Afghanistan. Nearly two years
ago AFGHAN TV was established to have broadcasting according to the Islamic
principles, Afghan tradition and culture, Afghan constitution, code of ethics and its own
broadcasting policy that till now achieved to the following special proud:
1- AFGHAN TV is the first private TV which is running according to its commercial
advertisement incomes and the amount of its investment is lower than the other
TV's which was started after this TV and they had a very rapid development.
2- ATV is the first 18 hours and after 6 months the first 24 hours TV in Afghan
3- Afghan TV is the first TV which broadcasts fife time Azan (asking for pray)and
besides have for one hour reciting the Holy Qorhan everyday during Friday ATV
broadcast tow hours reciting the Holy Qorhan in religious and national days we
ATV has special programs about the national and religious days.
4- Afghan TV is the first TV that has live music, news, analysis, and other programs
with ministers, political parties' leaders, Parliament members and related issues'
experts from its own central studio in the country.
5- ATV is the first private TV that it has live programs from the outside of studio in
deferent areas.
6- ATV is the first TV which has news and other programs in English language and
title headlines in three Dari, Pashtu and English languages.
Classic Entertainment (Pvt) Ltd.
#88, Ataturk Avenue, G-6/3, Islamabad. Tel: +92 51 2829157 Fax: +9251 2829158
email: info@classic.com.pk
Private & Confidential
7- ATV is the only TV that according to the financial problem that always caused not
to have rapid development and these problems changes its promotion for its
broadcast oftenly.
8- In addition to these bitterness and problems ATV is happy that it broadcasts for
the Kabul, Heart, Parwan, Kapisa and for some people in Logar and Wardak
provinces that as well during 24 hour six million people in the following areas can
watch ATV normally also ATV's 24 hours services from the beginning of March
2004 has been broadcasted for districts of Kapisa and Kabul in 210/25 frequency
on VHF band besides for all regions in Herat province and some districts ATV's
broadcast was started on 189/25 frequency on 7 VHF band from 2/12/2006 from
this time ATV changed to the most popular,intresting and with high quality and
the most beloved TV for the people. And as soon ATV will start its services to
Mazar_e Sharif province as well. Beside that in case of finding financial support
ATV will develop to the satellite system to broadcast for the region and other
Afghanistan cities people as well.
9- Fortunately ATV among the other TV channel in the country according to the
viewer sight is the second and with most having viewers TV in its broadcast
region as a result of having high quality interesting and necessary programs. But
regretfully due to the lack of financial possibility, and without any sponsorship
and donors support for ATV, caused to decrease its rapid development but we
hope that by the time our rapid development will be obtain and the target of
ATV to be connected to the satellite will be completed soon.
10- ATV always tries by providing the most interesting programs according to the
client and market necessity attract the most viewers and reach its massage to
all its viewers.
11- Recently ATV is working to provide the possibility to start its broadcast in Mazare-Sharif this project will be completed in very near future as we did in Heart
12- ATV is willingly ready to broadcast traders and organizations advertisement
according to the its Marketing principles regularly in mutual benefits to aware
the Afghan people from their services they do for comfort and Afghan economy
Classic Entertainment (Pvt) Ltd.
#88, Ataturk Avenue, G-6/3, Islamabad. Tel: +92 51 2829157 Fax: +9251 2829158
email: info@classic.com.pk
Private & Confidential
13- ATV expects that receive more commercial advertisements with special discount
for behave of its expansion that as result of broadcasting advertisements
including advertisement reference the most benefit will be for Afghan people
because they will be aware of the live promotions with update information's.
UTV STARS - The Official Channel of Bollywood (http://www.utvstars.com)
It is an invitation to be part of the dream world of Bollywood. UTV Stars will provide you
intimate access to your favourite superstars. These superstars will be seen with their
guard down like never before, during our shows.
It’s a Waltz Disney company and Classic Entertainment is proud to be their partners for
operations in Pakistan.
Asia Broadcast Satellite (ABS) (http://www.absatellite.net)
Asia Broadcast Satellite (ABS) is one of the fastest growing premium satellite operators
in the world. ABS serves a global customer base with representatives in Asia, the Middle
East, Europe and North America. Led by a management team of talented and
experienced professionals, ABS offers a complete range of End-to-End solutions
including Direct to Home (DTH) and Cable TV distribution (CATV), Cellular Backhaul,
VSAT and Internet Backbone services with diverse IP transit through its European and
Asian internet gateways. ABS currently host over 175 TV channels making it as one of
the top broadcasters of TV channels in the Asia Pacific.
Classic Entertainment is proud to be their strategic partner operating in Pakistan. Classic
Entertainment is responsible for managing its Teleport, Bandwidth and its Sales
Classic Entertainment (Pvt) Ltd.
#88, Ataturk Avenue, G-6/3, Islamabad. Tel: +92 51 2829157 Fax: +9251 2829158
email: info@classic.com.pk
Private & Confidential
Group Companies:
Arman Security Services (Pvt) Ltd.
Arman Security Services (Pvt) Ltd. is a startup security company founded by Mr. Adnan
Shaukat, an experienced businessman and defense and security analyst. Located in
Islamabad at its launch, the business will provide security guards, security audits, and
referrals to equipment providers to commercial buildings, retail businesses, and,
eventually special event venues and other clients.
Aerial Media Servicers (Pvt) Ltd.
We are pleased to introduce Ariel Media Services (Pvt.) Limited, as total solution
provider in the Media sector with the vision, energy and drive of new developments
within the media sector of Pakistan. AMS provides a diverse set of services to local &
international customers, applying State of the Art leading edge technology to a total
systems perspective to congregate our client’s most challenging requirements. We
engineer for the future, by anticipating new client’s requirement and industry trends
utilizing state of the art technology.
Classic Entertainment (Pvt) Ltd.
#88, Ataturk Avenue, G-6/3, Islamabad. Tel: +92 51 2829157 Fax: +9251 2829158
email: info@classic.com.pk
Private & Confidential