Lesson Plan Section 2 Aerobic Respiration PACING Regular Schedule: Block Schedule: with lab(s): N/A with lab(s): N/A without lab(s): 1 day without lab(s): 1/2 day OBJECTIVES 1. Relate aerobic respiration to the structure of a mitochondrion. 2. Summarize the events of the Krebs cycle. 3. Summarize the events of the electron transport chain and chemiosmosis. 4. Calculate the efficiency of aerobic respiration. 5. Contrast the roles of glycolysis and aerobic respiration in cellular respiration. NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS LSCell1: Cells have particular structures that underlie their functions. LSCell2: Most cell functions involve chemical reactions. LSCell4: Cell functions are regulated. LSMat3: The chemical bonds of food molecules contain energy. LSMat4: The complexity and organization of organisms accommodates the need for obtaining, transforming, transporting, releasing, and eliminating the matter and energy used to sustain the organism. PS3: Chemical reactions PS6: Interactions of energy and matter FOCUS (5 minutes) __ Overview, TE Review the objectives listed in the Student Edition. (GENERAL) __ Bellringer, TE Show students a 1980s-era video clip of “aerobics” and compare the then new trend with the meaning of the term aerobic. (GENERAL) MOTIVATE (5 minutes) __ Identifying Preconceptions, Aerobic Respiration, TE Discuss the meaning of the term aerobic with students and link it to aerobic respiration. (GENERAL) TEACH (25 minutes) __ PowerPoint® Resources Use the customizable presentation to help students master the concepts in this section. KEY SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher Edition ANC = Ancillary Workbook HBS = Holt Biosources Lab Program Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Modern Biology 1 Chapter 7 Lesson Plan __ Teaching Transparency B39, The Krebs Cycle Use this transparency to review the Krebs cycle. (GENERAL) __ Discussion, Life Without The Krebs Cycle, TE Lead a discussion in the importance of the Krebs cycle in harvesting energy in aerobic organisms. (GENERAL) __ Using the Figure, The Krebs Cycle, TE Explain that this cycle completes the breakdown of the carbon skeleton of glucose. (GENERAL) __ Teaching Tip, Mitochondria, TE Ask students why it is important for glucose to be partially broken down before its oxidation inside mitochondria. (ADVANCED) __ Quick Lab, Comparing CO2 Production, SE Students use phenolphthalein to test for the presence of CO2. (GENERAL) __ Datasheet for In-Text Labs, Comparing CO2 Production, ANC Students use the datasheet to complete the in-text lab. (GENERAL) __ Internet Activity, Krebs Cycle, TE Students use the internet to research the Krebs cycle. (GENERAL) __ Activity, Modeling Mitochondria, TE Have students place the reactants, intermediates, and products in the proper locations on a model of a mitochondrion. (ADVANCED) __ Skill Builder, Interpreting Visuals, TE Point out that hydrogen ions are protons. Four protons form four hydrogen atoms when combined with four electrons. (GENERAL) __ Teaching Transparency B40, Electron Transport and Chemiosmosis in Aerobic Respiration Use this transparency to discuss electron transport and chemiosmosis in aerobic respiration. (GENERAL) __ Reading Skill Builder, Active Reading, TE Students are asked to pair up and take turns reading parts of the section and summarizing the content. (BASIC) __ Careers in Biology, Exercise Physiologist, TE Use this feature to encourage students to consider careers that require biology skills and knowledge. __ Teaching Tip, Electron Transport, TE Ask students how the electron transport chains of photosynthesis and cellular respiration are similar. (BASIC) __ Teaching Transparency B41, Cellular Respiration—ATP Yield Use this transparency to tally the number of ATP molecules made during cellular respiration. (GENERAL) __ Teaching Transparency B42, Summary of Cellular Respiration Use this transparency to walk students through the two main steps of cellular respiration. (GENERAL) __ Teaching Tip, Energy Harvest, TE Students are asked to make a graphic organizer to summarize the energy harvest from glycolysis and cellular respiration. (BASIC) __ Using the Figure, Summary of Cellular Respiration, TE Students try to name the different parts of cellular respiration. (GENERAL) __ Internet Activity, Cellular Respiration, TE Students use the internet to research cellular respiration. (GENERAL) CLOSE (10 minutes) __ Section Review, SE Students are assessed through questions about key concepts and questions that require critical thinking skills. (GENERAL) KEY SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher Edition ANC = Ancillary Workbook HBS = Holt Biosources Lab Program Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Modern Biology 2 Chapter 7 Lesson Plan __ Reteaching, TE Have groups of five students act out the Krebs cycle. (BASIC) __ Quiz, TE Students answer true-false questions about this section. (GENERAL) OTHER RESOURCE OPTIONS __ Active Reading Worksheets, ANC Students are asked to analyze a passage related to the chapter text and answer questions about the passage. (BASIC) __ Visual Concepts CD-ROM Use this multimedia resource to reinforce selected concepts from the chapter. __ Inquiry and Exploration Labs, Conditions That Favor Cellular Respiration, HBS Students design an assembly that allows yeast to carry out either cellular respiration or fermentation. (GENERAL) KEY SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher Edition ANC = Ancillary Workbook HBS = Holt Biosources Lab Program Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Modern Biology 3 Chapter 7 Lesson Plan End of Chapter Review and Assessment PACING Regular Schedule: Block Schedule: with lab(s): N/A with lab(s): N/A without lab(s): 2 days without lab(s): 1 day __ Alternative Assessment, Fermented Foods, TE Students research ways that fermentation is used in food preparation and find out what kinds of organisms are used. (GENERAL) __ Study Tip, Index Cards, TE Students are asked to write a question on one index card and the answer on another card and then to trade cards with a partner. (GENERAL) __ PowerPoint® Resources Use the customizable presentation to help students practice standardized test-taking skills. __ Chapter Highlights, SE Students review the key concepts of the chapter. __ Chapter Review, SE Students are assessed through vocabulary exercises, questions about key concepts, and questions that require critical thinking skills. __ Standardized Test Preparation, SE Assign these questions with a time limit to prepare students for standardized testing. (GENERAL) __ Science Skills Worksheet, ANC This worksheet helps reinforce students’ use of basic science skills. (GENERAL) __ Study Guide, ANC Use this worksheet to assess student’s understanding of the main concepts presented in the chapter. (GENERAL) __ Graphic Organizer Transparency, Use this graphic organizer exercise to help students analyze the relationships between concepts presented in the chapter. (GENERAL) __ Concept Mapping Transparency, Use this concept mapping exercise to help students analyze the relationships between concepts presented in the chapter. (GENERAL) __ Concept Mapping Transparency Worksheet, Assign the concept mapping transparency worksheet for students to map the relationships between concepts presented in the chapter. (GENERAL) __ Vocabulary Review, ANC Use this worksheet to reinforce vocabulary terms presented in the chapter. (GENERAL) __ Critical Thinking Worksheet, ANC This worksheet exercises students’ critical thinking skills while applying concepts presented in the chapter. (ADVANCED) __ Quiz, ANC Assign the one-page chapter quiz for a quick chapter assessment. (GENERAL) __ Chapter Test A, ANC Assign questions from the appropriate test for chapter assessment. (GENERAL) __ Chapter Test B, ANC Assign questions from the appropriate test for chapter assessment. (ADVANCED) __ Test Generator, Create a customized homework assignment, quiz, or test using the ExamView® Test Generator. KEY SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher Edition ANC = Ancillary Workbook HBS = Holt Biosources Lab Program Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Modern Biology 4 Chapter 7 Lesson Plan __ Test Item Listing, Use the Test Item Listing to identify questions for a customized homework assignment, quiz, or test. __ Holt PuzzlePro® Use this software to create crossword puzzles and word searches that make learning vocabulary fun. __ Biology Interactive Tutor CD-ROM, Use these interactive activities to give students a fun way to extend their knowledge of biology concepts. OTHER RESOURCE OPTIONS __ Brain Food Video Quizzes, Use these quizzes to help students review the chapter material. __ Science, Technology, Society, Mitochondria: Many Roles in Disease, SE Students read this article and answer questions about it. (GENERAL) __ Project Idea, TE To access a project idea from Scientific American, go to go.hrw.com and type in the keyword HM6SAAT. (ADVANCED) __ Biotechnology Lab, Introduction to Fermentation, ANC Students assemble a working fermenter and produce the antibiotic bacitracin. (ADVANCED) __ Forensics Lab, Measuring the Release of Energy from Sucrose, ANC Students relate a change in temperature to the release of energy during fermentation. (ADVANCED) __ Forensics Lab, Micro-Voltaic Cells, ANC Students use a calculator-interfaced voltage probe to measure potential differences between various pairs of half cells. (ADVANCED) KEY SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher Edition ANC = Ancillary Workbook HBS = Holt Biosources Lab Program Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Modern Biology 5 Chapter 7