Full Service Central Station Fire Alarm Listing Evaluation Listing Evaluation A UL Listing project includes: 1. Evaluating the central station facility for compliance with UL 827, Central-Station Alarm Services 2. Analyzing the ability of central station staff to receive, process, and record signals received from selected systems in accordance with NFPA 72, The National Fire Alarm & Signaling Code. 3. Evaluating the actions of runners responding to simulated alarm conditions 4. Examining 3 installations for compliance with NFPA 72 5. Evaluating your company’s ability to service and maintain alarm systems in accordance with NFPA 72 Standards UL Standards are available from COMM 2000, at www.comm-2000.com or 888-853-3503. NFPA 72 may be purchased from the National Fire Protection Association at www.nfpa.org. Evaluation Details In general, our Listing evaluation will consist of evaluating the installation for compliance with a referenced edition of the NFPA 72, reviewing the system documentation, observing technicians performing periodic testing and inspection of the system, evaluating your company’s ability to service & maintain the system and evaluating the ability of the central station staff to process signals. Central Station Facility – Please complete a Fire Alarm Central Station Facility pre-evaluation data sheet and return it with the Listing Project quote acceptance. On the day of the central station facility evaluation, please have a technician available who has knowledge of the receivers, automation systems, your network, and all standby power systems. Service Test - An important part of the evaluation is to determine if your personnel are handling alarms in accordance with UL 827 & NFPA 72. During UL staff visits, a service test may be conducted (in coordination with the local Fire Service) by causing an alarm condition at one of the protected properties submitted for examination, witnessing runner arrival, and examining resultant Central Station records. Documentation & Records Review – NFPA 72 calls for specific documentation of every Fire Alarm System. During the evaluation, we will examine the following documents for each system to be examined: 1. Fire Alarm System Record of Completion Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC 2. As-Built (Record) Drawings 3. Operational Manuals 4. Manufacturer’s Testing and Maintenance Instructions/Procedures (may be in Operations Manuals) 5. Battery Calculations 6. Copy of Forms Used to Record Periodic Test and Inspection 7. A completed Acceptance Test record, performed by the Alarm Service Company 8. Required Contracts The Records Description Sheet (ensuing pages) describes the documents further Protected Property Evaluations – In order to evaluate compliance with NFPA 72, we will examine 3 alarm systems installed and operated in accordance with NFPA 72. The fire alarm installations may be a mixture of sprinkler water flow supervision, manual pull box or automatic fire detection service. It will be necessary to review an example of each type of service in at least one of the properties. We encourage a phone conversation with UL staff during evaluation set up to clarify and agree on details. None of these systems are required to be certificated after your listing has been established. However, if a Certificate is to be issued, any noncompliance noted during our evaluation must be corrected prior to issuance of the Certificate. Please complete pre-evaluation data sheets describing the elements of protection at the sample installation sites. Data sheets must be submitted when the Listing Project quote is accepted. 1 data sheet package and 1 Confirmation checklist should be completed for each of the 3 systems required for evaluation. The UL Listing evaluation will be based upon the information entered on the data sheets. Accurate information will significant expedite and simplify your evaluation. It is particularly important to identify the edition of NFPA 72 used in the system design & installation. Protected Property Evaluation Visits – On the day of the site evaluations, please have available: A qualified technician who is familiar with the protected properties and provided with any equipment necessary to test the devices and components used in the systems All equipment manuals and instructions Specimen documents used in conjunction with service and maintenance of alarm systems (job tickets, records of completion, etc) --------------------------------------If you have any questions, please contact UL Customer Service at 1-877-854-3577, ext 40227 Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC CENTRAL STATION FIRE ALARM (PROTECTIVE SIGNALING) SERVICE MONITORING STATION PRE-EVALUATION DATA SHEETS Completed forms must be returned to UL prior to the Evaluation Service Center Number: _____________ Central Station Co. Name: __________________________________________________ Service Center Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Name of Contact: ______________________________ Phone Number: _____________ e-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________ Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC RUNNER INFORMATION Number of Runners per Shift: Qty. in Station #1 1 2 3 4 _______ _______ _______ _______ Location of Runner (Circle applicable and describe below) Central Station Runner Station Vehicle Other ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNICATION MEANS Communication Between the Serving Central Station and the Runner(s): (Note: The communication means must be two-way) Type Test Schedule (1) ________________________________ ___________________________ (2) ________________________________ ___________________________ (3) ________________________________ ___________________________ Location of Test log: ______________________________________________________ Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC **** CENTRAL STATION BUILDING DESCRIPTION **** (Based on Fire Resistance Ratings UL 827, Tables 4.1) Occupancy Single ______ Multiple _______ Sprinkler System Yes ______ No _______ Automatic Fire Alarm System Yes ______ No _______ Exterior Bearing Wall Construction ________________________________________________ Interior Bearing Wall Construction ________________________________________________ Support Beams Construction ______________________________________________________ Support Columns Construction ____________________________________________________ Truss or Joist Construction _______________________________________________________ Floor/ceiling construction (If multiple story, list each floor/ceiling assembly.) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ If known, please provide the following information: Design, or fire resistance ratings of any combustible structural members, which comprise the building (Design Ratings based on current UL Fire Resistance Directory Vols. 1 & 2, or an Architect’s documentation) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC Roof construction _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Roof covering __________________________________________________________________ Class ‘A’ covering? _____________________________________________________________ NOTE: All interior doors and frames installed within walls that require a fire resistance rating; shall be UL fire rated for a minimum of 45 minutes. **** CENTRAL STATION OPERATING ROOM **** Location/Floor If central station is housed in a multiple occupancy building, please describe construction of any combustible walls, floors, and ceilings enclosing the central station operating room. Physical Security of the Station: Do walls enclosing Operating Room extend to the roofline or fixed assemblies? Yes ______ No ______ Construction of Entry Door(s): __________________________________________________ Is an Automatic Door Closer Installed? Yes ______ No _____ Is a manual means of identification installed? Yes ______ No _____ Can the door be readily left in an unlocked position? Yes ______ No _____ If an electric strike is used, is standby power provided? Yes ______ No _____ Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC Are there windows in the Operating Room? Yes ______ No _____ Describe the protection of any windows that are accessible from outside of the alarm service company’s offices: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ **** POWER/GENERATOR ROOM (S) CONSTRUCTION **** Location/Floor _________________________________________________________________ Power Room Wall Construction ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Power Room Floor Construction ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Ceiling Construction ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC Door(s) & Frame(s) Construction __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ If located indoors, are door(s) & frame(s) UL fire rated? Yes _______ No _________ Burglar Alarm Supervision Yes _______ No _________ Fire Alarm Supervision Yes _______ No _________ Ventilation Yes ________ No _________ If generator is located out of doors, please describe type of security: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ **** CENTRAL STATION STAFF **** No. on Duty per Shift 1 2 3 Operator(s) _____ _____ _____ _____ Runner(s) at Central Station _____ _____ _____ _____ Runner(s) at Runner Station _____ _____ _____ _____ Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 Shift 4 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC **** CENTRAL STATION EQUIPMENT **** TELEPHONE CABLE NOTE: Telephone conductors carrying signal and communications circuits into the building housing the central station shall be protected against mechanical damage, fire, and attack by methods outlined in UL 827, Section -10 Cable System. Please describe protection and routing of the telephone cable serving the central station: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ IF APPLICABLE: An antenna cable connecting a radio antenna to radio receiving and/or transmitting equipment located in a building housing the central station, and used to process UL Listed alarm signals shall be protected against fire, mechanical damage, and attack by the methods outlined in UL 827, Section -10.5 Antenna Cable. Please describe protection and routing of the antenna cable serving the central station: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC **** CENTRAL STATION RECEIVING EQUIPMENT **** RECEIVERS No. Units Manufacturer Model No. Connected to Automation System _______ ____________________ ___________________ __________ _______ ____________________ ___________________ __________ _______ ____________________ ___________________ __________ _______ ____________________ ___________________ __________ AUTOMATION EQUIPMENT Software Provider ________________________________ Version _______________________ Main Computer Mfg. ______________________________ Model No. ____________________ Redundant System? Yes_________ No________ Total Systems Monitored ______________Total Systems with Openings/Closings ___________ UPS Installed? Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 Yes _________ No ________ COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC **** SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY **** NOTE: Required standby power shall be in accordance with UL 827, Section 9 Power Supply (Please check box which best describes standby power) 24 hour Battery Supply with Rectifiers (s) or UPS [ ] Generator and 4 hour Battery Supply [ ] Two generators, one with auto start [ ] BATTERY CHARGERS Internal to the Receivers Yes _________ No _________ (If chargers are part of the receivers, proceed to the next section) External to the Receivers Yes _________ Model No. No _________ No. Units Manufacturer Output Rating _______ ______________________ ___________________ ______V______A _______ ______________________ ___________________ ______V______A GENERATOR(S) Mfg._____________________ Model __________________________ Rating ______________ Mfg._____________________ Model___________________________ Rating ______________ Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SOURCE Mfg. ____________________ Model___________________________ Rating ______________ Mfg._____________________ Model___________________________ Rating _____________ Battery Mfg.: ________________________________ Model No. ________________________ UPS Bypass Switch (For Routine Maintenance) _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Run Time on UPS Batteries _______________________________________________________ Additional Comments about any part of the Central Station: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC RECORDS DESCRIPTION SHEET Fire Alarm System Record of Completion A document that acknowledges the features of installation, operation, service, and equipment with representation by the property owner, system installer, system supplier, service organization and the authority having jurisdiction. An example of a record of completion form can be found in NFPA 72. As-Built (Record) Drawings As-Built drawings are drawings that document the location of all devices, appliances, wiring sequences, wiring methods and connections of the components of the fire alarm system as installed. These drawings must consist of current fire alarm system shop drawings, showing the location of fire alarm system components, remote power extenders, control units or modules. The drawings must also show the actual location of each alarm detection device, and audible appliance. Drawings provided must reflect the actual system installed. Where drawings are not available due to the extended life of the system installed, duplicate drawings must be produced depicting the current installation. Full-scale cad drawings are not required for the UL evaluation. Smaller versions may be submitted or made available at the time of our evaluation. The drawings should be done to scale and include a legend identifying all symbols that are used. Battery Calculations A battery calculation for a central station system consists of recording the current drain of each component of the fire alarm system in the normal supervisory load, totaling the supervisory loads and multiplying by 24 hours. In addition, the current drain of each individual component when in alarm mode is also recorded, totaled and multiplied by 5 minutes. The results of these calculations are combined and multiplied by a safety factor to establish the minimum amperehour capacity of the standby batteries. Acceptance Test Record An acceptance test is a test of all parts of the alarm system by the alarm service company that is maintaining the system. The test methods are described in NFPA 72 and the results shall be individually recorded for each component, device, appliance, and conductor. Copy of Original Equipment Submittals Original equipment submittals include a description of all devices that make up the fire alarm system. The listing category, visual description, power requirement for each device, and limits of usage must be included. These documents may be submitted prior to our on-site visit or made available at the time of our evaluation. Operational Manuals Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC Manuals defining the proper operation of all fire alarm system control equipment and peripheral devices must be provided for the end user. Documents must correspond with equipment models currently installed in the system. Manufacturer’s Proper Testing and Maintenance Requirements Testing shall be performed in accordance with the schedules and tables found in NFPA 72 or on a frequency approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Fire alarm system equipment shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Methods and instruments that measure certain parameters as required by the manufacturer must be provided at the time of our evaluation. As part of the testing required during our evaluation, the retransmission signal and the time of the retransmission shall be recorded in the central station. A record of these tests must be provided upon completion of our field investigation. Periodic Test and Inspection Forms The forms that are used to record periodic tests and inspections of fire alarm systems are required to display the each component, device, appliance and wiring that was tested and the tests that were conducted. Contracts Central station service requires the alarm service company establish contracts with the subscriber for the performance of inspection, testing, maintenance, monitoring, signal processing and runner service. A Listed local company may in turn subcontract the monitoring and signal processing to a UL Listed central station. Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC PROTECTED PROPERTY EVALUATIONS CHECKLIST & DATA SHEETS One set of the following Checklist & Data Sheets should be completed for each fire alarm system to be evaluated. These must be returned with the pre-audit data sheets when you accept our quote. Confirmation Checklist Please confirm that all requested items will be available in your office at the time of our visit by placing a check mark to the right of each item, sign and date as indicated below. Required Documents Fire Alarm System Record of Completion As-built (Record Drawings) Operational Manuals, (Verified on hand at premise or at the alarm service company office) Manufacturer’s Testing and Maintenance Requirements, (Verified on hand at premise or at the alarm service company office) Battery Calculations Copy of forms used to record periodic test and inspections Required Contracts Acceptance Test records (Signature) Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 (Date) COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC UL LLC FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PRE-EVALUATION DATA SHEETS Please Return Completed Forms to UL Prior to Audit PROTECTED PROPERTY Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: ALARM SERVICE COMPANY Service Center No: Name: Address: City: State: Representative: (Name & Title) Phone Number: ( ) Zip Code: COMMENTS AND CLARIFICATIONS Note: Clarify Location or Area of Coverage, as Needed Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC ALARM SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SYSTEM TYPE Select Type of System: --------- CENTRAL STATION SERVICE - NFPA 72 --------- REMOTE SUPERVISING STATION – NFPA 72 --------- PROPRIETARY SUPERVISING STATION - NFPA 72 --------- LOCAL ALARM SYSTEM - NFPA 72 Edition (year) Area Covered/Location: (Building(s), Floor(s), or Areas(s)) System Testing and Maintenance: Date of Periodic Testing and Maintenance Contract: Note: Variations in Testing and Maintenance Procedures from Standard shall be shown in Deviations Section: AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION AHJ Responsible for System: (Specify Name and Phone Number) Responding Fire Department: AUTOMATIC FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SERVICE Coverage: (Select One) Total Selected Area Partial Total – Detectors are installed in all rooms, halls, storage areas, basements, attics, lofts, spaces above suspended ceilings, and other subdivisions and accessible spaces as well as the inside of all closets, elevator shafts, enclosed stairways, dumbwaiter shafts, and chutes. Selected Area – Same code requirements as total coverage but protection is only provided for a specifically defined area(s) of the protected property. Indicate specific areas protected in Comments Section Page 1. Partial – Deviations from Total or Selected Area coverage. Protection provided as required by the AHJ in areas such as common areas and work spaces, such as corridors, lobbies, storage rooms, equipment rooms, and other tenantless spaces. Quantity: Type: Smoke Detectors Heat Detectors Duct Detectors Other Specify: Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC SPRINKLER SYSTEM WATERFLOW ALARM AND SUPERVISORY SERVICE Note: If all sprinkler risers and waterflow shutoff valves are not supervised, show in Deviations Section Type of System: Wet Pipe Dry Pipe Quantity: Type: Waterflow Switches Sprinkler Valve Supervisory Switches Other Supervisory Services: Quantity: Type: Water Pressure Devices Water Temperature Devices Water Level Devices Air Pressure Devices Room Temperature Devices Fire Pump Power Devices Fire Pump Running Devices Other Specify: MANUAL FIRE ALARM AND GUARD’S TOUR SUPERVISORY SERVICE Note: If proper number of fire alarm boxes required by standard is not installed, show in Deviations Section Quantity: Type: Manual Fire Alarm Boxes Guard Tour Stations Combination Manual Fire Alarm and Guard Tour Stations ALARM NOTIFICATION AND ANNUNCIATION DEVICES Note: If quantity and location of alarm notification devices does not comply with the Standard, show in Deviation Section Quantity: Type: Horns Bells Chimes Visual Signals Type: Audible/Visual Signals Type: Other Specify: Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 Strobe Strobe Light Light Graphic Graphic COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC EMERGENCY VOICE ALARM SERVICE Quantity: Type: Speakers Voice Alarm channels Speaker Zones Telephone Jacks CONTROL PANEL COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Manufacturers and Model Numbers. Indicate model numbers and manufacturers of all control units, sub-controls, annunciators, transmission devices, power supplies, and any components used within these units. Quantity: Manufacturer & Model Number: Description: If Additional space is needed, please attach separate sheet ALARM TRANSMISSION METHOD Circle those that apply: Digital Alarm Communicator Cellular Digital Communicator Radio System (two-way) Radio System (one-way) Multiplex Derived Channel Direct Wire Internet Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC SUPERVISING MONITORING STATION Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: UL File Number: Service Center Number: SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION Note: The following must be checked as available for all systems: Fire Alarm System Record of Completion As-Built (Record) Drawings Operational Manuals Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions Battery Calculations Copy of Form used to Record Periodic Test and Inspection Required Contracts SYSTEM DEVIATIONS FROM REFERENCED NFPA STANDARDS Note: If service provided (i.e. periodic testing, maintenance, response, or coverage) is not in accordance with NFPA Standard specified, the details must be shown on this section. Full_Service_Fire_Data_Info_Pack_2012 2012/06/25 COPYRIGHT © 2012 UL LLC