Stained Glass Window Project

Stained Glass Window Project
Using what you have learned in algebra class about graphing lines on the coordinate
plane, you will design your own stained glass window. In this section of algebra, you will
become familiar with the following methods of graphing lines and finding equations of
1. Graphing using Slope-Intercept Form
2. Graphing by finding the x and y intercepts
3. Finding equations of lines given slope and y-intercept
4. Finding equations given slope and 1 point on a line
Steps 3 and 4 above will be used during this project since the design will be drawn first,
and then the equations can be found.
1. Your stained glass window must include at the minimum 20 individual lines,
drawn through the entire coordinate plane, and labelled by number on the edge of
your poster. There should be 5 lines with a positive slope, 5 lines with a negative
slope, 5 vertical lines, and 5 horizontal lines.
2. The written equations that correspond to your numbered lines must be written on
a separate sheet of paper that will be included with your project.
3. You must color the poster with at least five different colors.
4. Make your window as unique and creative as possible. These will be posted in the
5. Your project must show a high level of accuracy, effort, and thought.
1. Begin by designing a sketch of your stained glass on a sheet of grid paper. This
eventually will be a smaller version of your final draft(do not make it bigger than
11 X 11)
2. When satisfied with your design, write ALL the equations necessary to complete
the stained glass picture on a separate sheet of paper. Do this before drawing the
lines on your final coordinate plane. EVERY line used must be referenced.
3. Transfer your “rough draft” version onto your final version coordinate system in
pencil. All lines must be lightly visible even after the coloring process is
completed. Color your project. Your may use crayons, colored pencils, glitter,
colored paper, watercolor paint, etc. The more unique, the more creative points
earned. Be sure that the lines used to create your project are visible AFTER your
coloring technique is applied.