Dred Scott v. Sandford Schedule

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) – Schedule
27 Precedents and Roles
28 DBQ Revisions
29 What happened before
All- Finish Precedents
All- Read through ENTIRE
packet and begin answering
clarifying questions
30 How does a Supreme
Court hearing work?
J- Define terms; analyze the
opinion in S v. EMA
A- Read through the packet,
highlight, answer questions in
step 1 and 2
N- Finish packet, begin
questions 5-9
2 What was the state
of the nation in 1857?
J- Learn your role,
answer Questions 1-5
on the back of the
packet, read the
Background of the Dred
Scott Case
A- Complete steps 3-5
N- Begin work on
article or political
3 How does perspective
affect opinion?
J- Reread your packet, master
your roles, discuss your
biases and how they may
affect your decision,
memorize the precedent
A- Begin writing your
argument via Google Docs
N- Continue working on
Article/Political Cartoon
4 How does perspective affect
J- Quiz each other on the
precedent cases, begin talking
with your justice’s voice,
develop questions based on the
Background of the Case and the
Attorney’s Argument pages
A- Complete rough of argument
via Google Docs
N- Start the final draft of your
article or cartoon
5 How does perspective
affect opinion?
J- Complete ALL work in
preparation for receiving the
attorney’s arguments; quiz
each other about the facts of
the case
A- Revise and complete
arguments, print copies
N- Prepare to share work with
the class. What is your
perspective/bias? Who is
your audience?
6 How does perspective affect
J- Review the Attorney’s
Arguments and develop a
series of deliberate questions
A- Think of questions the
justices may ask; memorize
precedent cases and facts from
the case
N- Share your work with the
class and explain your process
10 The Trial Begins!
J- Take notes; interrogate
attorneys for information and
A- The petitioner presents
argument, respondents take
N- Take notes, tweetograph,
write headlines
11 The Trial Continues
J- Take notes; interrogate
attorneys for information and
A- The respondent presents
argument, petitioners take notes
N- Take notes, tweetograph,
write headlines
12 The Trial Concludes.
J- Deliberate, vote, begin
planning and writing opinions
A- Answer journalists’
questions, write reflection
N- Interview attorneys, write
reflective article
13 Deliberate/Reflect
J- Write majority and
dissenting opinions
A- Revise and complete final
draft of reflection
N- Revise and complete final
draft of reflection
16 Delivery of the
17 Historical Relevance
18 Segue to Civil War
20 Final Trial Work Due
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) – Schedule
Learning Target Tracker
Learning Target
I can explain the role of the Supreme
I can compare a Supreme Court case
to a criminal trial.
I can rank the three most important
precedents and defend how they
pertain to my role in the trial
I can describe citizenship prior to the
Civil War as it applies to the social
structure of the U.S.
I can evaluate whether the Dred Scott
v. Sandford (1857) decision was moral.