TABLE OF CONTENTS - Women's National Book Association

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... i-ii
INDEX, ALPHABETICAL ........................................................................................ iii- iv
WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS .......................................................... 1
1992 BOARD MEETING MINUTES ............................................................. 1
NATIONAL OFFICERS - REPORTS ............................................................ 2-4
A. President Report ............................................................. 2
B. Vice President Report .................................................... 2
C. Secretary Report ............................................................. 2
D. Treasurer Report ............................................................. 3
E. Past President Report ..................................................... 4
CHAPTER REPORTS - SUMMARIES ......................................................... 4-9
A. Binghamton Chapter....................................................... 4
B. Boston Chapter ............................................................... 5
C. Detroit Chapter .............................................................. 5
D. Los Angeles Chapter ...................................................... 5
E. Nashville Chapter .......................................................... 6
F. New York Chapter .......................................................... 6
G. San Francisco Chapter ................................................... 7
H. Washington Chapter ....................................................... 8
COMMITTEE REPORTS ................................................................................ 9-11
A. WNBA Award ................................................................ 9
B. Corresponding Membership ........................................... 9
C. The Bookwoman ............................................................ 9
D. 75th Anniversary ............................................................ 9
E. U.N./NGO ...................................................................... 10
F. Development ................................................................. 10
OLD BUSINESS .............................................................................................. 11-14
A. Brochures ........................................................................ 11
B. Archives.......................................................................... 11
C. ALA/WNBA Breakfast .................................................. 11
D. Procedures Manual and By-Laws ................................... 12
E. New Chapters ................................................................. 14
F. Frontrunner Award ......................................................... 14
VII. NEW BUSINESS ............................................................................................. 14-16
A. WNBA/ABA Reception (Women in Publishing) ...........14
B. WNBA/ABA Saturday Breakfast/Pannell Awards .........14
C. Center for the Book Partnership ......................................14
D. Pannell Award .................................................................14
E. Advisory Committee .......................................................15
F. Nominations Committee..................................................16
G. 1994 Board Meeting ........................................................16
VIII. ADJOURN ............................................................................. 16
Adjournment .............................................................................................................16
Advisory Committee ..................................................................................................15
ALA/WNBA Breakfast ..............................................................................................11
Archives .....................................................................................................................11
Binghamton Chapter Report ......................................................................................4
Board Meeting (1994) ................................................................................................16
Board Minutes (1992) ................................................................................................1
The Bookwoman .........................................................................................................9
Boston Chapter Report ...............................................................................................5
Brochures ...................................................................................................................11
By-Laws .....................................................................................................................12
Center for the Book Partnership ................................................................................14
Corresponding Membership.......................................................................................9
Detroit Chapter Report ...............................................................................................5
Development Committee ...........................................................................................10
Frontrunner Award.....................................................................................................14
Los Angeles Chapter Report ......................................................................................5
Nashville Chapter Report ...........................................................................................6
New Chapters .............................................................................................................14
New York Report .......................................................................................................6
Nomination Committee..............................................................................................16
Pannell Award ............................................................................................................14
Past President Report .................................................................................................4
President Report .........................................................................................................2
Procedures Manual.....................................................................................................12
San Francisco Chapter Report ...................................................................................7
Secretary Report.........................................................................................................2
75th Anniversary........................................................................................................9
Sustaining Membership (Treasurer's Report) ............................................................3
Treasurer Report ........................................................................................................3
UN/NGO ....................................................................................................................10
Vice President Report ................................................................................................2
Washington Chapter Report .......................................................................................8
WNBA Award ...........................................................................................................9
WNBA/ABA Reception.............................................................................................14
WNBA/ABA Saturday Breakfast and Pannell Award...............................................14
Meeting held in Maiden Reading Room
George Lipscomb University Library
Nashville, Tennessee
Carolyn T. Wilson, National President, Nashville Chapter
Sue MacLaurin, National Vice President, Los Angeles Chapter
Margaret E. Auer, National Secretary, Detroit Chapter
Sylvia Cross, National Treasurer, Los Angeles Chapter
Patti Breitman, National Past President, San Francisco Chapter
Melva Naylor, President, Binghamton Chapter
Josephine Riss Fang, President, Boston Chapter
Barbara Wallace, President, Detroit Chapter
LaVonne Taylor, President, Los Angeles Chapter
Donna Paz, President, Nashville Chapter
Janet Rosen, President, New York Chapter
Diane U11ius, President, Washington, D.C. Chapter
Sandra Paul, Chair, Membership Committee, New York Chapter
Pamela Banks, Boston Chapter
Sue Bredensteiner, Nashville Chapter
Lee Fairbend, Nashville Chapter
Ann W. Goodpasture, Nashville Chapter
Myra Ishee, Nashville Chapter
Jeannette C. Lee, Binghamton Chapter
Georgiana McClenaghan, Nashville Chapter
Dorothy O'Conner, Boston Chapter
Suzanne Lavoie, President, San Francisco Chapter
Cathy Rentschler, ALA Representative
Sally Wecks1er, UN/NGO Representative
The May 26, 1993 meeting was called to order at 9:50am by President Carolyn Wilson.
President Wilson expressed the Board's thanks to Donna Paz and the Nashville Chapter for
making the preparations for the board meeting. Each board member was asked to introduce
herself giving her chapter and position within WNBA.
One correction was noted in the 1992 minutes. Page 20, third paragraph from the bottom:
1992 should be 1991.
Moved by Diane Ullius, seconded by Patti Breitman: "that the minutes be approved
as corrected." Motion passed unanimously.
President Report: Carolyn Wilson read her report into the record. Copy of written report
is attached to official minutes.
President Wilson summarized the highlights of the year. These included: the giving of the
WNBA Award to Jessie Carney Smith; the formal observance of the 75th Anniversary which
included successfully completing the two goals of wide-ranging coverage and raising the
consciousness of the reading public to contributions of women writers; and, the positive press
from the WNBA Award and the 75th Anniversary.
President Wilson recommended that the Board consider later in the meeting the previous
suggestion that an advisory committee for WNBA be established. Also, the President requested
support for the new two-year theme of the Center for the Book, "Books Change Lives."
President Wilson reaffirmed her commitment to the goals of WNBA. She will work to
encourage recognition of women in the book world and to keep an awareness in the public of the
civilizing influence of books.
Vice-President Report: Sue MacLaurin reporting. Copy of written statement attached to
official minutes.
The duties of the Vice President fell into three categories: 1) updating WNBA listings in
various national publications and directories; 2) responding to 75th anniversary inquiries; and 3)
helping to update the national and chapter procedures manuals. Eight reference book directory
entries were updated, including one new entry in the Membership & Professional Resource
Directory published by Women in Communications.
Basically, spelling errors and obsolete information were removed from both the national
and chapter manuals. New national manual was mailed to the national officers and committee
chairs, chapter manual was mailed to chapter presidents.
Goals for next year include: produce a "basic fact sheet for new board members, update
procedures manual based on changes suggested at national board meeting, learn more about the
WICI group in order to expand WNBA's member base, search for other national directories in
which WNBA should be listed, and carry out additional duties assigned by President Wilson.
Secretary Report: Margaret Auer reporting. Copy of written report attached to official
Secretary Auer distributed forms to be completed which will provide information for the
development of the national board roster and the association's stationery.
A supplies order form which requested information on individual need for national
stationery, envelopes, brochures, and inserts was distributed. Chapter roster form was also
distributed and request was made to complete and return to Secretary by mid-August, 1993.
Treasurer Report: Sylvia Cross reporting. Copy of financial reports attached to
official minutes.
Seven documents were distributed: Chapter Memberships for the Years Ended May
31, 1992 and 1993; Sustaining Membership for the Years Ended May 31, 1992 and 1993;
Statement of Revenues and Expenses for Years Ended May 31, 1992 and 1993; Cash
Reconciliation For the Year Ending May 31, 1993; Statement of Income and Expenses for
the Fiscal Year Ended May 31, 1992 and 1993; Revenues, Expenses, and Cash Position
Quarter Ended 5/16/93; Lucile Micheels Pannell Award Trust Fund Statement of Revenues,
Expenses, and Cash Position for Program-Year 1992-93. Except where noted, all reports
were as of 5/15/93.
Treasurer Cross reported that national is in good financial condition. Audited copy of
national financial will be sent to board members at a later date.
Chapter membership per capita contribution to national was at $6.00/member. 1992
figures are arranged in order of size of contribution. Washington is the largest chapter; New
York membership information is 155 as of April; total membership as of April is 847. With
the second per capita payment national received about $5,000 from chapters.
Sustaining memberships: Avon Books and HarperCollins sent both their 1992 and
1993 payments during this budget year; a number of sustaining members have not yet been
renewed and should receive another renewal notice from President Wilson. Revenue from
sustaining members is up from $7,700 to $8,660 net.
The second column (numbers in parenthesis) following the sustaining members
payments are the incentive payments given back to chapters for having solicited original
membership; Nashville received $150 for Baker & Taylor with the remaining incentive
payments going to New York Chapter. The Washington Post will not be able to participate
this year. National received more income in this area for 1993 than was budgeted.
Revenues and expenses summary highlights include: corresponding membership is at
79, up from 43; donations of $3,278.50 were received for the WNBA 75th anniversary
celebration with a substantial amount coming from Ingram (corporate and personally from
Martha Ingram); interest received has decreased become of the economy; expenses for the
75th anniversary were at $3,560 so the net expense on the celebration was only a few
hundred dollars; except for one, all the officer expenses were under budget; other expenses
were fairly low; The Bookwoman amount represents only one issue distributed at this time;
the gifts were to the Mary Gabor endowment and Betsy????? gift; legal fees are to New
Jersey State for WNBA incorporation fees.
Cash reconciliation shows that the balance as of May 15, 1993 are net revenues of
$5,060.56 and net balance of $34,493.90; checking account and CD account also equals
The Pannell Award income from trust fund is actually from last year but not recorded
until this fiscal year. The $7,281.80 is the income from the trust fund, including interest from
last budget year but not deposited until this fiscal year and $3,100 interest from this year. The
cost for the 1993 awards has already been encumbered; administrative expenses were from
last year but not requested until after June 1st, 1992; miscellaneous expense was for the
certificate calligraphy.
Revenue, expenses, and cash position: minus sign in last column on right means
amount is under budget; national projected $1,550 in revenue and $1,900 in expenses; deficit
spending was expected because no income was anticipated for the 75th anniversary
celebration; however at this time of the year there is a $5,000 surplus instead of a $3,500
deficit; actual income was $18,006 with $14,716 budget; WNBA/ABA open house expenses
is projected to be $300 (Miami) but the amount which is currently listed is the actual for
Anaheim reception.
Pannell Award committee expenses were budgeted at $300 but at the last board
meeting payment by national of the chairs expenses was approved. With no chair this year
no funds were spend.
Pannell Award: administrator expenses are M. Abel's costs; jury expenses are from
B. Hale's committee; this year's trust interest payment on Pannell trust will again be spread
over two fiscal years; as expenses are watched carefully the Pannell account can be rebuilt.
Income from trust has been steadily decreasing. In 1991/92 it appears the trust officers
liquidated some of the assets to help the association salvage the award by providing
emergency cash adjustment. Hopefully, this will not occur again.
A correction was noted that in Revenue and Expenses the WNBA Award should be
for 1992 not 1993.
Past President Report: Patti Breitman. Copy of written report attached to official
Past President: 1) noted that the WNBA new administration has ably and
enthusiastically taken charge, calling on her only occasionally for feedback and advice; and
2) congratulated the President and Vice President on a very productive year and invited the
officers and entire board to call on her as needed in the future.
Chapter president reports were made available to those present. President Wilson
requested that each representative summarize the chapter's activities.
Binghamton Chapter: Melva Naylor reporting. Copy of the report attached to official
This is the smallest chapter but a very active one considering the number of
members. The chapter participated in two fund raisers; program highlights included the
excellence in writing award given to 6th grade students; gift books were given during the
holidays to three major hospitals and a shelter for battered women and children; the chapter's
participation is with the Broome County Status of Women's Council, whose 1992 honoree
was WNBA chapter member and author, Eunice Stamm; chapter produces two newsletters
per year.
Boston Chapter: Josephine Fang reporting. Copy of written report attached to
official minutes.
Chapter has 127 members; chapter tried to adopt programs to 75th anniversary theme
including the annotated bibliography of 75 award books (thanks to A. Oakley who wrote all
annotations, Jane Manthorne and Hermes Boyatis who designed and produced list); A.
Oakley produced a bookmark with excerpts from some of the 75 books which were
distributed to the eastern region public libraries.
Programs included: writing about the movies, a literary tour, jointly supported the
Boston Globe Book Festival with one of the 75th award authors, the Boston Globe book and
author luncheon, how to publish from a manuscript to finished book, a holiday tea fund raiser
with children's book sale, a continuation of who reads what in Boston, writing about food, a
visit to bible exhibit at Christian Science Center, adult literacy to promote education and
reading, politics of women's health including how to get reliable information, art for
beginners; and, a final program will be Women's Words - with a southern accent with
President Wilson.
Membership fee has been increased to $35 for regular members and $15 for students
and retirees. Newsletter continues to be published regularly.
Detroit Chapter: Barbara Wallace reporting. Copy of written report attached to
official minutes.
Chapter three dinner meetings this year included: a celebration of the 75th
anniversary with speaker addressing the themes in women's literature and how the themes
related to the 75th anniversary books, a visit to an art gallery which specializes in original art
work from children's books, and, the third meeting will include giving the Detroit WNBA
bookwoman of the year award.
Membership increased; membership brochure designed; produced a 75th bookmark;
three newsletters were produced. Service projects included: sending books to an emergency
shelter for abused women and to a center for children with aids; chapter is one of 14
cosponsors of a metro Detroit book and author luncheon. Chapter's bookwoman of the year is
an author of 76, 45 word stories.
Los Angeles Chapter: LaVonne Taylor, reporting. Copy of written report attached
to official minutes.
One of the most successful programs was a panel of literary agents who responded to
questions from the audience; other programs included authors and literary agents; Judy
Lopez award will be given to Graham Salisbury, author of Blue Skin of the Sea; have
numerous outreach programs with other writers organizations and chapter shares newsletters
information; chapter is putting together an advisory council of leaders in media, publishing,
education, and bookselling as a way of raising the profile of WNBA/LA. Writers contest
continues; chapter looking for a newsletter editor; membership has decreased. Chapter goals
for '94 include: to increase membership, to raise funds, and to continue outreach to other
organizations to enlarge the sphere of chapter influence.
Nashville Chapter: Donna Paz reporting. Copy of written report attached to official
Rutledge Hill Press in honor of WNBA national meeting in Nashville contributed an
autographed copy of Life's Little Instruction Book, Volume II, to each board member in
Programming included: who reads what in Nashville, the Southern Festival of Books,
positions with publishing, Book'em program to bring children and books together; the Tennessee
Humanities Council gave chapter funding for program for 75th anniversary, another grant has
been requested; Tennessee Trailblazers was published with chapter providing the marketing; for
the first time the chapter participated in supporting the Athena Award with ten other local
organizations in which President Wilson was recognized as one of the nominees of the award.
Dues were increased to $22; by-laws were revised; the board was restructured with Vice
President changing to Vice President/ President-Elect; Tennessee Alliance still under the
umbrella of chapter.
Board adjourned for lunch at 11:50am and reassembled at 1:45pm.
New York Chapter: Janet Rosen reporting. Copy of written report attached to official
Membership increased by eleven percent but attendance was lower at monthly programs.
Programs included: women in science fiction, readings from the 75th anniversary books, literacy,
art of the book, women poets, electronic publishing, censorship and the first amendment, and
women's issues in the nineties co-sponsored by Black Women in Publishing. Program income
ended with a deficit this year but chapter still completed year with a surplus and strong financial
Membership list has been traded to two other publishing related organizations;
membership form was redesigned; of concern is the number of individuals who have joined but
did not renew, even phone calls have not resulted in renewals.
Newsletter was distributed monthly with highlights from board meeting included; chapter
funds have been allocated to the newsletter editor for training on the computer, including set
up, template, and design.
Job referral service continues with 175 job entries appearing; a dozen companies
routinely submit postings, while others come in randomly; chapter stationery is being redesigned;
a gift membership of $25 is being proposed with renewal at full membership rate; tote bags are
being considered; chapter is looking at Saturday or Sunday seminars to be held at member's
home; and mentoring program for members is being investigated.
Efforts are being made to strengthen WNBA's commitment to volunteer work; CONYO
(Council of New York Communication Organizations has been dissolved.
Goals for next year include: keeping membership up; increasing membership; getting
development committee started; getting more people involved; and new letterhead and brochures.
President Wilson noted that she has a tape (audio) of the New York 75th anniversary
celebration program and would be willing to circulate the tape among the board.
San Francisco Chapter: Suzanne Lavoie reporting. Copy of written report attached to
official minutes.
Five dinner meetings were held with planners changing the ratio of time for the cocktail
hour and the time for actual meeting and this change allowed more time for networking. Each
meeting began with self introductions which helped give people a feeling of belonging and
allowed individuals to make contacts with others in the room. Board members now have
permanent name tags which allow new members to seek out board members to ask questions. At
programs, board members now sit with other members rather then with just their friends, this is
an attempt to get a board member at every table. Speakers are asked to give names of who they
would like invited to their program (e.g. friend, colleagues) and this has increased attendance.
Program included: food, children's book program, how to work a room with speaker
making attenders work the room, an art historian speaking on Isidore Duncan, and menopause
naturally--positive lifestyle changes one can make to ease menopause. The history of food
meeting was also the chapter's 75th anniversary celebration which was a birthday party with
flowers, balloons, and cake.
One of the goals for next year is to encourage early and mid-career women to join
WNBA so that the organization is not perceived as being just a group of retirees. The transition
has been happening but a lot of founding members of the chapter are still active, so a number of
first timers are sometimes taken aback when walking into a room seeing so many older women
and thinking maybe there is not a place for them. There has been a visible effort to make sure
people of all ages and all levels of experience are encouraged to join.
The first president of the chapter is Effie Lee Morris and the chapter voted unanimously
to award her the title of Founding President Emeritus.
Chapter participated in the San Francisco Bay Area Festival using the WNBA 75th
anniversary poster. Also people were tempted into the booth using candy.
Chapter social projects included: a gift of $250 for the purchase of children's books was
given to a center for women in prison who have children; donating books for the children's
witness/victim room at the district attorney's office; participation in the NOW poster/essay
contest by giving funds for the third place awards; and initiating a book drop box at every
meeting to gather books for a center which assists women and their children.
Membership is steady but attendance at programs decreased; the newsletter was issued
five times in the year; chapter's best publicity continued to be the arts section of the San Francisco
Chronicle; and the chapter is financially stable.
In the fall the chapter will celebrate its 25th anniversary. All chapter past presidents in a
planning session will brainstorm how to celebrate the event.
Washington D.C. Chapter: Diane U11ius reporting. Copy of written report attached to
official minutes.
Programs included: composing your career (mid-career and career change options),
vision and voices of women writers, booksellers of the 90's which included doing an interview of
booksellers, children's books in the 90's, small group format where attenders moved from one
conversation pod to another, birth of a book with four authors talking about the creative process,
special collections, and what Washington reads.
Programs for next year include caterers and cooking teachers talking about their favorite
cookbooks and recipes, hot topics in publishing and books for communicators, and diaries and
Finances are sound, with balance increased from previous audit. Dues will be raised for
'94 with sliding scale lowest category now breaking even. Chapter is looking at sustaining
sponsorship at $100-$200 level for small publishing companies in the Washington area. There is
some resistance to the national sustaining membership price range for small businesses so chapter
is approaching those smaller concerns. Sixty-five letters have been sent out.
Newsletter is using a women’s owned printer; directory to be distributed; knowledgeable
person now managing the chapter database providing better information on labels; individuals are
responding to renewals letter, with steady, slow increase.
Membership is up eight percent; three well-known, experienced community individuals
have served one year on the board but all are declining to serve again; next year individuals with
specific skills will be asked to join the board, with an attempt to have a balance of experience and
younger members.
A new chapter service is the phone-based job line where up to 25 calls a day are being
received; information on needed equipment can be found in chapter's annual report; project is
giving chapter visibility, however, a public relations blitz should have occurred before initiating
the program.
The chapter is looking at three possible projects with the Girl Scouts: matching working
writers’ group with budding girl scout writers, participating in career fairs, and/or participating in
a shadowing day with girls visiting the work place of working women.
All participants in the book publishing institute at Howard University have been invited
to be guests at the chapter's annual lunch. The chapter wants to support students' of diverse
backgrounds entry into publishing.
Member discounts continue to be available on legal services; a new service is the
discount on workshops from Word Tamers.
Three challenges face the chapter: to increase visibility of chapter in book community, to
become an entity in wider Washington community, and to diversity board and membership.
WNBA Award: Donna Paz reporting. Copy of report attached to official
The WNBA Award was presented to Jessie Carney Smith on Nov. 8, 1992. The
presentation of the award was in the Fisk University chapel, reception in Jubilee Hall.
Approximately 100 people attended the reception including a representative from Boston and
Detroit chapters. A great deal of publicity was given in library journals; PW unfortunately did not
give any coverage to the award; the cost of the celebration came in under budget.
Corresponding Membership: Sandra Paul reporting.
Corresponding membership doubled this year, from 43 to 79. Renewals were sent to
anyone who had previously been a corresponding member and this, along with the 75th
anniversary celebration, resulted in increased corresponding membership.
The Bookwoman: LaVonne Taylor reporting. Copy of report attached to official minutes.
L. Taylor thanked all contributors for their submissions: chapter reports were distinctive
and interesting; A. Gorelick continued to write reviews on books by and about women; the ongoing indexing series has been useful; acknowledged that three awards to members were
highlight; and, press releases from sustaining members were considered and placed in The
Bookwoman when space allowed.
Twelve hundred (1200) copies have been produced for each issue with additional copies
sent to the chapters for their use. The schedule for last two issues has been delayed due to
production house response. Keying time is billed but design has not so, unfortunately, this has
resulted in the production house delaying WNBA's work in lieu of other paying customers.
Therefore, the editor has decided to assume typesetting and designing responsibilities herself.
Advertising proposal is still a possibility, however, an advertising manager is needed. If a
volunteer cannot be found to take on this project, implementation should be delayed. D. Ullius
said she would check within the Washington chapter whether anyone would be willing to take on
the responsibility.
President Wilson acknowledged that the quality of The Bookwoman has been
significantly better. It is a publication for which the association can be proud.
75th Anniversary: Carolyn Wilson reporting.
The activities for the 75th Anniversary were designed with two purposes: to increase the
visibility of WNBA and to highlight the works of women writers. Both goals have been
accomplished. Phone requests for information were not tracked, but over one thousand written
inquiries were received. Exposure due to media exposure and publication of articles cannot be
calculated. Another benefit has been ability to target areas where there is interest in establishing a
chapter. Also, hundreds of names of individuals who made inquiries were sent to chapter
Adele Horwitz of the San Francisco Chapter should be acknowledged as the originator of
the idea to select 75 books to honor for the 75th anniversary.
In the anticipation that further requests will be received, a folded bookmark like designed
by Detroit chapter could be designed for national. The Boston annotated list order form could also
be used. WNBA national should explore a way to have continued mailing of 75 honored book
Camera ready copy of the folded bookmark was requested from the Detroit chapter. The
Detroit chapter president will provide President Wilson with a draft of a new 75 award books
bookmark which should be letter size and should delete the WNBA information on the one side.
Once camera ready copy is available and approved by President Wilson, a camera ready copy will
be sent to each chapter president.
Moved by Patti Breitman, seconded by Janet Rosen: "that the Detroit Chapter
provide camera ready copy of the 75 award/folded bookmark for each chapter
(back side clear), that national will fund cost of copy ready copy and mailing, and
that the national bookmark will be produced by Donna Paz (national will have
contact information for each chapter)." Motion passed unanimously.
UN/NGO: No report submitted.
President Wilson asked whether the relationship with UN/NGO should be continued.
There is a direct benefit to say WNBA is a UN/NGO member, however, very few issues are
relevant to WNBA.
UN/UGO representative should be asked to write an article for The Bookwoman and
report on issues discussed at UN/UGO meetings. It might be better to explore possible advantages
to membership and/or determine whether a new representative with more time could take on this
responsibility. Current representative should be contacted to discuss the situation.
On the other side, if some issue arises in the UN which WNBA wants to influence there
would already be a relationship. President Wilson will explore whether Sally Wecksler wishes to
continue and if not, whether anyone from the New York chapter has an interest.
Development: Sandra Paul report.
Sandra Paul recommended that the development position be discontinued. There is no
real understanding what is the purpose of the "Development Committee." Previously it included
estate planning and getting new sustaining members.
Moved by Sylvia Cross, seconded by Josephine Fang: "that the position of
Development Chairperson be discontinued." Passed unanimously.
Sandra Paul also questioned the appropriateness of the Corresponding Membership title.
It was noted that corresponding membership is not solicited and renewal letters are routinely sent.
Corresponding membership information is also incorporated in response letters sent by the
national secretary.
The title does not really describe the current position functions which include:
coordination of solicitation of sustaining membership by chapters, retaining files on planned
giving, and national office coordination.
Moved by ?, seconded by Barbara Wallace: “that the Corresponding Membership
title be changed to Membership Committee Chairperson.: Motion carried: 6 yes, 2
no, 2 abstentions.
President Wilson posed the question whether the national brochure should be revised.
Without cover letter it is not clear whether individual should be joining as a corresponding or full
member. It was noted that the national secretary provides a cover letter. It was a consensus that
the same brochure, but new inserts, will need to be printed. Josephine Fang will ask Chris
Reynolds to have the brochure and new inserts produced. Secretary Auer will provide the revised
President Wilson reminded board members that chapter documents should be labeled and
sent annually to the archives. Information on what should be sent and the address is found in the
national manual.
President Wilson also announced that the head of the archives has been changed. Material
in the future should be sent to: Ms. Bernard Crystal, Archivist, Butler Library, Rare Books and
Manuscripts, Columbia University. Phone number is (212) 854-2231 or 854-5153; fax number is
(212) 222-0331.
The response to whether all national ballots get sent to archives was no.
ALA/WNBA Breakfast: Carolyn Wilson reporting
Jesse Carney Smith will be the speaker at the WNBA breakfast at ALA. Very little
information is provided on this annual event. Information should be in the ALA pre-conference
and conference booklet. Board members are to encourage their chapter members to attend the
breakfast. It was suggested that President Wilson make arrangements for this breakfast in early
January and provide information to the chapters as early as possible for their newsletter.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:35 pm.
Thursday, May 25, 1993
WNBA Board Meeting
Meeting was called to order by President Wilson at 9:45 am.
Procedures Manual and By-laws: Sue MacLaurin reporting.
Vice President MacLaurin has been working on updating the national procedures manual.
The following changes are recommended:
table of contents: add Pannell Award Committee
page 1, National President, July/Aug #1: MacLaurin will confirm who is the current
contact person at the United Nations.
in the future all contact persons mentioned in the manual will be listed on a separate sheet
page 3, National President, October, statement 4: the responsibility for updating directory
information should be assigned to the Vice President
page 3, National President, January, statement 1: statement is inappropriate because date
and place of the next year’s annual national board meeting is always determined at the
current board meeting
page 4, National President, February, statement 2: amend to indicate number of copies of
annual chapter report to be taken to national board meeting; amend to indicate only one
copy of unaudited/audited annual financial statement to be given to treasurer.
add to National President responsibility: arrangements for cocktail party at ABA,
providing sign in sheets, and arrangement for refreshments with hotel.
page 16, National Secretary, statements la and lb: amend and combine to indicate that
first draft is sent to all members of executive committee at the same time.
page 26, Corresponding Membership Chair: change title to Membership Chair; duties
remain the same.
By consensus Vice President MacLaurin will make the above changes in the national
procedures manual and distribute new pages to the members of the board and chapter presidents.
Sue MacLaurin then led a discussion on changes in the Association By-Laws. These are
reflected in the changes noted below.
article II, paragraph 3 should be checked against national brochure and goals as stated in
charter; if goal statement appears in national brochure it should be added to by-laws; if
goals are in conflict with charter by-law statement should be revised.
article III, Section 1, paragraph 2: Question was asked whether the words that are
currently lined out in the by-laws are a recommended change or was this change
previously approved; response indicated that a previous board had amended statement
and wording was deleted
article III, Section I, paragraph 2: add "nominate candidates for national office and
article III, Section 5, paragraph 1: change to “Local sponsoring membership is available
to any individual or local organization who desires to make an additional annual
contribution to the chapter. Local…”
article III, Section 5, paragraph 2: “local sponsoring membership is open only to
individuals who re not employed by potential sustaining members” should be deleted;
second sentence “local sponsoring membership may not supplant sustaining membership
in the corporation” should remain.
article III, Section 6 A. This by-law directive does not occur in the chapters; restate that
chapter membership should be determined by the chapter by-laws and combine with
second sentence in this paragraph.
article IV, Section 3, sentence 1: delete sentence.
article IV, Section 3, sentence 2: amend "...with a membership roster" to " with a list of
article VI, Section 8, sentence 2: "The treasurer shall keep an official membership roster
as supplied by the chapters and the Membership Chair" delete from here and add to
procedures manual rewording to "The treasurer shall receive an official. .."
article VI, Section 8, last sentence: "elected" should be removed with wording to be
determined during revision.
At this point, Treasurer Cross requested that Vice President Sue MacLaurin be designated
as the second check signatory for the next year. By consensus the board approved.
article IX, Section 5:
article IX, Section 7: an explanation on how to conduct a run-off election should be
added to the procedures manual.
delete "Each chapter shall reimburse. .." sentence
Moved by Sue MacLaurin, seconded by Patti Breitman: that proposed amendments
in the By-laws be mailed to board members by Sept 1 for ratification by Jan 15,
1994. Motion passed 11 Yes, 1 No
By consensus it was agreed that each amendment will be voted on separately. There
should be a consensus on proposed changes, should any disagreement occur those items should
be brought back to the next annual meeting.
New Chapters: Carolyn Wilson reporting.
Inquiries about how to establish a chapter were received from Milwaukee, Washington
state, Dayton, several areas of Texas, and Minneapolis. Requested information was forwarded.
Most are perceived as being in limbo, except for Texas. There appears to be an organizational
meeting being held in Dallas. Dayton, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis have not responded to the
information they were sent. Washington will be closely followed up on.
Frontrunner Award
Donna Paz asked for clarification on WNBA's submission for this award. It was noted
that a 1992 board motion stipulated that the WNBA Award chairperson should submit the name
of the 1992 WNBA Award winner for the Frontrunner Award. Donna Paz will prepare the
documentation on Dr. Jessie Carney Smith for submission.
WNBA/ABA Reception: Carolyn Wilson reporting
There is a WNBA reception Friday afternoon in Miami in the Pasture Room of the
Fontainebleau Hotel. Listed as a reception for Women in Publishing may be a deterrent to
attendance. It was suggested that the reception title be change to Women's National Book
Association reception. Second choice could be Book Women reception.
WNBA/ABA Saturday Breakfast and Pannell Award
Two reserve tables will be arranged by Sandra Paul. It was again noted that the WNBA
name is not associated with this breakfast or the Pannell Award. The Association should work to
having this situation changed.
Center for the Book Partnership - Books Change Lives. Diane Ullius reporting. Copy of
report attached to official minutes.
Chapters are encourage to link themselves to the Center (national) or, if a center is
available, within their state. Michael Thompson should be kept informed of any activities.
Pannell Award: Carolyn Wilson reporting. Copy of report attached to official minutes.
According to the trust agreement the administrating body for the award is a committee
appointed annually by the President to consist of the President-elect, the Past President, the
President, and one prominent member of the association. Since Bob Hale has been chair of the
Pannell jury since the beginning, he was appointed by the President as the prominent member and
acting chair of the Pannell Committee.
Alan Marshall agreed to serve as administrator for this year without fee. Susannah
Greenberg served as publicist.
The confirmation of appointments for a 1993/94 Pannell Award chair and administrator
was requested by President Wilson. In addition, President Wilson distributed both a list of
responsibilities for these positions and a projected budget that were prepared by B. Ha1e and A.
President Wilson noted that miscommunication through the ABA newswire, including
the error not being corrected, resulted in WNBA being required to pay awards of $1,000 each this
year. Next year the submission form will again indicate the monetary award at $500.
B. Hale recommended that a new logo be designed. It was noted that the current design
has not met the needs of WNBA. A better connection should be made with the organization and
logo, including using the logo on submission forms, press releases, and certificate of citation.
Since a logo design will be expensive, the Pannell administrative committee should discuss the
concept of what the design should contain before approaching a designer.
Moved by Sylvia Cross, seconded by Patti Breitman: “that Bob Hale be asked to
chair the Pannell Award and that Alan Marshall be asked to be the award’s
administrator.” Motion passed 10 yes, 2 abstentions.
The jury also made the recommendation that efforts should be made to increase
submissions including simplifying the application. President Wilson indicated that the governing
committee will continue to be the members of the board as indicated earlier.
President Wilson should add to the Pannell administrator's responsibilities: "Chapter
presidents should receive a copy of the ABA Newswire release." This would allow chapters also
to promote submissions for the award.
Moved by Diane Ullius, seconded by Sue MacLaurin: "that a RFP be issued
requesting proposals on handling publicity for the Pannell Award and that the
Pannell administrative committee select the individual or corporation to receive the
contract." Motion passed: 11 yes, 1 abstention.
Vice President MacLaurin will prepare the RFP application form and submit it to the
administrative committee.
The 1993 Pannell Award winners were announced as Karen Creech of junior Editions, a
children’s bookstore in Columbia, Maryland and Kathy L. Patrick of Barron’s Books, a general
bookstore in Longview, Texas.
In instances where the winning bookstore is in a chapter, the chapter should extend an
honorary membership for one year. The award winner should received copy of The Bookwoman
for one year.
Advisory Committee: Carolyn Wilson reporting.
Although an Advisory Committee should be considered by the board, there was not
sufficient time to address the issue. President Wilson recommended that it be on the next board
meeting agenda for discussion.
Nominations Committee
President Wilson indicated that a Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary will need to be
elected next spring. A committee to select candidates to run for these offices must be constituted.
Members nominated for this committee were: Patti Breitman, Josephine Fang, and Diane Ullius.
Patti Breitman and Diane Ullius agreed to serve. Josephine Fang will be contacted by President
Wilson. The Board unanimously agreed to the membership of the Nominating Committee.
Complete ballots will be sent to Sandra Paul who will forward them to the Nomination
Committee for counting.
1994 Board Meeting
The Los Angeles Chapter offered to host the 1994 board meeting. The meeting will be
held Wednesday (May 25, 1994) and Thursday (May 26, 1994).
Thanks were again extended to President Wilson and Donna Paz for their hospitality.
Moved by all present, seconded by all present: "that the meeting be adjourned."
Motion passed: 11 Yes.
Meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted.
Margaret E. Auer, Secretary
Carolyn Wilson, President