Jackleen Badra

Hi! My name is Jackleen Khair Badra. I am a single mother of three daughters, who are a joy
in my life. I am known by many as JJ or Jackie. My mom is the reason I am who I am today and
we are happy to have her, in our lives. I went back to school, because I wanted to be educated. I
am first generation college student on both my mom and dad’s side. Being a woman of Middle
Eastern culture, I was never encouraged to finish high school, much less attend college. I fell in
love with the educational system and decided to become a teacher. As a student, I still have a lot
to learn, but I am willing to give it my best shot. I believe, I will be a great teacher, because I
love kids. I have developed patients and understanding of kids, by being a mother, a Girl Scout
leader and I also have taught PSR at my local Catholic Church. Through my level one class, I did
student observation hours at a local Middle School, that’s for sure was when I knew I found my
calling. But to be a great teacher, I first have to be a good student.
“Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have
greatness thrust upon them.”
William Shakespeare
Reading and Writing across America
High school English
Ms. JJ Badra
Fall /2009
The Rationale:
It would seem in the educational world that the most important time for adolescence is
high school. What happens in high school sets the bar, for more often than not, the rest of their
lives. Education is very important, but how we as educators teach, is just as important. We
cannot keep with the old methods of teaching and learning strictly by the book. We need to
engage teens and make them a part of their education. That is why I set up a reading and writing
system that would be able to educated, inform and enhance their minds.
The Summary:
The students will be writing a short story that is based on actual events, and then add their
own fictional twist to it. The students will pick a state in America, study up on a particular event
that shaped that state and make themselves a part of it. It could be something that happened over
a 100 years ago or even as early as this year. This will give them an opportunity to combine
reading and writing while developing greater use knowledge for both. Giving student a choice of
what they want to study motivates them more into studding and completing an assignment.
There will be several objectives to this project.
1. Students expanding on their knowledge of the US
2. Knowing how to use the library recourses correctly
3. Expanding their mind by making them responsible for their learning
4. Using proper English grammar and quotations
5. Developing an understanding that reading and writing are equivalent
Length of Curriculum:
This will develop throughout a month’s time.
Materials and Resources:
Teacher and school will be providing:
1. Handouts to help explain this assignment
2. Class time and Library time for this project
3. One on one time with the teacher
4. A grading rubric
The student will need the following items: A flash drive and a journal
Means of Assessment:
Throughout this project the teacher will be evaluating and grading based on
Meetings with the teacher
Turning in different assignments at different times
Their brief summary of state and event of choice
A brief outline
1st rough draft
2nd rough draft
Final paper
Evaluation of work by student
Teacher center lesson plan
Before the Reading and Writing across America assignment:
Make and have ready the handouts for the first day of class assignment. Set up three library
meeting times for your class, so students could get work done on their research. Have some ideas
of states and events available for students who need that extra help. Make a calendar for students
to sign up on when to meet with you for their-one on one, should plan on having follow up for
those needing extra help. Also talk to the torturing people to see when they are available for
helping during some of your class times.
The First week:
With two library dates set for this week, the students should have an idea on what they
want to do by Friday. On Friday collect a copy of their brief summary.
The second week:
Monday last day for class library, students should be advised to use the library at their own
time, to help with their resources. Start the sign up for one on one and collect the outline by
Tuesday and 1st rough draft by Friday.
The third week:
All the editing should be done by Tuesday of the first draft and writing for the 2nd rough
draft should be done by Friday.
The Final week:
The students should be finalizing their short story. The final copy should not be less than
5 pages double spaced typed. With graphics and pictures it should be at least 7 pages. The story
should be turned in at the beginning of the class period. Evaluations should be given and ask the
students to take at least 20 mints to fill out. Then as a class discuss the positive and negative to
this assignment. What they liked most or least and so on?
Student Lesson Plan
The First Week of the Assignment:
Note: any assignment not done in class should be given to work on as homework.
Monday: Introduction to the assignment, handout to be passed out and question and answer
Tuesday: Library day
Wednesday: Library day
Thursday: Class time used for answering any questions and working on the brief summary
Friday: Go over the brief summary in class and help those who still need help.
The Second Week of the Assignment:
Monday: Last day for Class Library
Tuesday: Working with the students, sign up for one on one starts today and by the end of
class the outline is due.
Wednesday and Thursday: Students should be working on turning in the their 1st rough
Friday: By the end of class, Rough Draft 1 is due
The Third Week of the Assignment:
Monday and Tuesday: Reviewing and editing of the first draft with the help of teacher and
student/teacher aids.
Wednesday and Thursday: Students should be working on 2nd draft.
Friday: 2nd draft due by end of class.
The Final Week of the Assignment:
Monday: All the student work up to the 2nd draft should be done and graded.
Tuesday: The students should have all their graded papers back and working on the final draft.
Wednesday and Thursday: The students should be finishing up with all the helped allowed.
Friday: The assignment to be turned in at the begging of the class period. Student evaluation of
themselves should be given and then class discussion.
Reading and Writing across America
High school English
Ms. JJ Badra
Fall /2009
Student Handout
Student Name_________________________________
I believe America's best days are ahead of us because I believe that the future belongs to
freedom, not to fear.
John Kerry
There is so much to discover about the United States we live in. For the next four week we
are going on an adventure right here from our school. Discovering something new is exciting
and also affirming some myths are fun. You will be given the chance to do both throughout the
next weeks. This class will be writing a short story about an event that took place anywhere in
the USA and at any time in history or the present. Once you have researched all the facts, then
you will become a fictional character influencing or even taking part in the action. Say you
would like to talk about the Gold Rush in CA around the 1800 or about the effects of any of the
earthquakes and or any other natural disasters. Be one of the victims or heroes. Be anyone you
want to be. Write a fictional story, but base it on actual event. There will be different
assignments due in at different times, so there are no way you could wait to write this. As you
are reading and discovering you will be writing. You will need to keep a journal and have a flash
drive for this assignment. We will have three days in the Library for this assignment and a
chance to work one on one with me. I advise you take advantage of all the resources available.
Reading and Writing across America
High school English
Ms. JJ Badra
Fall /2009
Student Rubric
Overall: How
does it look?
Was it easy to
read and follow?
First Draft
2nd Draft
Was the Final
done according to
the assignment
Advise for
Turned in on time
and eye catching
Came in late but
good story
story was seen after the
due date
Spelling and
grammar used
Was very creative
and interesting
Clear and
Was clear and to the
Was to the point and
Some spelling and
And interesting
Some elements are
Needs more
Could use of editing
Needs re-editing
Above average
Needs more creativity
Was not provided or
was not complete
Was not clear nor
Was not completed
Below Average
Total of points
Out of 70 _____
Reading and Writing across America
High school English
Ms. JJ Badra
Fall /2009
Student Handout
Student Name_________________________________
Student Evaluation Form
Please look over this before you start writing it will help you to better understand what I need
and what you should be looking for.
Subject picked, why?
State picked, why?
Was it an easy choice or hard?
How much help was need and did you take advantage of all of the help provided.
Where you present to all the Library time?
Do you feel that you did the best you could have on this paper? How?
What would you have done different and why?