
SS 9 – Crossroad Chpt 2
EngCvl9 – The Glorious Revolution and John Locke
The Glorious Revolution and John Locke
Charles II died in 1685 and was succeeded by his Catholic brother
James II
James believed strongly in his “Divine Right” to rule and didn’t
let the Test Act stop him from appointing Catholics into high
gov’t positions.
The result was more conflict between the English monarchy and
the English people and their Parliament.
This time Parliament decided to choose their own monarch and
invited James’ daughter Mary and her husband, William of
Orange to take over as King and Queen of England.
James eventually abdicated his throne to his daughter and her
husband and this change of monarchs came to be known as the
”Glorious Revolution”.
After James II was kicked out of England, John Locke a famous
political and philosophical writer returned to England.
Locke wrote many books that outlined individual civil rights and
his ideas were picked up in both France and America and helped
start revolutions there.
SS 9 – Crossroad Chpt 2
EngCvl9 – The Glorious Revolution and John Locke
The Glorious Revolutin and John Locke
Directions: Read pages 46-48 in your text Crossroads – A Meeting of Nations.
1. Define the following terms;
Test Act
“Bloody Assizes”
2. Answer the following questions;
a) Who replaced Charles II in 1685 and who replaced that person? ( 2 mks)
b) In your own words, describe the “Glorious Revolution” (3 mks for quality of answer)
Copy one of the selections of the 1689 English Bill of Rights (pg 47) and in your own words
describe why you as a regular citizen of a country, think it is an important point to know. (3
mks for quality of thought and answer)
d) Who was John Locke and what are the 3 basic ideas that relate to his philosophy of
individuals and governments? (3 mks)
3. Complete the chart on the following page. Provide the names of the English
Monarch from Queen Elizabeth to Mary and William of Orange,
and provide a brief description of their characters as well
as a famous moment in history.
You will be marked out of 3 for completion of chart and out of 6 for your descriptions, for a total
of 9 marks
Total: ____ / 23
Type of Character
A Famous Moment in History
1. Queen Elizabeth
- Level headed
- diplomatic
- believed in freedom
of religion
- defeated the Spanish
Armada and raised England
to a world power.
Fair and Just
Accepted Parliaments offer of the
4. Olvier Cromwell
“Lord Protector
of England”
6. Mary and William
of Orange
Crown and were the 1st monarchs to be
“chosen” by parliament, not given the
crown by hereditary right