MARY, MOTHER OF GOD CHURCH First Sunday of Advent FIRST SATURDAY – December 3, St. Francis Xavier, priest 8:15 John Mazur, r/o Deacon Bob & Scharen Family Charles Mai, request of Maryann Pepsin NEXT WEEKEND Jesus said to his disciples: "Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. What I say to you, I say to all: 'Watch!'" - Mark 13:33, 37 Second Sunday of Advent SATURDAY VIGIL MASS (December 3) 5:00 PM Gregory Ruszel, request of Sister Marjorie Koshko, request of Robert Koshko DAILY ST. MARY CHAPEL MASSES 8:15 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Monday to Friday 6:30 a.m. Communion Service MARY, MOTHER OF GOD CHURCH December 4, 2011 7:30 Antonio Vastola, request of Cindy Erickson Greg Alexanian, request of Erickson Family 9:00 Those Enrolled in St. Mary’s Memorial Society Mary Ann Cuce, request of Jim/Linda Long 10:30 Jack Daly, request of Friends/St. Mary’s Pre-School Frank Indyk, request of the Finer Family 12:00 Nicoletta Caldarola, request of Daughter John Underwood, request of wife, Maggie 5:00 PM Nancy Keenan, request of Family Charles Mai, request of Pat/Tom Cusick MONDAY – November 28, Advent Weekday 8:15 Deceased Members of the Tucker Family, r/o Virginia Rael Special Intention for Scott Garramone, r/o Mom 12:00 Edward Hughes, request of the Alfano Family William Daniels, request of Wife/Daughters TUESDAY – November 29, Advent Weekday 8:15 Farrell and Kathleen O’Reilly, r/o M/M Boner Jeffrey Urbine, request of Barbara Bacmeister 12:00 William O’Reilly, request of M/M Boner Evelyn Devlin, request of Peter/Mary Carbonneau SANCTUARY CANDLE In Loving Memory of Philip Mauro, request of the Kurkemelis Family. WEDNESDAY – November 30, Saint Andrew, Apostle 8:15 Frank Guglielmini, request of the Anderson’s Rose Kelly, request of Joanne Gordon 12:00 Barbara Ballasty, request of Mom and Dad In Thanksgiving to St. Roch, r/o M/M Jack Masso ADORATION CHAPEL CANDLES In Loving Memory of Alicia Kaminski, request of Mom. In Loving Memory of Phil Mauro, request of the Sunday Counting Teams. THURSDAY – December 1, Advent Weekday 8:15 Rosa Lanzisera, request of M/M Rella Daniel Piano, request of Nan/Jack Halleran 12:00 Fred Krol, request of M/M James Maltese M/M Onofrio Alongi, r/o Barbara/Charlie Alongi Parish Bulletin Board Today. . . . Deacon Sil’s Bookstore Deck the Hall Christmas Show Tickets Christmas Wreath Orders Respect Life Christmas Cards FIRST FRIDAY – December 2, Advent Weekday 8:15 Helen Horwath, request of the Horwath Family Robert Brummer, request of James/Patricia Snyder 12:00 Anthony Forte, r/o the Tuesday Night Renew Group Marie Tomchak, request of Mark/Debbie Byrne 1 MIDDLETOWN, N J Pope John Paul II Pope Benedict XVI Dear Parishioners, We arrive at the beginning of Advent this weekend and - as well - we begin to use the updated translation of the Mass. You have seen the copies left for you in the Narthex over the past months and have read all the inserts that were placed in the bulletins and this will help you with growing into the new translation. I think this is important for all of us - that we have patience with ourselves and one another as we grow into these new word expressions of prayer in our Mass. We choose where we like change and where we don’t. Sometimes we have options around change and other times not. This is a spot where we do not have an option. The changes are passed onto us from Pope Benedict and much of the work was done under Pope John Paul. It is super important that we are open to these words and phrases that make up the changes and that we see them as opportunity for all of us to be able to pray more fervently at Mass. During the Season of Advent as I have mentioned, all of us have the chance to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Forgiveness is vital to our spiritual growth and also to our relationship development not only with God but with one another. All of our younger members in religious formation will have a chance to celebrate during this season and we will advertize additional sessions of Confessions for others. We will have our Advent Penance Service on Monday, December 19th, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in Mary, Mother of God Church. The Season of Advent can fly by and not even be noticed by us as there is so much we engage in preparing for Christmas. We can use the Advent wreath to remind us of the journey of spiritual preparation for Christmas. What about if we take out the Nativity Set first this year and put it in a prominent place putting all the pieces in place gradually gently reminding ourselves that we are in the process of preparing for Christmas. We put much energy into trees and lights and perhaps we need to accent the Nativity Set a little more by giving more time to it throughout Advent and into the Christmas Season. It should be placed where there is much family traffic. Sometimes we put it in a place where it is prominent in a space in the house that we don’t use much. Consider this year placing it in a highly travelled spot within the house. Just a little up-front reminder that the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Our Blessed Mother is fast approaching. December 8th is a Holy Day of Obligation. We will have the usual Holyday Mass schedule which will be posted next week. Just in the same vein our Christmas Mass schedule will be December 24 th at 4:00 p.m. in both Church and Chapel, 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. in Church. On Christmas Day we will have four Masses in Church – 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon. (Please note there will not be a Mass at 5:00 p.m. on December 25th.) God bless all of you this week, Fr. Mike 2 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.” Ecclesiastes . . .a time to be born. . . . Samuel Rosenberg . . .a time to love. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .a time to heal. .. . . . . . . Carolyn Corey (np), Jean Urgo, Simone Lampe, Richard Bryson (np), Eugene Brennan, Lucille Moran, Wayne Nef, and we ask God to watch over those who are hungry, the homeless, our Country, for all those facing unemployment, for the people, especially the children in third world countries, for those in Nursing Homes and Rehabs, all health care providers, for those children with cancer and all those who are dying from cancer, for those that suffer from depression, for all those with eating disorders and incurable diseases of the vital organs, for all those waiting for organ transplants, for an end to abortion, for all those with incurable autoimmune diseases and for all those who are afflicted with MS, CF, Lou Gehrig’s disease, for those who suffer from Alzheimer disease and their families. (2)… Barbara Mazone, Mac and Terry Lyden, Henry Caldaro, Laurie Tietjen, Vincent Leishman (np), Bonnie Osborne (np), and Frank Gobbo (np); (3)… Bella Marie DelValle (np), Vic and Louise Morgano (np), Michael Dunzello, Lynn Shelley (np), Andrew Kovach (np), Sylvia Meo (np), Henry Ballasty, Tom Murphy (np), John Lawrence (np), and Diane Harris (np); (4)… James Gusmerotti (np), Patrick Moran, JoAnn Muller, Lucille Brooks (np), and Robert Griffiths (np); (5)… Joyce Kenny, Joseph Grochowski, Patricia Cartier, Rita Whelan, Angela Brummert, Rita Young, Nancy Russell (np), John Stanislawczyk, Stephanie Hardman Kaminoff (np), Mary Ural (np), Gary and Lorrie Hermann (Parents of Sister Sharon), Eileen D’Alvia, James Joseph Gentilesco (np), Eileen Pilgrim, Margaret Cascone, Msgr. Leon Kasprzyk, Margaret Burke, John Acer, Russell Drone, Rita Romeo (np), Most Rev. John C. Reiss (Bishop Emeritus), Florence J. Smith, Kenneth McGrath, Tracy Spece (np), Morgan, Ned Ryan, Fr. Bob Tynski, Patricia Seaman (np), Billy Dickenson, Rosemary Markowski (np), Colin Bibaud (child), Peggy Franznick, Ruth Byrnes, Tyler Smith (PREP Student), Alexandra Confusione (child), Irma Sanchez (np), Patrick Mayer, Vincent Fumo (np), Kevin Kret (St. Leo’s), Karen Hopkins, Halie Palmer (PREP student), Terry McGhee (St. Ann’s), Daniele Keigher, Brian Keigher, Anne Liddy, Angela Colaianni (np), Noel Anderson and Ronald Corey, Sr. . . .a time to be Born to Eternal Life. . Rev. Malachy Higgiston, Joseph Folio, Phillip Walsh, and for aborted babies and those men and women who died this week in the Service of our Country. . . .Pray for our servicemen and women at home and abroad, for those serving our Country overseas, Lt. Col. Kevin Meisler, Army Reserve-4th deployment to Afghanistan ~ Todd M. Cox, U. S. Air Force – Iraq ~ Captain Josh Pershing, U.S. Air Force, 3rd tour-Iraq ~ Master Gunnery Sgt. C. T. Gregoire, Marines – Afghanistan ~, James G. Bruncati, U. S. Air Force ~ SFC Wesley Briggs, U.S. Army ~ 2 tour in Iraq, stationed in Egypt; Kiera Connerty, West Point graduate, Black Hawk helicopter pilot ~ Iraq; Justin and Nicole Westmoreland, Air Force, Lance Cpl. Jonathan Bagnato, Andrew Leroy, Jeffrey Benffer, Ryan Trachman ~ Marines, and Fr. John Ryan. Gunnery Sgt. Daniel Lovasz – is now stationed in Okinawa, safely away from the war zone in Afghanistan. Thank you, Jesus! “Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.” 3 NOVEMBER 27, 2011 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Advent Hope Pope Benedict XVI released in his letter, “Saved by Hope,” to coincide with Advent, the Church’s great Season of Hope. The major concern of our Holy Father is reasserting Catholic Identity in a world dominated by earthly values. The pope continues to outline what he would have us – catechumens and candidates – understand as the core of the Catholic Life. At every Mass, we ask our Heavenly Father to “protect us from all anxiety, as we wait in Joyful Hope for the coming of our savior Jesus Christ.” May this New Year and season of joyful waiting bring us Peace and Freedom from all fear. +Sister Gloria Parish Vocations Committee Church in Miniature The Catholic Church refers to the family as the “domestic church.” So, we are to gather in our homes to praise God and support one another. Therefore, we are to have a place in our homes in which we can pray. Sacramentals remind us to pray. Anything from a crucifix, the bible, a prayer book, candles statues and rosary beads are sacramentals. Want help to get started? Sign-up on the calendar. . . . .on the card table in the Narthex. “Well begun is half done!” 4 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT TODAY Next Weekend IN THE NARTHEX IN THE NARTHEX Christmas Wreath Sale Olivewood Gifts from Bethlehem The Youth Group members will be on hand at all Masses to take orders for Christmas Wreaths. The wreaths are available for a donation of $20. They will be ready for pick-up the weekend of December 10/11. If you happen to be away Thanksgiving weekend, Mr. Craig Palmer will be taking orders. Just call him at 732706-5254. "Out of the ground, the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant for the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." Genesis 2:9" The olive tree is native to the Holy Land where it has been cultivated since ancient times. According to historians, the first olive groves took root in the Holy Land and along the coast of the eastern Mediterranean around 4,000 B.C. ______________________________________ Deacon Sil’s Religious Books, CD’s, Gifts The Olive Tree has both a sentimental and religious significance to all nations and all religions. In the Old Testament, olive oil was used to anoint prophets and kings, and to light the lamps at the temple of Jerusalem, the house of God. Deacon Sil and his wife, Dorothy, will be here this weekend with an array of items for Advent reading and listening, Christmas items and much more. ______________________________________ Later in the New Testament, Jesus Christ was the "Anointed One" the Messiah, Christians Nozreem or Masseheen, which in Aramaic means anointed with olive oil. Jesus told the Good Samaritan who used oil for healing. Respect Life Christmas Cards St. Mary’s Respect Life Committee will be selling religious Christmas cards after all the Masses this weekend. These beautiful cards are priced at a very affordable $6.00 per package of 10 cards. Proceeds from the sale will be used for Respect Life activities in our Parish, including the bus ride to Washington, DC for the National March for Life. Please help to keep Christ in Christmas and to spread the pro-life message. described as were called and Arabic story of the For the Olive Tree farmers, their land, families, and olive trees are everything. Yet the recent war has often led to the uprooting of olive tree orchards the sole source of income for many farmers. All olivewood products are hand-made, no mass production. The carvings are a skill that has been handed down from generation to generation. Their livelihood comes from the sale of olivewood products. ______________________________________ Deck the Halls Your purchase next week will give hope to the remaining craftsmen that there is still an interest in their work. Thank You. ______________________________________ Tickets on sale today in the Narthex. Friday, December 9th, 8:00 p.m. Memorial Hall Tickets $30 Children 12 and under $25 Call: (732) 530-1753 5 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT UNION OF PRAYER Each day now, more and more things appear to remind us that the beautiful season of Christmas is fast approaching – ads in the newspapers and magazines, a ton of catalogs that arrive in the mail, department stores begin decorating their windows, songs and Christmas Carols on the radio and Christmas specials on TV. Homes decorated with colorful lights and Christmas Cards begin appearing in our mailbox. And – let’s not forget – the bills that also begin arriving asking us to pay-up, for the gifts we bought for our loved ones. Christmas. . . . . . a wonderful and beautiful time of the year! But this wonderful and beautiful Christmas season is not wonderful and beautiful for everyone. For some, it’s a sad and sorrowful time. Those who no longer enjoy good health and the vigor of life, those struggling under the weight of a cross, especially the cross of loneliness; those who no longer have family and friends or are alienated from family and friends who were once part of their lives. In a word, those who feel no reason to have a song in their heart or joy in their homes. For all these children of God, the season of Christmas is the saddest and most difficult time of the year. Being a follower of Christ means we should have compassion and concern for everyone, especially for those with heavy hearts. We celebrate a God who loves us so much that He became one of us, came humbly as a small child, let’s open the doors of the Inn of our Hearts to those who see no reason to be cheerful during this holy season, and give them welcome. Let our warmth and love make them feel that this season is theirs, too. Why not single out a lonely old time on your block and send them a Christmas Card – might be the only card they get. Invite them to grace your table by joining you and your family for Christmas Dinner. Drop a couple of “bucks” off at the rectory and ask Monsignor to buy a gift or two for a needy family. Let these brothers and sisters in Christ feel they really are a part of God’s family. For the month of December: That those who have wandered away from the Church for whatever reason will find their way back to Christ this Christmas. +Deacon Charlie 6 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT December Happenings World AIDS Day 2011- Finding the Holy Family at the End of Our Advent Journey December 1, 2011 Thursday Holy Cross Church in Rumson Once again we will gather on World AIDS Day to Remember our Sisters and Brothers lost to HIV/AIDS, to Support those living with the virus and to Hope and Pray for a Cure. The Advent Evening of Reflection immediately following the Vigil for the Immaculate Conception on Wednesday, December 7 at 7:00 p.m., Holy Cross Church. Elizabeth Scalia is a Benedictine Oblate and the Managing Editor of the Catholic Portal at will be the speaker for the evening. ___________________________________ Our Candlelight Walk will begin at The Center in Asbury Park, 806 Third Avenue, Asbury Park at 6:30 p.m. Our Service of Remembrance and Support will be held at Trinity Church, Asbury Avenue and Grand Avenue, Asbury Park at 7:30 p.m. Ladies, Looking to get Involved with Your Community? The Theme for World AIDS Day set by the United Nations and The World Health Organization is “Getting to Zero: Zero Deaths, Zero Discrimination, Zero Barriers to Health and Prevention Services. The Columbiettes Chapter of the Vincent Lombardi Knights of Columbus Council is currently recruiting new members. Being a Columbiette is a perfect opportunity to give back, while making new friends and having fun. ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US! ___________________________________ You need only be a practicing catholic woman and over 17 years of age. We will be having an Open House on December 9th, 7:00 p.m., at the council house, 872 Leonardville Road. Rosary Altar Society The next Corporate Communion Mass of the Rosary Altar Society will be Sunday, December 4, 10:30 a.m. If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please contact Christine Fiorello at 732-796-7180. I look forward to speaking with you! Christmas Party Our annual Christmas party will be held on Monday, December 5, 7:00 p.m. in the Bulman Center. Please note change in time and place for this month only. Come and Find the Hush in the Rush! This is also the time of year that we support Birthright. They are in need of diapers sizes 1 to 3, clothing up to 18 months, wipes, or donations to help defray utility bill charges. Father Jim Mc Donald, C.Ss.R. From San Alfonso Retreat House, Long Branch is offering a Day of Prayer to enrich your Advent. “The O Antiphons” Monday, December 12th 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. $25.00 per person If you would like to join the Rosary Altar Society or have any questions, please contact Debbie Schneider 732-7060095 or Janet Moscuzza 732-671-7248. ___________________________________ Call 732-222-2731, x140 For information and reservations 7 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT “IF YOU LIVE IN ME AND MY WORDS STAY PART OF YOU, YOU MAY ASK WHAT YOU WILL AND IT WILL BE DONE FOR YOU.” JOHN 15:7 PRAY FOR THE SICK CONVINCED OF THE POWER OF PRAYER AND THE NEED OF CONVEYING A SENSE OF CARING, THE COMMUNITY OF ST. MARY WILL COME TOGETHER IN ST. MARY CHAPEL, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH, AT 7:30 P.M. TO PRAY FOR ALL THE SICK AND SUFFERING. KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS SICK, PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY........ JOIN US ON THE LAST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AS WE PRAY FOR THEIR HEALING AND PEACE. 8 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Nurturing generous disciples to serve as the hands and feet of Christ “O Lord. . .we are the clay and You the potter: we are all the work of Your hands.” Isaiah 64:7 When we realize that it is God who formed and blessed us, we must also realize that we have an obligation to share our blessings as God intended when He created us. It is not a matter of pointing fingers and asking what others are doing. We need to search our own hearts and ask what we are doing to fulfill God’s plan for us. Be ready and watch for the coming of Jesus. 9 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT The Center in Asbury Park, 806 Third Avenue, Asbury Park Father Robert Kaeding, Founder/Director The Center in Asbury Park, Inc. is a volunteer based New Jersey not-for-profit service organization providing support services for people living with HIV/AIDS and their caregivers. The Center in Asbury Park offers its clients and volunteers a safe haven in order to instill as sense of community and stability in their lives. At this time of year, many parishioners call to see if they can help those in need. The Center is in need of the following items: Food Items Peanut butter Rice Juice Beans (dried/canned) Canned fruit Mayonnaise Coffee (ground/instant) Jams and jellies Candy Milk (condensed/ powdered) Popcorn Raisins Canned vegetables Cereal Sugar Soup Canned puddings Tea All Goya Products Instant Potatoes Instant oatmeal Flour Soup and Crackers Jello Healthy Snacks Macaroni and cheese All Goya products Supplies and Hygiene Items Bleach All purpose cleaners Toothbrushes Band-Aids Shampoo Laundry Detergent Toilet Paper Toothpaste Deodorant Conditioner Dishwashing Liquid Paper Towels Kleenex Mouthwash Body Soap Shaving cream Disposable razors Hypo-allergenic body lotion Please deliver to 806 Third Avenue, Asbury Park OR CALL 732-774-3416 to arrange a pick up. A Happy Thanksgiving to All and a Blessed Christmas and Healthy New Year! Fr. Bob and the clients of The Center 10 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT St. Mary’s Parish Faith Community Nursing Ministry The Happy Heart Good News! Happy people have a leg up on heart health. That’s according to researchers at Columbia University Medical Center who studied more than 1,700 people age 18 and above for over 10 years. Factoring in age, gender and cardiovascular risks, they found that those who reported they were more often happy, excited and content with life showed a lower risk of developing heart disease. What might be the reason for a link between a positive mood and a healthy heart? So far, researchers believe the number one reason may be stress reduction. Positive people may recover more quickly from stress, which helps to prevent damage to the heart. Although researchers say more evidence is needed to firm up the link between emotions and heart disease, one sure conclusion is this: When it comes to staying heart-healthy, boosting your mood certainly doesn’t hurt. Get in Touch with Happiness! What are some things you can do to keep your happiness quotient high? Try these mood lifters. . . . . . Appreciate – Sometimes, it’s the little things in life that impact your mood for the better. Connect – Staying in touch with friends and family benefits your mental and emotional health, and has been shown to help lower blood pressure. Laugh – This simple act releases endorphins (the feel good brain chemicals) and improves mood. Make time – Don’t put off the things that make you feel happy. Instead, be sure to schedule time for activities you enjoy, such as reading or listening to music. Relax – One good approach. Try not to dwell on the things you can’t change. -Eileen Theall, R.N. Our Poor Boxes are The Bread Boxes for the Poor The Bereavement Group of the Parish of Saint Mary meets twice weekly. Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. the group ministers to parents who have lost a child. The meetings are held in the Ministers’ Room off the Narthex in Mary, Mother of God Church. Wednesday evenings the group ministers to those that may have lost a spouse, parent, close friend, sibling, etc. Our St. Vincent de Paul Society has set up poor boxes beneath the Statue of the Good Shepherd in the Narthex of Mary, Mother of God Church. Please don’t forget about us as you enter or leave Church. God Bless you, and Thank You For your response Questions? Members of St. Vincent de Paul Society 11 call Eileen or Bob Batz at 732-787-8566. FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Here we are at the start of a new liturgical year. We begin the liturgical year with the season of Advent; a time of anticipation and joy as we prepare our hearts and homes for the Savior’s Birth. Today is the First Sunday of Advent. This year we also start the new liturgical year with the implementation of the New Translation of the Roman Missal. Some of our sung and spoken responses will be different. This will mean that we will be singing and speaking words that more closely and accurately translate from the Latin Language. We join with all the rest of the English speaking world today as we journey together in our Catholic Faith. Our sung Mass parts can be found in the back pocket of the Word and Song Hymnal/Missalette. We will be singing the Glendalough Mass. Hopefully we have become familiar with this setting and are becoming more and more comfortable in our participation. We do not sing the Gloria in Advent, except for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. During the Christmas Season we will sing the Gloria for Christmastime #285 which can be found in our Missalette. It will be very familiar to us as the Refrain is the same as the Refrain to Angels We Have Heard on High. We will introduce the Gloria from the Glendalough Mass when we begin Ordinary Time in January of 2012. Our Adult Choir has been invited to participate in a Performance Tour to Italy. It will be under the Direction of Steve Petrunak. We will travel to Rome, Assisi, Florence and Orvieto. Anyone from the Parish is welcome to come and join us. For more information and a flyer, please call me at the Rectory or stop by the organ area after Mass. Blessings and Peace, ♫♫Doris Ramme GREEN IS THE WORD! I want to thank everyone who signed up for the Viridian Energy Fundraiser! Unfortunately we are nowhere near our goal of 500 families! The success of this fundraiser relies on a great response from the parishioners. If you are not currently purchasing your electricity from a 3rd party supplier - then you are definitely not saving any money! By switching to Viridian Energy as your energy supplier you would have saved 8% last year on the supply portion of your bill. This is a very simple agreement with no contract and no cost to switch back to the utility rate if you choose. I know it is important to everyone that they do save money! As the liaison for the Parish I will update the parish every 3 months to let you all know what the savings were for that period and for the year. So let’s help the Parish and help ourselves and signup at or call 866-663-2508 and give associate id 21484 to make sure the parish gets credit. For questions call Jim Nerney 908-601-5410 or email “Go Green and let’s not leave that $17,000 on the table.” Thank you for your support! 12 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT New from the Office of the Bishop, Diocese of Trenton Gianna – The Catholic Healthcare Center for Women Bishop O’Connell is very pleased to announce the opening of “Gianna – The Catholic Healthcare Center for Women” at Saint Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ. The Center is dedicated to offering truly prolife women’s health care, including prenatal care and deliveries, infertility services, general gynecologic care, and more. All Services are provided in accordance with the US Catholic Bishops Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. Please visit or contact Gianna Center by phone 732-565-5490 for more information. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Upper Room Spiritual Center 3455 W. Bangs Avenue, Bldg. 2 Neptune, NJ 732-922-0550 “Gifts Galore and a Whole Lot More” New Monmouth Elementary School 121 New Monmouth Road Middletown The Upper Room is offering the following programs during the month of December: Advent Evening, Daughter of Darkness, Mother of Light -What does Mary have to teach us through our times of Advent? An evening designed to facilitate a deepening of one’s spiritual life, through the embrace of “What is” Presenter: Anna Saltzman, RSM Wednesday, November 30th 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Fee: $25~$35 Friday, December 2nd 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Candles, jewelry, pocketbooks, scarves, homemade doll furniture, American Girl clothes, Christmas Ornaments and more!!!! All Are Welcome! _______________________________________________ Advent Taizé -Come for a refreshing evening of communal contemplative prayer using the beautiful chants of the Taizé community. This Advent evening of prayer will include psalm singing, Scripture readings, silence and prayer at the crèche. Faithful Love Music Group Monday, December 5th 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Free Will Offering December Dance Holy Family Church, Memorial Hall Hwy 36 and Seagate Avenue Union Beach Saturday, December 10th 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm $10.00 DJ, Light Refreshments, Singles and Couples Welcomed! Contact Gale 732-345-0212 or Joan 732-241-7159 Advent Day of Recollection -In this time of great busyness come for a day to nourish your spirit! The day will include Liturgy and a light lunch. Presenter: Rev. Richard Rento Thursday, December 15th 9:30 am-2:30 pm Fee: $50~$60 (light lunch included) - Call The Upper Room for reservations - ____________________________________________________ 13 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS’ RETREAT Friday, December 2nd through Sunday, December 4th, 2011 An opportunity for high school girls to come together in spirit of prayer and connect or reconnect with Jesus Christ The idea of “praying always” will come to be understood more fully as we share in a number of different and varied prayer experiences ranging from: A traditional candlelight rosary and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. . . . To prayer experiences entitled “Magazine Madness,” “Praying with Junk,” and “Thou ART Music.” You’ll be glad you came and will leave wanting more! Guaranteed to be a worthwhile weekend! Arrive at Villa Walsh 7:00 p.m. Friday, December 2nd Depart Villa Walsh 11:00 a.m. Sunday, December 4th $30.00 donation for the weekend (includes everything while at Villa Walsh) Contact: Sr. Shirlee at or 718-259-9844 evenings and weekends. 14 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT The Parish of Saint Mary and Shore Concerts Proudly Present David J.V. Meenan & Friends in “Deck The Halls” A Christmas Song and Dance Spectacular! With Karen Feeney and The Royale Orchestra From the company that brought you the hit “Sing, Sing, Sing!” comes their new seasonal musical marvel, “Deck The Halls!” With a company of over 40 singers, tap dancers, and musicians, your favorite family holiday songs will come reeling to life in Memorial Hall. Guinness Book record holder in Tap Dancing, David J.V. Meenan will lead his company of Broadway friends through an evening that you will talk about for years! Magnificent Dickens costumes, as well as a myriad of theatrical delights, this musical extravaganza is sure to delight the entire family. ~ Benefit for Mary, Mother of God Building Fund ~ Memorial Hall Friday, December 9th, 8:00 p.m. Tickets $30 Children 12 and under $25 Call: (732) 530-1753 15 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT St. Mary’s Travel Group Trips Sunday, December 4th OR Sunday, December 11th****“Fun Day in New York City” Visit the Rockefeller Center area in the morning and the South Street Seaport in the afternoon. During this day you are free to Christmas shop, see the famous Christmas tree and ice skating at Rockefeller Center, visit St. Patrick’s Cathedral or stroll down 5th Avenue. At 3:00 p.m. the bus will take you downtown to shop and to enjoy the decorations at the South Street Seaport. Home by 6:30 p.m. The cost includes bus and driver’s gratuity. Reserve your spot before November 27th – your cost $30.00 pp – bus leaves at 9:00 a.m. Call Fran Timpanaro 732-708-0430. Tuesday, December 6th****Atlantic City’s Tropicana Enjoy a beautiful Christmas show at the Tropicana in Atlantic City – “The Spirit of Christmas.” Cost $27.00 includes Christmas show, transportation and gratuity. This always sells out quickly. Bus leaves at 9:30 a.m., show time 3:30 p.m. Call Fran Timpanaro 732-708-0430. ANNOUNCING AN EXCEPTIONAL—ALL INCLUSIVE WINTER VACATION Barceló Riviera Maya on the beach in the beautiful Caribbean. Come and enjoy a world where soft, white sand beaches stretch for miles and the warm and inviting sea shimmers on the shore. You may dive into a unique waterscape beneath the sparkling Caribbean Sea, or in the spectacular free-form pool Leaves January 29, 2012 for 8 days and includes transportation to and from Newark Airport, round –trip, non-stop Continental Air, departure tax, fuel surcharge, all meals, drinks, water sports, entertainment, hotel transfers, deluxe accommodations, baggage handling, all taxes and tips…..Double occupancy $1,599.00. I will mail to you full information and cost if Single or Triple in a room. Call for details. Hurry there are only 30 spots and they go fast. For reservations, which must be prepaid, call Fran Timpanaro 732-708-0430. All trips leave from Mater Dei/Mary, Mother of God Church parking lot. _____________________________________________________________________________ Pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes May 27 – June 5, 2012 Travel with us as we visit Fatima and Lourdes. Highlights of the trip are Fatima, Alijustrel, Valinhos Lourdes, Grotto of Massabielle and Barcelona. Enjoy historic sites, beautiful scenery and embark on a religious pilgrimage that will truly refresh your faith. We will be traveling from May 27 through June 5, 2012. 10 days; double occupancy $3,349.00. (Book now and save $100.00 per person.) For additional information call Francesca, 732-787-2679. 16 END OF BULLETIN ANY TEXT OR GRAPHICS ENTERED ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE PRINTED BULLETIN CHURCH NAME: St. Mary's Church CHURCH CITY: New Monmouth, N J ROUTING CODE: O RUN NUMBER: 6 FILENAME: 03-0192.01b PHONE NUMBER: 732-671-0071 FAX NUMBER: 732-671-6125 EDITOR/ CONTACT: Joanie Kaminski CURRENT FORMAT:EBSWTD – TEXAS DOUBLE Note to Press: This document printed at: 3/8/16 9:39 PM