REQUIREMENTS FOR AFSCS AFSC MANDATORY DEGREE DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS/ DEGREE AND SPECIAL MEDICAL OR SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS OPERATIONS 92T0 (PILOT) NONE SSBI Flying Class 1 Physical 92T1 (CSO) NONE SBI Flying Class 1A Physical 92T2 (ABM) NONE Technical degree with courses in Mgmt SSBI Flying Class III Physical 13MX NONE (AIRFIELD OPERATIONS) Technical degree with courses in Admin and Mgmt Physical qualifications for ATC 13S1 NONE SPACE/MISSILE Management, Bus Admin, Economics, Math, Science, Engineering,Space Ops, Econ, Com Sci, Engr Liberal Arts Physical qualifications for space operations and missile launch crew duty (SMOD) SSBI 14N1 (INTELLIGENCE) NONE Physical, Earth, Computer, Social or Information Sciences; Engr; Math or Foreign Area Studies [LANGUAGES: Arabic, Slavic (Russian, Ukraine), Mid-East dialect, Korean, Chinese DEGREE: Elec Engr, Intn'l Rel, Physics, Pol Sci] SSBI 15W1 (WEATHER) NONE, HOWEVER; MUST HAVE 24 hrs in Meteorology, and 6 hours calculus- including 6 hrs of Dynamic Meteorology ; 6 hrs Analysis & Forecasting. Meteorology, Atmospheric Science, (for BMP , 6 semester hours calculus based physics) NONE, However must have 6 hours calculus and 6 hours calculus based Physics SSBI 15W1B (Basic Meteorology Program) LOGISTICS SSBI 21A1 NONE (AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE) Engineering(any), Physical Sciences, Logistics Management, Econ, Management, Bus Admin, Industrial Mgt 21M1 NONE (MUNITIONS & MISSILE MAINTENANCE) Mgt, Bus Admin, Econ, Math, Science, Engr, Com Sci, Log Mgmt, Space Ops SSBI 21R1 NONE (LOGISTICS READINESS) Logistics Management, Econ, Management, Bus Admin, Comp Sci, Info Mgt Sys, Fin, Acct, Petroleum/Chemical/ Eng, Industrial Mgt ACQUISITION 61S1A (SCIENTIFICANALYST) Math, Statistics, operations research or related field (such as industrial engineering, management science, or decision sciences, or economics) [Masters in same] 61S1B Behavioral Science, Organizational/ [Masters in same] (PSYCHOLOGIST) Industrial Psychology, Applied Psychology, General Psychology, Experimental Psychology,Human Factors Psychology or Human Factors Engr Minimum 12 credt hours of math, statistics, quantitative methods, research analysis, research design, research methods, modeling simulation or systems engineering is mandatory 61S1C (CHEMIST) Chemistry, Biology [Masters or PhD] Minimum 12 credt hours of math, statistics, quantitative methods, research analysis, research design, research methods, modeling simulation or systems engineering is mandatory 61S1D (PHYSICS) Physics or Nuclear Engr [Masters or PhD] Minimum 12 credt hours of math, statistics, quantitative methods, research analysis, research design, research methods, modeling simulation or systems engineering is mandatory 62E1A (AEROSPACE ENGINEER) Aero Engr (or Mech w/18 hrs in Aero courses by exception) 62E1B (ASTRONAUTICAL Astro Engr ENGINEER) 62E1C (COMPUTER ENGINEER) Comp Engr [Masters in Aero Engr] [Masters in Astro Engr] [Masters in Com Engr], 62E1E (ELECTRICAL ENGINEER) Electrical or Electronic Engr [Masters in same] 62E1G (GENERAL ENGINEER) Engineering, Material Science [Masters in same] 62E1H (MECHANICAL ENGINEER) Mechanical Engineering 63A1 (ACQUISITIONS) Engr, Engr Sci, Engr Mgmt, Math, Analytical Science,Physical Science, business or management or completion of 24 hours of accounting, business finance, law, contracts, purchasing, economics, industrial management, marketing, quantitative methods and organization and management is mandatory [Masters/PhD in Mgmt] 64P1 (CONTRACTING) NONE (24 hours in accounting, business finance, law, contracts, purchasing economics, industrial management, marketing, quantitative methods, and organization and management) 65F1/65W (FINANCE/ COST ANALYST) NONE (12 hrs Econ, Acctq & Statistics subjects (6 being Acctg)) Bus Admin, [Masters in same] BASE SUPPORT 31P1 NONE (SECURITY FORCES) Sociology, Criminology, Police Admin, Criminal Justice, or related Field 32E1A Architectural Engineering or Architecture (ARCHITECTURAL) 32E1C (CIVIL) Civil Engineering 32E1E (ELECTRICAL) Electrical Engineering 32E1F (MECHANICAL) Mechanical Engineering 32E1G Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Architectural (ENGINEER) Engineering, and Environmental Engineering (Per AO: No Chemical, System, General, Industrial, Astronautical, Aerospace or Computer Engineer) 32E1J Environmental/[Civil Engr (by (ENVIRONMENTAL) exception only)] 33S1 (COMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATION) Any undergraduate degree with Academic specialization in Computer Science, Cyberspace studies, Information systems, Management, information resources management mathematics, engineering, physics, or business disciplines with information management, or computer science specializationor a minimum of 24 credit hours of Information Technology related courses to include but not limited to courses in telecommunications, computer science, upper-level mathematics (200-level or higher), engineering, physics, information systems management and information resources management. SSBI 33S1A Electrical or Computer or (COMMUNICATION Systems Engineering & INFORMATION ENGINEER) SSBI 34M1 (SERVICES) NONE Bus Admin, Management,Hospitality, Restaurant and Hotel Mgmt, Finance, Acctg, Public Admin Mgmt, or Recreation & Fitness 35B1 (BAND) NONE [(Auditions only)] Music, Music Ed, or related field 35P1 NONE Public (PUBLIC AFFAIRS) Mass or public Comm, Journalism, Relations, Communicative Arts, Advertising, Public Relations, Sociology, and Psychology 37F1 NONE (PERSONNEL/ MANPOWER) Bus Admin, Management, Sociology, Psychology, Education, Public Admin, Engr, Engr Tech, Human Resource Mgmt, Industrial Mgmt Engr, Com Sci, Math, Ops Research,or Instructional Technology 71S1 (OSI) Criminology, Police, Public or Bus Admin, Acctg, Bus or , Criminal Law , Comparative Govt, Area Studies, Gen Mgmt, Political Theory, or Behavioral or Social Psychology NONE