Deli D' light opened as a sandwich shop in an industrial plaza in 2002

SYS366 Test 2 V2 suggested answers
Winter Semester 2008
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This test is out of 50 marks and is worth 20% of your final mark. No aids are allowed. Good luck!
Deli D’ Lite opened as a sandwich shop in an industrial plaza in 2005. At first Deli D’ Lite sold only sandwiches.
Their popularity soon spread as the sandwiches were “created” for the customers from freshly baked bread and
rolls and a wide range of ingredients at a very reasonable price. Because the plaza in which Deli D’ Lite is located
is close to a university and a community college, there was soon a demand for tables and chairs at which
customers could eat. In response to requests, the owners added salads and homemade soups to its menu. Many
customers wanted to be able to enjoy Deli D’ Lite’s food not only at lunchtime but also through the afternoon and
evening. In response to this, the hours of operation were increased and the business expanded to include the sale
of deli products and baked goods. Again in response to requests, it developed a catering department to supply
trays of sandwiches and condiments to faculty meetings and functions, student functions and meetings held at
businesses within its area.
Deli D’ Lite has now grown so large that it has expanded into the two adjacent units in the industrial plaza. The
rate of expansion has caused the owners to rethink their original business plan. They have decided that they need
to turn some of the major functions of the business over to managers and to keep control of the strategic decisions
and the financial planning. They wish to invest in a computer system that will support both their responsibilities in
the business and those of their managers. The system to be developed will focus on supporting the needs of the
managers first. The initial functions performed by the managers that need computer support are:
Employee Management
 Hire full and part time staff
 Maintain Employee record
 Schedule full time employees
 Schedule part time employees
 Schedule delivery personnel
 Schedule vacations
 Schedule overtime
 Record sick time
Deli D’ Lite has won many business and customer satisfaction awards. It serves only deli meats and salads,
produce, and baked goods that are fresh each day. At the end of the day, the staff removes all of the unsold deli,
produce and baked goods from the display cases and refrigerators, packages them, and the delivery truck brings
them to the local shelters.
All trays of food for catered events are made up no sooner than two hours before the event and transported in
coolers to the venue. Deli D’ Lite will arrange to have staff to set the food on tables and to serve at a function if
that is required. Repeat catering clients are given up to a 20% discount on large orders and can have menu items
created for them. Deli D’Lite will accommodate dietary restrictions, such as no dairy products, no wheat
products, and vegetarian platters.
Many of Deli D’ Lite’s part time staff are students from the local college and university. The students like to work
there as their work schedules are set up to accommodate all test and exam dates. The status of an employee (fulltime, part-time) and their pay rate is recorded on their Employee record in addition to the normal information such
as name, address, etc. In the case of part-time employees, the number of hours they are willing to work in a week
and whether they are available for after 5:00 pm catering functions is also noted. The catering department gives
an automatic 10% discount to all orders placed by clubs or organizations to which its part-time student staff
Question 1: Business Rules (5 marks)
In this table, write 5 business rules from the Deli D’ Lite case study. Do not write more than 5 or make up
ones of your own.
SYS366 Test 2 V2 suggested answers
Winter Semester 2008
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Business Rules
Question 2: Systems Use Case Diagram (10 marks) (1 mark each)
In this space, draw a systems use case diagram for the Employee Management Business Area.
Question 3: Casual Use Case Specification (30 marks)
Using this template, write a casual systems use case specification for the Maintain Employee Record Use Case.
In addition to the Create New Employee Record scenario, you are to write scenarios which handle making
changes to the employee record and archiving an employee record. (The owners would not delete an
employee record in case they were asked to give a reference for one of their employees, or there was a tax audit,
etc. They would archive it so that they could view it later if necessary.)
NOTE: Be sure to include the names of all of the fields that would appear on an employee record. You will have
to reread the Case study very carefully in order to do this and look for business rules that affect employees.
Casual Use Case Specification
Use Case Name: Maintain Employee Record
Description: This use case allows the actor, the manager, to create a new employee record, change
an employee record and archive an employee record. (2 marks)
Section 1: Business Rule(s): (write 3 business rules that apply to the use case.) (3 marks)
BR 01: The number of hours part-time staff are willing to work is recorded on their record.
SYS366 Test 2 V2 suggested answers
Winter Semester 2008
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BR 02: Whether they are available for after 5:00 pm catering functions is recorded.
BR 03: Pay rate is recorded on the employee record.
BR 04: 10% discounts are given to clubs and organizations that part-time staff belong to.
Section 2: Scenarios (HD):
Scenario 1: Name of Scenario - Create New Employee Record
Preconditions (2 marks)
At the moment when the use case begins, the system is displaying the employee record screen.
The actor is authorized to create a new employee record.
Enters the required information: name, address,
telephone number, name of school, status – full
time or part time - , pay rate, number of hours,
availability for work after 5:00,discount
Requests save (1 mark)
Validates the information
Assigns an employee number
Saves the record in the employee data base (3
marks, 1 for each)
Scenario 2: Name of Scenario - Change Employee Information
Enters the employee’s number and requests
retrieve (1 Marks)
Retrieves the employee record and displays it on
the screen (1 marks)
Makes the required changes and requests save
Validates the data
(1 marks)
Saves the record (2 marks)
Scenario 3: Name of Scenario – Archive Employee Record
Enters the employee’s number and requests
retrieve (1 Marks)
Retrieves the employee record and displays it on
the screen (1 marks)
SYS366 Test 2 V2 suggested answers
Winter Semester 2008
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Requests archive
Write the record to the archive file (3 marks)
(1 marks)
Deletes the record from the current file
Displays a message that the archive has
been successful
Successful Post Conditions: The employee record has been created, changed, and archived. (3 marks)
Question 4: Stakeholders (5 marks)
In this space, write the names of all of the stakeholders for the Employee Management system being
developed for Deli D’Lite. An example, full-time employee.
Full-time employees
Part-time employees
Delivery personnel
Customers of the shop
Tax department
Catering Customers
Clubs or organizations to which part-time student employees belong