1 MGMT 346 Production and Operations Management Summer 2010 Instructor: Office: Phone: e-mail: Web Page: Office Hours: Dr. Dooyoung Shin Morris Hall 255 (507) 389- 5343 dooyoung.shin@mnsu.edu www.intech.mnsu.edu/shin M, T, W, R: 8:15 – 9:15, or by appointment e-book: Operations Management, William Stevenson, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 9-th ed. 2007 (See page 4 for details.) [2] Lecture Notes: can be downloaded from the web page Course Objectives: Required Text: [1] Production and Operations Management (POM) focuses on the process of creating products or services. It is concerned with the planning, controlling of all activities necessary for the provision of the firm's product or service. The importance of POM to those who will be future managers cannot be understated. It is important even to those who will not actually be operations managers because the integrative nature of organizations makes it essential that managers of other functions (e.g., finance, marketing, accounting, engineering, and so forth) understand the effect that decisions in their areas will have on the provision of the firm's major asset - namely, its product or service. The main objective of this course is to acquaint general business students with the concepts, models, techniques, and terminology that are now standard fare for those responsible for the operations of manufacturing and service systems. Quantitative aspects for solving problems in operations decision making will be moderately emphasized. A POM computer software (MS Excel Templates in Student DVD) will also be used for solving problems and cases. Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, you are expected to understand: 1. The basic operations and production function of an organization involved in efficient and effective generation and distribution of goods and services 2. The strategic importance of POM function 3. The management of quality: concepts, philosophy, tools and techniques 4. The improvement and measurement of productivity 5. Comparison and contrast of traditional planning and controlling methods with those of Lean Production (Just-in-time) systems 6. Production planning and controlling mechanisms 7. Inventory management/Supply Chain Management 8. Operations system design such as assembly line layout and balancing 2 9. New approaches and trends in manufacturing and service industries Guidelines: 1. The prerequisite is ECON 207. It is strongly recommended not to take this course unless you completed the prerequisite. 2. There will be absolutely no make-up exams and quizzes. Late assignments and projects, if any, will not be accepted. 3. There are 3 in-class quizzes and 3 exams including the final. There may be additional assignments, bonus problems, projects, and/or unannounced quizzes. Weights on Quizzes and Exams are as follows: Points Quiz 1/Exam 1 100 Quiz 2/Exam 2 100 Quiz 3/Exam 3 100 Total 300 4. Since so much material is covered in a short time period, it is very important to attend ALL classes. Should you miss a class, it is your responsibility to determine what you have missed and take appropriate actions. Class attendance will be checked frequently, and will be reflected in your final grade. 5. All quizzes, exams and other write-ups will be retained by the instructor until the end of the next semester. Exams and Quizzes will be available for your inspection at any of the office hours. 6. Eliminate laptop computer distractions: You should only use your laptop computer during class for class-related purposes. You should not use your laptop computer during class for any other activities, including playing games, listening to music, downloading files, visiting websites unrelated to class activities, doing e-mail unrelated to the class assignments, instant messaging your friends, and so forth. 7. Final grades are given as described below: Grade A B C D F Requirement (total points) over 270 240 - 269 210 - 239 180 - 209 Below 180 3 8. Students not admitted to the College of Business and who have taken 30 credits or more of College of Business courses will be asked to produce a transcript for the instructor's evaluation to ensure that the 30-credit rule is not violated. If the transcript reveals the student has taken more than 30 College of Business credits without being admitted into the College of Business, the student will be dropped from the class roster. 9. Any form of cheating will result in a grade of ‘F’ and can result in a possible ‘expulsion’ from the university. Note: Every attempt will be made to accommodate qualified students with disabilities. If you are a student with a documented disability, please see me as early in the semester as possible to discuss the necessary accommodations, and/or contact the Disability Services Office at (507) 389-2825(V) or 1-800-627-3529 (MRS/TTY) Course Schedule Topics Related Chapters Introduction to Operations Management Ch. 1 Productivity, Competitiveness, and Operations Strategy Ch. 2 Forecasting Customer Demand Ch. 3 Product and Service Design Ch. 4 Process Selection and Facility Layout Ch. 6 Recommended Problems 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26 2, 3, 5, 6 Quiz 1 and Exam 1 Strategic Capacity Planning for Products and Services Ch. 5 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 Location Planning and Analysis Ch. 8 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10 Management of Quality Ch. 9 1, 2, 8 Statistical Quality Control and Basic Tools Ch. 10 Quiz 2 and Exam 2 Supply Chain Management Ch. 11 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 4 Inventory Management Ch. 12 Lean Production 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16 19, 20, 21, 22 Ch. 15 Quiz 3 and Exam 3 Follow these 10 easy steps to buy a McGraw-Hill e-Book Please allow 45 minutes for complete download of your eBook 1.) Go to http://ebooks.primisonline.com 2.) Click on eBookstore. 3.) Select the CUSTOM e-BOOKS icon (icon in the middle of the screen) 4.) Read the 5 easy steps and click NEXT (at the bottom of the screen) 5.) Next use the drop down menu to select, County, State, and School (use Minnesota State University – Mankato) 6.) Next use the drop down menu to select MGMT 346 Professor Dooyoung Shin 7.) Select DOWNLOAD if you want the e-Book files to reside on your computer, click Buy e-Book 8.) Since you are a first time user, you will need to register for the site. Click New Users set up free account. 9.) Once you have registered, you will go through the ecommerce transaction process. You will be emailed a receipt. Click on ‘NEXT’. 10.) You are now in your e-Book shelf. You should see a link to download your e-Book. Click on ‘DOWNLOAD NOW’. (TIP: You already have Adobe installed on your Minnesota State University computer). 11.) The final step is to active your Microsoft.Net passport account. When you try and read your eBook for the first time, you will be prompted by the Adobe software to register on their site. The reason for the registration is to help keep these copyrighted materials protected. Once you register, you will not be asked again. If you need additional help with this last step, instructions are provided in steps 14-20 in this document http://ebooks.primisonline.com/eBookstore/index.jsp Finally, if you need any assistance with this process contact McGraw-Hill Primis at 1-800-962-9342