Wiki U2 Study Guide

Unit 2 Study Guide
Chapters 4-6
Key Questions and Concepts
Chapter 4 Questions
1. What was the population of the Chesapeake colonies throughout the first half of the seventeenth century
notable for?
How did seventeenth-century colonial tobacco growers usually respond to depressed prices for their crop?
What did the “headright” system involve?
What was the status of most immigrants to the Chesapeake colonies in the seventeenth century?
Who largely supported Bacon’s Rebellion?
What was the result of Bacon’s Rebellion?
Where did most of the slaves who came to the future United States come from?
The slave society that developed in North America was one of the few slave societies in history to do what?
Who were the majority of settlers in the colonial South?
10. How can the New England family best be described?
11. How did New England handle expansion of its growing population?
12. What were the causes and results of the Salem Witch Trials?
13. What were the basic ingredients of the New England economy?
14. How did the English justify taking land from the Indians?
Chapter 4 Key Concepts
 Compare the roles of women in the colonial South and to those in New England
 Account for the ways in which democratic practices and traditions developed in New England
 Understand the reasons for and the speed with which the English colonies in North America became
successful and permanent
 Explain the importance of Bacon’s Rebellion in colonial history
Chapter 5 Questions
What was the result of the rapid population growth in colonial America during the eighteenth century?
What were the key characteristics the Scots-Irish brought with them to America?
Why, on the eve of the American Revolution, did social and economic mobility decrease?
Which was the most honored profession in early colonial society and why?
What was the most important economic activity in colonial America?
What constituted “triangular trade” in colonial America?
How did manufacturing fit in to colonial society?
What was the one feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain the
Why did English officials try to "establish" the Church of England in as many colonies as possible?
What made the “new light” preachers of the Great Awakening different than the “old light”?
What accomplishments led Benjamin Franklin to be the most famous colonial American?
Which political principle did colonial Americans come to cherish above others?
Why were colonial legislatures often able to bend the power of the governors to their ends?
Chapter 5 Key Concepts
 The thirteen colonies developed some important similarities as the eighteenth century progressed.
 Colonial America developed a few important cities I the 1700’s
 The slave system created great wealth, for some, during the eighteenth century in the colonial South
 Denominations of Protestant Christianity varied in strength throughout colonial America
 The Great Awakening had a profound affect on the American colonies religiously and politically
 The role of education varied throughout the American colonies
 The importance of colonial governments, by the colonials themselves, came to grow in the eighteenth century
 Colonial America gained experience in and held the expectation of self-government by the middle of the
Chapter 6 Questions
What was the most valuable resource in New France?
How did the settlers of New France treat the Native Americans?
What role did the Jesuits play in New France?
New England colonists were outraged when England returned what hard-won site in a treaty in 1748?
What was the name of the French and Indian War in Europe?
What was the immediate purpose of the Albany Congress of 1754?
What was the long-range goal of the Albany Congress?
Why did George Washington become a well-known figure related to the French and Indian War?
What was the result of General Braddock's defeat a few miles from Fort Duquesne?
What did Great Britain gain as a result of its victory in the French and Indian War?
Who were and are the Acadians of history, or Cajuns of today?
The British decided to take what actions as a result of the defeat of Chief Pontiac?
How were those actions of the British (see above) seen by American colonists?
Chapter 6 Key Concepts
 The French colony of New France differed from English North America in important respects
 The French and English were rivals and battled over territory around the world, including North America
 The Albany Congress and the Albany Plan of Union represents a watershed in colonial history
 The ebb and flow and final result of the French and Indian War profoundly affected the actions of colonial
America at the time and in the years shortly thereafter.
 The Battle of Quebec and the Proclamation of 1863 are transforming events in the history of North America