Methods of Reading a Textbook

Survey. Read only the chapter title, subtitles, italicized terms, boldface type, and introductory or
summary sections. Make mental predictions about what the titles and subtitles imply the chapter will
Question. Go to the first major heading. Anticipate what will be in that section. Using the
interrogatives who, what, where, when, and why, turn heading #1 into a question. Then write the
question down.
Read. Read the chapter section by section for the purpose of answering the question.
Record. In the reader's own words and without looking at the text, write down very short cue
phrases. Think about the meaning, making certain what you write is noteworthy. Use key words,
key phrases, or numbering systems for parts of your answer.
Recite. Cover your answer and recite it from memory.
Repeat. Repeat steps 2, 3, 4, and 5 for each section in the entire chapter.
Review. Recite all answers from memory. If you can't recite all of the answers from memory, keep
studying until you can. Then go to question number two.
Benefits. Eliminates the time-consuming process of rereading or "looking over" the material endlessly
without ever really testing the memory. This involves active reading which sharpens comprehension.
This system was designed for lecture notetaking, but fits equally well in taking notes from the text. Its
greatest benefit will be to aid the student in the recall process.
Underline from each section of the text several key words or phrases.
Summarize the concepts represented by the key words and list them in the book margins or at
the bottoms of pages. (If the students are using borrowed or library books, then the key
words must be written on notecards keyed to the appropriate page numbers). Avoid listing
anything that might be an answer to a question.
In the review, self test. Recite the points you weren't able to recall, rather than those that you
To illustrate: Suppose a student is reading a textbook on psychology in which he finds a section on the
famous psychologist Erik Erikson. Erikson is remembered in his field for his theoretical model of the eight
stages of psychosocial development, which most people must pass through as they move from infancy to late
adulthood. Erikson represents each stage by two conflicting terms such as in stage one,"Basic Trust vs.
Mistrust," or in stage eight, "Ego Integrity vs. Despair."
The student may choose to underline the names and characteristics of the eight stages.
The student would then list in the margin or on a notecard the words,"Erikson's 8 stages?"
Upon reviewing, the student should cover the printed text, and using the phrase,"Erikson's 8
stages," recite all he/she can recall about the eight stages with their important characteristics
and age ranges. If he/she can recall only five of the eight stages, he/she knows exactly which
ones he/she needs to review and also which ones he/she need not waste time to go over
Prepared by IvaLou Nebeher 7/91. Based on Successful Tutoring by David Price Moore. (Revised 12/95)
Purpose. Many college students read and reread text materials in a haphazard, unorganized manner and never quite
grasp what the teacher or author intends. This handout is intended to show you a method by which you may be
able to study more effectively. By answering the questions following each passage correctly, you should get an
idea of the correlation between organization and the development of memory and study skills.
Rule. Most of your reading in college consists of textbook material. Each chapter in a textbook is usually divided
by headings and subheadings. These are a few simple steps that might help you study such textbook material.
Get a preview of the chapter by reading the title, section headings, summaries, and looking at
charts, maps, and graphs.
Return to the beginning of the chapter and read section by section, following an ask-read-check
Ask a question from each section heading that you anticipate will be answered in that
section using who, what, where, when, why, and how.
Read the section to answer the question(s), but be alert to any unanticipated information as
Check your understanding of each section by:
reciting to yourself answers to the questions you asked.
making mental notes of additional information not anticipated by your preformulated questions.
jotting down key words or brief phrases that will later cue your memory to
the important elements of the section.
relating the section to previous and future sections and to the larger picture
gained in the preview.
Gauge the size of each section you handle by the difficulty you have understanding the material, the
detail you are expected (or want) to retain from your reading, and the time you can afford to invest.
At times you might deal with a full chapter as one unit; at other times you might move through the
chapter a paragraph at a time.
If you have jotted down notes, after completing the chapter, evaluate your understanding by looking
at your notes and reciting to yourself everything you can remember about the chapter. If you did
not jot down notes, after completing the chapter, evaluate your understanding by reciting to
yourself everything you can remember about the chapter and writing briefly what is important for
later review.
Relate what you have read to what you have learned elsewhere: other readings, class lectures,
personal observations, etc.
PARCER is easy to describe, but more difficult to apply. However, application, not description, is the significant
part. You will need to apply PARCER to at least five chapters of text before the systems feels comfortable to you.
With each trial, evaluate yourself on the following points:
Am I able to read and study more efficiently than last time?
Do I check my understanding of each section without looking at the book?
Are my check notes long enough to help me but short enough to conserve time and energy?
When I evaluate my understanding of the chapter, do the check notes cue sufficient detail for my
Have I related the textbook material to the lecture, to any labs, and to what I already know?
Prepared by Janet Barrett 10/88. Based on the PARCER system. (Revised 12/95)