COLLEGE Entrance-Aligned Why the Vote? Contest Writing Rubric Category Focus, clarity of thesis and logic 6 EXCEEDS 5 MEETS for Passing HS English with an A ENGLISH 101 Passing with a B or better in HS English Essay shows a clear understanding of the task. Development of ideas is logical. Organization Clear beginning, thesis and statement, Development development ideas and conclusion according to the chosen organizational structure: i.e. Proposition/support, comparison/contrast, cause and effect. Parallel structure is consistent in the development of ideas as they are ordered in the introduction. Essay shows a clear understanding and response to the writing assignment. Development of ideas is logical and in sequence. Concluding paragraph is clearly related to ideas developed through the essay. Thesis is developed in 10 or more paragraphs. 90 % of major points presented are clearly developed in paragraphs with specific definitions, examples or reasons. Organization of the paper fits the requirement of the assignment. Parallel structure is maintained throughout. Youth Connection Charter School 4 NECESSARY for HS graduation 3 BARELY ACCEPTABLE Passing high school English with a C or better? Acceptable for English 100 Passing with a high school English with a D Intervention required 2 Does Not Meet 1 DNM Does not pass HS English Tutoring required Does not Pass HS English Attendance to tutoring sessions required Writing addresses assignment and ideas are developed with supports. Conclusions are drawn that relate to the thesis presented at the beginning. 1 Introductory paragraph is developed with 5 or more supporting paragraphs and one concluding paragraph. Parallel structure is maintained throughout the development of the essay. Introduction is clear but underdeveloped and conclusions are not linked to the introductory paragraph or thesis statement. Supporting paragraphs do not always follow the order of ideas presented in the introduction. No clear introduction, idea development or conclusion. No parallel structure of ideas although at least two ideas are given to support the thesis. Student may begin to veer off track from the writing assignment. No clear introduction or ideas to support the ideas presented in the writing. COLLEGE Entrance-Aligned Why the Vote? Contest Writing Rubric Support of Ideas Sentence Structure Vocabulary Selection and Use Essay examines different perspectives, evaluates the issue and provides specific supports for all ideas introduced. Essay consists of at least 10 well developed paragraphs. Six sources are cited. Sentences types are varied and clear. Basic control of language and sentence structure is evident in all paragraphs. Writes clear concise sentences. Uses specific vocabulary related to the topic. Also varies use of descriptive vocabulary. Introduction, development of ideas and conclusion are developed. Paragraphs are developed and main idea of each paragraph is evident. Point by point order and structure is maintained throughout the whole essay. OR Parallel structure is consistent in the development and order of ideas presented in the introduction. Four sources are cited. Basic control of language and sentence structure is evident in at least four of the paragraphs. Uses a variety of sentence structures in properly punctuated, complete sentences. (YCCS) Uses specific vocabulary related to the topic 90% of the time. Knows how to use figurative language and idioms correctly. Key terms related to the topic are explained. Writer’s voice matches the purpose of the writing. Youth Connection Charter School 85 % major points presented are clearly developed paragraphs with specific definitions, examples or reasons. Thesis is developed in at least 5 focused 70-74% Most ideas are supported. Comparisons made are supported less paragraphs that use than 70% of the transitions.(YCCS)Comparisons time. Some details made are consistently are not logical. supported. Two sources are cited. Clear expression with less than 3 errors in basic sentence structure. Uses a variety of sentence structures in properly punctuated, complete sentences.(YCCS) Word choice enhances specificity. Writer’s voice matches the purpose of the writing or Selection of vocabulary is appropriate to the audience and purpose of the essay Uses only one or two types of sentence structure but complete sentences are evident. Vocabulary fits the task but it is simple. Very few ideas are developed through specific examples. Details do not fit the examples or intent of the writing assignment. Ideas are not developed. Details are not evident. Response is off task and not related to the requirements of the writing assignment. No varieties of sentence structure but complete sentences are evident. Ability to write complete sentences is not evident. 2 COLLEGE Entrance-Aligned Why the Vote? Contest Writing Rubric Writing conventions Assignment Response There are less than 2 errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. Written response addresses the specific writing task through interpreting meaning from multiple texts. Specific ideas in the curriculum text documents are cited in the development of the response. Connections to other texts outside of the curriculum documents and other ideas are used to strengthen response. Use of both simple and complex inference to name, extrapolate meaning, understand motivation, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate in college level texts.(YCCS) Editing Clear evidence of There are less than 3 errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. There are no errors in subject-verb agreement. There is evidence of editing. Specific writing task requested in the assignment is completed. Specific, relevant, accurate information from the reading passages are used to support ideas in the written response. Inferences drawn from the text are clear. Connections are made between information in the text and other historical occurrences. Application of word analysis and vocabulary skills to comprehend late high school level reading selections is evident in the response. (YCCS) Use of both simple and complex inference to name, extrapolate meaning, understand motivation, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate in late high school level texts.(YCCS) Youth Connection Charter School There are less than 4 errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. There are no errors in subject/verb agreement or in tense. Specific writing task requested in the assignment is completed. Writer can distinguish between literal and inferential information. Make connections to ideas from the student’s own world. Application of word analysis and vocabulary skills to comprehend late high school level reading selections is evident in the response.(YCCS) There are less than 5 errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation (Do you want to say how many of each type of error?? i.e. Allow more in punctuation??) Errors distract the reader from gaining meaning. Frequent grammar errors in each paragraph. More than 3 errors s each in grammar, spelling and punctuation distract the reader from gaining meaning. 3 COLLEGE Entrance-Aligned Why the Vote? Contest Writing Rubric Youth Connection Charter School planning, prewriting organizing, editing and revising. Integrated Score Definitions: Focus, clarity of thesis, logic- Purpose of the essay is evident and answers the requirements of the assigned writing assignment. Subject is well defined in the opening and the thesis is clearly stated. Logic of arguments is maintained throughout the essay. Writer does not stray from the development of the thesis statement. (Students will be able to distinguish between subject and thesis statement) Organization and Development– All main points are developed with supporting details that are presented in a logical sequence or order. Paragraphing fits the shifts in main ideas to be developed. The organizational structure selected meets the purpose and development of ideas i.e. Comparison/ contrast, cause and effect, proposition /support. Support of Ideas – Ideas are developed through explanation and supported by specific reasons, details, and examples Sentence Structure – Simple and complex sentences are used to develop ideas. Combine the use of different sentence types to develop ideas. Vocabulary – Selection of vocabulary is specific to the development of ideas and supporting details. Vocabulary is varied to fit the purpose of the assignment. Specific words are selected and used to develop the thesis of the essay. Vocabulary selection indicates and understanding of how words are used in the reading passages. Vocabulary is selected from the reading passages when writing a response to reading. Writing conventions – Grammar, spelling and punctuation rules are followed for written business English. Written Response to Assignment When given a writing assignment, the written response addresses the task/question presented in the assignment. Ideas are developed using support from the text and from making connections between the text and other examples. Students make effective use of the vocabulary in the reading passage and in the assignment. (See NAEP Rubric) Editing - Use and edit for appropriate writing conventions, including capitalization; plurals, possessives and contractions, subject/verb and pronoun/antecedent agreement, and comma use. Integrated Score - A score based upon the consideration of the writing as a whole after reviewing all specific categories in an analytic rubric. 4