campaign speech

Jader Dutra
Blood alone moves the wheels of history! Now that I have your attention, my name is
Jader Dutra, and I am running for Secretary of NHS. I don’t plan on dazzling you with fancy
“rhetoric” like my elitist opponent. I simply want to go over the facts. The Secretary of NHS
must serve as a “liason” (more fancy elitist vocabulary) between his fellow members, elementary
schools, and the other officers. This simply means that if you have any questions, then come to
me. If you have any problems, come to me. If you have any complaints, then come to me
because I’m sure I’ll agree with you. I, my friends, am a man of the people! Fact. I also plan on
staying after every meeting as late as possible to answer any questions from my fellow members.
Why? Because I know how annoying it is to ask someone when the next meeting is or what time
we have to be at a certain volunteering opportunity during a passing period only to find out that
they don’t know either. I plan on improving on Chuckie Franco and Ryan O’Hern’s current level
of direct communication with the rest of NHS.
The Secretary of NHS must also be able to work with computers in order to maintain the
wikispace, email members, and make the necessary papers. I plan on alerting you as much as
possible because I know how frustrating it is to find the night before that you have to wake up
earlier. Also, I am a master with technology. Fact. I built my own computer. Emmi, how many
computer have you built? Oh right, you haven’t.
The Secretary of NHS has to maintain attendance, tardies, strikes, and consequences
regarding member meetings. Now, I will not confirm nor deny the possibility of me being very
lenient with this. So if you want someone who understands that it’s hard to be here every
morning, then you should vote for me. Maybe I’ll just turn away when your friend decides to
check your name off for you because maybe I thought I saw you there. Your friend was just
saving you the hassle of getting in line, right? Ms. Hasan, disregard everything I just said.
Now, I’d like to address the goals of the Bear Coalition. The Bear Coalition is the first
student-led political party of BHS that was founded by Nathan Howard, Antonio Spina, and I. I
remember when we first decided that it was necessary. It was long ago in our school’s history,
about two weeks ago. Ms. Hasan looked at us and said, “No, you can’t make political parties.”
We knew right then what we had to do. Now our other members besides Nathan, Antonio, and I
include the following: Chuckie Franco, Upesh Desai, John Lesniak, Manuel De Leon, and
Andrew Harris. Take a good look at that list. I know. It’s pretty impressive. Our goals are simple.
Our first goal is to change the face of NHS. We want NHS to take a more active role in the
school and work directly with the Class Council of 2012. Many current class officers are eager to
work with us like Manny and Andrew. This allows for more and better service opportunities. Our
second goal is to change the opinion on NHS. Right now, anyone who isn’t in NHS thinks we’re
just a group of Honors and Academy kids who don’t really do anything. We want NHS to be a
positive, well-known force in the school and community. I want this group to be more than just
something we write down on our college transcripts. Our last goal for NHS is to take over South
Elgin. Too many Bartlett students have been taken from the homeland and forced into their
school. A citizen of Bartlett will always be a citizen of Bartlett! No legislation can change this.
For far too long, they have offended us “Buck Fartlett” shirts. Enough is enough! We will march
into their school and take back what is ours!
Jader Dutra
Finally, I’d like to take a moment to mention those who endorse my candidacy and who I,
in turn, endorse as well. Antonio Spina, Nathan Howard, John Lesniak, and Upesh Desai as
members of the Bear Coalition all support my candidacy. Most notably, Chuckie Franco, the
current Secretary of NHS, supports my candidacy. Who better to decide which candidate would
be the better Secretary than the Secretary himself? Now, McCallister, the greatest kid alive,
endorses my candidacy. You can not show me a single person in this school who has a problem
with McCallister. If you do, then leave because you must have done something awful. This is the
nicest guy you can ever meet. So if you like McCallister, then you should follow his lead and
vote for me. If you hate McCallister, then go ahead and vote for Emmi. But it will make him sad.
I think I should mention that I plan on making McCallister the senior hair expert of NHS. I also
plan on making Taylor Mitchell the NHS ambassador who acts as our representative to other
student organizations and partners. Now concerning the Presidential race, both Upesh Desai and
Lena Fico are viable candidates. Both of them endorse my candidacy. According to my
calculations, if half of you vote for Upesh, and half of you vote for Lena, then all of you should
vote for me.