
Name: _______________
World War II Test
1. List the major Axis dictators and their countries:
2. List the Allied Powers and the Central Powers: (For the Soviet Union, put which side
they ended on.)
3. Which territory did Hitler militarize, violating the Treaty of Versailles?
A. France
B. Soviet Union C. Stalingrad D. Rhineland
4. Hitler and Mussolini signed an alliance known as the:
A. Pact of Steel B. Non-Aggression Pact C. Rome-Berlin Axis
D. All of the Above
5. Which acts passed by Congress outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at war?
A. Coercive Acts
B .Cash or Carry Acts C. Land-Lease Acts D. Neutrality Acts
6. What was the first country that was invaded by Germany?
A. Austria
B. Poland
C. Czechoslovakia
D. France
7. Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain who tried to pacify Hitler by giving him
the Sudetenland?
A. Winston Churchill B. Neville Chamberlain
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt D. Lord Melbourne
8. What was the name of the policy mentioned above?
9. What did the Prime Minister say upon returning to England?
10. After Hitler received the Sudetenland, which country did he invade?
A. Austria
B. Poland
C. Czechoslovakia
D. France
11. Germany shocked the world by signing a Non-Aggression Pact with which country?
A. United States B. Soviet Union C. Italy D. Japan
12. Give the German term for each of the following:
Air Force “Lightning War” –
13. Which country was invaded by two sides, Germany from the West, and Russia from
the East?
A. Austria B. Poland
C. Czechoslovakia D. France
14. What was the name of complex fortification built along the France/German
15. Why were the fortifications mentioned above ineffective?
16. How did Britain defend itself in the famous “Battle of Britain”?
A. Bombing during the day
B. Using sonar to detect U-boats
C. Using radar to detect airplanes D. All of the above
17. Which plan allowed the US to lend or lease arms to nations whose defense was
considered vital to America?
A. Cash & Carry Plan
B. Land-Lease Plan
C. Dawes Plan
D. None of the Above
18. FDR and Churchill met secretly to discuss the goals for the war. They drew up an
agreement known as the:
A. Pacific Charter
B. Atlantic Charter
C. League of Nations
D. Liberty Charter
19. On what date was Pearl Harbor attacked by Japan?
A. December 7, 1941
B. December 7, 1942
C. December 7, 1943
D. December 7, 1944
20. What famous line did Roosevelt address to his Congress the day after the Pearl
Harbor attack?
21. What was the rallying cry in the US immediately after the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
A. Remember Pearl Harbor
B. One Nation Under God
C. We Will Never Forget
D. None of the above
22. Which Act drafted an additional 10 million American soldiers for the war effort?
23. Give an example of a non-combat role which women performed in the WAAC:
24. Which minority population had the largest amount of participation in the war effort?
A. Mexican-Americans
B. Japanese-Americans
C. African-Americans
D. Native-Americans
25. Who was Rosie the Riveter?
26. About how many women worked in the factories during WW2?
A. 1 Million
B. 6 Million
C. 10 Million
D. 12 Million
27. What was the purpose of the Office of Scientific Research and Development?
28. What was the codename given to the development of the atomic bomb?
A. Operation Torch
B. Operation Overlord
C. Washington Project
D Manhattan Project
What is the purpose of this poster?
30. Churchill and FDR’s strategy was to focus on ________________ first, then turn
toward _______________.
A. Japan, Germany
B. Germany, Japan
C. Italy, Germany
D. Germany, Italy
31. Why were the first few months of the battle of the Atlantic so bad for the Allies?
32. How did allied strategy change during the war of the Atlantic?
A. Allies used convoys of ships
B. Destroyers used Sonar to detect U-boats
C. Allies used airplanes to transport supplies D. All of the above
33. Which major industrial center did Hitler try to take in the Soviet Union?
A. Petrograd
B. Kiev
C. St. Petersburg
D. Stalingrad
34. How many men did the Soviets lose in this battle?
A. 400,000
B. 1 Million
C. 2 Million
D. 150,000
35. Why did the above German advance fail?
36. Which operation involved the invasion of Axis held North Africa?
A. Operation Overlord
B. Operation Phoenix
C. Operation Trident
D. Operation Torch
37. Which famous German general, known as the “desert fox”, led the Africa Korps?
A. Herman Goering
B. Eduard Dietl
C. Edwin Rommel
D. Gunther Rudel
38. FDR and Churchill met in __________________ and decided their strategy for
ending the war in Europe.
A. Sicily
B. Rome
C. Yalta
D. Casablanca
39. Who was stripped of his power and arrested after the Italian campaign?
A. King Emmanuel III
B. Hitler
C. Mussolini
D. Stalin
40. In what year was Italy secured by the Allies?
A. 1943
B. 1944
C. 1945
D. 1946
41. Which African-American squadron was known as the “Tuskegee Airmen”, and were
instrumental in winning the Italian campaign?
A. 89th
B. 99th
C. 79
D. 59th
42. What event occurred on June 6th, 1944 and was the largest amphibious operation in
military history?
43. Which sector along the Normandy coast was known for the worst brutality?
A. Utah
B. Gold
C. Sword
D. Omaha
44. How many consecutive terms did FDR serve?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
45. Which battle was the last German offensive of World War II?
A. Battle of the Bulge
B. Battle of Midway
C. Battle of Kursk
D. Battle of Britain
46. How many troops did Germany lose in the battle mentioned above?
A. 80,000
B. 120,000
C. 300,000
D. 500,000
47. What two countries liberated the death camps as they swept across Europe?
48. What happened to Hitler after the Allies took Berlin?
49. Which famous American general accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third
A. Patton
B. Nimitz
C. Kennedy
D. Eisenhower
50. Which day was celebrated as V-E Day or Victory in Europe Day?
A. May 5th , 1945
B. May 6th, 1945
C. May 7 , 1945
D. May 8th, 1945
51. Who became President after FDR died of a stroke?
A. Eisenhower
B. Kennedy
C. Truman
D. Nixon
52. What was the final theatre of World War II?
A. Atlantic
B. North African
C. European
D. Pacific
53. During which five-day battle did the Americans stop the Japanese from taking
A. Battle of Midway B. Battle of the Coral Sea
C. Battle of Iwo Jima D. Battle of Okinawa
54. Which battle was the turning point in the Pacific?
A. Battle of Midway B. Battle of the Coral Sea
C. Battle of Iwo Jima
D. Battle of Okinawa
55. Japanese pilots who crashed into Allied ships were called:
56. Describe the Allied strategy of “Leap-frogging” in the Pacific”
57. Which battle was the most heavily defended spot on earth, resulting a tremendous
loss of life for both sides? (this picture represents it)
A. Battle of Midway B. Battle of the Coral Sea
C. Battle of Iwo Jima
D. Battle of Okinawa
58. During which battle did the Japanese unleash 1900 suicide attacks?
A. Battle of Midway B. Battle of the Coral Sea
C. Battle of Iwo Jima
D. Battle of Okinawa
59. What devastating weapon was developed in 1945 by Dr. Oppenheimer?
60. The weapon mentioned above was dropped on what two Japanese cities?
61. What was not an agreement reached at the Yalta Conference?
A. Germany divided into 5 zones after the war
B. Stalin agreed to free elections in Eastern Europe
C. Stalin agreed to help the US and join the United Nations
D. None of the Above
62. The surviving Nazi leaders were placed on trial for their war crimes at:
A. Berlin
B. Nuremberg
C. Paris
D. Versailles
63. How did Herman Goering avoid his execution after the trial?