Exercise lab report - Sites at Penn State

The Effects of Exercise of Male and Female Pulse Count and Blood Pressure
By: David Pfeilsticker
April 7, 2013
The human circulatory system is a collection of tiny structures through which
blood flows. The blood is used as a medium to supply tissues with oxygen and
nutrients for physical activity, metabolism, growth, and waste removal. When a person
exercises, his or her body focuses on the immediate demand for gas exchange and
adapts accordingly. The body adapts by increasing heart rate and blood pressure to
accommodate the physical demand (“Cardiovascular Physiology”).
Gas exchange is a complex process that involves two body systems: the
circulatory system and the respiratory system. The circulatory system consists of the
heart, blood vessels, and blood. The second system involved in gas exchange is the
respiratory system, which consists of the lungs, trachea, and bronchia tree. The organs
of the circulatory system and respiratory system that play a role in gas exchange work
together to insure that all tissues in the body receive an adequate amount of oxygen
and that excess carbon dioxide is removed (“Cardiovascular Physiology”)
The circulatory system is a lot more complex than most people realize. The
heart is the core of the circulatory system. The heart consists of four chambers: two
atria and two ventricles. The ventricles pump the blood and the atria collect the blood.
Blood is pumped out of the right ventricle and though the pulmonary semilunar valve.
After this, the blood flows though the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. In the lungs, gas
exchange occurs in the capillary beds. This process is known as the pulmonary circuit.
Blood then returns to the heart though pulmonary veins and enters the left atrium,
where it passes though the left atrioventricular valve, and then into the left ventricle.
The left ventricle then pumps blood though the aortic semilunar valve and into the aorta.
The aorta distributes the blood to the upper and lower body, and gas exchange occurs
in the capillary beds of the body’s tissues. This process is known as the systemic
circuit. Lastly, the blood returns to the heart thought the superior and inferior vena
cava, and enters the right atrium (Campbell and Reece 898-927).
Like many things in the body, heartbeat is coordinated. First atria contract
together, following that, the ventricles contract together. The heart sounds we hear are
the results of the contractions, but are made from the closing of valves. The closing of
valves between atria and ventricles causes the first low “lub” sound, as the ventricles
contract. The closing of the pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves causes the second
“dub” sound as the ventricles relax (“Cardiovascular Physiology”).
Blood pressure is also an interesting phenomenon associated with the circulatory
system. Cardiac output and peripheral resistance are the two factors responsible for
blood pressure in the arteries. Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by the left
ventricle per unit time. Peripheral resistance is the resistance to flow though arterioles
and capillaries that keeps the pressure from dropping to zero between heartbeats. The
contraction of the left ventricle causes a high peak in blood pressure. This high peak in
blood pressure is called the systolic pressure. The lowest level of blood pressure is
caused by ventricular relaxation and filling. This is termed diastole. It is worth noting
that blood pressure is high in arteries nearest to the heart (“Cardiovascular
It is common knowledge that when a person sprints up a flight of stairs, his or her
breathing rate increases. But does this change physiology differ in men and woman?
The purpose of this experiment was to find the effect of physical activity on heart rate
and blood pressure, and to see how this phenomenon differed between males and
females. The hypothesis that our lab group formulated was that there would be a
change in both pulse and systolic/diastolic blood pressure. The difference would arise in
the rate at which they increase. Men having less of a percent change than women due
to the greater physical condition and expected work load. Bigger muscle mass will
contribute to less “work” put into exercising and therefore a lower response by the heart.
Materials and Methods:
The materials that were used in this experiment included: a stethoscope, a
sphygmomanometer, a clock, alcohol swabs, a wooden stepping box, and a
metronome. The initial data regarding age, sex, weight, height, alcoholic drinks a week,
tobacco products smoked a week, caffeinated drinks consumed a week, and exercise
per week was collected a week before the experiment was conducted. However, this
experiment mainly focused on the difference between pulse count, and systolic/diastolic
blood pressure after exercise in regards to gender. Students had a chance to practice
using a sphygmomanometer to measure blood pressure before the actual experiment
took place to familiarize with the equipment. The class was divided into six groups that
consisted of four group members. Each group member was assigned to a task; to
either, keep track of the time, count the pulse, or measure the blood pressure. All group
members had to partake in the experiment and their resulting data was taking into
account. All group members worked simultaneously; while one was measuring the pulse
count, the other would measure his blood pressure. On the day of the experiment, each
group member measured his or hers resting heart rate and resting blood pressure.
Additionally, both systolic and diastolic blood pressures were taken by another student.
At the conclusion of the experiment, blood pressure and heart rate were calculated for
each group member after completing the step exercise for 15 steps a minute, and then
30 steps a minute. A metronome was used during the step exercise to calibrate the
steps. Then we compiled our class data with two other class sections and analyzed the
results. All the data was compiled together and put into Microsoft Excel. A crucial thing
to remember is that the data obtained for the pulse count of each individual participant
was for 30 seconds interval, and not per minute. The experimental group consisted of
30 females and 23 males of age ranging from 18 to 26. Calculations were made to
determine standard deviation, averages, percent differences, and standard error. We
then put the data into graphs and tables to be further analyzed.
After the process of experimentation, the data was analyzed and the results are as
Graphs showing the resting values of the experiment, as well as others that display the
average percent difference in varies categories.
^As you can see, the values for pulse count are around the same area for both males and
females. Systolic and Diastolic BP for males seems to be slightly larger.
^The percent difference between males and females pulse count was not that far off either. Both hovering
around the same area.
^This is where the main difference between males and females is. The percent difference in the systolic
BP after exercise seems to differ greatly. The standard error bars do not over lap which means there is
some variation within the data.
^Although there may seem like this is some variation within the percent difference between the diastolic
BP, the standard error bars do overlap, so it is possible that there is no variation in the data. Also the
percent difference is very small to begin with.
The data that was displayed in graphic form can also be looked at in table form...
Tables for Data
Collection - Exercise
Physiology Lab - Bio
240W Spring 2008
Resting Level Values:
Table 1: Resting level
Pulse count
Exercise Data:
Table 2: Normalized
average change in pulse
count/30sec after exercise
av. % diff
Pulse count
Exercise Data:
Table 3: Normalized
average change in systolic
After looking at the
BP after exercise
average numbers and average percent differences, we can
av. % diff
look at the results from the
TTEST thatFemales
was performed to
achieve our Females
P values. P
.05 show that the
two data sets2.68
(male and female),
30-stepsaround or below 19.3
1.96 for a certain
category, show some statistical significance. Meaning that there is a significant change
Exercise Data:
the 4:
and it should be examined. The P values from the TTEST are as followed.
average change in diastolic
BP after exercise
av. % diff
P Values
% Diff. 15 Steps % Diff. 30 Steps
Pulse Count
Significant (Y/N)
^As you can see, the only significant
P values would
be the ones pertaining
to the systolic BP. This
means betweenSignificant
the two groups
there is a meaningful
difference that occurs in the
(Y/N) (male
Y and female) Y
BP before and during exercise.
Diastolic BP systolic
Significant (Y/N)
Also, there are other factors that could pertain to that data the was presented
above. All participants were required to fill out a general lifestyle form which asked for
sex, height, weight, tobacco products smoked a week, caffeine drinks and day, alcoholic
drinks consumed a week, and day exercised a week. Since we analyzed the data from
a male and female perspective the data will be displayed in the a similar manner. An
average of the numbers will be used.
Height Smoke/W Caffeine/ Alcohol/ Exercise
Wk for the
^Differences arise in weight, height, smoke/wk, alcohol/wk,
and exercise.
Females 20
category for males there is an outlier with the value of 50.
The data that was collected shows promising results. The biggest coming with
the findings of multiple significant p values for systolic blood pressure. Although there is
some variation within the other data collected, this is what gives us our results. The
average resting values for pulse count and diastolic blood pressure seem to be the
same for both males and females, but there is some variation with the resting systolic
blood pressure since the p value is .009. This is good since it somewhat makes it easier
to compare data at the end of the experiment and also made the findings more uniform,
with less chance of error. Also, the average percent difference in pulse count after
exercise for both males and females is also consistent within one another. This means
that all of the variation should arise in the different blood pressure calculations that have
a constant and consistent equal pulse rate with one another.
Looking at the average percent difference in systolic blood pressure, you can find
variation between the two data sets (male and female.) The standard error bars do not
overlap within the graphs which shows a reliable indication of statistical difference. Also,
the fact the p values for systolic blood pressure are all below .05 gives us the ultimate
indication that there is some statistical significance between the two groups.
Analyzing the average percent difference in diastolic blood pressure we can see
that it seems as if there is some variation, but the percent difference is very small. The p
values are also close to .05 but do not go any lower than .1 which would not qualify as
statistically significant in the terms that we are using.
By only looking at the average data and not the individual data, we can see that
there is some statistical significance between males and females when it comes to the
average percent difference in systolic blood pressure. It seems as if during exercise, the
pulse rate of both men and women increase at the same rate and the diastolic blood
pressure also changes in consistency with one another. The systolic blood pressure
which was different between the two groups in the beginning of the experiment still
stays different, but does not change consistently within males and females. Meaning,
the systolic blood pressure starts off different and rises on different levels for males and
females during exercise.
Comparing these findings with the average individual data such as height and
weight we can try to figure out what causes such differences in systolic blood pressure.
The average age and caffeine drinks are around the same value. Average tobacco
products a week for males is exaggerated a bit since there is one outlier with a value of
50 that drives up all the other values, because of this the smoke/wk category can be
treated the same and constant. The males have a larger average height, weight, and
alcohol/wk consumption, while women seem to exercise more. These categories such
as exercise and moderate alcohol consumption, can lower your blood pressure while
being overweight can help increase your blood pressure. Although we have specific
data for each category it is outlandish to just say that because women exercise .7 more
days a week their systolic blood pressure should be statistically different than men. The
real cause for the difference in systolic blood pressure is found within the hight and
weight difference of the two groups. Men being taller and weighing more have been
found to naturally have a higher blood pressure. A study conducted to find the
difference between the blood pressure in genders found that women have a lower blood
pressure in peripheral arteries than males due to the shorter body height, which in turn
means shorter distance to reflecting sites and an increase in aortic tightening (London,
1995). Besides a difference in the height and weight of the two genders, there are other
factors that need to be looked at. Men and women both produce a different amount of
gender specific chemicals such as testosterone and estrogen, and it may certainly be
that the combination of certain differences in the life styles between men and women
and the natural physical differences between the genders that ultimately contributes to
the difference in blood pressure. Either way, we have come to the conclusion that the
systolic blood pressure in males is statistically different that that of females while resting
and during exercise. Which is somewhat different than our lap groups original
Although we would like to think our results are 100% correct, in reality they may
be a little skewed. Students that took blood pressure measurements are not
professionals at using the correct apparatus for doing so, and because of this, our blood
pressure numbers might be a little off, which would have a pretty sounding effect on our
data. Also, pulse counts could have been miscounted which would also skewed our
results. Even though there might have been some error within our experiment, I would
like to think that we did an acceptable job in recording accurate data and that our
research would not go unnoticed.
It would be very interesting if experiments were done to see the effects of
testosterone and estrogen, and other generally gender specific chemicals effect blood
pressure, and to correlate that with the specific life style of participants, in such a way
as we did in this experiment. Blood pressure and vascular health is one of the most
important aspects of physical health that people should be concerned about. If blood
can’t get to a certain location then neither can the nutrients that use it as a medium of
transportation. Everybody has a heart, why shouldn’t we try to find out all that we can
about it and better our own understanding of ourselves.
Campbell, Neil A., Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, and Steven A.
Wasserman. Biology. Eighth ed. San Francisco: Pearson, 2008. 898-927. Print.
“Cardiovascular Physiology: The relationship between Gas Exchange and
Cardiac Activity” Edited by Nelson, K, and Burpee, D. Department of Biology, The
Pennsylvania State University, PA (2013).
London, Gerard, Alain Guerin, Bruno Bruno Pannier, Sylvain Marchais, and
Michael Stimpel. "Influence of Sex on Arterial Hemodynamics and Blood Pressure."
PubMed (1995). Print.