CHMN Seminar in Preaching and Worship AIIAS Books on Preaching Annotated Bibliography Achtemeier, Elizabeth. Preaching About Family Relationships. Preaching about... Philadelphia: Westminster, 1987. BV 4235 F 3 A 23. 118 pages. Visiting professor of Bible and Homiletics, Union Theological Seminary, Virginia. A practical homiletic guidance, and theologically profound, it is about joy and concerns of the modern family, and how to preach about it. Allen, Ronald J. Preaching the Topical Sermon. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992. BV 4235 T 65 A 44. 164 pages. Associate Professor of Preaching and NT, Christian Theological Seminary. Practical Model for developing sermons when Bible offers little specific guidance for interpreting an issue or a situation. Allen, Ronald J. Contemporary Biblical Interpretation for Preaching. Valley Forge: Judson Press, 1984. BS 534.5 A 44. 154 pages. Associate Professor of Preaching and NT at Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana. Bailey, Raymond. Jesus the Preacher. Nashville, TN: Broadman, 1990. BT 590 P 7 B 35. 122 pages. From the Southwestern Theological Seminary. Learning from Jesus to Preach. Chapell, Bryan. Using Illustrations to Preach with Power. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1992. BV 4226 C 43. 222 pages. Vice-president and academic dean, professor of Practical Theology at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis. Using real life situation in making sermons interesting inspiring and life-changing. Theory, process, and examples. Cooper, Charlotte. 50 Object Stories for Children. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1987. BV 4315 C 66. 117 pages. Teacher of learning handicapped children, Saint Juan School District in Sacrament. Meaningful sermons and/or object lessons for children. Drakeford, John W. Humor in Preaching. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. BV 4235 H 85 D 73. 110 pages. Professor of Psychology and Counseling Southwestern Baptist Theological 1 Seminary. About the serious business of humor. Demonstrates the property and function of humor in perching. Gibson, Ty. In the Light of God’s Love. Oshawa, Ontario: Pacific Press, 1996. BT 140 G53. SDA member, associate director-speaker for Light Bearers Ministry. Discusses different themes (truth, God, salvation, obedience, temptation, spiritual power) in the light of God’s love. Useful for sermons. Githens, Harry. Hymns Illustrated with Chalk. Cincinnati, Ohio: the Standard Publishing Company, n. d. BV4227 G 57. 63 pages. Hymns, drawings, and tips to draw; scripture reading and the story of hymn. Goldsworthy, Graeme. Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture: The Application of Biblical Theology to Expository Preaching. London: Inter-Varsity, 2000. BS 534.5 G 65. 272 pages. Lecturer in OT, Biblical Theology and Hermeneutics at Moore Theological College, Sydney, Australia. Christ-centered preaching: examination of biblical theology and preaching; explication of biblicaltheological method to the Bible. Erickson, Craig Douglas. Participating in Worship: History, Theory, and Practice. Louisville: Westminister/John Knox, 1989. BV 15 E 73. 223 pages. Senior Pastor Tokyo Union Church, Tokyo, Japan. Elements of participation; historical and theological insights and theory of liturgical participation. Frame, John M. Worship in Spirit and Truth: A Refreshing Study of the Principles and Practice of Biblical Worship. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 1996. BV 10.2 F 73. 170 pages. Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminar, California. Gray, John R. Something to Say to the children. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988. BV 4315 G 73. 222 pages. Minister of Dunblane Cathedral. Short, pointed, and catching the imagination of children talks. Hesel, Dieter. For Creation’s Sake: Preaching, Ecology, and Justice. Philadelphia: The Geneva Press, 1985. BT 2 695.5 F 67. 142 pages. Associate for Social Education, Program Agency, Presbyterian Church (USA). Hill, Andrew. Enter His Courts with Praise!: Old Testament Worship for the New Testament Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1993. BV 10.2 H 55. 335 pages. Associate Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College. Theological principles, examples and applications of OT worship. Holbert, John C. Preaching Old Testament: Proclamation & Narrative in the Hebrew Bible. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1991. 128 pages. Associate Professor of Homiletics at Perkins School of Theology, Southwestern Methodist University, Dallas, TX. Technics of preaching from the Hebrew Bible and its theological significance. Howe, Reuel L. Partners in Preaching: Clergy and Laity in Dialogue. New York, the Seabury Press, 1967. BV 4221 H 6 c.2. 127 pages. Director of the Institute for Advanced Pastoral Studies. Development of the sermon to which both preacher/congregation contribute. 3 Killinger, John. The Centrality of Preaching in the Total Task of the Ministry. Waco, TX: word Books, 1962. BV 4211.2 K 55. 123 pages. Associate Professor of Preaching, Divinity School, Vanderbilt University. Centrality of preaching, preaching and the worship, pastoral care, Christian education, church administration. Knight, Walter B. Knight’s Treasury of 2.000 Illustrations. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1963. BV 4225.2 K 45 v.2. 451 pages. Fresh, up to date illustrations, very wide variate of quotations and thoughts observations and anecdotes. Lehman, Louis Paul. How to find and Develop Effective Illustrations: The “How” and “Why” of Sermon Illustration. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1985. BV 4226 L 44. 103 pages. Convert and Preacher of Moody Memorial Church. The book challenges the reader to develop the skill of seeking, thinking, and plucking illustrative material from everyday sights, sounds, objects. Lewis, Ralph L. And Gregg Lewis. Learning to Preach Like Jesus. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1989. BV 4211.2 L 48. 169 pages. Ralph (father) is a Professor of Preaching at Asbury theological Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky. Gregg (son) editor of Campus Magazine. Various aspects of sermon, analysis, of Jesus’ sermons, NT sermons. Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn. Preaching and Preachers. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1997. BV 4211.2 L 56. 326 pages. Presbyterian, served in Westminster Chapel in Buckingham Gate, London. Aspects of sermons, character of preacher, preparation. Logan, Samuel T., Jr. Editor. The Preacher and Preaching: Reviving the Art of Twentieth Century. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 1968. BV 4222 P74 c.2. 463 pages. The editor is Academic Dean at Westminister Theological Seminary. The contributors are professors in Applied Theology, and others, at Westminster Theological Seminary, ministers in Reformed Church, Presbyterian. Long, Thomas G. The Witness of Preaching. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1989. BV 4211.2 L 65 W 5. 216 pages. Professor Preaching and Worship at Princeton Theological Seminary. Aspects of Sermon: focus, form, beginnings, connections, endings, images, 4 experiences; how to witness the word of God-biblical exegesis. Long, Thomas and Edward Farley. Editors. Preaching as a Theological Task: World, Gospel, Scripture. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996. BV 4211.2 P 74 E 8. 191 pages. Long is a Professor of Preaching and Worship at Princeton theological Seminary; Farley is a Professor of Theology at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Long, Thomas and Needly Dixon McCarter. Editors. Preaching In and Out of Season. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1990. Preaching not only to the liturgical Church year, but also in response to the secular calendar of national holidays and public ceremonies, and in response to t he program calendar of the local and denominational emphases. Loscalzo, Craig A. Preaching Sermons that Connect: Effective Communication Through Identification. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1995. BV 4211.2 L 67 E 8. 177 pages. Associate professor of Christian Preaching at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. Evangelistic preaching, good news on OT, NT. Lowry, Eugene L. How to Preach a Parable: Designs for Narrative Sermons. Nashville: Abington, 1989. BV 4221 L 68. 173 pages. Professor of Preaching at St. Paul School fo Theology. Using the structure of Jesus’ parables to preach highly effective sermons. MacArthur, John. Rediscovering the Expository Preaching. Edited by Richard L. Mayhue. Dallas: Word Publishing, 1992. BV 4211.2 M 23. 410 pages. President of the Master’s Seminary and Pastor-Teacher at Grace Community Church. Priority to Expository Preaching, Preparation of expositor, processing the biblical text, arranging it, preaching it. MacNutt, Sylvester F. Gauging Sermon Effectiveness. Dubuque, Iowa: The Priory Press, 1960. BV 4211.2 M 25. 139 pages. Professor of Homiletics Dominican House of Theology, Saint Rose Priory. Combines rhetoric with contemporary. McComiskey, Thomas Edward. Reading Scripture in Public: A Guide for Preachers and Lay Readers. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1991. BS 617 M 23. 196 pages. Director of Ph. D. Program at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Reading to communicate the meaning in the best way. 5 Mawhinney, Bruce. Preaching with Freshness. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 1997. BV 4211.2 M 38. 158 pages. Senior pastor New Covenant Fellowship in Mechanicsburg. Guidebook for pulpit ministers. McDill, Wayne. The 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 1994. BV 4211.2 M 24. 290 pages. Professor of Preaching at Southeastern Baptist Theological School. Aspects of preaching. Miller, Calvin. Spirit, Word, and Story. Dallas: Word, 1989. BV 4211.2 M 54. 246 pages. Senior pastor of Westside Church in Omoh, Nebraska, (author, lecturer, convention speaker). Relationship between the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and sermon as story. Mitchell, Henry H. Celebrating and Experiencing in Preaching. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1990. BV4211.2 M 57. 155 pages. Proessor of Homiletics ans Dean of the School of Theology at Virginia Union University. Use of imagination, emotive expression, and sermon celebration to meet the needs of your congregation. Biblical narrative, biblical character sketch. Morgenthaler, Sally. Inviting Unbelievers into the Presence of God: Worship Evangelism. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1995. BV15 M 67. 320 pages. B.A. music education, conducts seminars on worship. Definition of worship; breaking down the barriers; how to make worship. Pieterse, H. J. C. Communicative Preaching. Pretoria: University of South Africa, 1987. BV 4211.2 P 54. 214 pages. Dominican. Theory of preaching, modes of preaching in practice; preaching as communication; sermon form; a new scientific line on homiletics. Pitt-Watson, Jan. A Primer for Preaching. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1986. BV 4211.2 P 57 P 5. 112 pages. Professor of Preaching at Fuller Theological Seminary. How to move from text to life, biblical truth and preaching, language and delivery of preaching. Proctor, Samuel D. Preaching About Crises in the Community. Preaching about... Philadelphia: Westminster, 1988. BV 4211.2 P 76 C 7. 130 pages. Pastor at Abyssinian Baptist Church. Matin Luther King Professor 6 Emeritus of Rutgers University. Focusses on the essential link between the gospel message and the Problems of society. Rahner, Karl. Editor. The Renewal of Preaching: Theory and Practice. Vol. 33. Concilium Theology in the Age of Renewal. New York: Paulist Press, 1968. BV 4211.2 R 43. 195 pages. Ordained Jesuit in 1932; Professor of Dogmatic a tht e University of Munster. Preaching and demitologization; mechanics, sacramental worship, reality; preaching in different countries of the world. Ramesh, Richard. Scrpture Sculpture: A Do-It-Yourself Manual for Biblical Preaching. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1995. Minister, evangelist; teaches expository preaching, world-view apologetics, spiritual life at Dallas Theological Seminary. Read, David H. C. Preaching About the Needs of Real People. Preaching About... Philadelphia: Westminster, 1988. BV 4211.2 R 43 N 4. 118 pages. Minister of Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, NY. Biblical preaching in its potential for reaching people at the point of their needs (loneliness, marital problems, global crisis). Rowell, Ed. Preaching with Spiritual Passion. The Pastor’s Soul. David L. Goetz, general editor. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1998. BV 4211.2 R 68. 175 pages. Editor of proclaim Growing Churches and Tet’s worship magazines. Spiritual guide for the ministres to understand things that happens in and through them as preachers. Runia, Klaas. The Sermon under Attack. The Paternoster Press, 1983. BV 4211.2 R 85 c.2. 110 pages. Professor of Practical Theology at the Reformed Seminary, Kampen (Netherlands). Examines today’s criticism addressed preaching; considers the true nature of reaching and discusses different ways of putting a sermon together. Salmon, Bruce C. Storytelling in Preaching: A Guide to the Theory and Practice. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1888. BV 4235 S 76 S 25. 152 pages. Pastor of Baptist Church, has a degree from Southern Baptist theological Seminary. Skillful use of story to improve preaching. 7 Segler, Franklin M. and Randall Bradley. Understanding, Preparing for, and Practicing Christian Worship. Second edition. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 1996. BV 10.2 S 44. 307 pages. Segler is a professor of Pastoral Ministry at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Bradley is a professor of Church Music at Oklahoma Baptist University. Seng, Ng Kah. Search: An Exegetical Process in Sermon Preparation. Silang, Cavite, Philippines: AIIAS Publications, 1989. BV 4211.2 N 45. 95 pages. Sims, O. Southern, Jr. Creating and Leading Children’s Sermons: A Developmental Approach. Macon Ge: Smyth & Helwys Publishing Incorporated, 1990. BV 4235 c 4 S 56. 145 pages. Professor in Developmental Educational Psychology in School of Education, also Professor of Pediatrics in School of Medicine Mercer University, Georgia. The book is about a positive and enriching religious educational experience. Van Seters, Arthur. Editor. Preaching as a Social Act: Theology and Practice. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1988. BV 4211.2 P 74. 267 pages. Principal, associate Professor of Biblical Interpretation and Preaching ai the Vancouver School of Theology. Preacher as social being; Bible has social nature; Social function of language in preaching. Smith, Christine Marie. Preaching as Weeping, Confession, and Resistance: Radical Responses to Radical Evil. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992. BV 4211.2 S 65 P 7. 196 pages. Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, new Brighton, Minnesota. How to encounter handicappism, ageism, heterosexism, sexism, white racism, classism. Stevenson, Dwight E. and Charles F. Diehl. Reaching People from the Pulpit: A Guide to Effective Sermon Delivery. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1958. BV 4211.2 S 747 R 4. 172 pages. Devoted to the problems of sermon delivery; essential speech skills from breathing to the mastery of notes at the creative moment of delivery. Sweazey, George E. Preaching the Good News. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1976. BV 4211.2 S94. 339 pages. PhD in philosophy; professor of Homiletics at Princeton Theological Seminary. Preparation, improving the 8 style, sermon materials, the role of the lay members, current thinking and today preaching. Virano, Steven P. How to Preach: A Practical Guide to Better Sermons. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 1991. Bv 4211.2 V 57. 93 pages. Professor Emeritus of preaching SDA Theological Seminary Andrews University. Chairman Department of Christian Ministry. Sermon preparation and delivery; becoming an effective communicator of the Gospel. Unger, Merrill F. Principles of Expository Preaching. Edinburgh, Scotland: Zondervan, 1955. BV 4211.2 453 c.3. 267 pages. Faculty of Gordon Divinity School, Chairman of OT Department of Dallas Theological Seminary. The need for expository preaching, benefits, definitions, illustrations, technical equipment. Wagley, Laurence A. Preaching with a Small Congregation. Nashville: Abington, 1989. BV 4221 W 34. 140 pages. Professor of Preaching and Worship at St. Paul School of Theology. How to create a sermon and worship service that take the advantage of characteristics of a small church. Wardlaw, Don M. Editor. Preaching Biblically. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1983. BV 4211.2 P 74 B 5. 173 pages. Professor of Preaching and Worship at McCormick Theological Seminary. Shaping the sermon by language, text, context, metaphors, structure of text, preacher. Watts, Dorothy Eaton. Sabbath School Program Planner. Book 1. Washington, DC: Review & Herald, 1989. BV 1583 W 37 v.1. 96 pages. 30-years Sabbath School superintendent, author. Dynamic SS programs with maximum involvement for any occasions. Suggestions on: Scripture reading, songs special numbers. Watts, Dorothy Eaton. Sabbath School Program Planner. Book 2. Washington, DC: Review & Herald, 1991. BV 1583 W 37 v.2. 107 pages. Watts, Dorothy Eaton. Sabbath School Program Planner. Book 4. Washington, DC: Review & Herald, 1995. BV 1583 W 37 v.4. 110 pages. 9 Watts, Dorothy Eaton. Sabbath School Program Planner. Book 5. Washington, DC: Review & Herald, 1997. BV 1583 W 37 v.5. 96 pages. Wiersbe, Warren W. The Dynamics of Preaching. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1999. BV 4211.2 W 54. 173 pages. Concise information to help the minister in preaching; basic principles; sound guidance; addresses topics of perennial interest. Wiersbe, Warren W. Preaching and Teaching with Imagination: The Quest for Biblical Ministry. USA: Victor Books, 1994. BV 4211.2 W 54 P 7. 400 pages. Evangelical Bible teacher, author of more than 100 books; he focuses on writing teaching and conference ministry. The role of imagination in preaching: overview of the need for imaginative preaching; overview of imagination in the Bible; how to use imagery in various kinds of sermons. Willimon, William H. Integrative Preaching: The Pulpit at the Center. Nashville: Abingdon, 1981. BV 4211.2 W 55. 110pages. Pastor of Northside United Methodist Church, Greenville, South Carolina; professor of Liturgy and Worship at Duke University. Pulpit, administration, counseling, study, visitation, teaching are pastoral functions. Willimon, William H. The Intrusive Word: Preaching to the Unbaptized. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1994. BV 4211.2 W 55 I 5. 144pages. Dean of Chapel, professor of Ministry ai Duke University. Presents preaching as an act of evangelism in today’s church. Willimon, William H. Peculiar Speech: Preaching to the Baptized. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1992. BV 4211.2 W 5 P 4. ~150 pages. Willimon, William H. Preaching About Conflict in the Local Church. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1987. BV 4235 C 6 W 55. 116 pages. How can the pulpit be used to address issues of congregational conflict: some points to pay attention to. Willimon William H. Preaching and Leading Worship. Louisville: Westminster, 1984. BV 15 W 55 P7. 116 pages. Professor of Ethics, Duke University, Durham , North Carolina. Evaluating and planning a good service; 10 guidelines for conducting public prayers, Lords Supper, Baptism; sermon construction and delivery. 11