The Giver reading schedule/vocabulary ______________Week 1 p. 1-33 ______________Week 2 p. 34-64 ______________Week 3 p. 65-96 ______________Week 4 p. 97-129 ______________Week 5 p. 130-162 ______________Week 6 p. 163-180 Ch 1-4 Ch 5-8 Ch 9-12 Ch 13-16 Ch 17-20 Ch 21-end 7th grade Quiz Date________________ Quiz Date ________________ Quiz Date_________________ Quiz Date ________________ Quiz Date ________________ Quiz Date ________________ The first 15 words will be multiple choice. The next 5 words will need to be used correctly in a sentence to show your understanding of the word. (Review words from first trimester.) You will need to be able to identify and/or spell all 25 words.(Words in italics are commonly misused or misspelled words.) Week 1 Vocab and spelling 1. Intrigued: make somebody greatly interested or curious 2. Petulantly: ill-tempered or sulky in a peevish manner 3. Anthem: song of allegiance 4. Distraught: extremely upset 5. Bewildered: to confuse or puzzle somebody completely 6. Wheedle: coax somebody or persuade someone to do something using flattery 7. Disposition: personality, somebody’s usual mood or temperment 8. Infraction: failure to obey or fulfill a law, contract or agreement 9. Prominent: well-known, distinguished 10. Adherence: obey, support Be able to use the next 5 words in a sentence for the quiz. The sentence should indicate that you understand the definition. The sentence should also relate to the novel we are reading. 11 transform: change the shape or structure of 12. detect: notice or discover something 13. luminous: giving off light 14. utter: speak 15. dislodge: force from a position or place 16. 17 18 19 20 a lot all right allowed another are/our Week 2 Vocab and spelling 1. Indulgently: tending to be tolerant and allowing people to have what they want 2. Inadequate: not good enough, or not enough 3. Transgressions: a crime or act that violates a law, command or moral code 4. Infringed: disobey or disregard a law or regulation 5. Sanitation: cleanliness, hygiene 6. Retroactive: applying to the past as well as the present 7. Avert: prevent something from happening 8. Crescendo: increase in loudness, or intensity 9. Fleeing: run away 10. Meticulously: precise and extremely careful 11 significant: meaning; importance 12. compelled: forced 13. resumed: begin again; continued 14. slackening: easing; becoming less active 15. resilient: springing back into shape 16 asked 17. beautiful 18. because 19. believe/belief 20. bought Week 3 1. Throng: crowd 2. Designated: to formally choose somebody for a job, position or duty 3. Annex: a building added on to another building 4. Exempted: freed from a duty, tax or military service that is required of others 5. Requisitioned: a demand for something that is required 6. Excruciating: extremely painful 7. Steeled: to make someone unfeeling or tough enough to withstand a setback or trial 8. Alcove: a recess (an indented or hollowed-out space ) in the wall of a room 9. Conspicuous: easily visible 10. Embossed: decorated with a raised pattern 11. anticipate: to consider something before it happens 12. emerged: came into view: became visible 13. credible: easy to believe 14. malicious: spiteful; hateful 15. perspective: an assessment or situation, especially from one person’s point of view 16. calendar 17. children 18. choose/chose 19. clothes 20. coming Week 4 1. Torrent: rush of liquid 2. Skittered: run with tiny steps 3. Assuage: relieve something unpleasant 4. Ominous: threatening, suggesting or indicating that something bad is going to happen 5. Carnage: widespread massacre of people 6. Admonition: advice for or against doing somethign 7. Hueless: without color 8. Sinuous: graceful 9. Embedded: to fix something deeply in the mind or memory 10. Pervaded: spread throughout something 11 presumptuous: overconfident; arrogant 12. malicious: spiteful; hateful 13. awe: mixed feelings of fear and wonder 14. rash: thoughtless; reckless 15. credible: easy to believe 16. course 17 definite(ly) 18. divide 19. doesn’t 20. doubt Week 5 1. Permeated: spread through 2. Ambush: surprise attack 3. Suppressing: cause to stop 4. Dejected: very unhappy 5. Luminous: emitting light or reflecting light 6. Imploringly: begging 7. Devastated: damage severely 8. Receptacle: container 9. insignificant: not having an important meeting 10. communal: shared by all 11. promote: encourage; contribute to the growth of 12. relevant: having a logical connection with 13. distinct: separate and different 14. enough 15. escape 16. every 17. February 18. finally Week 6. 1. Rueful: regretful 2. Emphatically: forcefully 3. Stride: walk with long steps 4. Stealthily: try avoid being noticed 5. Customary: usual 6. Languid: without energy 7. Augmented: to add to something in order to make it larger or more substantial 8. Taut: stretched tightly 9. Vigilant: watchful 10. Perils: exposure to risk or harm 11. Obscured: not able to be seen 12. Lethargy: tiredness, lack of energy 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20. 21. 22. evaluate: to examine something in order to gain information or make a judgment justifiable, or logically correct optimist: somebody who is hopeful and positive gauge: estimate or judge tolerant: accepting; free from bigotry or prejudice for/four forty friends fright grammar