Mutual Research Transcript Exchange (MRTE+) User Manual Table of Contents Overview of Data System ...................................................................................................................2 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 2 Memorandum of Understanding .............................................................................................................. 3 Gaining Access ...................................................................................................................................6 How to Gain Access ................................................................................................................................... 6 Notice of Nondisclosure ............................................................................................................................ 7 Connecting ........................................................................................................................................8 Installing and Establishing a VPN Connection to MRTE+ ......................................................................... 8 Connecting to the VPN .............................................................................................................................. 8 Disconnecting from the VPN ..................................................................................................................... 9 Create an ODBC Data Connection……………………..………………………………………………………………………………10 Database Overview ………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………….11 Data Dictionary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12 (Press ctrl + click on table name below to automatically scroll to table) Student Demographic Table ...................................................................................................... 12 Student Term Table .................................................................................................................... 25 Course/Transcript Table............................................................................................................. 37 Completions Table ...................................................................................................................... 46 Page 1 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 Overview of Data System The Mutual Research Transcript Exchange (MRTE+) data system is a SQL Server database containing de-identified unit record student enrollment records across the Washington public higher education system. Each student enrolled in higher education is included in the dataset and is assigned one unique encrypted identifier based on a probability match using their Social Security Number, full name, date of birth and gender. This identifier creates the link between the community and technical colleges and the universities and allows for longitudinal tracking of the student across the systems. The community and technical college data includes enrollment records from the 2004-05 through to the most current complete academic year. The university data begins in 2007-08 forward. MRTE+ was initially created in 2000 as a brain child of Loretta Seppanen and the University of Washington. The database was located and maintained by the University of Washington until 2004 when it was taken offline due to a lack of funding and staff to maintain it. The system was revived in 2012 with the help of the Office of Financial Management’s Education Research Data Center and the university Council of Presidents. The source of data for the system is the SBCTC Data Warehouse for community and technical college enrollments, and PCHEES for the university records. The unit record data is accessible to the researchers of each participating institution. Each user must sign a Notice of Nondisclosure form. Once they are given a username and password they can link to the database using a secure VPN and ODBC connection. Each user has access to every institutions deidentified data contained within MRTE+. Page 2 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING to Share Data Maintained by the MUTUAL RESEARCH TRANSCRIPT EXCHANGE THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the following public institutions and agencies: Bates Technical College Bellevue College Bellingham Technical College Big Bend Community College Cascadia Community College Centralia College Clark College Clover Park Technical College Columbia Basin College Edmonds Community College Everett Community College Grays Harbor College Green River Community College Highline Community College Lake Washington Institute of Technology Lower Columbia College North Seattle Community College Olympic College Peninsula College Pierce College Fort Steilacoom Pierce College Puyallup Renton Technical College Seattle District Office Seattle Central Community College Seattle Vocational Institute Shoreline Community College Skagit Valley College South Puget Sound Community College South Seattle Community College Spokane District Office Spokane Community College Spokane Falls Community College Tacoma Community College Walla Walla Community College Wenatchee Valley College Whatcom Community College Yakima Valley Community College State Board for Community and Technical Colleges Central Washington University Eastern Washington University Evergreen State College Washington State University University of Washington Western Washington University Higher Education Coordinating Board This Agreement is entered into in accordance with, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g(b)(1)(F) and 34 C.F.R. § 99.31(a)(6) of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). IT IS THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT to share educational data to perform research to improve instruction, transfer between institutions and student success through such means as analyzing student enrollments, progress and completions between the parties of this agreement. Page 3 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: STATEMENT OF WORK 1. Educational records and data of the parties may be disclosed to the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges for inclusion in the Mutual Research Transcript Enterprise Plus database (MRTE+). Data contained in MRTE+ will not contain any individually identifiable information and no such information will be disclosed to any non-representative of the participating parties or in any analysis or publication. Individually identifiable information will only be used to create a student identifier for the purpose of linking enrollment records across institutions. In accordance with 20 U.S.C. § 1232g(b)(1)(F) and 34 C.F.R. § 99.31(a)(6)(ii)(B), the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges will, in consultation with the parties to this Agreement as provided herein, destroy any individually identifiable information it receives under this agreement when it is no longer needed for the purposes of this Agreement. 2. Each party to this agreement will have access to the entire dataset of de-identified, anonymized unit record data of other institutions party to this agreement. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has defined the term de-identified to describe records that have enough personally identifiable information removed or obscured such that the remaining information does not identify an individual and there is no reasonable basis to believe that the information can be used to identify an individual. The MRTE+ database will not contain the student identifier, Social Security Number, name or birth date of any student. The NCES had defined anonymized as a de-identified dataset that does not include a re-identification code and therefore cannot be linked back to any other data system. 3. The parties agree to maintain confidentiality of student educational records required by FERPA by: a. Restrict linking the data found in MRTE+ to any other data source, b. Restricting access to only designated staff at the educational institutions involved who will perform educational research through such means as evaluating programs and facilitating student success, c. All staff with access to the MRTE+ database will sign a Notice of NonDisclosure form and will adhere to the redaction policy set forth within, d. Adhering to all state and federal regulations regarding use of student data, Page 4 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 4. An advisory committee including at minimum one representative each from: SBCTC; the Institutional Research and Planning Commission representing the community and technical college system; the Council of Presidents representing the universities; and the Higher Education Coordinating Board will meet periodically to review any questions or issues related to MRTE+. This committee will also be responsible for reviewing and establishing criteria and business rules used to create standard reports that contain data obtained from MRTE+, establishing training responsibilities (including password maintenance and other aspects of user management) and recommending, approving and communicating any modifications to MRTE+. The committee will also be responsible for reviewing and approving any external research requests for de-identified MRTE+ datasets. 5. No institution shall publish another institution’s statistical data without evidence of direct contact with the institutional research office of the college informing them of the intention to use their data publically in a report and offering a period of draft review of no less than two weeks. 6. Each institution reserves the right to withdraw from this sharing agreement at any time for any reason by written notice as provided herein. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE Subject to its other provisions and signing the Agreement, the period of performance of this Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2012. This Agreement will continue until such time that the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges provides written notice that it will no longer provide services under this Agreement. Any other party to this Agreement may withdraw from the Agreement by written notice to the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. INDEPENDENT CAPACITY The employees or agents of each party who are engaged in the performance of this Agreement shall continue to be employees or agents of that party and shall not be considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of any other party to this Agreement. The parties hereto, in the performance of this Agreement, will be acting in their individual governmental capacities and not as agents, employees, partners, joint ventures, or associates of one another. LIABILITY Each party shall be responsible for the actions and inactions of itself and its own officers, employees, and agents acting within the scope of their authority. The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to MRTE+ from parties not in compliance with state and federal regulations or the terms of this agreement. Page 5 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 Gaining Access The Institutional Researchers of the participating institutions are the primary users of the system. Each user will sign a Notice of Nondisclosure form prior to receiving a username and password. Once access to the system is granted, the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client must be installed. Next, an ODBC connection is established to allow linking to the MRTE server. To request access contact Darby Kaikkonen at You will be asked to complete the Notice of Nondisclosure form on the following page. Scan and email or fax the signed form to 360704-4416. Page 6 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges Mutual Research Transcript Exchange (MRTE+) Request for Access and Notice of Nondisclosure I understand that I will be working directly or indirectly with confidential information and that the term “confidential information” includes but is not limited to (a) personal characteristics that would make a student’s identity easily traceable, (b) any combination of information that would make a student’s identity easily traceable, (c) any other personally identifiable student related information or portrayal of student related information in a personally identifiable manner. I further understand that I am prohibited from directly or indirectly making any unauthorized disclosure of any such confidential information to any other person or entity and I affirm and promise that I will not do so by complying with the following guidelines. 1. I shall retain unit record student information only for the period of time necessary to perform my duties associated with the data. 2. I will not make any public disclosure or publication whereby individuals could be identified. 3. I will not make any public disclosure or publication for any report cell with a value of less than five (5). 4. Any public disclosure or publication must contain two or more non-total cells each with a cell value of at least five (5). 5. No institution shall publish another institution’s statistical data without evidence of direct contact with the institutional research office of the college informing them of the intention to use their data publically in a report and offering a period of draft review of no less than two weeks. 6. Access to Data must be limited to those staff whose duties specifically require access to such Data in the performance of their assigned duties and who have signed and submitted a Notice of Nondisclosure from to the SBCTC. Any disclosure of information contrary to above is unauthorized and is subject to a civil penalty and other applicable sanctions under state and federal law. I have read and understand the above Request for Access and Notice of Nondisclosure. Printed Name Institution Signature E-mail Address ___________________________________________ Date Page 7 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 Installing the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client The first time you use a computer to connect to the MRTE+ VPN session you need to take some steps to install the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client, which will allow you access to the data sharing server. After the client is installed you’ll be able to simply go to the VPN connection website and log in to connect. You will receive instructions for installing the AnyConnect VPN Client once SBCTC has received your signed Notice of Nondisclosure form and has created your user account. Important Note: You will not be able to access the internet, network drives, network printers, or other network resources while connected to the VPN. You will ONLY be able to access the MRTE server. Connecting to the VPN Session You can reconnect to the MRTE VPN session by browsing to You will not need to install the client each time, just log in to the MRTE-Access Group as described above. Browse to Select Group MRTE-Access Enter your username and password (the password is case sensitive) Click Continue on the security notice. Important Note: You will not be able to access the internet, network drives, network printers, or other network resources while connected to the VPN. You will ONLY be able to access the MRTE server. Page 8 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 Disconnecting from the VPN session To disconnect from the MRTE VPN session: Right Click the Cisco AnyConnect VPN icon in your system tray Click Disconnect You may optionally right click the AnyConnect icon and Quit the VPN client as well. Right click Cisco AnyConnect icon Click Disconnect Page 9 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 Create an ODBC Data Connection In order to link to the MRTE+ data tables in MS Access, you will need to create an ODBC connection. Perform the following steps to create the connection. 1. Click on Start, and then click on Control Panel. 2. Double click on the Administrative Tools icon. 3. Double click on the Data Sources (ODBC) icon. 4. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator Window, click on the ADD button on the right side of the screen. 5. In the Create New Data Source Window, scroll all the way to the bottom of the list and click on SQL Server. 6. Then, click the Finish button. 7. In the Create a New Data Source to SQL Server Window, enter MRTE+ as the Name for your ODBC connection. Also enter SBCTC MRTE+ Data Connection for the Description. [Enter the IP address] as the Server name. Once all of the fields are entered, click on Next >. The IP address will be supplied to you at the time of initial authorization. 8. At the Create a New Data Source to SQL Server screen, select “With SQL Server authentication…”. Enter your provided Login ID and Password and select Next > button. 9. Check the “Change the default database to:” checkbox and select MRTE_Data from the drop-down menu. Click on Next > button. 10. In the next window, typically the default options should remain "as is" so do not change any options and click on the Finish button. 11. In the ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup Window, click on the Test Data Source button to be sure that your connection settings are correct.15. If your settings are correct, you should see a message indicating that the "TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY." 12. If the test failed, you'll need to click the BACK buttons to determine which setting is wrong and then repeat the above steps. Page 10 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 Database Overview The MRTE+ database consists of a set of college tables and a set of system tables. The college table names begin with the three digit college code and include “My” in the title. These tables only contain your college’s data which is based on your user login. The system tables names do not include a college prefix and contain all institutions data. The unique encrypted student identifier (STU_KEY) is created using the SQL Server HASHBYTES function to produce a 20 byte binary hash key. The Stu_Key has the following qualities: It is not based on any identifiable information related to the student. Keys produced in sequence are not themselves sequential, since the hashing algorithm randomizes the key produced. This makes it more difficult to determine the identity of a student from the key based on some knowledge of their sequence of input. Some Stu_Key values look blank but in fact they are not. For community and technical college records, the data contained within the StudentDemographic table is based on the last year/quarter the student is enrolled. For university records, the data contained within the StudentDemographic table is based on the admission records from the first year/quarter the student is enrolled. Page 11 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data STUDENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA This table contains one record per student per institution. Data for the community and technical colleges is derived from the SBCTC Data Warehouse STUDENT, STUCLASS, COMPLETIONS and SES_Census StudentBlockGroup tables. Primary source for university data is the PCHEES Term Enrollments extract table. INST_ID Institution ID (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: No Definition: IPEDS institution Unit ID. Validation: Must be exactly six digits long Must contain only numeric characters Values are determined by IPEDS. Codes for individual colleges and branches are available at the IPEDS web site CTC Source: derived from STUDENT.COLLEGE PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.InstitutionCode CAMPUS_ID Campus ID (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 3 Allow Null: No Definition: For CTC records, this is the three digit college code. For universities, this is the two digit campus code of admission. Validation: Must be either two or three digits long Must contain only numeric characters May include leading zeroes CTC Source: STUDENT.COLLEGE PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.AdmitCampusCode Page 12 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data STU_KEY Student Key (PK) Data Type: Binary Size: 20 Allow Null: No Definition: Randomized, de-identified student key. This key is created from a probability match process of student demographic information. The key itself is a hash value based on date and sequence of addition and does not contain or derive from any demographic data. This field is intended primarily for matching purposes, not for entry. Validation: Must be exactly 12 characters long. STU_KEY may contain upper or lowercase alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z), numeric characters (0-9) or special characters ‘&’ and ‘!’. Source: Probability match process BIRTHYR Birth Year Data Type: Text Size: 4 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Student four-digit year of birth. Validation: Must be a valid past year. CTC Source: derived from STUDENT.BIRTH_DATE PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.BirthDate DEGREE_SEEK Degree Seeking Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: No Definition: Indicates whether student is seeking a degree. Valid Codes: ‘Y’ or ‘N’ CTC Source: STUDENT.DEGREE_SEEK PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments. IsDegreeSeekingBaccalaureateStudent Page 13 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data EARNED_DEGREE Degree Earned in System _IN_SYSTEM Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: No Definition: Indicates whether student has earned a 2-year degree in the system. Valid Codes: ‘Y’ or ‘N’ CTC Source: derived from COMPLETIONS.EXIT_CD PCHEES source: N/A EVER_BASICSKILLS Basic Skills Course EverTaken _IND Data Type: Text Size: 3 Allow Null: No Definition: A three bit field indicating whether student has ever taken a Basic Skills, ESL or GED/HS course in the system (1 = Yes, 0 = No). Valid Codes: Byte Description 1 ABE 2 ESL 3 GED/High School Completion CTC Source: derived from STUCLASS.BASIC_SKILL_CAT PCHEES source: N/A (This defaults to ‘000’) EVER_PRECOLLEGE Precollege Course EverTaken _IND Data Type: Text Size: 3 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates whether student has ever taken a precollege Math, English, Writing or Coordinated course in the system prior to the current year and quarter (1 = Yes, 0 = No). Valid Codes: Byte Description 1 Pre-College Math 2 Pre-College English 3 Writing or Coordinated Studies CTC Source: derived from STUCLASS.CIP PCHEES source: N/A (This defaults to ‘000’) Page 14 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data FAMILY_STATUS Family Status Data Type: Text Size: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates the student’s family status. Valid Codes: 11 Single parent with children or other dependents 12 Couple with children or other dependents 13 Without children or other dependents 90 Other Null No Response CTC Source: STUDENT.FAM_STAT PCHEES source: N/A GENDER Student Gender Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: No Definition: Identifies the student’s gender. Valid Codes: F Female M Male Null No Response PCHEES Gender codes of ‘9’ are resolved to Null. CTC Source: derived from STUCLASS.SEX PCHEES source: Student.Gender HS_GPA High School GPA Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 3 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Final GPA earned by student at the high school attended. Note that PCHEES GPA of 9.98 or 9.99 will be coded as null. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number, 4.00 or less. CTC Source: N/A PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.HighSchoolGPA Page 15 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data HS_GRAD_YR High School Graduation Year Data Type: Text Size: 4 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Four digit year that the student last attended high school. Validation: Must be a valid past year. CTC Source: derived from STUDENT.HI_SCHL_LAST_YR PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.HighSchoolCompletionYear HS_LAST Last High School Attended _ATTENDED Data Type: Number/Decimal Size: 6 Allow Null: Yes Definition: CEEB code of the high school student last attended. Validation: CEEB codes for individual high schools can be found using the web page CTC Source: derived from STUDENT.HI_SCHL_GRAD PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.HighSchoolCode Page 16 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data INTENT Intent Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates student’s intent for enrolling at college. Valid Codes: A Academic Non-Transfer Degree B Academic Transfer D High School Diploma/GED Certificate (Precollege Courses) E Developmental F Vocational Preparatory G Vocational Preparatory, Applicant H Vocational Apprentice I Applied Baccalaureate Program J Upgrading job skills K Vocational Home and Family Life L General Studies (Non-Degree/Certificate) M Multiple Goal Seeker X Undecided Y None of the above CTC Source: derived from STUDENT.INTENT PCHEES source: N/A INTERNATIONAL International Student _STUDENT Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: No Definition: Indicates if the student is an international student. PCHEES ImmigrationStatusCode of ‘A2’, ‘B1’, ‘B2’, ‘E2’, ‘F1’, ‘F2’, ‘H2’, ‘J1’, ‘J2’, ‘L1’,or ‘L2’ resolves to ‘Y” and other codes resolve to ‘N’. Valid Codes: ‘Y’ or ‘N’ CTC Source: STUDENT.INTERNATIONAL_STUDENT PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.ImmigrationStatusCode Page 17 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data PLAN_ATTND Planned Attendance Data Type: Text Size: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates the student’s planned length of attendance Valid Codes: 11 One Quarter 12 Two Quarters 13 One Year 14 Up to two years, no degree planned 15 Long enough to complete a degree 16 Unknown 90 Other Null No Response CTC Source: STUDENT.PLAN_ATTND PCHEES source: N/A PLAN_WORK Planned Work Related Data Type: Text Size: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Once indicated a student’s training related to work. However, this purpose was dropped as of 1990-92. Some colleges still collect this data, while others use this field to collect other types of information. This field is currently college defined with no standard definition. Validation: Two alphanumeric characters without validation. CTC Source: STUDENT.PLAN_WORK PCHEES source: N/A Page 18 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data PREVIOUS_CREDITS Previous Credits Transferred _TRANSFERRED Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 5 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Total number of known college credits earned by the student prior to first admission at this institution and accepted as transfer credits. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number. CTC Source: N/A PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.PreviousCreditsTransferredAll PREVIOUS Previous Institution _INSTITUTION Data Type: Text Size: 4 Allow Null: Yes Definition: CEEB code of the last prior higher education institution attended after high school. Validation: CEEB codes for individual colleges can be found using the web page CTC Source: derived from STUDENT.PREV_COL_1 PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.PreviousInstitutionCode PREVIOUS Previous Institution GPA _INSTITUTION_GPA Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 3 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Final GPA earned at the last prior higher education institution attended after high school. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number, 4.00 or less. CTC Source: N/A PCHEES source: N/A (May soon be available from PCHEES) Page 19 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data PRIOR_ED Prior Education Data Type: Text Size: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates the level of student’s education prior to admission at this institution. Valid Codes: 10 Less than 9th Grade 11 Less than high school graduation 12 GED 13 High school graduate 14 Some post high school, no degree or certificate 15 Certificate (less than two years) 16 Associate Degree 17 Bachelor's degree or above 83 Tech Prep 90 Other Null No Response CTC Source: STUDENT.PRIOR_EDUC PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.PreviousInstitutionDegreeLevelCode PURP_ATTND Purpose for Attending Data Type: Text Size: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates the student’s purpose for attending Valid Codes: 11 Take courses related to current or future work 12 Transfer to a four-year college 13 High school diploma or GED certificate 14 Explore career direction 15 Personal enrichment 90 Other Null No Response CTC Source: STUDENT.PURP_ATTND PCHEES source: N/A Page 20 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data RACE_ETHNIC Race/Ethnic Code _CODE Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Represents a single prioritized race and ethnic origin for the student. Valid Codes: 1 Asian/Pacific Islander , non - Hispanic (including Hawaiian) 2 African American, non - Hispanic 3 Native American, non - Hispanic (American Indian or Alaskan Native) 4 Hispanic 5 Multiracial or Other Race, non - Hispanic 6 White, non - Hispanic 7 INTERNATIONAL_STUDENT = Y Null INTERNATIONAL_STUDENT = N and no Race Code provided CTC Source: STUDENT.RACE_ETHNIC_CODE PCHEES source: derived from the following TermEnrollments fields: IsAmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative, IsAsian, IsBlack, IsPacificIslander, IsWhite, IsUnknownRace, IsMultiRacial, IsHispanic and ImmigrationStatusCode Page 21 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data RACE_ETHNIC Race/Ethnic Indicator _INDICATOR Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Byte array representing each of the possible race/ethnic categories (exclusive of international students). Each of the six positions is an “on/off” switch with value ‘1’ (on) or ‘0’ (off). . Note that Hispanic students are reported in only that race/ethnic category. Structure: Byte Description 1 Asian/Pacific Islander (including Hawaiian) 2 African American 3 Native American (American Indian or Alaskan Native) 4 Hispanic 5 Other, Multiracial 6 White Examples: 001001 - Native American and White, non- Hispanic 100001 - Asian/Pacific Islander and White, non – Hispanic CTC Source: STUDENT.RACE_ETHNIC_IND PCHEES source: derived from the following TermEnrollments fields: IsAmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative, IsAsian, IsBlack, IsPacificIslander, IsWhite, IsUnknownRace, IsMultiRacial and IsHispanic Page 22 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data RESIDENCE Residence County _COUNTY Data Type: Text Size: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Code for the student’s county of residence. Valid Codes: 00 Unreported 01 Adams 02 Asotin 03 Benton 04 Chelan 05 Clallam 06 Clark 07 Columbia 08 Cowlitz 09 Douglas 10 Ferry 11 Franklin 12 Garfield 13 Grant 14 Grays Harbor 15 Island 16 Jefferson 17 King 18 Kitsap 19 Kittitas 20 Klickitat 21 Lewis 22 Lincoln 23 Mason 24 Okanogan 25 Pacific 26 Pend Oreille 27 Pierce 28 San Juan 29 Skagit 30 Skamania 31 Snohomish 32 Spokane 33 Stevens 34 Thurston 35 Wahkiakum 36 Walla Walla 37 Whatcom 38 Whitman 39 Yakima 40 Out of State Null No Response CTC Source: STUDENT.RESIDENCE_COUNTY PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.CountyOriginCode Page 23 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Demographic Data SES Socioeconomic Status Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates student’s socioeconomic quintile based on most recently reported address. Valid Codes: 1 Highest 2 Higher 3 Middle 4 Lower 5 Lowest Null Blank CTC Source: SES_Census.SES_QUINTILE PCHEES source: N/A MATCHABLE Matchable Record Flag Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: No Definition: Indicates whether identification information for student is complete. Records with incomplete identification cannot be matched to other colleges or universities, but may still be useful for statistics at a particular institution. Valid Codes: ‘Y’ or ‘N’ Source: Probability match process Page 24 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Term Data STUDENT TERM DATA This table contains one record per participant per student per institution per year and quarter term. Data for the community and technical colleges is derived from the SBCTC Data Warehouse STUDENT, TRANSCRIPTS, AWARD_DETAIL, AWARD_CODES and STUACHIEVE_DEMOGRAPHICS tables. Primary source for university data is the PCHEES Term Enrollments extract table. INST_ID Institution ID (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: No Definition: IPEDS institution Unit ID. Validation: Must be exactly six digits long Must contain only numeric characters Values are determined by IPEDS. Codes for individual colleges and branches are available at the IPEDS web site CTC Source: derived from STUDENT.COLLEGE PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.InstitutionCode CAMPUS_ID Campus ID (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 3 Allow Null: No Definition: For CTC records, this is the three digit college code. For universities, this is the two digit campus code of admission. Validation: Must be either two or three digits long Must contain only numeric characters May include leading zeroes CTC Source: STUDENT.COLLEGE PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.AdmitCampusCode Page 25 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Term Data STU_KEY Student Key (PK) Data Type: Binary Size: 20 Allow Null: No Definition: Randomized, de-identified student key. This key is created from a probability match process of student demographic information. The key itself is a hash value based on date and sequence of addition and does not contain or derive from any demographic data. This field is intended primarily for matching purposes, not for entry. Validation: Must be exactly 12 characters long. STU_KEY may contain upper or lowercase alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z), numeric characters (0-9) or special characters ‘&’ and ‘!’. Source: Probability match process YEAR Term Year (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: No Definition: Six digit academic year of term data. For the academic year beginning on July 1st, 2009 this would be “200910”. Validation: Must be exactly six digits long Must contain only numeric characters Digits 1-4 should represent a valid past year Value of digits 5-6 should equal value of digits 3-4 plus one CTC Source: derived from STUDENT.YEAR PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.AcademicYear QUARTER Term Quarter (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: No Definition: One-character code identifying the specific quarter of term data. Valid Values: 1 Summer 2 Fall 3 Winter 4 Spring CTC Source: STUDENT.QUARTER PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.TermCode Page 26 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Term Data YRQ Year and Quarter Data Type: Text Size: 4 Allow Null: No Definition: Code for academic year and quarter of the record term. The first three characters represent the academic year (e.g., A56 for the academic year 2005-2006). The last digit is a code that represents the academic quarter. This field is typically only used by SBCTC and will be empty if the value was not supplied in the Participant file. Valid Codes: Academic Year (partial list): 990 1999-2000 A45 2004-2005 A56 2005-2006 A67 2006-2007 A78 2007-2008 A89 2008-2009 B01 2010-2011 B12 2011-2012 Academic Quarter: 1 Summer 2 Fall 3 Winter 4 Spring CTC Source: derived from STUDENT.YEAR and STUDENT.QUARTER PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.AcademicYear and TermEnrollments.TermCode AGE Student Age Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 5 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Specifies the age of the student on the first day of the term. Ages less than 13 or greater than 85.99 are converted to NULL in the SBCTC Data Warehouse. PCHEES age data is provided as integer values and converted to decimal. This may later be calculated from BirthDate if TermBeginDate can also be provided. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number. CTC Source: STUDENT.AGE PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.Age(AsOfBeginTerm) Page 27 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Term Data CUM_GPA Cumulative GPA Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 3 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Cumulative GPA as of the end of term. This is the result from dividing Cumulative Grade Points by Cumulative Grade Credits. PCHEES provides a Cumulative GPA value directly without calculation needed. Note that PCHEES GPA of 9.98 or 9.99 will be coded as null. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number, 4.00 or less. CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.CR, TRANSCRIPTS.EARN_IND, TRANSCRIPTS.GR_DEC and TRANSCRIPTS.GPA_IND PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.CumulativeInstitutionalGPA CUM_GR_CRS Cumulative Grade Credits Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 5 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Cumulative grade credits used in calculation of cumulative GPA. This is the total of credits earned for all classes used in calculation of GPA. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number. CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.CR, TRANSCRIPTS.EARN_IND and TRANSCRIPTS.GPA_IND PCHEES source: N/A CUM_GR_PTS Cumulative Grade Points Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 6 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Cumulative grade points used in calculation of cumulative GPA. This is the total of credits earned times decimal grade for all classes used in calculation of GPA. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number. CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.CR, TRANSCRIPTS.EARN_IND, TRANSCRIPTS.GR_DEC and TRANSCRIPTS.GPA_IND PCHEES source: N/A Page 28 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Term Data CUM_TOT_CRS Cumulative Total Credits Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 6 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Cumulative credits earned at institution. This is the total of credits earned for all classes at this institution. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number. CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.CR and TRANSCRIPTS.EARN_IND PCHEES source: N/A CUM_CLVL_CRS Cumulative College Level Credits Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 5 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Cumulative college level credits earned at institution. This is the total of credits earned for all college level classes at this institution. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number. CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.CLVL_IND, TRANSCRIPTS.CR and TRANSCRIPTS.EARN_IND PCHEES source: N/A CUM_CLVL_GR_PTS Cumulative College Level Credits Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 6 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Cumulative college level credits earned at institution. This is the total of credits earned times decimal grade for all college level classes at this institution. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number. CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.CLVL_IND, TRANSCRIPTS.CR, TRANSCRIPTS.GR_DEC and TRANSCRIPTS.EARN_IND PCHEES source: N/A Page 29 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Term Data CURRENT_TERM Current Term Credits Enrolled _CREDITS Data Type: Number/Decimal _ENROLLED Precision: 5 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Credits enrolled for current term. This is the total of credits enrolled for all classes in current term. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number. CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.CR PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.CreditHoursAttempted DUAL_ENROLL Dual Enrollment Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates current or past dual enrollment status of the student. Valid Codes: 1 Current Running Start 2 Current College In The High School 3 Current Alternative High School 6 Former Running Start 7 Former College In The High School 8 Former Alternative High School Null Never Dually Enrolled CTC Source: STUDENT.DUAL_ENROLL PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.RunningStartCode Page 30 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Term Data INSTIT_CATEGORY Institution Category Indicator _INDICATOR Data Type: Text Size: 5 Allow Null: Yes Definition: A five-digit field summarizing of the types of courses in which a student is enrolled for the current term. Each of the five digits is an “on/off” switch with value ‘1’ (on) or ‘0’ (off). Structure: Byte Description 1 Academic, Transfer and Vocational Support 2 Developmental (Courses in CIP codes beginning with 33) 3 Vocational 4 Basic Skills (Courses in CIP codes 32 series) 5 Student Funded Examples: 00100 – Vocational courses only 10001 - Combination of academic and community service courses CTC Source: STUDENT.INSTIT_CATEGORY_INDICATOR PCHEES source: N/A NCR New, Continuing, Returning Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates whether a student is new, continuing or returning for the current term. Note: Currently this field is null for all institutions. Valid Codes: C Continuing Student N New Student R Returning Student CTC Source: currently not derived for CTCs PCHEES source: derived from AdmitYear and AdmitTermCode Page 31 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Term Data PROGRAM Program Concentration CIP _CONCENTRATION Data Type: Text _CIP Size: 6 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Six-digit code identifying the student’s program concentration. CIP codes (Classification of Instructional Programs) are created by the US Department of Education to describe the subject area of courses and major areas of study. Validation: CIP codes are available at the website CTC Source: STUDENT.PROGRAM_CIP PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.MajorCode(CIP6) PROGRAM_FIELD Field of Study CIP _OF_STUDY_CIP Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Six-digit code identifying the field of study associated with the degree or certificate program. CIP codes (Classification of Instructional Programs) are created by the US Department of Education to describe the subject area of courses and major areas of study. Validation: CIP codes are available at the website CTC Source: N/A PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.ConcentrationCode(CIP6) FA_RECEIVED_IND Financial Aid Received Indicator Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates whether the student received any financial aid during current term. If Award Amount is > 0 and Award Status is ‘2’ then the indicator is set to ‘Y’, otherwise indicator is ‘N’. Valid Codes: ‘Y’ or ‘N’ CTC Source: derived from AWARD_DETAIL.AWD_AMT and AWARD_DETAIL.AWD_STATUS PCHEES source: N/A Page 32 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Term Data FA_AID_TYPE_IND Financial Aid Type Indicator Data Type: Text Size: 3 Allow Null: Yes Definition: A three-digit field summarizing the specific aid types the student may have received for the current term. Each of the three digits is an “on/off” switch with value ‘1’ (on) or ‘0’ (off). Structure: Byte Description 1 Pell Grant Recipient 2 State Need Grant Recipient 3 Opportunity Grant Recipient Examples: 100 – Pell Grant only 101 - Combination of Pell and Opportunity Grants CTC Source: STUACHIEVE_DEMOGRAPHICS.Aid_Type_Ind PCHEES source: N/A RESIDENCY_STATUS Residency Status Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: No Definition: Indicates the residency status of the student. Valid Codes: 1 Resident 2 Nonresident 3 Undetermined/Unknown CTC Source: STUDENT.RESIDENT_STATUS PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.IsWAResident Page 33 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Term Data STUDENT_TYPE Student Type Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Describes student by the purpose for attending. Valid Codes: B Basic Skills T Transfer W Workforce Training Z Other (Does not meet one of the definitions above) 1 High School Dual Enrollment (PCHEES code = 10) 2 Baccalaureate Entering After High School (21) 3 Baccalaureate Transfer (22) 4 Unknown Baccalaureate (23) 5 Other Undergraduate (30) 6 Graduate Student (41) 7 Professional Student (42) CTC Source: STUDENT.KIND_OF_STUDENT PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.StudentType TERM_GPA Term GPA Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 3 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: The GPA earned by the student for the current term. GPA is calculated from quarterly transcript data for CTC sources. Note that PCHEES TermGPA may contain grades of 9.98 (Not Applicable) or 9.99 (Unknown) that will be coded as null. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number, 4.00 or less. CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.CR, TRANSCRIPTS.EARN_IND, TRANSCRIPTS.GR_DEC and TRANSCRIPTS.GPA_IND PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.TermGPA Page 34 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Term Data WORK_ATTEND Work Attend Data Type: Text Size: 3 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Describes the student’s work status while enrolled Valid Codes: 11 Full-time homemaker 12 Full-time employment (including self-employed/military) 13 Part-time off-campus 14 Part-time on-campus 15 Not employed, but seeking employment 16 Not employed, not seeking employment 74 Unemployed TANF 75 Unemployed Low-Income Parent 76 TANF High Wage/High Demand Training 77 Employed TANF 78 Employed Low-Income 79 Attending for Family Literacy as Final Goal 80 Long-Tenured Dislocated Worker Retraining 81 Short-Tenured Dislocated Worker Retraining 82 Others receiving UI benefits, Not Dislocated 83 Displaced Homemaker 84 Was Self-Employed 85 Boeing Dislocated Workers 86 Vulnerable Worker 87 Disaster Impacted Workers 88 Displaced Veterans 90 Other Null Blank This does not include codes discontinued prior to 2000-01 academic year. WORK_ATTEND codes 74, 75, 77, 78 and 79 were first used Summer 2002. CTC Source: STUDENT.WORK_ATTND PCHEES source: N/A Page 35 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Student Term Data BACCALAUREATE Baccalaureate Class Standing _CLASS_STANDING Data Type: Text Size: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates the class standing of the student at the beginning of the term if pursuing a first bachelor’s degree. Valid Codes: 01 Freshman 02 Sophomore 03 Junior 04 Senior 88 Not a Baccalaureate Student 99 Unknown Null CTC Source: N/A PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.ClassStandingCode FOUR_YEAR Four Year Institution Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates if this is a four year institution. Validation: Must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’. CTC Source: derived from STUDENT.COLLEGE PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.InstitutionCode Page 36 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Course/Transcripts Data COURSE / TRANSCRIPT DATA This table contains one record per participant per student per institution per term per course enrolled. Data for the community and technical colleges is derived from the SBCTC Data Warehouse STUCLASS and TRANSCRIPTS tables. Primary source for university data is the PCHEES Term Enrollments extract table. INST_ID Institution ID (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: No Definition: IPEDS institution Unit ID. Validation: Must be exactly six digits long Must contain only numeric characters Values are determined by IPEDS. Codes for individual colleges and branches are available at the IPEDS web site CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.COLLEGE PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.InstitutionCode CAMPUS_ID Campus ID (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 3 Allow Null: No Definition: For CTC records, this is the three digit college code. For universities, this is the two digit campus code of admission. Validation: Must be either two or three digits long Must contain only numeric characters May include leading zeroes CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.COLLEGE PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.AdmitCampusCode Page 37 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Course/Transcripts Data STU_KEY Student Key (PK) Data Type: Binary Size: 20 Allow Null: No Definition: Randomized, de-identified student key. This key is created from a probability match process of student demographic information. The key itself is a hash value based on date and sequence of addition and does not contain or derive from any demographic data. This field is intended primarily for matching purposes, not for entry. Validation: Must be exactly 12 characters long. STU_KEY may contain upper or lowercase alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z), numeric characters (0-9) or special characters ‘&’ and ‘!’. Source: Probability match process YEAR Term Year (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: No Definition: Six digit academic year of term data. For the academic year beginning on July 1st, 2009 this would be “200910”. Validation: Must be exactly six digits long Must contain only numeric characters Digits 1-4 should represent a valid past year Value of digits 5-6 should equal value of digits 3-4 plus one CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.YEAR PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.AcademicYear QUARTER Term Quarter (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: No Definition: One-character code identifying the specific quarter of term data. Valid Values: 1 Summer 2 Fall 3 Winter 4 Spring CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.QUARTER PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.TermCode Page 38 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Course/Transcripts Data YRQ Year/Quarter Data Type: Text Size: 4 Allow Null: No Definition: Code for academic year and quarter of the record term. The first three characters represent the academic year (e.g., A56 for the academic year 2005-2006). The last digit is a code that represents the academic quarter. This field is typically only used by SBCTC and will be empty if the value was not supplied in the Participant file. Valid Codes: Academic Year (partial list): 990 1999-2000 A45 2004-2005 A56 2005-2006 A67 2006-2007 A78 2007-2008 A89 2008-2009 B01 2010-2011 B12 2011-2012 Academic Quarter: 1 Summer 2 Fall 3 Winter 4 Spring CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.YEAR and TRANSCRIPTS.QUARTER PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.AcademicYear and TermEnrollments.TermCode COURSE_ID Course ID (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 12 Allow Null: No Definition: Alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a distinct course. This field is currently college defined with no standard definition. Validation: None. CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.DEPT_DIV and TRANSCRIPTS.COURSE_NUM PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.CourseID Page 39 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Course/Transcripts Data COURSE_ITEM Course Item (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 8 Allow Null: No Definition: Alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a distinct section of a course for the current term. There is no common definition for this field. Validation: None. CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.ITEM PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.CourseNumber and TermEnrollments.RegistrationSequence DEPT_DIV Department or Division Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: No Definition: A code that identifies the department or division in which the course is taught. This field is currently college defined with no standard definition. Validation: None. CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.DEPT_DIV PCHEES source: Derived from TermEnrollments.CourseID COURSE_NUM Course Number Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: No Definition: Alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a distinct course. This field is currently college defined with no standard definition. Validation: None. CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.COURSE_NUM PCHEES source: Derived from TermEnrollments.CourseID COURSE_TITLE Course Item Data Type: Text Size: 100 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Course title assigned by institution. Validation: None. CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.COURSE_TITLE PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.CourseTitle Page 40 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Course/Transcripts Data CLVL_IND Course Item Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: No Definition: Indicates if the course is college level. Valid Codes: ‘Y’ or ‘N’. CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.CLVL_IND PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.RemedialStatusCode COURSE_CIP_CODE Course CIP Code Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Six character code representing the Classification of Instructional Programs assigned by the US Department of Education to describe the subject area of courses and major areas of study. Every course has a CIP code which places it into a subject area with other similar courses. Validation: CIP codes are available at the website CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.CIP PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.CourseSubjectCode(CIP6) COURSE_FUNDING Course Funding Source _SOURCE Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Describes the funding source for a particular student and course. Note that the same funding source does not necessarily apply to all students in a course. Likewise, a student will not necessarily have the same funding source for all courses. Valid Codes: C Contract (includes contracts with other agencies and firms as well as Running Start and International Contract) S State count (includes worker retraining and natural resource waivers) U Student Funded W Waiver student CTC Source: STUCLASS.FUND_SOURCE_ENROLLMENT PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.FundingSourceCode Page 41 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Course/Transcripts Data CREDITS Credits Attempted _ATTEMPTED Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 4 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Number of credits student is attempting to obtain for this course. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number. CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.CR PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.CreditHoursAttempted CREDITS_EARNED Credits Earned Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 4 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Number of credits student earned for this course. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number. CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.CR and TRANSCRIPTS.EARN_IND PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.CreditHoursEarned DEC_GR Decimal Grade Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 2 Scale: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Numeric grade student earned in this course. Note that PCHEES data contains grades of 9.8 (Not Applicable) or 9.9 (Unknown). Validation: Must be a valid decimal number, 4.0 or less, or 9.8 or 9.9 CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.CR PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.GradeNumber Page 42 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Course/Transcripts Data eLEARNING_MODE eLearning Mode Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates the primary mode of delivery for instruction in this course. Null values indicate face-to-face instruction. Valid Codes: 1n Tele-course: A course which uses videotapes, CD’s, DVD’s or other portable modalities of video / audio delivery to deliver the course content. Limited or no face-to-face time with instructor. 2n Correspondence: A course which uses mailed information between instructor and student. Limited or no face-to-face time with instructor. 3n On-line: A course that uses web-based tools and where 100% of the instruction and interaction between instructor and student is done online. (Proctored exams still allowed for this classification). 4n Interactive Television: A course which uses the K20 or network-based video conferencing tools to distribute the course materials in real (synchronous) time. 5n Tele-Class: (will discontinue use) A distance class which uses satellite, cable, streaming video over the internet, or other broadcast technology to distribute a predominant portion of course material in real (synchronous) time. 6n Other: A course that uses other modes of delivery that do not fit within the listed categories. 7n Optional: A course in which the student can choose to attend class face-to-face or take the class online (both options are within one item number). 8n Hybrid: A course that displaces some, but not all face-to-face class time with web-based tools. 9n Web Enhanced: A face-to-face course that does not replace any face-to-face seat time, and access to web-based tools is required. Hn Hybrid (obsolete code used prior to 2010-11) Page 43 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Course/Transcripts Data CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.DIST_ED PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.CourseDeliveryTypeCode and TermEnrollments.OnlineLearningTypeCode GPA_IND GPA Indicator Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates if the grade should be included in calculation of GPA. This indicator is set for university records depending on the letter grade provided, so ‘A’, ‘B’, “C’, ‘D’ or ‘F’ correspond to ‘Y’ and others to ‘N’. Valid Codes: ‘Y’ or ‘N’. CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.GPA_IND PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.GradeLetterCode LTR_GR Letter Grade Data Type: Text Size: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Code indicating the letter grade earned by the student in the course. Although there are similarities across various institutions, there is no common definition. Valid Codes: For PCHEES university data ONLY: A Grade in the A- to A range or equivalent B Grade in the B- to B+ range or equivalent C Grade in the C- to C+ range or equivalent D Grade in the D- to D+ range or equivalent F Grade of F or equivalent I Incomplete S Grade of ‘Satisfactory’ U Grade of ‘Unsatisfactory’ W Withdrawn X Grade or status for course not yet posted 7 Continuing course; grade not yet assigned 8 Course dropped (Not an official withdrawal) There is a lookup table available in MRTE_Data (luCOLLEGE_GRADES) that lists letter grades by college if needed to validate CTC letter grades. CTC Source: TRANSCRIPTS.GR PCHEES source: TermEnrollments.GradeLetterCode Page 44 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Course/Transcripts Data REMEDIAL_COURSE Remedial Course Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates if this course is a remedial course. For CTC data, a course is considered remedial if the CIP starts with ‘33’. Valid Codes: ‘Y’ or ‘N’. CTC Source: derived from TRANSCRIPTS.CIP PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.IsRemedialCourse Page 45 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Completions Data COMPLETIONS DATA This table contains one record per student per institution per completion. Data for the community and technical colleges is derived from the SBCTC Data Warehouse STUDENT _DEGREE table. Primary source for university data is the PCHEES Term Completions extract table. INST_ID Institution ID (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: No Definition: IPEDS institution Unit ID. Validation: Must be exactly six digits long Must contain only numeric characters Values are determined by IPEDS. Codes for individual colleges and branches are available at the IPEDS web site CTC Source: derived from COMPLETIONS.COLLEGE PCHEES source: derived from TermCompletions.InstitutionCode CAMPUS_ID Campus ID (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 3 Allow Null: No Definition: For CTC records, this is the three digit college code. For universities, this is the two digit campus code of admission. Validation: Must be either two or three digits long Must contain only numeric characters May include leading zeroes CTC Source: COMPLETIONS.COLLEGE PCHEES source: TermCompletions.AdmitCampusCode Page 46 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Completions Data STU_KEY Student Key (PK) Data Type: Binary Size: 20 Allow Null: No Definition: Randomized, de-identified student key. This key is created from a probability match process of student demographic information. The key itself is a hash value based on date and sequence of addition and does not contain or derive from any demographic data. This field is intended primarily for matching purposes, not for entry. Validation: Must be exactly 12 characters long. STU_KEY may contain upper or lowercase alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z), numeric characters (0-9) or special characters ‘&’ and ‘!’. Source: Probability match process YEAR Term Year (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: No Definition: Six digit academic year of term data. For the academic year beginning on July 1st, 2009 this would be “200910”. Validation: Must be exactly six digits long Must contain only numeric characters Digits 1-4 should represent a valid past year Value of digits 5-6 should equal value of digits 3-4 plus one CTC Source: derived from COMPLETIONS.YEAR PCHEES source: TermCompletions.AcademicYear QUARTER Term Quarter (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: No Definition: One-character code identifying the specific quarter of term data. Valid Values: 1 Summer 2 Fall 3 Winter 4 Spring CTC Source: COMPLETIONS.QUARTER PCHEES source: derived from TermCompletions.TermCode Page 47 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Completions Data YRQ Year/Quarter Data Type: Text Size: 4 Allow Null: No Definition: Code for academic year and quarter of the record term. The first three characters represent the academic year (e.g., A56 for the academic year 2005-2006). The last digit is a code that represents the academic quarter. This field is typically only used by SBCTC and will be empty if the value was not supplied in the Participant file. Valid Codes: Academic Year (partial list): 990 1999-2000 A45 2004-2005 A56 2005-2006 A67 2006-2007 A78 2007-2008 A89 2008-2009 B01 2010-2011 B12 2011-2012 Academic Quarter: 1 Summer 2 Fall 3 Winter 4 Spring CTC Source: derived from STUDENT.YEAR and STUDENT.QUARTER PCHEES source: derived from TermEnrollments.AcademicYear and TermEnrollments.TermCode RECORD_NUMBER Record Number (PK) Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Used to create a unique key when more than one completion is recorded in a single term. This simply assigns a sequence ID number to records starting with ‘1’ and continuing while there are more records for a particular institution, student and term Valid Codes: ‘1’ through ‘9’. Source: Calculated field. Page 48 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Completions Data PROGRAM Program Concentration CIP _CONCENTRATION Data Type: Text _CIP Size: 6 Allow Null: No Definition Six-digit code identifying the student’s program concentration. CIP codes (Classification of Instructional Programs) are created by the US Department of Education to describe the subject area of courses and major areas of study. Validation: CIP codes are available at the website CTC Source: COMPLETIONS.CIP PCHEES source: derived from TermCompletions.MajorCode(CIP6) PROGRAM_FIELD Program Concentration CIP _OF_STUDY_CIP Data Type: Text Size: 6 Allow Null: Yes Definition Six-digit code identifying the field of study associated with the completion. CIP codes (Classification of Instructional Programs) are created by the US Department of Education to describe the subject area of courses and major areas of study. Validation: CIP codes are available at the website CTC Source: N/A PCHEES source: derived from TermCompletions.ConcentrationCode(CIP6) Page 49 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Completions Data IPEDS_COMPL_TYPE IPEDS Completion Type Data Type: Text Size: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Indicates the level of degree or certificate associated with the completion.. Valid Codes: 2007-08 through 2009-10: 01 Postsecondary award, certificate, or diploma of less than one academic year (less than 900 contact or clock hours) 02 Postsecondary award, certificate, or diploma of at least one but less than two academic years (at least 900 but less than 1800 contact or clock hours) 03 Associate's degree 04 Postsecondary award, certificate, or diploma of at least two but less than four academic years (at least 1800 contact or clock hours) 05 Bachelor's degree 06 Post-baccalaureate certificate 07 Master's degree 08 Post-master's certificate 09 Doctor's degree 10 First-professional degree 11 First-professional certificate (Post-degree) 98 No degree or certificate Valid values beginning 2010-11: 01 Postsecondary award, certificate, or diploma of less than one academic year (less than 900 contact or clock hours) 02 Postsecondary award, certificate, or diploma of at least one but less than two academic years (at least 900 but less than 1800 contact or clock hours) 03 Associate's degree 04 Postsecondary award, certificate, or diploma of at least two but less than four academic years (at least 1800 contact or clock hours) 05 Bachelor's degree 06 Post-baccalaureate certificate Page 50 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Completions Data 07 Master's degree 08 Post-master's certificate 17 Doctor's Degrees (Research/Scholarship) 18 Doctor's Degrees (Professional Practice) 19 Doctor's Degrees (Other) 98 No degree or certificate CTC Source: N/A PCHEES source: TermCompletions.DegreeProgramLevelCode CTC_COMPL_TYPE CTC Completion Type Data Type: Text Size: 1 Allow Null: No Definition: Type of award the student received. Awards for university records are converted to closest available award type. Valid Codes: 1 General Studies Degree 2 Certificate, >= 90 credits or 1800 hours 3 Certificate, 45-89 credits or 900-1799 hours 4 Certificate, < 45 credits or 900 hours 5 Apprenticeship 6 High School Completion 7 GED Certificate 9 Non-Degree/Non-Certificate Award A AS-T Degree Track 1 B AS-T Degree Track 2 C Associate in Arts – Transfer Non-DTA D Associate in Arts – Transfer DTA E Associate in Elementary Education – DTA/MRP F Associate in Business – DTA/MRP G Associate in Math Education – DTA H Associate in Physics Education – AS-T Track 2 I Associate in Chemistry Education – AS-T Track 1 J Associate in Biology Education – AS-T Track 1 K Associate in General Science Education – AS-T Track 1 L Associate in Earth Space Ed – DTA/MRP M Associate in Technology – DTA/MRP N Associate in Pre-Nursing – DTA/MRP O Associate in Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering – AS-T/MRP Page 51 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Completions Data P Associate in Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering – AS-T/MRP Q Associate in Mechanical, Civil, Aeronautical, Industrial and Materials Science Engineering – AS-T/MRP R Associate in Biology – DTA/MRP S Associate in Mechanical Engineering Technology – AS-T/MRP T Associate in Applied Science - T - AAS-T U Applied Baccalaureate Degree V Associate in Construction Management – DTA/MRP W Associate in Electronics Engineering Technology and Computer Engineering Technology – AS-T/MRP X Associate in Computer Science – AS-T or DTA/MRP (pending approval) Y Associate in Computer/Info Systems – DTA/MRP (pending approval) Z Core Transfer Agreement at 45 credits CTC Source: derived from COMPLETIONS.EXIT_CODE PCHEES source: derived from TermCompletions.DegreeProgramLevelCode INSTITUTIONAL_ Credits Earned Toward this Completion at the Granting Institution CREDITS_EARNED Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 6 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Number of credits student earned toward this completion at the granting institution. Validation: Must be a valid decimal number. CTC Source: currently N/A PCHEES source: TermCompletions. CompletionCreditsEarned(Institutional) Page 52 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Completions Data NONINSTITUTIONAL Credits Earned Toward this Completion at Other Institutions _CREDITS_EARNED Data Type: Number/Decimal Precision: 6 Scale: 2 Allow Null: Yes Definition: Number of credits student earned toward this completion at institutions other than the granting institution . Validation: Must be a valid decimal number. CTC Source: currently N/A PCHEES source: TermCompletions. CompletionCreditsEarned(NonInstitutional) Page 53 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Index AGE, 27 DEGREE_SEEK, 13 BACCALAUREATE_CLASS_STANDING, 36 DUAL_ENROLL, 30 EARNED_DEGREE_IN_SYSTEM, 14 BIRTHYR, 13 eLEARNING_MODE, 43 CAMPUS_ID, 12, 25, 37, 46 EVER_BASICSKILLS_IND, 14 CLVL_IND, 41 EVER_PRECOLLEGE_IND, 14 COURSE_CIP_CODE, 41 FA_AID_TYPE_IND, 33 COURSE_FUNDING_SOURCE, 41 FA_RECEIVED_IND, 32 COURSE_ID, 39 FAMILY_STATUS, 15 COURSE_ITEM, 40 GENDER, 15 COURSE_TITLE, 40 GPA_IND, 44 CREDITS_ATTEMPTED, 42 HS_GPA, 15 CREDITS_EARNED, 42 HS_GRAD_YR, 16 CTC_COMPL_TYPE, 51 HS_LAST_ATTENDED, 16 CUM_CLVL_CRS, 29 INST_ID, 12, 25, 37, 46 CUM_CLVL_GR_PTS, 29 INSTIT_CATEGORY_INDICATOR, 31 CUM_GPA, 28 CUM_GR_CRS, 28 INSTITUTIONAL_CREDITS_EARNED, 52 CUM_GR_PTS, 28 INTENT, 17 CUM_TOT_CRS, 29 INTERNATIONAL_STUDENT, 17 CURRENT_TERM_CREDITS_ENROLLE IPEDS_COMPL_TYPE, 50 D, 30 DEC_GR, 42 LTR_GR, 44 MATCHABLE, 24 Page 54 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013 MRTE+ Data Dictionary Index NCR, 31 QUARTER, 26, 38, 47 NONINSTITUTIONAL_CREDITS_EARN RACE_ETHNIC_CODE, 21 ED, 53 RACE_ETHNIC_INDICATOR, 22 PLAN_ATTND, 18 RECORD_NUMBER, 48 PLAN_WORK, 18 REMEDIAL_COURSE, 45 PREVIOUS_CREDITS_TRANSFERRED, 19 RESIDENCE_COUNTY, 23 RESIDENCY_STATUS, 33 PREVIOUS_INSTITUTION, 19 PREVIOUS_INSTITUTION_GPA, 19 SES, 24 PRIOR_ED, 20 STU_KEY, 13, 26, 38, 47 PROGRAM_CONCENTRATION_CIP, 32, 49 STUDENT_TYPE, 34 PROGRAM_FIELD_OF_STUDY_CIP, 32, 49 PURP_ATTND, 20 TERM_GPA, 34 WORK_ATTEND, 35 YEAR, 26, 38, 47 YRQ, 27, 39, 48 Page 55 of 56 Revised: September 11, 2013