A meeting of the Solano County Community College District Governing Board was called to
order at 7:05 p.m., on Wednesday, April 7, 2004, in the Council Chambers, City of Vallejo, 555
Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA 94590-5934, by James M. Claffey, President.
At the request of Board President Claffey, Trustee Phil McCaffrey led those present in the pledge
of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
Members Present:
James M. Claffey, President
Denis Honeychurch, Vice President
Pam Keith
Phil McCaffrey
Willie McKnight
Bill Thurston
Jerry R. Wilkerson
Lisa LaFarga, Student Trustee
Paulette J. Perfumo, Ph.D., Secretary
Members Absent:
Others Present:
James Bracy, Vice President of Student Services
Kathryn Campbell, Ed.D., Vice President of Academic Affairs
Willard Wright, Ed.D., Vice President of Administrative and Business Services
Kirk Murray, Interim Director, Human Resources
Patricia Y. Cordry, Executive Coordinator, Superintendent-President/Governing Board
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Moved by Trustee Phil McCaffrey and seconded by Trustee Bill Thurston for approval of the
agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
No cards were submitted.
Associated Students of Solano College (ASSC)
David Brannen, ASSC Representative to the Governing Board, reported that:
--preparations are underway for “Solano Daze” with participation by many campus clubs.
--Career Faire was held on campus, April 7, in an effort to pair students with potential employers
in the community.
--ASSC is completing funding deliberations for campus clubs and student projects using prudent
fiscal restraint due to impending budgetary cuts.
--ASSC was entered into auditions for the TV show, “Wheel of Fortune.” Although not
successful in being selected as contestants, ASSC has secured seating in the audience for taping
of upcoming shows.
--student elections are underway. A mandatory candidates’ meeting and election assembly has
been held. Voting will take place April 19 through April 22, 2004. Ballots will be counted by the
Student Election Committee on Friday, April 23.
Academic Senate
Academic Senate President Barbara Pavão reported that:
--the Academic Senate discussed several items at its meeting on Monday, April 5, including a
resolution in reference to Telecommunication and Technology Infrastructure Program (TTIP)
money (categorical funds which come to the campus with specific guidelines for expenditures).
Academic Senate President Pavão informed Board members of the Governor’s January proposal
to de-categorize the money, particularly the electronic data bases that the library supports. The
Academic Senate concurred that these services should be protected as they service the campus at
large and are essential to the operation of the College. The Senate recommends, through the
adopted resolution, (copies of which were provided to the Board) that SCC continue to support
our data bases at least at the current level.
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--there are three more Senate meetings this academic year. At the last meeting in May, newly
tenured faculty members will be recognized.
Shared Governance Council
Dr. Perfumo deferred to Vice President Bracy who presented the report as he presided over the
last meeting in Dr. Perfumo’s absence. Vice President Bracy reported that the Shared
Governance Council met on March 24 at which time the Council discussed a change to the
Academic Renewal Policy 5110 which would allow students to eliminate prior, poor academic
performance if they petition after three semesters. ASSC President Terri Martin-McCaffrey
expressed concern about lack of student involvement on various committees, especially
representation on the Technology Committee. The Solano Community College Student Equity
Plan was presented by Rob Simas and Vice President Bracy. The Plan has had widespread
involvement from each constituency on campus and is on target for submission to the
Chancellor’s Office by the due date in June. The Shared Governance Council discussed human
subjects protocol, the Human Resources Director position, the Board agenda and heard college
area reports. Concern was expressed by ASSC President Terri Martin-McCaffrey about the
depletion of federal workstudy funds prior to the end of the semester. Ms. Martin-McCaffrey also
reported to the SGC that she had been appointed to the Education Committee for Vacaville’s
Diversity Day in May. Dr. Kathryn Campbell, Vice President of Academic Affairs, reported that
the Trade/Technical Division has added four new courses in Hazardous Materials training and the
first half of the Math/Science curriculum review has been completed. Jo Ann Smith reported that
CSEA has settled their contract for 2003-04 with a ratification meeting taking place on March 25,
2004. Work is being done on the 2004-05 contract. Esther Pryor reported that elections for the
CTA Executive Board will take place on March 30.
 Student Recognition
2004 Phi Theta Kappa All-California Academic Team
David Brannen
Billi Ferrell-Gandall
Dr. Perfumo and Board President Claffey presented certificates from Phi Theta Kappa and Solano
Community College to outstanding student David Brannen for selection to the 2004 Phi Theta
Kappa All-California Academic Team. Billi Ferrell-Gandall was attending class and not able to
attend the meeting to also be recognized for her selection to the All-California Academic Team.
Dr. Perfumo thanked Vice President Bracy who joined David and Billi in Sacramento for a
recognition/awards event for students selected statewide for the All-California Academic Team.
Dr. Perfumo commended David Brannen for receiving the prestigious award.
Dr. Perfumo was unable to attend the All-California Academic Team event because of the ground
breaking ceremony at Genentech in Vacaville. We were notified the day before the event that
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Governor Schwarzenegger would attend the ceremony. Governor Schwarzenegger was
responsible for Genentech making the decision to stay in Vacaville and not move their facilities
out of California. The Governor worked closely with the Mayor and Vacaville city leaders to
provide incentives to keep Genentech in Vacaville. The plant expansion will open in 2009 with
575 additional employees. At build-out, Genentech, Vacaville, will be the largest biotechnology
facility in the world. Dr. Perfumo stated that Jim DeKloe called at the last moment to say he
would not be able to attend the ceremony because he had promised an elementary school that they
could come and visit the Solano College Biotechnology Lab the same day as the groundbreaking.
Dr. Perfumo stated that the bus was running late and Professor DeKloe made the decision to stay
at Solano to share the program with the elementary students rather than attend the ceremony.
 Bond Update
Dr. Perfumo reported that interviews were held April 7 for the mechanical and electrical engineering
services positions to assist with all of the bond projects. The remainder of the update was presented
under item 11. (a) on the agenda.
Dr. Perfumo reported that:
--the first Educational Foundation breakfast at the Hilton Garden Inn will be held on Wednesday,
April 21, at 7 a.m. Dr. Mark Drummond, the new state Chancellor of the California Community
Colleges, will be the keynote speaker, and will talk about the role of community colleges in the
economic recovery of California. Board members who have not already made reservations were
asked to provide checks to Pat Cordry to make their reservations.
--there were many students and businesses that took advantage of the Career Faire opportunity on
--Dr. Jimmy Tanaka sent an e-mail about a number of his students who won many gold, silver and
bronze medals in judo competitions recently. In addition, Dr. Tanaka shared unique success
stories about two students. One of the students had dropped out of school. Both students came to
Solano and took Dr. Tanaka’s judo class which includes discipline and principles. Lisanna
Sanderson has just been accepted at West Point with a full $250,000 scholarship. Jody Smith
(who had failed at UC Davis) has completed her degree, went back and finished at UC Davis with
a master’s degree and has just been accepted for the Ph.D. program at Harvard. Dr. Perfumo
praised Ms. Anderson and Ms. Smith for their outstanding achievements and also commended
Dr. Tanaka for being one of Solano’s shining stars and helping students find an exciting path for
their lives.
--Jamie Holloway, Copy Editor of The Tempest, won first place from the Journalism Association
of California Community Colleges.
--the Solano Community College Booster Club is having a barbeque on April 21, 11a.m. - 2 p.m.,
in front of the Student Center.
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--she attended a “Salute to Travis” hosted by the committee on which Dr. Perfumo has been
participating to save Travis Air Force Base. Awards were presented to service men and women
who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as honoring Brigadier General Baker who will
be leaving Travis. Congresswoman Tauscher gave the inspirational address to the group.
--on March 30, Solano College hosted all of the fire chiefs in Solano County. Dr. Perfumo
thanked Roy Pike from the Fire Science Program and Jim Ignatieff, Dean of Trade/Technical
Division, who organized the day’s activities. Leslie Rota explained the curriculum process and
how to get a program introduced. Rick Ida shared information about contract education and ways
we could assist with the needs of the fire fighting community.
--the Governor has announced six new appointments to the Board of Governors. Board members
were provided with copies of the press release which included biographical sketches on each
--Spring Break is next week.
--Solano Economic Development Corporation has begun planning for their annual dinner
meeting. Solano EDC has asked Dr. Perfumo to be the honorary chair of the event this year. The
dinner will be held at the Hilton next month with Sunne McPeak as guest speaker who will talk
about economic development infrastructure and the pivotal role of Solano County. Ms. McPeak
has recently been appointed as the Governor’s Secretary of Housing and Transportation.
--she met with Mary McCarthy, Executive Director of the Sutter Solano Foundation, to discuss
the ongoing crisis in health care and the need for assistance with health care and nursing in the
County. Ms. McCarthy invited Dr. Perfumo to meet with the Solano County Health Care
Consortium to talk with them and begin conversations to set up partnerships with the larger
hospitals and health care facilities to help fund positions.
--the Drafting Fest will be held on Thursday, April 8. All area high schools and regional
occupational programs are invited. Dr. Perfumo signed over 200 certificates for the annual event.
Dr. Perfumo commended Professor Steve Cotter for his work on the event.
--the Vallejo Interagency meeting has been cancelled for April 12.
--final interviews for 15 faculty positions will begin in approximately one week. This will bring
the full-time faculty obligation number whole for the College. Many colleges, including Solano,
submitted a request for deferral last year; however, the districts were fined the difference in last
year’s number and the previous year’s number ($93,000 for Solano). Dr. Perfumo reported that
Dr. Drummond has expressed his intention to waive the fees for districts and that he will be
reviewing Solano’s report, along with other districts, once he gets his new Board seated.
--three system lobbyists also attended the recent Chief Executive Officers’ meeting she attended
on the state budget. Dr. Perfumo highlighted the following points she learned at the meeting:
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(1) there is very strong support in this administration for the three percent growth to be
maintained in the May Revise along with a 1.84 percent COLA; (2) continued discussion is
occurring on block grants for categorical funds; (3) Partnership For Excellence (PFE) is looking
very promising in that it will be rolled into our base; (4) the Chancellor has been working with a
new task force on the Prop. 98 split to increase our percentage which is 11 percent in statute; (5)
the Chancellor is seeking $275 million in new funding for community colleges to help restore
what has been eroded in PFE as well as matriculation and other programs that have been severely
cut. The Chancellor will testify in order to fight the differential fee for students going back to $50
per unit for students with a bachelor’s degree or higher. Dr. Perfumo stated that the position of
the Department of Finance is that the funds to cover all students who are being redirected from
the California State University and the University of California systems to community colleges
would be derived from the three percent growth money.
Minutes for the Meeting of March 17, 2004
Human Resources
Employment – 2003-04; Request for Reduced Workload, 2004-05; Request for an Unpaid
Leave of Absence 2004-05; Request for a Professional Growth Leave Unpaid Leave of
Absence 2004-05, Gratuitous Service; Resignation; Summer 2004 and 2005 Four-Day,
Ten-Hour Work Schedule; 2004-05 and 2005-06 Winter Break and Spring Break Campus
Administrative and Business Services
Warrant List
Authorization to Increase General Fund Budget, Resolution No. 02/03-29
Academic Affairs
City College of San Francisco Educational Services Agreement
In answer to a question posed by Trustee Wilkerson, Kirk Murray announced that Teresa McLeod
will fill the position of Financial Aid Specialist. The effective date is still being negotiated as
Ms. McLeod currently works at the Vacaville Center.
Moved by Trustee Bill Thurston and seconded by Trustee Phil McCaffrey for approval of the
Consent Agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
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There were no items removed from the Consent Agenda.
Resignations to Retire –James Bracy, Libbie Hodges, Linda McKay
Libbie Hodges and Linda McKay
Kathy Rosengren, Dean of the Humanities Division, spoke on behalf of Libbie Hodges and Linda
McKay, instructional assistants in the Reading Lab, for 16 years, who have decided to retire at the
same time. Ms. Rosengren praised Ms. Hodges and Ms. McKay for the outstanding work they
have done in quantity and quality for the students at Solano Community College. Dean
Rosengren stated that their interpersonal skills and abilities to work with students are
unsurpassed. She commended Ms. Hodges and Ms. McKay for their patience, firmness, clarity,
sense of humor, forthrightness, honesty and hard work. Ms. Rosengren extended best wishes to
Ms. Hodges and Ms. McKay in their retirements.
James Bracy
Dr. Perfumo expressed appreciation for the gift of being able to work with Vice President Bracy
in the brief time she has served as Superintendent-President of Solano Community College. She
lauded Vice President Bracy for always displaying honesty and integrity in all of his work.
Dr. Perfumo stated that Vice President Bracy will really be missed and that he has touched the
lives of thousands of students leaving a legacy that will go on ad infinitum. Dr. Perfumo
extended best wishes to Vice President Bracy for a retirement filled with happiness and good
Dr. Ella Tolliver, Dean of Counseling and DSPS, paid tribute to Vice President Bracy by
reviewing some of the many accomplishments and achievements during his most successful
career. Dr. Tolliver described Mr. Bracy as a “shining example of the American way of life”
overcoming the odds and meeting life’s challenges with a successful climb from adjunct professor
to Vice President of Student Services. Mr. Bracy has dedicated 30 years of 32 years in education
to Solano Community College. Vice President Bracy made history in Solano County by being the
first African-American to serve in a senior management position at the College.
Dr. Tolliver expounded upon Vice President Bracy’s career at Solano serving in many different
roles and always being known for his efficiency, dedication, knowledge and commitment to
student access and student success. Mr. Bracy has served as an adjunct psychology instructor,
full-time counselor, advisor for the African-American Student Union, CTA Head Negotiator,
CTA President, President of the African-American Staff Association, mentor and big brother to
others entering the supervisory/management field, Region 2 representative of the Chief Student
Services Officers of California Community Colleges, member of the Community College
Chancellor’s Office Diversity Planning Committee, Kellogg Fellow recipient (through the W.K.
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Kellogg Foundation and sponsored by the League for Innovation in Community Colleges and the
Community College Leadership Program), Assistant Dean of Counseling and Guidance, Dean of
Student Services and Vice President of Student Services.
Under Vice President Bracy’s leadership, the following activities have been implemented:
community Martin Luther King celebration, African-American Student Recognition Program
and the Black History Month celebration.
New programs benefiting the student body and the entire community include the Gear up grant,
Solano College Open House, high school liaison program, AmeriCorps Grant, CalWorks grant,
the SUCCESS Consortium Program and the Transfer Recognition event to be held for the first
time this spring.
Dr. Tolliver expressed respect and appreciation to Vice President Bracy for the loyal service he
has rendered, the understanding he has shown in many complex problems, his interest in always
fighting for the rights of students, his humor, willingness to “fill in the gaps” of other positions
when needed and for his wise counsel. Vice President Bracy’s retirement leaves a void in the
entire campus community of students, faculty and staff.
Vice President Bracy stated that it has been a blessing to be a part of Solano Community College
and described his job as the “best job in America.” He introduced his wife, Gaynelle, who has
always been at his side. Vice President Bracy also introduced two of his mentors—Armond
Phillips and Bill Thurston. Vice President expressed appreciation to the Governing Board for
supporting him on every occasion when he has come to the Board with a request. He
commended the Board for its commitment to serving the students of this College and the
commitment that everyone is entitled to an education. Vice President Bracy stated that he has
met a lot of wonderful people and worked with a lot of wonderful colleagues serving a lot of
beautiful students. He also commended the management at the College as being one of the best
he has ever encountered.
Vice President Bracy was honored with a standing ovation from the Board, SuperintendentPresident and all those present.
Moved by Trustee Phil McCaffrey and seconded by Trustee Pam Keith for approval of the
resignations in this item.
On behalf of the Governing Board, Vice President Honeychurch expressed appreciation for Vice
President Bracy for his 30 years of service to the District. Vice President Honeychurch recalled
supporting Mr. Bracy’s appointment to the Dean of Student Services and thanked him for his
work in Student Services and in all of the various capacities in which he has served the District.
Vice President Honeychurch also spoke fondly of their basketball experiences in the fundraising
game against the 49ers.
Trustee Bill Thurston stated that he has known Mr. Bracy for 40 years. Trustee Thurston spoke
very highly of the reputation Mr. Bracy enjoys for being truly respected for listening and
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sincerely caring for others. Trustee Thurston stated that Mr. Bracy’s retirement will be a
tremendous loss to the College community and extended best wishes to Mr. Bracy.
The motion passed unanimously.
CSEA President Jo Ann Smith expressed her understanding that the motion was for approval of
the resignation for retirement of James Bracy, not including acceptance of the retirement
resignations of Libbie Hodges and Linda McKay.
Moved by Trustee Bill Thurston and seconded by Trustee Pam Keith to amend the motion to
include Libbie Hodges and Linda McKay. The amended motion passed unanimously.
Ballot for California Community College Trustee (CCCT) Board of Directors – 2004
Willie McKnight presented the subcommittee’s recommendation on the slate of names to be
forwarded to the California Community College Trustees for the 2004 Board of Directors as
follows: Edward C. Ortell – Citrus CCD, Charles Meng - Napa Valley CCD, Bill McMillin Ohlone CCD, William G. McGinnis - Butte-Glenn CCD, Judi D. Beck - Shasta-Tehama-Trinity
Joint CCD, Carolyn Batiste - MiraCosta CCD, Kay Albaiana - Los Rios CCD, Fred M. Tovar San Jose-Evergreen CCD, Anita Grier -San Francisco CCD and Jess H. Reyes - Contra Costa
CCD. Trustee McKnight stated that the subcommittee’s list of recommended candidates
includes trustees who are experienced trustees, attend community college conferences, want to
make the community college system greater and are against taking local control away from local
Moved by Trustee Bill Thurston and seconded by Trustee Phil McCaffrey to accept the
recommendation of the subcommittee. The motion passed unanimously.
Human Resources
Classified School Employees Association, Chapter #211 and District 2003-2004
Collective Bargaining Agreement Reopeners
Kirk Murray recommended approval of the CSEA contract and thanked Jo Ann Smith for her
leadership. CSEA ratified the agreement on March 25, 2004.
Moved by Trustee Bill Thurston and seconded by Trustee Phil McCaffrey for approval of the
Solano College Classified School Employees Association, Chapter #211 and District collective
bargaining agreement reopeners for 2003-04. The motion passed unanimously.
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Operating Engineers/Stationary Engineers, Local 39 and District 2003-2004
Collective Bargaining Agreement Reopeners
Kirk Murray stated that this is the same basic agreement reached with CSEA.
Moved by Trustee Pam Keith and seconded by Trustee Phil McCaffrey for approval of the
Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 and District 2003-04 collective bargaining
agreement reopeners. The motion passed unanimously.
Administrative and Business Services
Bid 04-001: 2004 Summer Schedule of Classes, 2004 Fall Schedule of Classes,
2004 Fall Community Services Bulletin, 2005 Spring Schedule of Classes and
2005 Spring Community Services Bulletin
Dr. Willard Wright reported that 15 bids were sent and eight were received. Staff recommends
awarding Bid 04-001 to Southwest Offset Printing for the amount of $94,152.
Moved by Trustee Pam Keith and seconded by Trustee Bill Thurston for acceptance of Bid 04001.
Board President Claffey commented that Southwest Offset Printing was not the lowest bidder
while Westminster Press, Inc. was low bidder. Dr. Wright stated that the College experienced
extreme difficulty with Westminster Press meeting deadlines which caused problems for the
District. Dr. Perfumo commented that Westminster was the company that caused the schedules
to be delivered after registration started last year.
The motion passed unanimously.
Measure G General Obligation Bond Implementation Plan
Mark Newton, Program Manager, Kitchell, CEM, delivered a PowerPoint presentation
summarizing the detailed Implementation Plan. The Implementation Plan is intended to be an
ongoing resource throughout the Modernization Program representing all encapsulated
information about each project, including the scope, budget and schedule. Mr. Newton
highlighted various sections of the Implementation Plan including section 2 on organization,
stakeholders, decision-making processes, information flow; section 3 on the communication
process (frequency and communication tools, i.e., website); section 4 on modernization and new
construction projects; section 5 on swing space by quarter for the duration of the program;
section 6 on scheduling and section 7 on budgetary information.
Mr. Newton explained that projects have been divided into three major divisions: Division I –
major projects, i.e., Vallejo Center, Vacaville Center, Student Center and Learning Resources
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Center; Division II – projects that have expansions or major modifications, i.e., Building 700/800
annex, 1400 Student Services Building and Division III – all modernization projects through the
entire campus. Whenever possible, project work will be done during the summer months when
peak loads are down. Expenses will be tracked and summarized specific to categories listed on
the project detail sheets. Kitchell is also trying to continuously track any modifications to the
bond. To the extent possible, projects will be aggregated and tracked. The bottom line cost is
$124.5 million. Any additional funds will be shown on the bottom line and allocated to specific
Dr. Perfumo added that she has asked Kitchell to present the same information in a couple
campus-wide forums. Copies of the 145-page document will also be accessible in key offices on
campus as well as the library. Trustee McCaffrey requested that the document also be made
available to the city managers/city councils in Vallejo and Vacaville where major centers will be
Restructuring of Academic Affairs
Dr. Campbell, Vice President of Academic Affairs, presented this item on the restructuring of
Academic Affairs. Dr. Campbell stated that the proposal is the result of the work and
recommendations of the Task Force including all managers who report directly to the Vice
President of Academic Affairs, faculty representing each division, classified staff and students.
Further input was gathered after recommendations came forward at open forums held on March
11 and 16. After a review of the input from the Task Force and comments from the campus
community and discussions at the Executive Council, it was recommended that the proposed
restructure be adopted and accepted.
The proposal remains status quo with a change from the Associate Vice President of Technology
and Learning Resources reporting to the Vice President of Academic Affairs to a full Vice
President of Technology and Learning Resources reporting to the Superintendent-President.
Dr. Campbell emphasized the importance of leadership in technology not only for current needs
but also for technology needs at the new centers and lines of communications between the
different locations and at each location. Dr. Campbell reported a savings of $73,422 during the
first year. The Task Force recommended not filling the management position under the Vice
President of Technology/Learning Resources at this time. The Task Force recommended that
coordination in the Library and whether to fill the position of Manager, Technology Services be
given serious consideration by the new Vice President of Technology/Learning Resources.
Dr. Perfumo thanked Dr. Campbell, the Task Force, the Academic Senate and the Executive
Council for their work, time and effort on discussing the Academic Affairs organizational
This item will return for action at the next meeting.
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Proposed Adjustment to the Children’s Programs Student Worker Positions
Dr. Doyleen McMurtry explained that the proposal is to add a step to the salary so students who
stay with the program over a long period of time can receive an additional increment. Also, some
steps are being proposed for the aide positions which have been minimum wage only up to the
present. Most ECE-trained students stay at Solano for several semesters while there is a high
turnover for the aide positions. There are 155 families served each semester. Although the
numbers vary with each semester, all students, with the exception of 22 students, have tuition paid
through state grants and receive quality child care.
This item will return for approval at the next meeting.
Proposal to Increase Children’s Programs Tuition Rates
Dr. McMurtry stated that there are 22 parents who are not funded through one of the grants.
When the program started 12 years ago, nearly half of the student population in children’s
programs was eligible for subsidized slots but we did not have grant money to fund them. SCC
had to charge full-cost tuition. We have tried to keep the tuition low to serve students with low
income. Dr. McMurtry reported that now the Child Care Center is serving faculty, staff and
community members who take classes to make their child eligible for the program. There are a
few students who pay tuition for their child to attend. Dr. McMurtry stated that the proposal is to
bring the tuition rate to something that more closely resembles the reimbursement rate received
from the state. Dr. McMurtry stated that they would like to charge more for the youngest infants
that require the most adult attention. She explained that the infant/toddler/two years old rate
would change by 10 cents per hour and for the preschoolers, the rate would be tied to the state
preschool reimbursement rate rather than to the extended care rate used in the past.
Trustee McKnight expressed appreciation to Dr. McMurtry. Having two children in the program,
Student Trustee LaFarga thanked Dr. McMurtry for her leadership with the Child Care Program
and indicated that it is invaluable to the students, faculty and staff. She lauded Dr. McMurtry for
the quality of the child care and her tireless advocacy for the program that is so well known on
This item will return for action at the next meeting.
Proposed Job Description for Director of Human Resources
Kirk Murray informed the Board of changes to the existing job description for the Director of
Human Resources. The major addition is that the new Director would serve as Chief Negotiator
for all collective bargaining agreements. He commented that this would not eliminate the need
for attorneys but the Director of Human Resources would handle routine negotiations.
Dr. Perfumo commented on the difficulty with recruiting for the position the last time it was
advertised and stated that the administration recommends moving the salary from Range 46 to 48
which would increase the salary by $7,000.
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This item will come back to the Board for action at range 48.
Proposed Job Description for Vice President, Technology and Learning Resources
Kirk Murray explained that this item updates the job description by taking it from an Associate
Dean of Technology and Learning Resources to the Vice President range. It was noted that the
College moved from Division Chairs to Division Deans in 1995. Dr. Campbell clarified that she
discussed the Academic Affairs restructuring with the Shared Governance Council and that the
job description would be brought to the Board reflecting the change to a Vice President level.
Also, the Task Force was comprised of all constituencies. The Academic Affairs’ responsibilities
being proposed for deletion from the job description will be assumed by the Vice President of
Academic Affairs and the Associate Vice President of Workforce and Community Development.
Dr. Campbell stated that she will continue to work with the Shared Governance Council on the
job description before the next Board meeting when this item will return to the Board for
Student Services Procedures, Policy #5110
Vice President Bracy presented this item for information which was a recommendation to modify
procedures to Governing Board Policy 5110, from three years to three semesters for students to
petition for the elimination of past substandard coursework. This change would bring Solano in
line with what is currently being done at most other community colleges.
Dr. Perfumo thanked the City of Vallejo and City staff (Allison Villarante, Bob Raymond and
Jennifer Artates) for the use of the Council Chambers and the great deal of assistance they
provided as hosts for holding the Solano College Governing Board meeting in Vallejo.
Appreciation was also expressed to Michael Gabbert for his efforts in broadcasting the meeting.
Dr. Perfumo asked Board members to consider re-scheduling the Board retreat from April 24 to a
future date. Trustee McCaffrey stated that his schedule is booked every weekend through the first
weekend of June. Dr. Perfumo asked other Board members to notify her within a week of any
other conflicts. Dr. Perfumo will bring back proposed retreat dates for consideration by the Board
at a future meeting.
Trustee Thurston asked about Board representation on the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee.
It was clarified that Board members are invited informally to CBOC meetings but Board members
are not members of the CBOC.
There were no items from the Board.
Board President Claffey called a recess at 8:52 p.m.
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Conference with Labor Negotiator
Agency Negotiator: Kirk Murray
Employee Organizations: CSEA; Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39;
Conference with Dr. Paulette J. Perfumo
Superintendent-President, Administrative Leadership Group Meet and Confer
Conference with Legal Counsel—Anticipated Litigation
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section
1 case
Board President Claffey called the Closed Session to order at 8:56 p.m. and adjourned the Closed
Session at 9:46 p.m.
Board President Claffey reconvened the regular meeting at 9:47 p.m.
Board President Claffey reported that no action was taken on items 14. (a), 14. (b), and 14. (c).
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m.