Disease Test Study Guide

1. What are microorganisms and what problem can they cause?
Tiny living things found everywhere.
2. What make infectious diseases contagious?
It can be passed from person to person or animal to person or object to person
3. What is a disease that is infections but not contagious
Lyme’s disease
4. What are ways diseases are spread to a person?
Coughing, sneezing, touching, sharing food, sexual contact, insect bites
5. How do bacteria reproduce?
Bacteria use the body’s cells to multiple by 2 every 20 min
6. What is a common bacterial infection and what medicine would be used to treat it?
Strep throat, or sinus infection – antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections
7. How do viruses reproduce?
Viruses use the healthy living cells to produce more viral cells and cause disease
8. What are 2 common viral infections and some of their symptoms?
The common cold: runny nose, headache, cough, body aches Flu: high fever, body aches,
congestion, and headache.
9. What are natural body mechanisms that help us prevent infectious disease (not including
our immune system) Tears, mucous, saliva, stomach acid, sweat, skin, tears
10. What type of medicine is used to treat bacterial infections
Antibiotics, example Penicillin
11. What are vaccines and how do they prevent you from getting a disease?
Vaccines are a dead or weakened form of the virus. It causes your body to develop
antibodies to fight off the disease in the future.