Sample outlines



IMPORTANT: Main principles to remember. 1. The argument must be divided into main points/claims (about

2-4). 2. Each main point needs to be supported by 2-3 subpoints. 3. All (or almost all) parts should be presented as full declarative sentences. 4. The outline needs to be turned in on the day of the speech.

Incomplete outlines will not receive a partial credit. Late outlines will receive 50% credit.

An Example of a Policy Speech Outline

The policy: Congress should pass a bill that would set aside a specific amount of money that would be sufficient to subsidize construction of nuclear plants.

I. The problem

The General Contention: The traditional energy sources (coal, gas, petroleum) are expensive, pollute environment, and their supply is limited or could be easily disrupted

A. The price of petroleum and natural gas has been increasing throughout the 2000s

1. The price at one point reached $140 per barrel

2. The recent price drop is due to world-wide economic crisis and very likely will be temporary

B. Both coal and petroleum products require energy intensive process and are serious pollutants.

C. Most petroleum is imported from countries that are often unstable and cannot guarantee uninterrupted

supply of the product

1. Historically there were many disruptions in the flow of oil (e.g., the Arab embargo in the 1970s)

2. In recent months Russia reduced the flow of petroleum to European Union countries

3. Countries such as Columbia or Iran are not friendly to the U.S.

II. The Solution

The General Contention: Nuclear power plants are more efficient, cleaner and assure country’s energy selfsufficiency in comparison with the traditional power plants.

A. Nuclear energy is inexpensive

1. The cost of operating and maintaining nuclear power plant is low.

2. Therefore, in the long run, nuclear power plant will bring a substantial saving

B. Nuclear energy will provide uninterrupted power supply

1. At present 30-40 percent of oil necessary for U.S. energy needs is imported from the Middle East


2. By removing import dependency from a politically volatile region we will ensure stability in energy


C. Nuclear energy is environmentally friendly

1. Nuclear power plant pollution is five times lower than the one from a traditional plant.

2. Therefore, it will assure clean air etc.

D. Claim: Nuclear energy is safe

1. Nuclear power plants in developed countries have an excellent safety record

2. Therefore, an accident is unlikely

Bibliography: Each outline should contain bibliography (approximately 10 sources for each outline).

Make sure that you have reliable and accurate sources

Use proper referencing style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).


IMPORTANT: Main principles to remember. 1. The argument must be divided into main points/claims (about

2-4). 2. Each main point needs to be supported by 2-3 subpoints. 3. All (or almost all) parts should be presented as full declarative sentences. 4. The outline needs to be turned in on the day of the speech.

Incomplete outlines will not receive a partial credit. Late outlines will receive 50% credit.

Proposition to be refuted: The United States government should increase its spending on nuclear power plants.

A. Traditional power plants in the United States are not more expensive when all costs (safety, etc.) are taken

into account.

1. Here a comparison between the nuclear and traditional power plants

needs to be presented. This would include all costs (fuel, maintenance,

construction, safety, security, etc.)

2. That comparison would lead to a conclusion that the benefits of nuclear

plants are not that great

B. Our oil dependency on Middle East can be reduced by building more coal power plants or hydroelectric

power plants

1. Coal is as efficient and clean as oil….

2. Therefore, it could replace oil

C. Traditional power plants are not serious polluters

1. New technologies reduced pollution…

2. Traditional power plants pollution is not significant (especially in comparison with all U.S. pollution)

D. Although the safety record of nuclear power plants is good, even one accident can lead to tragic


1. One accident can lead to death or contamination of as many as 10-20,000 residents

2. Therefore the risk is too high

E. Even if in overall comparison nuclear power plants are somewhat more efficient, the cost of construction,

safety, etc. would be too high.

1. It would cost the United States …… annually in addition to the present energy spending

2. Therefore, it is not affordable

Bibliography: Each outline should contain bibliography (approximately 10 sources for each outline).

Make sure that you have reliable and accurate sources

Use proper referencing style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).
