VILLA GUALINO VIALE SETTIMIO SEVERO 65 I-10133 TORINO T+39 011 630 22 22 F+39 011 630 22 00 E INFO@ETF.EUROPA.EU WWW.ETF.EUROPA.EU SPECIFICATIONS FOR TENDER CFT/09/ETF/0026 “Virtualisation - Purchase of IT hardware and Software” Page 1 SECTION A – INTRODUCTION 3 1. 2. 3. 3 3 3 WHAT IS THE ETF? WHAT IS A TENDER? WHO CAN PARTICIPATE IN THIS TENDER? SECTION B – GUIDELINES AND GENERAL INFORMATION RELATED TO THIS TENDER 4 1. WHAT SHOULD MY OFFER CONSIST OF? 4 A. B. C. 4 4 4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. CONTACTS BETWEEN ETF AND THE TENDERER 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 4 5 5 W RITTEN CLARIFICATION BEFORE THE CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF TENDERS ORAL CLARIFICATION BEFORE THE CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF TENDERS: CONTACTS BETWEEN ETF AND TENDERERS AFTER THE CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF TENDERS. CAN I OFFER SOMETHING THAT VARIES FROM WHAT IS REQUESTED IN THE TERMS OF REFERENCE? CAN A CONSORTIUM OF COMPANIES SUBMIT AN OFFER? DO I COMPLY WITH ALL FORMAL REQUIREMENTS TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR TENDERING? 5 5 6 5.1 5.2 6 7 EXCLUSION CRITERIA MISREPRESENTATION AND CORRUPTIVE PRACTISES CONFIDENTIALITY & PUBLIC ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS WHERE DO I FIND THE STANDARD PROVISIONS ETF APPLIES IN ITS CONTRACTS? MAY ETF REQUEST A FINANCIAL GUARANTEE FROM THE CONTRACTOR? HOW SHOULD I REPORT ON MY PROGRESS? HOW AND WHEN SHOULD I PRESENT MY OFFER? 7 7 7 7 7 10.1 10.2 10.3 LANGUAGE DATES AND POSTAL ADDRESS DOUBLE ENVELOPE SYSTEM 7 8 8 HOW WILL MY OFFER BE EVALUATED? 8 11.1 11.2 11.3 12. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL FINANCIAL PROPOSAL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION OFFER OPENING SESSION OFFER EVALUATION SESSION INTERVIEWS OTHER INFORMATION 8 9 9 9 SECTION C – SPECIFIC INFORMATION RELATED TO THIS TENDER 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TIMETABLE TERMS OF REFERENCE CONTENT OF TECHNICAL PROPOSAL CONTENT OF FINANCIAL PROPOSAL SELECTION CRITERIA 10 11 24 24 24 5.1 5.2 24 24 6. 7. 8. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CAPACITY TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL CAPACITY AWARD CRITERIA SUBCONTRACTING LOTS 25 25 26 SECTION D – STANDARD FORMS 27 1. EXCLUSION, LEGAL ENTITY AND FINANCIAL IDENTITY FORMS 27 1.1 1.2 1.3 28 29 29 2. 3. DECLARATION ON EXCLUSION CRITERIA LEGAL ENTITY FORM FINANCIAL IDENTIFICATION FORM APPENDIX – FORMAT FOR TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL PROPOSAL CHECKLIST SECTION E – DRAFT CONTRACT 30 44 45 Page 2 Section A – Introduction 1. What is the ETF? By sharing expertise in vocational education and training across regions and cultures, the European Training Foundation (ETF) helps people to develop their skills, thereby promoting better living conditions and active citizenship in democratic societies that respect human rights and cultural diversity. The ETF is an EU agency1 and promotes the values and objectives of the European Union. In particular, the ETF’s work is based on the fundamental contribution that vocational education and training makes to competitiveness, employability and mobility in modern economies. As a centre of expertise, we contribute to sustainable socio-economic development by enabling our partner countries to reform their vocational education and training systems mainly through the IPA, ENPI, DCI, ILP Programmes. More information on ETF and its activities can be found on the Website: 2. What is a tender? For its organisation and functioning the ETF is in constant need of goods and services. 'Tendering' is the structured way to consult the market for the purchase of these goods and services. The purpose of competitive tendering for awarding contracts is two-fold: to ensure the transparency of operations; to obtain the desired quality of services, supplies and works at the best possible price. The applicable regulations, namely directive 2004/18/EC and Commission Regulation N°2342/2002, oblige the ETF to guarantee the widest possible participation, on equal terms in tender procedures and contracts 3. Who can participate in this tender? This procurement procedure is open to any natural or legal person wishing to bid for the assignment and established in the EU, the EEA, an ETF partner country or any other country covered by the WTO Government Procurement Agreement2. 1 The ETF was established by Council Regulation No. 1360 in 1990 recast No.1339 in 2008 to contribute to the development of the education and training systems of the EU partner countries. 2 More information can be found at the following link: Section A Page 3 Section B – Guidelines and general information related to this tender 1. What should my offer consist of? Tenderers must submit an offer that comprises of the following 3 elements: A. Technical proposal The technical proposal must be consistent with the terms of reference and contain all information requested in section C.3, including any specific documentation requirements. In preparing the technical proposal you should bear in mind the award criteria against which it will be evaluated, see section C.6. B. Financial proposal The financial proposal must include a detailed financial breakdown based on the format found in section D.2. Prices must be quoted in EURO using the conversion rates published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Communities on the day when the invitation to tender was issued. This information is also available on the Website of the European Central Bank at the following URL: The tenderer is responsible for the proper application of the rules on taxes, duties, charges (including VAT) at the place where he is taxable. In general, prices must be quoted free of all duties, taxes and other charges (including VAT) as the ETF is exempt from such charges under Articles 3 and 4 of the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities. For tenderers to which the exemption does not apply, the offer is to state clearly the price exclusive of taxes and the corresponding tax. C. Supporting documentation The supporting documentation is an important part of your offer and must be complete to guarantee that your technical proposal will be evaluated. The supporting documentation must contain the following 4 elements: Eligibility documents The documents required by section B.5.1 below demonstrating that the tenderer is eligible to tender for this contract must be provided. Selection criteria documentation All documentation requested in section C.5. Tenderer administrative information This information is necessary to provide the ETF with details on the legal status and the relevant bank information required for payments. Tenderers are requested to complete the Legal Entity Form and the Financial Identification Form, including the documents required by the Forms, contained in section D.1 Checklist The checklist found in section D.3 must be included as a cover page of your technical proposal. 2. Contacts between ETF and the tenderer 2.1 Written clarification before the closing date for submission of tenders Requests for clarification regarding this procurement procedure or regarding the nature of the contract can be sent by mail, fax or email to: Section B Page 4 Fincop Procurement European Training Foundation Villa Gualino Viale Settimio Severo 65 I-10133 Torino Fax: 00 39 011 630 22 04 Email: The deadline for clarification requests is indicated in the timetable under section C.1. Each request for clarification sent to ETF should indicate the CFT reference number and the title of the tender. ETF will provide additional information resulting from the request for a clarification in the following way: If you have requested the tender documentation by email, fax or by mail, you will receive written clarifications by email or by fax. If you have downloaded the tender documentation from the ETF web site then you should check regularly the following URL address where the written clarifications will be available for download: In case ETF discovers an error, a lack of precision, an omission or any other type of clerical defect in the text of the contract notice or in the tender specifications, ETF will inform candidates at its own instance. 2.2 Oral clarification before the closing date for submission of tenders: Where a site visit at ETF’s premises or a meeting is deemed necessary before the closing date for submission of tenders in order to clarify certain aspects of the tender, the ETF shall make the necessary arrangements and inform or invite candidates. The costs incurred in attending shall be borne by the tenderer. The ETF may, however, decide that the query would be more efficiently dealt with by means of a written clarification. In case a meeting or visit is taking place, the dates are indicated in the timetable under section C.1. 2.3 Contacts between ETF and tenderers after the closing date for submission of tenders. If, after the tenders have been opened, some clarification is required in connection with a tender, or if obvious clerical errors in the submitted tender must be corrected, the ETF may contact the tenderer, although such contact may not lead to any alternation of the terms of the submitted tender. 3. Can I offer something that varies from what is requested in the terms of reference? In the absence of any such indication in the tender specifications your offer should not deviate from the services requested. 4. Can a consortium of companies submit an offer? Joint offers from consortia of service providers are permitted provided that conditions for adequate competition are observed. The consortium must clearly indicate which service provider will be carrying out which tasks as well as who has been appointed by the others as the lead partner. The lead partner shall be the contracting party with ETF and shall be responsible for the overall performance of the contract and management of the other members of the consortium. Notwithstanding the above, each member of the consortium must be eligible in accordance with section B.5.1 below and provide the required evidence. In addition, each member must be capable of performing the contract in accordance to the selection criteria contained in section C.5. Section B Page 5 5. Do I comply with all formal requirements to be eligible for tendering? 5.1 Exclusion criteria Tenderers shall be excluded from this tendering procedure in the following cases: (a) They are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts; have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters; or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations; (b) They have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata; (c) They have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify; (d) They have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed; (e) They have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities’ financial interests; (f) Following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations. Eligibility document The ETF shall accept, as satisfactory evidence that the tenderer is not in one of the situations described in points (a) to (f) above, underwriting of the “Declaration on Exclusion Criteria” at section D.1.1 . Optional Eligibility documentation The ETF may require at contact award, or at any other time at ETF’s discretion, that the tenderer provides additional documentation. Should such additional documentation be required, it will have the form indicated below: The ETF shall accept, as satisfactory evidence that the tenderer is not in one of the situations described in points (a), (b) or (e) above, a production of a recent extract from the judicial record or, failing that, a recent equivalent document issued by a judicial or administrative authority in the country of origin or provenance showing that those requirements are satisfied. The ETF shall accept, as satisfactory evidence that the tenderer is not in the situation described in point (d) above, a recent certificate issued by the competent authority of the State concerned. Where no such certificate is issued in the country concerned, it may be replaced by a declaration made by the tenderer before a judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a qualified professional body in his country of origin or provenance. The ETF may also undertake the necessary investigations to verify compliance with points (c) and (f) above. Section B Page 6 5.2 Misrepresentation and corruptive practises The contract will not be awarded to tenderers who, during the procurement procedure: Are subject to a conflict of interest; Are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the ETF as a condition of participation in the contract award procedure or fail to supply this information; Any attempt by a tenderer to obtain confidential information, enter into unlawful agreements with competitors or influence the evaluation committee or the ETF during the process of examining, clarifying, evaluating and comparing tenders, will lead to the rejection of his offer and may result in administrative penalties. 6. Confidentiality & public access to documents In the general implementation of its activities and for the processing of tendering procedures in particular, ETF observes the following EU regulations: EU Council Directive 95/46 of 24 October 1995 and EU Council Regulation 45/2001 of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to processing of personal data by the Community institutions and the free movement of such data. EU Council regulation 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents. 7. Where do I find the standard provisions ETF applies in its contracts? In drawing up your offer, you should bear in mind the provisions of the draft contract provided at Section E – Draft Contract, which you will be required to undersign in the event of contract award. In particular, the draft contract indicates the method and the conditions for payments to the contractor. 8. May ETF request a financial guarantee from the Contractor? ETF may require a pre-financing guarantee or a performance guarantee from the Contractor chosen as a result of this tendering procedure. When such guarantee is requested, the specific conditions related to the provision of a guarantee are included in the draft contract (Section E – Draft Contract). The costs for the guarantee shall be borne by the Contractor. 9. How should I report on my progress? In order to ensure that public funds are being spent correctly, the Contractor chosen as a result of this tendering procedure may be required to submit reports on the progress of the assignment. If applicable, the nature and frequency of these reports is detailed in the terms of reference (see Section C.2). 10. How and when should I present my offer? 10.1 Language Offers must be submitted in one of the official languages of the European Union. Both the technical proposal and the financial proposal should be signed and perfectly legible in order to rule out any ambiguity. Section B Page 7 10.2 Dates and postal address The offer should be postmarked not later than the date indicated in the timetable in section C.1 or submitted by hand not later than 17.00hrs of the date indicated in section C.1. The offer is to be submitted to the following address: Fincop procurement European Training Foundation Villa Gualino Viale Settimio Severo 65 I-10133 Torino 10.3 Double envelope system Offers must be submitted in accordance with the double envelope system, The outer envelope or parcel should be sealed with adhesive tape and signed across the seal and carry the following information: the reference number of the invitation to tender (CFT/09/ETF/0026) the project title (“Virtualisation - Purchase of IT hardware and Software”) the name of the Tenderer the indication “Offer - Not to be opened by the internal mail service”. the address for submission of offers (see above) the date of posting (if applicable) should be legible on the outer envelope The three innermost envelopes are: Envelope A, containing one original (unbound, signed and clearly marked as “Original”) of the Technical Proposal and three copies (bound and each marked as “Copy”). Envelope B, containing one signed original of the Financial Proposal. Envelope C, one original copy of the supporting documentation. 11. How will my offer be evaluated? Offers will be opened and evaluated by persons possessing the technical and administrative capacities necessary to give an informed opinion on the offers. Members of the opening and evaluation panel are nominated on a personal basis by the ETF under guarantee of impartiality and confidentiality. 11.1 Offer opening session The main aim of the opening session is to check whether the offer received is compliant with the following formal requirements: Not submitted later than the submission deadline The envelope containing the offer is sealed Written in an EU language Signed Contains a technical and financial proposal and supporting documentation Submitted in the number of copies required The offer opening session will take place on the date indicated in the timetable in section C.1 at the premises of the ETF. Tenderers wishing to attend the opening session, should send a confirmation fax to Section B Page 8 the Procurement Officer, fax +39 011 630 22 04. Maximum one representative per tenderer may attend the opening session and their participation will be restricted to an observer role. 11.2 Offer evaluation session Offers complying with the formal requirements checked during the offer opening session will be evaluated in three stages: 1. The evaluation committee discusses the eligibility of the tenderer to participate to the tendering procedure. 2. The evaluation committee check the capacity of the tenderer to perform the contract in view of the Selection Criteria as defined in section C.5. If one of the relevant criteria listed under the Selection Criteria is not positive, the offer may not be further evaluated. 3. Each committee member evaluates the technical and financial proposals and awards a score against the Award Criteria as defined in section C.6. Weighting the technical quality against the price, the economically most advantageous offer is established. The offer evaluation procedure is confidential. The evaluation committee’s deliberations are held in closed session and its decisions are collective. The members of the evaluation committee are bound to secrecy. The evaluation reports and written records are for official use only and may not be communicated to the tenderers nor to any party other than the ETF, the European Anti-Fraud Office and the European Court of Auditors. 11.3 Interviews If interviews are required for this tender then the date will be indicated in section C.1. If no date is indicated then this implies that no interview is necessary. The costs for attending the interview shall be borne by the tenderer. 12. Other information The submission of an offer implies acceptance of the terms and conditions specified in the draft Contract, including the “General terms and conditions applicable to contracts”, and all provisions laid down in the related specifications and annexes (see Section E – Draft Contract), the invitation to tender and where applicable, additional documents. Tenderers are expected to examine carefully and respect all instructions and standard formats contained in these specifications and the invitation to tender. An offer, which does not contain all the required information and documentation, may be rejected. The tenderer shall be bound by his offer for a period of 90 days following the closing date for submission of offers. The successful tenderer must maintain its offer for a further 60 days from the date of notification of the award. Where a maximum budget is mentioned in the terms of reference, any tenderer submitting a financial proposal exceeding this budget will be rejected. All documents presented by the tenderer become the property of the ETF and are deemed confidential. ETF will not reimburse expenses incurred in preparing and submitting offers. ETF will not reimburse expenses incurred in performing site visits and/ or attending clarification meetings, and/ or opening sessions. Completing the adjudication or the procedure of the call for tenders in no way imposes on the ETF an obligation to award the contract. The ETF shall not be liable for any compensation with respect to tenderers whose offers have not been accepted, nor shall ETF be liable when deciding not to award the contract. Each tenderer will be informed in writing about the outcome of the call for tender. Section B Page 9 Section C – Specific information related to this Tender 1. Timetable The timetable for this tender and the resulting contract(s) is as follows: CFT/09/ETF/0026 “Virtualisation - Purchase of IT hardware and Software” Summary timetable Comments Launch date 08/07/2009 Deadline for request of clarifications from the ETF 02/09/2009 Last date on which clarifications are issued by ETF 02/09/2009 plus 2 days Deadline for submission of offers Date publication sent to OJ 15/09/2009 Opening session 23/09/2009 @ 14.30 Local time Date for evaluation of offers 28/09/2009 Estimated Notification of award to the selected tenderer 28/09/2009 plus 1 week Estimated Contract signature 28/09/2009 plus 3 weeks Estimated Note: Any other dates related to the activities to be performed will be part of the terms and conditions of the Contract. Section C Page 10 2. Terms of reference The purpose of these Terms of Reference is to give instructions and guidance to candidates about the nature of the offer they will need to submit and to serve as the contractor’s mandate during project implementation. The Terms of Reference ensure that the project will be properly conceived by the contractor, that the work is carried out on schedule and that resources will not be wasted. The Terms of Reference will become part of the contract that may be awarded as a result of this tender. Section C Page 11 ETF IT environment The ETF is currently running the following IT environment that has a direct relation with the requirements of this tender (snapshot of 1st June 2009) Server room environment Our main server room (Data Centre 1) hosts 3 * HP RACK CABINET 10642 42U, including an HP UPS R 3000 XR Our secondary server room (Data Centre 2) hosts 1 * HP RACK CABINET 10642 42U, including an HP UPS R 3000 XR Network Infrastructure The brand and model of ETF’s network infrastructure is the Extreme Networks BlackDiamond 8810. The network infrastructure is running on 1Gbps. Virtual machine environment The ETF uses 5 * HP Proliant DL380 G5 as Virtual Host, each with the following hardware specifications and maintenance contract: o o o o o o Processor: 2 * Dual Core Intel Xeon CPU 5160 @ 3.00GHz Memory: 24GB Disks: 8 * 146 GB SAS – mirrored RAID 1+0 Fully redundant hot plug fans Hot Plug AC Redundant Power Supply On-site maintenance includes 9 hours x 5 days coverage, 4 hr response time. All 5 hosts are licensed with VMWare ESX3.5 Standard (Academic license) including 3 years Gold support 4 out of the 5 hosts are used, 1 is fully available. A VMWare ESX3.5 Standard migration to VMWare vSphere4 on all 5 existing hosts is planned for Q4/2009. Desktop park environment 120 * local desktops running Microsoft Windows XP SP3 permanently assigned to users (with fixed IP) 10 * local desktops running Microsoft Windows XP SP3 not assigned to specific users (with fixed IP) 5 * portable PCs running Microsoft Windows XP SP3 permanently assigned to users (with fixed IP) 20 * portable PCs running Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (available for periodic booking by staff member while travelling, with DHCP) In addition The ETF owns Microsoft Server (2003/2008) licenses for our environment The ETF owns Microsoft Terminal Services licenses for our environment The ETF does not own Microsoft VECD nor VECDforSA licenses Section C –Terms of reference Page 12 Objectives Further consolidation and availability of our VMWare ESX 3.5 (future VMWare vSphere 4) environment, with the aim to Reduce IT costs and improve flexibility; Decrease downtime and improve reliability; Increase energy efficiency by running fewer servers; Centralize the management of virtual machines; Implementation of a Virtual Desktop environment integrated in our VMWare ESX 3.5 (future VMWare vSphere 4) environment. It is expected to Secure user desktops and lower support costs; Reduce overall hardware costs; Ensure business continuity; Improve performance and availability; Reduce carbon footprint; Improve data security; Provide local and remote access for up to 130 concurrent users; Provide remote desktop support Section C Page 13 Technical Specifications Lot I. Hardware Lot II. Virtual Server environment Lot III. Virtual Desktop environment Section C Page 14 Lot I. Hardware Server (2U) – Quantity up to 5 Storage Area Network – Quantity 1 Thin Client – Quantity up to 5 Section C Page 15 Server (2U) – Quantity up to 5 Procurement: 1 server in 2009, depending on budget availability 1 to 4 server(s) as from 2010 Minimum requirements Processors Two Quad-core server class processors, fully compatible with VMware ESX v3.5 and v4. To ensure system stability during virtual machines migration using VMWare VMotion, the server CPU has to be fully compatible with ETF’s existing VMWare ESX hosts1 (Please refer to the ETF IT current environment – Virtual Machine environment located in the Introduction). Memory 64GB Fully Buffered DIMMs with Advanced ECC, mirrored and online spare memory capabilities At least 4 free slots Network Controller 2 Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapters (RJ45) Storage Controllers Array Controller with at least 512MB battery-backed write cache RAID 0/1/5 and RAID 6 with Advanced Data Guarding Max internal drives 8 Small Form Factor (Serial Attached SCSI) Storage (to be included in offer) 2 Hard disk units (2,5") hot-plug SAS 146GB 10k Interfaces (Rear) At least 1 Serial Port At least 2 USB 2.0 Ports At least 1 Graphic Port Graphics Integrated Video Controller Chassis System should be rack mountable (max 2U) in order to maintain compatibility with existing systems. All rack mounting rails compatible with HP Rack 10000 series cabinets must be included. Expansion Slots PCIe/PCI-X Riser Industry Standard Compliance ACPI 2.0 PCI 3.0 Compliant WOL Support USB 2.0 System Fans Fully redundant hot swappable cooling fans Power Supply Fully redundant hot swappable Power Supplies Management Preference will be given to solutions offering advanced server management and configuration. Maintenance Three years of on-site hardware maintenance support (labour and parts included) based on 9 hours x 5 days coverage, 4 hr response time. Full details of the implementation of this service must be given. 1 Optical Drive Slimline DVD-ROM Section C Page 16 Storage Area Network– Quantity 1 Procurement in 2009 Minimum requirements Storage Storage Controller Dual redundant, active-active Storage Controller with at least 1GB battery backed memory Hard Disk Drives Sixteen (16) SAS hot-pluggable hard disk drives Drive Capacities 15000 RPM SAS drives 300GB each Storage Capacity 4.8TB Expansion Option At least 4.8TB (without changing hard disks) Please note that this optional item, if exists, is not to be included in the financial offer. The scope is to understand future options. RAID Support At least RAID 5, 6, 10 Memory At least 4GB Network Connectivity At least two redundant Gigabit LAN ports (RJ45) per controller Protocol support iSCSI Reliability Controllers Fully redundant hot swappable controllers System Fans Fully redundant hot swappable cooling fans Power Supply Fully redundant hot swappable Power Supplies Operating Systems supported VMWare ESX Server 3.5, VMWare vSphere 4 Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 Snapshots You are kindly requested to specify details in the Appendix section Management Centralized Management Console Notification SNMP, email Chassis Size Max 4U Chassis System should be rack mountable in order to maintain compatibility with existing systems. All rack mounting rails compatible with HP Rack 10000 series cabinets must be included. Compatibility The offered SAN has to be fully compatible with ETF’s existing VMWare ESX hosts2 (Please refer to the ETF IT current environment – Virtual Machine environment located in the Introduction). Maintenance Three years of on-site hardware maintenance support (labour and parts included) based on 9 hours x 5 days coverage, 4 hr response time. Full details of the implementation of this service must be given. 2 Section C Page 17 Thin Client – Quantity up to 5 Procurement in 2009 Minimum requirements Form Factor Standard Thin Client Memory 512 MB DDR2 SDRAM Flash memory 1 GB Flash RAM I/O Ports Front: at least 2 USB 2.0 Rear: at least 4 USB 2.0; 1 VGA; 1 DVI-D; 2 PS/2; 1 parallel; 1 serial Citrix Presentation Server/Xenapp (up to version 5) Citrix Metaframe Presentation Server 3.0 Citrix Metaframe XP Presentation Server Citrix Metaframe 1.x Citrix Xendesktop (up to version 3) Windows 2000/2003/2008 Server Terminal Services Windows 2000 Advance Server Terminal Services Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition VMware Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) Microphone Internal amplified speaker full 16-bit stereo Server OS Compatibility / Support Audio Graphics Support for high-resolution monitors up to 1920 x 1440 Built in dual monitor support (VGA and DVI-D native) Input devices USB or PS/2 mouse Keyboard USB or PS/2 keyboard Network interface 1 Gigabit Ethernet (RJ45) Weight Less than 2kg Power Power Supply worldwide auto-sensing 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz energy-saving automatic power-down, surge-tolerant, EnergyStar compliant 50-watt power supply Average power consumption in idle mode is less than 20-watt Maintenance Section C Three years of exchange hardware maintenance support based on 9 hours x 5 days coverage, next business day response time. Full details of the implementation of this service must be given. Page 18 Lot II. Virtual Server environment Virtualisation Software Suite – Quantity up to 5 Virtualisation Software Suite upgrade – Quantity 5 Centralized Management software for VMWare Virtual Machines – Quantity 1 Section C Page 19 Virtualisation Software Suite – Quantity up to 5 Procurement: 1 license in 2009, depending on budget availability 1 to 4 license(s) as from 2010 Software VMware vSphere Advanced for two physical processors Support Gold Support (12x5) for VMware vSphere Advanced for two processors for 3 Years Virtualisation Software Suite upgrade – Quantity 5 Procurement: depending on budget availability 5 licenses upgrade in 2010 Software Support VMware Infrastructure Standard (Academic) upgrade to VMware vSphere Advanced (Academic) for two physical processors Gold Support (12x5) for VMware Infrastructure Standard (Academic) for two processors for 3 Years upgrade to Gold Support (12x5) for VMware vSphere Advanced (Academic) for two processors for 3 Years. Note that the purchase date of the original licenses was on 15/05/2008 Centralized Management software for VMWare Virtual Machines – Quantity 1 Procurement: 2009 Software VMware vCenter Server Standard Edition Support Gold Support (12x5) for VMware vCenter for 3 Years Section C Page 20 Lot III. Virtual Desktop environment Virtual Desktop concurrent users – Quantity up to 130 Section C Page 21 Virtual Desktop concurrent users – Quantity up to 130 Procurement: 25 users in 2009, depending on budget availability up to total of 130 users as from 2010 Desktop management Minimum Requirements Use a single master virtual desktop image. Deliver, manage and update all Microsoft Windows desktops and applications from a central location. Use a single management tool to provision new desktops. Provision new users by creating an Active Directory user account and associating the account with a standard virtual desktop image. Offer an intuitive administrative interface for setting desktop policies. Use a template to provision pools of desktops. Stream a standard virtual desktop image to standardized PCs and thin clients. End-user experience Push updates and patches out to any number of virtual desktops at next user’s logon without affecting user settings, data or preferences. Centralize a virtual desktop image streaming a virtual desktop over the LAN for execution on the endpoint. Apply user’s personal settings to the user’s virtual desktop and applications, regardless of access device or location. Built-in virtual applications Allow access to users to their virtual desktops from a variety of client devices running Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, Windows7), Mac OS and Linux. Deliver streamed and hosted applications to the users’ virtual desktop. Centralize applications in the datacenter - to be updated only once; the updates are then applied to user virtual desktops at next logon. Secure by design Run multiple applications or multiple versions of the same applications on user’s virtual desktops without conflict. Centralize control policies ensuring that the correct users connect to their desktops and that only screen updates, mouse clicks and keystrokes transit the network. Deliver desktops via high-performance, standards-based encrypted transmissions using SSL technology to both internal and remote users. The offer needs to include a complete SSL solution for ETF’s environment. Service level assurance Allow multi-factor authentication - secure tokens and support for two factor authentication to all Windows desktops. Allow real-time monitoring, automatic capturing and reporting of performance at the user level to warn of and proactively resolve issues with virtual desktop performance. Allow remote support access to users’ virtual desktops (LAN and WAN). Protect against host-level failures and migration of virtual machines between servers to ensure high availability and failover (compatible with VMWare vMotion). Section C Page 22 Architecture Printing Host virtual desktops on VMWare ESX 3.5 or vSphere 4. Host virtual desktops on standard PCs for additional dedicated computing resources for power users. Print from virtual desktops to local devices without compatibility issues, bandwidth restraints. Automatically discover, connect and print from a virtual desktop to any local or networked printer that is defined on the client device. USB Use universal print drivers to eliminate compatibility issues. Support USB provided for printers, mass storage devices, keyboards, and pointing devices. Allow disabling (by user) USB port(s). Section C Page 23 3. Content of technical proposal As described in section B.1, your offer must consist of three elements. One of these elements is the technical proposal, which must, where applicable, clearly contain the following information. the forms found in section D.2 - Appendix, including any comment, description and motivation, when required; Indication of the name and contact details of the person responsible for the tender; Any other specific requirement contained in the Terms of Reference at section C.2 Any elements of the Terms of Reference on which you feel remarks, comments or suggestions are necessary. 4. Content of financial proposal The financial proposal must be based on the format found in section D.2 - Appendix. As mentioned in section B.1, under Articles 3 and 4 of the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities the ETF is exempt from all duties, taxes and other charges, including VAT. For this reason all prices given in the financial breakdown should be free of VAT and other taxes or duties. Tenderers to which the exemption does not apply should state in their financial breakdown the price exclusive of taxes and the corresponding tax. 5. Selection criteria The Tenderer must submit evidence of his capacity to perform the contract. The evaluation committee will examine the offers to ensure that the information requested in the selection criteria has been provided and that the Tenderer fulfils all these criteria. Offers which fail to include some of the information requested, may be rejected outright. In the case of a consortium submitting an offer, each member of the consortium must provide the required evidence. For ‘technical capacity’ the evidence provided by each member of the consortium will be checked at consortium level to ensure that the consortium fulfils the criteria. The tenderers must provide information on the proportion or on any part of the contract that the they may intend to subcontract and on the identity, roles, activities and responsibilities of any subcontractor (Please refer to Section C.7. for more details on Subcontracting). 5.1 Economic and financial capacity The Tenderer must be able to prove that he is in a stable financial position. Evidence of this capacity must be provided by: A statement of the company's overall turnover for the previous three financial years. 5.2 Technical and professional capacity The Tenderer must have the following technical capacity to perform the contract: 1. For all Lots: The tenderer must have a proven experience in similar projects; 2. For Lot I & III: The tenderer must be at least 3 years certified partner of the manufacturer of the proposed products; 3. For Lot II: The tenderer must be an authorised reseller for the proposed product. Section C Page 24 Evidence of this capacity must be provided by: 1. For all Lots: Reference list of most relevant customers (max 10) being offered similar services/products in the last 2 years. 2. For Lot I & III: Copy of Certificate issued by the manufacturer or equivalent proof. 3. For Lot II: Copy of Certificate of authorised reseller or equivalent proof. 6. Award criteria Once the tenderer has demonstrated the appropriate capacity to perform the contract on the grounds of the selection criteria, the offer will be assessed on the basis of the award criteria. The award criteria serve to identify the most economically advantageous tender. The quality of each offer will be evaluated in accordance with the award criteria and the associated weighting. No award criteria and subcriteria others than those detailed below will be used to evaluate the offer. The award criteria for this tender are: LOT I – Hardware and LOT III – Virtual Desktop environment: Completeness of offer 10 Quality of motivation 30 Quality of proposed solution 30 Price 30 LOT II - Virtual Server environment: Price 100 The sum of all criteria gives a total of 100 points. The respective weighting between the different award criteria depends on the nature of the task required and is consequently closely related to the terms of reference. The award criteria are thus quantified parameters that the offer should comply with. 7. Subcontracting All sub-contractors must be eligible for the contract (see section B.5.1) and fulfil the Selection criteria (see section C.5). If the identity for the intended subcontractor is already known at the time of submitting the tender, the tenderer must furnish a statement guaranteeing the eligibility of the subcontractor. If any subcontractor does not meet the Eligibility and Selection criteria, the offer shall be rejected. If the identity of the sub-contractor is not known at the time of submitting the tender, any subcontract must be awarded according to Article II.13 of the General Conditions of the Contract. The prime contractor shall be the contracting party with ETF and shall be responsible for the overall performance of the contract and management of all subcontractors. Section C Page 25 8. Lots This tender is divided in the following 3 lots: Lot I – Hardware Lot II – Virtual Server environment Lot III – Virtual Desktop environment You may submit an offer for one or more lots but your offer should indicate clearly for which lot(s) you are applying. In the case that you decide to apply for several lots, a technical and financial proposal per lot must be provided. Section C Page 26 Section D – Standard Forms The standard forms are to be completed and provided as part of your offer. Any specific documents required by the forms should also be provided. 1. Exclusion, Legal entity and Financial identity forms Section D Page 27 1.1 Declaration on Exclusion Criteria Declaration on Exclusion Criteria (To be completed and signed by the tenderer) The undersigned: Name of the individual/company/organisation: ....................................................................... Legal address: ....................................................................................................................... Registration number/ID Card No: ........................................................................................... VAT number: .......................................................................................................................... Declares on oath that the individual/company/organisation mentioned above is not in any of the situations mentioned below: a) is bankrupt or being wound up, is having his/her affairs administered by the courts; has entered into an arrangement with creditors; has suspended business activities; is the subject of proceedings concerning those matters; or is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations; b) has been convicted of an offence concerning his/her professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata; c) has been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify; d) has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he/she is established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed; e) has been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities’ financial interests; f) following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, he/she has been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with his/her contractual obligations. I, the undersigned, understand that contracts may not be awarded if during the procurement procedure the individual/company/organisation mentioned above: is subject to a conflict of interest; is guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of participation in the contract procedure or fail to supply this information. Full name: Signature: Section D Date: Page 28 1.2 Legal Entity Form This form is to be downloaded, depending on the nationality of the tenderer, from the following website; 1.3 Financial Identification Form This form is to be downloaded, depending on the nationality of the tenderer, from the following website; Section D Page 29 2. Appendix – Format for technical and financial proposal Instructions for filling in standard format: Tenderers are requested to submit a technical and financial proposal which must clearly contain the following information by filling in: The Appendix below, indicating which requirements are met by the proposed product and completing the narrative boxes at the end of each appendix. As mentioned in section B.1, the ETF is exempt from all duties, taxes and other charges, including VAT. For this reason all prices given in the financial breakdown should be free of VAT and other taxes or duties. All prices must be indicated in Euro. Please note, for your price calculation of software components, that the EFT is a non-profit organisation working in the field of vocational education and training reform. Due to its activities some suppliers allow us the Educational Discount. For more information on the ETF activities please visit our web site: In the case that you decide to apply for several lots, a technical and financial proposal per lot must be provided. Section D Page 30 Lot I. Hardware Server (2U) Quantity up to 5 Procurement: 1 server in 2009, depending on budget availability 1 to 4 server(s) as from 2010 Requirement Processors Comment Two Quad-core server class processors, fully compatible with VMware ESX v3.5 and v4. To ensure system stability during virtual machines migration using VMWare VMotion, the server CPU has to be fully compatible with ETF’s existing VMWare ESX hosts1 (Please refer to the ETF IT current environment – Virtual Machine environment located in the Introduction). Memory 64GB Fully Buffered DIMMs with Advanced ECC, mirrored and online spare memory capabilities At least 4 free slots Network Controller 2 Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapters (RJ45) Storage Controllers Array Controller with at least 512MB battery-backed write cache RAID 0/1/5 and RAID 6 with Advanced Data Guarding Max internal drives Storage (to be included in offer) 8 Small Form Factor (Serial Attached SCSI) 2 Hard disk units (2,5") hot-plug SAS 146GB 10k Optical Drive Slimline DVD-ROM Interfaces (Rear) At least 1 Serial Port At least 2 USB 2.0 Ports At least 1 Graphic Port Graphics Integrated Video Controller Chassis System should be rack mountable (max 2U) in order to maintain compatibility with existing systems. All rack mounting rails compatible with HP Rack 10000 series cabinets must be included. Expansion Slots PCIe/PCI-X Riser 1 Section D Page 31 Industry Standard Compliance ACPI 2.0 PCI 3.0 Compliant WOL Support USB 2.0 System Fans Fully redundant hot swappable cooling fans Power Supply Fully redundant hot swappable Power Supplies Management Preference will be given to solutions offering advanced server management and configuration. Maintenance Three years of on-site hardware maintenance support (labour and parts included) based on 9 hours x 5 days coverage, 4 hr response time. Full details of the implementation of this service must be given. Maintenance Please indicate here full details of the implementation of this service. Section D Page 32 Motivation Please indicate briefly (EU language) why your server solution would be the best match for ETF’s environment, taking into consideration the objectives that we want to reach. Proposed Product: Price (per unit, including 2 Hard disks): Price per three years maintenance: Section D Page 33 Storage Area Network Quantity 1 Procurement: 2009 Requirement Specify Product Details Storage Storage Controller Dual redundant, active-active Storage Controller with at least 1GB battery backed memory Hard Disk Drives Sixteen (16) SAS hot-pluggable hard disk drives Drive Capacities 15000 RPM SAS drives 300GB each Storage Capacity 4.8TB Expansion Option At least 4.8TB (without changing hard disks) Please note that this optional item, if exists, is not to be included in the financial offer. The scope is to understand if a future options. RAID Support At least RAID 5, 6, 10 Memory At least 4GB Network Connectivity At least two redundant Gigabit LAN ports (RJ45) per controller Protocol support iSCSI Controllers Fully redundant hot swappable controllers System Fans Fully redundant hot swappable cooling fans Power Supply Fully redundant hot swappable Power Supplies VMWare ESX Server 3.5, VMWare vSphere 4 Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 Reliability Operating Systems supported Snapshots Please specify details here Management Centralized Management Console Notification SNMP, email Chassis Size Max 4U Section D Page 34 Chassis System should be rack mountable in order to maintain compatibility with existing systems. All rack mounting rails compatible with HP Rack 10000 series cabinets must be included. Compatibility The offered SAN has to be fully compatible with ETF’s existing VMWare ESX hosts2 (Please refer to the ETF IT current environment – Virtual Machine environment located in the Introduction). Maintenance Three years of on-site hardware maintenance support (labour and parts included) based on 9 hours x 5 days coverage, 4 hr response time. Full details of the implementation of this service must be given. Maintenance Please indicate here full details of the implementation of the service 2 Section D Page 35 Motivation Please indicate (EU language) why your SAN solution would be the best match for ETF’s environment, taking into consideration the objectives that we want to reach. Proposed Product: Price (per unit): Price per three years maintenance: Section D Page 36 Thin Client Quantity up to 5 Procurement: 2009 Requirement Form Factor Memory Flash memory I/O Ports Comment Standard Thin Client 512 MB DDR2 SDRAM 1 GB Flash RAM Input devices Front: at least 2 USB 2.0 Rear: at least 4 USB 2.0; 1 VGA; 1 DVI-D; 2 PS/2; 1 parallel; 1 serial Citrix Presentation Server/Xenapp (up to version 5) Citrix Metaframe Presentation Server 3.0 Citrix Metaframe XP Presentation Server Citrix Metaframe 1.x Citrix Xendesktop (up to version 3) Windows 2000/2003/2008 Server Terminal Services Windows 2000 Advance Server Terminal Services Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition VMware Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) Microphone Internal amplified speaker full 16-bit stereo Support for high-resolution monitors up to 1920 x 1440 Built in dual monitor support (VGA and DVI-D native) USB or PS/2 mouse Keyboard USB or PS/2 keyboard Network interface 1 Gigabit Ethernet (RJ45) Weight Less than 2kg Power Power Supply worldwide auto-sensing 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz energy-saving automatic power-down, surge-tolerant, EnergyStar compliant 50-watt power supply Server OS Compatibility / Support Audio Graphics Maintenance Section D Average power consumption in idle mode is less than 20-watt Three years of exchange hardware maintenance support based on 9 hours x 5 days coverage, next business day response time. Full details of the implementation of this service must be given. Page 37 Maintenance Please indicate here full details on the implementation of this service. Motivation Please indicate briefly (EU language) why your thin client solution would be the best match for ETF’s environment, taking into consideration the objectives that we want to reach. Proposed Product: Price (per unit): Price per three years maintenance: Section D Page 38 Lot II. Virtual Server environment Virtualisation Software Suite Quantity: up to 5 Procurement: 1 license in 2009, depending on budget availability 1 to 4 license(s) as from 2010 Requirement Comment Software VMware vSphere Advanced for two physical processors Support Gold Support (12x5) for VMware vSphere Advanced for two processors for 3 Years Price (per unit): Virtualisation Software Suite upgrade Quantity up to 5 Procurement: depending on budget availability 5 licenses upgrade in 2010 Requirement Software Support Comment VMware Infrastructure Standard (Academic) upgrade to VMware vSphere Advanced (Academic) for two physical processors Gold Support (12x5) for VMware Infrastructure Standard (Academic) for two processors for 3 Years upgrade to Gold Support (12x5) for VMware vSphere Advanced (Academic) for two processors for 3 Years. Note that the purchase date of the original licenses was on 15/05/2008 Price (per unit): Centralized Management software for VMWare Virtual Machine Quantity up to 1 Procurement 2009 Requirement Comment Software VMware vCenter Server Standard Edition Support Gold Support (12x5) for VMware vCenter for 3 Years Price (per unit): Section D Page 39 Lot III. Virtual Desktop environment Virtual Desktop Concurrent users Quantity up to 130 Procurement: 25 users in 2009, depending on budget availability up to total of 130 users as from 2010 Requirement Desktop management Specify Product Details Use a single master virtual desktop image. Deliver, manage and update all Microsoft Windows desktops and applications from a central location. Use a single management tool to provision new desktops. Provision new users by creating an Active Directory user account and associating the account with a standard virtual desktop image. End-user experience Built-in virtual applications Offer an intuitive administrative interface for setting desktop policies. Use a template to provision pools of desktops. Stream a standard virtual desktop image to standardized PCs and thin clients. Push updates and patches out to any number of virtual desktops at next user’s logon without affecting user settings, data or preferences. Centralize a virtual desktop image streaming a virtual desktop over the LAN for execution on the endpoint. Apply user’s personal settings to the user’s virtual desktop and applications, regardless of access device or location. Allow access to users to their virtual desktops from a variety of client devices running Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, Windows7), Mac OS and Linux. Deliver streamed and hosted applications to the users’ virtual desktop. Centralize applications in the datacenter to be updated only once; the updates are then applied to user virtual desktops at next logon. Run multiple applications or multiple versions of the same applications on user’s virtual desktops without conflict. Section D Page 40 Secure by design Centralize control policies ensuring that the correct users connect to their desktops and that only screen updates, mouse clicks and keystrokes transit the network. Deliver desktops via high-performance, standards-based encrypted transmissions using SSL technology to both internal and remote users. The offer needs to include a complete SSL solution for ETF’s environment. Service level assurance Allow multi-factor authentication - secure tokens and support for two factor authentication to all Windows desktops. Allow real-time monitoring, automatic capturing and reporting of performance at the user level to warn of and proactively resolve issues with virtual desktop performance. Allow remote support access to users’ virtual desktops (LAN and WAN). Architecture Printing Protect against host-level failures and migration of virtual machines between servers to ensure high availability and failover (compatible with VMWare vMotion). Host virtual desktops on VMWare ESX 3.5 or vSphere 4. Host virtual desktops on standard PCs for additional dedicated computing resources for power users. Print from virtual desktops to local devices without compatibility issues, bandwidth restraints. Automatically discover, connect and print from a virtual desktop to any local or networked printer that is defined on the client device. USB Use universal print drivers to eliminate compatibility issues. Support USB provided for printers, mass storage devices, keyboards, and pointing devices. Allow disabling (by user) USB port(s). * Please insert here (EU language) a detailed description of the SSL solution. Section D Page 41 Motivation Please indicate (EU language) why your Virtual Desktop solution would be the best match for ETF’s environment, taking into consideration the objectives that we want to reach. Section D Page 42 Proposed Product: Price (per concurrent user): Price including SSL solution for 25 concurrent users specific for Lot III Section D Page 43 3. Checklist The checklist must be used to ensure that you have provided all the documentation for this tender and in the correct way. This checklist should be signed and included in envelope A of your offer. You must submit your offer in one envelope which contains 3 separate inner envelopes clearly marked envelope A, B and C. Please Tick the boxes provided Envelope ‘A’ must contain one original signed and 3 copies of the technical proposal*. this checklist signed and dated. Envelope ‘B’ must contain one original signed financial proposal based on the format found in section D.2*. Envelope ‘C’ must contain the Declaration of Exclusion Criteria, as found in section D.1.1. the evidence documentation related to the selection criteria found in section C.5. the Legal Entity Form found at section D.1.2 the Financial Identification Form found at section D.1.3 You should also ensure that: your offer is formulated in one of the official languages of the European Union. both the technical and financial proposals of the offer are signed by the tenderer or his duly authorised agent. your offer is perfectly legible in order to rule out any ambiguity. your offer is submitted in accordance with the double envelope system as detailed in section B.10.3. the outer envelope bears the information mentioned in section B.10.3. Name: Signature: Date _________ * In case a Format for technical and financial proposal is provided in the Tender Specifications, the content of envelope A and envelope B might coincide. Section D Page 44 Section E – Draft Contract The draft contract is provided solely for information. Tenderers should note that in the case that their offer is successful the resulting contract will be based on this draft contract. Section E Page 45