June 2014 - Social Services

New Hanover County
Board of Social Services
Meeting Minutes
Multi-Purpose Room A
10:00a.m. - 11:45 AM
The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Tuesday,
June 17, 2014 at 10:00a.m. in the Department of Social Services Multi-Purpose Room A.
ATTENDING: Evelyn Bryant, Chairperson; Diana Woolley, Vice-Chairperson; Patrick
Riley, Jonathan Barfield Jr. and Frankie Roberts
ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith, Secretary to the Board; Stephanie Limoges,
Administrative Support Specialist
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Ms. Bryant asked for a motion to
approve the agenda. Ms. Woolley moved to approve the agenda. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Roberts and passed unanimously.
Mr. Roberts led the invocation.
Ms. Woolley led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ms. Bryant asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Barfield
moved to approve the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. Riley and passed
Commissioner Barfield and Patrick Riley congratulated Evelyn Bryant on an excellent
presentation to the County Commissioners June 16, 2014.
Director Nesmith recognized Christine McNamee’s years of service to New Hanover
County, as she is retiring. Stephanie Limoges recognized new employees, promoted
employees and employees receiving service awards.
Wanda Marino reviewed significant service delivery indicators (SSDI) for social work
services. Of note, 20 children came into agency custody in May 2014 (including a
sibling group of 4, sibling group of 3, sibling group of 2 and 11 child only cases).
The agency is slightly understaffed for myriad reasons in children’s welfare services and
staff will be working over time this weekend to catch up with high caseloads’
documentation. Permanency round tables started and involved three days of all day
Adult services continue to be very busy with a majority of reports due to self neglect. As
well, there were two nursing home deaths that are under investigation.
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Christine McNamee reviewed significant service delivery indicators relating to economic
services. Currently there is no waiting list in child care subsidy. Also of note, there was
a slight decline in food and nutrition assistance applications and an increase in
supplemental security income used to assist folks to remain in their home with assistance
Ms. Bryant asked about adult guardianship numbers. Ms. Marino noted there are
currently no set limits but at this point in time, the agency is able to keep up with the
appointments. State legislation is looking at this situation as a crisis. Director Nesmith
noted at times, DSS can be appointed guardian of the child and the parent in the same
family, which creates a conflict of interest.
Karen Graham reviewed monthly budget expenditures. Of note, the agency received
additional IV-D funds and salary lag funds were moved to capital outlay and agency
renovations. Commissioner Barfield noted creating salary lag by waiting 30 days to hire
vacancies seems to be working out. In response to a question from Ms. Woolley, money
is available in the budget for over time for both economic services and social work staff.
Ms. Graham reviewed all measures taken to help reduce the budget by $1,628,929.00.
Director Nesmith noted that revenue may increase dramatically once the agency goes
hard launch with NC FAST as the reimbursement rate will increase from 50% to 75%.
There were no questions.
Angelina Bernard reviewed the Good Friends report. Commissioner Barfield asked how
has it been with people coming in requesting general assistance. Gwen Stahl said while
people are coming in and requesting assistance, the community has been educated that
there are not funds available to assist with rent. There is money available for utilities and
some for prescription assistance. Commissioner Barfield asked for an update next
meeting. Ms. Woolley asked the report be separated by areas of need. Ms. Bryant asked
for criteria for assistance with prescriptions. Ms. Marino explained the person would
need to be assessed by a social worker, must not have insurance and have a life
threatening condition. The cap will be $500.00 and any need above that will be reviewed
by Ms. Marino and Director Nesmith. Cape Fear Health Net which provides assistance
for the un-insured and under-insured is housed here in the agency.
Alyssa Harrell shared that she, Judge Corpening and Director Nesmith were asked to give
a presentation at the Child Support conference to discuss the family support program/
fatherhood initiative. The Board would like a presentation about the family support
program. Patrick Riley suggested Angelina Bernard attend the conference in August as
well and Director Nesmith agreed.
Director Nesmith noted he,; David Rice (Health Department Director) and County
Manager Chris Coudriet will be continuing to meet beginning in July, to work out the
details of functional collaboration. As well, the DSS Board will have joint meetings with
the Health Department Board twice a year and will be sharing all meeting minutes.
Patrick Riley shared that he has learned a lot being on the Board and shared that
information with many people in the community that have misconceptions about what
goes on here at DSS.
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Ms. McNamee explained that overtime has been used in order to eliminate the backlog of
applications in the food and nutrition program. The State’s new concern is the Medicaid
backlog, with which DSS has fortunately been keeping up. Where other Counties are
working until 8PM and both Saturdays and Sundays, New Hanover County DSS has kept
it to two Saturdays a month to not burn out staff and increase absenteeism.
No action was taken by the Board.
NC FAST Update
NC FAST is a web based state wide case management system for all DSS programs. The
anticipated benefits include: One stop shop – tell your story one time; consistent
determination of eligibility; automated administrative tasks and comprehensive data
across service areas for increased accountability and decision making. At this point,
Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) is in NC FAST, Medicaid should move into NC
FAST in August 2014 and timelines for all other programs will be determined.
In preparation for the launch, the agency used overtime, created universal workers and
universal units, continues to provide training in all program areas for universal workers,
created a triage unit, created three internal over the shoulder support staff (OSS) that
were sent to Raleigh for both policy and NC FAST training to reduce the amount of
tickets sent to the Sate. The State also provided the agency with NC FAST OSS staff.
The county also allocated funds for 9 additional universal workers. The agency revised
training, delegated tasks, created SWAT teams, is monitoring reports daily and really
making an effort to show appreciation of staff by throwing pizza parties and ice-cream
socials. The agency has been recognized for “Best Practices: by the NC FAST team.
Currently there is a zero backlog in FNS. New Hanover County has the smallest backlog
of all Urban Counties and many rural counties in Medicaid. All applications are being
keyed within three days as required. New Hanover is one of six counties to be selected to
hard launch in July 2014, for being a “top performer”. The agency has been asked to
talk about our best practices at the State wide Director’s call.
Evelyn Bryant commended the team for their hard work.
Swearing in of new Board Members
Election of Board Chairman and Vice Chairman
Leading By Results (LBR) Overview
General Assistance Update
Ms. Woolley asked if any other department in the County was asked to reduce their
budget as much as DSS. There were no further comments by the Board.
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As there was no further additional information as provided in G.S. 143-318.11 to
consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and/or G.S. 154A-98,
the Board by consensus adjourned at 11:42 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
LaVaughn Nesmith,
Secretary to the Board
Evelyn Bryant