Irish Creme Stout - The Stout Palace

Irish Creme Stout
5 gallons
7 lbs Dark Malt Syrup
1 lb Flaked Barley
3/4 lb Roasted Barley
1 1/2oz. Northern Brewer Hops (boil 60 minutes)
3/4 cup corn sugar for bottling
White Labs Irish Ale yeast
Original Gravity: 1054
Final Gravity: 1014
Alcohol Content: 5.0%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t
fret the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring
water to a boil. When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add malt sugar. Return to a boil,
then add boiling hops and Brewing Crystals and boil for 60 minutes. Fill your sanitized carboy with 2
gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top off to the 5 gallon mark. Add
yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment and bottle as usual. Flavor will improve with aging!
Fat Tire Amber Clone
5 gallons
6 lbs Light Malt Syrup
½ lb 20L Crystal Malt
½ lb 40L Crystal Malt
½ lb Dextrin Malt
½ lb Munich Malt 10L
½ lb Victory Malt
1 oz. Willamette Hops (boil 60 minutes)
½ oz. Fuggle Hops (flavor hops, boil last 15 min)
1 oz. Fuggle Hops (Finishing hops, boil last 3 min)
½ tsp Irish Moss (boil 60 minutes)
2/3 -¾ cup corn sugar for bottling (Fat Tire is slightly lower in carbonation)
White Labs Dry English Ale yeast
original gravity 1.050
final gravity 1.014
alcohol content 4.5%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don't fret
the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring water to a boil.
When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add malt syrup. Return to a boil, then add boiling hops &
Irish Moss and boil for 60 minutes. Add flavor hops for last 15 minutes of the boil. Add finishing hops for
last 3 minutes of the boil. Fill your sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into
the carboy and top off to the 5½ gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment and bottle
as usual. This beer will improve with a few additional weeks of aging.
5 gallons
7 lbs Light Malt Syrup
3 lbs Light Dry Malt Powder
1 lb 120L Crystal Malt
1/2 lb Victory Malt
1 1/2 oz. Hallertauer Hops (boil 60 min)
1/2 tsp Irish Moss (boil 45 min)
3/4 cup corn sugar for bottling
White labs German Lager yeast
Original Gravity: 1076
Final Gravity: 1020
Alcohol Content: 7.0%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t
fret the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring
water to a boil. When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add malt sugar. Return to a boil,
then add boiling hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add Irish moss for last 45 minutes of boil. Fill your
sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top off to the
5 gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment and bottle as ususal.
Irish Stout Draught
5 gallons
6 lbs Dark Malt Syrup
3/4 lb 80L Crystal Malt
1/2 lb Roasted Black Barley
1/4 lb Flaked Barley
1 oz. Northern Brewer Hops (boil 60 min)
1/2 oz. Fuggles Hops (finishing hops, boil last 3 min)
4 tsp Gypsum (boil 60 min)
3/4 cup corn sugar for bottling
White Labs Irish Stout Ale Yeast
Original Gravity: 1044
Final Gravity: 1016
Alcohol Content: 3.5%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t
fret the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring
water to a boil. When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add malt sugar. Return to a boil,
then add boiling hops and Gypsum and boil for 60 minutes. Add finishing hops for last 3 minutes of
the boil. Fill your sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy
and top off to the 5 gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment and bottle as
Oatmeal Stout
(Slow Elk Oatmeal Stout Clone
Replicator Sept 2001)
5 gallons
6.6 Lbs. Coopers Light Unhopped Malt Syrup
1.5 Lbs. Crystal Malt 80L
4 oz. Black Patent Malt
6 oz. Chocolate Malt
6 oz. Flaked Oats
1.5 oz. Kent Golding hops (boil 60 minutes)
1 teaspoon Irish moss (boil 60 minutes)
2/3 (two thirds) cup corn sugar for bottling
White Labs WLP002 English Ale yeast
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don't fret the temp too
much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, and then bring water to a boil. When boiling starts,
remove pot from burner and add malt syrup. Return to a boil, then add boiling hops and Irish moss and boil for 60
minutes. Fill your sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top off to the
5½ gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment at about 68-70° till fermentation is done, and
bottle as usual.
Arrogant Bastard – Clone
6 gallons of pure water with 1 teaspoon of Gypsum
4 ounces Special B Malt
4 ounces Biscuit Malt
4 ounces Aromatic Malt
1 Pound Caramunich Malt
8 pounds of Dry Pale Malt Extract –or- 10 Liquid Malt Extract
1 oz. Centennial hops - 60 minutes
1 oz. Centennial hops - 50 minutes
1 oz. Centennial hops - 30 minutes
1 teaspoon Irish Moss – 15 minutes
1 oz. Centennial hops - 0 minutes
Wyeast #1056 American Ale Yeast –or- Wyeast #1272 American II Ale Yeast
Extract Instructions: Steep Grains in 2 1/2 gallons of 154-degree water for 30 minutes.
Remove Grains, stir in Malt Extract, and bring to a boil. After the “Hot Break” add Hops
and Irish Moss (if needed) according to above schedule. Cool to 70-75 degrees, transfer
to Fermenter, top up to 5-gallon mark, pitch yeast, and aerate.
Original Gravity: 1.074 – 1.080
Final Gravity: 1.014 - 1.020
Alcohol: 6.9% by volume
SRM: 14
IBU: 78
Scottish Ale
McTarnahan’s Imitation
5 gallons
7 Lbs Light Malt Syrup
1½ lb 40L Crystal Malt
½ lb Dextrin Malt
1 oz. Cascade Hops (boil 60 min)
½ oz. Cascade Hops (boil 30 min) (8 HBU’s total of first 2 hop additions)
½ oz. Cascade Hops (finishing hops, boil last 1 min)
tsp. Irish moss boils 45 min)
¾ cup corn sugar for bottling
White Labs Edinburgh Ale
Original gravity 1054
Final gravity 1018
Alcohol content 4.7%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t
fret the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, and then bring
water to a boil. When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add malt sugar. Return to a boil,
then add 1 oz boiling hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add Irish moss for last 45 minutes of boil. Add ½
oz boiling hops for last 30 minutes of boil. Add finishing hops for last 1 minute of the boil. Fill your
sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top off to the
5 gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment and bottle as usual
Russian Imperial Stout
5 gallons
7 lbs Dark Malt Syrup
4 lb Dark Dry Malt Powder
1 lb 80L Crystal Malt
1 lb Honey Malt
½ lb Roasted Barley
½ lb Chocolate Malt
¼ lb Black Patent Malt
2 Tsp Gypsum
2 oz. Chinook Hops (boil 60 min)
2 oz. Eroica Hops (boil 60 min)
2 oz. Willamette Hops (finishing hops, boil last 5 min)
1 oz. Cascade Hops (finishing hops, boil last 5 min)
1 oz. Cascade Hops (dry hop in fermenter if desired)
¾ cup corn sugar for bottling
White labs California Ale yeast
original gravity 1.090
final gravity 1.026
alcohol content 8.0%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t
fret the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, and then bring
water to a boil. When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add malt sugars and gypsum. Return
to a boil, then add boiling hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add finishing hops for last 5 minutes of the
boil. Fill your sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and
top off to the 5 gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and aerate heavily to get optimal
fermentation. Ferment a minimum of 10 days. Bottle as ususal. This stout will improve with aging!
Northwest Pale Ale
5 gallons
6 Lbs Coopers Light Malt Syrup
1 lb Munich Malt 10L
1 lb Great Western 2-Row pale malt
2 oz Centennial Hops (boil 60 minutes)
1 oz Cascade Hops (boil 15 minutes)
1 oz Cascade Hops (boil 5 minutes)
1 Teaspoon Irish moss (boil 60 minutes)
¾ cup corn sugar for bottling
White labs California Ale Yeast
Original gravity 1.050
Final gravity 1.014
Alcohol content 4.7%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t
fret the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, and then bring
water to a boil. When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add malt syrup. Return to a boil,
then add 2 oz. Centennial hops and Irish moss, and boil for 60 minutes. Add 1 oz Cascade hops with
15 minutes left in the boil. Add 1 oz. Cascade hops for last 5 minutes of the boil. Fill your sanitized
carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top off to the 5 gallon
mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment and bottle as usual.
Red Zone Ale
(Similar to Red Zone Pale Ale from Hazel Dell Brew Pub)
5 gallons
7 Lbs Light Malt Syrup
1 lb Amber Dry Malt Powder
1 lb 40L Crystal Malt
3 oz Cascade Hops (boil 60 minutes)
oz Cascade Hops (boil 5 minutes)
¾ cup corn sugar for bottling
White labs California Ale Yeast
Original gravity 1059
Final gravity 1016
Alcohol content 5.6%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t
fret the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, and then bring
water to a boil. When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add malt sugars. Return to a boil,
then add boiling hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add finishing hops for last 5 minutes of the boil. Fill
your sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top off to
the 5 gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment and bottle as usual.
Rusty Cream Ale
2 lbs of pale malt
1 lbs of flaked corn
1 lbs of crystal malt (about 50 l)
4 lbs of Alexanders Pale Malt
1 oz of Tettanger Hops (3.8%) (boil @ 45 min)
1 oz of Liberty Hops (3.2%) (half and half boil/finish)
Whitbread ale yeast
It appears that the Whitbread yeast that I used was really atteuntuave. The % alcohol/vol is around 6.5. The
preliminary tastes puts it nice, smooth, a bit thin (its' been ageing about 2 weeks). It should have some character in
about 1-2 months.
O.G.: 1.052
F.G.: 1.012
Belgian Strong Ale
We brewed this a few weeks ago,aiming for a Belgian Trippel, but the resulting brew was a lovely golden ale color.
At about 9--1/2 percent alcohol it seemed innapropriate to call it a double. After four days in the bottle, tasted room
temperature, it was fantastic. No bananas yet, but we're of course expecting them.
This seemed like overhopping ad nauseum, but it came out wonderfully balanced. The cinnamon, of course, is a drop
in the ocean of flavor.
3/4 cup, Belgian special roast malt
3/4 cup, English crystal malt (80L)
10 pounds, Northwestern gold extract
1/4 pound, light brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon, cinnamon
1 teaspoon, Irish moss
1 ounce, Fuggles pellets (boil)
3/4 ounce, Cascade pellets (boil)
3/4 ounce, Saaz whole hops (1/2 hour)
3/4 ounce, Styrian Golding pellets (1/2 hour)
2 ounces, fresh Cascade (aroma, 15 minutes)
1/4 ounce, Saaz (finish)
1/2 ounce, Olympic pellets (finish)
1/2 ounce, Cascade pellets (finish)
Wyeast #1214 Belgian
Brought to boil the Belgian and English crystal. Removed grains. Boiled 1 hour with extract, Fuggles and Cascade,
brown sugar, cinnamon and Irish moss.
O.G.: 1.083
F.G.: 1.009
Bell’s Best Brown Ale
(5 gallons, extract with grains)
OG = 1.058 FG = 1.013 IBUs = 30 ABV = 5.9%
6.6 lbs. Briess light malt extract syrup
14 oz. Briess Victory malt
14 oz. Briess Special Roast malt
14 oz. Briess crystal malt (60° L)
2 oz. Briess chocolate malt
6.2 AAU Cascade hops (bittering hop)
(0.75 oz. of 8.3% alpha acid)
3.25 AAU Nugget hops (bittering hop)
(0.25 oz. of 13% alpha acid)
1.2 AAU Fuggle hops (flavor hop)
(0.25 oz. of 4.7% alpha acid)
2.4 AAU Fuggle hops (aroma hop)
(0.5 oz. of 4.7% alpha acid)
1 tsp. Irish moss for 45 min.
White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
O.75 cup of corn sugar for priming
Step by step
Steep crushed malts in three gallons of water at 150º F for 30 min. Remove grains from wort, add malt
syrup and powder and bring to a boil. Add Cascade and Nugget (bittering) hops, Irish moss and boil for
45 min. Add 0.25 ounce of Fuggle hops (flavor hops) for last 15 min. of the boil. Add 0.5 ounce of
Fuggle (aroma) hops for the last two minutes of the boil.
When done boiling, strain out hops, add wort to two gallons cool water in a sanitary fermenter, and top
off with cool water to 5.5 gallons. Cool the wort to 80º F, aerate the beer and pitch your yeast. Allow
the beer to cool over the next few hours to 68-70º F, and ferment for 10-14 days. Bottle your beer,
age for two to three weeks and enjoy!
TableRock Nut Brown Ale
(5 gallon/19 liter, extract with grains)
OG = 1.054 FG = 1.015 IBUs = 18 Alcohol 5.3% by volume
6 lbs. (2.7 kg) Briess light extract syrup
1 lb. (0.45 kg) dextrin malt
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) Carastan malt
6 oz. (168 g) brown malt
4 oz. (112 g) crystal malt (120 °L)
2 oz. (56 g) black patent malt
2 oz. (56 g) chocolate malt
5.8 AAU Willamette hops (bittering hop)
(1.0 oz. (28 g) of 5.8% alpha acid)
1 tsp. Irish moss
White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
O.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming)
Step by Step
Steep the six crushed grains in 3 gallons (11.4 liters) of water at 150 ºF (66 °C) for 30 minutes.
Remove the grains from the wort, add malt syrup and bring to a boil. Add Willamette (bittering) hops,
Irish moss and boil for 60 minutes.
When done boiling, add wort to 2 gallons (7.6 liters) cool water in a sanitary fermenter, and top off
with cool water to 5.5 gallons (20.9 liters). Cool the wort to 80 ºF (27 °C), heavily aerate the beer and
pitch your yeast. Allow the beer to cool over the next few hours to 68-70 ºF (20-21 °C) and hold at
these cooler temperatures until the yeast has fermented completely. Bottle your beer, age for two to
three weeks and enjoy!
Belgian gold
every one who tried this beer said it was the best beer they ever had, this is a highly alcholic brew, my
brother went so far as to call it "opium beer"
belgian gold
Belgian Dubbel
5 gallons
16 HCU
Bitterness: 21 IBU
7.1% v/v (5.6% w/w)
2 gallons of water were boiled then cooled and set aside
1 lb. American crystal 40L
steep 1 lb crystal malt at 150 degrees for 30 mins
5.5 gallons
5.5 lb. Light dry malt extract
2 lb. Honey
.5 of a tsp. of gypsum was added at the beginning of the boil, add 1 tsp irish moss with 15
mins left in the boil
1 oz. Styrian Goldings (5.5% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (5% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (aroma)
the yeast I used was awsome, white labs (belgian trappist) WLP#500
this brew spent 2 weeks in the primary ferementer and then went right into the bottle where
it spent 1 and a half months before turning into belgian gold
Carbonation: add three quarters of a cup of corn sugar to the primary just before bottling
this beer is the bomb, it is so smooth, after three bottles you're using one eye to watch t.v
Black Dwarf Imperial Oatmeal Stout
A heavy thick brew. The flavor lasts for upwards of a minute. (hops and dark grains followed by full malt
and grain flavor, finishing with molasses. Bit alcoholic tasting when warm.
Ingredients: (for 6 gallons)
3.3 pounds, liquid Northwestern amber
3.3 pounds, liquid Northwestern dark
3 pounds, pale 2 row
2 pounds, dark crystal (90 Lovibond)
2 pounds, flaked barley
1-1/2 pounds, steel cut oats
1 pound, wheat malt
3 cups, roasted barley
1-3/4 cups, black patent
1-1/2 cups, molasses
<1 cup, chocolate
5 ounces, malto dextrin
1 stick, brewer's licorice
1-1/2 ounces, Northern Brewers leaf hops
1/2 ounce, Mt. Hood pellets
2 ounces ,3.0 alpha Hallertau
1 quart+, starter---Wyeast Irish Ale
Mash all grain like substances for 1 hour at 130-140 degrees in 2-1/2 gallons water. Add 1-1/2 gallons
boiling water to bring to 160 degrees. Hold there for 1-1/2 hours. The high temp is used to get a high final
gravity. Sparge with 5 gallons fresh 170 degree water. Bring to a boil, and add Northern Brewers. Boil for
60 minutes. Add Mt. Hood and irish moss 15 minutes before the end of the boil. Cool, place in fermenter
and pitch yeast. Dryhop with Hallertau in secondary.
O.G.: 1.090
F.G.: 1.032
Primary Ferment: 7 days
Irish Stout
This beer is similar in alcohol and body to draft Guinness, but it's slighty more bitter, has some hop aroma
and a hint of coffee (from the chocolate malt, I think).
6 pounds, dark malt extract
1/2 pound, 80L crystal malt
1/2 pound, 120L crystal malt
1/2 pound, roasted barley
1/4 pound, chocolate malt
1/4 pound, black patent
1 ounce, Bullion hops (Boil)
1 ounce, Fuggles hops (Finish)
WYeast #1084
1 tsp gypsum
1. Bring 1--1/2 gallons water to boil while steeping the crystal malts. Boil for 5 minutes, remove the grains.
2. Add the bullion hops and gypsum, boil for 50 minutes.
3. Add the Fuggles, turn off the heat, put the lid on the brewpot.
4. Sparge the wort into enough water to make 5 gallons.
Killians Red Clone
(brewed as an Ale)
4 lbs Light malt extract or 3 lbs. light Dry malt extract
1 lbs. dried rice solids
1/2 lb. American crystal 120 deg lovibond or use as high a lovibond crystal as possible (80 or 90)
1/2 lb. Munich malt
1/2 lb. Flaked maize
1 oz Cluster Hops (60 min boil) (7.4%) (Adjust the amount of hops depending on the alpha acids. Divide the 7.4 by
the current alpha acid to give you the amount in ounces needed to add.)
If brewing as an ale use Wyeast 1007 German Ale yeast
If brewing as a lager use American 2035 lager yeast
Steep grains for 30 min at 155 degrees then remove grains leaving colored tea behind. Add light extract and dried rice
solids, bring to a boil. (Watch out for boilover.) Add hops and boil for 1 hour. Cool and pitch yeast at 85 degrees F.
One week in primary fermentor and one week in secondary fermentor. Add 3/4 cup priming sugar and bottle.
Chocolate Stout
6 lbs. Dark DME
1/4 lb. Black Patent malt
1/4 lb. Chocolate malt
1/4 lb. Koffee-kiln malt
1/4 lb. Brown malt
1/2 lb. British 55 L Crystal
2 oz. UK Kent Goldings hop pellets (60 min.)
Edme ale yeast
Amber Ale
A rich malty amber style beer. Lots of body and strength, with deep smooth flavors
contributed by the hops and the Crystal Malt. Very enjoyable.
5 lbs. Light Dry Malt Extract
2 lbs. Amber Dry Malt Extract
1 lbs. Crystal Malt 40 Lovibond
1 oz Chinook hops, boiling
1 pkg. Burton salts
1 oz. Cluster hops, boiling
1 oz. Willamette hops, aromatic
1 pkg. Edme Ale Yeast or Wyeast #1056 or #1084
4 oz. malto-dextrin
3/4 cup dextrose for priming
This recipe calls for a 1 hour boil in 2 or more gallons of water. The Cluster hops should boil 40
minutes and the Chinook hops for the final 20 minutes. The aromatic Willamette hops boil only for
the last 5 minutes and either transfer them to the fermenter or sparge. The malto-dextrin, which
adds body, is added to the final 5 minutes of the boil.
Notes on steeping grains: When adding flavoring grains, such as crystal malt, black patent malt, etc.,
a smoother tasting brew will be attained by extracting the flavor and color before the boil. To do
this, add the grain to cold water and bring almost to a boil. Do not boil the grains! Turn off the
heat, cover & steep the grains for approximately 20 minutes. Strain & rinse (sparge) the grains with
1-2 quarts of hot water (170 degrees F.). Do not over-sparge. Add the resulting extract to the boil and discard
the spent grains.
Style: Specialty Ale w/ flavorings
Extract/partial mash recipe makes 5 gallons
One 3.3 pound can Munton & Fison Dark Unhopped Malt Extract
One 4 pound can of Alexanders Pale Ale Extract
½ pound Dextrin Malt
½ pound Crystal Malt
6 oz. Chocolate Malt
4 oz. Black Patent Malt
1 cup dark brown sugar
½ pound toasted crushed hazelnuts
1 oz. of Chinook Hop pellets (bittering hops)
1.2 oz. of Cascade Hop pellets (flavor hops)
1 oz. of Mt. Hood Hop pellets (aroma hops)
1 package of WYEAST #1084 Irish Ale liquid Yeast
¼ teaspoon of Irish Moss
¾ cup of dextrose priming sugar (for bottling)
Crush the Crystal & Dextrin dry Malts, add in the hazelnuts and wrap in cheesecloth. Add this to 2 gallons of cold water in a large
brewing kettle. Steep at 170 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove malts from brewing kettle & sparge with ½ gallon of hot water. Add
the all malts and Chinook hops to the brewing kettle. Bring to a full boil. At 45 minutes, add Irish Moss & ½ oz. Mt. Hood hops.
At 60 minutes, remover from heat and add the remaining ½ oz. Mt. Hood hops (steep for 2-3 minutes). Add 3 gallons of cold
water to the primary fermenter. Rack wort into primary fermenter. When wort temperature is reduced to 78 degrees, pitch the
yeast. Hold in primary till active fermentation is complete (approx. 4-6 days). (Optional - Rack to secondary for another 7-10
days.) Bottle with priming sugar and allow brew to condition in the bottles for at least 3 weeks. Enjoy!
Chocolate Hazelnut Porter
Batch Size: 5 Gal Recipe Type: Extract w/ grain
8 lbs English Light Liquid Malt Extract
.5 lbs Light DME
1 lbs Munich
1 lbs Crystal 40L
1 lbs Crystal 75L
.75 lbs Chocolate
8 oz Carapils
8 oz Black Patent
1 oz Kent Goldings 4.1% AA – 60min boil (Bittering)
1 oz Willamette 4.6% AA – 30 min boil (Flavor)
2 oz Willamette 4.6% AA – 1 min boil (Aroma)
8 oz Unsweetened Coco Powder 5 min boil
Water Treatment / Clarifiers:
1 Whirfloc tablet
Yeast Type & Quantity:
White Labs Liquid – English Ale Item# WLP002
Chocolate Porter
(Extract) 5 gallons
Brewing Method: Extract
Yeast: Wyeast1084 Irish Ale yeast
Yeast Starter: none
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Original Gravity: n/a
Final Gravity: n/a
Alcohol Content: %
Total Grains:
Extract Efficiency: %
Hop IBU's:
Boiling Time: 60 min.
Primary Fermentation: 7 days 65 degrees
Secondary Fermentation: 14 days 65 degrees
Additional Fermentation:
Grain Bill:
6 lb dark malt extract
2 lb light malt extract
1lb chocolate malt
4 oz roasted batley
1 tsp Irish moss (30 min)
5 oz corn sugar to prime
Hop Bill:
1 oz Nugget pellet hops (60 min)
1 1/2 oz Northern Btewer hop pellete(30 min)
1 1/2 oz Northern Brewer hop pellets (15 min)
Mash Schedule:
Place chocolate malt and roasted barley malt in a grain bag
and add to the brew pot. Remove before boiling starts (I recommend taking out grains at 185 degrees)
Brewers Notes:
Place all hops in individual hop bags. It makes it easy to remove
them and you have less trub in the primary. Dissolve the priming
sugar in 5 oz boiling water then add to bottling bucket. Let this
beer age at least 3 weeks after bottling. It gets very smooth.
Black Butte Porter Clone - Extract
(Extract) 5 US Gallons
Brewing Method: Extract
Yeast: Wyeast #1338 (1318 works too)
Yeast Starter: 1/4# Unhopped Malt
Batch Size: 5 US Gallons
Original Gravity: 1.052
Final Gravity: 1.020
Alcohol Content: 4.2 %
Total Grains: 9.5 lbs
Extract Efficiency: %
Hop IBU's:
Boiling Time: 60 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 10 days at 65 F
Secondary Fermentation: 14 days at 60 F
Additional Fermentation:
Grain Bill:
6 oz Chocolate Malt - Grain
4 oz Black Patent Malt- Grain
8 oz Honey Malt - Grain
10 oz 10 L Crystal Malt - Grain
8 oz Malto-dextrin
7 lbs Alexander's 2-row pale malt (unhopped) - extract
1 tsp Irish moss
Hop Bill:
1 oz Galena (60 min. bittering)
1.5 oz Cascade (30 min. bittering/finishing)
1.5 oz Tettnanger (5 min aroma)
Mash Schedule:
Steep grain components for 1/2 hour at 158 F. Sparge grains with 1/2 gallon water at 170 F. Bring to a boil
and hold for 10 mins. Add Galena. Add Cascade after 30 minutes, add irish moss after another 15 minutes,
and add Tettnanger after another 10 minutes. Total boiling time is 60 minutes after Galena are added.
Brewers Notes: Force cool wort in sink of cool water. Add to 1 gallon cold, aerated water in carboy, and
top off to 5 gallons. Rack to another empty carboy after cold break falls, about 1 hour. Pitch yeast - a starter
culture is recommended for best results.
Newcastle Brown
Brown Ale
Recipe Type
The recipe is from Miller's "Brewing the World's Great Beers". OK, it started out from his
3.30 lbs.
3.30 lbs.
1.00 lbs.
8.00 oz.
4.00 oz
.50 C.
British pale malt extract
British amber malt extract (or less)
turbinado sugar (from health food shop)
British dark crystal
chocolate malt
priming sugar
2.00 ozs
.50 oz
Fuggles at 45 minutes (williamette or styrain goldings good
Fuggles at 10 minutes (optional)
4.00 oz.
Wyeast 1028 London ale yeast
Steep grains in a bag 30 minutes in 1 Gal. of 150 degree water. Rinse a bit
with 170 degree water. Add extracts. 60 minute boil, chill to 75 degrees,
rack to leave behind cold break, pitch with 1.5 Qts of yeast and starter.
Aerate 12 hours with air and a .22 u air filter. Rack at end after 3-4 days.
Rack at 2 weeks and bottle. Style has low hops and low carbonation. Nut
flavor I think is from the barely refined sugar. The english have a dark
brown sugar (raw sugar??) that we in the states do not, british recipes call
for it.
Black Gold Stout
6# M&F Dark Extract Syrup
1# M&F Dark DME
8 oz. Black Patent Malt
12 oz. Chocolate Malt
12 oz. Crystal Malt
1 oz. Chinook Hop Pellets (60 min)
1/2 oz. Northern Brewer Hop Pellets (60 min)
1/2 oz. Northern Brewer Hop Pellets (20 min)
1.5 tsp. Single Fold Pure Vanilla Extract
3/4 C. Freshly Brewed Espresso
EDME dry ale yeast
3/4 C. corn sugar for priming
Living in a region with poor public water supply has unfortunately -or- fortunately forced me to use
bottled water. For this I used distilled water with 1 Tbsp. water crystals added. Steep specialty
grains then remove. Add vanilla,espresso,and extracts. Boil for an hour and cool. Rack to primary and
pitch yeast. Within minutes activity was observed. Within 12 hours active fermentation, *WARNING*
after this stage you WILL need to use a blow off rig. The activity subsided after 2 1/2 days then
racked to secondary for 12 days to ensure no bottle bombs!
Bottled with corn sugar and aged @room temp for 8 days. It is now 3 weeks in the basement and better
than ever.
Taste: It has a smooth, chocolaty, warm fuzzy flavor perfect for sitting in front of the fireplace.
Jalapeno Ale
Extract recipe
6.6 lbs Gold Malt Extract
2.0 lbs Dry Gold Malt
1/2 lb Crystal
1/4 lb Carapils 40L
3 oz Willamette bittering hops
1 oz Saaz aroma hops
6 large Jalapeno peppers, seeded and cut lengthwise
4 small red chile peppers, seeded and cut lengthwise
Ale yeast
This was my first attempt to make a chile pepper beer, and if you like
Jalapeno peppers it is a great beer. There are a lot of hops in the boil
but it is needed to overcome the chile aroma.
Steep the grains for 25 mins @ 160 degrees in 1.5 gallons of water.
Add extract and dry malt. Bring to boil and add Williamette hops, boil
for 60 minutes. Add Saaz hops last 5 minutes of boil. Add Ale yeast
when cooled. Let ferment as normal and when it is ready to bottle, add
peppers. I left mine in for two days, but leave it in longer if you like it
spicy. Next time I think I will leave in some of the seeds to make it hotter.
Carbonate with 3/4 cup corn sugar.
Henry Weinhard Dark Beer Clone
I like Henry’s Dark on tap and decided I wanted to clone it for a brew kit at my store. It
turned out well, better in fact. I have people who brew it regularly. (5 gallons)
7 lbs. John Bull dark malt extract
2 oz. Fuggle hop pellets (4.3% alpha acid) for 30 min.
2 oz. Willamette hop pellets (4.4% alpha acid) for 2 min.
Edme ale yeast (11.5 g.)
3/4 cup corn sugar for priming
Step by Step:
Dissolve malt extract into 3 gal. water and bring to slow rolling boil. Total boil is 60 min.
Boil for 30 min. and add Fuggle hops. Boil 28 min. more and add Willamette hops. Boil 2
min. more. Remove kettle from heat, cover, and allow to settle for 10 min. Chill wort and
transfer to primary fermenter. Add enough cold, preboiled water to bring wort to 5 gal.
Pitch yeast at 75° to 78°F.
Ferment at 65° to 70° F for four to seven days, then rack into secondary fermenter and let
finish until cleared and airlock has completely stopped moving. Rack into bottling bucket.
Add corn sugar dissolved in 1 cup boiled water. Condition at 65° to 70° F for at least two
weeks in bottles.
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone
Hundreds of our customers at my homebrew shop have made this. Most swear it’s identical to the
original. Dry hopping is essential for classic Cascade flavor and aroma. (5 gallons)
• 8 oz. caramel malt, 30° Lovibond
• 6 oz. DeWolf-Cosyns cara-pils malt
• 6 lbs. light malt syrup
• 1.5 oz. Perle hops (8.2% alpha acid) for 60 min.
• 2.5 oz. Cascade hops (5.4% alpha acid): 1 oz. for 15 min., 1 oz. for 5 min., 0.5
oz. pellets (dry hopping).
• Wyeast 1056 (American ale)
• 11/4 cup dry malt extract
Step by Step:
Add grains to 1.5 gal. water. Bring slowly to 170° F. Remove grains and bring to a boil.
Total boil is 60 min. Boil 10 min. and add Perle hops. Boil 45 min. more, adding water as
needed to maintain liquid level. Make first Cascade addition. Boil 5 min. more. Turn off
heat. Wait 10 min. Add 1 oz. Cascade. Wait 3 to 5 min. Remove hops and transfer to
Top up to 5 gal. Pitch yeast at 70° F.
Ferment three days and rack to secondary. Dry hop with 0.5 oz. Cascade pellets. Ferment
two weeks at 65° F. Prime and bottle.
Basic Pale Ale (5 Gallons)
A standout with crystal clarity, a light golden color and an extremely appealing rich, creamy head clinging as lace on
the sides of your glass. Malt sneaks through at secondary levels in the aroma. It is difficulty to perceive if the beer is
served well chilled.
Pale Malt Extract
Crystal Malt (20-L)
Munich Malt
Chinook Hops (Bittering)
Kent Goldings Hops (Flavor)
Cascade Hops (Aroma)
Cascade Hops (Dry Hop)
Irish Moss
White Labs California Ale Yeast (WLP001) Temp: 68-73
Corn Sugar (Priming)
OG: 1.050
Place crushed Crystal Malt and Munich Malt in water and steep at 155 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove spent
grains and add malt extract and Chinook hops. Boil for 1 hour, adding the Kent Goldings hops and Irish Moss 30
minutes into the boil. Add ½ ounce Cascade hops in the last 2 minutes. Cool wort and pitch yeast. Primary-ferment
at 68 to 73 degrees for 5 to 7 days. Transfer to secondary fermenter and add ½ ounce Cascade Hops. Secondaryferment an additional 7 to 10 days at temperatures between 68 and 73 degrees. Bottle, using corn sugar. Age in
bottle for 10 to 14 days.
This recipe is for 5 gallons (19L) of incredible beer!
Called West Coast amber ales by some authors, this sub-category was spun-off from the American pale ale style.
Light Malt Extract
Amber Malt Extract
American Crystal 60-L
American Crystal 120-L
Chinook (Bittering)
Tettnanger (Flavoring)
Willamette (Aroma)
Irish Moss
White Labs California Ale Yeast (WLP001)
Corn Sugar (Priming)
Place crushed Grains in water and steep at 155 degrees for 45 minutes.
Remove spent grains and add Malt Extract and Bittering Hops. Boil for 1 hour, adding the Flavoring Hops 40
minutes into the boil.
Add Irish Moss last 15 minutes of the boil.
Add Aroma Hops in the last 2 minutes of the boil. Cool wort and pitch yeast.
Primary-ferment at 68 to 73 degrees for 5 to 7 days.
Transfer to secondary fermenter.
Secondary-ferment an additional 7 to 10 days at temperatures between 68 and 73 degrees.
Bottle, using corn sugar.
Age in bottle for 10 to 14 days.
Dubbel, Dubbel Toil and Trubble
5 Gallons
Possessing a subtle roastiness, this Belgian dubbel is guaranteed to double your pleasure.
Amber Malt Extract
Cara-Pils Malt
Crystal Malt (40-L)
Chocolate Malt
Roasted Barley Malt
Progress Hops (Bittering)
Saaz Hops (Aroma)
Irish Moss
White Labs Abbey Ale Yeast (WLP530) Temp: 66-72
Corn Sugar (Priming)
OG: 1.071
Place crushed Cara-Pils Malt, Crystal Malt, Chocolate Malt, and Roasted Barley Malt in water and steep at 155
degrees for 30 minutes. Remove spent grains and add malt extract and Progress Hops. Boil for 1 hour, adding
the Saaz Hops and Irish Moss for the last 5 minutes. Cool wort and pitch yeast. Primary-ferment at 66 to 72
degrees for 7 to 10 days. Transfer to secondary fermenter and ferment an additional 7 to 10 days at temperatures
between 66 and 72 degrees. Bottle, using corn sugar. Age in bottle for 14 to 21 days.
Yippee IPA (5 Gallons)
This recipe is for a very strong IPA. This wonderful brew possesses myriad great flavors, from an initial malt bite to
a wonderful hop aftertaste.
Light Malt Extract
Amber Malt Extract
Crystal Malt Grain (60-L)
Cascade Hops (Boiling)
Cascade Hops (Finishing)
Cascade Hops (Dry Hop)
Irish Moss
White Labs California Ale V Yeast (WLP051)
Corn Sugar (Priming)
OG: 1.065
Place crushed Crystal Malt in water and steep at 155 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove spent grains and add malt
extracts, 1½ ounces Cascade hops, and gypsum. Boil for 1 hour, adding Irish Moss for the last 10 minutes. Turn off
heat, add 2 ounces of Cascade hops, and steep for 10 minutes. Cool wort and pitch yeast. Primary-ferment in a 6.5
gallon glass carboy at 66 to 70 degrees for 5 to 7 days. Transfer to secondary fermenter and add 1 ounce Cascade
Hops. Secondary-ferment in a 5 gallon glass carboy an additional 7 to 10 days at temperatures between 66 and 70
degrees. Bottle, using corn sugar. Age in bottle for 7 to 10 days.
This recipe is for 5 gallons (19L) of incredible beer!
Brewed with a special honey malt and fermented with clover honey, this wheat ale has lots of flavor. The Mt. Hood
hops give it a pleasant grassy, floral aroma, and the wheat contributes a toasted biscuit flavor.
Pale Malt 2-Row
American Crystal 20 L
Honey Malt
American Victory
Wheat Malt
Wheat Malt Extract (DME)
Mt. Hood Hops (Bittering)
Clover Honey
Mt. Hood Hops (Flavoring)
Wyeast 1056 American Ale Yeast
Irish Moss
Corn Sugar (Priming)
Place crushed Grains water and steep at 155 degrees for 30 minutes.
Remove spent grains and add Dry Malt Extract and Bittering Hops. Boil for 1 hour.
Add Honey and Flavoring Hops 30 minutes into the boil.
Add Irish Moss last 15 minutes of the boil.
Cool wort and pitch yeast.
Primary-ferment at 68 to 72 degrees for 10 to 14 days.
Transfer to secondary fermenter.
Secondary-ferment an additional 3 to 4 weeks at temperatures between 50 and 55 degrees.
Bottle, using corn sugar.
Age in bottle for 3 weeks.
Hot Stuff
This beer has a pretty sharp spiciness in a pale ale base beer. I devised this recipe as part of a 2-part series
on spiced beers that I was writing for Michael Jackson's Beer Hunter web site
( I recommend checking out the web pages for
background info on brewing spiced beers. This is a very simple extract recipe that should be suitable for
brewers at all levels. If you're an all-grain brewer, you could use this recipe by simply brewing a light pale
ale base beer and then following the hopping, spicing, and fermentation schedule listed here. A good
starting grain bill might be 8-9 pounds of 2-row pale malt and 1/2 pound of light crystal mashed in a
single-step infusion mash at about 150 degrees for 45-60 minutes.
Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1050
Finishing Gravity: 1015
Time in Boil: 1 hour
Primary Fermentation: 4-7 days at 60-65 degrees
Secondary Fermentation: 7-10 days at 60-65 degrees
6.6 lbs light malt extract syrup
1/2 lb crushed light crystal malt
1 oz Cascades hops (5-6% alpha, boil 60 minutes)
1/4 lb serrano chili peppers
American ale yeast
3/4 cup corn sugar for priming
Steep crystal malt in steaming water for 10 minutes. Strain out grains and add extract. Bring to boil and add hops. Boil 60
minutes. Chill and transfer to primary fermenter. Add cold water to top off to 5 gallons. Pitch yeast and ferment one week
at 60-65 degrees F. Rack to secondary fermenter and prepare peppers. Peppers should be cut lengthwise and seeds removed.
Add peppers to secondary fermenter. Let sit one more week, then prime and bottle as usual. Age 1 to 2 weeks.
Habanero Beer
Never made it and don't expect to.So because of this I can;t rate it.
5 gallon
1/2 lb. Crystal
1 lb. chocolate malt
3.3 lb. Light extract
3 lb. Dark D.M.E
1 cup sugar
2 oz. Kent goldings
1 1/2 oz. Saaz
4 chopped Habaneros'
3/4 cup corn sugar(priming)
Dry yeast
Brewing Instructions:
Place grains in 1 1/5 gallons of water and bring this to 155f. and let steep for 1/2 hour.Sparge with 1/2 gallon of water.Add
extract, D.M.E, and sugar and bring to a boil.At onset of boil add the Kents.After 30 min. add 1/2 oz. of Saaz.After 45 min.
add 1/2 oz. Saaz and the peppers.Boil for 15 min. and remove from heat. Add the remaining hops and let sit covered for 15
min.Remove peppers.Put 3 gallons of water into the fermentor and add the wort. Top off if needed to make 5 1/4
gallons.Pitch yeast and ferment.
Primary-1 week
Secondary-1 week
Al's Imperial Stout
Well here it is "Imperial Stout". While racking this to a secondary I just had to sample it.I can't wait until this one is done.
1 gallon
3 1/4 oz. chrystal 80L
1 oz. chocolate malt
3 ozs. roasted barley
1 1/4 lbs. U.S.A. 2-row
1/3 + 1/4 cup oats
1/4 lb. extra light DME
1/4 lb.dark DME
1 tsp. Tattnang hop pellets
3/4 oz. Challenger hop pellets (6 HBU)
1 1/2 oz. lactose
1/4 cup molasses
1 pack Nottinghams yeast
1/3 tsp. irish moss
2 1/2 tbs. corn sugar (priming)
1/4 tsp. polyclar
Brewing Instructions:
Mash all grains and oats at 150F for 45 min.Sparge with 168F water to get1 1/2 gallons.Add DME,lactose,and molasses and
bring to a boil.When boilling add Challengers and boil for 75 min.Then add Tettnanger and irish moss for 15 more min.Cool to
80 and pitched yeast.If less than 1 gallon add enough cooled boiled water to bring up to one gallon.
Primary-1 week
Secondary-1 week with dissolved polyclar.{dissolved in boiling water for 5 min. and cooled to
American Brown Ale
American Brown Ale - Beer Recipe
Think of the English style. American Brown Ales have more alcohol and hops. A faint dry roasty
taste is also present. This medium bodied beer is dark amber to dark brown, and has decided
citrus note from the American hops.
6.6 lbs. Gold Liquid Malt Extract
1 lb. 40 L. Crystam (cracked)
1 lb. British Pale Ale Grain (cracked)
1/3 lb. Chocolate Grain (cracked)
2 oz. Mt. Hood Hops
½ oz. Cascade Hops
1 oz. Cascade Hops
1 pkg. Wyeast Liquid Yeast - American Ale
Place grains into 1 gallon of cold water. Heat to 160°F. Remove from heat. Cover and allow to sit
for 60 minuties. Sparge with 1 gallon of 170°F water and return the liquid to brew pot. Add Malt
Extract and 2 oz Mt Hood Hops. Return the pot to heat and boil form 30 minutes. Add ½ oz.
Cascade Hops and boil for 30 more minutes. Remove form heat and add the final 1 oz. Casades
Hops. Steep for 5 minutes. Strain into 3 gallons cold water and pitch yeast when cooled to 80°F
or below.
Yields 5 gallons.
Newcastle Style Brown Ale
Ingredients and Instructions:
Crystal 40L Malt
Flaked Barley
Chocolate Malt
Light Malt Extract Syrup
Kent Goldings Hops (5.7AA)
Irish Moss
East Kent Golding Hops (5.7AA)
Coopers Ale Dry Yeast (15g) -- OR -WLP005 British Ale Liquid Yeast
Priming Sugar
Style Guidelines:
Alcohol (% by
Bitterness (IBU):
Color (SRM):
Original Gravity:
Finish Gravity:
Batch Size (gallons):
60 minutes
60 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes
This Recipe:
4.0 - 5.0
15 - 30
12 - 30
1.040 - 1.050
1.010 - 1.013
Grolsh Partial Mash
Grolsh is a beer from Holland and is considered a Pilsner.
5 gallons
4 Oz. german 2-row
2 oz. German Muinich
6 1/2 Lb. Extra Light DME
1 oz. Northern brewers
1/4 oz. Hallerttau Hersbruckler
1/2 oz. Czech Saaz
1 tsp. Irish Moss
3/4 cup dextrose (priming)
Wyeast 2042 Danish Lager yeast
Brewing Instructions:
Syeep grain in 1/2 gallon of 150f water for 20 min.Sparge grains with 1/2 gallon of 150f. water and fill brew pot to 1 1/2
gallons of water. Bring this to a boil. Remove from heat and add the DME and the Northern brewers.Add another gallon of
water and boil for 45 min. Add the Hersbrucklers and the Irish moss. Boil for 5 more min. and add the Saaz.Cool and pitch
Primary for 10 days@45.
Similar to Newcastle Brown Ale
Brown Ale - Beer Recipe Kit
This beers has a slightly sweet flavor that finishes slightly dry, similar to Newcastle Brown Ale. It
has a "nutty" flavor that comes from their use of Cara Pils and Crystal malts combined with
balanced use of Chocolate malt. Lightly hopped for just a hint of aroma and balance. Recipe price
excludes Gypsum & Irish moss.
6.6 lbs. Gold Liquid Malt Extract
½ lb. British Pale Grain M&F two row (cracked)
½ lb. British Crystal Grain M&F (cracked)
¼ lb. Cara Pils Grain (cracked)
¼ lb. Chocolate Grain (cracked)
1½ oz. Willamette or Fuggles
1 oz. Willamette or Fuggles
1 tsp. Irish Moss
2 tsp. Gypsum
1 pkg. Wyeast Liquid Yeast - British Ale
Add gypsum to water. Place grains into 1½ gal. cold water. Heat to 160°F. Remove from heat,
cover & allow to sit for 60 min. Sparge with 1 gal. 170°F water & return liquid to brewpot. Add malt
& 1½ oz. hops. Return pot to heat & boil for 30 min. Add Irish Moss & boil for 30 min. Remove
from heat & add final 1 oz. hops. Steep for 5 min. Strain into 3 gal. cold water & pitch yeast when
cooled to 80°F or below.
Yields 5 gal..
Mirror Pond Pale Ale Clone
I asked the brewery for theis recipe as I really enjoy this beer. I hope this turns out
as good as the original. Please send me any comments if you use this recipe.
Lance Andrus/Deschutes Brewery
Mirror Pond Pale Ale Clone
American Pale Ale
Extract w/grain
5 gallons
23 HCU (~13 SRM)
Bitterness: 41 IBU
5.0% v/v (3.9% w/w)
I use bottled spring water as our local water is full of bad taste.
1 lb. American 2-row
1 lb. British crystal 70-80L
I steep my grains in 1.5 gallons of 150° water for 20 minutes
then sparge them with an additional 1.5-3.5 gallons.
SG 1.055
5 gallons
3 lb. Light malt extract
3 lb. Light dry malt extract
1 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 45 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 30 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (aroma)
Carbonation: Carbonate in the bottle using corn sugar as a primer
"Jamaican Red" Ale
4 lbs. Light Dry Malt
3 lbs. Amber Dry Malt
1 lb. Belgian Caravienne Malt
8 oz. Dark Caramel 90 Malt
2 oz. Dextrin Powder
1/2 tsp. Gypsum
1/4 tsp. Calcium Chloride
1/8 tsp Epsom Salt
1 tsp Irish Moss
3/4 oz. Chinook Hops
(60 min.) 34 IBU
1 oz. Chinook Hops (30 min.) 16 IBU
1 oz. Willamette Hops (dryhopped)
3/4 cup Corn Sugar for priming
1 pack #1968 or WLP028 Ale Yeast
S.G. 1.065 IBU 50
"Bonecrusher" Stout (10 gallon recipe, Extract)
This easy-to-make, sweet, easy-drinking Stout is named for a favorite poker game that my brewing partner
and I like to play, but after a few pints of this you may find the name has a double meaning:
14 lbs.
1 lb.
1.5 lb.
3/4 lb.
3/4 lb.
Steinbart's Dark malt extract
Light dry malt extract
Crystal malt, 20L
Black patent malt
Roasted barley
4 oz.
2 oz.
Northern Brewer, 7.5% 60 min.
Fuggles, 5.3% 10 min.
Starting Gravity:
Final Gravity:
Wyeast Irish 1084
10 Gallons
Put crushed malt in grain bag and immerse into 3 gals 165F water in your brew kettle. Rest 20-30 mins,
rinse with 175F water through a strainer, add extract, and bring wort to a boil. After 5 mins, add boiling
hops. After 50 more mins of boil add flavoring hops. Chill and rack into 2 carboys, top each up to 5 gals
with cold waterand pitch yeast. Ferment a week at 60-70F, rack into secondary for 7-10 days, and bottle or
keg. This beer is perfect 4 weeks after bottling. I don't know how good it is after 8 weeks; someday, if I
keep a whole batch to myself, it may last that long.
Numb Skull Strong Ale
The Well of Latis
Numb Skull Strong Ale
Belgian Strong Ale
Extract w/grain
5 gallons
110 HCU (~37 SRM)
Bitterness: 32 IBU
1 lb. Belgian Special B
2 oz. Belgian chocolate
75 minutes
SG 1.090
6 gallons
6 lb. Light dry malt extract
3 lb. Dark dry malt extract
1 lb. Brown sugar
2 lb. Corn sugar
Half tsp of corriander seeds were added during the last 5 minutes of boil
1 oz. Styrian Goldings (5.5% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Styrian Goldings (5.5% AA, 45 min.)
1 oz. Styrian Goldings (5.5% AA, 15 min.)
wyeast #3783, half gallon starter.
2.0 volumes
Keg: 6.8 psi @ 40°F
Carbonation: Actual carbonation was 2-3 days at 50°F 12psi, then stored in fridge
at 40F, 6.8psi (had to finish a different keg to make room first)
Great brew, next time make 10 gallons (or more).
Classic Red Ale
Well, I've been going all-grain for a few weeks now but I decided to move back to simpler times. Not the case exactly, I
wound up scorching the exctract slightly but still saved the beer amaingly. Anyway, this is a very basic and simple recipe. An
easy one with a nice refreshing clean taste so far.
5 gallons
6 2/3 lbs. Northwestern Amber liquid extract
1/2 lb. crystal 10L
1 oz. Kent Golding (AA-4.7%) hop pellets (bittering)
3/4 oz. Hallertau (AA-3.2%) hop pellets (aroma)
3/4 oz. Tettnang (AA-4.7%) hop pellets (flavor)
1 tsp. Irish Moss
3/4 c. dextrose (priming)
2 tsp. Polyclar
1 package wyeast#1056
Brewing Instructions:
Bring 2 quarts water to 155F. Add the crystal 10L. Let steep for 30 minutes. Remove grains. Add 2 1/2 gallons water and
bring this to a boil. Remove from heat and add extract. Return to a boil. Boil for a total of 60 minutes. With the full time
remaining, add Kent Goldings. With 30 minutes left, add Tettnang hops. With 15 minutes left, add Irish Moss, With 10
minutes left, add Hallertau hops. Cool to 80. Add enough water to reach 5 gallon in the fermenter. Add yeast. Simple!
One week in primary@65F.
One week in secondary@65F with Polyclar.
This beer just screams, "I could have been a lager." But it's not, and fortunately for us this ale gives up all the clean character of a
lager without cold fermentation or extended aging. As you may be able to tell from the name, this is a German Ale originally
brewed (by law) only in the town of Koln (Cologne). This is a light beer, very refreshing, not bitter, or hoppy. It isn't a thin beer.
I've added Munich and wheat malt to beef up the body so even at a 1.045 original gravity, the mouth feel isn't weak. The Perle
hops in the boil are just to help balance the beer and the aroma addition is at best faint. But you'll see, a little will go a long way.
5 1/2 lbs Muntons Dry Extra Light Malt Extract
1 lb Munich Malt
1/2 lb Wheat
1 oz Perle Hops 8 HBUs (Boiling) 60 min
1/2 oz Perle (Flavor & Aroma) 3 min
Wyeast German Ale Yeast
1 1/4 cup Dry Malt Extract (for bottling)
3/4 cup Corn sugar
Add the cracked Munich Malt and Wheat Malt to 2 gals of cold water and bring to a boil. When the boiling starts, remove the
grain. Add the Dry Extra Light Malt Extract, then bring to a boil again. Add 1 oz of Perle hops. Boil for 57 mins. Add 1/2 oz of
Perle hops and continue to boil for 3 mins. Sparge the hops with cold water into the fermenter. Add the wort to the fermenter with
cold water to make 5 gals. Add yeast when the temp reaches 70º. Ferment at 65º for 7 days or until fermentation slows. Rack to a
secondary fermenter. Let it age 1 week in secondary then bottle or keg. For bottling, use 1 1/4 cup of dry malt extract boiled with
2 cups of water added in the bottling bucket.
Ambition Amber Ale
- Rich and Malty
* 7 lbs. Amber Malt Extract
* 1 lb. Crystal Malt ( 55 L)
* 2 oz. Willamette Hops
(1 1/2 oz. 60 &
1/2 oz. 10 min.)
* White Labs Yeast British
* 1 Tsp. Irish Moss 30 minutes into boil
* 3/4 cup Corn Sugar for bottle priming
Dublin Dry Stout
6Lbs Dark Dry Malt
8 oz Crystal 80L
1 Lb Roasted Barley
1 Lb Flaked Barley
HOPS: 3 oz Northern Brewer @boil
White Labs Irish Ale Yeast
1 tsp Gypsum @boil
1 tsp Irish Moss @45 minutes
3/4 cup bottling sugar
All Grain Instructions
 Replace Malt Extract with 9 lbs. 2
Row Pale Malt.
 Mash grains for 60 minutes at 155F.
 Sparge with 170F water.
 Follow hop additions per recipe.
1. Fill Brew Pot with 2-3 Gallons of cold fresh water. Preferably bottled spring water to remove the
chlorine. Bring water temperature up to 150F. Add steeping grains to a muslin bag. Tie up bag
and add to brewing pot. Steep grains for 15-20 minutes then remove.
2. Stir in malt extract. Bring wort to a boil watching carefully to prevent a boil over.
3. Once a nice gentle rolling boil is achieved, add in first addition of Northern Brewer hops and 1 tsp
gypsum. Total boiling time will be 60 minutes.
4. At 45 minutes into the boil, add the Irish Moss .
5. After 60 minutes, turn off stove and remove brewing pot from heat. Remove Hops . Cool down
wort as quickly as possible by using a wort chiller or by placing brewing pot into a cold water bath
in your sink.
6. Once wort has reached 70-75F, add to your fermenter. Top up to 5 gallons with fresh water.
Aerate well by placing lid on fermenter and shaking. Remove lid and pitch in brewing yeast. Place
lid tightly on fermenter and attach your airlock.
7. Allow to ferment at 65-70F until complete (typically 7-10 Days) and then either rack to a
secondary, keg or bottle the beer. Wait 10-14 days and enjoy your beer!
O.G.: 1.064
F.G.: 1017-1019
ABV: 6.1%:
I.B.U.'s: 60
Outback Amber Ale
3.3 Lbs Light Malt
3 Lbs Amber Dry Malt
8oz Crystal 40L
12oz Crystal 135-165L
HOPS: 1 oz Chinook @boil
1oz Willamette @30 minutes
1oz Willamette @55minutes
White Labs California Ale Yeast
1 tsp Gypsum @boil
1 tsp Irish Moss @45 minutes
3/4 cup bottling sugar
All Grain Instructions
 Replace Malt Extract with 8
Lbs. 2 Row Pale Malt and 1
Lb. Munich Malt.
 Mash grains for 60 minutes at
 Sparge with 170F water.
 Follow hop additions per
8. Fill Brew Pot with 2-3 Gallons of cold fresh water. Preferably bottled spring water to remove the
chlorine. Bring water temperature up to 150F. Add steeping grains to a muslin bag. Tie up bag
and add to brewing pot. Steep grains for 15-20 minutes then remove.
9. Stir in malt extract. Bring wort to a boil watching carefully to prevent a boil over.
10. Once a nice gentle rolling boil is achieved, add in first addition of Chinook hops and 1 tsp gypsum.
Total boiling time will be 60 minutes.
11. At 30 minutes into the boil, add the 1st addition of Willamette Hops.
12. At 45 minutes into the boil, add the Irish Moss .
13. At 55 minutes into the boil, add the 2nd addition of Willamette Hops.
14. After 60 minutes, turn off stove and remove brewing pot from heat. Remove Hops . Cool down
wort as quickly as possible by using a wort chiller or by placing brewing pot into a cold water bath
in your sink.
15. Once wort has reached 70-75F, add to your fermenter. Top up to 5 gallons with fresh water.
Aerate well by placing lid on fermenter and shaking. Remove lid and pitch in brewing yeast. Place
lid tightly on fermenter and attach your airlock.
16. Allow to ferment at 65-70F until complete (typically 7-10 Days) and then either rack to a
secondary, keg or bottle the beer. Wait 10-14 days and enjoy your beer!
Dark of the Moon Cream Stout
5 pounds, dry dark malt extract
2 pounds, crystal malt 40L
1-1/2 pounds, crystal malt 20L
12 ounce, chocolate malt
4 ounces, roasted barley
6 ounces, dextrin powder
1/2 ounce, Eroica hops (20 BU)
1/4 ounce, Chinook hops (12 BU)
3/4 ounce, Nugget hops (12 BU) (subst. N. Brewer (? BU))
1 ounce, Cascade hops (5 BU)
1 ounce, Eroica hops (4 BU)
Wyeast #1098 British Ale yeast
1 cup DME for priming
Made a yeast starter 3 days before pitching. Used 2 tablespoons DME and 1 cup water. Next time
use 2 cups water. Crack all grains and steep for 30 minutes at about 160 degrees along with the
calcium carbonate. Strain out grains and sparge into about 2-1/2 gallons pre-boiled water. Total boil
about 5 gallons. Add dry malt and dextrin and bring to a boil. Add 1/2 ounce of Eroica and 1/4
ounce of Chinook when boil starts. 30 minutes later add 3/4 ounce Nugget hops. Chill with an
immersion chiller. Rack to a carboy, fill to 5 gallons and let sit overnight to allow the trub to settle
out. The next morning rack it to a plastic primary, pitched the yeast starter, and add the 1 ounce of
Cascades and Eroica hops.
O.G.: 1.053
F.G.: 1.020
Primary Ferment: 1 week
Secondary Ferment: 1 week
I had originally planned for a single stage fermentation, with bottling a week after pitching.
However, there was no time to bottle after a week, so I racked to a secondary glass carboy to get the
beer out of the primary, which does not seal very well. The dry hopping should have been done in
the secondary, but at the time I had no plans for using one. I suspect the hops did not spend much
time in contact with the beer in the primary, as they got pushed up by the krausen and stuck to the
walls. When I bottled 2 weeks after brewing, I tried what might be called "wet hopping." On the
suggestion of sometime brew partner Mike Fetzer, I made a hop tea by steeping 1 ounce N. Brewer
in 2 cups water after the water had just stopped boiling. This was kept covered for about 10
minutes. I bottled half the batch, then added the hop tea and bottled the second half. The bottles
aged in my closet for two weeks before tasting.
This turned out to be a very nice dry stout. It is dark and thick, with a brown head that lasts to the
end and sticks to the side of the glass. The "no tea" beer is not terribly aromatic, and has a noticable
bitter aftertase. The "hop tea" beer is more aromatic, and has a smoother finish, with what I think is
a better blend of flavors. My fiancee likes the "hop tea" beer better as well, but a friend who only
likes dark beers likes the "no tea" beer better.
Sparky's After-Burner Brew
3.3 pounds, John Bull amber malt extract
1/2 pound, crystal malt
1/2 pound, dark dry malt
1/2 pound, corn sugar
10, fresh Jalapeno peppers
2 ounces, Cascade hops
Munton & Fison ale yeast
Chop up Jalapeno peppers and boil them with the wort for 30 minutes or so. Strain them out when
pouring wort into primary. Rack to secondary about 4 hours after pitching yeast.
Note: When handling jalapenos, be sure to wash hands thoroughly or wear rubber gloves. You'll
find out why if you are a contact lens wearer. (I discovered this the hard way---making pickles, not
beer.) --- Ed.
O.G.: 1.020
F.G.: 1.002
Primary Ferment: 4 hours
Secondary Ferment: 8 days
The beer is amber, clear, has enough hops for me, and has a great spicy (bordering on hot)
Pepper Beer
6 pounds, Anderson light malt extract
8 ounces, light crystal malt
1--1/2 ounces, Cascade hops (boil)
1/2 ounce, Cascade hops (finish)
Wyeast pilsner yeast
several peppers (serrano, jalapeno), sliced
Ferment at 50 degrees (primary). Secondary at 45 degrees. At bottling place a piece of pepper in a
dozen bottles. Some serranos, some jalapenos and a variety of sizes. tician's Delight"?
OG: 1105-1120
FG: 1038
Most people said to introduce the peppers into the beer as late as possible, so I'm going to just put a
slice in a few bottles and see how it goes. This way I don't blow a whole 5 gallons on this little
Mel's Abby Brew
This is a Chimmay clone. It has a high specific gravity and needs alot of yeast. The Belgium Abby yeast
was slow in starting so I pitched 2 packets of ale yeast. I'm sure the flavor would be better with just the
abby yeast but I don't think it would ferment as well. I also pitched a packet of Champaign yeast in the
secondary. This beer won't take you to heaven but it will get you close enough to see the pearly gates! You
may not see God but you will be talking to him after just two of these.
Mel's Abby
Belgian Strong Ale
5 gallons
Bitterness: 9 IBU
8.8% v/v (6.9% w/w)
Bottled water
1 lb. Belgian Special B
4 oz. American chocolate
30 mins at 160 F
2 gallons
minutes 1.215
8 lb. Light dry malt extract
1 lb. Belgian candi sugar
4 oz. Molasses
Irish Moss was pitiched in the wort with 15 mins left.
2 oz. Tettnanger (4.5% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Saaz (3.75% AA, 30 min.)
Belgium Abby with an assist from ale yeast and Red Star Champaign yeast pitched in the
seconday. The third stage fermenting makes for a very smooth beer.
Fermented 8 days in primary. 10 days in secondary with champaign yeast pitched in the
secondary. The beer was then transferred to a glass carboy for 4 weeks. It had a very strong
alcohol taste after 4 weeks in the bottles but that has mellowed out with time. It just keeps
getting better.
Carbonation: 3/4 cups sugar used for priming
6 lb Munton Fison DME
¼ lb Black Patent malt
½ lb Roasted Barley
¼ lb British Chocolate malt
½ lb British crystal malt 60° L
½ lb Lactose
1 oz Challenger hops
5 oz priming sugar
1084 Irish Ale yeast
Steep specialty grains for 20 mins. In 2-3 gal. water.
Remove grains and bring to boil.
Add DME, lactose and hops. Stir well.
Boil 60 minutes.
After 60 min. boil, chill wort to 70° and pitch yeast.
Ferment 5 days in primary.
Rack to secondary for another 5 days.
Prime and bottle.
Bottle condition at room temp for 14 days.
Serve at 55°
SG: 1.062
FG: 1.017
This beer has a very creamy mouth feel. A very good sweet stout due to
the lactose. I highly recommend this brew.
6.6 lbs. Unhopped light malt extract
4 oz crystal malt 20° L
4 oz black patent malt
2 oz chocolate malt
1 ½ oz Willamette hop pellets (bittering)
¾ oz Cascade hop pellets (flavoring)
½ oz Cascade hop pellets (aroma)
½ tsp Irish Moss
liquid ale yeast
¾ cup corn sugar
With 5 gallons water add specialty grains in grain bag.
Bring water to 170° and remove grains.
Bring to boil, add extract and Willamette hops.
Return to boil.
At 30 minutes add ¾ oz Cascade hops.
At 45 minutes add Irish Moss.
At 60 minutes add ½ oz Cascade hops.
Chill wort to 65 - 70, pitch yeast.
Ferment for 14 days at 68°.
Prime and bottle.
SG: 1.048
FG: 1.013
Belgian Triple
8 lbs.. Dark Malt Extract
1 lb
Light Brown Sugar
3/4 cup Corn Sugar (priming)
2 lb
Pilsner Malt
1/2 lb
Caramel-Pils Malt
1 1/2 oz Hallertauer (bittering)
1 oz
Fuggles (flavoring)
1/2 oz Saaz (finishing)
Yeast: Glenbrew or Edme dry ale yeast, or Wyeast # 1214 or 3944
Yeast nutrient (optional)
Starting Gravity: 1.074
Ending Gravity: 1.016
Make any water adjustments first. It is best to boil as much (up to 5 gallons) as your brew-pot will hold. Be
careful not to overfill or cover your brew-pot when boiling, this will cause a boil over.
The use of a grain bag is highly recommended. Place grains in grain bag, and put into 160 degree water. Cover,
turn fire off, let steep for 30 min. Remove grain bag and bring water to a boil. Turn off the heat (to prevent
scorching), and mix in the malt extracts and any other adjuncts. When fully dissolved, turn the heat back on and
return the wort to a rolling boil. Add the bittering hops, continue to boil for 50 min. Add the flavoring hops,
continue to boil for 5 min. Add the finishing hops and continue to boil for 5 more min. The use of hop socks make
the addition and removal of hops much easier.
After you have boiled your wort for a full 60 min, remove all hops and add water to reach 5 gallons. Cool to 75
degrees and add yeast. Shake your fermenter vigorously for 5 min. to aerate the wort. Remember, your yeast
needs oxygen to live and grow. Attach the blow-off hose to the fermenter and place the other end into a
container of water to form an air-lock. Rack into secondary fermenter after krueson has begun to subside.
German Bock
3 lbs.. Amber Malt Extract
5 lbs
Dark Malt Extract
3/4 cup Corn Sugar (priming)
1 1/2 lb. Pilsner Malt
1 lb
Munich Malt
1 lb
Dark Crystal Malt
1 1/2 oz Hallertauer (bittering)
1 oz
Hallertauer (flavoring)
1/2 oz Hallertauer (finishing)
Yeast: Glenbrew or Edme dry ale yeast, or Wyeast # 1007 or 1338
Yeast nutrient (optional)
1/4 tsp
1/4 tsp
Burton Water
Make any water adjustments first. It is best to boil as much (up to 5 gallons) as your brew-pot will hold. Be
careful not to overfill or cover your brew-pot when boiling, this will cause a boil over.
The use of a grain bag is highly recommended. Place grains in grain bag, and put into 160 degree water. Cover,
turn fire off, let steep for 30 min. Remove grain bag and bring water to a boil. Turn off the heat (to prevent
scorching), and mix in the malt extracts and any other adjuncts. When fully dissolved, turn the heat back on and
return the wort to a rolling boil. Add the bittering hops, continue to boil for 50 min. Add the flavoring hops,
continue to boil for 5 min. Add the finishing hops and continue to boil for 5 more min. The use of hop socks make
the addition and removal of hops much easier.
After you have boiled your wort for a full 60 min, remove all hops and add water to reach 5 gallons. Cool to 75
degrees and add yeast. Shake your fermenter vigorously for 5 min. to aerate the wort. Remember, your yeast
needs oxygen to live and grow. Attach the blow-off hose to the fermenter and place the other end into a
container of water to form an air-lock. Rack into secondary fermenter after krueson has begun to subside.
American Cream Ale
4 1/2
Light Malt Extract
Brewer's Corn
2 lbs..
Corn Sugar
3/4 cup
1 lb.
Cara-pils Malt
1 lb
Six Row Malt
1 oz
1 oz
1 oz
Cascade (flavoring)
Cascade or
Willamettes (finishing)
Yeast: EDME or Nottingham dry ale yeast, or Wyeast # 1056
Yeast nutrient (optional)
Starting Gravity: 1.046
Ending Gravity: 1.012
Make any water adjustments first. It is best to boil as much (up to 5 gallons) as your brew-pot will hold. Be
careful not to overfill or cover your brew-pot when boiling, this will cause a boil over.
The use of a grain bag is highly recommended. Place grains in grain bag, and put into 160 degree water. Cover,
turn fire off, let steep for 30 min. Remove grain bag and bring water to a boil. Turn off the heat (to prevent
scorching), and mix in the malt extracts and any other adjuncts. When fully dissolved, turn the heat back on and
return the wort to a rolling boil. Add the bittering hops, continue to boil for 50 min. Add the flavoring hops,
continue to boil for 5 min. Add the finishing hops and continue to boil for 5 more min. The use of hop socks make
the addition and removal of hops much easier.
After you have boiled your wort for a full 60 min, remove all hops and add water to reach 5 gallons. Cool to 75
degrees and add yeast nutrient and yeast. Shake your fermenter vigorously for 5 min. to aerate the wort.
Remember, your yeast needs oxygen to live and grow. Attach the blow-off hose to the fermenter and place the
other end into a container of water to form an air-lock. Rack into secondary fermenter after krueson has begun
to subside.
American Pale Ale
6 lbs.. Light Malt Extract
3/4 cup Corn Sugar (priming)
1 lb.
Cara-pils Malt
1 lb
Two Row Malt
1/2 lb
Medium Crystal Malt
2 oz
Cascade (bittering)
1 oz
Cascade (flavoring)
1 oz
Cascade (finishing)
Yeast: Glenbrew or Edme dry ale yeast, or Wyeast # 1056 or 1007
Yeast nutrient (optional)
1/2 tsp.
Burton Water
Make any water adjustments first. It is best to boil as much (up to 5 gallons) as your brew-pot will hold. Be
careful not to overfill or cover your brew-pot when boiling, this will cause a boil over.
The use of a grain bag is highly recommended. Place grains in grain bag, and put into 160 degree water. Cover,
turn fire off, let steep for 30 min. Remove grain bag and bring water to a boil. Turn off the heat (to prevent
scorching), and mix in the malt extracts and any other adjuncts. When fully dissolved, turn the heat back on and
return the wort to a rolling boil. Add the bittering hops, continue to boil for 50 min. Add the flavoring hops,
continue to boil for 5 min. Add the finishing hops and continue to boil for 5 more min. The use of hop socks make
the addition and removal of hops much easier.
After you have boiled your wort for a full 60 min, remove all hops and add water to reach 5 gallons. Cool to 75
degrees and add yeast nutrient and yeast. Shake your fermenter vigorously for 5 min. to aerate the wort.
Remember, your yeast needs oxygen to live and grow. Attach the blow-off hose to the fermenter and place the
other end into a container of water to form an air-lock. Rack into secondary fermenter after krueson has begun
to subside.
Red Ale
6 lbs.. Amber Malt Extract
3/4 cup Corn Sugar (priming)
1 lb.
Light Crystal Malt
1 lb
Cara-Pils Malt
1/2 lb
Belgian Cara-Vienne
1/4 lb
Special "B" Malt
2/3 oz Clusters (bittering)
1/2 oz Cascades (flavoring)
1/2 oz Cascades (finishing)
Yeast: Nottingham or Edme dry ale yeast, or Wyeast # 1028, or 1098 or 1968
Yeast nutrient (optional)
1/2 tsp
Make any water adjustments first. It is best to boil as much (up to 5 gallons) as your brew-pot will hold. Be
careful not to overfill or cover your brew-pot when boiling, this will cause a boil over.
The use of a grain bag is highly recommended. Place grains in grain bag, and put into 160 degree water. Cover,
turn fire off, let steep for 30 min. Remove grain bag and bring water to a boil. Turn off the heat (to prevent
scorching), and mix in the malt extracts and any other adjuncts. When fully dissolved, turn the heat back on and
return the wort to a rolling boil. Add the bittering hops, continue to boil for 50 min. Add the flavoring hops,
continue to boil for 5 min. Add the finishing hops and continue to boil for 5 more min. The use of hop socks make
the addition and removal of hops much easier.
After you have boiled your wort for a full 60 min, remove all hops and add water to reach 5 gallons. Cool to 75
degrees and add yeast nutrient and yeast. Shake your fermenter vigorously for 5 min. to aerate the wort.
Remember, your yeast needs oxygen to live and grow. Attach the blow-off hose to the fermenter and place the
other end into a container of water to form an air-lock. Rack into secondary fermenter after krueson has begun
to subside.
Old Ale
4 lbs.. Amber Malt Extract
3 lbs
Dark Malt Extract
5/8 cup Corn Sugar (priming)
1/2 lb. Cara-Pils Malt
2 lbs
Dark Crystal Malt
1/2 lb
Dark Munich Malt
1 1/2 oz Fuggles (bittering)
1 1/2 oz Fuggles (flavoring)
1 oz
Fuggles (finishing)
Yeast: EDME or Windsor dry ale yeast, or Wyeast # 1028 or 1098 or 1968
Yeast nutrient (optional)
1/2 tsp
Burton Water
Make any water adjustments first. It is best to boil as much (up to 5 gallons) as your brew-pot will hold. Be
careful not to overfill or cover your brew-pot when boiling, this will cause a boil over.
The use of a grain bag is highly recommended. Place grains in grain bag, and put into 160 degree water. Cover,
turn fire off, let steep for 30 min. Remove grain bag and bring water to a boil. Turn off the heat (to prevent
scorching), and mix in the malt extracts and any other adjuncts. When fully dissolved, turn the heat back on and
return the wort to a rolling boil. Add the bittering hops, continue to boil for 50 min. Add the flavoring hops,
continue to boil for 5 min. Add the finishing hops and continue to boil for 5 more min. The use of hop socks make
the addition and removal of hops much easier.
After you have boiled your wort for a full 60 min, remove all hops and add water to reach 5 gallons. Cool to 75
degrees and add yeast nutrient and yeast. Shake your fermenter vigorously for 5 min. to aerate the wort.
Remember, your yeast needs oxygen to live and grow. Attach the blow-off hose to the fermenter and place the
other end into a container of water to form an air-lock. Rack into secondary fermenter after krueson has begun
to subside.
Light Chocolate Stout
This is a well balanced, roasty chocolate flavored porter which can be served at room temperatures or chilled. This batch
has proved to be very good! I actually prefer it served at room temperature, but it's good whether room temp or chilled. If
you love chocolate, you'll love this. If you don't like chocolate, why are you reading this? :) Enjoy!!
5 gallons
6 2/3 lbs. Northwestern 'dark' extract
1/4 lb. black patent
1/4 lb. roasted barley
1 lb. crystal 20L
1 cup molasses
1 cup brown sugar
6 ozs. Hershey's unsweetend bakers chocolate
1 oz. Perle (AA-8.3%) fresh hops (bittering)
1 oz. East Kent Gold (AA-5.7%) fresh hops (bittering)
1/4 oz. Tettnanger (AA-4.7%) hop pellets (aroma)
1 tsp. Irish Moss
3/4 c. dextrose (priming)
2 tsp. Polyclar
1 package EDME dry ale yeast
Brewing Instructions:
Add black patent, roasted barley, and crystal 20L to 1.5 gallons cold water. Crank up the heat. In the meantime, heat 1 gallon
of water to 170F in a separate stainless-steel pot. When the pot with the grains in it comes to a boil, remove them (the
grains) immediately. Sparge the grains with the 170F water that you heated previously. You should now have about 2.5
gallons of water/grain concoction. Bring this to a boil and then remove from the heat. Add molasses, brown sugar, dark
extract, and the bakers chocolate (n.b. this is not choclate malt). Bring this to a boil. When boiling commences, add the
bittering hops (Perle and E. Kent). Boil for 60 minutes total. With 15 minutes left in the boil, add Irish Moss. With 4 minutes
left in the boil, add the Tettnager hop pellets. Cool to about 80F and add to fermenter. Add enough water to yield 5 gallons.
Rehydrate the yeast and pitch it. That's it!
One week in primary@65F.
One week in secondary@65F with Polyclar.
Description: M.O.B.A.T.
(My own black and tan)
Partial Mash
This looks like it's going to be a challenge brewing but it's really not. You have to brew two beers(stout and ale)and then
combine them at fermentation. It wasn't that bad to do and if the results are good I'll do it again.Well here it goes.If you
make this let me know how you like it.This came out bitter as well In the all grain So I didn't increase the hops as much in
the conversion.
Size: 5 gallon
These are the grains for the Ale:
4lb. light Dme
2 oz Dextrine Malt
2 1/2 oz Caraviena Malt 21 L
1/2 oz German Hallertau pellets(H.B.U. .75)bittering
1/2 oz Kent Golds (fresh leaf)(H.B.U.2.8)bittering
1/2 oz Fuggles (fresh leaf)(H.B.U.1) aroma
These are the grains for the Stout:
2 lb. Dark Dme
2 oz Dextrine Malt
1 oz Roasted
1 oz Chocolate
1 1/2 oz Crystal 80L
1 cinnamon stick
1/2 oz Northern Brewers (fresh leaf)(H.B.U.2.8)bittering
1/2 oz Fuggles (fresh leaf)(H.B.U.1) aroma
Finishing stuff:
1/4 tsp. Irish moss
1 tsp.Polyclar(dissolved)
1 pack Nottinghams yest(Rehydrated)
2 1/2 Tbs.Dextrous(dissolved in cooled boiled water)
Brewing Instructions
The instructions are the same for both beers.Steep all grains at 150f. for 30 1/2 gallon of
water.Sparge wit 1/2 gallon of 150f. water and add enough water to get 3 gallons. Bring this to a
boil and add the DME. Bring back to a boil and add the bittering hops. Boil this for 45 min. and
than add the aroma hoips and the Irish moss. Boil for anothe 15min. and cool.Combine both beers
and pitch yeast.Fermentation:
Primary:1 week @ 68F
Sendary:1 week @ 68F with polyclar
Vanilla Stout
Ingredients(for 5 gal):
4.5 lbs. Dark Malt Extract
4.0 lbs. Pale Malt Extract
1.0 lbs. Breiss 120L Crystal Malt
.25 lbs. Breiss Chocolate Malt
.25 lbs. Breiss Black Patent Malt
.25 lbs. Breiss Malted Wheat
2 oz. Domestic Whole Willamette Hops
Wyeast #1084 Irish Ale
8 oz. Lactose (unfermentable milk sugar)
1 Whole Vanilla Bean
1/2 CUP Priming Sugar
Steep the grains for 30 mins. at 150 degrees
remove from heat and add all the extract
Bring to a boil and add half of the hops, add the remaining hops 30 mins.
later & continue to boil for 30 more mins.
remove from heat and cool to 80 degrees or below, & pitch yeast
primary fermentation 10 days
secondary- add whole vanilla, in glass for 21 days
boil lactose and priming sugar in 2 1/2 cups of water for 10 mins. when
Red Irish Stout
6 lbs. Amber malt extract
1 lb. Amber DME
1.4 lbs. Dark malt extract "kicker"
4 oz. Malto-Dextrine
.5 lbs. Flaked barley
.5 lbs. Roasted barley
.5 lbs. Belgian Special-B
.5 lbs. Chocolate
1 lb. Crystal 60L
2 oz. Northern Brewer (5%)
1 oz. Cascade (3.5&)
Steep grains in about 2 gal. of water; bring to boil. Boil for about 5-10
min, and let grains steep 40 min. Wring out grain bag and remove. Add
extracts and malto-dextrin; boil for 45 min to an hour. Add northern
brewer hops and boil for 35 min. Add cascade and boil 15 min. Cool
wort, add water to bring to final volume and place in fermenter. Ferment
with Wyeast Irish stout or english ale yeast.
I'm not one to brag, but this was a damn good beer. It turned out a VERY
dark red color, with a creamy, brown head. At first I tought it would be
too sweet, but the hops come through just right.
Jalapeno Creme Ale
6.6 lbs light malt extract
1/2 lb Carapils Dextrine (Roasting is optional)
1 oz Cascade bittering hops (4.4% is what my bag says)
1/2 oz Cascade aroma hops (Yep still 4.4%)
2 to 3 dozen Fresh Jalapeno Peppers (you do the slicing)
Dry ale yeast of your choice
If you have extra cash send it to me - don't spend it on liquid yeast
This is a basic beer for perpetual inventory. Once you've brewed and tasted
this - you will not want to be without - Ever! Yes some of your wimpier
friends will say "Its too hot" but hey who wants to hang out with wimpy
friends anyway? So..take the plunge...Its why you started homebrewing in the
first place! To make something unique - and GREAT.
Now everyone seems to brew a little bit differently so here's hoow I do it in
case you care.
Slowly bring 2.75 gallons of water to boil while steeping the carapils (usually
25 - 30 minutes). Remove the grains prior to boil. Move to lower heat to stir in
the malt...Return to higher heat and bring to low rolling boil...Add bittering
hops. Maintain low rolling boil for 40 minutes...Add aroma hops and diced
Jalapeno's and boil 5 more minutes. Move to cooling tank for 20 minutes. Fill
fermenter with 2 1/2 gallons cold water...Add wort & pitch yeast. 7 days in
primary and 7 days in secondary. If you get cold feet move to the secondary
after 4 days instead of 7. Don't transfer any peppers into the secondary. Use
one cup of corn sugar when bottling...Very very drinkable after 7 days in the
bottle. Maybe you just get used to it but it seems to me to get milder over time.
Damn It" Ale (Lo Carb)
Extracts & Grains
Munton & Fison Extra Light
3.3 pounds
1.0 1 can of LME
Laaglander Light DME
1.0 pounds
Crystal 40
1.0 pounds
5.1 Steeped
Special Roast
4 ounces
1.4 Steeped
Belgian Chocolate
2 ounces
6.7 Steeped
Resulting Brew Totals
Lov. Comments
Northern Brewer
AA% IBU Type
bittering 1.0 ounces
60 min
28.9 pellet
Moot Hood
1.0 ounces
13 min
4.3 pellet
1.0 ounces
1 min
dry hop
1.0 ounces
Resulting Brew Totals
Other Stuff
Water Salts: my tap water concentration of calcium is low at about 20-25 ppm so I added 1 tsp of gypsum
Irish Moss: 2.0 tsp. added with the bittering hops
Yeast: 2.0 package M&F dry
Primed with: 3/4 cup Corn Sugar
Brewing Notes
I used a 3 gal. partial boil (all my water treated with an activated carbon filter); all the specialty grains were put in a steeping bag
to facilitate removal and they went into the pot when the pot went on the stove - removed at 175F. When boiling started, I added
the extract, bittering hops, water salts, Irish Moss, and sat back to wait. I added the remaining hops as noted above. Yeast pitched
when wort cooled to 75F; transferred to secondary when the ferment settled down, and waited two weeks for the brew to clear,
bottled it up and waited three weeks to see what was happening ...
If you're in need of a "lite" for whatever reason, I guarantee that this brew is much more satisfactory than any commercial offering
currently available that I'm aware of. It pours us clear as a bell, with a satisfactory head, and looks like a Bass in color.
Admitedly, it is thin in taste (don't forget, it is a low gravity beer), but the hoppiness makes it less noticeable .. I found that I really
only noticed the thinness during the first couple of sips, and after that I found it to be quite drinkable ..
I have also made this brew using a 4# can of Alexander's Pale LME and no DME .. The OGs were almost identical; I never did a
side-by-side but both recipes turn out a satisfactory low-gravity lite beer ..
Green Chili Beerito
Spiced Beers
Recipe Type
One of the advantages of running the Oregon State Fair competition has been access to
winning recipes -- and the permission to reproduce them at will. The following beer took 1st
Place in the Specialty Beer category, and is, I thought, a really tasty item. Ken Kane, of
Portland, seems to brew nothing but spiced and fruit beers, and has gotten quite innovative
and skillful at it. If memory serves, he's won this category repeatedly (including a
pumpernickel beer and a sage beer).
I realize there's a little information missing, but it ought to provide a good start -- and it
was a really tasty beer, for those who like chili beers.
7.00 lbs
1.00 lbs
1.00 lbs
Alexander's Pale extract
Dextrin malt
Vienna (presumably Briess)
.25 oz
.25 oz
.50 oz.
Kent Golding & 1/4 oz. Clusters after 5 min.
KG & 1/4 oz. Clusters after 20 & 40 min.
Mt Hood after 58 min.
2.00 tsp.
2.00 whole,
gypsum in 60 min. boil
roasted Hatch Chiis & 2 oz. chopped New Mexico chilis
Whitbred Lager yeast
The grains are mashed at 122F for 30 min; 152F for 10 min; 158F for 20
Fermented at 65F for 10 days with Whitbred Lager yeast.
Oak Shadow Ale
Juniper Dunes - Catamount Grange
Oak Shadow Ale
English Dark Mild
6.5 gallons
34 HCU (~17 SRM)
23 IBU
4.7% v/v (3.7% w/w)
My tap water tastes good, so that's what I use.
I do boil it ahead of time to drive off the chlorine.
I'll also aerate the chilled wort.
60 minutes
SG 1.101
3 gallons
3 lb. Amber dry malt extract
2 lb. Dark dry malt extract
1 lb. Honey
1 lb. Light malt extract
1 oz. Kent Goldings (5.7% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Kent Goldings (5.7% AA, 30 min.)
1 oz. Perle (7.6% AA, 15 min.)
1 oz. Perle (aroma)
I use 2 T light spray malt plus 1 crushed B-1 tablet in 1 pint water to rehydrate Nottingham
dry ale yeast.
1.7 volumes
Dried Malt Extract: 5.27 oz. for 6.3 gallons @ 73°F
Carbonation: Malt is dissolved in 1 cup boiling water along with 1 packet of unflavored gelatin as a bottle
Clemtek Pale #1
Clemtek Pale
American Pale Ale
5.2 gallons
Bitterness: 20 IBU
6.8% v/v (5.3% w/w)
6 gallons
minutes 1.054
2 lb. Light dry malt extract
6 lb. 6 oz. Light malt extract
1 oz. Kent Goldings (5% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (5% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (aroma)
Using Wyeast Irish Ale, matured in a previous batch.
11/23-New wort chiller used for first time, so the begin boil was 6gal. Use of harvested
yeast provided extremely active fermentation after only 2 hours. Boil went 70 minutes to
reduce final volume to 5.25 gal.
Corn Sugar: 5.07 oz. for 5 gallons @ 72°F
Brother Bernardo's Honey Ale
Honey Ale
American Pale Ale
5 gallons
Bitterness: 28 IBU
6.2% v/v (4.8% w/w)
All H20 filtered with a Purr water filter.
4 gallons
minutes 1.065
3 lb. Light dry malt extract
.5 lb. Corn sugar
2.5 lb. Honey
1.5 oz. Cascade (5.6% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (aroma)
One package of Munton-Fison dry ale yeast. Rehydrate in 1 cup 100 F H20 15 minutes
before pitch. Pitched when wort was 82 F.
First made on Saint Nicholas' day, 2002.
Boiled 4 gals H20 with dry malt extract, corn sugar, honey, and boiling hops. Boiled for 56
minutes, then added finishing hops for last four minutes of the boil. Cooled as quickly as I
was able (not having a wort chiller at the time I used a bath tub of ice water). Added about
1.5 gals of water to carboy to bring final yeild up to 5 gals.
I did not bother racking into a secondary fermenter. The beer was fermented and done after
23 days at a near constant 68 F.
After bottling, aged for a mere two weeks.
Carbonation: Add 3/4 of a cup of corn sugar at bottling
A very smooth, slightly spicey (from the honey and cascade hops) ale. Just right for fall's
chilling (but not bitting) temperatures. This beer never had a chance to grow old. What is it
about a home brewed beer and suddenly so many new, and renewed, friends?
Victory Ale
Funky Monk
Victory Ale
American Pale Ale
Extract w/grain
5 gallons
7 HCU (~6 SRM)
11 IBU
5.4% v/v (4.3% w/w)
Straight up unfiltered Philly tap water. Might as well have the original taste of the
hometown in it!
1.0 lb. Crystal
1 pound of Crystal(60L) steeped in a sock from cold 'till just before boilin'.
60 minutes
SG 1.135
2 gallons
6 lb. M&F Extra Light DME
1/2 tsp Irish Moss.
1 oz. Fuggles (5% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Fuggles (5% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Fuggles (aroma)
EasYeast London Ale
Carbonation: Used 3/4 cup dextrose in 1 cup of boiled water.
Pale Ale
Adam L. Crawford
Pale Ale
American Pale Ale
Extract w/grain
5 gallons
15 HCU (~9 SRM)
Bitterness: 61 IBU
4.3% v/v (3.4% w/w)
1 lb. American crystal 40L
60 minutes
SG 1.075
3 gallons
3.3 lb. Light malt extract
2 lb. Light dry malt extract
1.5 oz. Chinook (12% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 10 min.)
.5 oz. Chinook (12% AA, 10 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (aroma)
American Ale yeast
Carbonation: 2.6 volumes
Corn Sugar: 4.74 oz. for 5 gallons @ 70°F
Red Bettle Brew
Chris Chow
Red Bettle Brew
American Pale Ale
Extract w/grain
5.5 gallons
13 HCU (~9 SRM)
28 IBU
5.4% v/v (4.2% w/w)
water from publix coin-op despenser. 1 tsp gypsym salts
8 oz. American crystal 20L
8 oz. British Carastan
160°F for 30 mins.
60 minutes
SG 1.095
3 gallons
4.0 lb. Light malt extract
3.3 lb. Light malt extract
1 tsp Irish moss at last 15 mins.
1 oz. Centennial (6% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Centennial (6% AA, 30 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 15 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (aroma)
1056 American Ale shampoo tube
started 3-26-2001 at 10pm active fermentation the next morning. temp ~78°F
Carbonation: in bottle w/corn sugar
i hope its good!!! Mmmmmm.. beerrr...
Andy's Amber Ale
Dan Eble &
Amber Ale
American Pale Ale
5 gallons
Bitterness: 50 IBU
5.7% v/v (4.4% w/w)
Half teaspoon gypsum at start of boil. We have soft and neutral water around here. Thank
you lake Erie.
1 lb. American crystal 40L
3 gallons
minutes 1.093
5.5 lb. Light dry malt extract
.5 lb. Corn sugar
200 F for ten minutes, cool to 160, then back up to 190 F for the rest of the boil. Find a way
to rapidly cool this batch to get the ferment going FAST. Lots of sugars,so you want the
ferment going fast. This batch took off after only twelve hours. Really going at 24hrs.Added
Irish moss at end of boil.
1 oz. Northern Brewer (8.5% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Northern Brewer (8.5% AA, 45 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 30 min.)
.5 oz. Northern Brewer (8.5% AA, 30 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (aroma)
American Ale 1056 liquid
8 days in primary. Ten in conditioning. Added corn sugar at "pigging" Also added a bit of
Poly Clar and half teaspoon ascorbic acid.
Carbonation: bouncy, careful not to ever prime this stuff
Will try using Galena hops for bittering next time. Will decrease corn sugar a bit.
Monk's Pale Ale
Monk's Pale Ale
English Pale Ale
Extract w/grain
5 gallons
10 HCU (~7 SRM)
Bitterness: 33 IBU
6.1% v/v (4.8% w/w)
1 lb. British Crystal
Steeped one pound of 10°L crystal for 30 minutes.
75 minutes
SG 1.095
3 gallons
6 lb. Munton's Extra Light DME
1 tsp Irish moss at 10 minutes out....
1 oz. Northern Brewer (7.8% AA, 75 min.)
1 oz. Northern Brewer (7.8% AA, 20 min.)
.5 oz. East Kent Goldings (aroma)
EasYeast London Ale
Brewed 06/11/02
Carbonation: 3/4 cup dextrose added at bottling
We'll See!!!!!
No Name Pale Ale
Big Shot
No Name
Pale Ale
English Pale Ale
5 gallons
Bitterness: 49 IBU
5.6% v/v (4.4% w/w)
I use Crystal Springs mountain spring water. My tap water has chloramines.
8 oz. American crystal 20L
1 oz. Roasted barley
I steeped the grain at 155° for 35 minutes in a grain bag.
3. gallons
6 lb. Light dry malt extract
1 oz. Fuggles (5.1% AA, 60 min.)
.6 oz. Perle (5.6% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Kent Goldings (5.6% AA, 45 min.)
1 oz. Fuggles (5.1% AA, 30 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (5.6% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (aroma)
I brewed on short notice, so I used Munton's Gold dry yeast. I pitched 2 packs. It kicks butt.
I have a problem keeping my fermentation temp below 75 degrees. This time I used a wet
towel and put my fermenter in a pan of water. It kept it at 70 degrees. It spent 4 days in the
primary and 6 days in the secondary. I guessed at the FG because I broke my hydrometer,
again. It was 1.014 when I racked to the secondary.
Carbonation: I used 3/4 cup corn sugar and bottle conditioned.
I used the Perles just because they were in the freezer. I needed to use them up. It was a
little more bitter than style, but I like it that way.
English Cream Ale
Trevor Bernier
English Cream Ale
Cream Ale
Extract w/grain
5 gallons
16 HCU (~10 SRM)
Bitterness: 26 IBU
6.3% v/v (4.9% w/w)
Add 1 tsp. gypsum to the boil for 60 minutes.
1 lb. American victory
Boil 1 gallon water. Remove from heat. Steep Victory malt in a muslin
bag for 45 minutes. Sparge grains with 1 gallon boiling water.
60 minutes
SG 1.151
2 gallons
6.6 lb. Irek's Munich light malt extract
1 lb. Dark brown sugar
Use liquid from sparged grain for boil. Add 1 gallon water and bring
to a boil. Add all malt extract and sugar. Add hops as scheduled.
Add 1 tsp. Irish Moss to boil for last 10 minutes
.5 oz. Chinook (12% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Kent Goldings (5% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Chinook (12% AA, 30 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (5% AA, 10 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (5% AA, 2 min.)
Use dry Whitbred ale yeast. Rehydrate in 1/2 cup warm water for ten
minutes before pitching.
Dry hop by adding 1 ounce Kent Goldings pellets directly to primary
fermenter. Allow fermentation to proceed for 1 week. Siphon brew into
glass carboy leaving behind the majority of the hops. Allow brew to
finish fermentation for approximately 4-5 more days. Originally brewed
7/1/97, bottled 7/12/97.
Carbonation: Prime using 1 cup light DME.
Tasted after five days and the carbonation was good. Flavor was a
little strong, but very good and I'm sure it will mellow some with time.
Using DME to prime does give brew a creamy texture.
Olde Moses II
Wade Jensen Email:
Olde Moses II Style:
Barley Wine
5 gallons
Bitterness: 36 IBU
10.9% v/v (8.6% w/w)
2 lb. 0 oz. American crystal 20L
1 lb. 0 oz. American crystal 60L
1 lb. 0 oz. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
Bring water to 150 degrees, then steep crystal malts, in a steeping bag, for 45 minutes.
Remove grains, drain them until they stop dripping. Sparge with 1 gallon hot water to get as
much of the "goodness" out of the grains, and again drain as much as possible.
3 gallons
minutes 1.191
14 lb. 0 oz. Light malt extract
Add Malt Extract and Dextrine. Bring water to boil. Add hops at times indicated, the first
hop addition starting to clock on the boil.
2 oz. Perle (7.5% AA, 60 min.)
2 oz. Perle (7.5% AA, 30 min.)
2 oz. Perle (7.5% AA, 15 min.)
2 oz. Fuggles (aroma)
Wyeast Belgian Ale
Carbonation: 3/4 cups corn sugar added at racking time.
Creamy English Ale
Brewer: Tim
Creamy English Ale
English Brown
5 gallons
15 HCU (~10 SRM)
Alcohol: Grain:
1 lb. British crystal 40L
Crack British crystal 40L steep 15 min. @ 170. Strain and add to boil
60 minutes
SG 1.225
1.5 gallons
6 lb. Light dry malt extract
1 lb. Amber dry malt extract
8 oz. Brown sugar
add Irish Moss and Northern Brewer last 15 minutes.
1 oz. Northern Brewer (5% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Kent Goldings (8.5% AA, 15 min.)
Wyeast 1028 Very violent action for three days
Primary in carboy for 7 days. Rack
Very creamy strong ale. Head just perfect after 4 weeks in bottle. You better be sittin' down if
you plan to have a few.
Solstice Strong Ale
Alex Baillieul Email:
Strong Ale
Strong Scotch Ale
5 gallons
Bitterness: 29 IBU
7.8% v/v (6.1% w/w)
1.5 lb. American crystal 20L
.25 lb. Roasted barley
Steep grains for 30 minutes in 2.5 gallons of 150 F water.
2.5 gallons
minutes 1.159
3 lb. Light malt extract
4 lb. Amber malt extract
3 lb. Dark malt extract
Next time, just one type of extract can be used. Probably amber. And don't forget the Irish
2 oz. Target (10% AA, 60 min.)
White Labs Edinburgh Ale Yeast. 1 pint starter. In future, a larger starter should be used as
this was slow to begin fermenting.
1 week primary 67 F. 12 days secondary at 45 F. 1 week at 67 F. Added one packet of
gelatin in water to the secondary.
Carbonation: 4 oz corn sugar
VERY hoppy at bottling. Not unpleasant, but strong. Also, the color is not quite as dark as
shown on the page. Outstanding flavor after 6 weeks in the bottle. Hops ahve subsided, and
it is incredibly malty with an amazing head. Good stuff, but too much can do you in.
Devil Dog Stout
Brewer: Funky Monk
Devil Dog Stout
American Stout
Extract w/grain
5 gallons
164 HCU (~49 SRM)
Bitterness: 18 IBU
Alcohol: 9.7% v/v (7.6% w/w)
1 lb. Crystal
8 oz. Chocolate
8 oz. Roasted
90 minutes
SG 1.142
3 gallons
9 lb. Dark malt extract
1 lb. Molasses
1 oz. British Target (8.4% AA, 90 min.)
.5 oz. British Target (8.4% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. British Target (aroma)
EasYeast Scots Ale
Harry's American Cream Ale
Neal Andreae
Harry's American Cream Ale Style:
Cream Ale
5 gallons
6 HCU (~5 SRM)
Bitterness: 13 IBU
5.2% v/v (4.1% w/w)
60 minutes
SG 1.131
2.0 gallons
4 lb. Light malt DME
2 lb. Rice extract DME or Syrup
1 lb. Extra light DME
Irish Moss-15 minutes to end of boil
Finishing hops-4 minutes to end of boil
1 oz. Cascade (4.9% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (4.9% AA, 30 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (aroma)
Wyeast-California Ale WLP001
Carbonation: 1 cup corn sugar in bottling bucket
Bees 'N' Ass Honey Amber
Brewer: Christopher
Bees 'N' Ass
Honey Amber
American Amber Ale
5 gallons
Bitterness: 13 IBU
Alcohol: 7.6% v/v (5.9% w/w)
Water: 5 gallons of store spring water
3 gallons
minutes 1.123
6 lb. Amber malt extract
8 oz. Light dry malt extract
1 lb. Amber dry malt extract
1 lb. Wheat extract
1 lb. Honey
Irish Moss @ 20min.
1 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Saaz (3.75% AA, 20 min.)
.5 oz. Saaz (aroma)
Wyeast 1007 German Ale
Brewed 6/23/02. My OG was 1.068. Dry-hopped in seconday with 1oz Willamette (what I had on
Kegged on 7/6/02, FG 1.015. Started out kind of rough, but has improved greatly with a little
Tasting: aging. A lot of alcohol in the finish taste, good head retention. Definitely dry-hop with something
to give more hop aroma over the alcohol flavor. I'm enjoying it ;-} Email me if you try this.
Simple HOPPY Brown Ale
Brown Ale
American Amber Ale
5.5 gallons
Bitterness: 19 IBU
4.5% v/v (3.6% w/w)
2.5 gallons
7 lb. Amber malt extract
Boil time is 60 minutes.
Bring 2.5 galons to boil, remove from heat, add 7lbs of amber malt extract and 2oz
Hallertau and return to heat and to a boil.
After 45 minutes of boiling, add 1oz cascade.
After 58 minutes add 1 onces of Cascade Hops.
After 60 minutes, remove from heat and stop boiling.
1 oz. Hallertauer (4.25% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 15 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (aroma)
Any dry ALE yeast, I used Windsor Ale yeast but it really doesn't make that much of
difference for this beer. First, aerate the wort well by vigorously stirring for 2-3 minutes.
Then pitch your yeast on top and let hydrate for 10 minutes. A white film will evolve on the
surface. Stir the yeast in. Pitching temperature: 65-80F no warmer.
Day 1: Boil
Day 5: Rack to Secondary (or when fermentation
Day 14: Add 3/4 cup priming sugar (corn) to primary and transfer beer to it and bottle.
Carbonation: 3/4 cup corn sugar
After 2 weeks in bottle, the beer was well carbonated and had a profound and wonderful
aroma of wild flowers (from cascade hops). To taste it was medium to medium-light bodied,
slightly malty and well balanced. The bulk of the flavor hits at the same time as the extreme
hoppiness hits. Overall, for the effort, it is a beautiful warm copper colored beer that smells
fantastic and has great taste.
Norfolk Home Brew
Home Brew
American Amber Ale
5 gallons
Bitterness: 20 IBU
5.0% v/v (3.9% w/w)
I used tap water for this, boiling everything first.
2 gallons
minutes 1.122
6.6 lb. Light malt extract
1.0 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 60 min.)
1.0 oz. Northern Brewer (8.5% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (aroma)
I used Muntons Ale Yeast.
I fermented in a 6.5 gallon carboy for 7 days, then bottled and stored for two weeks.
Carbonation: I used 1 cup cane sugar in the bottom of the bottling bucket prior to bottling
My first response when I drank my first bottle (yes, I only waited 3 days after bottling to
taste...) was "This isn't too bad'" Not a terribly positive reaction, but this beer has definitaly
gotten better with age. It has been in bottles almost a month now, and I must say, it tastes
damn good. Thanks to all who helped my with my first batch. I now have 4 batched under
my belt, and will be posting those recipes as well.
Black's Nut Brown Ale (close to Samuel Smiths Nut Brown)
Source: Chris Black
Recipe added: 04/05/00
This may be an extract recipe, but it was compared by some very experienced brewers that it was identical
to Samuel Smiths Nut Brown. It was as easy drinking on warm days as a commercial beer, but it had more
flavor and a whole lot more body. Try this recipe if you like Samuel Smiths Nut Brownand you should be
Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.045
Finishing Gravity: 1.015
Time in Boil: 30 min
Primary Fermentation: 7 days @ 65 degrees
Secondary Fermentation: none
Additional Fermentation: none
4 lbs. Coopers Hopped Real Ale Extract
3 lbs. Amber Malt Extract
2 packs Coopers Dry Yeast
3/4 cup priming sugar
Boil extracts in 2.5 gallons water for 30 minutes. Chill wort to 75 degrees and add to aditional 2.5 gallons
of water. Pitch yeast at 75 degrees and ferment for aprox. 7 days. Bottle with 3\4 cup priming sugar and
condition for 2 weeks.
Heavy Brown Ale
5 Gallon Extract ( 60 min Boil)
O.G. 1.045- 1.049
- Hop IBU's
Great Malt Flavor, Very smooth
1/2-Lb. Crushed Chocolate Malt
1/2-Lb. Crushed Crystal 60L. Malt
1/2-Lb. Crushed English Brown Malt
4 oz. Malto-Dextrin
3-1/2 Lb. Dark Malt extract
3-1/2 Lb. Light Malt extract
1st) - 1/2 oz. Fuggles Pellet Hops ( 60 min.)
2nd) - 1/2 oz. Fuggles Pellet Hops ( 15 min.)
3rd) - 1/2 oz. Fuggles Pellet Hops ( 2 min.)
1/2 Whirfloc Tablet (last 15min)
1 ea. Coopers 15 gram yeast
1-1/4 cup Dry Malt for priming
Steep Grains in 1 gallon of water @ 150 degrees for 30 minutes, Sparge with 1/2 gallon
of water @ 170 degrees.
Add water to 2-1/2 gallon volume. Heat to a steam and remove from stove. Add all
extract and the Malto-dextrin. Bring to a boil and add the first hops. Boil for 45 minutes
add the second hops and the Whirfloc Tablet, boil for 13 minutes and add the 3rd hops.
Boil for 2 minutes and remove from heat. Strain well after cooling and add to fermenter.
Ferment at 72 degrees.
Saunder's Nut Brown Ale
Crystal 60 1.5 pounds
Chocolate 2.5 ounces
Roasted Barley 2.5 ounces
DME light 5.5 pounds
Styrian Goldings 1.0 ounces 60 min 5.5 % AA plug
Styrian Goldings 1.0 ounces 15 min 5.5 % AA plug
Cascade 0.3 ounces 3 min 5.7 % AA leaf
BrewTek British Draft Ale yeast
1 cup corn sugar, priming
Made a yeast starter: 500.0 ml , starter: 10 mL SuperStarter; 500 mL SuperWort; Pitched at high krausen.
If you insist on using dry yeast, try Nottingham English Ale. In liquid yeast, use Wyeast Y-1968 London
ESB. I prefer making mine from slants (either my own or BrewTek's); saves a lot of money in the long run,
and boasts greater variety. If you can't find Styrian Goldings in the form you want (German plug hops are
expensive) try East Kent Goldings pellets (especially in the second addition).
OG: 1056 (13.7 P)
FG: 1016 (4.2 P)
Alcohol: 4.1% (abw), 5.2% (abv)
Root Beer Old
Recipes from Early American Life, August 1975
Ingredients: (for 2-1/4 gallons)
2 gallons of water
1 1/2 cups, honey
3 tablespoons, ground sarsaparilla
1 tablespoon, sassafras
1 heaping tablespoon, hops
1/4 teaspoon, ground coriander
1/4 teaspoon, wintergreen extract (Almost all natural)
1/4 teaspoon, yeast
Place the sarsaparilla, sassafras, hops, and coriander into an enameled or stainless steel pan. Cover them
with water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and allow them to just barely simmer for 12 hours, making
sure the water does not all evaporate. Strain out the solids and add the liquid to 2 gallons of water that has
been boiled and cooled to lukewarm. Stir in the honey, wintergreen extract, and the yeast dissolved in 2/3
cup warm water. Stir the mixture thoroughly and allow it to mellow for several hours. You can then siphon
off the root beer into a clean container before bottling, or fill the bottles immediately. Makes about two
dozen 12-ounce bottles.
Nut Brown Ale
Not a very exciting name, but then this batch didn't turn out as I had planned. It really tasted more like a stout than anything else! I
really think the fermentation halted before it was complete. Whatever the cause, I didn't have the desire to make a label for this one,
so therefore no name either. This was my first try at using specialty grains along with the malt extracts.
Brewed: August 24, 1997
Volume: 5 Gallons
Type: Extract with Specialty Grains
3 lb. Dutch Light Laaglander dry malt extract
2 lb. Dutch Amber Laaglander dry malt extract
2/3 lb. Crystal Malt (70-80 L)
1/3 lb. Chocolate Malt
1/4 lb. Aromatic Belgian, toasted
2 oz. Goldings hops
1 1/4 cup dry malt extract (light) as priming sugar
Eldorado Artesian Springs bottled water (5 gal)
Boil Time:
60 minutes
Brewer's Choice American yeast (#1056)
Pitched At (forgot to record)
Specific Gravity Readings:
Beginning: 1.044 @ 77 degrees F = 1.047 @ 60 degrees F
Final: 1.025 @ 67 degrees F = 1.027 @ 60 degrees F
Calculated alcohol: 2.625%
Primary Fermentation: 6 days @ 67 degrees F
Secondary Fermentation: 20 days @ 67 degrees F
Fermentation stopped early. Probably was not aerated enough initially. Turned out somewhat like a stout instead of a nut brown
ale. Oh well, maybe next time
Aladdin's Castle Nut Brown Ale
I think it is fairly important to get the water right for the style.
If you start with distilled water, the recommendation is to add 1/2
teaspoon of salt (NaCl) (non-iodized) and 1/2 teaspoon of chalk
(CaC03). This would/should bring your water to the proper ph.
Now the recipe:
7 lbs British Pale malt
.5 lb Crystal 20 malt
.5 lb Crystal 90 malt
1 oz Chocolate malt
1 lb Demerara
.5 oz Fuggle hop pellets (10.5 IBU) (4.1 alpha) 60 minutes
.5 oz Kent golding hop pellets (7.7 IBU) (6 alpha) 60 minutes
.25 oz Kent Golding hop pellets at chilldown
Wyeast #1728 (Scottish Ale) with starter
If you are an extract brewer use 4 lbs of light Dry Malt Extract in
place of the British Pale malt or 5.5 lbs of Telfords or Munton &
Fison malt syrup. I think it is important to use the specialty grains
in a mini mash as we've done on our other projects if you're doing an
extract brew. You get a _much_ better beer than using a full extract.
As an all grainer, I'd use a 3 step infusion mash. The first rest is
at 130F for 30 minutes and the mash rest is at 152F for 90 minutes.
The mashout is at 168F for 10 minutes. Sparge with 170F water.
The targets for this brew and the the results of the stated recipe are:
Color (SRM) 15-25
Busta's Nut Brown Ale
Nice nut brown ale
Added by
Rob Hudson
Date Submitted
Mon, 3 Sep 2001 06:35 PM (GMT)
3 lbs light DME (Munton & Fisons)
2 lbs dark DME
1 lb British Crystal Malt (55L)
1 lb British Brown Malt
1/4 lb British Chocolate Malt
2 oz Fuggles (5.3% AA) - 60 minutes
1/2 Goldings (6.6% AA) - 45 minutes
1/2 Goldings (6.6% AA) - 15 minutes
Wyeast #1084 vial - Irish Ale Yeast
In a large pot, heat 1/2 gallon of water to 168 degrees F. Add cracked grains and stir well. Let the
water cool slowly to about 150 degrees F and maintain for 20 minutes. Pour liquid from mini-mash
into brewpot and sparge grains with 170 degree F water. Add 1 1/2 gallons water to brewpot along
with the malt extract. Bring to a boil. Upon boil, add hops according to time schedule above. Sparge
into the fermenter and top off to 5 gallons. Pitch yeast when temperature drops below 80 degrees F.
Ferment for 7 days. Transfer to secondary fermenter and wait another 7 days or more. Enjoy!
Brown Ale
Recipe Type
Partial Mash
Batch Size
5 gallons
Original Gravity
Final Gravity
Boiling Time
60 minutes
Primary Fermentation
Glass, 7 days
Secondary Fermentation
Glass, 7 days
Other Specifics
IBUs: 52.9
This was a brown ale with a nice nutty flavor. This was a slightly above average brown. I might try a
different recipe next time, but for a first brown it was rather tasty.
Captain John's Nut Brown Ale™
Back Label Text:
Captain John Brown was the kind of man that inspired people... to do the right thing and end slavery, to create an
egalitarian society, to massacre iniquitous Kansans, to capture the U.S. Arms Depot at Harper's Ferry, and finally to
hang him. Some called him a saint, others a terrorist, but most agree he was righteous weirdo who didn't know when
to quit. We salute the captain with this nutty brown ale. Another Fire-Eating Hoopajoop from the insane Monks of Ann
Arbor Abbey.™
Extract and partial mash. Makes 5 gallons. Elapsed Time: 1.5 hours
7 lbs. Amber malt extract
1.5 lbs. cracked British Crystal Malt
1 c. Brown Sugar
1 oz. pelleted Northern Brewer hops (bittering)
0.5 oz. pelleted Fuggles hops (flavoring)
1 oz. pelleted UK Northdown hops (aroma)
1 tsp. Irish Moss (optional)
0.5 tsp. Yeast nutrient (optional)
0.5 tsp. Chillguard (optional)
1 package liquid Thames Valley yeast- Wyeast #1275 Thames Valley
In a 30 liter stainless steel brew pot, bring 20 liters cold water to a boil.
Meanwhile, add 5 liters cold water to a 20 liter stainless steel sparge pot. Place specialty grains in muslin or nylon
sparging bag and add to water. Begin heating. When temperature reaches 180 F, turn off heat and sparge grains for
an additional five minutes. Then, remove bag and squeeze remaining tasty goodness from bag using a collander and
a large bowl. Discard grains.
When brew pot reaches boil, begin stirring water and add malt extract. Stirring will prevent the malt extract settling to
the bottom of the bot and burning. Next, add the contents of the sparging pot. Stir a few more times for good measure.
Turn on the heat and bring the mixture to a boil again. When boiling, the mixture forms a foam layer which can rise out
of the pot and burn on your stove. Be careful to avoid this. It is messy and difficult to clean.
Boil the wort for 60 minutes, adding ingredients at the following intervals:
Start of boil: Bittering hops- 1.0 oz. Northern Brewer hops, 1 c. brown sugar
45 minutes: Flavoring hops - 0.5 oz. Fuggles, 1 oz. Goldings hops, Irish Moss, Yeast nutrient
55 minutes: Aroma hops - 1.0 oz. UK Northdown hops
60 minutes: Stop boil.
Cool the wort to 85 F or lower before adding yeast. Cool the wort as quickly as possible to prevent infection. Leave
wort in primary fermenter until fermentation subsides (about a week). Leave wort in secondary fermenter for an
additional two to three weeks. Bottle and age to taste. (Weasel Breweries recommends a minimum of two months.
More is better.)
Nut Brown Ale Extract Kit
O.G: 1044 / Ready: 5 weeks
Like Newcastle and Samuel Smith? Like the flavor it gets after sunlight passes through those clear bottles
on long oversea voyages? Like paying top import price for 'em? Take matters into your own hands. Our
Nut Brown Ale is just like those brewed in northern England, but fresher, because you make it yourself.
Rich brown in color, nutty toasted flavor, and it tastes great after only a few weeks.
Kit Inventory
Specialty Grains
0.25 lbs. Crisp Chocolate
0.25 lbs. Dingemans Special B
0.25 lbs. Dingemans Biscuit
0.25 lbs. Briess Special Roast
6 lbs. Gold Malt Syrup
Boil Additions
1 oz. Challenger (60 min)
1 oz. Fuggle (1 min)
Wyeast #1028 London Ale Yeast. Rich with a dry finish, minerally
profile, bold and crisp, with some fruitiness. Flocculation: medium.
Apparent attenuation: 73-77%. Optimum temperature: 60-72.
All kits also contain a muslin mesh bag for steeping the grains (if required) and 5 oz. of corn sugar for
Nut Pale Ale
(like a Nut Brown without the brown)
7 lbs. Pale Extract
1/2 lb. Victory grain
1/2 lb. Belgian Cara Pils
1/2 lb. Crystal 60L
1 oz. Cascade hops (boil)
1 oz. Cascade hops (finish)
California Ale Yeast or
Burton Ale yeast
1. Steep grains in a large mesh bag in 2 gallons of water while heating to boiling. Control heat
level to avoid burning your steeping bag and to allow a 25-30 minute steep. Remove grains and
bring water to a boil.
2. Pour Pale Extract into water and stir to completely dissolve. If necessary, turn heat down to
avoid scorching the extract as it is added.
3. Stir frequently while slowly bringing mixture back to boiling. When a slow simmering boil is
reached, add 1 oz. Cascade hops and begin timing a 30 minute simmer.
4. Monitor the boil closely to avoid boil over. Stir gently, but frequently. Add Irish Moss in the last
15 minutes to aid clarification. If using a Wort Chiller coil place it in the kettle at this time to
sterilize during the latter portion of the boil.
5. With 1 - 2 minutes remaining in the 30 minute total boil, add 1 oz. of Cascade hops.
6. Continue to monitor the boil until the end of the 30 minute simmer, then turn off the heat, cover
the kettle and cool the wort until cool to the touch or approximately 70 to 75 degrees F. Using the
Wort Chiller as recommended will allow you to cool the beer in as little as 20 minutes and help
protect your beer from contamination.
7. Pour the cooled wort into your sanitized fermenter, add enough cool water to make 5 gallons
total and add the yeast.
8. Three to five days before bottling, prepare a Gelatin clarifier solution as directed and add to
your beer. This can be done when transfering the beer to secondary if two-stage fermentation is
employed. Talk to us about your options if you are uncertain how or why to do this.
Big Brown Ale
9 lbs. Pale Malt Extract
1/2 lb. Chocolate grain
1/4 lb. Black Patent grain
1/4 lb. Crystal 120L
1/2 lb. Crystal 90L
1/2 lb. Victory grain
1 oz. Northern Brewer hops
1 oz. Kent Golding hops (late
1 oz. Willamette hops (finish)
Back to Index
London or Burton style Ale
1. Steep grains in a mesh bag while heating 2 gallons of water to near boiling.
2. Remove grains and add malt extract, stirring to ensure it is thoroughly dissolved. Bring mixture
to a slow, simmering boil.
3. Add 1 oz. of Northern Brewer hops and begin timing a 30 minute simmering boil. Remember
to stir gently but frequently to avoid scorching or burning the beer.
4. In the last 5 to 7 minutes of the 30 minute boil, add 1 oz. of Kent Golding hops. Continue to stir
5. At the end of the 30 minute simmering boil, add 1 oz of Willamette hops. Immediately cover
and remove the kettle from heat. Cool as quickly as possible (preferably using a Wort Chiller coil)
to retain flavors and help safeguard the beer from airborne contaminents.
6. When cooled to approximately 70 to 75 degrees F, pour into a sanitized fermenter, add cool
water to make 5 gallons total volume, and add yeast.
7. For better clarification, transfer to a secondary fermenter and/or add gelatin solution when
fermentation slows. If you are unfamiliar with these practices and interested in clearer cleaner
beer, ask us for guidance.
Ambrosia Amber Ale
8 lbs. Pale Extract
1/2 lb. Crystal 40L
1/2 lb Crystal 90L
1/2 lb Special B
1 oz. Northern Brewer Hops
1 oz. Cascade Hops (late
1 oz. Willamette Hops (finish)
California or Burton Ale
1. Heat 2 gallons of water until steamy and place grains into the water. Cover the kettle, turn
heat OFF and let steep for 20 to 30 minutes, agitating GENTLY every few minutes.
2. Remove grains and dissolve malt extract. Turn heat back on and bring to a slow, simmering
3. Add the "boil" hops and begin timing a 30 minute simmering boil.
4. Stir gently but frequently to avoid possible scorching on the kettle's surface. Keep heat high
enough to maintain a gentle boil.
5. In the last 5 to 7 minutes of the 30 minute simmer add the "late boil" hops, if any.
6. In the last 1 to 2 minutes of the 30 minute simmer add the "finish" hops.
7. Cover the kettle, remove from heat, and cool to approximately 70 degrees F before adding to
your sanitized fermenter with additional water to make 5 gallons total volume and adding yeast.
Nut Brown Ale
4#pale malt extract
3# amber extract
1# 80L crystal
1/2 # victory malt
1/4 # chocolate malt
1 oz Willamette (5.1%) 60 min
1 oz Willamette 5 min
Ferment with W.L. British Ale yeast
Ohio Valley Mud Stout
Recipe Type
Just thought I would share my recipe with those who like stouts. It recently won first place
(Score=46) in the stout category in The First Annual Dayton Homebrew Competition. It
didn't win best of show, but I'll try again next year. I also just brewed it for the second time
and it turned out just as good as the first batch, which only lasted two weeks. For those
beginners out there, try this one. I have only been brewing for about 7 months and had no
idea it would win. I just wanted to get a professional opinion on my beer. Enjoy!
6.60 lbs.
3.30 lbs.
.50 lb.
.50 lb.
.75 cup
Munton and Fison Old Ale Kit
Plain Light Malt Extract Syrup
Black Patent Malt
Roasted Barley
corn sugar
.50 oz.
.50 oz.
Cascade Leaf Hops
Cascade Leaf Hops
3.00 tsp.
4.00 oz.
2.00 cups
Ghirardelli Unsweetened Chocolate
brewed Moca Java blend coffee
2 packs Muntons yeast
Bring 1 1/2 gallons of water, crushed black patent malt and roasted barley
to a boil. Remove grains when boiling begins. Remove from heat and add
malt extract, bittering hops, and gypsum. Boil for 60 minutes. During the
last 10 minutes add chocolate by putting the chocolate in a strainer and
holding over or just in the boil until melted. During the last 2-3 minutes
add the finishing hops. Remove from heat and stir in the coffee. Pour into
3 gallon of cold water and pitch yeast when cool.
Summer Chocolate Stout
Recipe Type
After three weeks (in the bottle) it was very clean, clear, good carbonation and head
retention, has a grainy bite.
chocolate malt
crystal malt
light malt extract syrup
dark malt extract powder
1.50 oz
1.00 oz
.50 oz
Perle (boil) - 60 min.
Fuggle (flavor) - (1/2 ounce for 15 minutes
Willamette (leaf hops
2.00 tbsp
Wyeast #1084 Irish Ale Yeast
Steep grains for 30 minutes at 180F in 3 gallons water. Sparge thoroughly
with 2 gallons. Filter wort through leaf hops (this didn't work well, and I
don't suggest it).
Submitted by: Bill Shirley
Nut Brown
Extract Recipe:
6lbs M&F Light Malt.
16oz Chocolate Malt
8oz 40L Crystal Malt.
8oz Brown Sugar
3/4 oz Challeger 7.9% (60 Mins)
.5oz Fuggles (15 mins)
.5oz Fuggles (5 mins) Dry Yeast
Starting: SG 1.062, 8.5%, 17, Ending
The recipe uses light extract to make sure that the final color is more brown the black. The
chocolate malt and brown sugar are the key ingredients to making a Nut Brown.
Our Nut Bworn recipes never seem to taste anything like nuts. A few people claim that they have
tasted a bit of the nutty flavor.
McCrusty's Irish Cream Ale
7lbs. Pale Extract
1/2 lb. Munich grain
1/2 lb. Cara Pils grain
1/2 lb. Flaked Barley
1/2 lb. Cara Vienne grain
Irish Moss and Gelatin clarifier (optional but
strongly recommended)
1 oz. Fuggle hops
1 oz. Willamette hops
East Coast Ale Yeast or
Irish Ale yeast
1. Steep grains in a mesh bag in 2 gallons of water while heating to boiling. Control heat level to avoid
burning your steeping bag and to allow a 25-30 minute steep. Remove grains and bring water to a boil.
2. Pour Pale Extract into water and stir to completely dissolve. If necessary, turn heat down to avoid
scorching the extract as it is added. This beer should be a nice golden color but will be considerably
darkened if care is not taken.
3. Stir frequently while slowly bringing mixture back to boiling. When a slow simmering boil is
reached, add Fuggle hops and begin timing a 30 minute simmer.
4. Monitor the boil closely to avoid undue darkening of the wort or boil over. Stir gently, but frequently.
Add Irish Moss in the last 15 - 20 minutes if using.
5. With 5 minutes remaining in the 30 minute total boil, add the Willamette hops.
6. Continue to monitor the boil for the remaining 5 minutes, then turn off the heat, cover the kettle and
cool the wort until cool to the touch or approximately 70 to 75 degrees F. Use of a Wort Chiller is
recommended for cooling speed and beer quality.
7. Pour the cooled wort into your sanitized fermenter, add enough cool water to make 5 gallons total
and add the yeast.
8. Three to five days before bottling, prepare a Gelatin clarifier solution as directed and add to your
beer. This can be done when transfering the beer to secondary if two-stage fermentation is employed.
Talk to us about your options if you are uncertain.
Chocolate Cream Stout
8 lbs. Pale Malt Extract
1/2 lb. Crystal 60L
1/2 lb. Crystal 120L
1 lb. Roasted Barley
1/2 lb. Chocolate Malt
1 lb. Flaked Barley
1/2 Cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder (at end
of boil)
1 oz. Bullion Hops
1 oz. Fuggle Hops
British or Irish Ale Yeast
4 to 8 oz. Lactose (at
1. Steep grains in 2 mesh bags in 2 gallons of water while heating water. When near boiling, remove grains.
2. Add malt extract, being careful to get it thoroughly dissolved.
3. Add 1 oz. of Bullion hops and begin a timed 30 minute simmering boil. Stir frequently to avoid scorching.
4. With 5 minutes remaining, add 1 oz. of Fuggle hops.
5. At the end of the 30 minute boil cycle, add the cocoa powder. Cover kettle and remove from heat.
6. Cool to 70 to 75 degrees F before pouring into sanitized fermenter and adding additional water to make 5
gallons total volume. Cooling with a WORT CHILLER will speed cooling and help protect your beer against
bacteria and wild yeasts that can taint or spoil your beer! When temperature of mixture is 75 F or below, add
yeast and ferment.
7. At bottling time, BEFORE adding priming sugar add lactose solution to mildly sweeten the finish of the beer.
Add to taste. THEN prime beer and bottle. If you prefer a drier beer, omit the lactose.
Viennese Style Ale
7 lbs. Pale Extract
1/2 lb. Munich grain
1/2 lb. Cara Munich
1/2 lb. Crystal 90L
1 oz. Northern Brewer hops
1 oz. Hallertau hops (finish)
German Ale Yeast or East Coast Ale
Irish Moss and Gelatin clarifier (optional but strongly recommended).
1. Steep grains in a large mesh bag in 2 gallons of water while heating to boiling. Control heat level to
avoid burning your steeping bag and to allow a 25-30 minute steep. Remove grains and bring water to
a boil.
2. Pour Pale Extract into water and stir to completely dissolve. If necessary, turn heat down to avoid
scorching the extract as it is added.
3. Stir frequently while slowly bringing mixture back to boiling. When a slow simmering boil is reached,
add 1 oz. Northern Brewer hops and begin timing a 30 minute simmer.
4. Monitor the boil closely to avoid boil over. Stir gently, but frequently. Add Irish Moss in the last 15
minutes to aid in sediment reduction. If using a Wort Chiller coil place it in the kettle at this time to
sterilize during the latter portion of the boil.
5. With 1 - 2 minutes remaining in the 30 minute total boil, add 1 oz. of Hallertau hops.
6. Continue to monitor the boil until the end of the 30 minute simmer, then turn off the heat, cover the
kettle and cool the wort until cool to the touch or approximately 70 to 75 degrees F. Using the Wort
Chiller as recommended will allow you to cool the beer in as little as 20 minutes and help protect your
beer from contamination.
7. Pour the cooled wort into your sanitized fermenter, add enough cool water to make 5 gallons total
and add the yeast.
8. Allow the beer to ferment for 4 - 5 days or until fermentation slows to airlock bubble intervals of 20 30 seconds . At this time prepare a Gelatin clarifier solution as directed and add to your beer. This is
ideally done when transfering the beer to secondary if two-stage fermentation is employed. Talk to us
about your options if you are uncertain how or why to do this.
9. On bottling day transfer your beer into the bottling bucket, add priming sugar and bottle as usual.
Summertime Light
I wanted to brew an easy-swilling beer for the summer (also something
that the 'Lite' drinkers could enjoy). To get the alcohol content up,
I used rock candy.
Brewer: Stefan
Summertime Light
English Light Mild
5 gallons
5 HCU (~4 SRM)
Bitterness: 12 IBU
Alcohol: 3.6% v/v (2.9% w/w)
45 minutes
SG 1.057
3 gallons
4 lb. Light malt extract
8 oz. Rock Candy
Added 1 tsp. Irish Moss 15 minutes prior to the end of the boil.
1 oz. Fuggles (4.1% AA, 45 min.)
.5 oz. Tettnanger (aroma)
I used slurry from a previous batch (Wyeast London III).
primary- 6 days
secondary- 4 days
It was pretty good after 1 week in the bottle, much better after 2.
Tasting: Has a slight and pleasant tang to it. The color is too light for me,
if I do this one again I'll use amber syrup.
Prince Andrew Brown Porter
Brewer: ARM
Prince Andrew Brown Porter Style:
Brown Porter
Extract w/grain
5 gallons
92 HCU (~33 SRM)
Bitterness: 28 IBU
Alcohol: 4.9% v/v (3.8% w/w)
4 oz. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
8 oz. British crystal 50-60L
5 oz. British chocolate
4 oz. British black patent
2 oz. Roasted barley
20 minutes at 150 F
60 minutes
SG 1.081
3 gallons
2 lb. Light dry malt extract
3 lb. Amber dry malt extract
add irish moss with 15 min left in boil
1.5 oz. Kent Goldings (6.2% AA, 45 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (6.2% AA, 10 min.)
White's Irish Ale
River Rat Pale Ale
This was an early batch. The people who enjoyed the typical mass produced american beers liked this one.
It was ok. Good for a beginner.
Brewer: Brad Wright
River Rat Pale
American Pale Ale
5 gallons
Bitterness: 19 IBU
Alcohol: 4.2% v/v (3.3% w/w)
Water: 1/3 oz Burton water salts
2 gallons
minutes 1.122
6.6 lb. Light malt extract
1 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 30 min.)
1 oz. Fuggles (4.75% AA, 30 min.)
1 oz. Kent Goldings (5% AA, 15 min.)
Danstar nottingham
normal boil. Primary fermentation for 5 days and then bottled. Let bottle condition for 2 weeks.
Bottled with 3/4 cup of dextrose.
I liked this as a fast drinking beer for a change. I kept this for folks who came over and didn't like
the heavy dark beer I normally brew. It got better as it bottle aged over th 3 months it lasted.
Shadetree Light
Brewer: DeacnBleu
Shadetree Light
American Amber Ale
5 gallons
8 HCU (~6 SRM)
Alcohol: 6.6% v/v (5.2% w/w)
Filtered tap water has been working great. I always keep extra in empty wine box bags. They
refridgaeate nicely.
45 minutes
SG 1.297
1 gallons
3 lb. Light malt extract
3 lb. Light dry malt extract
1.5 lb. Rice extract
Irish moss last 15 mins. of boil.
1 oz. Saaz (3.75% AA, 30 min.)
Wyeast 1056
1 week in primary, racked for 4 days aged in keg 1 week.
Tried some while kegging, strong, lightly hopped and a great beer to sit under a tree while the
kids mow the lawn.
Erins Ale
This is actaully a "lawnmower" beer (light enough to drink when its hot - to quench the thirst)
Lonn Guidry
Erins Ale
American Pale Ale
5 gallons
5 HCU (~4 SRM)
5.7% v/v (4.5% w/w)
none. tap water from artesian well.
45 minutes
SG 1.120
2 gallons
4 lb. Light malt extract
2 lb. Cane sugar
.66 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 45 min.)
.34 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 15 min.)
Munton's dry ale yeast.
I've done this a few times. 75 dgrees, primary 7 days then racked and bottled same day.
3/4 to 7/8 cup of Karo syrup. makes 48 -50 12 oz bottles. cleared by
4th day after bottling. good carbonation by 7th day.
Very light thirst quencher, lightly hopped with med to high alcohol content.
Golden Boar Ale
Brewer: Ryan
Golden Boar Ale
American Pale Ale
5 gallons
8 HCU (~6 SRM)
Bitterness: 10 IBU
Alcohol: 5.4% v/v (4.2% w/w)
SG 1.104
2.5 gallons
7 lb. Light malt extract
1 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 30 min.)
Bad Chile Beer
5.5 lbs. light DME
1 lb. Cara-Pils Malt
1.75 oz. Cluster Hops (boiling) 7.0% alpha-acid
1.25 oz. Willamette Hops (bittering) 4.5% alpha-acid
0.75 oz. Willamette Hops (aroma) 4.5% alpha-acid
14 g. Yeast Labs Whitbread Ale Yeast
10 chopped serrano chile peppers
0.75 c. dextrose (priming)
Grains steeped for 15 min @ 150-165 F. Hops added to boil at 0, 40, and 55 min, respectively. One
hour boil. Chiles added at end of boil, pasteurized for 15 minutes, threw all into carboy w/cold
Fermentation began VERY sluggishly 17 hours after pitching. Transferred to secondary after one
week. Toward the end of fermentation, the sediment seemed to "creep up" the sides of the carboy a
little. This leads me to suspect contamination, dagnabbit.
OG: 1050
FG: 1022
I've recently made my third batch of beer, a chile ale listed in the (Winter?) Zymurgy as a silver
medal winner. Opened it on May 25, and it tasted .. pickled? Vegetal? Sulfurous? These words all
come to mind, in that order.
So I let it sit for a month. Still there, very little diminishment. I'll let it sit for a few more months if
neccesary (the recipe stated it was judged after four months in the bottle), but I must admit I am
beginning to Worry. My sanitary precautions are second to none (my fiance often worrys about my
mental health re: kitchen anality), and I used bleach water on *everything*.
Dionysious Honey Ale
A very good honey ale. Light and clean with a very pleasant taste. The
use of very little malt really brings the honey flavor forward without
becoming too mead-like. This is by far the most popular beer that I make.
Brewer: Joe Perrigoue
Dionysious Honey Ale
American Pale Ale
5 gallons
4 HCU (~4 SRM)
15 IBU
Alcohol: 5.3% v/v (4.2% w/w)
Water: 3 Gal Spring water, 2 Gal tap.
60 minutes
SG 1.128
2 gallons
3.5 lb. Light malt extract
3 lb. Honey
Add 1 package of expired dried yeast to the boil. The high honey/low malt content makes
for a lack of yeast nutrients.(Also add yeast energizer to the cooled
wort) The boiled yeast gives those nutrients back. Add Irish Moss
15 min before finish.
1.5 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (aroma)
White Labs California Ale Yeast
Honey Light
This is an attempt at a honey-ale that will be close to a mead.
Honey Light
Don't know, don't care
6 gallons
Bitterness: 5 IBU
Alcohol: 9.9% v/v (7.8% w/w)
Water: Gypsum 1 tsp. at start of boil
2 gallons
minutes 1.261
4 lb. Light dry malt extract
2 lb. 0 oz. Brown sugar
6 lb. Honey
Bring 2 gal. water to boil, add hops (in hops bag) and the DME, I used Extra Light DME. Add
honey and Irish Moss 1 tsp. @ 40 minutes into boil. Adding the honey later in the boil keeps
from boiling away the honey flavor.
2 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 60 min.)
Edme Dried Ale Yeast 11.5, half started previously with yeast nutrient, and half pitched dry.
To primary 12/21/2001, 8 P.M., fermentation obvious by 9:30 the same day.
Breakfast Beer
A left-over ingredient beer, a little of this and a little of that.
But it all added up to a really fine and tasty beer
Lee Ellman
Breakfast Beer
2.5 gallons
Bitterness: 21 IBU
Right out of the tap, NYC water delivered to me by the Yonkers Water Department.
4 oz. Rolled oats
Steep the 1/2 cup of Quaker Oats (old fashioned) in 1 qt. of boiled water for 1/2 hour.
1 gallons
minutes 1.100
1 lb. 5 oz. Light malt extract
1 lb. 5 oz. Wheat extract
Added 12.5 oz. of "Mr. Beer Booster" (malto-dextrin) to the malt extracts.
1/2 oz. Northern Brewer (8.5% AA, 60 min.)
Mr. Beer Ale yeast packet
Fermented for a week at about 65°. Bottled after primary. Ready in a week.
Primed with brown sugar and honey (just a squirt). I used half the amount of sugar to
carbonate since I was making a half batch
It is a really malty and mellow beer. It is darker than the recipe chart shows. Not bitter at all.
Perfect and I want to make it again...exactly as the fates will allow!
Survivor Mead
This Survivor Mead 2001 was brewed @ Big Brew 2001 in honor of my wife Paula surviving breast
cancer. We will be toasting this mead in 5 years, May 5,2006, as a celebration of her surviving this dreaded
desease. May there be a cure by then. Prost baby, I love you.
Brewer: Barry Tingleff
Survivor Mead
Traditional Mead
12 gallons
18 HCU (~11
Alcohol: 12.3% v/v (9.6% w/w)
Water: All water was RO.
15 minutes
SG 1.120
12 gallons
30 lb. Clover Honey
12 lb. Orangeblossom Honey
Boiled hops, 2 oz. acid blend, 1 tablespoon yeast energizer & 1 tablespoon Irish moss for 15 min.
Turn off heat & add all Honey. Bring back to boil to skim scum then cool.
.5 oz. Hallertauer (3.7% AA, 15 min.)
1/2 gal. starter of White Labs WLP730 Chardonnay yeast
Fermented in 2-6.5 gal. carboys @68-70 deg F
Too Many Lawns
Haven't tried this one yet, but am looking to brew something extra light for the significant other! Gonna be
really busy this summer and need something quick.
Two Gals Brewing
Too Many Lawns
American Light Lager
5.0 gallons
4 HCU (~4 SRM)
Bitterness: 9 IBU
4.3% v/v (3.4% w/w)
60 minutes
SG 1.033
6.0 gallons
5.31 lb. Light malt extract
Irish moss added to wort with 15 min. left to boil
.50 oz. Spalt (5.0% AA, 60 min.)
.50 oz. Hallertauer Hersbrucker (aroma)
Wyeast 2112 started in sterile wort
Carbonation: 3/4 cup corn sugar at bottling time
Gonna brew it soon, so I'll let ya know!
Red's Very Cherry Ale
We wanted to make a cherry beer-- the ingredients were selected for their (predicted) subtle contribution to
the beer's flavor. The O.G. will be much higher, and the color much more red, than indicated due to the
contribution of 9 lbs of frozen cherries!!
Chris Pabst and Mindy Lacher
Red's Very Cherry Ale
5 gallons
4 HCU (~4 SRM)
26 IBU
5.6% v/v (4.4% w/w)
8 oz. Flaked corn
120 minutes
SG 1.044
6 gallons
2.5 lb. Light malt extract
1 lb. Rice extract
1 lb. 7 oz. Wheat extract
1 lb. Corn sugar
9 lbs of frozen cherries will be seeped for fifteen minutes in 2.5 to 3 gallons of water at
roughly 180 deg. F. The resulting extract will be added to the boiling kettle.
.4 oz. Nugget (12% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Tettnanger (4.5% AA, 60 min.)
5 grams each of Cooper's "Pure Brewing Yeast" and Danstar Windsor; a starter was made
the day prior to brewing using roughly eight ounces of boiled and cooled "Malta Goya" malt
To be brewed 3/28/02.
2.8 volumes
Cane Sugar: 5.01 oz. for 5 gallons @ 70°F
5 oz table sugar, boiled and cooled
This should be very interesting.
Quicksand Ale
A quick and easy brew. Simple to make and more complex in flavor than a typical extract brew.
Brewer: Jim Lanning
Quicksand Ale
Belgian Strong Ale
3 gallons
16 HCU (~10 SRM)
Bitterness: 29 IBU
Alcohol: 6.9% v/v (5.4% w/w)
Water: 1 tsp. Gypsum
60 minutes
SG 1.135
1.5 gallons
2.25 lb. Amber malt extract
1.5 lb. Light dry malt extract
4 oz. Brown sugar
4 oz. Cane sugar
4 oz. Corn sugar
4 oz. Honey
4 oz. Molasses
1.5 oz. Fuggles (4.75% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Saaz (3.75% AA, 60 min.)
Wyeast American Ale II 1272
Plain Jane Brown
Beer's Name:
Plain Jane Brown
Original Gravity:
Final Gravity:
Alcohol content:
Calories (per 12 oz.):
Total IBU (Bitterness):
SRM (color):
Ale (American
(portions for a 5 gal. batch)
0.5 lbs.
Belgian biscuit
4 lbs.
DME (Light)
2 lbs.
American crystal 60L
All grain
1 oz.
East Kent Golding
(Pellets% AA) Boil time 5 min.
1 oz.
(Pellets% AA) Boil time 45 min.
1 oz
Irish Moss
3 oz.
White Labs British Ale Yeast
All grain
(Ideal ferm. temp: 65-70°F)
Simple, quick and delicious.
Mmmm, mmm.
Primary Fermentor:
5 days
2 weeks
In Bottles:
2 wee
Liberty Ale
8 lb. Muntons Light malt extract
1/2 lb. 40 L Crystal
1/2 lb. Munich malt
1/2 lb. carapils malt
1.5 oz. Fuggles (bittering)
1.5 oz. Cascade (bittering)
1.5 oz. Cascade (finishing)
American Ale Yeast (Wyeast 1056)
3/4 cup corn sugar
OG: 1.065
SG: 1.010
Spring Ale
6.6 lb Munton’s plain amber
1 lb. English Crystal 50L (crushed)
1 lb. Light English DME
2 oz. Willamette
2 oz. Cascade
British ale yeast (Wyeast 1098)
3/4 cup corn sugar
Scotch Ale
Total Boil: 60 minutes
2.5 lbs. Munton & Fison pale dry extract
1 lb. english light dry extract
1 lb. dark dry extract
1 lb. Munich malt
1 lb crystal malt 40 L
2 oz. chocolate malt
2 oz. roasted barley
3/4 oz. Fuggles hops 5.7% Alpha (50 minutes)
1/2 oz. Fuggles hops 4.2% Alpha (10 minutes)1/2 teaspoon Irish Moss
Wyeast #1098 English Ale
Activate yeast 1 day prior to brewing. Crush grains and steep in 2.5 gallons of water until it begins to boil.
Remove grains and add malt extract to boiling water. Add Irish Moss 20 minutes prior to end of boil. Add
hops after 10 minutes. Add remaining hops 10 minutes prior to end of boil. Add wort and 3 gallons of cold
water to fermenter. Pitch yeast at 74 degrees.
Primary fermentation: 1 week
Secondary fermentation: 1 week
Prime with 3/4 cup corn sugar.
Breakfast Stout
Total Boil: 60 minutes
7 lbs. dark malt extract
1 lbs. roasted barley
1/2 lbs. crystal malt
2 cups black patent malt
2 cups flaked barley
1/2 lb. espresso beans (steep)
4 oz. malto-dextrin
2 oz. Mount Hood hops 11% Alpha (45 min)
Wyeast Irish Ale yeast
Activate yeast 1 day prior to brewing. Crush grains and steep in 2.5 gallons of water until it begins to boil.
Remove grains and add malt extract to boiling water. Add hops after 15 minutes. Continue to boil for
another 45 minutes. Remove from heat and steep coffee beans for 5 minutes. Add wort and 3 gallons of
cold water to fermenter. Pitch yeast at 74 degrees.
Primary fermentation: 1 week
Secondary fermentation: 1 week
Prime with 3/4 cup corn sugar.
Crazy Czech Pale Ale
6 lbs. light malt extract
2 lbs. dry light malt extract
3/4 lbs. crystal 10 L
1/2 lb. carapils
1 oz. hallertaur hops (45 mins)
1/2 oz. hallertaur hops (5 mins)
2 pkgs nottingham dry yeast
Steep grains for 15 mins @ 170 degs.Remove grains
bring to a boil add malt
Add hops after foaming subsides
boil 50 mins. adding hops as descirbed above
left in my 5 gal fermenter for 7 - 10 days then botteled
Primed with dry malt(1 1/4 cup malt to 1/2 cup water) boil
6 pounds, Dutch Malt DME
.5 pound, Munich malt grain
.5 pound, Light Crystal Malt grain
.5 pound, Chocolate Malt grain
.5 ounce, Perle Hops (boiling)
1 teaspoon, Gypsum
1 teaspoon, Irish Moss
.5 ounce, Sam Adams Kent Golding Hops (2 minute boil)
1 package, Munton & Fision Ale yeast
Grind grains in grain mill and add to 1 gallon water. (Just enough to make oatmeal
consistency) Perform a simple mash infusion of the grains. Bring grain and water to
160° f. and steep grains at this temperature for approximately 30 - 45 minutes. Be
careful not to exceed 170° and not to let the temperature fall below 154° f. . Sparge
the grain twice and continue to sparge the mash with 10 qt. of 160° water. Add sparged
wort to wort cooker and add enough water to bring the wort to boiling level in your pot.
Add in the Dutch DME and dissolve thouroughly by stirring with a long handled spoon.
Add the gypsum and the boiling hops to the wort and bring the wort to a boil. Continue
to boil the wort for approximately 60 minutes. After 30 minutes into the boil, add the
Irish Moss Add the Kent Golding flavouring hops after 58 minutes. After 60 minutes,
let the Kent Golding hops steep in the wort for 5-7 minutes by removing the wort from
the heat and allowing it to sit covered with the lid. (or skip for less hoppy flavor) Cool
the wort with whatever means possible, a wort chiller is preferred but you can
submerge the pot in iced water in a large sink and let cool (keeping the pot covered at
all times). Cool to approximately 70-80°f. Pitch yeast and aerrate the wort by stirring
the yeast into it. Cover and Ferment!
O.G.: 1.062
F.G.: 1.021
Notes: Age the finished beer for 3-4 weeks at room temperature. This beer did not have
a distinct Red color but did have a wonderful dark cooper color. Very hoppy after 2
weeks, strong flavor reminiscent of a heineken or grolsch. This flavor went away after
3 weeks leaving a wonderful unique beer with a flavor all it's own.
Sphincter Rippin' Stout
Brewing Method: Extract
Yeast: Wyeast 1084
Yeast Starter:
Batch Size: 5 Gallons
Original Gravity:
Final Gravity:
Alcohol Content: %
Total Grains:
Extract Efficiency: %
Hop IBU's: ? ( Fresh Hop Flowers)
Boiling Time: 60 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 8 days at 65 deg.
Secondary Fermentation: 6 days at 65 deg.
Additional Fermentation:
Grain Bill:
3.0 lbs light dry malt extract
3.0 lbs dark dry malt extract
1.0 lbs wheat malt extract
1/3 lb black patent
1/5 lbs roasted malt
1/2 lb crystal 40lv
Hop Bill:
2 ounces fresh Northern Brewer Hops (60 min)
1 ounces fresh Northern Brewer Hops (15 min)
Mash Schedule:
Brewers Notes:
This is my newest stout. I finally used My Northern Brewer hops that I have crawling up my deck every
year. It has only been in the bottle two weeks now and is already quite possibly the best stout I have made
yet. Even my wife says it is smooth and she doesn't like many of my brews. The Wheat Malt was a mistake,
My son was helping pick out ingredients at the store and I asked him to grab a 1lb bag of light malt and I
ended up with Wheat. Not wanting to go back to the store I used it. I really can't say it was a mistake
because it turned out quite well. The only drawback to this brew is that about one hour after I drink one my
wife, kids and even the dog won't come near me. Hence the Name. Try it out and let me know what you
Elbro Nerkte Brown Ale
A great recipe directly from "The New Complete Joy of Homebrewing", by Charlie Papazian. Of course, I couldn't wait until
it was completely finished. After 4 days bottled I gulped one down. O.K., so it was two. If it's this good now, what's it gonna
be like by next week? A great recipe Charlie!
5 gallons
6 2/3 lbs. Northwestern dark plain malt extract
1/2 lb. crystal 60
1/4 lb. black patent
2 ozs. Fuggles (AA-4.7%)hop pellets (bittering)
1/2 oz. Cascade (AA-5.0%) hop pellets (aroma)
1/4 oz. Cluster (AA-7.0%) hop pellets (aroma)
3/4 cup dextrose (priming)
1 tsp. Irish Moss
1 packet Munton's dry ale yeast
Brewing Instructions:
Add the cracked crystal and black patent mals to 1 1/2 gallons of cold water and bring to a boil. When boiling commences,
remove the grains with a strainer (I used a pouch for the grains instead). Sparge with 2 gallons of water at 160 degrees.
Add the malt extract and bring to a boil. When boiling commences, add the bittering hops. Continue to boil for one hour. In
last 7 minutes of the boil, add the aroma hops. Sparge the hot wort into the fermenter and cold water. I rehydrated my
yeast by placing it in 100 degree cooled/boiled water for 15 minutes. When my fermenter hit 80 degrees, I pitched the
Primary for 4 days@65F.
Bottle with dextrose and let sit for at least a week or two@65F.
7--Mile Red Ale
Pale Ale
Recipe Type
I came up with the name when helping install a phone system and after the job was done, I
had pulled over seven miles of phone line...ugh! It's a good ale, but not the "Great Ale" that
I'm still looking for...maybe it's in the fermenter now?
6.60 lbs
.75 lbs
of Northwestern amber malt extract
60 degree L Crystal Malt
2.50 oz
1.00 oz
Fuggles hop plugs (4.6% alpha)
Cascades whole leaf hops. (5%-ish alpha)
1 package Glen-brew ale yeast
Steep crystal malt for 30 minutes in 150 degree water. Sparge into brew
pot of hot water and add malt extract. Bring to boil and add 1 ounce
Fuggles. 20 minutes later add another ounce. At the 40 minute mark, toss
in the final half ounce of fuggles. (Almost threw in a full ounce, but after
tasting wort, decided against it---plenty bitter at this point.) Turn off heat
and add Cascades. Stirred down the hops slowly and let sit for about 10
minutes. Strain all into fermenter containing ice water. Cooled. Pitched
yeast. Single stage ferment. Keg, and age a few days.
Bitch's Brew Oatmeal Stout
Recipe Type
This beer improves substantially after about 2 weeks in the bottle, as hop aroma subsides
and the large amount of roasted barley assumes it's place in the forefront. It's my favorite
beer to date, but if I were going to brew it again I might cut back on the roasted barley by
about .25 pound, and lessen the boiling hops (either to 1 ounce of Bullions, or 1.5 ounce of
some lower alpha hop). Whitbread ale yeast was used because of the low attenuation rate:
this stout is NOT sweet, but has lots and lots of body.
6.00 lbs
2.00 lbs
1.00 lbs
.75 lbs
.50 lbs
2.00 cups
dark dry malt extract
amber dry malt extract
crystal malt
roasted barley
black patent malt
Quaker Oats
2.00 oz
.50 oz
Bullions hops (boiling)
Willammette hope (finishing)
2 packages Whitbread Ale Yeast
Steep the Oats, and the cracked grains for 1/2 hr in cold water. Heat
mixture and remove grains as boil is reached. Throw in malts and make
your wort. Boil Bullions for 45 minutes, Willammette for 5-7 minutes. Have
Submitted by: Peter Glen Berger
Black Cat Stout #1
Recipe Type
This stout turned out pretty tasty and the coffee flavor seems to come through more in the
aftertaste with the predominant flavor being the dark malts. I should probably have let it
ferment in the secondary a bit longer or not used anything for priming because I got a few
gushers after a couple months---but by then, most of the beer was gone anyway.
6.60 lbs
1.00 lbs
.50 lbs
.75 lbs
.50 lbs
.50 cup
Munton & Fison dark extract syrup
Munton & Fison dark dry extract
black patent malt
crystal malt
roasted barley
dark molasses
.75 oz
.75 oz
Willamette hops (boil)
Cascade hops (boil)
1.00 tsp
.50 cup
French roast coffee
2 packs Edme ale yeast
Brew a pot of coffee with 1/2 cup of French roast coffee. Steep specialty
grains in water as it boils. Remove grains. Boil malts, hops, and vanilla 60
minutes. Strain wort into fermenter. Pour in pot of coffee. Add ice water to
make 5 gallons. Pitch yeast. Rack to secondary after 3 days. Bottle 23 days
Double Party Chocolate Stout
Recipe Type
A double chocolate stout with a strong cocoa flavor. Color is dark brown, and aroma is that
of cocoa.
6.00 Lbs
.33 Lbs
.67 Lbs
.33 Lbs
.50 Lbs
Light Dry Malt Extract
Roasted Barley
Chocolate Malt
60 L Crystal Malt
Carapils Malt
3.00 Oz
1.00 Oz
1.00 Oz
East Kent Goldings (4.0% AA) 60 minutes
UK Fuggles (4.0% AA) 30 minutes
UK Fuggles (4.0% AA) 1 minute
1.00 Lbs
1.00 Tbsp
Baker's Chocolate
Irish Moss
White Labs' Irish Ale (WLP 004)
1) Steep crushed grains in 5 gallons of 150 F water for 30 minutes.
Remove grains and bring water to a boil. 2) Melt chocolate in a double
boiler and add to boiling water stirring constantly. 3) Dissolve DME in
boiling water, let boil for 15 minutes. 4) Add boiling hops for 60 minutes of
the boil. 5) Add flavor hops for 30 minutes of the boil. 6) Add Irish moss
for the final 15 minutes of the boil. 7) Steep 1 oz of aroma hops for a
minute after turning off the heat on the water. 8) Cool wort and add to
fermenter to pitch the yeast. 9) Primary fermentation was 5 days, and
secondary fermentation was 10 days. A layer of oil will be present at the
top of the fermenting beer, try not to transfer this during any transfer step
you have.
Most Recent Oatmeal Stout
Recipe Type
Darker and more astringent than the other recipes, also more boldly hopped but still wellbalanced due to the higher gravity. A little like Xingu or Mackesons with its residual
6.60 lbs
3.30 lbs
.50 lbs
.50 lbs
.50 lbs
.75 lbs
.50 lbs
Munton & Fison light unhopped extract
Munton & Fison dark unhopped extract
cara-pils malt
black patent malt
roasted barley
steel cut oats
Sticklbrackt hops (boil)
Bullion hops (boil)
Cascade hops (finish)
Cascade hops (dry)
.25 tsp
14 grams Whitbread ale yeast
Last in the series of experiments in brewing oatmeal stouts. It is an extract
brew, with specialty grains being added in the standard stove- top method
and removed at boil. Grains are cracked with a rolling pin and boiled for 30
minutes before straining. The Sticklbrackt are added in 1/2 ounce batches
at 20 minute intervals, the Bullion 1/2 ounce at a time in between the
Sticklbrackt. The finishing hops are added 5 minutes before the end of the
boil. The dry hopping is done in the primary.
Irish Moss
Nebraska Red
Pale Ale
Recipe Type
I would like to thank those fine people that replied with advice about my Honey-Wheat
recipe. It will be racked and bottled soon, and I'll post the result.
I have been experimenting recently, trying to make an amber - red ale (Along the lines of a
red dog clone) and have been moderately successfull with the following recipe.
My Friend George Shutelock has pronounced this recipe a Russian Red Bitter, and since it
practically blew the lid of my fermenter, I dubbed it the "Red Russian Atomic Ale", after
more consideration, since it does not run true to any given style, I have renamed it............
This ale is very lightly hopped, it does have a nice balance between the sweetness added by
the crystal malt and the hops that were used. Next time I try this recipe (Which will be
soon) I will use more hops to bring up the bitterness a little. But for now, I have a very nice
red ale that is highly enjoyed by my friends that normally don't light darker beers.
6.60 Lbs
1.00 Lbs
2.00 Oz
Munton & Fison Amber Malt Extract (Unhopped)
Crystal Malt (Steeped 45 minutes at 150-170 F)
Roasted Barley (Same as above)
1.00 Oz
Cascade Hops (for bittering, First wort Hopped, added with
Cascade Hops ( For flavor, Boiled 15 minutes)
Cascade hops (for aroma, Boiled 2 minutes)
.50 Oz
.50 Oz
1.00 Tsp
Irish moss, (Rehydrated and added for fining added for last
2 - 6 Gram packets of Muntons Dry yeast. (Rehydrated and started in a
Wort cooled to 85 F, aerated by stirring, and pitched the yeast starter at
Nightingale DoppleBock
Lager Bock
Recipe Type
This brew is not quite as strong as a traditional dopplebock. However, the resulting beer was
none less than excellent. It had a good shot of malt flavor (esp. the chocolate!). The head
quite creamy. The hop ping was perfectly balanced. It is the smoothest homebrew I've ever
7.00 lbs
1.00 lbs
1.50 lbs
6.00 oz
2.00 oz
8.00 oz
3/4 cup
Light Scottish Malt Extract
Dry Dark Malt Extract
80L Crystal Malt
Chocolate Malt
Black Patent Malt
Dextrin Malt
corn sugar for priming
2.00 oz
1.00 oz
Perle Hops (bittering) alpha=7.6%
Hallertauer Hops (aromatic) alpha=3.9%
.25 tsp
.50 tsp
brewing salts
2 packets of Red Star Lager yeast
Mash crushed crystal and dextrin malts in a pan of water at 150F for 1
hour. Strain through collander into main kettle and sparge with 150F water
until it runs clear. Add enough water to kettle to dissolve extracts (approx.
3 gallons). Dissolve extracts, salt and gypsum into kettle and bring to a
ROLLING boil. Stir in 1/2 oz. Perle hops and boil 15 min. Stir in 1 oz. Perle
Hops and boil 15 min. Stir in chocolate and black patent malts
(UNCRUSHED!) and boil 15 min. Stir in 1/2 oz. Perle hops and boil 15 min.
Add Hallertauer hops in the last minute of the boil. Strain though a nylon
meshed colander into Primary fermentor. Top up to 5 gallons with cold
water. Cool wort as fast as possible. (I cooled it to 80 degrees in 9
minutes.) At 80F add yeast. Ferment for 12 days at 40-48 degrees. Rack it
into the secondary and let it sit and ferment VERY slowly for 1 month at
32-40 degrees. Bottle and let age for a full month at 34 degrees.
Ole Bottle Rocket (Steam)
Steam Beer
Recipe Type
I've made many variations of steam beer, but simple ones like this seem to turn out best,
not to mention being easy to make. I usually use more Northern Brewer than this, but then
nobody will eat my chili either.
6.00 lbs
.50 lbs
light dry malt extract
toasted malt
.75 oz
.25 oz
Northern Brewer hops pellets (boil)
Northern Brewer hops pellets (finish)
1 pack lager yeast
Toast grains on cookie sheet in 350 degree oven for about 10 minutes.
Crush malt as you would grain. Put in 1-1/2 gallons water and bring to
boil. Strain out grain. Add extract and boiling hops. In last 2 minutes of
boil add finishing hops. Add to enough water to make 5 gallons and pitch
Pale After Math Ale
Pale Ale
Recipe Type
6.60 lbs
1.00 lbs
2.00 lbs
American classic light extract
crystal malt
British pale malt
3.00 oz
1.00 oz
Fuggles leaf hops
Cascade leaf hops
2.00 tsp
.50 tsp
Irish moss
1 pack MEV high-temperature British ale yeast
Mash grains at 155 degrees. Sparge with 170 degrees water. Boil, adding
extract and boiling hops; the hops were added in stages, 1 ounce at 50
minutes, 1 ounce at 30 minutes, and 1 ounceat 20 minutes. The Cascade
hops were sprinkled in over the last 10minutes of the boil.
Spiced Brown Ale
Spiced Beers
Recipe Type
This is the only spiced beer I've made; it came out very well. The recipe is based on Dottie's
Brown Ale by Charles Lawhon, which appeared in Zymurgy v. 14, Number 2.
The spices more-or-less masked the flavoring hops, so I might try reducing or removing
them next batch. I also intend to add cinnamon and/or dried orange rind.
7.00 lbs
.50 lbs
1.00 lbs
dark Munton & Fison malt extract syrup (2 cans)
crystal malt
chocolate malt
1.00 oz
1.00 oz
1.00 oz
Fuggles pellet hops -- boil
Fuggles pellet hops -- 15 minutes before end of boil
willamette pellet hops -- finish
1.00 nutmeg
1.00 oz
grated -- 15 minutes before end of boil
sliced ginger root -- 15 minutes before end
Whitbread ale dry yeast in a 20 oz. starter
Grain steeped in a colander in 2 gallons of cold water and brought to
boiling: grain removed when boiling began. Some hops and spices allowed
to pour into carboy. My notes don't mention fermentation times, so i would
guess 1 to 1--1/2 weeks in primary, 2 weeks in secondary as a rough
Nut Brown ale
Dennis Dye
Nut Brown ale
English Brown
5 gallons
50 HCU (~22 SRM)
Bitterness: 0 IBU
5.7% v/v (4.5% w/w)
0.50 lb. American victory
1.00 lb. British crystal 70-80L
.25 lb. American chocolate
Steep Grain for about 25 min
60 minutes
SG 1.047
6 gallons
4.00 lb. Light malt extract
3.00 lb. Amber malt extract
1 oz. Willamette (60 min.)
1 oz. Willamette (aroma)
British Ale 2
Carbonation: 1.5 volumes
Red Hook ESB
6 lbs of light malt extract syrup
4 oz of crystal malt (40L)
4 oz of chocolate malt
4 oz of roasted barley
1.5 oz of Northern Brewer for Bittering
1 oz of Cascade for Finishing
ale yeast
I have also modifed this as of late to increase the 'redness' in the ale by increasing the roasted barley
and crystal malt to 6 oz and 10 oz respectively, while keeping the chocolate the same. I did the
usual batch by adding the specialty grains in a grain bag until 170F and then adding half the
bittering hops at 60 minutes and the other half at 30 minutes with the finishing at the end with a
simmer/steep for 10 minutes without heat and covered. ing out. The goldings flavor comes through
real well but not too strong. The finish of saazer and goldings adds a bit of complexity to the
otherwise dominant saazer dry hopping. I had never dry hopped with saaz before, and it is a great
change from the norm.
Malt notes: Despite the well known limitations of american 2 row malt, I use it without difficulty.
The key is to tailor your recipe so that there are abundant flavoring malts/caramel malts to give the
body/dextrins/color desired. By adjusting the munich and caramel malts, a very full bodied beer can
be brewed with a terminal gravity as low as 1.008.
O.G.: 1.050
F.G.: 1.008
I have been making a Red Ale that's close to Red Hook (maybe not but it tastes good to me) that I
got from the local supply shop. It is an extract based recipe.
The last batch turned out great and even my wife likes it! (I must have done something wrong!)
Double Stout
3 gallons, water
10 pounds, dark malt extract
1 pound, black patent malt
2 pounds, crystal malt
1/2 pound, flaked barley
1/4 pound, roasted barley
1/2 licorice stick
1 teaspoon, ascorbic acid
1/2 teaspoon, citric acid
1 teaspoon, Irish moss
2 1/2 ounce, Bullion hops
1 1/2 ounce, Kent Golding hops
2 teaspoons, yeast nutrient
3/4 ounce, ale yeast (three standard packages)
Combine water, dark malt extract, and Bullion hops. Boil for 20 minutes. Add black patent malt
through Irish moss. Boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add Kent Golding hops. Steep for 5
minutes. Cool and add yeast nutrient and ale yeast. When fermentation has "stopped", add priming
sugar and bottle.
O.G.: 1.086
F.G.: 1.020
Primary Ferment: 7--11 days
My batch fermented in about a week (house temperature ranging between 60 and 68). It was barely
drinkable after 6 weeks, but delicious after 3 months. It's now been almost 5 years, and the last few
bottles are a little faded and mellow but still quite good.
7 lbs. dark malt extract
1 lb. Crystal malt
1/2 lb. Chocolate malt
1/4 lb. Black Patent
1 lb. honey (clover)
4 tsp. nutmeg
10 inch Cinammon stick
1 1/2 oz. Helletaur hops (bittering)
1/2 oz. Helletauer hops (finishing)
1 lb. bakers chocolate
14 grams Australian ale yeast
The O.G. on my batch was a healthy 1.065, but as you probably have guessed...the final gravity
wasn't anywhere near 0...which was good. It is the adjuncts and unfermentables in this batch that
give it that special holiday/winter character. I will definanely try this batch again...but before next
winter! mon stick 1-1/2 tsp. grated orange peel
I'm new here, but I have been brewing beer for a good 4 years now. You guys all seem to be a little
advanced in your techniques compared to me; an extract/grain brewer. This is good. I will learn
new things here. Heres a recipe that I brewed earlier this winter and found it to be one of my better
recipes. Give this a try if you like dark, robust, malty brews.
Baer's Stout
Recipe Type
This is based on one of the excellent recipes from Dave Baer (from this digest). This one
came out great! Apologies to Dave for what we may have done to the original.
.25 lbs
.25 lbs
6 lbs
.5 lbs
.25 lbs
.5 cup
flaked barley
medium crystal malt
dark Australian malt extract
dark Australian dry malt
black patent malt
2 oz
2/3 oz
Cascade hops (boil)
Northern Brewer hops (finish)
Wyeast British ale yeast
Steep flaked barley and crystal malt for 50 minutes at 153 degrees. Strain
and boil 90 minutes. Add 1/3 of boiling hops after 30 minutes. Add black
patent and molasses at 45 minutes. After 60 minutes add 1/3 of boiling
hops. At end of boil add remaining hops. Steep. Strain, cool, and ferment.
Submitted by: Michael Eldridge
Guinness Pub Draught Clone
6 lbs John Bull Pale Malt Extract
1 lb Flaked Barley
1/2 lb Roasted Barley
1/4 lb Black Patent
1 oz Northern Brewer whole hops (7.7% alpha)
1 tsp gypsum
Wyeast #1084 (Irish Ale)
1.5 cups Pale Dry Malt Extract for priming
To 2 gal cold water add grains in bag, and gypsum. Bring to boil, boil 5 min., remove grains. Add
hops, boil 45 min. Sparge into cold water to make 5 gal of wort. Rack cooled wort off of cold
break, pitch yeast.
O.G.: 1.045
F.G.: 1.010
Here's my interpretation of Guinness Pub Draught (refined after 5 iterations!).
This recipe represents the culmination of my year-long quest to replicate draught Guinness. It's
close enough that my Guinness consumption will be significantly curtailed!
8.8 pounds, unhopped dark malt extract
1 pound, roasted barley
1 pound, wheat malt
1/2 pound, black patent malt
1/2 pound, chocolate malt
4 ounces, Bullion hops (boil)
1 ounce, Cascade hops (finish)
The bullion hops are added 30 minutes into the boil. I used pelletized hops and there was a huge
amount of sediment when I racked it---not sediment in the normal sense---it was mostly beer with
hops floating in it, but it was too thick to go through the siphon.
O.G.: 1.075
F.G.: 1.035
This is better than any stout I have ever tasted. It is based on the stout recipe posted by Marc San
Soucie in Digest #219.
Kona Stout
Source: Homebrewer's Recipe
Giude, p. 61.
OG: 1.046
SG: 1.014
6.6 lb. Dark malt extract
1/2 lb. Crystal (40L)
1/2 lb. Chocolate
1/4 lb. Roasted barley
1.5 oz. Fuggles (bittering - 1 hour)
1 oz. Tettnanger (aroma - last 10 minutes)
kona coffee - 1/2 cup ground (steeped for 15 minutes after boil)
Recipe is for a 5 gallon batch.
Irish Ale Yeast
Click here for more information
on the denrs brewing method
kona coffee - 1/2 cup ground (cold extract during secondary)
Target: 1.048
1 1/4 dark dry malt extract (priming)
Added the coffee after removing the wort from the heat. Let it steep (crushed) in a hop bag for 15
According to the Williams Brewing catalog, their coffee porter includes natural coffee flavoring which
"eliminates the head destroying oils found in coffee beans." Hmmm…very interesting
Racked on 11/20/00, gravity level of 1.014. Beer tasted OK, but not enough of a coffee whack. So I
added 1/4 lb. to the secondary to "cold extract" the coffee essence out into the beer.
This beer is excellent, although some may find the coffee taste to be overpowering. It has a nice head,
and (based on my experience) it contains a lot of caffeine. Don't say you weren't warned...
Extra Stout
If you like Guinness, then you will like this one. Roasted and Flaked Barley, Crystal Malt, Malt Extract, Irish Ale Yeast and
the Freshest Hops help the beginner create a reasonable clone of this classic Irish Stout. The foam created with this kit is
tightly beaded and light tan in color when you package it in bottles.
 12 oz Roasted Barley
 4 oz 60L Crystal Malt
 1 oz Flaked Barley
 5 lbs Light DME
 8.5 HBUs Target (Bittering)
 1/2 oz East Kent Goldings (Flavor)
 Irish Ale Yeast
Put the specialty grains into the muslin bag and steep in 150 degree water for 20 minutes. Pull the bag out, allowing it to
drain freely into the brew kettle. There is no need to "squeeze" the bag. Squeezing the bag will only release tannins that will
harm your beer.
Add 170 degree water to the brew kettle to bring the total volume to 2.5 gallons. As you add this water, run it over your bag
of grains to sparge ("rinse") the rest of the grain water out of the bag.
Bring kettle to a boil, then remove it from the burner. Stir in the Dry Malt Extract (DME), and put Target (Bittering) hops
in a muslin bag (tied closed) and add into the kettle.
Return to heat and boil for 45 minutes, then add in 1/2 oz East Kent Goldings for flavor hop to the muslin bag.
Continue boiling for 15 minutes.
Cool to room temperature, add water to bring total volume to 5 gallons. Stir vigorously to incorporate air into the wort. Pitch
(add) your yeast.
Purple Mountain Bock
Ingredients for 5 gallons:
4.4 lbs. Premier plain light malt extract syrup
1/2 lb. light dried malt extract
1/2 lb. toasted malted barley
1/4 lb. chocolate malt
1/4 lb. crystal malt
1 oz. Hallertauer or Tettnanger hops (boiling): 5 HBU
1/4 oz. Hallertauer or Tettnanger hops (finishing)
1-2 pkgs. lager yeast
3/4 c. corn sugar or 1/4 c. dired malt extract (bottling)
Toast the whole malted barley in a 350-degrees F (177 C) oven for 10 minutes. Crush the warm malted
barley, crystal and chocolate malts. Add them to 1 1/2 gallons of cold water and bring to a boil. Remove the
grains when boiling commences. Add the malt extract and boiling hops and continue to boil for 60 minutes.
Add the finishing hops during the final 1-2 minutes of boiling. Sparge the hot wort immediately into the
fermenter and cold water. Pitch the yeast when cool.
O.G.: 1.038-1.040 (9.5-10)
F.G.: 1.008-1.012 (2-3)
Provided by BrewMaxer
This recipe is for 5 gallons (19L) of incredible beer!
This is a very rich, dark brown, full-bodied stout, although perhaps a little light for an imperial
stout. There is an intense dark malt and burnt sugar flavor that lingers long after the last sip.
Dark Malt Extract
Amber Malt Extract (DME)
British Pale 2-Row
American Crystal 90 L
Roasted Barley
Cara-Pils Malt
Challenger Hops (Bittering)
Fuggle Hops (Aroma)
Fuggle (Dry Hop)
Irish Moss
White Labs British Ale Yeast. (WLP005)
Pale Dry Malt Extract (Priming)
Place crushed Grains in water and steep at 155 degrees for 45 minutes.
Remove spent grains and add Malt Extract and Bittering Hops. Boil for 1 hour.
Add Irish Moss last 15 minutes of the boil.
Add Aroma Hops in the last 2 minutes of the boil. Cool wort and pitch yeast.
Primary-ferment at 65 to 70 degrees for 3 weeks.
Transfer to secondary fermenter and add Dry Hops.
Secondary-ferment an additional 4 to 6 weeks at temperatures between 50 and 55 degrees.
Bottle, Dry Malt Extract.
Age in bottle for 8 weeks.
DOWNLOAD: MyBrewCollection Recipe.
This recipe is ready to import into your copy of MyBrewCollection software.
If you don't have a copy yet, what are you waiting for? Purchase yours today!
Stellar Stout
Recipe from The Fermentation Settlement, San Jose CA
7 pounds, Light Malt Extract Syrup
0.5 pound, Crystal Malt (60L)
0.5 pound, Flaked Barley
0.5 pound, Black Patent Malt
0.25 pound, Roasted Barley
1.5 ounce, Bullion Hop Pellets (boiling)
1 package, Whitbread Ale Yeast
1 cup, Corn Sugar
Add grains to cold water, heat kettle until it reaches a boil. Remove grains, add Malt syrup and bring to a full boil. Add the
boiling hops and boil for 60 minutes. Two minutes before the end of the boil, add the finishing hops. Chill wort, strain into
fermenter, pitch yeast and aerate well. Rack from primary to secondary when vigorous fermentation is complete. Prime with
corn sugar and bottle. Should be ready to drink after 3-4 weeks of bottle conditioning.
My first batch - this turned out really good. At 3 weeks in the bottle, it was tasty - after 6 months, it was phenomenal.
Definitely a brew to let sit in the bottles for a while (something I have a problem with... :) Good strong flavor, smooth
creamy body and head - and it sucks the light in from the room around you :) Definitely a good one
Black Dog Stout
O.G.: 1.052
F.G.: 1.014
6 2/3 pounds dark malt extract
2 ounces Kent Goldings hops (bittering)
24 ounces Guinness stout (soured)
1/2 cup malto-dextrin
1/2 pound Crystal malt (80L)
1 package Irish ale yeast
1/2 pound roasted barley
1 1/4 cups dry malt extract (priming)
1/2 pound chocolate malt
Place crushed crystal malt, chocolate malt, and roasted barley in water and steep at 155 degrees for
30 minutes. Remove spent grains. Add dark malt extract, soured stout, and malto-dextrin, and Kent
Goldings hops. Boil for 1 hour. Cool wort and pitch yeast. Ferment for 10 to 14 days. Bottle, using
dry malt extract. Age in bottle for 10 days.
Oatmeal Molasses Coffee Stout (OMC Stout)
(O.G. = 1.050 - 1.060; F.G. = 1.015 - 1.020; IBU = 56; Potential Alc. @ 4-5%)
3.3 lbs. EDME DMS Pale Malt Extract
3.3 lbs. Northwest Amber Malt Extract
1 lb. crystal malt (crushed)
1 lb. carapils (crushed)
.5 lbs. chocolate malt (crushed)
.5 lbs. roasted barley (crushed)
.5 lbs. black barley (crushed)
20 oz. quick oats
12 oz. blackstrap molasses
1 oz. Fuggle Pellets (45 min. boil)
.5 oz. Fuggle Pellets (30 min. boil)
1 oz. Northern Brewer Pellets (45 min. boil)
.5 oz. Fuggle Pellets (finishing, 5 min. boil)
1 tsp. gypsum (optional)
.5 tsp. Irish moss (or .25 tsp powdered)
10 cups coffee, automatic drip brewed from 6 oz. fresh espresso roast beans
Wyeast 1084 - Irish Ale Yeast
Make sure to start the liquid yeast at least 24 hours before it will be pitched (as per the packet instructions). If you use a wort
cooler, you would need to start the yeast the day before the boil. Preheat oven to 150 degrees F. Mixing frequently to avoid
burning and caramelization, heat EDME extract, oatmeal, and crushed grains on stove burner in 1.5 gal of water to 150-160
degrees F, cover pot and place in oven for one hour. A few minutes before the hour is up, boil one gallon of water on top of the
stove. The grains and oatmeal listed above have no enzymes, yet some of them still have significant starch content which needs to
be converted to sugars (particularly the oatmeal and carapils). The EDME DMS (Diastatic Malt Extract) has supplemental
enzymes that will help convert the starches at 150 degrees F. If you go over 150-160 degrees F, you'll "kill" the enzymes, so be
Next, strain the contents of the pot containing the grains, oatmeal, and EDME extract into a larger pot (5 gal. plus, this one will
want to boil over on you), and then poor the one gallon of boiled water over the strained grains to rinse as much of the solids as
possible out of the hulls. It is undesirable to include the barley hulls in the boil, which would result in an astringent taste in the
beer. Add the 12 oz. of molasses, the 3.3 lbs. of Northwest malt extract and the 1 tsp. gypsum (if desired). Stir the wort well.
Bring this pot to a rolling boil (stir occasionally until boiling to avoid burning or caramelizing of the sugars in the wort) , and add
the one ounce of Fuggle pellets and one ounce of Northern Brewer Pellets to the boiling wort. You may want to use muslin hop
boiling bags to reduce the need for straining and the amount of sediment which will accumulate in the fermenter.
Boil for 15 minutes, then add the remaining half ounce of Fuggle pellets. Boil for 15 more minutes, during which time you can
grind the 6 oz. of espresso beans and get your coffee maker going. Add the .5 tsp. of Irish moss to the boil, and continue to boil
for 10 minutes. Add the final .5 oz. of Fuggle pellets for finishing, and boil for 5 more minutes. Poor your wort, or strain it,
directly into a cleaned and sanitized fermenter containing 2.5-3.0 gal. of cold water (or boiled water, if you're paranoid about
Add the 10 cups of coffee to the fermenter. The total volume in the fermenter should now be around 5 gallons. If it is less, add
some water to bring it up to volume. Make sure to mix the wort well. When the temperature reaches between 75-80 degrees F, it
is safe to pitch the yeast. Follow the instructions on the yeast packet for this process and make sure to mix the wort vigorously
with a sanitized utensil to aerate it - it will help the yeast take off.
My primary fermentation was completely closed and air-locked for this one (although I commonly place the lid loosely on top of
my plastic primary fermenter - hasn't created a problem, yet). The primary fermentation was furious for three days at about 72
degrees F, at which point, I siphoned the beer into my sanitized secondary fermenter (glass carboy) and fermented closed. After 7
days, I began to check the specific gravity with a hydrometer every other day. When the specific gravity did not change for two
consecutive measurements, I primed it with 3/4 cup of corn sugar (boiled in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes) and bottled it. The
results were perfect.
Amber Ale
Amber, Red Ale, Alt Bier. The Amber style is a catch-all style with almost as many variations and nationalities as Pale Ale.
This Amber recipe is medium bodied with a complex bouquet of hop taste and aroma using Northern Brewer, Cascade and
Saaz hops.
 12 oz 60L Crystal Malt
 1 oz Black Malt
 6 lbs Light DME
 9 HBUs Northern Brewer (Bittering)
 1/2 oz Cascade (Flavor)
 1/4 oz Saaz (Aroma)
 British Ale Yeast
Put the specialty grains into the muslin bag and steep in 150 degree water for 20 minutes. Pull the bag out, allowing it to
drain freely into the brew kettle. There is no need to "squeeze" the bag. Squeezing the bag will only release tannins that will
harm your beer.
Add 170 degree water to the brew kettle to bring the total volume to 2.5 gallons. As you add this water, run it over your bag
of grains to sparge ("rinse") the rest of the grain water out of the bag.
Bring kettle to a boil, and then remove it from the burner. Stir in the Dry Malt Extract (DME), and put Northern Brewer
(Bittering) hops in a muslin bag (tied closed) and add into the kettle.
Return to heat and boil for 45 minutes, then add in 1/2 oz Cascade for flavor hop to the muslin bag.
Continue boiling for 15 minutes. Add 1/4 oz Saaz Hop for aroma for 1 minute.
Cool to room temperature, add water to bring total volume to 5 gallons. Stir vigorously to incorporate air into the wort. Pitch
(add) your yeast.
Dark Sleep Stout
Ingredients for 5 gallons:
6.6 lbs. John Bull plain dark malt extract syrup
1 lb. plain dark dried malt extract
2 oz. Northern Brewer hops (boiling): 18 HBU
1/2 lb. roasted barley
1/2 lb. black patent malt
1/2 lb. crystal malt
8 tsp. gypsum
1-2 pkgs. ale yeast
3/4 c. corn sugar or 1/4 c. dired malt extract (bottling)
Add the crushed roasted barley, crystal and black patent malts to 1 1/2 gallons of cold water. Bring to a boil
and remove the grains after 5 minutes of boiling. Add the malt extract and boiling hops and continue to boil
for 60 minutes. Sparge the hot wort into the fermenter and top off to 5 gallons with cold water. Pitch the
yeast when cool (65-75F).
O.G.: 1.060-1.064 (15-16)
F.G.: 1.024-1.028 (6-7)
Concrete Blonde
3.3 lbs. Gold Liquid Malt Extract
3 lbs. Light Dry Malt Extract
1 oz. Amarillo Hops
1 oz. Willamette Hops
5 oz. Corn Sugar (Priming)
And the following liquid yeast:
WYeast- Northwest Ale #1332
Brown Ale
5 lbs. Crystal Malt 60°L
.25 lbs. American Chocolate Malt
.0625 lbs. British Black Patent
5 lbs. Dry Light Extract
1.0 oz. Cascade (Pellets, 5.90 %AA) boiled 60 minutes.
.50 oz. Crystal (Pellets, 4.0 %AA) boiled 15 minutes.
.50 oz. Crystal (Pellets, 4.0 %AA) boiled 5 minutes.
1 teaspoons Irish Moss
Yeast : WYeast 1338 European Ale
Gordon Biersch Marzen Clone
.6 lbs. Gold Liquid Malt Extract
1 lb. Munich Malt
.5 lb. CaraMunich Malt
2 oz. Hallertau Hops
5 oz. Corn Sugar (Priming)
And the following liquid yeast:
WYeast – Bohemian Lager #2124
Satan's Triple
Strong Belgian Ale
6.6 lbs. Liquid Light Extract
2 lbs. Honey
2 lbs. Candi Sugar Clear
1 lbs. Cane Sugar
1 oz. Styrian Goldings (Pellets, 6.00 %AA) boiled 60 minutes.
1 oz. Czech Saaz (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 60 minutes.
Yeast : WYeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity
Alcohol (%volume) 9.5 %
Lucifer's Strong Ale
0.25 lbs. Belgian Munich
.25 lbs. Belgian Biscuit
6.6 lbs. Liquid Light Extract
1 lbs. Cane Sugar
2 lbs. Candi Sugar Clear
2 oz. Spalt Spalter (Whole, 4.75 %AA) boiled 60 minutes.
Yeast : WYeast 1388 Belgian Strong Ale
Sea Bass Ale 1.5 lbs. Crystal Malt 20°L
6.6 lbs. Liquid Light Extract
1 oz. East Kent Goldings (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 60 minutes.
.5 oz. Fuggle (Pellets, 4.75 %AA) boiled 45 minutes.
.5 oz. Willamette (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 15 minutes.
1 teaspoons Gypsum (not included in calculations)
.5 teaspoons Irish Moss (not included in calculations)
Yeast : White Labs WLP005 British Ale
Bunny Hill
25 lbs. Belgian Chocolate Malt
.75 lbs. Crystal Malt 10°L
.25 lbs. American Victory
6 lbs. Alexanders Munich Liquid
1 oz. Hallertau (Pellets, 5.5 %AA) boiled 60 minutes.
Yeast : WYeast 2206 Bavarian Lager
6.0 %
7.8 %
Dubbel Down
1 lbs. Belgian Caramunich
1 lbs. Belgian Special B
7.4 lbs. Alexanders Pale Liquid
1.25 lbs. Dry Extra Light Extract
.6 lbs. Candi Sugar Amber
1 oz. Styrian Goldings (Pellets, 6.00 %AA) boiled 60 minutes.
1 oz. Styrian Goldings (Pellets, 6.00 %AA) boiled 40 minutes.
1 oz. Saaz (Pellets, 3.3 %AA) boiled 9 minutes.
0.25 teaspoons Irish Moss @T-10min (not included in calculations)
Yeast : White Labs WLP500 Trappist Ale
5.5 %
7.0 %
A full bodied, somewhat (dark) fruity, earthy, very lightly spicy effervescent brew.
Very good and fairly complex.
Use cooler temps with this yeast to avoid solvent//phenolic flavors.
Tweaked English Brown Ale
5 lbs. Crystal Malt 60°L
3.3 lbs. John Bull Amber
2 lbs. Dry Amber Extract
.25 lbs. Light Brown Sugar
1 oz. Willamette (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 60 minutes.
1 oz. East Kent Goldings (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 15 minutes.
.5 oz. Willamette (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 5 minutes.
1 teaspoons Irish Moss (not included in calculations)
1 teaspoons Gypsum (not included in calculations)
Yeast : Danstar Nottingham
3.5 %
4.5 %
Used two packets of yeast. This is a modified recipe from a well known beer kit company.
Added Kent Goldings flavoring hops and 4 oz. of raw cane sugar to kick it up a notch
Barbar by Three Dog Brewing
5 lbs. Belgian Caravienne
.333 lbs. Honey Malt
3 lbs. Muntons Dry Wheat
5 lbs. Dry Extra Light Extract
1 lbs. Candi Sugar Clear
1 oz. Hallertau Hersbruck (Pellets, 4.4 %AA) boiled 60 minutes.
.5 oz. Styrian Goldings (Pellets, 6.00 %AA) boiled 15 minutes.
Yeast : WYeast 1214 Belgian Abbey
6.8 %
8.7 %
Knucklehead Stout
0.2 lbs. British Black Patent
0.3 lbs. British Dark Crystal
0.3 lbs. Roasted Barley
0.15 lbs. English Chocolate Malt
4.5 lbs. Muntons Dry Amber
1 lbs. John Bull Roasted
0.25 lbs. Dark Brown Sugar
2 oz. Fuggle (Pellets, 4.75 %AA) boiled 60 minutes.
1 oz. Goldings (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 5 minutes.
Yeast : White Labs WLP005 British Ale
4.3 %
5.5 %
PJ's Stout
0.51 lbs. British Black Patent
0.38 lbs. English Chocolate Malt
4.58 lbs. John Bull Dark
0.14 lbs. Molasses
0.11 lbs. Dark Brown Sugar
1.4 oz. Fuggle (Pellets, 4.75 %AA) boiled 60 minutes.
0.49 oz. Brambling Cross (Pellets, 6.00 %AA) boiled 15 minutes.
0.50 oz. Brambling Cross (Pellets, 6.00 %AA) boiled 1 minutes.
Yeast : White Labs WLP004 Irish Stout
2.7 %
3.5 %
Black Genesis Stout
Ingredients: 5 lbs. Dark Malt Extract
*3 lbs. Wheat Extract
*1/2 lb. Black Patent Malt
*1/2 lb. Chocolate Malt
*1 lb. Black Roasted Barley
*1/2 oz. Galena Hop for 60 min.
*1 oz. Cascade Hop for 10 min.
*1 oz. Hallertauer Tradition Hop. for 1 min.
*1 pkg. #1084 Wyeast Irish Ale
*1 tsp. Irish Moss for final 20 min. boil.
*3/4 cup corn sugar at bottling
Instructions: This recipe is for 5 gallons.*In brew kettle bring 3 gallons of water and specialty malts
to 170 degrees. At 170, remove grain from water and bring wort to a boil. Add in extract and
continue to boil for 60 minutes adding in hops at 60 min, 10 min.and at the final minute of the
boil.*After boil is over cool the wort to 68 degrees. Remember to make a yeast starter at least 24
hours before. Transfer to primary fermenter, and pitch yeast. *After 25 days in primary, transfer beer
to bottling bucket, add 3/4 cup of corn sugar, and bottle. Leave bottles to carbonate for 2 weeks, then
try one. This stout tastes best when left to carbonate for 1 month, and then chilled for a few days.
Pumpkin Ale
Brewing Method: Extract
Yeast: Dried (Edme or Muntons)
Yeast Starter: 1/2 cup dry malt boiled in 1 pint water
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Alcohol Content: ~4.5 %
Primary Fermentation: ~3 days, 65-70 degrees
Secondary Fermentation: 7-9 days, 65-70 degrees
Additional Fermentation:
Grain Bill:
3 lbs dry light malt extract
3 lbs dry amber malt extract
+ ~ 2 cups dry light or amber malt extract for starter and priming
Hop Bill:
2 oz Hallertauer (boil)
2-3 lbs fresh pumpkin, peeled and cut into ~1" cubes
1 oz fresh grated ginger root
1 tbsp nutmeg
1/2 tbsp cinnamon
*1/2 oz coriander
Brewers Notes:
Start boil w/ 2 1/2 gallons water (I use bottled spring water w/ 2 tsp gypsum added). Add dry malt extracts
and hops; I prefer to bag the hops for this and avoid sparging. Boil 50-55 minutes, then add pumpkin,
ginger, and spices. Note - I've just tried the coriander for the first time this year, so I'll have to get back to
you in a month as to whether that was a good idea ;) Omitting the coriander will result in an excellent beer,
though. Continue boiling until an hour total is reached - the pumpkin should be a darker orange, indicating
it's been boiled long enough to be sterilized.
Chill wort and dump into 2 1/2 gallons water in plastic fermenter. Allow primary to run 3-4 days (once
initial burst is over), then rack to carboy. Continue secondary until fermentation settles.
Bottling: Rack finished beer to plastic bucket containing 1 1/4 cups dry malt boiled in 1 pint water for five
minutes. Bottle, let finish a minimum of two weeks (last year's batch finished about this long, and got
Pumpkin Ale
I won 3rd place in the Novelty Beer category at the 1992 Dixie Cup Homebrew Competition
with this recipe. To give credit where it is due, I based this recipe largely on an extract
recipe that was printed in Barley Malt & Vine's (West Roxbury, Mass) store newsletter a
few year's back. I added 1 lb. light crystal malt and substituted Chico Ale Wyeast
#1056(aka American Ale) for the dried yeast they recommended. I also modified
(increased!) the spices used.
6 pounds Northwestern Golden malt extract
1 pounds British crystal malt
2 pounds sliced up pumpkin (NOT the gross seedy junk, the stuff you carve!)
1-1/2 ounces Fuggles hops for 60 minutes
1 teaspoon Nutmeg
1 teaspoon Allspice
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1 ounce fresh grated Ginger root
1 ounce fresh grated Ginger root
Wyeast #1056 (American Ale, allegedly the same yeast used by SNBC)
Add all the spices (including Ginger root) for the last 10 minutes of the boil. OK, now there
is some controversey over exactly WHEN to add the pumpkin: the original newsletter said to
add 2 inch cubes of pumpkin to the brew-kettle 10 MINUTES before the end of the boil, and
to "ferment on" the pumpkin cubes. In the batch I made for the Dixie Cup, I put the pumpkin
cubes into the brew-kettle 30 minutes before the end of the boil. I'm not sure this was a
good idea - I think I boiled off some pumpkin crud ("crud" is a technical term) that got into
the final product. With the batch I just brewed, I am going to add mashed-up pumpkin to the
secondary carboy, and rack the contents of the primary on top of it. I used this method with
excellent results on a raspberry wheat beer recently. I also used a very different hopping
schedule in my most recent batch: 60 minutes - 3/4 oz Willamette (4.5% alpha) 30 minutes
- 1/4 oz Willamette 1/2 oz Cascades (5.5% alpha) 5 minutes - 1 1/2 oz Cascades The
original recipe said to add finings to clear. I added 1 teaspoon of Irish Moss at 60, 30 and
10 minutes before the end of the boil. I am also considering finings or some other
clarification agent in the secondary (pumpkin has got some CLOUDY JUNK in it!).
Great Pumpkin Ale
3 lb. amber malt extract
3 lb. light DME
1 lb. Crystal (40L)
1/2 lb. chocolate malt
1 tsp. Gypsum
2 oz. Kent Goldings (bittering)
1 tsp Irish moss
8 lb. pumpkin (fresh)
1 package pumpkin pie spice
3 whole nutmegs
6 whole allspice
London Ale Yeast (Wyeast 1028)
3/4 cup corn sugar
London Brown
OG: 1.054
½ lb Crystal grains, 40 –L
½ lb Victory grains
¼ lb Chocolate grains
4 lbs Amber malt extract
2 ½ lbs Dark malt extract
1 oz Kent Golding hops (boiling)
½ oz Willamette hops (flavoring)
Irish moss
½ oz Willamette hops (aroma)
4 oz Corn sugar, for bottling
Wyeast # 1028 London Ale
Malt Base:
6.6 lb (2 cans) Muntons Dark Liquid,
4 oz. Malto Dextrin
Specialty Grains (crushed):
3 oz. Dark Crystal,
3 oz. Roasted Barley,
3 oz. Chocolate,
8 oz. Flaked Oats
HOPS: 1 oz. Northern Brewer (bittering), 1 oz. Tetnanger (aroma)
Yeast: (Dried)
Muntons or : USE Wyeast Liquid (add $3.50) : #1084 Irish Ale
Irish Moss,
Muslin Bag,
54 bottle caps,
5 oz (3/4 cup) Priming Sugar
Brown Ale
6.6 lbs. Gold Liquid Malt Extract
½ lb. British Pale Grain M&F two row (cracked)
½ lb. British Crystal Grain M&F (cracked)
¼ lb. Cara Pils Grain (cracked)
¼ lb. Chocolate Grain (cracked)
1½ oz. Willamette or Fuggles
1 oz. Willamette or Fuggles
1 tsp. Irish Moss
2 tsp. Gypsum
1 pkg. Wyeast Liquid Yeast - British Ale
Add gypsum to water. Place grains into 1½ gal. cold water. Heat to 160°F. Remove from heat, cover &
allow to sit for 60 min. Sparge with 1 gal. 170°F water & return liquid to brewpot. Add malt & 1½ oz.
hops. Return pot to heat & boil for 30 min. Add Irish Moss & boil for 30 min. Remove from heat & add
final 1 oz. hops. Steep for 5 min. Strain into 3 gal. cold water & pitch yeast when cooled to 80°F or below.
Yields 5 gal..
This beers has a slightly sweet flavor that finishes slightly dry, similar to Newcastle Brown Ale. It has a
"nutty" flavor that comes from their use of Cara Pils and Crystal malts combined with balanced use of
Chocolate malt. Lightly hopped for just a hint of aroma and balance. Recipe price excludes Gypsum & Irish
6.6 lbs. Gold Malt Extract
1 lb. Munich Grain (cracked)
1 lb. British Crystal Grain (cracked)
¼ lb. Black Patent Grain (cracked)
½ lb. Chocolate Grain (cracked)
1½ oz. Northern Brewer Hops (boil)
½ oz. Willamette Hops (finish)
½ oz. Willamette Hops (aroma)
1 tsp. Gypsum
1 tsp. Irish Moss
1 pkg. Wyeast Liquid Yeast - London Ale
Place grains & gypsum into 1½ gal. cold water. Heat to 160°F. Remove from heat, cover & allow to sit for
1 hour. Sparge with 1 gal. 170°F water & return liquid to brewpot. Add malt & 1½ oz. boiling hops. Return
pot to heat & boil for 30 min. Add Irish Moss & continue to boil. At 50 minute mark, add ½ oz. finish hops.
At 58 minute mark, add ½ oz. aroma hops. Steep for 2 min., then strain into 3 gal. cold water & pitch yeast
when cooled to 80°F or below.
Yields 5 gal.
Originating from London, porter is a very dark and developed in the eighteenth century. A medium to full
bodied beer with a distinctive roasty malt flavor. The malts will produce a chocolate or coffee dryness
while the hops will balance the flavors without dominating. British Porters have a minerally taste from hard
European Brown Ale
Recipe By
Serving Size
-------3 1/3
: Better Brew Kit
: 50
Preparation Time :0:00
: Amber Beers
German Beers
Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------------------------------Malt Extract Syrup-Amber
Malt Extract Powder-Light
Burton water salts
Fuggles Hops -- boiling
Williamette Hops -- finishing
ale yeast
corn sugar -- bottling
Boil malts and water salts in 2 gal water for 35 min.
hops and
boil for 15 min. Add finishing hops for 5 min.
Add boiling
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES : O.G.:1.039-1.044
Third Stone Imperial Stout
10 lb amber liquid malt extract
1 lb dark crystal malt (grain)
1/3 lb roasted barley (grain)
1/3 lb black patent malt (grain)
2 oz chinook hop pellets
1 oz czech sazz hop pellets
1 oz fuggles hop pellets
1 pk edme dry ale yeast
3/4 c corn sugar (for priming)
6 ga your favorite bottled spring
- water
Nut Brown Ale
5 gallons
6.6 -lbs Coopers unhopped Amber Malt Syrup
1 -lb Honey Malt
½ -lb CaraWheat Malt
2 -oz Vanguard Hops (boil 60 minutes)
1 -oz Perle Hops (boil 5 minutes)
½ -teaspoon Irish Moss (boil 45 minutes)
¾ -cup corn sugar for bottling
White Labs British Ale yeast
original gravity 1.048
final gravity 1.014
alcohol content 4.25%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°)
for 30 minutes. Don’t fret the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the
hot water with a strainer, then bring water to a boil. When boiling starts,
remove pot from burner and add 1 cup Malt syrup. Return to a boil, then add
boiling hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add Irish Moss for last 45 minutes of
boil. Add finishing hops for last 5 minutes of the boil. Then add remainder of
malt syrup and stir to mix, wait 10 minutes to sanitize. Fill your sanitized
carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top
off to the 5 gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment and
bottle as ususal.
Russian Imperial Stout
Makes 5 gallons
Old Rasputin Imperial Stout Clone (5 gallon, extract with grains)
IBU’S = 85-95
Alcohol 9.0% by volume
9.9 lbs. Coopers Light malt extract syrup
1.0 lb. Hugh Baird Carastan Malt
0.5 lb. Hugh Baird Brown Malt
0.5 lb. Chocolate malt
1.0 lb. Crystal Malt 120L
0.25 lb. Roasted Black Barley
22.7 AAU Cluster hop pellets (bittering hop) (2.75 oz of 7.0% alpha acid)
9.0 AAU Northern Brewer leaf hops (aroma hop) (1.0 oz of 9.0% alpha acid)
8.8 AAU Centennial leaf hops (aroma hop) (1.0 oz of 8.8% alpha acid)
1 tsp Irish moss for 60 min
White Labs WLP001 California Ale yeast
O.75 cup of corn sugar for priming.
Step by step
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t fret
the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring water to a boil.
When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add 1 cup malt syrup. Return to a boil, then add boiling
hops and irish moss and boil for 60 minutes. Add finishing hops for last 5 minutes of the boil. Then add
remainder of malt syrup and dry malt extract and stir to mix, wait 10 minutes to sanitize. Fill your sanitized
carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top off to the 5 gallon mark.
Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and aerate heavily to get optimal fermentation. Ferment a minimum
of 10 days. Bottle as ususal. This stout will improve with aging!
Best Brown Ale
(Kalamazoo Clone)
makes 5 gallons
6.6 -Lbs. Coopers light malt extract syrup
14 -Oz. Victory Malt
14 -Oz. Special Roast Malt
14 -Oz. Crystal Malt 60L
2 - Oz. Chocolate Malt
1 - Oz. Cascade hops (bittering hop, boil 45 min)
1 -Tsp Irish Moss, (boil 60 min)
1/2 -Oz. Fuggle hops, (boil 15 min)
1/2 - Oz. Fuggle hops (aroma hop, boil 2 min)
3/4 Cup corn sugar for bottling
White Labs WLP007 Dry English Ale Yeast
Steep crushed specialty grains in about 3 gallons of water at 150° to 155° for 30 minutes. Remove grains,
and bring wort to a boil. When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add 1 cup malt syrup. Return to a
boil and add 1 ounce Cascade hops and 1 teaspoon Irish moss and boil for 45 minutes. Add the Fuggle
flavor hops for the last 15 minutes of the boil. Add the Fuggle aroma hops for the last 2 minutes of the boil.
Then add remainder of malt syrup and stir to mix, wait 10 minutes to sanitize. Add the wort to cool water to
fill to the 5 1/2 gallon mark. Add your yeast when the wort is 75° to 80°, and aerate well. Let the wort cool
to about 70° over the next few hours and ferment at 65°-70° until complete. (normally 7 to 10 days) Bottle,
and age for 3 weeks.
Dubbel Trubbel
(Belgian Double Strength Ale)
Makes 5 gallons
6.6 lbs Coopers Light Unhopped Malt Syrup
2 lb Light Dry Malt Powder
1 lb Belgian Candi Sugar
¼ lb 10L Crystal Malt
¼ lb Brown Malt
1 oz Kent Golding Hops (boil 60 minutes)
½ oz Hallertauer Hops (boil 3 minutes)
½ teaspoon Irish Moss (boil 45 minutes)
¾ cup corn sugar for bottling
White Labs Trappist Ale
original gravity 1.068
final gravity 1.017
alcohol content 6.4%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t fret
the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring water to a boil.
When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add 1 cup malt syrup. Return to a boil, then add boiling
hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add Irish Moss for last 45 minutes of boil. Add finishing hops for last 3
minutes of the boil. Then add remainder of malt syrup and the dry malt extract and Candi Sugar and stir to
mix, wait 10 minutes to sanitize. Fill your sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort
into the carboy and top off to the 5 gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment and
bottle as ususal.
Scottish Ale
(McTarnahan’s Clone)
makes 5 gallons
6.6 lbs Coopers Light Malt Syrup
1½ lb 40L Crystal Malt
½ lb Dextrin Malt
1 oz. Cascade Hops (boil 60 min)
½ oz. Cascade Hops (boil 30 min) (8 HBU’s total of first 2 hop additions)
½ oz. Cascade Hops (finishing hops, boil last 1 min)
½ tsp Irish Moss boil 45 min)
¾ cup corn sugar for bottling
White Labs Edinburgh Ale Yeast
original gravity 1.050
final gravity 1.018
alcohol content 4.5%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t fret
the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring water to a boil.
When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add 1 cup malt syrup. Return to a boil, then add 1 oz
boiling hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add Irish Moss for last 45 minutes of boil. Add ½ oz boiling hops for
last 30 minutes of boil. Add finishing hops for last 1 minute of the boil. Then add remainder of malt syrup
and stir to mix, wait 10 minutes to sanitize. Fill your sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain
the hot wort into the carboy and top off to the 5 gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and
ferment and bottle as ususal.
Winter Warmer
makes 5 gallons
6.6 - lbs Coopers Unhopped Light Malt Syrup
1 -lb Light dry malt powder
1 -lb Munich Malt 10L
½ -lb Dextrin Malt
½ -lb Roasted Barley Malt
½ -lb Victory Malt
1 -oz. Perle Hops (boil 60 minutes)
1 -oz. Hallertauer Hops (flavor hops, boil last 15 min)
1 -oz. Hallertauer Hops (Finishing hops, boil last 3 min)
½ -tsp Irish Moss (boil 45 minutes)
¾ - cup corn sugar for bottling
White Labs British Ale yeast
original gravity 1.062
final gravity 1.018
alcohol content 5.8%
IBU’s = 36-38
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t fret
the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring water to a boil.
When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add 1 cup malt sugar. Return to a boil, then add boiling
hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add Irish Moss for last 45 minutes of boil. Add finishing hops for last 3
minutes of the boil. Then add remainder of malt syrup and dry malt extract and stir to mix, wait 10 minutes
to sanitize.Fill your sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and
top off to the 5½ gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment and bottle as ususal.
Bourbon Barrel Porter
makes 5 gallons
6.6 - lbs Coopers Amber Malt Syrup
¼ - lb Roasted Barley
¼ - lb Chocolate Malt
¾ - lb 120L Crystal Malt
2 - oz. Fuggles Hops (boil 60 min)
1 - oz. Kent Golding Hops (finishing hops, boil last 3 min)
2 - 50 Ml Bottles Top Shelf Bourbon flavoring
2 - 50 Ml bottles Top Shelf Mellow Oak flavoring
¾ - cup corn sugar for bottling
White Lab British Ale yeast
original gravity 1.050
final gravity 1.016
alcohol content 4.0%
In taste tests, we found that 2 bottles of each the Bourbon and Mellow oak was good for most brewers.
Although one of the taste testers liked the bourbon and oak flavor with 3 bottles of each of the bourbon and
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t fret
the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring water to a boil.
When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add 1 cup malt syrup. Return to a boil, then add boiling
hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add finishing hops for last 3 minutes of the boil. Then add remainder of malt
syrup and stir to mix, wait 10 minutes to sanitize. Fill your sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water.
Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top off to the 5 gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°,
and ferment as usual. Add both the bourbon and mellow oak flavorings with the corn sugar for the bourbon
barrel flavors!
German Style Dopplebock
Makes 5 gallons
6.6 lbs Coopers Light Unhopped Malt Syrup
3 lbs Light Dry Malt Powder
1 lb Extra Special 120L Malt
½ lb Victory Malt
1½ oz. Hallertauer Hops (boil 60 min)
1 tsp Irish Moss (boil 45 min)
¾ cup corn sugar for bottling
White labs WLP838 Southern German Lager
original gravity 1.076
final gravity 1.020
alcohol content 7.0%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t fret
the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring water to a boil.
When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add 1 cup malt syrup. Return to a boil, then add boiling
hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add Irish moss for last 45 minutes of boil. Then add remainder of malt syrup
and dry malt extract and stir to mix, wait 10 minutes to sanitize. Fill your sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of
cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top off to the 5 gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less
than 78°, and ferment and bottle as ususal.
B3 Nut Brown Ale
8 lbs English Light LME
8 oz Crystal 60 L
8 oz Caravienne
4 oz Victory
4 oz Chocolate
1 oz Northern Brewer @ 60 min
1 oz Willamette @ 5 min
1 oz Willamette @ 1 min
WLP001 California Ale Yeast
6.6 lbs. Gold Malt Extract
1 lb. Munich Grain (cracked)
1 lb. British Crystal Grain (cracked)
¼ lb. Black Patent Grain (cracked)
½ lb. Chocolate Grain (cracked)
1½ oz. Northern Brewer Hops (boil)
½ oz. Willamette Hops (finish)
½ oz. Willamette Hops (aroma)
1 tsp. Gypsum
1 tsp. Irish Moss
1 pkg. Wyeast Liquid Yeast - London Ale
Place grains & gypsum into 1½ gal. cold water. Heat to 160°F. Remove from heat, cover & allow to sit for
1 hour. Sparge with 1 gal. 170°F water & return liquid to brewpot. Add malt & 1½ oz. boiling hops. Return
pot to heat & boil for 30 min. Add Irish Moss & continue to boil. At 50 minute mark, add ½ oz. finish hops.
At 58 minute mark, add ½ oz. aroma hops. Steep for 2 min., then strain into 3 gal. cold water & pitch yeast
when cooled to 80°F or below.
Yields 5 gal
Originating from London, porter is a very dark and developed in the eighteenth century. A medium to full
bodied beer with a distinctive roasty malt flavor. The malts will produce a chocolate or coffee dryness
while the hops will balance the flavors without dominating. British Porters have a minerally taste from hard
12 lbs Ultralight Malt
4 oz Maltodextrin
8 oz Black Patent
1 lb Crystal 60L
.75 lb Chocolate
1 lb Munich
.5 lb Honey Malt
2 oz Magnum - 60 minute
2 oz Cascade - 10 minute
2 oz. Cascade - 1 minute
Yeast - WLP002 English
Est. OG - 1.072-1.080
(mine 1.090)
Nut Brown Ale
5 gallons
6.6 -lbs Coopers unhopped Amber Malt Syrup
1 -lb Honey Malt
½ -lb CaraWheat Malt
2 -oz Vanguard Hops (boil 60 minutes)
1 -oz Perle Hops (boil 5 minutes)
½ -teaspoon Irish Moss (boil 45 minutes)
¾ -cup corn sugar for bottling
White Labs British Ale yeast
original gravity 1.048
final gravity 1.014
alcohol content 4.25%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t fret
the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring water to a boil.
When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add 1 cup Malt syrup. Return to a boil, then add boiling
hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add Irish Moss for last 45 minutes of boil. Add finishing hops for last 5
minutes of the boil. Then add remainder of malt syrup and stir to mix, wait 10 minutes to sanitize. Fill your
sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water. Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top off to the 5 gallon
mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°, and ferment and bottle as ususal
Cannonball Porter
makes 5 gallons
6.6 - lbs Coopers Amber Malt Syrup
¼ - lb Roasted Barley
¼ - lb Chocolate Malt
¾ - lb 120L Crystal Malt
2 - oz. Fuggles Hops (boil 60 min)
1 - oz. Kent Golding Hops (finishing hops, boil last 3 min)
¾ - cup corn sugar for bottling
White Lab British Ale yeast
original gravity 1.050
final gravity 1.016
alcohol content 4.0%
Steep crushed malted grain in 2 gallons of 150° water (tap water is about 130°) for 30 minutes. Don’t fret
the temp too much, relax. Remove the grain from the hot water with a strainer, then bring water to a boil.
When boiling starts, remove pot from burner and add 1 cup malt syrup. Return to a boil, then add boiling
hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add finishing hops for last 3 minutes of the boil. Then add remainder of malt
syrup and stir to mix, wait 10 minutes to sanitize. Fill your sanitized carboy with 2 gallons of cold water.
Strain the hot wort into the carboy and top off to the 5 gallon mark. Add yeast when beer is less than 78°,
and ferment and bottle as usual.
This Porter is a clone of the Black Butte Porter from Deschutes Brewery. It has a strong roasted barly
(coffee) flavor with a slightly sweet aftertaste.
Mild Brown Ale
3.3 lbs. Amber Liguid Malt Extract
1 lb. Light Dry Malt Extract
1/2 lb. Brown Malt
1/4 lb. Special B Malt
1/8 lb. Chocolate Malt
1 oz. UK Kent Goldings Hops
5 oz. Corn Sugar (Priming)
And the following liquid yeast:
WYeast - Thames Valley Ale #WY1275
Using Specialty Grains is as easy as making tea. You place the grain in the muslin grain bag provided with
your kit. Steep (soak) the grains for 30 to 45 minutes at 150F to 160F. We also
Brew Name: Chocolate Hazelnut Porter
Batch Size: 5 Gal Recipe Type: Extract w/ grain
8 lbs English Light Liquid Malt Extract
.5 lbs Light DME
1 lbs Munich
1 lbs Crystal 40L
1 lbs Crystal 75L
.75 lbs Chocolate
8 oz Carapils
8 oz Black Patent
1 oz Kent Goldings 4.1% AA – 60min boil (Bittering)
1 oz Willamette 4.6% AA – 30 min boil (Flavor)
2 oz Willamette 4.6% AA – 1 min boil (Aroma)
8 oz Unsweetened Coco Powder 5 min boil
Water Treatment / Clarifiers:
1 Whirfloc tablet
Yeast Type & Quantity:
White Labs Liquid – English Ale Item# WLP002
Brew Name: Jason Breatt’s Honey Stout
Batch Size: 5 Gal Recipe Type: Extract w/ grain
6 lbs Ultra Light LME
.5 lbs Light DME
4 oz Maltodextrin – Add with malt extract
1.5 lbs Honey – 15 min boil
4 oz Munich
4 oz Honey Malt
8 oz Black Roasted
1 oz Kent Goldings 4.1 % AA – 60 min boil (Bittering)
1 oz Northern Brewer 6.8 % AA – 5 min boil (Flavor)
½ oz Cascade 5.4 % AA – 2 min boil (Aroma)
Water Treatment / Clarifiers:
1 Whirfloc tablet
Yeast Type & Quantity:
White Labs Liquid – English Ale Item# WLP002
Mild Brown
5 lbs English Light
8 oz Crystal 60L
4 oz Chocolate
1 oz Willamette (60 minutes)
1 oz Willamette (1 minute)
Yeast: WLP002
American Ale
7 lbs Ultralight Malt
1lb Crystal 15L
1 oz Magnum (60 minutes)
1 oz Cascade (5 minutes)
1 oz Cascade (1 minute)
Yeast: WLP001
English IPA
9 lbs English Light
1.5 lbs Crystal 15L
2 oz Magnum - 60 min
2 oz Kent Goldings - 10
2 oz Kent Goldings - 1
Water Treatment
1 Whirlfloc tablet
4 oz Corn Sugar
7 lbs. Ultralight Malt Extract
4 oz. Maltodextrin
1 lb. Crystal 40L
8 oz. Black Patent
4 0z. Chocolate
1 oz. Northern Brewer Hops - 60 minute
1 oz. Cascade Hops - 1 minute
WLP002 - English Ale
Est. OG - 1.050-1.055
Fool Circle Beer - Everything Else Is Just Brown
B3 Belgian Tripel:
--------------------6 lbs German Pils LME
3 lb Light DME
1 lb Clear Candi Sugar
1 oz Hallertauer Hops @ 60 min
1 oz Czech Saaz Hops @ 1 min
WLP530 Abbey Ale Yeast
B3 Scotch Ale:
----------------9 lbs Ultralight LME
2 lbs Light DME
1 lb Crystal 40:
8 oz Aromatic
4 oz Special B
2 oz Black Roasted
1 oz Northern Brewer @ 60 min
WLP028 Edinburg Ale
Positively Porter
Malt Base:
4 lb (can) Mountmellick Amber Liquid,
2 lb. English amber DME
Specialty Grains (crushed):
10 oz. Special B,
4 oz. Choc., 2 oz. Black,
8 oz. Roasted Barley
1 oz. Nugget (bittering),
1 oz. Chinook (flavor),
1 oz. Chinook (aroma),
Yeast: (Dried) Muntons or :
USE Wyeast Liquid:
#1056 American Ale,
6 lbs. Ultralight Malt Extract
8 oz. Crystal 15L
.5 oz. Cascade Hops - 60 minute
1 oz. Cascade Hops - 1 minute
WLP001 - California Ale
Est OG - 1.040-1.045
Nut Brown Ale
2 – Cans Briess Sparkling Amber Malt Extract (6.6
1 – Pound Briess 120L Caramel Malt
2 – Ounces Briess Chocolate Malt
1½ - Ounces Perle Hops
½ - Ounce Willamette Hops
½ - Ounce Mt. Hood Hops
1 – Vial of White Labs WLP002 - English Ale yeast
Mystic Cream Porter
.5 lbs. American Chocolate Malt info
.25 lbs. American Black Patent info
.75 lbs. Crystal Malt 80°L info
6 lbs. Liquid Dark Extract info
.5 lbs. Oats Flaked info
.5 oz. Northern Brewer (Pellets, 8.00 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
.75 oz. Tettnanger (Pellets, 4.50 %AA) boiled 30 min. info
.5 oz. Tettnanger (Pellets, 4.50 %AA) boiled 5 min. info
4 ounces Lactose (not included in calculations)
Yeast : White Labs WLP002 English Ale info
Original Gravity 1.050
1.040 - 1.052
100 %
Terminal Gravity 1.012
1.008 - 1.014
100 %
20.00 - 30.00 °SRM
100 %
18.00 - 35.00 IBU
100 %
4.00 - 5.40 %
100 %
Color 28.63 °SRM
Bitterness 25.5 IBU
Alcohol (%volume) 5.0 %
Chuck's Bock
1 lbs. German Dark Munich info
1.2 lbs. American Caramel 120°L info
.2 lbs. American Chocolate Malt info
3.3 lbs. Liquid Dark Extract info
5 lbs. Dry Amber Extract info
2 oz. Hallertau (Pellets, 3.3 %AA) boiled 45 min. info
1 oz. Tettnanger (Pellets, 5.1 %AA) boiled 10 min. info
2 teaspoons Gypsum (not included in calculations)
1 teaspoons Irish Moss (not included in calculations)
Yeast : Wyeast No 2308 info
Traditional Bock
Original Gravity 1.065
1.064 - 1.072
100 %
Terminal Gravity 1.016
1.013 - 1.019
100 %
Color 22.68 °SRM
Bitterness 14.8 IBU
Alcohol (%volume) 6.5 %
14.00 - 22.00 °SRM 92 %
20.00 - 27.00 IBU
26 %
6.30 - 7.20 %
100 %
Porter 7 Extract
5 lbs. Crystal Malt 80°L info
.5 lbs. English Chocolate Malt info
.5 lbs. British Black Patent info
1 lbs. English 2-row Munich info
6 lbs. Liquid Light Extract info
1 1/4 oz. Fuggle (Pellets, 4.75 %AA) boiled 80 min. info
1/4 oz. Fuggle (Pellets, 4.75 %AA) boiled 20 min. info
1/4 oz. Goldings (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 20 min. info
1/2 oz. Northern Brewer (Pellets, 8.00 %AA) boiled 1 min. info
1 teaspoons Irish Moss (not included in calculations)
3 teaspoons BrewTek Superfood (not included in calculations)
Yeast : WYeast 1968 London ESB, or 1028 London Ale info
Original Gravity
Terminal Gravity
Alcohol (%volume)
29.19 °SRM
35.8 IBU
5.5 %
1.048 - 1.065
1.012 - 1.016
22.00 - 35.00 °SRM
25.00 - 50.00 IBU
4.80 - 6.00 %
100 %
89 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
Bring 3 qts of brewing water to 160 degrees. Steep grains covered for 45 minutes. Sparge with 3
more qts 160 water into kettle and top up to 6 gallons. Bring to rolling boil and dissolve malt
extract. Boil for 90 minutes adding hops at 80, 20 and the very end. Cool to 85 degrees as quickly
as possible and aerate well. Pitch yeast (1 qt starter recommended). Primary ferment 4 - 7 days,
secondary 5 - 12 days. 3/4 cup Corn Sugar for priming at bottling.
Strong Scotsman
0.85 lbs. British Dark Crystal info
4.82 lbs. Liquid Light Extract info
0.2 oz. Chinook (Pellets, 13.00 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
0.25 oz. Fuggle (Pellets, 4.75 %AA) boiled 15 min. info
0.25 oz. Fuggle (Pellets, 4.75 %AA) boiled 15 min. info
0.50 oz. Fuggle (Pellets, 4.75 %AA) boiled 1 min. info
Yeast : WYeast 1728 Scottish Ale info
Original Gravity
Terminal Gravity
Alcohol (%volume)
17.13 °SRM
15.2 IBU
3.2 %
1.035 - 1.040
1.010 - 1.015
9.00 - 17.00 °SRM
10.00 - 25.00 IBU
3.20 - 3.90 %
100 %
100 %
98 %
100 %
100 %
A rich and alcoholic that has a full bodied, malty character that hides the alcohol quite well.
This beer ages very well.
Black Rider Robust Porter
2.0 lbs. American Caramel 80°L info
.75 lbs. American Black Patent info
2.0 lbs. American Chocolate Malt info
12 lbs. Dry Extra Light Extract info
1.5 oz. Centennial (Whole, 10.00 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
1.0 oz. Perle (Whole, 8.25 %AA) boiled 15 min. info
1.0 oz. Centennial (Whole, 10.00 %AA) boiled 1 min. info
Yeast : WYeast 1084 Irish Ale info
Robust Porter
Recipe Type
Batch Size
10 gal.
Volume Boiled
8 gal.
Mash Efficiency
72 %
Total Grain/Extract
Total Hops
Calories (12 fl. oz.)
Cost to Brew
16.75 lbs.
3.5 oz.
$60.38 (USD)
Cost per Bottle (12 fl.
$0.57 (USD)
Summary :
A Porter that retains the classic coffee/chocolate taste without the roastiness of a
Original Gravity
Terminal Gravity
Alcohol (%volume)
30.56 °SRM
30.9 IBU
6.3 %
1.048 - 1.065
1.012 - 1.016
22.00 - 35.00 °SRM
25.00 - 50.00 IBU
4.80 - 6.00 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
75 %
Duffy's Scotch Ale
Recipe Type
Batch Size
Volume Boiled
Mash Efficiency
Total Grain/Extract
Total Hops
Calories (12 fl. oz.)
Cost to Brew
Cost per Bottle (12 fl. oz.)
Summary :
Scottish and Irish Ale
Strong Scotch Ale
10.00 gal.
12.00 gal.
72 %
27.00 lbs.
5.0 oz.
$90.00 (USD)
$0.84 (USD)
Strong Scotch Ale with a high octane kick
4.00 lbs. German Light Crystal info
0.50 lbs. American Chocolate Malt info
0.50 lbs. Roasted Barley info
20.00 lbs. Liquid Dark Extract info
2.00 lbs. Maple Syrup info
1.5 oz. Challenger (Pellets, 8.00 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
1.5 oz. Challenger (Pellets, 8.00 %AA) boiled 15 min. info
2.0 oz. Cascade (Pellets, 5.50 %AA) boiled 2 min. info
Yeast : White Labs WLP028 Edinburgh Ale info
Original Gravity 1.088
1.070 - 1.130
100 %
Terminal Gravity 1.020
1.018 - 1.030
100 %
14.00 - 25.00 °SRM
74 %
17.00 - 35.00 IBU
100 %
6.50 - 10.00 %
100 %
Color 27.83 °SRM
Bitterness 31.6 IBU
Alcohol (%volume) 9.0 %
Tripel XXX Belgian Ale
Tripel XXX Belgian Ale (modified) - hokiebrewer
Belgian Strong Ale
Belgian Tripel
Recipe Type
Batch Size
Volume Boiled
10.00 gal.
7.35 gal.
65 %
Change Units
23.53 lbs.
Total Hops
7.3 oz.
Scale Recipe
Calories (12 fl.
Cost to Brew
$84.65 (USD)
Cost per Bottle
$0.79 (USD)
(12 fl. oz.)
This is a slightly modified version of the HBA
( Belgian Tripel. Looking forward
Summary :
to brewing it, will definitely need an extended aging if it
comes out right around 10% like I'm hoping!
1.96 lbs. Belgian Caravienne info
17.65 lbs. Dry Extra Light Extract info
3.92 lbs. Candi Sugar Clear info
4.3 oz. Hallertau (Whole, 4.2 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
2.9 oz. Saaz (Whole, 3.5 %AA) boiled 1 min. info
Yeast : White Labs WLP530 Abbey Ale info
Belgian Tripel
Original Gravity 1.099
1.075 - 1.085
Terminal Gravity 1.020
1.010 - 1.016
26 %
4.50 - 6.00 °SRM
25.00 - 38.00 IBU
100 %
7.50 - 9.00 %
Color 8.92 °SRM
Bitterness 27.5 IBU
Alcohol (%volume) 10.5 %
Wake Me up Porter
Recipe Type
Batch Size
Volume Boiled
Mash Efficiency
Total Grain/Extract
Total Hops
Calories (12 fl. oz.)
Cost to Brew
Cost per Bottle (12 fl. oz.)
Summary :
Robust Porter
5 gal.
6 gal.
50 %
9.10 lbs.
2.5 oz.
$31.65 (USD)
$0.59 (USD)
Robust coffee port
0.25 lbs. Crystal Malt 40°L info
1 lbs. American Black Patent info
1 lbs. American Chocolate Malt info
.5 lbs. Belgian Special B info
.25 lbs. Crystal Malt 80°L info
5.5 lbs. Dry Amber Extract info
0.6 lbs. Honey info
1.5 oz. Cascade (Pellets, 5.50 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
0.50 oz. Chinook (Pellets, 13.00 %AA) boiled 15 min. info
.5 oz. Cascade (Pellets, 5.50 %AA) boiled 1 min. info
5 tablespoons coffee (during boil) (not included in calculations)
Yeast : WYeast 1028 London Ale info
12 cups of brewed coffee at last minute of boil
Original Gravity
Terminal Gravity
Alcohol (%volume)
37.70 °SRM
40.9 IBU
6.1 %
1.048 - 1.065
1.012 - 1.016
22.00 - 35.00 °SRM
25.00 - 50.00 IBU
4.80 - 6.00 %
100 %
100 %
79 %
100 %
94 %
Kilt me Ale
Recipe Type
Batch Size
Volume Boiled
Mash Efficiency
Total Grain/Extract
Total Hops
Calories (12 fl. oz.)
Scottish and Irish Ale
Strong Scotch Ale
5.5 gal.
6.0 gal.
72 %
16.70 lbs.
1.8 oz.
.46 lbs. Peat Smoked Malt info
0.28 lbs. Belgian Biscuit info
0.17 lbs. Belgian Chocolate Malt info
0.71 lbs. Crystal Malt 120°L info
15.08 lbs. Alexanders Pale Liquid info
0.7 oz. Brewers Gold (Pellets, 9.00 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
0.54 oz. Hallertau Tradition (Pellets, 6.00 %AA) boiled 15 min. info
0.55 oz. Hallertau Tradition (Pellets, 6.00 %AA) boiled 1 min. info
Yeast : WYeast 1728 Scottish Ale info
Original Gravity
Terminal Gravity
Alcohol (%volume)
19.93 °SRM
25.6 IBU
10.3 %
1.070 - 1.130
1.018 - 1.030
14.00 - 25.00 °SRM
17.00 - 35.00 IBU
6.50 - 10.00 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
92 %
Franklins Favorite
Recipe Type
Batch Size
Volume Boiled
Mash Efficiency
Total Grain/Extract
Total Hops
Calories (12 fl. oz.)
Strong Ale
Old Ale
10.00 gal.
5.00 gal.
72 %
19.48 lbs.
5.2 oz.
0.24 lbs. British Black Patent info
0.24 lbs. British Dark Crystal info
17.50 lbs. John Bull Light info
0.50 lbs. Molasses info
1.00 lbs. Corn Flaked info
3.2 oz. Northern Brewer (Pellets, 8.00 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
1.0 oz. Styrian Goldings (Pellets, 6.00 %AA) boiled 15 min. info
1.0 oz. Goldings (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 1 min. info
Yeast : White Labs WLP002 English Ale info
Original Gravity
Terminal Gravity
Alcohol (%volume)
16.66 °SRM
46.1 IBU
6.9 %
1.060 - 1.090
1.015 - 1.022
10.00 - 22.00 °SRM
30.00 - 60.00 IBU
6.00 - 9.00 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
Big Brew Porter
Recipe Type
Batch Size
Volume Boiled
Mash Efficiency
Total Grain/Extract
Total Hops
Calories (12 fl. oz.)
Robust Porter
5 gal.
4.5 gal.
72 %
11.00 lbs.
3.0 oz.
.75 lbs. Belgian Special B info
1.25 lbs. Roasted Barley info
.5 lbs. American Chocolate Malt info
.5 lbs. American Black Patent info
7.0 lbs. John Bull Light info
1 oz. Nugget (Pellets, 13.00 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
1 oz. Chinook (Pellets, 10.4 %AA) boiled 30 min. info
1 oz. Chinook (Pellets, 10.4 %AA) boiled 1 min. info
Yeast : WYeast 1056 American Ale info
Brewed 5/7/05
OG 1.064
I added .5lb of Black Patent to this recipe insted of .33lb. That turned the brew into a dry stout instead.
Tasted great young, but then the fruitiness of the American Ale yeast pulled through. Still good though.
This would make a nice recipe for an American Dry Stout with the right yeast.
Original Gravity
Terminal Gravity
Alcohol (%volume)
40.47 °SRM
58.2 IBU
6.6 %
1.048 - 1.065
1.012 - 1.016
22.00 - 35.00 °SRM
25.00 - 50.00 IBU
4.80 - 6.00 %
95 %
100 %
58 %
67 %
50 %
Red Oktober
Recipe Type
Batch Size
Volume Boiled
Mash Efficiency
Total Grain/Extract
Total Hops
Calories (12 fl. oz.)
Scottish and Irish Ale
Irish Red Ale
5 gal.
2.5 gal.
72 %
7.00 lbs.
2.0 oz.
5 lbs. Belgian Cara-Pils info
.25 lbs. English Black Roast info
.125 lbs. Belgian Biscuit info
.125 lbs. Belgian Chocolate Malt info
6 lbs. Premier Gold Liquid info
1 oz. East Kent Goldings (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
1 oz. Willamette (Whole, 5.00 %AA) boiled 15 min. info
Yeast : WYeast 1272 American Ale II info
Original Gravity 1.047
1.044 - 1.060
100 %
Terminal Gravity 1.011
1.010 - 1.014
100 %
9.00 - 18.00 °SRM
66 %
17.00 - 28.00 IBU
100 %
4.00 - 6.00 %
100 %
Color 21.03 °SRM
Bitterness 23.5 IBU
Alcohol (%volume) 4.8 %
Golden First Strong Ale
Recipe Type
Batch Size
Volume Boiled
Mash Efficiency
Total Grain/Extract
Total Hops
Calories (12 fl. oz.)
Belgian Strong Ale
Belgian Golden Strong Ale
5 gal.
4 gal.
0.0 %
10.00 lbs.
2.6 oz.
8 lbs. Muntons Dry Extra Light info
2 lbs. Candi Sugar Clear info
.88 oz. Galena (Pellets, 12 %AA) boiled 45 min. info
.88 oz. Cascade (Pellets, 5.4 %AA) boiled 10 min. info
.88 oz. Hallertau (Pellets, 4.1 %AA) boiled 1 min. info
Yeast : White Labs WLP570 Belgian Golden Ale info
Original Gravity 1.088
1.070 - 1.095
100 %
Terminal Gravity 1.013
1.010 - 1.016
100 %
4.00 - 6.00 °SRM
100 %
25.00 - 35.00 IBU
100 %
7.50 - 10.00 %
100 %
Color 5.80 °SRM
Bitterness 32.3 IBU
Alcohol (%volume) 10.0 %