Misconfigured Addresses Created by P2P Clients: One of the Largest Growing Causes of Internet Background Radiation James Yoder Columbus State University Columbus, GA, USA Abstract—“In 2004, in a tier-1 ISP [Internet Service Provider], P2P [Peer 2 Peer] file sharing accounted for more than 60% of traffic in the USA and more than 80% of the traffic in Asia.” [5] “According to a survey conducted by ipoque (a German provider of deep packet inspection solutions for Internet traffic management and analysis), P2P dominates the Internet with 5090% traffic arising from P2P applications. Statistics from Chinese sources reveal that P2P traffic currently accounts for 70% of China’s total network traffic.” [8] With these high statistics, one has to wonder, “Is all of this P2P traffic getting to its intended destination?” If you do a search for Internet Background Radiation (IBR), you won’t find much information even though it is a well-known problem in the networking field.[2] “[IBR] can be analyzed using a so-called network telescope. Traffic destined to an other-wise unused network is dissected and analyzed for anomalies as well as worm propagation, DDOS attacks and whatnot.” [8] I. INTRODUCTION “Background radiation reflects fundamentally nonproductive traffic, either malicious (flooding backscatter, scans for vulnerabilities, worms) or benign (misconfigurations). While the general presence of background radiation is well known to the network operator community, its nature has yet to be broadly characterized.” [2] In 2007, [1] was authored, shining a light on misconfigured addresses caused by P2P software. It stated that 38.9% of all IBR could be attributed to P2P misconfigured addresses and was growing by at least 100% over each of the four years prior to the paper’s publishing. They were the only researchers known to be conducting the study at the time, and no one seems to have written a paper on the topic since. They had to discontinue collecting data in the manner they were because the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) accused them of distributing copywritten material. Assuming they were correct and the growth rate didn’t change after the paper was authored, then this is definitely a serious and relevant issue. It is possible that the paper made an impact on the industry that alleviated the problem. It could have made naïve programmers aware of the problem his/her program may contribute if certain measures are not taken. It could have also made the malicious coders aware that people realized what they were doing and were actively pursuing a solution causing them to find other means to accomplish their task. On the other hand, if the paper had no direct impact on the problem and the growth rate continued at what they proposed, then around 63.2 gigabits per second (gbps) of internet traffic is background noise that can be attributed solely to misconfigured IP addresses from P2P software. We can calculate the total IBR at the time of the paper. IBR caused by misconfigured IP addresses from P2P software (7.9 gbps) and the percentage of the total IBR (38.9%) are indicated in the source paper:[1] 7.9 gbps / 38.9% = 20.3 gbps We can now say that the total background noise at the time of the paper was around 20.3 gigabits per second. This means that the current amount of traffic going to misconfigured addresses would be more than three times the total IBR when the paper was authored. It is implied that the total amount of IBR is generally static (in terms of the number of connections per year). [1] It is understood that the overall amount of IBR would have to grow as the amount of P2P misconfigured addresses grows. Once the authors of [1] identified which versions of each program that were causing the most misconfigured addresses, they diagnosed what was causing the problem and reported it to the developers. Section 2 identifies related work. Section 3 outlines my proposed solution to the problem. Section 4 concludes this paper. II. RELATED WORK I was able to find papers on IBR and studies that track it and analyze it.[2][3] Many papers focused on whether the data sent by P2P software was indeed the data requested which is a completely separate issue to the topic discussed in this paper. Reference [4] focused on traffic sent to unused or unreachable IP addresses, but not necessarily from P2P applications. Reference [5] covers index poisoning in P2P networks. “To describe this attack, recall that most P2P file sharing systems have indexes, allowing users to discover locations (IP addresses and port numbers) of desired content.” “The index poisoning attack is done by inserting massive numbers of bogus records into the index.” Reference [6], which was authored in June 2010, was a good update on the status of IBR and how its profile has changed over the past few years. Their findings agree with the status of IBR found in the source paper. “This translates into roughly 100% growth [of IBR] over the last four years. It is interesting to note that this rate of growth is nearly twice that of productive Internet traffic which is currently exhibiting 50% year over year growth rates.” One of the unused networks they monitor saw IBR rates up to150 gbps.[6] household’s bandwidth be throttled if one child decides to knowingly use software that contains bugs that cause these issues? Should someone who is using the software for legal purposes, but unaware of the bugs be punished? 3) What would stop an ISP from falsifying reports for personal reasons? There are many other questions along this same thought pattern. While this solution may make it easier for someone that works at the ISP to harass clients, the capability is already in place. A) Test P2P Software 4) This solution relies on ISPs to hold their clients accountable. It will not work if ISPs do not enforce the solution or purposefully allow offenders to continue. Since P2P misconfigured addresses are such a large part of IBR, it would be good for a group of testers ensure that all popular P2P software doesn’t have any address bugs similar to those identified in [1]. A list could be maintained of all software that contains these bugs and made available so that users realize that they could be contributing to network congestion just by using that specific application. 5) Offenders could make the argument that they are paying for the ISPs service just as everyone else does and they should be allowed to send data wherever they desire, even if it is not expected to actually arrive anywhere. While I’m not aware of any law that requires all data to have a destination, I do not see how it would be beneficial to allow this type of usage (especially on the scale we are experiencing). B) ISP Monitoring 6) It is possible that new assigned addresses might not get updated in the filtering part of the solution and valid packets don’t get forwarded as they should. This would theoretically never occur and cases would be very rare. DNS is able to maintain an accurate listing of available domains and hostnames. Maintaining a list of invalid addresses would be equally difficult. III. SOLUTION ISPs would benefit from not allowing clients to contribute to the overall IBR. It would allow their network to run more smoothly. It would also clear bandwidth for valid data requests, thus making their clients happier and more likely to stay with the provider. ISPs should monitor usage of each client. Any large spikes should be analyzed to ensure it is valid traffic. Data being sent to addresses that don’t exist should be logged and reported. Users that repeatedly abuse ISP resources should be investigated further and potentially throttled or completely removed. REFERENCES [1] [2] C) Address Filtering Also, a list of invalid addresses could be maintained much like the Dynamic Name System looks up hostnames. All packets that are destined for these addresses would not be forwarded. Instead, the sender would be flagged for investigation. If the client is a multiple offender, then the account would be turned off. The user would be contacted immediately to clear up what is causing the problem. If he/she can remedy the situation, then the account will be unlocked. Otherwise, it would be forwarded to the proper authorities. IV. CONCLUSION [3] [4] [5] [6] The proposed solution presents a few issues: 1) There are privacy issues associated with ISPs monitoring client usage. The ISP could just monitor the amount of traffic and type as opposed to specifics. Any suspicious traffic could be reported and/or forwarded to the proper authorities. The closest thing to internet police in the United States of America as of today would include: the Department of Defense’s Cyber Command, the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity division, and the Department of Justice’s Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section. 2) Is it fair to punish those who are unaware that they are part of the problem? For example, should an entire [7] [8] [9] Z. Li, A. Goyal, Y. Chen, and A. Kuzmanovic, “Measurement and diagnosis of address misconfigured P2P traffic,” <http://networks.cs.northwestern.edu/publications/misconfig.pdf> R. Pang, V. Yegneswaran, P. Barford, V. Paxson, and L. Peterson, “Characteristics of internet background radiation,” <http://conferences.sigcomm.org/imc/2004/papers/p27-pang.pdf> P. Barford, R. Nowak, R. Willett, and V. Yegneswaran, “Toward a model for source addresses of internet background radiation,” <http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= =rep1&type=pdf> E. Cooke, M. Bailey, F. Jahanian, and R. Mortier, “The dark oracle: perspective-aware unused and unreachable address discovery,” <http://www.usenix.org/events/nsdi06/tech/full_papers/cooke/cooke_ht ml> J. Liang, N. Naoumov, K. Ross, “The index poisoning attack in P2P file sharing systems,” <http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= =rep1&type=pdf> E. Wustrow, M. Karir, M. Bailey, F. Jahanian, and G. Houston, “Internet background radiation revisited,” <http://www.eecs.umich.edu/techreports/cse/2010/CSE-TR-564-10.pdf> X. Huangcheng, “How to operate--solving the P2P puzzle,” <http://www.huawei.com/publications/view.do?id=3289&cid=5680&pid =61> “Monitoring internet background radiation” <http://wiki.whatthehack.org/index.php/Monitoring_Internet_Backgroun d_Radiation> DoD Cyber Command Website, <http://www.defense.gov/home/features/2010/0410_cybersec/>