IB Biology 3 HL 2009-2010

IB Biology 3 HL 2015-2016
A) Materials/Equipment Needed
1 3-ring binder for HL lab reports (you can use your SL binder if there is room)
1 sets of dividers: 15 more than SL (can be homemade)
1 calculator with statistical capabilities. Will be used on IB exam
1 metric ruler
Access to Excel spreadsheets with data analysis capability
B) Optional but Valuable
One jump drive that can be used to save data tables and graphs generated by Logger
Pro software and microscope pictures generated by Motic images software installed on
classroom computers. School license allows student installation of logger pro software
and motic images on home computers.
IB Study Guide: Biology for the IB Diploma (2014 edition) by Andrew Allott; Oxford
University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-839351-1
C) Tentative Schedule of Topics
Introduction to IB Biology HL
11.2 Movement: Skeletal Muscle and skeleton (Dissection of Perch and chicken wing)
11.3 The Kidney and Osmoregulation
9.1,2,3,4 Plant Science (Microscopy, Transpiration, Internal Assessment)
11.4 Sexual Reproduction (Microscopy – Testis and Ovary)
11.1 Antibody Production and Vaccination (ELISA test)
Option D
D1 Human Nutrition (Protein determination using Bradford reagent)
D2 Digestion (Protease/amylase/lipase studies)
D3 Functions of the Liver
D4 The Heart
D5 Hormones and metabolism
D6 Transport of respiratory gases (Fetal Pig Dissection and Practical)
10.1 Meiosis
10.2 Inheritance (Dihybrid crosses and gene linkage-Chi Square Analysis): Lots of
genetic problems.
10.3 Gene Pools and Speciation (Computer Simulations using Sickle Cell)
7.1 DNA Structure and Replication (PCR of alu insert on chromosome 16 and
7.2 Transcription and gene expression
7.3 Translation (Genetic transformation in E.coli using pGLO plasmid)
Review of SL and HL Biology
8.1 Metabolism
8.2 Cell Respiration
8.3 Photosynthesis
Topics 1-6 SL; 7-11 and Option D
D) Grading:
Summative Assessments (worth 60% of final grade OR adherence to district guidelines):
Exams: at least 100 points; Formal Lab Reports: 100-200 points
Formative Assessments (worth 40% of final grade OR adherence to district guidelines):
Quizzes: 50 points; Informal lab reports: 50 – 100 pts. Portfolio checks: 50 points
Extra credit available: 10 points for notecards of syllabus statements for each exam; 15
points for Data Based Question sets associated with each exam, when done in class
before school or at lunch. Extra credit may total 10 % of summative assessment points.
Because this course is the equivalent of an introductory college course in biology, there
are no scheduled retakes of exams or laboratory assignments
When extra credit is factored in, 90% of total points = A; 80% of total points = B, etc.
Late assignments have 10% subtracted from the final score for each day late.
Late extra credit is not accepted, so plan ahead.
Missing more than 5 days of class /quarter without physician/dentist/coach/university
or scholarship committee note results in forfeiting extra credit.
Rounding up to the next letter grade should not be considered automatic (e.g. 89.5% =
IB Biology 2 SL 2011-2012
Materials/Equipment Needed
2 3-ring binders for classroom notes/handouts and lab reports
2 sets of dividers: one set with 3 (notes, DBQ, handouts); one set with 25 dividers
(can be homemade)
1 calculator with statistical capabilities. Will be used on IB exam. TI 83-84 series
1 metric ruler
Access to Excel spreadsheets with data analysis capability (Can be media center or
Textbooks: Biology 7th Edition Campbell and Reece
IB Diploma Programme Biology Course Companion, 2nd Ed., Andrew
Allott and David Mindorff
Optional but Valuable
1 jump drive that can serve to save data tables and graphs generated by Logger Pro
software and microscope pictures generated by Motic images software installed on
classroom computers. School license allows student installation of logger pro software
and motic images on home computers.
IB Study Guide Biology for the IB Diploma (for the 2007 Programme) by Andrew
Allott; Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-915143-1
Tentative Topic Schedule
Introduction to IB Biology SL Refer to IB Biology Syllabus for Topic #s
Topic 1 Statistical Analysis
Topic 5.3 Populations
Topic 5.1 Communities and ecosystems
Topic 5.2 The Greenhouse Effect
Topic 5.4 Evolution
Topic 3.1 Chemical elements and water
Topic 3.2 Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and Option C1 Proteins
Topic 3.3 DNA Structure
Topic 3.6 Enzymes and Option C2 Enzymes
Topic 2.1 Cell Theory 2.2 Prokaryotic cells 2.3 Eukaryotic cells
Topic 2.4 Membranes
Topic 2.5 Cell division
Topic 3.7 Cell Respiration and Option C3 Cell Respiration
Topic 3.8 Photosynthesis and Option C4 Photosynthesis
Topic 6.2 The transport system
Topic 6.4 Gas exchange
Topic 6.1 Digestion
Topic 6.3 Defense against infectious disease
Topic 6.6 Reproduction
Topic 6.5 Nerves, hormones and homeostasis
Option E (1-4) Neurobiology and behavior
Topic 3.3 DNA structure
Topic 3.4 and 3.5 DNA replication, transcription and translation
Topic 4.1 Chromosomes, genes, alleles, mutations
Topic 4.2 Meiosis
Topic 4.3 Theoretical genetics
Topic 4.4 Genetic engineering and biotechnology
Exam: at least 100 points
Quiz: 50 points
Informal lab reports: 50 – 75 pts.
Formal Lab Reports: 100-200 points
Notebook checks: 50 points
Extra credit available: 100 points or 10% of assigned points whichever is less. Each
quarter generates approximately 1000 - 1500 total points.
All points are given equal weight. When extra credit is factored in, 90% of total points
= A; 80% of total points = B, etc. Late assignments have 10% subtracted from the final
score for each day late. Late extra credit is not accepted, so plan ahead.
AP Biology 2013-2014
A) Materials/Equipment Needed
1 3-ring binder for lecture notes and lab reports
1 calculator with statistical capabilities.
Access to Excel spreadsheets with data analysis capability. May use the media center
or computer lab facilities or science department laptops, if available.
B) Optional but Valuable
One jump drive that can be used to save data tables and graphs generated by Logger
Pro software and microscope pictures generated by Motic images software installed on
classroom computers. School license allows student installation of logger pro software
and motic images on home computers.
AP Edition Biology 8th Edition, Florida Edition, Campbell and Reece
C) Tentative Schedule of Topics
Ch. 1 Introduction to AP Biology and Experimental Design
Ch. 2-3-4 Introduction to the chemistry of living organisms with emphasis on the role
of water and carbon chemistry
Ch. 5 Introduction to biochemistry: the macromolecules of carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins and nucleic acids
Ch. 6 and 7 The cell, organelles and cellular membranes
Ch. 8 Introduction to biochemical reactions utilizing enzymes
Ch. 9 and 10 Cellular respiration and photosynthesis
Ch. 11 and 12 Cellular Communication and the Cell Cycle
Ch. 13, 14 and 15 Genetics
Ch. 16-17 DNA replication, transcription and translation
Ch. 19, 20, 21 Biotechnology
Ch. 22, 23, 24, 25 Evolution
Ch. 35-39 (parts) Plant Form and Function
Ch. 40-49 (parts) Animal Form and Function
Ch. 50-54 Ecology and Human Impacts on Ecosystems
D) Grading:
Summative Assessments (worth 60% of final grade OR adherence to district guidelines):
Exams: at least 100 points; Formal Lab Reports: 100-200 points
Formative Assessments (worth 40% of final grade OR adherence to district guidelines):
Quizzes: 50 points; Informal lab reports: 50 – 100 pts. Portfolio checks: 50 points
Extra credit available: 10 points for notecards of syllabus statements for each exam; 15
points for Data Based Question sets associated with each exam, when done in class
before school or at lunch. Extra credit may total 10 % of summative assessment points.
Because this course is the equivalent of an introductory college course in biology, there
are no scheduled retakes of exams or laboratory assignments
When extra credit is factored in, 90% of total points = A; 80% of total points = B, etc.
Late assignments have 10% subtracted from the final score for each day late.
Late extra credit is not accepted, so plan ahead.
Missing more than 5 days of class /quarter without physician/dentist/coach/university
or scholarship committee note results in forfeiting extra credit.
Rounding up to the next letter grade is not automatic (e.g. 89.5% = B)