1 - St. Thomas High School



Student Launch Initiative


Technical Proposal

Submitted to:

NASA / Marshall Space Flight Center

“The Distribution of Ionizing Radiation with Altitude”

Submitted by:


St. Thomas High School

4500 Memorial Drive

Houston, TX 77007 www.sths.org

(713) 864-6348

Dr. Edward J. Marintsch ed.marintsch@sths.org


1. School Information

1.1 Title of project

1.2 About St. Thomas H.S.

1.3 Administrative Staff

1.4 Supervisors and Mentors

1.5 Student Team Members and Their Proposed Duties

1.5.1 Student Resumes

2. Facilities /Equipment

2.1 Facilities and Accessibility

2.4 Technical Standards Compliance

2.2 Resources Required to Produce Rocket and Payload

2.3 Computer Equipment and Information Accessibility

3. Safety

3.1 Contact with local NAR chapter and Certified Level 2 NAR Mentor

3.2 Safety Plan

3.2.1 Risk Assessments and Mitigations

3.2.2 Established Safety Codes

4. Technical Design

4.1 Rocket and Payload Design

4.1.1 Projected Vehicle Dimensions

4.1.2 Projected Motor Type and Size

4.1.3 Projected Science Payload

4.1.4 Primary Requirements for Rocket and Payload

4.1.5 Major Challenges and Solutions

5. Educational Engagement

5.1 Plan for Soliciting Additional Community Support

5.2 Educational Projects

6. Project Plan

6.1 Project Timeline of Milestones and Basic Schedule

6.2 Proposed Budget

6.3 Meeting Curriculum and Educational Standards at the Local and

National Levels

Appendix: Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS)




























1. School Information

1.1 Title of Project

“The Distribution of Ionizing Radiation with Altitude”

1.2 About St. Thomas H.S.

(adapted from the St. Thomas H.S. Website)

St. Thomas High School is a well-established college preparatory, founded in 1900 by the Basilian Fathers in the downtown area of Houston, that provides a caring, intellectually challenging learning atmosphere in which young men develop the tools necessary to become successful in their further studies and careers. Emphasis is placed on the students’ preparedness for an ever demanding and diverse world.

The St. Thomas community, which includes students, parents, faculty, staff and alumni, nourishes the faith of all its members. Together, and as individuals, members of the community share the responsibility of actively bearing Christ’s message to the society at large. Promotion of social justice and service to those in need stand at the core of this mission.

The faculty of St. Thomas is made up of professionals who demonstrate expertise, love and enthusiasm for their fields of study, while modeling Christian values in and outside of the classroom.

The faculty creates an atmosphere of mutual respect and openness, guiding each student to achieve his fullest potential. Expressing individual teaching styles within welldeveloped curricula, members of the faculty keep abreast of pedagogical and technological advances, continually incorporating these into their instruction.

The enrollment at St. Thomas is not restricted by specific geographical boundaries; hence, its central location makes it easily accessible to all ethnic and socio-economic groups.

Currently the student body at St. Thomas numbers 710 students and represents 125 different zip codes of the greater Houston area. The most distant students travel 50 miles each way while only 8 live within walking distance of the school. All other students carpool with other students and parents or use public transportation. This diversity of residential living further emphasizes the ethnic mix of the students: 22% Hispanic, 6%

African-American, 4% Asian, 3% multi-racial, and 65% Caucasian; 20% of the students are non-Catholic. Thus, St. Thomas reflects an ethnic, economic and religious diversity which embraces all of Houston and makes for a very unique educational opportunity.


The quality of education provided at St. Thomas is reflected not only in its college prep curriculum with 99% of its graduates attending 4 year universities and 1% attending 2 year post secondary institutions but also in a solid Catholic environment which emphasizes self-discipline and personal responsibility.

The faculty-student ratio on average is 1:18 in each class taught. The average SAT score is 1150 and College Advancement Placement courses are offered across a wide range of subjects. Ninety-nine percent of the St. Thomas students attend 4-year

Colleges and Universities.

1.3 Administrative Staff

Rev. John Huber, Principal

Rev. John Huber, C.S.B., is a member of the Basilian Fathers, the order that has run

Saint Thomas High School since its founding in 1900. He began teaching at St. Thomas in January 2005, and is currently the school principal as of June 2006. Father Huber has a B.A. from St. John Fisher College in Rochester, N.Y.; an M.Div in Theology from the University of Saint Michael’s College/University of Toronto; an M.A. from Middlebury

College; and an Ed.D. from the University of San Francisco. He received his doctorate in Catholic Educational Leadership from the University of San Francisco in 2004.

Ms. Christine Westman (Assistant Principal)

Ms. Westman has served as the Assistant Principal of St. Thomas since 1990. She is responsible for supervising the academic programs of the school. Ms. Westman has worked as a teacher and administrator in Catholic schools in Houston since 1973. She earned her BA in Secondary Education from the University of St. Thomas, an M.Ed. in

Administration and Supervision from the University of Houston and an MA in Theology from Boston College.

1.4 Supervisors and Mentors

Dr. Edward J. Marintsch (Lead Mentor)

Dr. Marintsch received his B.A. and M.A. degrees in Geology from Queens College of the City University of N.Y. and his Ph.D. in Geology from the State University of N.Y. at

Stony Brook. He was a Pre-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Paleobiology at the

U.S. National Museum (Smithsonian Institution) studying rocks and fossils from the

Appalachian Mountains. Dr. Marintsch holds a Master Teacher’s Chair and has been a member of the St. Thomas faculty since 1986. He also founded and mentors the school’s Team America Rocketry Challenge and Student Launch Initiative teams. [Email: ed.marintsch@sths.org]

Mr. David Laney, P.E.

David Laney received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, from Louisiana Tech University and is a Texas Professional Engineer. He has been working as a systems design


engineer in the Oil and Gas Industry for 30 years and is specialized in the areas of power distribution, automation control, instrumentation, communications, and electronics. Mr. Laney is active in amateur rocketry and has a Tripoli high power rocketry Level 2 certification, since 1993. [E-mail: amrcksc@att.net]

Mr. Mike Loughlin

Mr. Loughlin graduated from the University of Texas in 1978 with a BS in Mechanical

Engineering. He has 28 years of experience in the Exploration and Production end of the oil and gas industry. Most of those years were spent in new product development for well completion and servicing. He holds numerous patents for well service tools.

Currently, he is a Staff Engineer for Baker Hughes Well Bore Intervention Technology

Group. [E-mail: loughlin3@sbcglobal.net]

1.5 Student Team Members and Their Proposed Duties



Accountable to the Team Mentor to:

1. Check all of the Group Managers and see that they are doing their jobs properly and are on task.

2. Provide written documentation of the date, time, and content of every team activity. Inspect the Gantt

Chart daily to monitor deadlines and inform members of time constraints as the year proceeds.

3. Take or assign photographic documentation of the entire project from start to finish.

4. Gather the information from team members needed for any NASA report (e.g. PDR, CDR, etc.) and then put the report into its final form.






Oversees and works with the team members who assemble the rocket. Sees that all parts and equipment are available and in proper working order.

Writes the section on the payload experiment. Puts together the payload bay electronics including altimeter, Geiger Counter, GPS, camera, any type of data logger, etc.

Is in charge of Community Outreach, Public





Relations, Fundraising.

Documents and implements all Safety matters including precautionary measures taken for all aspects of the project.

Responsible for establishment of a Website and its upkeep. Also, in charge of accessing videoconferencing equipment and construction of Power

Point slides.

Takes the actual rocket and places its dimensions into the Rocksim program. Supervises any changes suggested by team members and is able to access any type of data provided by Rocksim.

Table 1.5a

- Job Descriptions of Project Manager and Group Managers





LEADERS Youssef (1)



Payload Outreach &


Safety Audio/




James (1) Tom (1) Aldo (3) Randall (2) Izzy (2) Paul (2)



This Role

Aldo (1)

Izzy (1)

Paul (1)

Randall (1)

Youssef (2)

Aldo (2)



James (3)

Tom (3) Paul (3) Tom (2)

James (2)

Table 1.5b

– Groups and Project Leaders – St Thomas S.L.I. Team

● The number next to each individual indicates that Division as his 1 st , 2 nd , or 3 rd


● The Lead for a Division was based on an individuals 1 st choice as well as past expertise and experience in TARC.

● The Lead for a Division with no 1 st choice was chosen based on an individual’s 2 nd or

3 rd choice in that Division.

● No matter who was assigned where, EVERYONE is required to work on every aspect and in any Division of this project as needed.


In addition, to the Job Descriptions already given to Team members, the following rules also apply to the Project Manager and Group Leaders:

● The Project Manager’s role is to:

(1) supervise and be accountable for work done in each Group and see that work is proceeding smoothly.

● The Group Leader:

(1) is responsible to see that his Group is working on time, according to schedule.

(2) knows who is particularly interested in working in his section.

(3) oversees that assignments are being done properly.

(4) sees that all parts and tools needed are present.

(5) informs the Project Manager and Mentor immediately if he sees a problem developing.

(6) asks others to volunteer to work in his section if and when more help is needed.


1.5.1 Student Resumes

James Z.

Grade: 12

Academic Interests: Math and Science

Accomplishments: Top 10 Senior; St. Thomas Club Member; Perfect Attendance;

National Honor Society Member; TARC Team (2009) 5 th Place; Student Government;

Varsity Lacrosse Team Captain; Varsity Cross Country

Hobbies: Working on cars, guitar, rocketry

How interested in Rocketry? Always likes to build things. Launched model rockets as a child.

Why join SLI?: To take the next step in advancing interest in rocketry

Goal after H.S.: Study Engineering

Aldo F.

Grade: 11

Academic Interests: Chemistry, History, Physics

Accomplishments: Chemistry Award (twice); Top ten of class (twice); All “A” student;

St. Thomas Club Member; TARC Team (2009) 5 th Place; President of Patriot Club;

Secretary of

Eagle Broadcasting Network, our school’s television network

Hobbies: Designing and constructing projects, reading

How interested in Rocketry?

8 th Grade Science class

Why join SLI?: Increase knowledge of Rocketry and be part of an engineering team

Goal after H.S.: Attend Rice University


Randall H.

Grade: 11

Academic Interests: Math and Science, especially Physics

Accomplishments: People to People Science Ambassador; 2 nd Place Galveston

County Science Fair, TARC Team (2009) 5 th Place; Spanish Club

Hobbies: Electric Planes, rockets, running

How interested in Rocketry?

Launched rocket with dad

Why join SLI?

Interested in learning how engineering firms work plus have a strong interest in rocketry

Goal after H.S.: Attend college; Work for a rocketry firm

Paul T.

Grade: 11

Academic Interests: Math, Java Programming

Accomplishments: St. Thomas Club; 96 Average; Fr. John J. Mallon Award for service; TARC Team (2009) 5 th Place

Hobbies: Games, reading

How interested in Rocketry?

The STHS Rocketry Club

Why join SLI?

A stepping stone to the future and it looked like fun

Goal after H.S.: Computer Science field

Thomas L.

Grade: 10

Academic Interests: Math and Science

Accomplishments: All “A” student; Won First Grand Prize at the Junior Texas State

Science Fair on

“Attenuation of a U238 Beta field.” TARC Team (2009) 5 th Place;

Spanish Club

Hobbies: Khet (Strategy game), Chess, Rocketry

How interested in Rocketry? Just have always been

Why join SLI?: Thought it would be fun

Goal after H.S.: Attend College

Youssef B.

Grade: 11

Academic Interests: Math and Science

Accomplishments: Top 10 student; National Honor Society; all “A” student; “Souper”

Bowl of Caring; Houston Mayor’s Youth Council; TARC Team (2009) 5 th Place

How interested in Rocketry? An interest in Robotics

Why join SLI?: Because TARC was so interesting

Goal after H.S.: Attend a university; Find a robotic Engineering job


Isaiah S.

Grade: 12

Academic Interests: Math, Science, English, Theology

Accomplishments: Top 20% of class; National Honor Society; Perfect Score on

National Spanish Exam; Senior Graphics Editor of the Eagle Broadcasting Network, our school’s television network

Hobbies: Photoshopping and video gaming

How interested in Rocketry? Engineering aspects of building and launching rockets

Why join SLI?: An opportunity to work on a NASA related project

Goal after H.S.: A career in Engineering, Science, Math


2. Facilities /Equipment

2.1 Facilities and Accessibility

The main facility to be used for the design and manufacture of the rocket components will be at St. Thomas H.S., Houston, TX. Hours of accessibility are anytime before 7:45 a.m. and after 3:15 p.m. on school days. This classroom will also be open on weekends. All access is contingent on the availability of the Team Mentor who will supervise activities.

The testing of rocket components will be performed at the High Power Launch facility at

Hearne, TX which is approximately a two-hour drive from the school. The launch facility at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, used in conjunction with the NASA

Houston Rocket Club (NHRC), can be used to test scale models with motor impulses rated “H” and below.


Launch Site

Johnson Space


Hearne Municipal


Roberts Ranch






County Dates

Harris 1 st , 3 rd , 5 th Sat. of each month Houston Rocket


Lake, TX

Tripoli Hearne,


Robertson 2 nd Sat. & Sun. of each month

Fort Bend 2 nd Sat. of each Challenger 498 Needville,

AARG (Austin

Area Rocket

TX month

Hutto, TX Williamson 1 st Sat. of each month(Fall &



Tripoli Bertram,




1 st Sat. of each month (Spring &


Table 2.1a

– The variety of Launch Sites and Dates available for test launches in the event of inclement weather or other circumstances.

2.2 Resources Required to Produce Rocket and Payload

Personnel required to complete the SLI Project include the seven team members, as well as the three team mentors. The facility will be Room 6201 of St. Thomas H.S. This i s the classroom/lab of the Team’s Head Mentor, Dr. Edward J. Marintsch.

Equipment will be stored in the Prep Room to Room 6201 and two large tables measuring 3’ x 5’ will be joined side by side as an area on which to work.


Equipment required to design and build the rocket and payload include: the rocket components from the kit, hand saw, electric sander, Black and Decker Workbench,

Dremel Tool, nuts, bolts, and washers, pliers, screwdrivers, eye protection, and computers.

Supplies include sandpaper, adhesives, paper toweling, First-Aid kit.

Payload Electronic Components include altimeters, camera, GPS System, Geiger

Mueller Tube(s), backup Geiger Counter, Black Powder detonators, and Digital


2.3 Computer Equipment and Information Accessibility

For Communication: Each student and mentor has a PC with which he can communicate with others via e-mail and access internet material.

For Designing, Building, and Hosting a Team Website: A student team member will construct and upkeep the website aided by the school’s Technology Department and the Head Mentor, each of whom will have direct access to the website.

For Document Development to Support Design Reviews: Document development will be tracked and updated on the team’s website as needed.

The Head Mentor (Project Leader) will be able to communicate with any NASA personnel via e-mail from any computer on campus, in particular the desktop computer in Room 6201, as well as from a laptop at his place of residence. Also the above computers will provide access to the internet, e-mail capability, presentation software and Rocket Design software.

The team members have access to 27 computers in our Computer Lab in which to test

Rocket Designs on Rocksim, connect to the internet, and run presentation simulation software. Numerous other computers on campus (nearly 100) are available for similar usage.

2.4 Technical Standards Compliance

Appropriate sections of the government Architectural and Transportation Barriers

Compliance Board Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards (36

CFR Part 1194) as well as of the Section 508 Technical Standards, Subsections

1194.21, 1194.22, and 1194.26) will be implemented and re on file.


3. Safety

3.1 Contact with local NAR chapter and Certified Level 2 NAR Mentor

The local NAR chapter is the NASA Houston Rocket Club (NHRC)


Both Dr. Marintsch and Mr. Laney are thoroughly familiar with the activities of the NHRC, being members as well as users of the launch facilities at JSC. As such we have an excellent working relationship with the club officials. Team mentor David Laney is our Level 2 Certified member (amrcksc@att.net).

3.2 Safety Plan

The safety of the materials used, including handling and hazards, will be addressed by making all members aware of precautionary statements found in the Material Safety

Data Sheets (MSDS) and by reviewing as a group the risk assessments and mitigations contained within this report. In addition, students will (a) need to pass a written quiz on all safety procedures noted directly above, and (b) sign a form agreeing to abide by all safety rules and procedures noted within this report. (The MSDS are included as an

Appendix at the end of this Proposal. The Risk Assessments and Mitigations as well as the Model Rocket and High Power Safety Codes are found at the end of this section on


Two members of the St. Thomas group, Dr. Edward J. Marintsch and Mr. David Laney, are active members of the NAR and Tripoli, respectively. As such, they are thoroughly familiar with the NFPA 1122 Code for Model Rocketry and NFPA 1127 Code for High

Power Rocketry (see the section below entitled Established Safety Codes). Since Dr.

Marintsch will be in attendance at all team functions, both he and our team’s safety officer will monitor each procedure and event to ensure that proper precautions and procedures are observed.

The facilities to be used include Room 6201 of the Science Building on the campus of

St. Thomas High School as well as the launch sites found at Johnson Space Center

(JSC) and Hearne, TX. Copies of the appropriate MSDS will be available at all venues.

In addition, a first aid kit and fire extinguisher will always be nearby at each facility, and the location of the nearest medical facility will be made known.

3.2.1 Risk Assessments and Mitigations




Item Hazard / Possible


Prevention (Mitigation)

Construction Dremel Tool Electric shock. Debris Check wiring for fraying. Be


Drill (Electric)

Drill Bit


(Cyanoacrylic) striking body parts.

Unsecured bits striking body

Electric shock. Debris striking body parts.

Unsecured bits striking body.

Cause damage to eyes

Glue body parts together. Harmful fumes. familiar with tool operation.

Secure drill bits. Wear eye protection. Keep loose articles away from moving machine parts.

Be familiar with tool operation.

Keep loose clothing away from tool when in use. Use eye protection. Check for frayed wiring. Secure drill bits.

Secure drill bit properly. Wear eye protection around machine.

Wear gloves when in use. Keep body parts away from the glue.

Do not inhale fumes. Wear eye protection.

Glue (Epoxy)





Saw (Hand)

Glue body parts together. Harmful fumes.

Breaking or lacerating finger.

Electric shock. Debris striking body parts.




Wear gloves when in use. Keep body parts away from glue. Wear eye protection. Do not inhale fumes.

Keep fingers clear of gripping end.

Check wiring for fraying. Be familiar with tool operation.

Secure sanding paper. Wear eye protection. Keep loose articles away from moving machine parts

Stable positioning of material being sanded.

Secure object that is being cut.

Keep hand away from blade.

Scissors Lacerations.


Screwdriver Puncture wounds.

Keep pointed end away from body and from nearby observers.

Do not point at self when using.

Apply only moderate pressure when in use. Keep hand or other body part away from screwdriver end in case of slippage.

Soldering Iron Electric shock. Burn. Check wiring for fraying. Be familiar with tool operation.

Secure heated end to the iron.

Wear eye protection. Keep loose

Wire Stripper Laceration. Puncture wound. articles and body parts away from heated end of the iron.

Do not point at self or others.

Keep fingers clear of stripping




X-Acto Knife Lacerations. Puncture wound.



Launch Rod

Launch Pad




Wiring to


Design error and/or miscalculation.

Igniter may create sparks/burns,

Not smooth. Bent.

Rocket tips over due to pulling of electrical wiring or wind.

Failure to Ignite.

Misfiring on Launch

Pad. Flying debris.

Delayed ignition.


Launch Pad

Explosion. Flying debris. Burns. Fire.

Wiring is nonfunctional, or is accidentally pulled during ignition.

(sharpened) end.

Do not point at self or others.

Keep fingers and other body parts clear of blade, especially when scoring.

Use Rocksim to verify design.

Check and interpret data multiple times. Have another team member inspect all data and results.

Do not pass any current through wire until igniter is firmly in place within motor.

Check alignment of rod.

Thoroughly polish the rod with steel wool and coat with talcum powder.

Make sure the base of the launch pad is stable and has a blast deflector.

Wait one minute before approaching rocket. Confirm igniter insertion and connection to motor. Check for break in igniter. Have spare igniters onhand.

Stand a safe distance away from rocket during launch sequence

(at least 200 ft.) and wait 60 seconds before approaching the rocket. Wear safety eyewear upon approaching rocket.

Stand a safe distance away from rocket during launch sequence

(at least 200 ft.) and wait 60 seconds before approaching the rocket. Wear safety eyewear upon approaching rocket. Access to fire extinguisher. Possible loss of project.

Make sure wiring is not tangled or damaged. Sand clips connected to igniter leads. Keep observers clear of wiring. Mark the wires leading to the rocket so


Environmental Weather



Weather –





Damage to electrical components.

Weakening of frame strength.

Loss of visual contact with rocket’s position.

Lowering of projected altitude due to weather cocking.

Swelling of body tube to tube coupler. they are visible.

Keep rocket covered with tarp.

Wait till cloud cover is reduced.

Insert GPS.

Have a modular design in rocket so that weights may be added or removed as necessary.

Heat the contact parts to dry and reduce swelling. Use lubricant such as talcum powder to ease separation.

Use two altimeters and test their functioning before launch.

Altimeter Failure to record data.

Loss of timeframe for

Geiger Counter data.




Failure to record data.

Loss of radiation counts. Tube breakage.

Doesn’t deploy.

Rocket nears ground at high speed

Have a backup GM tube to record data. Have an recorder to document audio “clicks.”

Position tubes securely.

Be sure parachute is properly folded and packed. Follow path of rocket and avoid possible impact area. Take shelter if available.

Rocket Flies off course. Loss of Rocket and

Insert GPS device. Line up apparent landing site of rocket equipment. with a landmark found between rocket and observer.

Table 3.2.1a

– A summary of the Possible Risks, Problems and Mitigations involved in the various phases of the project.

3.2.2 Established Safety Codes

TRIPOLI High Power Rocket Safety Code (Condensed version)

The Tripoli High Power Safety Code is based on NFPA 1127. You may view the current version of NFPA 1127 on the NFPA Website .

1. Only a person who is a certified flyer shall operate or fly a high power rocket.

2. Must comply with United States Code 1348, "Airspace Control and Facilities",

Federal Aviation Act of 1958 and other applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, statutes, and ordinances.


3. A person shall fly a high power rocket only if it has been inspected and approved for flight by a Safety Monitor for compliance with the applicable provisions of this code.

4. Motors

I. Use only certified commercially made rocket motors.

II. Do not dismantle, reload, or alter a disposable or expendable high power rocket motor, not alter the components of a reloadable high power rocket motor or use the contents of a reloadable rocket motor reloading kit for a purpose other than that specified by the manufacture in the rocket motor or reloading kit instructions.

5. A high power rocket shall be constructed to withstand the operating stresses and retain structural integrity under conditions expected or known to be encountered in flight.

6. A high power rocket vehicle intended to be propelled by one or more high power solid propellant rocket motor(s) shall be constructed using lightweight materials such as paper, wood, plastic, fiberglass, or, when necessary, ductile metal so that the rocket conforms to the other requirements of this code.

7. A person intending to operate a high power rocket shall determine its stability before flight, providing documentation of the location of the center of pressure and center of gravity of the high power rocket to the Safety Monitor, if requested.

8. Weight and Power Limits.

I. Ensure that the rocket weighs less than the rocket motor manufacturer's recommended maximum liftoff weight for the rocket motor(s) used for the flight. During pre-flight inspection, The Safety Monitor may request documentary proof of compliance.

II. Do not install a rocket motor or combination of rocket motors that will produce more than 40,960 newton-seconds of total impulse (4.448 newtons equals 1.0 pound).

9. Recovery.

I. Fly a high power rocket only if it contains a recovery system that will return all parts of it safely to the ground so that it may be flown again.

II. Install only flame resistant recovery wadding if wadding is required by the design of the rocket.

III. Do not attempt to catch a high power rocket as it approaches the ground.

IV. Do not attempt to retrieve a high power rocket from a place that is hazardous to people.

10. Payloads

I. Do not install or incorporate in a high power rocket a payload that is intended to be flammable, explosive, or cause harm.

II. Do not fly a vertebrate animal in a high power rocker.

11. Launching Devices

I. Launch from a stable device that provides rigid guidance until the rocket has reached a speed adequate to ensure a safe flight path.

II. Incorporate a jet deflector device if necessary to prevent the rocket motor exhaust from impinging directly on flammable materials.


III. A launching device shall not be capable of launching a rocket at an angle more than 20 degrees from vertical.

IV. Place the end of the launch rod or rail above eye level or cap it to prevent accidental eye injury. Store the launch rod or rail so it is capped, cased, or left in a condition where it cannot cause injury.

12. Ignition Systems

I. Use an ignition system that is remotely controlled, electrically operated, and contains a launching switch that will return to "off" when released.

II. The ignition system shall contain a removable safety interlock device in series with the launch switch.

III. The launch system and igniter combination shall be designed, installed, and operated so the liftoff of the rocket shall occur within three (3) seconds of actuation of the launch system. If the rocket is propelled by a cluster of rocket motors designed to be ignited simultaneously, install an ignition scheme that has either been previously tested or has a demonstrated capability of igniting all rocket motors intended for launch ignition within one second following ignition system activation.

IV. Install an ignition device in a high power rocket motor only at the launch site and at the last practical moment before the rocket is placed on the launcher.

13. Launch Site.

I. Launch a high power rocket only in an outdoor area where tall trees, power lines, and buildings will not present a hazard to the safe flight operation of a high power rocket in the opinion of the Safety Monitor.

II. Do not locate a launcher closer to the edge of the flying field (launch site) than one-half the radius of the minimum launch site dimension.

III. The flying field (launch site) shall be at least as large as the stated in

Table 1. or Not less than one-half the maximum altitude expected, calculated, or simulated, or as granted by an FAA waiver or the authority having jurisdiction.

14. Launcher Location

I. Locate the launcher more than 1,500 feet from any occupied building.

II. Ensure that the ground for a radius of 10 feet around the launcher is clear of brown grass, dry weeds, or other easy-to-burn materials that could be ignited during launch by the exhaust of the rocket motor.

15. Safe Distances

I. No person shall be closer to the launch of a high power rocket than the person actually launching the rocket and those authorized by the Safety


II. All spectators shall remain within an area determined by the Safety

Monitor and behind the Safety Monitor and the person launching the rocket.

III. A person shall not be closer to the launch of a high power rocket than the applicable minimum safe distance set forth in Table 2.


16. Launch Operations.

I. Do not ignite and launch a high power rocket horizontally, at a target, or so the rocket's flight path goes into clouds or beyond the boundaries of the flying field (launch site).

II. Do not launch a high power rocket if the surface wind at the launcher is more than twenty (20) miles per hour.

III. Do not operate a high power rocket in a manner that is hazardous to aircraft.

17. Launch Control.

I. Launch a high power rocket only with the immediate knowledge, permission, and attention of the Safety Monitor.

II. All persons in the launching, spectator, and parking areas during a countdown and launch shall be standing and facing the launcher if requested to do so by the Safety Monitor.

III. Precede the launch with a five (5) second countdown audible throughout the launching, spectator, and parking areas. This countdown shall be given by the person launching the rocket, the Safety Monitor, or other flying site operating personnel.

IV. Do not approach a high power rocket that has misfired until the safety inter-lock has been removed or the battery has been disconnected from the ignition system, one minute has passed, and the Safety Monitor has given permission for only a single person to approach the misfired rocket to inspect it.



Installed Total Impulse


160.01 - 320.00

320.01 - 640.00

640.01 - 1280.00

1280.01 - 2560.00

2560.01 - 5120.00

5120.01 - 10240.00

10240.01 - 20480.00

20480.01 - 40960.00


Motor Type









Minimum Site
























Installed Total Impulse


160.01 - 320.00

320.01 - 640.00

640.01 - 1280.00

1280.01 - 2560.00

2560.01 - 5120.00

5120.01 - 10240.00

10240.01 - 20480.00


Motor Type








Minimum Safe





Minimum Safe
















20480.01 - 40960.00 O 1,500 2,000


NAR High Power Safety Code

1. Certification.

I will only fly high power rockets or possess high power rocket motors that are within the scope of my user certification and required licensing.

2. Materials.

I will use only lightweight materials such as paper, wood, rubber, plastic, fiberglass, or when necessary ductile metal, for the construction of my rocket.

3. Motors.

I will use only certified, commercially made rocket motors, and will not tamper with these motors or use them for any purposes except those recommended by the manufacturer. I will not allow smoking, open flames, nor heat sources within 25 feet of these motors.

4. Ignition System.

I will launch my rockets with an electrical launch system, and with electrical motor igniters that are installed in the motor only after my rocket is at the launch pad or in a designated prepping area. My launch system will have a safety interlock that is in series with the launch switch that is not installed until my rocket is ready for launch, and will use a launch switch that returns to the "off" position when released. If my rocket has onboard ignition systems for motors or recovery devices, these will have safety interlocks that interrupt the current path until the rocket is at the launch pad.

5. Misfires.

If my rocket does not launch when I press the button of my electrical launch system, I will remove the launcher's safety interlock or disconnect its battery, and will wait 60 seconds after the last launch attempt before allowing anyone to approach the rocket.

6. Launch Safety.

I will use a 5-second countdown before launch. I will ensure that no person is closer to the launch pad than allowed by the accompanying


Minimum Distance Table, and that a means is available to warn participants and spectators in the event of a problem. I will check the stability of my rocket before flight and will not fly it if it cannot be determined to be stable.

7. Launcher.

I will launch my rocket from a stable device that provides rigid guidance until the rocket has attained a speed that ensures a stable flight, and that is pointed to within 20 degrees of vertical. If the wind speed exceeds 5 miles per hour I will use a launcher length that permits the rocket to attain a safe velocity before separation from the launcher. I will use a blast deflector to prevent the motor's exhaust from hitting the ground. I will ensure that dry grass is cleared around each launch pad in accordance with the accompanying Minimum

Distance table, and will increase this distance by a factor of 1.5 if the rocket motor being launched uses titanium sponge in the propellant.

8. Size.

My rocket will not contain any combination of motors that total more than

40,960 N-sec (9208 pound-seconds) of total impulse. My rocket will not weigh more at liftoff than one-third of the certified average thrust of the high power rocket motor(s) intended to be ignited at launch.

9. Flight Safety.

I will not launch my rocket at targets, into clouds, near airplanes, nor on trajectories that take it directly over the heads of spectators or beyond the boundaries of the launch site, and will not put any flammable or explosive payload in my rocket. I will not launch my rockets if wind speeds exceed 20 miles per hour. I will comply with Federal Aviation Administration airspace regulations when flying, and will ensure that my rocket will not exceed any applicable altitude limit in effect at that launch site.

10. Launch Site.

I will launch my rocket outdoors, in an open area where trees, power lines, buildings, and persons not involved in the launch do not present a hazard, and that is at least as large on its smallest dimension as one-half of the maximum altitude to which rockets are allowed to be flown at that site or 1500 feet, whichever is greater.

11. Launcher Location.

My launcher will be 1500 feet from any inhabited building or from any public highway on which traffic flow exceeds 10 vehicles per hour, not including traffic flow related to the launch. It will also be no closer than the appropriate Minimum Personnel Distance from the accompanying table from any boundary of the launch site.

12. Recovery System.

I will use a recovery system such as a parachute in my rocket so that all parts of my rocket return safely and undamaged and can be flown again, and I will use only flame-resistant or fireproof recovery system wadding in my rocket.

13. Recovery Safety.

I will not attempt to recover my rocket from power lines, tall trees, or other dangerous places, fly it under conditions where it is likely to recover in spectator areas or outside the launch site, nor attempt to catch it as it approaches the ground.


Installed Total






High Power

Motor Type


Diameter of

Cleared Area




Distance (ft.)




(Complex Rocket)


H or smaller








0 -- 320.00

320.01 -- 640.00

640.01 --


J 50 100 200

1,280.01 --


2,560.01 --


5,120.01 --


10,240.01 --


20,480.01 --






















Note: A Complex rocket is one that is multi-staged or that is propelled by two or more rocket motors

Revision of July 2008


4. Technical Design

4.1 Rocket and Payload Design

4.1.1 Projected Vehicle Dimensions

The following measurements are based on the commercial specifications of the

Magnum 3-E rocket kit from Loc Precision. The decision to use this rocket may change, or the dimensions of it may be modified at a later date. For example, the mass will increase as payload is added.

1. Length - 90"

3. Weight - 136 oz.

5. Motor Mount - 75mm

2. Diameter - 5.54"

4. Parachutes - 18" Drogue, 78" Full

6. Fin # - 3

Sample Design of Our Proposed Magnum-3 Rocket

Figure 4.1.1a

- Rocksim version of Loc Precision’s Magnum 3 from www.rocketreviews.com

including typical simulation results. Dimensions and weights of parts will be adjusted to meet actual measurements. Placements of interior components will be arranged according to our actual design.

Sample Performance of Our Proposed Magnum-3 Rocket

Figure 4.1.1b

- Simulation of the Magnum 3 on Rocksim using a K560W motor and showing ascent to a desired altitude and deployment of drogue and main chutes.

PK-86 LOC Magnum-3.00 - Simulation results from Rocksim (vers. 8.0)

Engine selection


Simulation control parameters

Flight resolution: 800.000000 samples/second

Descent resolution: 1.000000 samples/second

Launch conditions

Altitude: 0.00000 Ft.

Relative humidity: 50.000 %

Temperature: 59.000 Deg. F

Pressure: 29.9139 In.

Wind speed model: Slightly breezy (8-14 MPH)

Low wind speed: 8.0000 MPH

High wind speed: 14.9000 MPH

Wind turbulence: Fairly constant speed (0.01)

Frequency: 0.010000 rad/second

Wind starts at altitude: 0.00000 Ft.

Launch guide angle: 0.000 Degrees from vertical

Latitude: 1.571 Degrees

Launch guide data

Launch guide length: 36.0000 In.

Velocity at launch guide departure: 36.2455 ft/s

The launch guide was cleared at : 0.220 Seconds

User specified minimum velocity for stable flight: 43.9993 ft/s

Minimum velocity for stable flight reached at: 52.6409 In.

Max data values

Maximum acceleration: Vertical (y): 549.804 Ft./s/s Horizontal (x): 16.207 Ft./s/s

Magnitude: 549.805 Ft./s/s

Maximum velocity: Vertical (y): 796.1263 ft/s Horizontal (x): 18.5880 ft/s

Magnitude: 808.2987 ft/s

Maximum range from launch site: 2304.19475 Ft.

Maximum altitude: 6705.18011 Ft.

Recovery system data

P: Parachute Deployed at : 24.220 Seconds

Velocity at deployment: 103.2854 ft/s

Altitude at deployment: 6381.63012 Ft.

Range at deployment: -1511.57261 Ft.

P: Drogue Deployed at : 21.220 Seconds

Velocity at deployment: 92.9153 ft/s

Altitude at deployment: 6641.41993 Ft.

Range at deployment: -1567.12291 Ft.

Time data

Time to burnout: 4.965 Sec.

Time to apogee: 19.219 Sec.

Optimal ejection delay: 14.254 Sec.

Landing data

Time to landing: 303.281 Sec.

Range at landing: 2304.19475

Velocity at landing: Vertical: -21.7100 ft/s, Horizontal: 13.5976 ft/s, Magnitude:

25.6168 ft/s


4.1.2 Projected Motor Type and Size

Class- K (Possibly K560W -- Length: 15.6”, Diameter: 75mm, Impulse: 2467.2 N.s,

Burn time: 4.96 s)

4.1.3 Projected Science Payload

Our payload is designed to take readings of the background radiation during the rocket’s descent. The payload team shall construct a small Geiger counter, with up to ten Geiger Mueller tubes, which is capable of storing data on an Mp3 recorder or microprocessor. This plan should work, but if it fails we shall use a Gamma-Scout

Geiger counter which is capable of collecting and storing data over several hours.

Figure 4.1.3a

- Five of the ten proposed Geiger Mueller tubes are shown connected to a standard Geiger counter.

Figure 4.1.4b

- Five of the ten proposed Geiger Mueller tubes are connected to a circuitry board and data storage device.


Figure 4.1.4c - A data display collected and stored during a test of our Geiger Mueller tubes. The rise in counts during the middle time interval is a result of moving radioactive salts closer to the tubes.

4.1.4 Primary Requirements for Rocket and Payload

The primary requirement for our scientific payload is for it to measure the amount of ionizing radiation in the atmosphere in relation to the rockets altitude. In order to do this we need both a Geiger counter that can measure and record amounts of radiation over a period of time, and an altimeter that will measure the altitude of the rocket over a period of time so that the two data sets can be combined and used to observe trends in amounts of radiation with altitude. The Geiger counter we are currently planning on using was made by Thomas and uses ten Geiger Muller tubes to take measurements.

However we will use the commercially made Gamma-Scout to take measurements should our first counter not work correctly. For storage we are considering making a custom electrical data storage unit that has a USB compatible port to connect to a computer.

The requirement for the rocket is that it must reach an altitude of at least 5,280 ft. so that the Geiger counter can measure varying amounts of radiation on the way to the ground . The rocket must contain a payload bay of around 24" in length which will carry all of the electronic equipment. In addition to the Geiger counter and altimeter, the payload bay will accommodate a camera and a GPS for locating the rocket after launch.

The rocket will deploy an 18" drogue shoot after apogee by detonating a black powder charge on one end of the payload bay, and then a full 78" parachute by detonating a black powder charge on the opposite end of the payload bay several seconds after the drogue shoot is deployed. This sequence of launching the parachutes using charges in


the payload bay is to slow the descent and keep the possible landing area to a minimum. The rocket, which will have a 75mm motor mount tube to hold a K class motor, will have to be constructed with materials strong enough to stand up to the force put out by the motors.

4.1.5 Major Challenges and Solutions

a) Challenge- Learning how to differentiate terrestrial ground radiation from cosmic radiation.

Solution- Learn how terrestrial radiation is likely to change with altitude and apply that to the radiation data of the amount of radiation measured by the Geiger counter during flight. b) Challenge - Being able to control the launch of two parachutes through one altimeter.

Solution- Keeping a black powder charge securely connected to each end of the payload bay which will deploy each parachute. Carefully programming the electronics to dual deploy the black powder charges at the right time. c) Challenge - To see that the circuitry works properly.

Solution- All circuitry will be tested with a multimeter to make sure it is functioning properly before flight. If there is a problem, the non-working part will be replaced or repaired. d) Challenge - To keep the circuitry from setting off the altimeter prematurely

Solution- Prior to launch, ground tests will be done to evaluate signal interference between electrical components. The altimeter will also be turned on after our payload is securely placed within the rocket. e) Challenge - Inability to get the custom Geiger Muller tubes to record and store data

Solution- We will use a Gamma-Scout Geiger counter if the main payload fails to store data. Also we are considering the use of a digital audio recorder. f) Challenge - Making sure all electronics are recording data accurately.

Solution- We will compare data collected by the Geiger Mueller tube array to data from the factory calibrated Gamma-Scout to see that they are each collecting the same data at the same distances from a known radioactive source. Also we can compare background radiation collected at ground level with any known counts in our launch area or general geographic locality.


5. Educational Engagement

5.1 Plan for Soliciting Additional Community Support

In order to seek community support, we will reach out to the alumni of St. Thomas who have been continually supportive of our school’s educational opportunities. We will also seek the help of local businesses that would be willing to support us in any way. We plan on doing this by creating a flier that explains who we are and what we intend to do as a part of the SLI program. We will explain our outreach plans involving the various middle schools and youth organizations such as the Boy Scouts of America and emphasize the need for introducing new and exciting ways for our youth to look at science. We also will allow those who have donated to us to place their logos on our rocket and also recognize their generosity through publicity in our school’s publications.

Ultimately we would also like larger Houston companies to support our efforts. To do this we will submit a copy of this entire proposal to show that we are capable and responsible enough to manage any donation that we are given and that our request is serious.

5.2 Educational Projects

The St. Thomas SLI Rocketry team plans on serving the community and hopefully inspire interest in rocketry and science in general. We are exploring opportunities on giving presentations about rocketry, TARC, and the SLI program to various middle/elementary schools as well as to our own freshman and other interested students. There are three middle schools in particular whose students we would like to visit -- St. Francis de Sales, St. Michael’s, and Our Lady of Guadalupe. The presentations we plan to give would be in two parts. The first would be a PowerPoint show of our team's experiences with the Team America Rocketry Challenge and the SLI program. This will show the fun and exciting experiences we had working as a team to complete a goal and the methods we used to make a rocket that performed to the specifications of a competition. Our SLI rocket and past TARC rockets would be displayed for the students showing them the products of our work. The second part of these presentations will be a hands on workshop on building small model rockets followed by a launch at a local park or other facility. The Boy Scouts, in particular, offer a Space Exploration Merit Badge involving many aspects of our work. We have already contacted some local troops who have expressed a keen interest in what we have to offer. Working closely with all of these students would be a new and exciting way to promote the sciences, especially space science, not only as a career choice but also as a way to increase their enjoyment of science.


6. Project Plan

6.1 Project Timeline of Milestones and Basic Schedule



The Project Begins

Selection Notification


Proposal Rough Draft

Proposal Due


Edit Proposal

Review Key Vehicle Components

Review Payload Concepts

PDR Report Due


Edit PDR

Update Drawings and Specifications

Review Analysis & Test Results

Vehicle Development

Payload Development

CDR report and slides due

Rocket Construction

Motor Selection

Develop a Recovery Subsystem

Start Date End Date

08/01/09 05/21/10

08/01/09 08/01/09

10/22/09 10/22/09

09/01/09 10/01/09

09/11/09 09/14/09

10/01/09 10/01/09

10/01/09 12/04/09

10/01/09 12/04/09

10/01/09 12/04/09

10/01/09 12/04/09

12/04/09 12/04/09

12/04/09 01/28/10

12/04/09 01/28/10

12/04/09 01/28/10

12/04/09 01/28/10

12/04/09 01/28/10

12/04/09 01/28/10

01/20/10 01/20/10

12/04/09 03/17/10

01/20/10 01/20/10

12/04/09 01/28/10

Science Payload Design


Revisions to CDR

Vehicle Testing and Design

Payload Assembly and Testing

FRR presentations


Informing members of Safety hazards

Audio & Visual


Establish Web Presence

Travel to Huntsville

Rocket Hardware & Safety Check

Launch Weekend

Return Home

Post-Launch Assessment Review

The Project Ends

09/10/09 01/20/10

01/28/10 03/25/10

01/28/10 03/25/10

01/28/10 03/25/10

01/28/10 03/25/10

03/25/10 04/02/10

09/10/09 04/18/10

09/10/09 04/18/10

10/23/09 04/02/10

10/23/09 10/23/09

11/05/09 11/05/09

04/14/10 04/14/10

04/15/10 04/16/10

04/17/10 04/18/10

04/19/10 04/19/10

05/21/10 05/21/10

05/21/10 05/21/10


6.2 Proposed Budget



Rocket Construction

Rocket Kit

Scale Rocket Parts

K-Motor Reload

Motor casing

G Motor

Epoxy and Cyanoacrylic Glue


Hobby Knife (Exacto) + Blades 10

Misc.-Nuts, Bolts, Switches, Solder 50


Altimeter $100

Electronics for Circuitry Board

Geiger Counter (Gamma-Scout)

GPS Device (DC20, Astro 220)

Camera (Gearcam)

Deployment Chute Tamer

78” Parachute

1 8” Parachute








Extended Payload Bay

Digital Audio Recorder

Reimbursement for GM Tubes

Additional Geiger Mueller tubes

Trave l

Van Rental

Extra Mileage Costs

Hotel Rooms



Outreach Needs

Printing, Paper

Small Rockets




$ 270
















1 set


1 set









$ 270










$ 200























1 week

500mi @ $0.25/mi



$90/room 6 days x 4 rooms @ $90 2160

$10/meal 8 x 3 meals x 6 days @



$3/gal 1500 mi @ $3/g @12mpg 375

$ 20 ----


$ 20

4.50 100

2.00 100







6.3 Meeting Curriculum & Educational Standards at the Local and

National Levels

All academic departments of St. Thomas H.S. meet the educational standards of both the local (state) and national accrediting agencies. The Texas Catholic Conference

Education Department (TCCED) oversees the accreditation of Catholic Elementary and secondary schools of Texas. The Education Department is part of the state-approved

Texas Private School Accreditation Commission. St. Thomas H.S. is also accredited nationally by AdvancED, a global accreditation system throughout the United States and

65 countries around the world. Specifically, St. Thomas has met the standards of

AdvancED’s accreditation Division, the Southern Association of College and Schools

Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SAC CASI).

These evaluative processes have determined that St. Thomas High School meets or exceeds applicable Local and National Standards across all curricula.

Furthermore, as outlined in the report “National Science Education Standards” (National

Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1996) as well as in all accreditation activities, St.

Thomas has shown that it meets these standards by teaching students skills that lead to:

(1) “Engaging intelligently in public discussions and debate about important issues that involve science and technology,”

(2) “understanding and learning about the natural world,” and the

(3) “understanding of science and the processes of science that contribute to advanced skills, requiring the ability to learn, reason, think creatively, make decisions, and solve problems.”

As stated in the NSES report and carried forth at our institution, “these standards emphasize the need to give students the opportunity to learn science by providing access to skilled professional teachers, adequate classroom time, a rich array of learning materials, accommodating work spaces and the resources of the communities surrounding their schools.”

We can think of no better example than the SLI to illustrate how this NASA program gives students “the opportunity to learn science” through the means stated in the

National Science Education Standards.






































