Examples of using the First and Second Pass Analysis Tools These illustrated examples are intended to help you interpret the data summaries of the First Pass and Second Pass Analysis Tools. First Pass Analysis Tool: Data Summary sheet For the First Pass Analysis Tool, having followed the instructions in the user manual on entering and obtaining a summary of the data, a screen similar to the one below will be generated. In the example above, you can see that the percentage for the source of stress Support is highlighted in red. This means that the percentage of people experiencing problems related to support and therefore at risk from work-related stress is unacceptably high. The organisation must investigate ‘Support’ as a priority area and one way of doing this is by distributing the Second Pass Filter Questionnaire: Support. In the above example, the percentages for the sources of stress Control and Change are highlighted in amber. This means that the percentage of people experiencing problems related to Control and Change, and therefore at risk from work-related stress, is also unacceptably high. The organisation should investigate ‘Control’ and ‘Change’ and one way of doing this is by distributing the Second Pass Filter Questionnaires: Control and Change. In the above example, the percentages for the sources of stress Demands, Relationships and Role are highlighted in green. This means that the percentage of people experiencing problems related to these sources of stress are not unacceptably high. The organisation should consult their staff to confirm that the organisation is performing at an acceptable level for these sources of stress. One way of doing this is through focus groups with staff. These findings and actions are indicated on the screen in the text above the chart. Second Pass Analysis Tool: Data Summary sheet Following the results of the First Pass Analysis Tool, the organisation could have collected data using the Second Pass Filter Questionnaires for Support, Control and Change. Following is an illustrated example for interpreting the data summary of a Second Pass Analysis Tool. As Support was the priority area, we will use it in this example. The Second Pass Filter Questionnaires and Analysis Tools are designed to tap into stressor areas in more detail. For the Support Second Pass Analysis Tool, having followed the instructions in the user manual on entering and obtaining a summary of the data, a screen similar to the one below will be generated. In the example above, you can see that the percentage for questions 5 and 6 are highlighted in red. This suggests that the organisation is failing to provide sufficient information (question 5) and consistent information (question 6) to staff. It also suggests that the percentage of people experiencing problems related to these elements of Support and therefore at risk from work-related stress is unacceptably high. The organisation must investigate these elements of Support further as priority areas. HSE would recommend to the organisation that it engages staff through staff consultation, e.g. focus groups, to confirm the findings, identify if there are any locally relevant issues that need to be addressed and to take positive corrective action for the elements of support covered by questions 5 and 6. In the above example, the percentages for questions 1-4 are highlighted in green. This suggests that an acceptable percentage of employees believe that within the organisation, they regularly receive help and support from colleagues (question 1) and their immediate superior (question 3), and colleagues (question 2) and their immediate superior (question 4) are regularly willing to listen to their work-related problems. The organisation should consult their staff to confirm that the organisation is performing at an acceptable level for these elements of Support. One way of doing this is through focus groups with staff. The elements of the stressor of concern and the priority areas are highlighted in the text above the chart. All findings should be confirmed and investigated further during staff consultation, e.g. focus groups. Areas of concern and corrective actions highlighted by the majority of employees should be noted during the staff consultation, e.g. focus groups. Concerns specific to small groups or individuals should also be noted during staff consultation, and these should be addressed separately. Percentage response rates The number of questionnaires you distribute can be entered into the data summary screen. As you update the records, the tool will calculate your percentage response rate. HSE would recommend that you aim to achieve a high response rate in order to ensure your findings represent a sufficient sample of your organisation.