Curriculum_Map_ 6th grade 2-14-11

Western Wayne School District
Planned Course
Family and Consumer Science
Course Name: 6th Grade- Middle School
Days-Number ____________________Grade(s)_____________________
Or Check One ( )
___________Full Year
Course Description:
6th Grade Outline
1. Kitchen Safety
2. Preventing Foodborne Illness
3. Food Preparation Vocabulary
4. Measuring and Equivalents
5. Identifying Kitchen Utensils and Equipment
As motivation, students will receive their Culinary License after passing each
assessment in the first five categories.
6. Healthy Baking
7. Healthy Cooking
8. A Healthy Budget/Checking Account
9. Importance of Breakfast and Preparation of a Healthy Breakfast Recipe
10. Preparation of Nutrient Packed Lunch
11. Healthy Dinner on a Budget/Table Setting and Etiquette
Meetings Per Week: 2-3 (22 Days per quarter) Outline optimistically designed to cover
each topic in a 2 class periods.
Length of Each Session: 80 minutes
Materials: (See individual lessons).
Western Wayne School District
Planned Course Overview
Course Name: Family and Consumer Science
Grade: 6
Check one ( )
__X___Full Year
Standards Categories
I.Kitchen Safety
11.3.6 B. Describe safe food handling techniques
(e.g., storage, temperature control,
food preparation, conditions that create
a safe working environment for food
11.3.3B Describe personal hygiene techniques
in food handling (e.g., handwashing,
sneeze control, signs of food spoilage).
11.3.3F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions,
recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques.)
II.Preventing Foodborne Illness
11.3.3 B. Describe safe food handling techniques
(e.g., storage, temperature control,
food preparation, conditions that create
a safe working environment for food
11.3.9B Identify the cause, effect and prevention of microbial contamination,
parasites and toxic chemicals in food.
11.3.9 Explain how scientific and technological developments enhance our food
supply (food preservation).
11.3.3A Know the production steps that a food travels from the farm to consumer.
Students will remember the safety rules when
working in the food lab.
Students will evaluate their own hand
washing methods.
Students will apply safe food handling
procedures when working in the food lab.
III.Culinary Terminology
11.3.6 FAnalyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures.
11.3.3F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions,
recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques.)
IV. Measuring and Equivalents
11.3.6 F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures.
11.3.6A Demonstrate knowledge of techniques used to evaluate food in various
forms (e.g., canned, frozen, dried, irradiated, amounts.)
11.3.3F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions,
recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques.)
V. Identifying Kitchen Utensils and Equipment
11.3.6F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures.
Students will define the terminology used in
food preparation recipes.
Students will remember equivalents.
Students will be able to calculate the change
in ingredient amounts when (i.e.
halving/doubling/tripling) changing the
amounts of recipes.
Students will identify the kitchen utensils,
equipment necessary to carry out the
production of the recipes prepared in class and
at home.
VI. Healthy Baking
11.3.6C Analyze factors that affect food choices.
11.3.3C Explain the importance of eating a varied diet in maintaining health.
11.3.9 Explain how scientific and technological developments enhance our food
11.3.3F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions,
recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques.)
VII. Healthy Cooking
11.3.3D Classify foods by food group within the food guide pyramid including the
serving size and nutrition function within the body.
11.3.6D Describe a well-balanced daily menu using the dietary guidelines and the
food guide pyramid.
11.3.3F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions,
recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques.)
Students will prepare healthy recipes based on
the knowledge they have learned (Scaffolding
effect of information). To prepare Healthy
Baked Recipes.
Students will apply what they learned to
create and prepare cooked recipes based on a
healthy diet.
VIII. A Healthy Budget/Entrepreneurship
11.1.3B Define the components of a spending plan i.e. (income, expenses and
11.1.6B Know the relationship of the components of a simple spending plan and
how that relationship allows for managing income, expenses and savings.
11.2.6F Explain practices to maintain and/or repair consumer goods and services
11.2.9 F Evaluate different strategies to obtain consumer goods and services.
11.1.9B. Explain the responsibilities associated with managing personal finances
(e.g. savings, checking, credit, non-cash systems, investments, insurance).
Students participate in a simulated checking
account. Maintain a budget, and write checks
for various fictitious expenses.
Students participate in the Junior
Achievement Biztown Program.
Western Wayne School District
Unit Overview
Course Name:
Focus Question: (This refers to the “big” question(s) or themes/units. Phrase as a question. What is the problem to be solved?)
Essential Question
How are accidents prevented in the Food Lab? Why is it
important to follow the safety rules?
Students will apply safety rules when
creating a recipe.
What food safety procedures are applied in the classroom and
at home to prevent food borne illness? What type of bacteria
can be identified that cause food borne illness?
Apply safe food handling procedures.
What is the meaning of various culinary vocabulary and
Students will prepare recipes using the
correct methods, terminology, and
How do the amount of recipe ingredients change when the
yield of the recipe changes?
Measuring Stations
Measuring worksheet and practice.
Application in solving problems when
given various challenges to change recipe
What kitchen equipment will be used to prepare the recipes in
this class? What is the proper way to use the
utensils/equipment and how do we use it safely and correctly?
Students will choose the correct
equipment for recipe completion and use
it safely and effectively.
How are conventional baked recipes changed to make them
healthier and more nutritious? What are the scientific and
chemical changes that take place when baking?
Students will change conventional high
calorie recipes to healthier ones and
prepare the recipes during baking labs.
How are conventional cooked recipes changed to make them
healthier and more nutritious? What are the scientific and
chemical changes that take place when cooking?
Students will change conventional high
calorie recipes to healthier ones and
prepare the recipes during cooking labs.
What is the correct way to set a formal table.
What is proper dining etiquette and why is it important?
Students will be given a fictitious
checkbook/ledger and checks. Various
expenses and income will be given.
Students must keep an accurate
checkbook ledger. Students will play a
grocery shopping game comparing prices
What is the proper way to write out a check? How is a
checkbook balanced? What does a check ledger look like?
How is a checkbook balanced? What is comparative
shopping? Why is it important.
of various household items.
Western Wayne School District
Curriculum Map
Grade Level:
Marking Period:
Days of
Methods and Mathematics Anchor:
Instructional Time:
Instructional Programming
Intoduction to class rules and safety rules. Emphasis on responsibility, being
prepared for class, the serious quest for knowledge and learning. Teacher
will demonstrate various safety techniques with equipment in the
classroom. Hand washing demonstration.
Video on Food Safety
Food Safety Quiz
Introduction to pathogens and bacteria shown on a “Can you Name this
Pathogen” Poster. Teacher lecture and demonstration of sanitation
Sanitation Video
III. Students will be introduced to various culinary terms and vocabulary. Use of
flashcards, a word wall to comprehend the meanings along with practical
application in recipe preparation.
Sanitation Worksheet
Teacher Observation of Food Handling
IV. Students will visit (4) measuring stations that will be set up around the room. 1Equivalents (Gallon Man, Equivalents Bingo). 2-Fractions, 3-Adjusting Recipes
4Practical Application (Measure your own brownie mix).
Measuring Stations
Each student must complete an exit activity
before moving on to the next station.
Vocabulary Quiz
V. Teacher will introduce kitchen utensils/equipment and
demonstrate their uses.
Students will have a kitchen utensil/equipment scavenger hunt. Students will
play the Kitchen Equipment Card Game.
VI. Teacher will use a healthy interactive power point presentation to
introduce various healthy baking techniques.
Preparation of Healthy Baked Recipes
VII. Teacher will use a healthy cooking interactive power point
presentation to introduce healthy cooking techniques.
Preparation of Healthy Cooked Recipes
Students will review the correct way to set a table. Etiquette will
be discussed Role play etiquette scenarios.
Kitchen equipment Quiz.
Practical Application and Recipe
Recipe Analysis, Evaluation, Creation.
Recipe Analysis, Evaluation, Creation
*Writing Connection – Written Paragraph
Evaluating the Recipe and Final Product.
*Cultural Connection- Students will
preparing recipes from a variety of
Recipe Analysis, Evaluation, Creation
*Writing Connection
*Cultural Connection
Quiz on Tablesetting
Students will participate in a checking account simulation activity.
Students will be given a choice to purchase three items within the
same category at different costs. Students must Analyze and
compare three products before making a simulated purchase.
Students will be given a scenario in which something breaks,
students must choose the means of repair by analyzing three
Students will balance a checkbook ledger and
write checks.