KOUKAMMA MUNICIPALITY POLICY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 0 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Introduction ……………………….........................................................1 2. Purpose of the Policy……......................................................................1 3. Training and Development Strategy………………………………………2 4. Training Committee…………………………………………………………4 5. Functions of Training Committee………………………………………….5 6. Succession Planning……………………………………………………….5 7. Induction…………………………………………………………………….7 8. In – ServiceTraining………………………………………………………..7 9. Study Assistance……………………………………………………………8 10. Roles and Responsibilities …………………………………………….....11 11. Study Leave………………………………………………………………...11 12. External Bursaries…………………………………………………………12 13. Schedule of Post Qualifications…………………………………………..15 14. Application of Policy……………………………………………………….15 1 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT POLICY 1. INTRODUCTION The Municipality is committed to the structured and systematic training and development of all its employees on an ongoing basis to enable them to acquire skills, knowledge and suitable qualifications in order to develop their potential and enable them to perform their duties diligently, effectively and efficiently. 2. 2.7. PURPOSE OF THE POLICY 2.1 Ensure continuity of suitably trained staff in key posts for the future 2.2. To ensure that someone is always available to fulfill any particular job in the municipal service, even in the event of illness, resignation or death. More than one staff member in a specific department should always be able to do any particular job. 2.3. To comply with the legal requirements of the Employment Equity Act which requires the appointment and promotion of suitably qualified people from previously disadvantaged groups, to ensure proportional representation in all occupational categories and levels. 2.4. To ensure that training programs are undertaken in an orderly way and that staff do not simply attend training courses without a purpose. In this way training initiatives can be properly focused. 2.5. To develop career paths for individual staff members to assist them in their careers, making them more enthusiastic about their jobs and therefore making them more productive. In this way, the individual skills may be utilized to achieve the goals of both the department as well as the organisation. 2.6. To assist the employee in meeting his/her performance goals. Individual goals must be aligned with the goals of the overall department and the organisation, including the Council’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and budget. Succession planning and career planning must, furthermore, be aligned with all other human resources activities such as selection, training, performance management etc. To establish a highly motivated work force which could lead to a decrease in staff turnover. 2 3. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 3.1 The training and development strategy of the Municipality must ensure that there is always a linkage between the training needs identified in the skills audit undertaken in respect of staff of the Municipality and the capacity enhancement needs of such staff as identified in the Integrated Development Plan of the Municipality. Training will be provided on the following priority basis: 3.1.1 The development of a leader group, as identified by the Director Corporate Services after consultation with Heads of Departments, to ensure optimal utilization of the management ability of this group. Conceptual, strategic and tactical skills will, in particular, be developed in this group. 3.1.2 The development of a skilled labour force, which will include specialized skills. 3.1.3 The development of semi-skilled labour force. 3.1.4 All training and development initiatives shall be properly planned, programmed and recorded and the results reviewed to determine how training methods can improve and how maximum benefit can be obtained from resources devoted to training and development. Inter alia, this includes a systematic and cost effective training and development approach, consisting of externally developed and presented, as well as in-house training and development programs. 3.1.5 In respect of all training and development activities the following shall apply: A structured approach to determine training and development needs; cost – effective procurement and/or development of training courses or programs based on needs and evaluated in terms of criteria laid down from time to time Attendance and/or presentation of training programs according to a training- planning schedule; The evaluation of training in terms of trainee reaction, learning, practical application and results achieved; Annual reporting on training interventions 3 3.1.5 The department of Corporate Services shall provide advice and assistance on training activities, and it will be responsible for administrative and operative co-ordination of the training process and programs. 3.1.6 Departmental training schedule based on the assessment of individual and Council training needs will be drawn up annually to take full account of the human resources needs of various departments and shall include budgetary provision. 3.1.7 Training and development shall commence with the initial appointment of the new employees and continue as long as the employee is employed in the Council. Existing employees shall be drawn into the training process in accordance with priorities established by way of a structured analysis of training needs. 3.1.8 All training must be work- related and the results evaluated against predetermined objectives. These results are to be expressed in cost benefits 3.1.9 Workplace Skills Plan to be submitted to the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authorities (LGSETA). 4. TRAINING COMMITTEE 4.1 With regards to capacity building, the training committee must be established and shall assist with co-ordination and ensuring an integrated approach to effective and goal orientated training and development interventions in the council. The committee shall also foster equal access to training and development opportunities to staff and Councilors. 4.2. The Training Committee will comprise of one Councilor, one Head of Department or official appointed by him / her, one representative from SAMWU and IMATU. 4.3 The Chairperson of the Corporate Standing Committee of the Council will be the Chairperson of the Committee. In his/her absence, the Director of Corporate Services Department shall act as a chairperson of the committee and may delegate those powers when the need arises. 4.4 The Skills Development Facilitator will be the Secretary of the Training Committee. 4.5 Meetings of the Committee will be held on monthly basis unless otherwise decided by all representative persons or bodies represented thereon. 4 5. FUNCTIONS OF TRAINING COMMITTEE The functions of the Committee will be as follows:- 5.1 The consideration of requests for training from employees of the Council submitted to the Committee through the relevant Head of Department who shall be obliged to make a recommendation on such request; 5.2 With due regard to the Workplace Skills Plan, the formulation of recommendations to the Standing Committee of Finance and Administration of the Council on the formal training requests referred to in subparagraph [a]; 5.3 The assessment and monitoring of the training needs of Councillors, employees and Committee members. 5.4 An assessment and evaluation of the effectiveness of training courses provided by or arranged by the Council or any other body. 5.5 Making recommendations on allocation of training funds; 5.6 The ongoing assessment and evaluation of the Workplace Skills and Employment Equity Plan of the Council; 5.7 The formulation, assessment and evaluation of a Training and Development Policy for the Municipality. 5.8 Acting as a contact between the Department of Corporate Services, other departments and Councilors in matters relating to skills development activities 6. SUCCESSION PLANNING The procedure assumes that the overall responsibility for making the succession planning a success lies with the Director Corporate Services and Heads of Departments. 6.1 Stage 1 – Identification of key positions 6.1.1 The Director Corporate Services shall be required to engage the Heads of Departments in identifying key positions within the respective departments. These positions would normally select middle management positions and higher as well as specialist positions. 6.1.2 The Director Corporate Services shall ensure that the titles used are proper and correspond to those formally adopted by the Municipality. 5 6.2 Stage 2 – Job Descriptions and Identification of specifications 6.2.1 The Corporate Services Department shall be required to ensure that the job descriptions of the positions are current and up-to-date and that specifications are on file. (These would be similar to those required when embarking on recruitment / advertising). These details will be gleaned from a structured interview with incumbent and verified by his / her supervisor. 6.3. Stage 3 – Replacement Plan for each position 6.3.1 The Director Corporate Services shall be required to identify candidates by consulting Heads of Department. Considering the background required as well as the skills needed for the job, careful consideration should be given to possible candidates. 6.3.2 Using the Manager’s Career Planning Review much information would be gathered which would assist in identifying appropriate candidates. 6.3.3 The Director Corporate Services has likewise the obligation to assess the employee’s needs by interviewing them at periodical intervals. This would give one some understanding as to whether the expectations, background, skills and qualifications would fit the needs of the position being considered and whether indeed the employee would be interested in pursuing higher office, embarking on possible training and development initiatives and other associated activities. 6.4 Stage 4 – Forecast promotability 6.4.1 The Director Corporate Services together with an all inclusive Selection Committee shall then be required to: Confirm or reject candidates based on their suitability and taking into consideration the objectives of the process Finalize a list of immediately qualified and potentially qualified staff. Evaluate the key positions that do not have identified replacements; and Prepare action plans. The Selection Committee shall draw a matrix of promotability as well as the direction of promotion. The use of sectoral organization charts will likewise serve as 6 graphic examples in finalizing promotable people against organizational requirements 6.5 Stage 5 – Evaluate training/development/experiential needs 6.5.1 The Director Corporate Services together with the supervisor who would oversee the process or directly supervise the candidate are required to develop a suitable format for training taking into account possible budgetary constraints. 6.5.2 The process is to be reviewed on an annual basis in November. 7. INDUCTION 7.1 Every new employee, regardless of function or department/section in which he or she is to be employed, shall receive systematic induction training which will enable such employee to become fully oriented and operational in his/her respective job in the shortest possible time. Every new employee will receive induction about the Municipality from the Department of Corporate Services, Department / Sectional Head or delegated senior person, and his/ her supervisor within 1 (one) month starting from the day he or she assumes duties. 8. IN-SERVICE TRAINING 8.1 The objective of in-service training is to impart skills, knowledge and to modify attitude of an employee or officer in the workplace in order to improve his/her competency. 8.2 A staff member, being trained at his / her workplace, shall not be entitled to compensation in respect of traveling and / or subsistence costs. 8.3 A staff member, who received training at a place other than that of his / her workplace, will be entitled to traveling and subsistence costs in accordance with the tariffs and conditions applicable, provided that should it be more advantageous to the Municipality for the staff Member to travel between his / her place of residence and the training venue daily, arrangements will be made accordingly. 8.4 If a staff member of the Municipality attends external courses, workshops or seminars that are not presented by a Municipality and not in the municipal premises, the prevailing traveling and subsistence tariffs as applicable to the individual concerned shall be paid in accordance with the standard procedure in this regard 7 8.5 If the Municipality arranges training and development activities that are exclusively intended for Council employees, any traveling and subsistence costs that might result from that shall be settled directly by the Municipality 8.6 Attendance of all courses, workshops and seminars shall be recommended by the Departmental Head, Director Corporate Services and approved by the Municipal Manager or a delegated person. 8.7 The Council may, from time to time, require that an employee be subjected to training of short duration in a particular field of study in order to acquire specific skills. If such training is conducted by an institution other than the Municipality the following conditions shall apply: 8.7.1 The Municipality must undertake to pay for all costs incurred for registration, books or modules, tuition fees and accommodation. 8.7.2 Clause (1) above shall apply provided the following conditions are met: The duration of the course does not exceed 1 (one) month; It is a result of a skills audit and / or Performance Management System; The Manager of Department concurs that the course would be to the advantage or benefit to the Municipality and the employee concerned; The training is relevant to the employees day-to-day functions; The employee is not registered for other formal studies of a similar or extended duration 9. STUDY SUPPORT 9.1 The Municipality will provide study assistance to an employee to enable such employee to obtain a formal qualification suitable for use in his or her scope of employment, subject to the following conditions: 9.1.1 Funds for study Council; assistance being provided on the budget of the 8 9.1.2 The course in respect of which assistance is required being recommended by training and development community for Council’s approval. 9.1.3 The aforesaid course being of a nature and having a content which will benefit the employee in his chosen career in the municipal service; 9.1.4 The course in respect of which assistance is required being offered by a recognized or acceptable educational institution acceptable to the Council; 9.1.5 All applications for study support reaching the Human Resources Manager by not later than 30 February / March of the year preceding the commencement of studies in order to enable the Council to make funds available on its budget for such assistance in the following financial year; 9.1.6 An agreement being entered into between the Council and the relevant employee containing, inter alia, the following conditions: The Council undertaking to pay the reasonable cost of books and tuition fees direct to the educational institution providing the training course or supplying the applicant with books, subject to the applicant producing proof of registration with such institution and invoices in respect of the cost of books. The applicant undertaking to pursue his/her studies diligently and completes the approved course within the specified study period or such other period as the Council may approve. The applicant submitting, at the end of each academic year, semester or whatever period is deemed to be an academic cycle, a report from the relevant educational institution on his/her performance and achievements during such academic year, semester or academic cycle. The applicant undertaking to serve the Council for a period equivalent to each year or part of a year in respect of which educational assistance by way of a study in terms of this policy has been granted to such applicant; The applicant undertaking to repay to the Council the full amount advanced under the study or such amount as the Council may determine, in the event of him or her: 9 Resigning from or being dismissed from the service of the Council prior to him/her having served the Council for the period referred to in subparagraph Not performing satisfactorily in terms of the academic report received by the Council; Voluntarily ceasing to continue with the course of study in respect of which study assistance has been rendered to him or her in terms of this policy. The applicant granting authority to the Council, in the event of his/her resignation or termination of service to deduct any amounts still owing to the Council in terms of this agreement from his/her terminal salary and, in the event of such salary being insufficient, from any terminal and/or pension benefits that may be due to him or her under his/her employment contract with the Council. 9.1.7 The Human Resources Manager shall refer every application for a study assistance to the Management Team and Council for consideration. 9.1.8 No amount in respect of a study assistance shall be paid unless and until such time as the agreement referred to in subparagraph 9.1.6 has been signed by the employee and the Council. It shall be the sole prerogative of the Council to approve or reject an application by an employee for study loan assistance and the Council reserves the right to cancel the study assistance agreement and reclaim amounts paid on behalf of an employee in terms of this policy from the relevant employee in the event of such employee displaying disinterest in his or her course of study, achieving poor academic results or in any other way infringing the spirit of this policy, provided that the Council shall only take action in terms of this paragraph after the affected employee has been given the opportunity to comment on the proposed action by the Council. 9.1.9 9.1.10 The employee shall bear all other costs associated with a course of study, including traveling and accommodation costs to at a study venue, as his/her contribution towards the cost of educating him/herself. 9.1.11 First priority for financial assistance for study purposes will always be given to employees who wish to register for studies 10 that are related to their job content rather than to employees who want to further other studies. However, the nature of the job and operational requirements will take preference, taking into account the Employment Equity and Workplace Skills Plans as well as budget provision. Each Manager of Department will make provision in his / her budget for a set number of officials to study each year. 10. ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES 10.1 Supervisor 10.1.1 Make recommendations to the Manager with regard to which employee should be granted financial assistance. 10.1.2 Make recommendations to the Manager with regard to the effective utilization of employees that have completed their studies. 10.1.3 Provide support in cases where students encounter problems 10.2 Employee 10.2.1 Apply for financial assistance each year. 10.2.2 Get motivation letter from the Supervisor 10.3 Employees granted Financial Assistance 10.3.1 Provide periodic reports (results) on his / her development and / or studies. 10.4 Management Team 10.4.1 Consider applications for financial assistance by employees and their supervisors. 10.4.2 Recommend financial assistance budget. 10.4.3 Ensure that recommendations for financial assistance by Supervisors are in line with the objectives and priorities and contents of this policy. 10.4.4 Ensure the effectiveness utilization of staff in accordance with their studies, where applicable. 10.5 Heads of Departments 10.5.1 Ensure identification of development needs within the department and cases that require financial assistance. 10.5.2 Develop Departments financial assistance budget. 11 10.5.3 Make recommendations to Development Committee on staff members, from the departments that should be awarded financial assistance. 11. STUDY LEAVE 11.1 The Council shall employees pursuing an approved course of study, the following periods of study leave, which leave shall be regarded as special leave: 11.1.1 Employees who are studying towards a grade 12 (Std 10) certificate, one days’ study leave plus the day on which the examination paper is written per subject, regardless of whether or not examination papers for that subject are written on the same day; 11.1.2 Employees who are studying towards an approved diploma or degree at a Technikon or University, one day study leave per subject or module inclusive of the day on which the subject or module is written. 11.2 Where employees are required to attend lectures during normal working hours at an educational institution for the purpose of pursuing an approved course of study, the Council may them special study leave on a negotiated basis for such period of study provided that at least 50% of the period of absence from the workplace by the affected employee shall be deducted from such employee’s annual or accrued leave subject further to such arrangement not conflicting with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 1997 insofar as it applies to the of annual leave. 11.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of the above paragraphs, study leave for all purposes, shall not exceed 12 working days per annum. 11.4 Prior to proceeding on study leave, the applicant shall complete the prescribed leave form, provide proof to the satisfaction of the Human Resources Manager that he/she is required to write an examination and obtain the required permission to proceed on study leave. 11.5 Should the applicant, for any reason, not write an examination, then the study leave ed to him/her shall be converted into annual leave and be deducted from the annual leave entitlement of the employee concerned. 12. EXTERNAL BURSARIES 12 12.1 An applicant must be the resident of Koukamma Municipal area of jurisdiction, or his / her parents / legal guardians must be registered or legal residents within the Koukamma Municipal area of jurisdiction, 12.2 An applicant must be registered with a recognised tertiary institution or currently doing Matric (or Grade 12) – (NB: That Tertiary Institution refers to a University, University of Technology or any recognised FET Colleges available in South Africa), 12.3 Preference will be given to candidates who are unemployed (who will be attending classes on a fulltime basis), and whose parent’s or guardian’s household income does not exceed R6 000 per annum, 12.4 It will be required that an income receiver must submit a certified copy of his / her proof of income from his / her income source, in order to prove the income of the parent / legal guardian, 12.5 Preference will be given to applicants, who are from designated groups targeted in terms of the Employment Equity Plan of Council, 12.6 A latest proof of registration with the Tertiary Institution will be required and must accompany the application form or be submitted to Corporate Services Directorate, before an award of the bursary can be entertained, 12.7 The field of study must be relevant to the operations of the municipality or the demands of the economy of Koukamma Municipal area of jurisdiction, such as Civil and Electrical Engineering (scarce skills), administration and finance. 12.8 Candidates bursared (or financed) by the municipality, pursuing studies relevant to the municipality, may voluntarily undertake experiential training with the relevant Department within the municipality, during their vacation period, as part of capacity building to them, 13 12.9 It is a prerequisite that “no first degree relative of Councilors or members of the Bursary Sub-Committee may be allocated / awarded a bursary, 12.10 The final decision on awarding of external bursaries will be made after personal interviews have been held with the selected candidates, 12.11 All the Bursars will be required to sign a Bursary Agreement with the Council before any payment is made, 12.12 Bursary amount will cover registration and tuition for the following year (semester block) and will be paid directly to the educational institution, only on receipt of the original invoice from the educational institution concerned, 12.13 Successful candidates or Bursary recipients will be compelled to submit their academic results for the year (or semester) in which they have been awarded bursary to the Manager: Human Resources, 12.14 The municipality will not pay for failed courses or subjects done for the second time, 12.15 A bursared candidate will be required to work for the municipality an equivalent number of years he / she was assisted by the municipality, failing which he / she will be required to refund the municipality a prorata share of payment made, 12.16 Consideration can also be made to families who are headed by underaged kids due to varying circumstances (e.g. HIV / Aids) and are subjected to different forms of social challenges / upheavals, 14 12.17 The amount and procedures for allocation of bursaries will be reviewed on a financial year basis, based on the budgeted allocation made in the particular financial year. 13. SCHEDULE OF POST QUALIFICATIONS In order to facilitate the application of this policy, the Human Resources Manager shall prepare a schedule of all posts on the staff establishment of the Council and the likely qualifications to be held or obtained by the incumbents of such posts as well as the providers of such qualifications, the study duration for such qualifications and the approximate cost of obtaining same. 14. APPLICATION OF POLICY This policy shall apply to new appointees of the Municipality and to those employees who have been placed in new positions by the Council. The policy shall not derogate from any rights which existing and placed employees may have in terms of their conditions of service prior to their transfer into the service of the Municipality and where such employees are subject to study facilities and study leave superior to those contained in this policy, they may retain such superior facilities and study leave on a personal-to-incumbent basis. 15