ELE0067 Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Discipline sheet
Discipline sheet: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Management
1. Information about the program
1.1 Higher education institution
1.2 Faculty
1.3 Department
1.4 Field of study
1.5 Study cycle
1.6 Specialization/Program of study
Babeş-Bolyai University
Economics and Business Administration
2. Information about the discipline
2.1 Discipline title
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Management
Discipline code
2.2 The holder of the course
Assis. PhD Crişan Cătălina
2.3 The holder of the seminar
Assis. PhD Crişan Cătălina
2.4 Year of study
II 2.5 Semester IV 2.6 Type of assessment Summative 2.7 Discipline regime Compulsory
3. Total time estimated (hours per semester of teaching)
3.1 Number of hours per week
From which: 3.2 course
3.3 seminar/laboratory
3.4 Total hours of curriculum
56 From which: 3.5 course
3.6 seminar/laboratory
Time distribution
Study after textbook, course support, bibliography and notes
Additional documentation in library, on specialized electronic platforms and on the field.
Preparing seminars/laboratories, essays, portfolios and reports.
Others activities...................................
3.7 Total hours for individual
3.8 Total hours per semester
3.9 Number of credits
4. Preconditions (if necessary)
4.1 Of curriculum
Not the case
4.2 Of skills
Not the case
5. Conditions (if necessary)
5.1. For conducting the
5.2. For conducting
Students will have their mobile phone closed during lectures and seminars.
Students delay at lectures and seminars is not accepted
The date for the seminar paper presentation is jointly established with the
students. Deferral is accepted only on extreme situations.
6. Specific skills acquired
Profess • Identify, analyze and manage elements that define the internal and external environment of the
organization through diagnosis and SWOT analysis.
• Develop and implement management system and its subsystems (allocation and reallocation of
resources and activities).
• Identification, selection and use of forecasting methods, organization, coordination, training and
• Implementation of complex decisions for small organizations.
Transv • Demonstrate concern for the improvement of professional business results by taking part in a
multidisciplinary team ;
• Undertake involvement in research, such as documenting, developing of literature syntheses,
scientific papers and articles;
• Participate in projects with scientific character and demonstrate the ability to identify training
opportunities for the future.
7. Course objectives (arising from grid of specific skills acquired)
7.1 General objective of the
The approach of theoretical and practical aspects related to the entrepreneurial
process and giving the students the chance to acquire the necessary skills and
develop practical skills designed to help them in the process of starting their
own business.
7.2 Specific objectives
• Understand the link between entrepreneurship and SME management
• Knowledge of methods for starting a business.
• Understanding the importance of location choice in order to competitive
advantage for the entrepreneurial firm.
• Provide students with strategies that entrepreneurs can use to conduct ecommerce.
• Understand how to build an entrepreneurial team and the importance of
organizational culture in order to keep employees in the company
• Understanding of social entrepreneurship and its importance for solving
major social problems.
8. Contents
8.1 Course
Teaching methods
The foundations of entrepreneurship
Ways for starting a business
Forms of business ownership
Inside the entrepreneurial mind: from ideas to reality
Building the business plan
Choosing the right location and layout
E- commerce and the entrepreneur
Entrepreneurial marketing
Global aspects of entrepreneurship
Building a new venture team and planning for the new generation
Social entrepreneurship
Interactive lectures
Interactive lectures
Interactive lectures
Interactive lectures
Interactive lectures
Interactive lectures
Interactive lectures
Interactive lectures
Interactive lectures
Interactive lectures
Interactive lectures
1 lecture
3 lectures
1 lecture
1 lecture
1 lecture
1 lecture
1 lecture
1 lecture
1 lecture
2 lectures
1 lecture
Barringer, B., Ireland, D., 2010, Entrepreneurship. Successfully launching new ventures, Third edition,
Pearson/Prentice Hall, New Jersey, Biblioteca Departamenului de management
2. Borza A., Bordean, O., Mitra, C., Supuran, R., Mureşan, A., 2009, Antreprenoriat. Managementul firmelor mici
şi mijlocii. Concepte şi studii de caz, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, BCU, Biblioteca FSEGA
3. Burtică, M., Taroata, A.,Tamasila, A., 2006, Managementul intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii: concepte, evolutii,
strategii, Tmisoara: Solness, BCU, Biblioteca FSEGA
4. Crăciun, L., 2001, Managementul strategic al întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii, Ed. Colecţia Naţională, Bucureşti,
BCU, Biblioteca FSEGA
5. Morse, E., Mitchell, R., 2006, Cases in entrepreneurship. The venture creation process, Sage Publications, USA,
Biblioteca Departamenului de management
6. Nicolescu, Ovidiu, 2001, Managementul intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii : concepte, metode aplicaţii, studii de
caz, Bucureşti, Editura Economica, BCU, Biblioteca FSEGA
7. Popescu, D., 2001, Procesul decizional în întreprinderile mici şi mijlocii, Ed. Economică, Bucureşti, BCU,
Biblioteca FSEGA
8. Scarborough, N, 2011, Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management, Sixth edition, PearsonPrentice Hall, New Jersey, Biblioteca Catedrei de management
9. Scarborough N., Wilson D., Zimmerer, T., 2009, Effective Small Business Management, Ninth edition,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, Biblioteca Departamenului de management
10. Stokes D., Wilson N., 2006, Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship, C&C Offset Printing Co, LTD,
China, BCU, Biblioteca FSEGA
11. Țuclea, C., E., 2004, Managementul intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii din turism si servicii, București, Editura
ASE, BCU, Biblioteca FSEGA
12. Tudorescu, N., 2005. Managementul intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii, Craiova: Universitaria, BCU, Biblioteca
Zimmerer, T., Scarborough, N., Wilson, D., 2008, Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business
management, Fifth edition, Pearson-Prentice Hall, New Jersey, BCU, Biblioteca FSEGA
8. 2 Seminar/laboratory
Teaching methods
Case study: Successories
Case study: British Curry Company
Case study:LapSap
Case study:Peter Pap Oriental Rugs
Case study: Medina Bakery
Case study:Saranne Rothberg, MS and Comedy Cures Foundation
Case study:Brenda Galilee Rhodes, SugarBeets Production
Case studies
1 seminar
Case studies
1 seminar
Case studies
1 seminar
Case study
1 seminar
Case study:A franchisor’s dilemma
Case study
1 seminar
Case study: Trough sale
Case study
1 seminar
Case study: Kalista’s fine chocolate
Case study
1 seminar
Case study:Crystal Corporation of the Philippines
Case study
1 seminar
Case study:Catfish Creek Canoe Company
Case study
1 seminar
Case study: Ben & Jerry’s - Japan
Case study
1 seminar
Case study: Krave’s Candy Co. - Clodhoppers
Case study
1 seminar
Case study: Mixing business and friendship
Case study
1 seminar
A start-up project and launching an innovative business with success
Project presentation
2 seminars
potential in Cluj County (group project) or taking an interview of a
successful entrepreneur taking into account clear requirements requested
by the teacher.
1. Barringer, B., Ireland, D., 2010, Entrepreneurship. Successfully launching new ventures, Third
edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, New Jersey, Biblioteca Departamenului de management
2. Borza A., Bordean, O., Mitra, C., Supuran, R., Mureşan, A., 2009, Antreprenoriat.
Managementul firmelor mici şi mijlocii. Concepte şi studii de caz, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca,
BCU, Biblioteca FSEGA
3. Nicolescu, Ovidiu, 2001, Managementul intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii : concepte, metode
aplicaţii, studii de caz, Bucureşti, Editura Economica, BCU, Biblioteca FSEGA
4. Scarborough N., Wilson D., Zimmerer, T., 2009, Effective Small Business Management, Ninth
edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, Biblioteca Departamenului de management
5. Zimmerer, T., Scarborough, N., Wilson, D., 2008, Essentials of entrepreneurship and small
business management, Fifth edition, Pearson-Prentice Hall, New Jersey, BCU, Biblioteca FSEGA
9. Corroboration / validation of the discipline content according to the expectations of the epistemic
community representatives, of the ones of the professional associations and also of the representative
employers of the corresponding program.
 In order to provide the content for the lecture and establish the method of teaching / learning process the
professor organized meetings with entrepreneurs, who spoke to students about the needs and expectations of
employers in the area.
10. Evaluation
Type of activity
10.4 Course
10.1 Evaluation criteria
Knowledge of methods and procedures used
in small business management.
The ability to use the concepts, methods and
specific procedures of small business
Understand the importance of case studies in
moral judgment;
Building pros and cons for problematic
Learning and understanding of the issues
Seminar/laborator dealt with in lecture and seminar
Ability to explain and correctly use methods,
models and tests
10.2 Methods of assessment
Written exam
The seminar points consist of
attendance at seminar 5%, student
implication during seminar 10%
and seminar project 25%
10.3 Share in
final grade
Evaluate own arguments
Capacity to built pros and cons arguments for
a given situation
Learning and understanding of the issues
dealt with in lecture and seminar
10.6 Minimum standard of performance
Knowledge of basic concepts of Small Business Management; identifying problems and finding appropriate
solutions for entrepreneurship and the management of small and medium sized enterprises.
Date of completion
Signature of the course holder
Signature of the seminar holder
Approval date by department
Signature of the Head of the Department