PRACTICAL CLASSES (LABS) PROGRAM BIS AMERICAN and TAIWAN I/4 Spring semester LAB 1 GENERAL CELL PHYSIOLOGY CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: 1st Lecture Textbook of Medical Physiology by A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall the 11th ed.: Chapter 1, pp. 3-9; Chapter 2, pp. 11-25; Chapter 3, pp.27-42, Chapter 4, pp.45-56; Chapter 5, pp. 57-65 and 69-71 Introduction to the studying of physiology (rules and regulations). Obligatory sources and forms of classes. Methods of physiological investigations. Experimental Specifics. Equipment. Computer programs. 1. The internal environment (homeostasis. Body’s control systems. Types and mechanism of feedback) 2. Functions of cell and its particular elements (Specifics of cell membrane. Transmembrane movement of substances) 3. Membrane potentials. (Resting potential. Stimulus and activation. The none or all Principle. Action potentials. Potentials recording) Experimental part 1. Film (Registration of action potential) 2. Computer exercises (e-fizjologia) LAB 2 NEURON. BASICS OF ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY. SYNAPSE. CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: 2nd Lecture, Textbook of Medical Physiology by A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall the 11th ed.: Chapter 5, pp. 57-70, Chapter 45, pp. 555-571. 1. Neuron and basics of electrophysiology. (characteristic of nerve cells, biophysical characteristic of the cell membrane, stimulus and activation, basic physics of membrane potentials, resting membrane potential, nerve action potential, roles of ions during action potential, propagation of the action potential, changes in excitability, characteristic of impulses conduction in nerve fibers) 2. Synapses. (physiologic anatomy of the synapse, types of synapses, synaptic transmitters, excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potential, presynaptic inhibition, “spatial and temporal summation”, synaptic transmission) Experimental part: 1. Examination of conduction velocity in the nerve trunk – e-fizjologia. 2. Computer exercises – e-fizjologia. 1 LAB 3 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE SKELETAL MUSCLE CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: 3rd Lecture Textbook of Medical Physiology by A. C. Guyton and J. E. Hall 11th ed.: Chapter 6, pp. 72-84; Chapter 7, pp. 85-91; Chapter 84, pp. 1055-1061 1. The structure of muscle. Sarcomere 2. Nerve supply of muscles. 3. Phases of contraction. 4. The kinds of the muscle contractions: single twitch, tetanic contraction: complete and incomplete, isometric and isotonic contractions and the physiological contraction. 5. The control of the skeletal muscle. 6. The molecular mechanisms of muscle contraction. Role of calcium ions. Triad system. 7. Muscle work and fatigue. Experimental part: Films and computer exercices (e-fizjologia) 1. The detail analysis of the simple twitch contraction 2. Performance of sliding filament theory 3. Presentation of direct and indirect stimulation of the muscle. 4. Recording and analysis of skeletal muscle fatigue curve depending on the load and contraction frequency in the animal. LAB 4 REFLEXES, CONTROL OF THE BODY POSTURE AND MOVEMENT. WAKEFULNESS AND SLEEP. CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: 4 th Lecture and Textbook of Medical Physiology by A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall the 11th ed.: Chapter 54-57, pp. 673-727; Chapter 59, pp. 739-747. 1. Motor function of the spinal cord: the cord reflexes. (the role of muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs, flexor reflex and the withdrawal reflex, crossed extensor reflex, reciprocal inhibition, reflexes of posture and locomotion, scratch reflex, autonomic reflexes in the spinal cord, spinal cord transection and spinal shock) 2. Cortical and brain stem control of motor function. (motor cortex and corticospinal tract, vestibular sensations and maintenance of equilibrium, brain stem nuclei and their functions in control of subconscious stereotyped movements) 3. Contributions of the cerebellum and basal ganglia to motor control. 4. Wakefulness and sleep. (types of sleep, brain waves, epilepsy, roles of specific neurotransmitters in psychotic behavior and dementia) Experimental part: 1. Muscle stretch reflex testing (Achilles, patellar, radial, triceps, biceps, mandibular) 2. Cutaneus-muscular reflex testing (abdominal, plantar) 3. Defence reflex testing (corneal) 4. Movement coordination testing (finger to finger, finger to nose, heel to knee, heel to shin and diadochokinesis) 5. Balance control and movement coordination testing (Romberg’s test, Babinski’s test, heel and toe walking test) 2 LAB 5 SOMATIC SENSATIONS CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology A. C. Guyton and J. E. Hall 11th ed. Chapters: 46-48; pp. 572-609 Sensory Receptors. Classification of sensory neurons. Differences between receptor potential and action potential. Adaptation of receptors. Main neuronal pathways for transmission of sensory information. Receptive field. The tactile and position senses.Types of pain and their pathways of transmission. Thermal sensations. Experimental part Cutaneous sensation in human: touch, pressure, cold, warm – location Deep sensation Discriminatory sensation: stereognosis, graphestesia The two point test – estimation of density of tactile receptors in different parts of the body. Adaptation of touch receptors Adaptation of thermal receptors LAB 6 THE SPECIAL SENSES CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology A. C. Guyton and J. E. Hall 12th ed. Chapters: 49-53; pp. 597-652 Optics of vision. Receptor and neural function of retina. Central neurophysiology of vision. The sense of hearing. The chemical senses: taste and smell. Experimental part Visual acuity, Astigmatism chart Visual field, Marriotte’s experiment (examination of blind spot), One eye vision and binocular vision-differences in visual axis Color vision – color test charts. Hearing sensations – air and bone conduction (Rinne’s Test, Weber’s test). 3 LAB 7 Emotions, Memory and Speech CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology by A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall, the 12th ed.: Chapter 57 pp. 697-710, Chapter 58 pp. 711-720 Cerebral cortex Specific cortical areas Communication between two cerebral hemispheres Language and speech Role of hypothalamus and limbic system (reward system, aggression) Memory and learning Practical part Memory test-mini –mental state examination Test confirming lateralization of brain functions LAB 8 Blood Physiology – Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology by A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall, the 12th ed.: Chapter 36, pp. 451-461 Hemostasis –explanation of main stages: Vasoconstriction, Formation of platelet plug. Intrinsic and extrinsic pathway of clotting. Common pathway. Role of calcium ions and vitamin K. Clot retraction. Fibrinolysis– plasminogen and plasmin. Laboratory tests estimating hemostasis: Bleeding time, clotting time, calcium clotting time, prothrombin time. Blood plasma composition. LAB 9 Blood Physiology – White Blood Cells CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE Textbook of Medical Physiology by A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall, the 12th ed.: Chapters 33-34, pp. 423-444; a part of the Chapter 35, pp. 449-450 – only the section “Transplantations of Tissue and Organs” General characteristic of leukocytes (types, number and function). Life span of white blood cells in the blood and tissues. Diapedesis, phagocytosis, chemotaxis. Monocyte-macrophage cell system. The role of basophils and eosinophils. Innate and Acquired Immunity. Antigensm and antibodies. The role of complement system. Antigen –presenting cells and MHC proteins. Tissue transplants. 4 LAB 10 Blood Physiology – Red Blood Cells CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE Textbook of Medical Physiology by A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall, the 12th ed.: Chapters 32, pp. 413-422; a part of the Chapter 35, pp. 445-449 – without the section “Transplantations of Tissue and Organs” Erythrocytes: number, function , place of production, factors that influence on RBC maturation (Vitamins B12, folic acid and ferrum). Hemoglobin: composition, kinds of hemoglobin and content in erythrocytes. Laboratory indicators for RBC number, shape and function. Hematocrit: normal values and states that can change hematocrit. Resistance of red blood cells – factors that can changed it. Hemolysis. Factors which cause it. Diseases in which hemolysis is present. The main blood types. ABO system and The Rh factor ( inheritation, erythroblastosis fetalis) Cross trial – conditions for blood transfusion. Transfusion reactions. Practical part Hematocrit determination Blood typing LAB 11 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HEART CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: 5th Lecture and Textbook of Medical Physiology A. C. Guyton and J. E. Hall 11th ed. Chapters: 9-10; pp. 103 -121 Structure of the heart. Physiology of specialized excitatory and conductive tissue. Absolute and relative refractory period. Heart as a pump. Causes of heart sounds. The role of the end-diastolic ventricular volume. Mechanism of sympathetic and parasympathetic effect. Experimental part Films and computer exercices (e-fizjologia) • Stannius ligatures. • Effect of temperature on the heart. • Effect of potassium and calcium ions on heart function - computer program. • Effect of parasympathetic stimulation on cardiac rhythm and conduction (ventricular escape) • Effect of norepinephrine and acetylocholine administration on cardiac rhythm, excitability and conduction. Patient examination: • Auscultation of the heart (heart sounds, areas of normal heart sounds) • Viewing and palpation heart’s area. Localization of apical impulse in the standing, sitting and lying position. 5 LAB 12 Electrocardiogram CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: 13th Lecture and Textbook of Medical Physiology– A. C. Guyton and J. E. Hall 11th ed. Chapters: 11-13; pp. 123-156 1. Electrocardiographic leads • Bipolar limb leads • Augmented unipolar limb leads • Chest leads 2. Voltage and time calibration of the electrocardiogram 3. Vectorial analysis of potentials in different leads 4. Determining the electrical axis from standard lead electrocardiograms 5. The correct times for the waves, segments and intervals of ECG 6. Normal sinus rhythm, cardiac rhythm and the electrocardiographic interpretation EXPERIMENTAL PART - EKG recording - ECG analysis 6 PRACTICAL CLASSES (LABS) PROGRAM BIS AMERICAN and TAIWAN I/4 Fall semester LAB 1 THE CIRCULATION – PART 1 CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology (11th Edition) – A. C. Guyton and J. E. Hall Chapters: 14-15; pp. 161-179 General functions of big and small circulation. Functions of arteries. Functions of veins. Blood flow – types, velocity. Pulse – its mechanism, features and importance in medicine. Blood pressure – types, method of investigation. Systemic blood pressure - factors determining its value. EXPERIMENTAL PART 1. Arterial pulse examination and determination of its features. 2. Venous pulse examination and determination of its feature. 3. Resting blood pressure measurement. 4. Examination of different factors impact on the size of arterial pressure and pulse. body position impact (standing, sitting, lying position) • impact of rapid position change (orthostatic test) • impact of gravity (impact of raised arm or lowered arm in the comparison with heart position) • impact of the pressure in the chest (maximal inspiration position or maximal expiration position) e-Fizjologia – computer simulations LAB 2 THE CIRCULATION – PART 2 CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology 11th Ed. – A. C. Guyton and J. E. Hall Chapters: 16-18; pp. 181-230; Chapter 21, pp. 246-256 Local regulation of blood flow: acute, nervous, humoral, chemical. Autoregulation. Long-term (angiogenesis, development of collateral circulation). Specificity of cardiac, pulmonary, brain and renal circulation. Blood flow in skeletal muscle. Functions of capillaries. Role of lymphatic system and its importance in medicine. EXPERIMENTAL PART Films and Computer exercises (e-Fizjologia). Blood flow in vessels of frog’s foot webbing Blood flow in frog’s tongue – resting flow and influence of different substances 7 LAB 3 RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY – PART 1 CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology 11th Ed. A. C. Guyton and J. E. Hall Chapters: 37-38; pp.465-484 Mechanics of breathing. Events during inspiration and expiration. The work of breathing. Lung compliance. Surface tension of alveoli and role of surfactant. Airflow and resistance within the airways. Measurement of pulmonary function. Lung volumes and capacities. Alterations of ventilatory mechanics in diseases. EXPERIMENTAL PART Measurement of peak expiratory flow using Mini-Wright Peak Flow Meter. Measurement of the main spirometric parameters during a test of “forced expiration" using Spirodoc. Simulations of restriction and airways obstruction – using Spirodoc LAB 4 RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY – PART 2 CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology 11th Ed. A. C. Guyton and J. E. Hall Chapters: 39-41; pp. 485-514 Neural and chemical control of respiration. Normal and abnormal patterns of breathing. Mechanisms of tissue hypoxia. Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood and tissue fluids. EXPERIMENTAL PART Respiratory physical examination: • inspection of the thorax during normal respiration and during hyperventilation • palpation of the chest wall (assessment of tactile fremitus) • auscultation of the lung Influence of different factors on respiratory pattern (e-Fizjologia) LAB 5 ENDOCRINOLOGY Textbook of Medical Physiology A. C. Guyton and J. E. Hall Chapters 74-77 pp. 881-936 Coordination of body functions by chemical messengers. Chemical structure and synthesis of hormones. Hormone secretion, transport, and clearance from the blood. Mechanisms of action of hormones. Measurement of hormone concentrations in the blood. Pituitary gland and its relation to the hypothalamus. Thyroid metabolic hormones. Adrenocortical hormones. 8 LAB 6 Hormones Chapters 78-79 (939-972) Insulin, glucagon and diabetes mellitus. Insulin synthesis, chemistry and action. Effect of insulin on carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Insulin secretion. Glucagon and its function. Effects of glucagon on glucose metabolism. Regulation of glucagon secretion. Diabetes Mellitus. Parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, calcium and phosphate metabolism. LAB 7 PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 1 CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology by A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall, 11th Edition; Chapters 62-65; pp. 771-818. 1. General principles of gastrointestinal function. (motility, nervous control and blood circulation, propulsion and mixing of food in the alimentary tract) 2. Secretory functions of the alimentary tract. 3. Digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. (processes in oral cavity, characteristics and activity of oesophagus, functions of stomach, role of duodenum and other parts of small intestine, functions of large intestine, especially of colon) EXPERIMENTAL PART: Films and computer simulations (e-Fizjologia) LAB 8 PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 2 CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology by A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall, 11th Edition; Chapters 66; 70; pp. 819-825; 859-864. 1. Physiology of gastrointestinal disorders. 2. Digestive and non-digestive role of pancreas. 3. Digestive and non-digestive role of liver (vascular functions, secretory functions, metabolic functions, other functions). EXPERIMENTAL PART: 1) Endoscopic examination of digestive system – film. 2) Methods of digestive system examination. a) Gallstones and acute cholecystitis, b) Achalasia, c) Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome, d) Lactose intolerance, e) Vibrio Cholerae infection. 9 LAB 9 PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY PART 1 CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology by A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall, 11th Edition;Chapters 25-26, pp. 291-326. 1. Functional anatomy of kidney. nephron (structure, number and types), components of the nephron, renal blood flow differences between blood flow of cortex and medulla, features of particular types of renal vessels in comparison with peripheral vessels, functional localization of glomeruli 2. Principles of nephron functioning. plasma filtration in the glomerulus, selective reabsorption in tubules, tubular secretion, urine secretion 3. Plasma filtration in glomeruli. structure and feature of filtration membrane, net filtration pressure, amount and composition of glomerular filtrate 4. Regulation of GFR (glomerular filtration rate) and RBF (renal blood flow). autoregulation of GFR and RBF, nervous system control, humoral regulation, the role of mesangial cells EXPERIMENTAL PART: Films and computer simulations (e-Fizjologia) LAB 10 PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY PART 2 CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology by A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall, 11th Edition;Chapters 27-29; 31, pp. 327-382; pp. 402-415 1. Processing glomerular filtrate in tubules. structure of reabsorption membrane, net reabsorption pressure, mechanism of crossing particular elements through the wall of tubules, the differences in absorption ability of the particular parts of the nephron, maximal transport and tubular load of different substances, tubular secretion of H+ and K+, amount and volume of urine. 2. Tubular reabsorption regulation. glomerulotubular balance, hormonal regulation - the significance of ADH, aldosterone, angiotensin II, ANP, parathyroid hormones; blood pressure impact - pressure-diuresis and pressure-natriuresis, nervous system impact 3. Renal mechanisms of blood osmolarity regulation and Mechanisms of urine secretion. the role of hypothalamus, water removal with urine - mechanism of urine dilution, maximal water diuresis, mechanism of urine concentration, countercurrent multiplier, countercurrent exchangers, obligatory urine volume 4. Renal clearance and its clinical significance. inulin clearance and endogenic creatinine clearance and the size of glomerular filtration, PAH clearance and the size of the red blood flow, osmotic clearance and free water clearance and kidney ability to concentrate and dilute urine 5. Endocrinologic functions of kidney. 10 LAB 11 ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE & KIDNEYS: Role of the kidneys in regulation of arterial pressure CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology by A. C. Guyton and J. E. Hall, 11th Edition Chapter 19, pp 205-220, Chapter 29, pp 320-329 1.The baroreceptor feedback mechanism and arterial pressure 2.Effect of arterial natriuretic factor (ANF) on pressure 3.Role of antidiuretic hormon (ADH) 4.The renin – angiotensin system 5. Role of aldosteron on the control of blood volume 6.Types of hypertension EXPERIMENTAL PART: Films and computer simulations (e-Fizjologia) Essential hypertension – a short presentation LAB 12 ACID-BASE BALANCE CONTROL TEST (10 QUESTIONS) OBLIGATORY THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE: Textbook of Medical Physiology by A. C. Guyton and J. E. Hall, 11th Edition Chapter 30, pp 330-343. 1.Acid-base homeostasis 2.Buffers – their types and role 3.Effect of plasma proteins on pH 4.Acids and bases in the human body come from many sources. 5.Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis 6.Physiology of treatment in acidosis and alkalosis EXPERIMENTAL PART: Computer exercices (e-Fizjologia) Causes of the respiratory acidosis and alkalosis Causes of the metabolic acidosis and alkalosis 11 LECTURES FOR Program BIS AMERICAN and TAIWAN I/4 SPRING SEMESTER LECTURE 1 (LECTURER: Mariusz Teter M.D.,PH.D.) GENERAL CELL PHYSIOLOGY AND ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY Definition of physiology. Homeostasis of internal environment. Body’s regulatory systems. Mechanism of feedback. Main functions of cell and its elements. Specifics of cell membrane, transmembrane movement. Excitable structures. Resting membrane potential. Stimulus. The none or all principle. Action potentials and its phases for the nerve cell. LECTURE 2 (LECTURER: Mariusz Teter M.D., PH.D) MUSCLES The roles and types (classification) of skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle fiber – composition. Motor unit. The muscle twitch. The different types of contraction skeletal muscles. Neuromuscular junction. Electromechanical conjugation. General mechanism of muscle contraction. Muscles in exercise: power, strength and endurance of skeletal muscles. The metabolism of muscle contraction. LECTURE 3 (LECTURER: Krzysztof Chara, M.D.) REFLEXES, MOVEMENT AND POSTURE – BRAIN REGULATION Motor system. Elements of motor axis. Superior and inferior motor neuron. Motor function of the spinal cord. Cortical control over motor functions. Role of the brain stem and associated structures in movements controlling. Control of motor functions by cerebellum. Functions of basal ganglia in motor activity. Regulation of posture and equilibrium. LECTURE 4 (LECTURER: Joanna Warchulińska, Ph.D.) RECEPTORES, SENSATION, SOMATIC SENSORY CORTEX Tactile, pain and thermal sensation. Principle of specific sences energy. Projection law. Function of thalamus in sensory functions. Somatic sensory cortex. Reception and perception. LECTURE 5 (LECTURER: Krzysztof Chara, M.D.) CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Cerebral Hemispheres, Memory, Limbic system, The reward system, sleep. LECTURE 6 (LECTURER: Krzysztof Chara, M.D.) AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM Autonomic pathways. Organ’s response. Neurotransmitters. Adrenergic receptors. Muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. Autonomic reflexes. LECTURE 7 (LECTURER: Joanna Warchulińska, Ph.D.) HEMOSTASIS Blood – basic informations: Composition and function. Blood coagulation: the main stages, cells and facors taking part in this process, extrinsic and intrinsic pathway. Fibrinolysis and substances preventing blood coagulation in the body-anticoagulants. Influence of different factors on blood coagulation (vitamin K, platelet plaque, etc.) 12 LECTURE 8 (LECTURER: Joanna Warchulińska, Ph.D.) IMMUNOLOGY Innate immunity. Cells and mechanisms protecting the body against infection. Phagocythosis, diapedesis, chemotaxis. Antibacteridal substances released from neutrophils and macrophages. Reticuloendothelial system. Main lines of defense during inflammation. Acquired Immunity: Primary and secondary response. Cell-mediated immunity. Humoral immunity. Complement system. LECTURE 9 (LECTURER: Mariusz Teter, M.D., Ph.D.) HEART PHYSIOLOGY The heart. Heart muscle. The heart as a pump and function of the heart valves. Heart sounds. Rhythmical excitation of the heart-parts and role of excitatory and conductive system. Electrical changes in heart muscle. Cardiac cycle. Ejection volume, stroke volume, cardiac output. Frank-Starling’s law. Regulation of the heart work. LECTURE 10 (LECTURER: Krzysztof Chara, M.D.) SEMI-FINAL 50 multiple choice questions which covers the material from labs and lectures of fall semester. LECTURES FOR Program BIS AMERICAN and TAIWAN I/4 FALL SEMESTER LECTURE 1 (LECTURER: Joanna Warchulińska, Ph.D.) CIRCULATION The circulation. Overview of the circulation. Medical physics of pressure, flow, and resistance. Vascular distensibility and functions of the arterial and venous systems. The microcirculation and the lymphatic system. Capillary fluid exchange. Interstitial fluid. Lymph flow LECTURE 2 (LECTURER: Joanna Warchulińska, Ph.D.) REGULATION OF CIRCULATION Local and humoral control of blood flow by the tissues. Nervous regulation of the circulation. Rapid control of arterial pressure. Reflex control of arterial pressure. LECTURE 3 (LECTURER: Joanna Warchulińska, Ph.D.) RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY Respiration. Mechanics of pulmonary respiration. Pleural pressure. Compliance of the lungs. Surfactant. Work of breathing. Alveolar ventilation. Pulmonary circulation. Gas exchange. Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Regulation of respiration. Respiratory centre. Reflex and Chemical control of respiration. LECTURE 4 (LECTURER: Monika Prendecka, PH.D.) HORMONES Endocrine glands and their hormones. Types of hormones. Storage and secretion of hormones. Mechanisms of action. Pituitary hormones and their control by hypothalamus. The thyroid hormones. Adrenocortical hormones. Hormonal function of the male and the female. 13 LECTURE 5 (LECTURER: Krzysztof Chara, M.D.) GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Gastrointestinal function. Smooth muscle. Types of smooth muscles. Mechanism of Contraction. Effect of hormones on smooth muscle. Enteric nervous system. Types of movements in the gastrointestinal tract. Gastrointestinal bloody supply. Ingestion of food. Mastication. Swallowing. Functions of the stomach. Emptying of the stomach. Movements of the small intestine. Movements of the colon. Defecation. LECTURE 6 (LECTURER: Krzysztof Chara, M.D.) DIGESTION Secretory functions of the alimentary tract. Role of salivary glands. The function of the liver and pancreas. Absorption of nutrients and water. LECTURE 7 (LECTURER: Krzysztof Chara, M.D.) PHYSIOLOGY OF THE KIDNEY The kidneys. Basic functions in homeostasis. Physiologic anatomy of the kidney. The nephron. Glomerular filtration. Composition of the glomerular filtrate. Glomerular filtration rate. Renal blood flow. Control of glomerular filtration. The juxtaglomerular complex. Mechanisms of reabsorption in renal tubules. Reabsoption of water and ions. Control of tubular reabsorption. Active secretion. Transport maximum. Excretion of dilute and concentrated urine. LECTURE 8 (LECTURER: Mariusz Teter M.D., PH.D.) ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE REGULATION Renal regulation of arterial pressure. Control of blood volume. Effects of nervous, hormonal, humoral factors on the blood volume. Quantitation of pressure diuresis and arterial pressure control. Control of extracellular fluid volume. Control of the extracellular concentrations of ions. Integrated system for pressure regulation in human body. LECTURE 9 (LECTURER: Mariusz Teter M.D., PH.D.) ACID-BASE BALANCE REGULATION Regulation of acid-base balance. pH of body fluids. Function of acid-base buffers. Respiratory regulation of acid-base balance. Renal mechanisms in acid-base balance. Rapidity of acid-base regulation by kidney. Clinical aspects of acid-base balance: the acids and bases - definitions, types of acidosis and alkalosis and their effects on the human body. LECTURE 10 (LECTURER: Krzysztof Chara, M.D.) SEMI-FINAL 50 multiple choice questions which covers the material from labs and lectures of spring semester. 14