Manager on Duty (General Information) A manager on duty (MOD) is intended primarily to ensure the guests and the employees of your hotel that responsible management is present and available in the hotel. When situations arise involving the service to or the comfort of our guests, management is not always available in all areas to assess the problem and find a solution. Therefore, it is vital that a responsible member of the management team be designated as the MOD in order to respond quickly to guest problems and needs, and also to coordinate the total operation of the property. The MOD represents the general manager, and therefore has the authority to react to guest and employee problems while on duty. The MOD must be tactful and diplomatic in the handling of guests and employees, and uphold Your Hotel Brand International's policies and procedures. While the MOD is on duty, he/she has the responsibility and authority for the entire hotel operation. Problems arising within each department should be first handled by the department head (if available). If assistance is needed, and departmental supervisory personnel are not available, refer the matter to the MOD. Scheduling The MOD schedule will be posted above the time clock and in each department. The schedule will cover all shifts and the MOD will be expected to remain on the property for the entire shift. If the MOD must leave the property, it will be the responsibility of the MOD to find a competent replacement. MOD Logbook A daily log will be kept by the MOD noting any guest complaints, compliments, accidents or incidents; and it should be reviewed by the MOD on a daily basis. The logbook should contain notations regarding any situation that adversely affects any of the guest service areas of the hotel operation. Also, note observations made on walking tours of the property, i.e., cleanliness, damage, safety hazards, condition of equipment, etc. The logbook should be reviewed and initialed daily by the general manager. Dress Code The MOD is expected to dress in appropriate business attire. Manager on Duty Situation Management Guest Accident 1. Report to the scene of the accident; take an incident report form. 2. Analyze the situation: there are two types of situations -- those requiring medical attention and those that do not. Always ask the individual if he/she would like medical attention; record reply. 3. If it is a life or death situation, contact PBX immediately and tell them to call an ambulance. 4. If the person is not in a life or death situation, but wants medical attention, assist him/her in obtaining the necessary attention. 5. If the individual requires transportation but there is no need for an ambulance, assist the guest in calling a taxi. 6. Fill out the incident report completely and accurately. Always remember that in any description it should read "guest stated." Never write it any other way, unless you personally witnessed the accident. 7. Do not discuss liability with the guest. If he/she asks, simply explain that all information will be forwarded to the hotel’s insurance company. If the guest indicates he/she wants to file a claim, instruct him/her to send it to hotel management who will forward it to the insurance company (this includes hospital bills). 8. A follow-up call to check on the guest must be done and is always appreciated. Property Damage (in Parking Lot) 1. Report to the scene; take an incident report form. 2. Fill out report, again using the "guest stated" verbiage. 3. Offer to call the police. Upon the officer's arrival, record the officer's name and case number. 4. If the parking lots are self-park operations, the hotel (like any public facility) assumes no liability. If he/she so chooses, the guest can use the police case number to file a claim under his homeowners or car insurance policy. Inform the guest that we will have a record of the incident on file. 5. Do not volunteer information to the guest on the frequency of any such situation. 6. If the guest asks if the hotel has security and it does, inform him/her of that fact. Guest Room Theft 1. Report to the scene; take an incident report form. 2. Fill out report using "guest stated" verbiage. 3. Offer to call the police. Upon the officer's arrival, record the officer's name and case number. 4. The hotel cannot be held liable for items left in the room if they offer safety deposit boxes to guests. (Most states require that hotels offer guests secure storage for their valuables.) 5. If he/she so chooses, the guest can use the case number to file under his/her homeowner's policy. Noise or Disturbance 1. If the noise or disturbance is in a guest room, politely call the guest or visit the room with a witness (preferably the security officer or general manager) and inform the guest that other guests are complaining and request that they hold down the noise. 2. If the above action is not successful, repeat it again in a few minutes. 3. If still not successful, politely inform the guest that after two requests without results we are now asking them to leave the hotel; have them settle their charges before departing. 4. If serious and all attempts to persuade guests to quiet down or leave have been ignored, as a last resort, call the police and report a disturbance. Upon the arrival of the police, meet the officer in the lobby, explain the situation, and ask him/her to assist you in persuading the loud guests to leave the premises. Usually the presence of a police officer will result in guests quieting down and/or leaving. 5. Let the police officer decide if an arrest is necessary. Only the general manager or, if unable to locate him, an executive committee member may give an arrest order. This is done only as a last resort. 6. If there is ever a violation of a law, or potential danger to an individual or the hotel, always call the police. Towing Cars 1. Follow the established, specific towing policy of the hotel. 2. An exception is a car parked in a handicapped parking space without a handicap sticker or plate. If this occurs, the only circumstances under which the police may be called and the car towed is if an eligible guest complains that he is unable to use the space. Police Requests 1. It should be hotel management's policy to fully cooperate with all law enforcement officers. 2. A private investigator is not considered a law enforcement officer. 3. A police officer will always identify himself. Do not hesitate to ask to see his/her identification. 4. Verify that his law enforcement affiliation (e.g., police, sheriff, US Treasury) is clearly stated as well as his name. Record both the affiliation and name. 5. Upon presentation of a search warrant, hotel management may give out the name and address of a room occupant, or verify whether he/she is a guest. 6. No records (copies or permanent) may be given out unless a subpoena has been issued. Such information, after being subpoenaed, is only available during regular office hours (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday). 7. Unless invited by the room occupant, police may not enter a room unless they have shown the MOD a search warrant. E-Key (Emergency Key) or Lock Out It is the responsibility of the front desk staff to obtain credit from the guest at checkin. If, for whatever reason, the guest’s credit has expired (e.g., deposit used, credit card expired or over the limit), the MOD is to assist the front desk staff in obtaining payment, as follows: 1. Notify the guest by telephone or message light and ask him/her to reestablish credit. 2. If this is not done in a reasonable amount of time or if the guest cannot be reached in a reasonable amount of time, it may be necessary to E-Key or lock out the guest to insure that the hotel will not lose any money. 3. Only the MOD or security officer may sign out an E-Key. After it is signed out, place the E-Key in a signed, sealed envelope, and put it back in the fire box until the glass is replaced. 4. The E-Key opens a room even though the dead bolt is on. Conversely, it may be used to set the dead bolt so that the guest key will not work. 5. When the guest comes to the desk, politely tell him that he needs to reestablish credit prior to hotel management unlocking the room. 6. Upon re-establishing credit, the MOD will unlock the guest room. 7. The E-Key is also used to gain entry to a room in the case of an emergency or lock malfunction. Drunk and Disorderly Conduct There are three major concerns regarding drunk and/or disorderly persons: 1. Well-being of hotel guests in the immediate vicinity 2. Reputation of the hotel 3. Protection of hotel facilities The general manager, or manager on duty, must determine what course of action is to be taken in each case as it develops. It must be understood that the hotel is private property and the police can be called to evict any undesirable person, upon the request of hotel management, if there is justifiable cause. Steps to Follow 1. When called to an area regarding a drunk/disorderly person, obtain all details from the person in charge of that area before confronting the guest. 2. Remember, you represent the hotel, therefore, always use courtesy and tact. 3. Never approach the guest without another hotel employee in attendance. 4. Make a determination as to the course of action, using all the facts available and common sense. Once the course of action is determined, follow it to its conclusion. What Not to Do 1. Do not approach the guest or enter the guest room alone ... always have at least one witness present 2. Do not touch the guest 3. Do not argue, verbally insult or threaten a guest Guest Property Loss and Damage Theft or Property Damage If a hotel guest reports a theft or property damage: 1. Obtain the following information: a. Name b. Address c. Telephone number d. List and description of the articles 2. Always call the police department. 3. Complete and give an incident report to the general manager. 4. Be apologetic to the guest, but admit nothing. Record only the facts and do not refer to any previous incidents. 5. If the guest reports an alleged theft from his/her guest room, offer to move the guest to another room for his/her peace of mind. Automobile Damage In the event of automobile damage in the hotel's parking lot, follow steps 1 through 4 above. However, in all cases involving automobile damage, including claims against another person, call the police. Guest Turnaway Procedure Proper turnaway procedures should be observed with persons who request a room but cannot be accommodated, whether they have an advance room reservation or they walk in without a reservation. Definitions 1. "No reservation" turnaway: a guest who is a walk-in and did not make an advance reservation 2. "Claim reservation" turnaway: a guest who states that he/she made an advance reservation but the hotel has no record of it 3. "Late" turnaway: a guest who made an advance reservation with a 6:00 p.m. (4:00 p.m. at some hotels) arrival time and arrived after this hold time 4. "Guaranteed reservation" turnaway: a. A guest who made an advance reservation with a 6:00 p.m. (4:00 p.m. at some hotels) arrival time, arrived on or before such time, and the hotel could not accommodate him/her b. A guest who guaranteed the reservation (i.e., reservation was guaranteed even if he/she did not show) c. A guest who sent in a deposit that was accepted by the hotel and applied to his/her reservation Procedures 1. A "no reservation" turnaway should be given the following assistance: a. Assist guest in finding nearby accommodations with comparable rates and facilities b. Arrange for the guest's transportation, at guest's cost c. Leave the guest's name and where he/she can be located with the Your Hotel PBX operator 2. A "claim reservation" turnaway should be given the same assistance as a "no reservation" turnaway (# 1 above), in addition to the following: a. Ask the guest the following questions: (1) When was reservation made? (2) How was reservation made? (3) Who confirmed the reservation? b. Complete the reservation turnaway form and give it to the front office manager. c. If, after investigation, a record of the guest's reservation is found, the hotel should reimburse the guest for one night's room and tax, one telephone call, and transportation to the alternate property. 3. A "late" turnaway should receive the following assistance: a. Time stamp hotel copy of reservation b. Assist guest in finding nearby accommodations with comparable rates and facilities c. Arrange for guest's transportation, at guest's cost d. Leave the guest's name and where he/she can be located with Your Hotel PBX operator 4. A "guaranteed reservation" turnaway must be handled as follows: a. Locate alternate accommodations at a hotel with similar rates and facilities, and arrange payment for the first night's room and tax. b. Arrange and pay for guest's transportation to the alternate hotel c. Pay for one telephone call. d. Complete the reservation turnaway form and give it to the front office manager. e. Leave the guest's name and where he/she can be located with your Hotel PBX operator. f. A suitable token of hospitality (such as a fruit basket, plate of cheese and crackers or candy) should be placed in the room along with a written apology from the general manager. 5. Copies of the "Reservation Turnaway" forms should be given to the general manager and front office manager no later than the day following any turnaways. Note: If you have not established your own "Reservation Turnaway" form, also known as a "Walk" form, it should contain the following information for the date involved: o o o o Date Number of guests walked Occupancy % Average room rate Hotel management will utilize this form for yield management purposes, and to determine if it is necessary to build additional guest rooms. 6. An apology letter, signed by the general manager, should be sent to all turnaway guests. (EXAMPLE) MOD DAILY REPORT Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________________ Shift: ________________ Weather conditions: ________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Check in with both front desks; pick up MOD radio Count MOD bank, sign and date tape; verify amount is correct Review front desk Comment Log Review Previous nights business Review the daily events schedule for functions Review front desk; number of reservations to arrive _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ Attach copy of front desk hotel call around report List any pertinent information on area hotels: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ List any VIPs in house: Name Company Room/Suite # _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ MOD Daily Report, Page 2, Date:_____________________ 6. Property inspection: a. Walk guest room floors -- check for any safety hazards, lights out, open doors, etc.; Make copy of any maintenance request forms submitted (issues)___________________________________________________________ b. Inspect public restrooms -- note comments, notify housekeeping or maintenance if attention is required (issues)___________________________________________________________ c. Walk property, including the corridors of each floor; check the following areas: Exit doors are locked Elevators are operating properly and clean Stairwells are free of debris Parking lot and dumpster Exit lights are on (notify maintenance immediately) Banquet doors are locked (if not in use) Banquet lights are off Guest laundry is clean and machines are operating properly Vending and ice machine areas are clean and operating properly Convenience Store Items are available (issues)___________________________________________________________ d. Inspect five vacant rooms (see forms attached) e. Pool area -- clean, free of debris, all signs and safety equipment are visible and in proper working condition, telephone is functional Towels are stocked for guest use (issues)___________________________________________________________ f. Fitness Facility – Clean, free of debris, all equipment is in working condition, telephone is functional. Towels are stocked for guest use. (issues)___________________________________________________________ If maintenance request was not completed, list how problems were resolved: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ MOD Daily Report, Page 3, Date:________________________ 7. Security -- arrived on time, dressed, and checked in ___________ 8. All employees -- proper uniform, nametags, and at work station ___________ 9. Food and beverage check (if applicable): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Employee cafeteria Restaurant Lounge Additional information or comments (include incident report; or guest, employee, etc. information that hotel management needs to be aware of): _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Submit completed report to the General Manager EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS Hotel Information Name Address Phone Number Street Address City, State, Zip General Manager Name Home Phone Cell Phone Area Director Name Home Phone Cell Phone HP HOTELS Emergency Numbers RDO Name Here Jeff Schneider Jason LaBarge Kerry Ranson Phone 205-879-7004 or Fax 205-879-2680 Cell – 205-356-8207 Cell – 803-371-0807 Cell – 205-965-5504 Local Emergency Numbers ALL EMERGENCY FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT LOCAL HOSPITAL LOCAL CLINIC SUICIDE PREVENTION ELECTRIC COMPANY GAS COMPANY WATER COMPANY POISON CONTROL ELEVATOR COMPANY TELEPHONE - LOCAL TELEPHONE / SWITCHBOARD EMERGENCY CLEANING SERVICE CABLE COMPANY 911 HP Hotels - Emergency Contact List Name Direct Phone Line Tel Ext Cell Phone # 205- Home phone # Kerry Ranson President 205-8797004 24 205-9655504 504-3010689 Jeff Schneider VP Operations 205-8797004 10 205-3568207 Joe Powers VP Accounting 205-8797004 12 205-2968564 Jason LaBarge 803-3710807 RDO Name Here GM Name Here Dept. Manager Here Dept. Manager Here Internet Info / Misc Info