Type: core elective

Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
4 (lecture) + 1 (laboratory work) + 1 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
RNDr. Radomír Kuchta
List of literature:
Bueche, F.J.: Principles of Physics, McGraw-Hill, New York 1988,
ISBN 0-07-100150-6
Beiser, A.: Concepts of Modern Physics, McGraw-Hill, New York 1987,
ISBN 0-07-004473-2
Brief characteristics:
The course is intended to give students a noncalculus qualitative insight into the following
kinematics and dynamics of motion; special relativity; vibrational motion and propagation of
waves; mechanical and thermal properties of matter; thermodynamics of gases; electricity and
magnetism; electromagnetic waves and light; quantum mechanics; structure of atoms and
Course name:
Application of Cybernetics to Mechanical Engineering (KKY/AKS)
core elective
Number of contact hours/week: 2 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Course guarantor:
Doc. Ing. Eduard Janeček, CSc.
List of literature:
[1] Goodwin G.C.: Control System Design, Prentice Hall , 2001
[2] Weinmann A.: Regelungen, Springer-Verlag , Wien 1987
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas:
cybernetic systems and information theory – basic notions, principles; internal and external
dynamic system descriptions, time and frequency responses, frequency characteristics,
stability of linear dynamic systems; automatic control and compensation, transfer functions in
control loops, stability and quality, Nyquist criterion; PID, PSD regulators, setting of
parameters; systems with two-state variables, programmable logic controllers, sensors,
actuators; industrial communication in machines and in technological processes.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
4 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
3 (self-study)
Doc. RNDr. František Ježek, CSc.
List of literature:
[1] Kargerová M.: Geometry and Computer Graphics, ČVUT Praha, 1998.
[2] Berger M.: Geometry I, II, Springer 1994, 1996.
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
linear systems and matrices; matrix algebra; determinants; vector geometry; analytic
geometry in the space; methods of descriptive geometry (orthographic and Monge projection,
axonometry); geometry of curves and surfaces; transformations; introduction to differential
Course name:
Geometric and Computational Modelling
core elective
Number of contact hours/week: 3 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Course guarantor:
Doc. RNDr. František Ježek, CSc.
List of literature:
[1] Farin, G. (Ed.): Handbook of computer aided geometric design, Elsevier 2002.
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas:
matrix form of 3D transformation and projections; homogeneous coordinates; curves and
surfaces, parametric representation, curvature and Frenet frame; spline curves, spline under
tension; Bézier curves, the Bernstein basis and its properties (de Casteljau algorithm, convex
hull, variation diminishing property), spline representation, rational curves; B-spline basis,
properties of B-spline curves (Cox - de Boor algorithm); NURBS - description of conics;
biparametric surfaces, patches, triangular patches - barycentric coordinates; Coons patches;
geometrical modelling in CAD - B - and CSG representation, features based modelling;
variational geometry.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Mathematics 3
core elective
3 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Prof. RNDr. Stanislav Míka, CSc.
List of literature:
Lovrič, M.: Vector Calculus. Addison-Wesley Publishers Limited, 1997,
ISBN 0-201-42797-4
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
number and function sequences and series, convergence; Fourier’s series; Laplace’s
transformation (in real numbers), use for solving ordinary differential equations, applications;
introduction to vector analysis; scalar and vector arrays; parametrization of curves and
surfaces; curve and surface integrals; integral theorems of vector analysis and their
Course name:
Mathematical Models in Econometrics
core elective
Number of contact hours/week: 2 (lecture) + 1 (seminar)
1 (self-study)
Course guarantors:
Prof. RNDr. Stanislav Míka, CSc.
Mgr. Blanka Šedivá
List of literature:
[1] Judge, G. a spol.: Theory and Practice of Econometrics, Wiley and Sons, NY 1985.
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
simple and multiple regression models in econometrics; methods of parameter estimation;
special topics in econometrics – probit and logit analyses, nonlinear economic relationships,
models of expectations; models for time series; economic dynamics.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Mathematics for FST 1
4 (lecture) + 1 (seminar)
1 (self-study)
Prof RNDr. Stanislav Míka, CSc.
List of literature:
Edwards, C., H.: Calculus with Analytic Geometry. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1998,
ISBN 0-13-736331-1
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
sequences and series in R1; difference equations; functions of one variable; differential
calculus; integral calculus; elementary differential equations; simple dynamic systems.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Mathematics for FST 2
4 (lecture) + 1 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Prof. RNDr. Stanislav Míka, CSc.
List of literature:
Howard A.: Calculus with Analytic Geometry. John Wiley, New York, 1995,
ISBN 0-471-59495-4
Brief characteristics:
The course is intended to give students a good insight into the following areas :
differential models of dynamic systems; first-order differential equations and first-order
systems; initial value problems; oscillation and equilibrium; fundamental, general and
particular solutions; scalar functions of several variables, graphs and contour curves; vector
functions; differential and integral calculus of functions of several variables; curve and
surface integrals; differential and integral characteristics of vector fields.
Course name:
Numerical and Geometric Modelling
core elective
Number of contact hours/week: 2 (lecture) + 1 (seminar)
1 (self-study)
Course guarantor:
Doc. RNDr. František Ježek, CSc.
List of literature:
Farin, G. (Ed.): Handbook of computer aided geometric design. Elsevier 2002.
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
solution of systems of linear algebraic equations - iterative methods, interpolation and
approximation; numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, optimization;
spline, Bézier, B-spline and NURBS curves and surfaces; Coons patches; visualization and
animation; solid modelling and exchange formats; application of Matlab and Rhino.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Probability and Statistics B
2 (lecture) + 1 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Doc. RNDr. Jiří Reif, CSc.
List of literature:
Farlow, S. J., Haggard, G. M.: Applied Mathematics, Random House, New York,
Triola, M. F.: Elementary Statistics, The Benjamin Publishing Comp., California,
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
random events, probability, discrete and continuous random variables, approximation by a
normal distribution, descriptive statistics, estimation of parameters, testing of hypotheses,
goodness-of-fit tests, correlation and regression analyses.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Seminar – Differential Calculus
core elective
0 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
1 (self-study)
RNDr. Petr Tomiczek, CSc.
List of literature:
[1] Neustupa, J.: Mathematics I, Vydavatelství ČVUT, 1996
[2] Bubeník, F.: Problems to mathematics for engineers, ČVUT Praha, 1999
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
elements of the set theory, real numbers; sequence of real numbers; series of real numbers,
partial sum, limit of series; convergence and absolute convergence of series, alternating
series; real functions of one independent real variable, derivative, differential of function;
basic theorems of differential calculus; Taylor formula and derivatives of a higher order,
graphs of functions; integration, indefinite integrals, properties of integrals; integration
techniques; Newton integral, basic theorem of integral calculus.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Seminar – Integral Calculus
core elective
0 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
1 (self-study)
RNDr. Petr Tomiczek, CSc.
List of literature:
[1] Bubeník, F.: Problems to mathematics for engineers, ČVUT Praha, 1999
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
vector valued function, linear normed space, complex functions of one variable, curves in
$R^n$, Euler´s equality; differential equations, first-order equations, separation of variables,
homogeneous, nonhomogeneous equations; linear equations of the first-order and arbitraryorder, variations of parameters; boundary value problems, systems of first-order equations;
sequences and series of functions, power series; trigonometrical and general Fourier series;
Laplace series; function of several variables; differential calculus in several variables; Taylor
series; implicit function theorem and solvability of functional equations; elements of the
optimization theory in $R^n$; Riemann integral in $R^n$; integrals depending on parameters.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Experimental Mechanics
core elective
2 (lecture) + 2 (seminar and laboratory work)
2 (self-study)
Prof. Ing. František Plánička, CSc.
List of literature:
[1] Dally, J. W., Riley, W. F.: Experimental Stress Analysis, McGraw-Hill 1991,
ISBN 0-07-015218-7
[2] Handbook on Experimental Mechanics, VCH Publishers, 1993,
ISBN 1-56081-640-6
[3] Ewins, D. J.: Modal Testing: Theory and Practice, Bruel&Kjær, 1986
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
dimensional analysis and relations of strains and stresses in a model and a real structure,
analysis of strain and stress states of structures using models; electrical-resistance strain
gauges; statistical analysis of experimental data; computer measuring systems; discrete
Fourier transformation and its use for calculation of dynamic responses of mechanical
systems; ways of numerical processing of signals; utilization of frequency analysers;
measurement of periodical vibrations using a computer and of non-periodical vibrations using
an analyser; experimental determination of modal and frequency characteristics.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Experimental Stress Analysis
2 (lecture) + 2 (seminar and laboratory work)
2 (self-study)
Prof. Ing. František Plánička, CSc.
List of literature:
[1] Hearn, E. J.: Mechanics of Materials, Pergamon Press Ltd, 1985, ISBN 0-08-030529-6
[2] Dally, J. W., Riley, W. F.: Experimental Stress Analysis, McGraw-Hill 1991,
ISBN 0-07-015218-7
[3] Handbook on Experimental Mechanics, VCH Publishers, 1993,
ISBN 1-56081-640-6
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
formulation of the problem; dimensional analysis, dimensional homogeneity; relations
between strains and stresses in a model and a real structure; measuring systems; preparation
of an experiment, carrying out the experiment and evaluation of experimental data; error
theory, errors of measurement; electrical-resistance strain gauges, theory of photoelasticity,
methods using interference (holography, moire´ method), brittle lacquers method; gauges and
equipment for measurement and registration of measured magnitudes; force transducers; use
of experimental methods in practice.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Mechanics 1
3 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Prof. Ing. Jiří Křen, CSc.
List of literature:
Meriam, J. L., Kraige, L. G.: Engineering Mechanics - Statics, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 1998, ISBN 0-471-24164-4
Meriam, J. L., Kraige, L. G.: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 1998, ISBN 0-471-24167-9
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
subject of mechanics, classification; kinematics of a particle, rectilinear and curvilinear
motion; body motion in a plane, translatory, rotary and general motion; basic resolution,
simultaneous motion of bodies in a plane, general resolution; force and couple – definition
and basic properties; force fields, work, power, theory of force systems; mounting and
equilibrium of a particle and a body in a plane, friction; synthesis of mechanical systems,
kinematic analysis of mechanisms and systems with gears, static analysis of body systems.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Mechanics 2
2 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Prof. Ing. Vladimír Zeman, DrSc.
List of literature:
Hibbeler, R. C.: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1995,
ISBN 0-13-353715-3
Rao, S. S.: Mechanical Vibrations, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1995,
ISBN 0-201-59289-4
Shabana, A. A.: Theory of Vibration, Springer-Verlag, 1996, ISBN 0-387-94524-5
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
equation of motion, fundamental laws of mechanics, D’Alambert’s principle, laws of mass
particle system motion; mass centre, moments of inertia, products of inertia of a body;
analysis of translatory, rotary and plane body motion; dynamics of body systems by
decomposition and reduction methods; principle of virtual work in statics and dynamics,
Lagrange’s equations and their technical applications; free and forced vibrations of linear
systems with one DOF; eigenfrequencies, eigenshapes and steady harmonically excited
vibration of linear systems with two DOF.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Mechanics of Rotary Machines
core elective
2 (lecture) + 1 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Prof. Ing. Vladimír Zeman, DrSc.
List of literature:
Yamamoto, T., Ishida, Y.: Linear and Nonlinear Rotordynamics,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001, ISBN 0-471-18175-7
Krämer, E.: Dynamics of Rotors and Foundations, Springer-Verlag, 1993,
ISBN 3-540-55725-3
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
inertia effects on a rotating body; reactions in bearings , rigid rotor balancing; elastic seating
of rotating machines; vibration of Laval´s rotor in rigid and flexible bearings; vibration and
motion stability of Laval´s rotor with a noncircular shaft; circular vibration of rotors with one
generally mounted disc; modelling vibration of a rotor with more discs by the influence
coefficient method and the finite element method; dynamics of rotor systems; bending
vibrations of beams; vibration of rotary machine blades.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Mechanics of Vehicles
core elective
2 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Doc. Ing. Jaromír Švígler, CSc.
List of literature:
Ellis, J. R.: Vehicle Dynamics, Business Books Ltd., London, 1969
Schiehlen W.(Ed.) : Multibody Systems Handbook, Berlin u.a., Springer-Verlag, 1990
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
application of theoretical knowledge of mechanics to the solution of force and velocity
problems of a road or railway vehicle in motion; adhesion, rolling resistance, air resistance,
climb, acceleration, dynamics of braking; drive power; demands on the driving and
transmission systems; geometry of steering; motion in uneven terrain, springing and damping,
driving properties, stability of vehicles, critical speed.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Mechanics of Materials 1
3 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Prof. Ing. František Plánička, CSc.
List of literature:
Spiegel, L., Limbrunner,G. F.: Applied Statics and Strength of Materials, Macmillan
Publishing Company, 1991, ISBN 0-675-21123-9
Hearn, E. J.: Mechanics of Materials, Pergamon Press Ltd, 1985, ISBN 0-08-030529-6
Singer, F. L., Pytel, A.: Strength of Materials, HARPER&ROW, New York, 1980,
ISBN 0-06-046229-9
Sochor, M.: Strength of Materials I, CVUT Prague, 1998, ISBN 80-01-01859-8
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
external and internal forces, stresses and strains; simple stress and strain; Hooke's law; second
moments of area; bending of statically determined and undetermined beams; simple torsion
theory; two and three dimension stress systems; Mohr's circles representation; theories of
elastic failure; combined loading; strains beyond the elastic limit; itroduction to experimental
stress analysis.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Mechanics of Materials 2
core elective
3 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Doc. Ing. Vladislav Laš, CSc.
List of literature:
[1] Hearn, E. J.: Mechanics of Materials, Pergamon Press Ltd, 1985, ISBN 0-08-030529-6
[2] Kanninen, M. F., Popelar, C. H.: Advanced Fracture Mechanics, Oxford University Press,
New York, 1985, ISBN 0-19-503532-1
[3] Berthelot, J-M.: Composite Materials, Springer-Verlag, 1999, ISBN 0-387-98426-7
[4] Sochor, M.: Strength of Materials II, CVUT Prague, 2001, ISBN 80-01-02299-4
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
fundamentals of the advanced theory of elasticity; finite element method (FEM);
axisymmetrical problems (rotating discs, thick cylinders) – stress and strain states, technical
applications; curved beams and frames in a plane; struts; fundamentals of stress and strain
analysis of components from anisotropic materials; fundamentals of linear and nonlinear
fracture mechanics; fatigue; computational models for FEM analysis.
Course name:
Number of contact hours/week:
Course guarantor:
Theory of Plasticity
core elective
2 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Prof. Ing. František Plánička, CSc.
List of literature:
Hearn, E. J.: Mechanics of Materials, Pergamon Press Ltd, 1985, ISBN 0-08-030529-6
Chen, W. F., Zhang, H.: Structure Plasticity Theory, Problems and CAE Software,
Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-96789-3
Chen, W. F., Han, D. J.: Plasticity for Structural Engineers, Springer-Verlag,
ISBN 0-387-96711-7
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
analysis of stress and strain states; material stress-strain curves; effective stress and strain;
static isometric plastic deformation; approximations of stress-strain curves; yield criteria,
loading function and loading surface; Tresca-Saint-Venant and von Misses yield criterion;
instantaneous yield criteria, isotropic, kinematic and isotropic-kinematic strain hardening;
Drucker's postulate; theories of plasticity for the relationship between stress and strain;
mathematical model of an elasto-plastic body; plane plastic deformation; analysis of the
elasto-plastic state of a body using the finite element method.
Course name:
Selected Parts of Mechanics and Elasticity
core elective
Number of contact hours/week: 3 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Course guarantor:
Prof. Ing. Vladimír Zeman, DrSc.
List of literature:
Hearn, E. J.: Mechanics of Materials, Pergamon Press Ltd, 1985, ISBN 0-08-030529-6
Boresi, A. P., Sidebottom, O. M., Seely, F. B., Smith, J. O.: Advanced Mechanics of
Materials, JOHN WILEY AND SONS,1978, ISBN 0-471-08892-7
Cook, R. D.:Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis, JOHN WILEY AND
SONS, 1994, ISBN 0-471-10774-3
Rivin, E. I.: Stiffness and Damping in Mechanical Design, Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
New York, Basel, 1999, ISBN 0-8247-1722-8
Shabana, A. A.: Theory of Vibration, Springer-Verlag, 1996, ISBN 0-387-94524-5
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas :
theory of rectangular plates; analytical and variational methods for determining stresses and
displacements; beams on an elastic foundation; contact stiffnees; stress and displacement
analysis by the finite element method (FEM); discrete models of vibrating linear mechanical
systems in matrix form; discretization of 1-D continua (rods, shafts, beams) in dynamics by
FEM; modal analysis of the structure dynamic response applied to the machine elastic
seating, drive system torsional vibration and frame vibration.
Course name:
Service Life and Reliability of Structures
Number of contact hours/week: 2 (lecture) + 2 (seminar)
2 (self-study)
Course guarantor:
Prof. Ing. František Plánička, CSc.
List of literature:
Hearn, E. J.: Mechanics of Materials, Pergamon Press Ltd, 1985, ISBN 0-08-030529-6
Osgood, C. C.: Fatigue Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,1970, ISBN 0-471-65711-5
Manson, S. S.: Thermal Stress and Low-Cycle Fatigue, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1966
O’Connor, P. D. T.:Practical Reliability Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 1991,
ISBN 0-471-92696-5
Brief characteristics:
The course focuses on the following areas:
limited states of structures; fatigue; service loading recording and processing; cumulative
fatigue damage hypotheses; experimental determination of S-N curves;. Smith's and Haigh's
diagrams; high-cycle fatigue; fatigue service life of bodies; shortened fatigue tests; low-cycle
fatigue; service life curves under hard and soft loading; service life of notched bodies in the
elastic-plastic state; loading parameters influence on service life; fatigue crack propagation;
residual life of a body with defects; experimental methods for structure service life