Course Syllabus - Prof. Tarek M. Sobh

ENGR 300
Dr. Tarek Sobh
ENGR 300 Economics and Management of Engineering Projects
School of Engineering
University of Bridgeport
ENGR 300 - SPRING 2003
Catalog Data:
The design process, engineering economics, project planning and ethics in engineering practice.
A required course for all engineering majors, normally taken in the junior year. Prerequisite:
Junior standing, Math 215, Physics 112, Chem 103, Engr 111, CS 102, EE 235 and CpE 286
3 lecture hours, 3 semester hours credit.
Gerard Voland, Engineering by Design. Addition Wesley, 1999.
Various handouts.
References (All to be read by student groups. Book .ppt Presentations and Report to be
Mark T. Holtzapple and W. Dan Reece, Foundations of Engineering. McGraw Hill, 2000.
Roland Schinzinger and Mike W. Martin, Introduction to Engineering Ethics. McGraw Hill 2000.
William C. Oakes, Les J. Leone and Craig J. Gunn, Engineering Your Future. Great Lakes Press,
John R. Dixon and Corrado Poli, Engineering Design and Design for Manufacturing. Field Stone
Publishers, Fifth Edition, Second Printing, 1996.
Merle C. Potter, PhD. Fundamental Of Engineering. Third Edition, Printed by Edwards Bros.,
Robert Dovich and Bill Wortman, The Reliable Engineer Primer. First Edition, 1995, Indiana.
Raymond B. Yarbrough, P.E. Electrical Engineering Reference Manual. Fifth Edition, 1990,
Professional Publications, Inc.
Michael R. Lindeburg, P.E. Engineer-In-Training Reference Manual. Seventh Edition, 1990,
Professional Publications, Inc.
Bryan Dodson and Dennis Nolan, Reliability Engineering Bible, Published 1995, Quality
Publishing, Inc. Arizona.
K. Donaldson, The Engineering Student Survival Guide. McGraw-Hill, 1999.
Michael Davis, Thinking Like An Engineer. Oxford University Press, Inc., 1998.
ENGR 300
Dr. Tarek Sobh
M. David Burghardt, Introduction to Engineering Design and Problem Solving. McGraw-Hill,
Arvid R. Eide, Roland D. Jenison, Lane H. Mashaw and Larry L. Northup. Introduction to
Engineering Problem Solving. McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Arvid R. Eide, Roland D. Jenison, Lane H. Mashaw and Larry L. Northup. Introduction to
Engineering Design.. McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Anne Eisenberg, A Beginner’s Guide to Technical Communication. McGraw-Hill, 1998.
M. David Burghardt, Introduction to the Engineering Profession. Second Edition, 1995.
Addition-Wesley Education Publishers, Inc.
W. Lionel Craver, Jr., Darrell C. Schroder and Anthony J. Tarquin. Introduction to Engineering.
Oxford University Press, Inc., 1987.
John Dustin Kemper, Introduction to the Engineering Profession. Second Edition 1993. Oxford
University Press, Inc.
Steven K. Howell, Engineering Design and Problem Solving.
Publishing Company, Inc. 1995.
The Benjamin/Cummings
Donald G. Newman, Engineering Economics Review. Second Edition, 1990. Engineering Press,
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Video, Part I - The Tradition of the engineering
Profession – 11:20; Part II – Ethics in Action – 28:00
ASME/SAM Leadership Training Seminars, Video, Session # 1- Introduction to Leadership –
37:29, Dr. T.C. Scott.
ASME/SAM Leadership Training Seminars, Video, Session #2 - Dealing with Different People –
28:41, Dr. William I. Sauser, Jr.
ASME/SAM Leadership Training Seminars, Video, Session # 3 – People and Organizations –
17:39, Juanita Cox-Burton.
ASME/SAM Leadership Training Seminars, Video, Session # 4 - Time Management – 26:28, Jo
Turner, Ph. D., ACES.
ASME/SAM Leadership Training Seminars, Video, Session # 5 - Self Assessment – 36:54,
Willie D. Larkin, Ph. D., ACES.
ASME/SAM Leadership Training Seminars, Video, Session # 6 – Effective Communication –
32:07, Lynn Ashford, Ala. State University.
ENGR 300
Dr. Tarek Sobh
Tarek M. Sobh, Ph.D., P.E., CMfgE
Dean; School of Engineering
University of Bridgeport
Room: 232 Engineering Technology Building
(203) 576-4111
Understanding the practical realities of engineering practice as related to the design process,
engineering economics, ethical issues, reliability, communication skills, project planning and
management, and intellectual property issues. A complete project / product / service conception
process have to be demonstrated by students, showing and documenting the following typical
steps in product / service realization:
Problem / product / service selection.
Team leader and role selection.
Problem definition and performance criteria selection.
Design constraints definition.
Alternative solutions determination and listing.
Initial analysis performed, good alternatives selected.
Memo progress report.
Fund seeking, determination and prototype budgeting. (Fund model)
Formal proposal writing.
Intellectual property and patent issues.
Project planning and company structuring (formal and informal).
Design completion and implementation (More E. Economy modeling and funding)
Prototype completion and demonstration, and report writing (draft and final)
Market analysis and marketing strategy and budget determination for marketing.
Analysis for mass production.
Fund determination and presentations for mass production.
Engineering Economy model for financial model for production and initial facility setup.
(Partner model, loan model, IPO (public model), sell-off model, etc.)
Company financial model.
Production, progress report writing and presentations.
Production and on going marketing.
Product reliability issues.
Market feedback and life cycle issues.
Outcome and product assessment.
Maintenance, warranty and customer service models and budgeting.
Redesign, update, development, and research efforts and financial model update.
ENGR 300
Dr. Tarek Sobh
Prerequisites by Topic:
Strong mathematical background (Calculus and Differential Equations), engineering and science
background (including circuit theory, physics and chemistry) and computer-aided engineering
skills (programming, algorithms and data structures, and microprocessors).
Meeting Times and Place:
Tuesday 1:00 – 2:15, CARH 253
Thursday 1:00 – 2:15, CARH 253
Office Hours:
Wednesday 12:00 – 2:00
TECH 232
Or by appointment.
Engineering Economics. (2 weeks)
Communication. (1 week)
Ethics in Engineering. (1 week)
Reliability Engineering. (1 week)
Patents, Liability, and Intellectual property. (1 week)
The Design Process. (2 weeks)
Project Planning and Management. (2 weeks)
Proposal Writing. (1 week)
Remaining time for student presentation and project demonstrations. (3 weeks)
Policies and Grading:
Grade Calculation:
Quizzes and Participation: 20%
Homeworks, Final Project, Assignments, and Student Reports / Presentations: 80%,
student groups have to make several presentations at different steps in the product /
service realization cycle; furthermore, each student have to present and write reports for
some of the reference books / videos / handouts (as assigned). The project depository on
the web is: and the course web site and econtent folder is on :
ENGR 300
Dr. Tarek Sobh
Late homeworks and project assignments / programs will not be accepted.
Three or more unexcused absences will result in an automatic failure.
Make-up exams / quizzes will not be allowed (except for prior instructor approval for a
documented emergency)
Homeworks and programs are due within a week from the assignment date, unless the
instructor notes otherwise.
All homeworks are to be typed.
Structured and modular code is required for the machine assignments.
All programs are to include sufficient comments and documentation with a clear program
Programs are to be submitted with all I/O files and source code hardcopies.
Extra credit quizzes, assignments, and programs (if any) will be announced by the
Engineering Credit Allocation:
Engineering Science: 1.5 credit or 50 %
Engineering Design: 1.5 credit or 50 %