brochure here - Claretian Missionaries

They gave their
life for Christ
of Sigüenza, Fernán Caballero y Tarragona
José María Ruiz Cano,
Blessed Claretian Martyrs
of Sigüenza, Fernán Caballero and Tarragona
Tomás Cordero Cordero, Jesús Aníbal Gómez Gómez,
Primitivo Berrocoso Maillo, Vicente Robles Gómez,
Gabriel Barriopedro Tejedor, Claudio López Martínez, Ángel
López Martínez, Antonio Lasa Vidaurreta, Melecio Pardo
Llorente, Antonio Orrego Fuentes, Otilio del Amo Palomino,
Cándido Catalán Lasala, Ángel Pérez Murillo, Abelardo García
Felipe González de Heredia,
Antoni Capdevilla Balcells, Jaume Mir Vime, Sebastià Balcells
Tonijuan, Pau Castellà Barberà, Andreu Feliu Bartomeu,
Antoni Vilamassana Carulla, Frederic Vila Bartrolí,
Beatification of the Martyrs
of the 20th Century in Spain
20th century, "the century of martyrs"
The 23 Claretian Martyrs whose portraits are included in these pages are the
martyrs the twentieth century who will be beatified in Tarragona on October 13,
2013. All of them, according to the motto of the feast of the beatification, were
"strong and courageous witnesses of faith". They died forgiving and thus they
became martyrs of Christ who, on the Cross, forgave his persecutors. Celebrating
their memory and soliciting their intercession, the Church wants to implant in us
humanness and reconciliation. As models of faith, love and forgiveness, they will
help us to profess our faith in Christ with integrity and courage.
(Cf. CI Plenary Assembly of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, The martyrs of
the twentieth century in Spain, strong and courageous witnesses of faith (April 19,
Places of witness of Martyrs
Siguenza, Fernan Caballero and Tarragona
Martyrs of Sigüenza and Fernán Caballero
Painting by sevillano Diego Coca Morales
The Martyrs of Fernan Caballero make up a group of 14 young
seminarians, close to their priestly ordination, along with Br Felipe Gonzalez (47
years). For the Cause of their canonization, Fr Jose Maria Ruiz Cano (29 years)
linked them altogether as protagonists of a moving story of martyrdom in the city
of Siguenza. All of them, sixteen in total, were recognized as martyrs of the
Church by Pope Benedict XVI on July 1st 2010, for having testified to their faith
by surrendering their lives.
The events of their martyrdom occurred in two different places, Siguenza
(Guadalajara) and Fernan Caballero (Ciudad Real), but were brought together
under the same Cause. It is not geographical distance that counts here but the
coincidence of the same youthful illusions, full of faith and generosity, truncated
in both places with the same violence.
As in all causes of martyrdom, the Cause of the Martyrs of Siguenza and Fernan
Caballero is a story of hatred that kills, alongside acts of forgiveness and love by
the victims towards the assailants who murdered them. It is the story of a group
that brings together 16 individual stories, all defined closely by the challenging
reasoning of the Gospel: Unless a grain of wheat dies, it can not bear fruit, and he
who loses his life for my sake will gain eternal life (Mt 16,25).
He Studied theology in Zafra and was ordained in Badajoz on 29th June, 1932. As
a newly ordained he began the year of preparation for priestly and missionary
ministry in Aranda de Duero (Burgos). In the following year he was assigned to
Siguenza (Guadalajara) as the assistant Prefect of Postulants at the "Palace of
Infants". In 1934 he was entrusted with the responsibility of forming a group of 60
seminarians, whose ages ranged between 12 and 16 years. In Siguenza P. José
María was awaited by the tragic days of religious persecution in 1936.
José María Ruiz Cano, martyr in Sigüenza
Sigüenza had been a haven of peace until the situation became extremely
difficult on July 25th. The Bishop and four Claretian members in the
diocesan seminary were arrested and sentenced to death. Given these
events, Fr José María gathered his seminarians in the chapel "at about one
in the afternoon" says an eyewitness chronicler. - "He wanted to cheer them
up, but could not hold back the tears". - "Everything is fine, but to prevent
what might happen, I have to announce with deep regret that the School is
now closed for a few days. Don’t cry. For the moment, nothing bad is going
to happen. Our Superiors have agreed to this cautionary action ... you will
all leave here in groups to go to neighbouring towns, where we have been
offered accommodation ... "
Fr. José Maria Ruiz is the only priest among the martyrs of Siguenza and Fernan
Caballero. He was born in Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz) on September 3,
1906. Four days before completing his fourteenth year he entered the Claretian
Minor Seminary of Don Benito. In 1923 Jose Maria returned to his village of Jerez
to do his novitiate and to study the course of philosophy for three years.
Generous in spirit and kind in his dealings, he was fervent in his devotion to Holy
Virgin Mary. The following sentence was written during his novitiate on the 10th
anniversary of his First Communion: "7th June 1914 to 7th June 1924!What happy
days for me! This day marks the tenth anniversary of my First Communion. I
wholly consecrate myself to you, Mother. What a joy! 'Totus Tuus ego sum'! (I'm
fully yours) "
The short and simple life of P. José Mara Ruiz harbored a vigorous vitality that
revolved around the total identification with his priestly and missionary vocation
as the Son of the Heart of Mary and was shaped by his great loves: Christ, the
Heart of Mary and the seminarians entrusted to him as the formator.
Looking on over this supremely difficult situation was a beautiful image of
the Heart of Mary with the Child in her arms. Fr José María directed the
following prayer to her: "O Lady mine! Oh Mother mine! Remember that I
am completely yours, protect me and defend me as if I were yours". And
then, kneeling with arms outstretched towards the Virgin, he said: "Mother,
if it is your will that I should be a victim, here I am; choose me, but do not
let anything happen to these innocent people who have wronged no-one".
The withdrawal from the small Seminary began. This Servant of God put
himself at the front of the youngest group. “Goodbye, Father, see you
soon!” said Br Victor on taking his leave, “See you in Heaven” answered
the Servant of God, and he set off for Guijosa, about 7km from Sigüenza.
They entered Guijosa as night was falling and were welcomed with open
arms by the parish priest and the entire neighbourhood. Someone pointed
out to Fr José María that the boys were safe and that it was better for him to
escape and save his own life. The answer, repeated several times, was
always the same: - "Let them catch me and kill me, but I will not leave
these young lads".
They went to Guijosa looking for the "Father with children who had fled
Sigüenza". On the 27th, "a little before lunch time, seven cars filled with
revolutionary militiamen appeared in the village. A militiaman of Sigüenza
said: 'That's the Priest over there”, and then Fr José María said: - "Holy
Virgin, save Spain; I die happy."
For an hour he was held in a car flanked by two militiamen. The
seminarians gradually gathered around ... - "Don’t be afraid, nothing is
going to happen. I die happy" he told his boys.
Then, some militiamen who came back from desecrating the church,
carried a roughly treated image of the Child Jesus. They shamelessly threw
it at Fr José María, saying: - "Here, take it, so you can die dancing with
him." He lovingly pressed it to his heart. But the militiaman abruptly
snatched it away and tossed it to the ground.
The car pulled away... and the priest took his leave by saying: “Goodbye,
lads”, and he blessed them. Soon the caravan of vehicles stopped at the
boundary of Monte del Otero, halfway between Guijosa and Sigüenza. A
voice ordered the servant of God to get out of the car. Fr Jose María
understood the order, forgave his enemies and set off, as a pilgrim to
heaven, to climb up Otero.
The rifles rang out and our martyr fell face down with his arms crossed. It
was one o’clock in the afternoon of July 27, 1936. One of the militiamen
later commented: "that monk who was with the boys, he even said that he
forgave us when we were about to kill him."
On the slopes of Otero, at the place of the martyrdom, you will find a cross
erected to his immortal memory.
Tomás Cordero, Jesús Aníbal Gómez
and 13 companions
With the cross from Zafra to Fernancaballero
The wave of violence against the members of the Claretian Seminary in
Zafra began just after the elections of February 1936. In late April the
Father Provincial ordered them to leave the house and go to Ciudad Real,
thinking they would find more favourable circumstances in the capital of la
Mancha. They stayed in a retreat house provided for the Claretians by
Bishop D. Narciso Esténaga, which proved inadequate for a group of young
seminarians. Its location in the middle of the city added further challenges
for its residents.
The Church of Guijosa and Cross at the Mount of Otero
train. Kill them! The train pulled out without further delay, but the threats
were fulfilled 20 kms from the capital, in the station of Fernan Caballero.
The theology house of Zafra and the Retreat House of Ciudad Real
Jesus Aníbal Gomez, from Colombia, wrote to his own people: "We have
no garden, and primitive washing facilities ... We haven’t even once
managed to get out for a walk since we arrived: in fact, it is almost like
house arrest; such as our circumstances require. It was no bed of roses but
it was something we could offer up to the Lord. "
Memorial en el solar de la antigua Estación de Ferrocarril de Fernán Caballero
A traveller on the train tells of what he saw:
They breathed an atmosphere of martyrdom and the house was soon
assailed. Fr Superior wrote later: "Fourteen of the sacrificial victims were
in jail for 4 days and were executed on the 28th, and the remainder were in
jail for 6 days. It is impossible to describe the suffering of those days”.
Things got much worse in that prison, which had formerly been a house, to
the point that "they brought along prostitutes whom we could see with their
bonnets and ornaments, walking along and looking provocatively into our
rooms ... We were all prepared for death, which we saw coming very soon
... we suffered humiliation and deprivation with resignation, meekness and
sympathy in the face of our persecutors".
Trying to get out of that place of torment, Fr Superior managed to persuade
the Civil Governor to give them safe passage to go to Madrid or wherever
they saw fit. The first departure was prepared for the 28th of July. Amongst
that group were our martyrs. Those who remained in the house said: Have a
safe journey!,
They went to Ciudad Real station in several cars, accompanied by
militiamen. When they arrived, there was a huge commotion and voices
were heard shouting: Kill them. They are monks. Don’t let them on the
"They ordered the monks to get off, because they had arrived at the spot.
Some voluntarily got off, saying: Let God’s will be done, we will die for
Christ and Spain. Others were reluctant, but with the butts of rifles, they
forced them off. Militiamen stood beside the train and the monks stood
there facing them. Some of the monks extended their arms, shouting Long
live Christ the King and long live Spain! Others covered their faces. Others
bowed their heads. One of them, who was short in stature, shouted
encouragement to everyone. Shots rang out and all the brothers fell to the
ground ... Some got up again and, with outstretched arms, shouted Long
live Christ the King!; then more shots, and again they fell. "
Amongst the pile of bloody corpses, Candide Catalan was seriously
wounded and he would die hours later: "He appeared totally resigned to his
fate, he uttered no complaints whatsoever ...", said the doctor who treated
him at the station.
It must be noted that in the midst of so much pain and suffering, there was
no shortage of angels of comfort. Fr Federico Gutiérrez, in his book
Claretian Martyrs of Sigüenza and Fernan Caballero, notes a confidential
remark made by Carmen Herrera, the station master's daughter: "I and the
freight clerk’s wife, Maximiliana Santos, helped the doctors treating the
wounded brother. I used hot water to wash his wounds and the freight
clerk’s wife provided a sheet for bandages. At the Station I gave him
something to drink ... "
Tomás Cordero was born on June 8th,
1910 in Robledino de la Vanduerna
in the province of León, the Astorga
diocese. His parents were Vicente and
Tomasa, farmers who were deeply
religious and had a simple life. Tomas
was the eldest of six children, and he
was also the oldest of the group of
fellow martyrs in Fernan Caballero.
following of him: "Mr. Tomas Cordero is a highly recommended
individual, pious, simple, obedient, hard working, a man of virtue."
In December 1932 he received the Minor Orders in the Seminary in Zafra.
This servant of God grew in wisdom, all the while cultivating and
developing his spiritual devotion to the Virgin. The following words are a
strong testament to his love of the Heart of Mary: "Slave to love. The slave
bows towards the Queen, but the child rests on the Mother’s breast, there to
enjoy the tenderness of her heart". He received the most tender maternal
embrace from the Virgin in Fernán Caballero at the age of 26.
Jesús Aníbal was born on June
13, 1914 in the colombian city of
Tarso (Antioquia), Diocese of
As if inspired by the Lord, our servant
of God soon understood that this
privilege brought with it
responsibility. That is what the parish priest clearly communicated in his
report: "In school he is the first; in the church he is the most exemplary".
The following letter from his father is extremely moving: "God planted in
him all the delights of a child and the purity of an angel: he asked me to let
him be a missionary, and at that time, it was so painful for me because I
had lost my wife, so I opposed his wishes; Tomás was going to be the only
breadwinner of the family, but he persuaded me to go with him to the
Missionary Seminary in Plasencia on October 10th, 1924".
He was there for two years, then he moved to Don Benito and later to the
Novitiate in Jerez de los Caballeros, where he made his profession on
August 15th, 1929. In that same town he began to study Philosophy.
Tomás was generous in spirit and delighted in sharing everything he had
with his companions. During his philosophy course, his formator said the
His parents, Ismael and Julia,
were devout spiritual Christians
and they were of high social
standing. At home they prayed
the Rosary every night, and at
school they said he was a very
pious boy.
At age 11, Jesús Aníbal joined the Claretian Seminary at Bosa. During the
novitiate his behaviour was so exemplary that the Fr Rector believed that
he had never been guilty of any misdemeanour throughout the entire year.
The day of his perpetual profession he wrote: "I am your apostle, Heart of
My Mother. I do not want a life where there is no love for you". And as his
preferred maxim, he chose the following: "to become passionate for Jesus".
Coming from a wealthy and distinguished family, Jesus Anibal always
chose the strictest poverty, simplicity and humility.
At 21, he was sent to Spain to complete his theological studies and receive
priestly ordination. In November 1935, he arrived at the Theological
School of Zafra, in Extremadura. Jesús Aníbal’s stay here was very short,
for on May 1st, 1936, up against the violent revolutionary threats that they
suffered on a daily basis, the Community was disbanded and had to move
to the capital of La Mancha in Ciudad Real, finishing there his much
interrupted course of Theology. The troubles continued until July 24 when
the convent was assailed and he was kept prisoner in the house along with
his companions.
An episode during his imprisonment reflects the courage of Jesús Aníbal. A
militiaman, when he discovered that he was Colombian, rebuked him with
the following: "So you came all this way to become a monk?". Jesús Aníbal
replied, "Yes, and I’m proud of it." The soldier hit him brutally with his
rifle saying: "Well, you will have the same fate coming to you."
He was shot at Fernán Caballero at the age of 22.
Primitivo was born on
February 19th, 1913 in
Jerte, in the province of
Cáceres, diocese of
Plasencia. He joined the
Claretian Missionaries’
Seminary in Plasencia at
thirteen years of age. At
seventeen he made his
religious vows, and in
June 1935 he received the
tonsure and minor orders
of Porter and Reader.
This Servant of God had a very unhappy childhood. Before he was born his
parents were forced to emigrate to Argentina to earn a living. On the way
there, his father, Berrocoso Primitivo, died, and his mother Antolina
Maíllo, returned to Spain, to the home of her parents, even poorer than
when she left. And her son Primitivo was born just a month after arriving
from Argentina. Antolina remarried and the son was put in the care of
Don Ramon, the parish priest, said that: "One day I asked if there was a boy
who would serve as an altar boy and I was introduced to "Tivo”, as he was
affectionately known. Sometime after I easily guessed that a priestly
vocation was in the making. He came to live with me and within eight
months he had begun to master Latin Grammar and Syntax. His character
was beginning to form. And when he was just thirteen years old, I put him
in the hands of the Superior of the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in
Plasencia, with these words: "Here I give you a future General of the
Order", such was my affection for this young boy ... "
According to reports, Primitivo was exemplary in everything; steadfast in
his piety and devotion to the Virgin. People confirm that he had an ardent
desire for martyrdom from an early age. His novice master wrote the
following report: "He is one of the most rounded Students I have known;
robust in health, with a beautiful voice, great missionary ideals, with a
special gift for writing, some of his writing receiving awards in Marian
On July 2nd, 1936, he asked to receive the last two Minor Orders at the
next Ordinations on the 25th of the same month. But that was not to be.
Instead of Holy Orders, he received the trophy of martyrdom along with his
companions. He was 23 years old.
especially Vicente Robles, who could not have been required to do more to
improve his spiritual life ... I don’t think Vicente Robles nor Otilio del
Amo were even capable of venial sin... I think they were forever in the
presence of God: they were two very special, rare souls, and especially
Vicente lived his consecration to the Heart of Mary profoundly, to the point
of always signing himself Vicente Heart of Mary Robles, because he
wanted everybody to know that he no longer belonged to himself but to the
Heart of the Virgin; and at the top of his letters and writings he wrote the
jubilant cry: Long live my Mother! At the time of his martyrdom, Vicente
Robles was 22 years old.
Vicente Robles was born in Villanueva del Conde (Salamanca), on April
25th, 1914. He entered the Claretian Missionary Seminary in Plasencia at
the age of 11, and at 17 made his religious profession in Salvatierra
(Álava). His parents, Pedro Ignacio and Fernanda, were a family of farmers
deeply rooted in their faith: "The family environment was very Christian,
and my mother prayed for her children to have vocations".
The novice Master’s report is highly complimentary about the qualities of
this servant of God: "Mr. Vicente Robles is a real gem: very talented, very
diligent, industrious, consistent and dependable. He is very pious and has
worked consistently hard on his integrity. He is of good character and is in
a good state of health".
The sad events of May 1931, the burning of convents and open religious
persecution, forced the closure of the Novitiate. Along with his brother
Agapito, already a student in Theology, he had to go to his village and wait
for better times. "In the village”, his brother says, “we celebrated the liturgy
as if we were in the convent: meditation, Holy Mass, Communion, spiritual
reading and examination of conscience, and in May we read the book True
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, by Grignon de Montfort. "
Fr Augusto Andres Ortega, his spiritual director during his years of
Philosophy in Plasencia, spares no praise for Vicente Robles during the
process for the Cause of his canonization, endorsing the statement made by
the novice master, "I must highlight Vicente Robles and Otilio del Amo,
Gabriel was born on March
18th, 1915 in Barahona, in
the province of Soria and, at
the time, in the diocese of
Siguenza. His parents were
Mariano and Asuncion, both
good Christians. As a child,
Gabriel 'at six years of age
knew perfectly how to
respond and help at Mass,
and to say the rosary in the parish church". At ten he entered as a boarder in
the Diocesan Seminary of Siguenza, run by the Missionary Sons of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary.
As his studies progressed, he felt called to the priestly, religious and
missionary life, and decided to join the Claretian Congregation. Few
vocations have been so sorely tried as his. For three years he had to fight
the opposition of his parents, but when he had finished the first year of
Theology and received the tonsure (miraculously, he would say) his parents
relented and gave their consent. Overjoyed he applied to enter the Novitiate
and was allowed to enter Salvatierra (Alava). The Novice Master said of
him: "The Novice, Mr. Barriopedro, is 17 years old. He has spent three and
half months with us. He has excellent health, he is sociable, humble,
serious, gentle: he stands out for his friendliness, he is kind, affable,
benevolent, compassionate, peace-loving, devout and pious: his behaviour
is exemplary". He made his profession on June 29th, 1933 in Jerez de los
Caballeros. He then went to the Seminary in Zafra to continue his studies
until, victims of persecution, all the students had to seek refuge in Ciudad
A characteristic aspect of his spirituality was his devotion to the Heart of
Mary. He wrote on the eve of his profession: "The Virgin is everything for
me ... I am not afraid of difficulties, nor will the sufferings sadden me; nor
will the labours bear down on me, because one glance from her will be
enough to soothe and brighten my spirit". When he died, Gabriel was 21.
Claudio López and his brother
Ángel entered the Claretian
Seminary at the same time,
made their profession on the
same day, worked the same
number of years as priests,
and together they were
martyred in Fernan Caballero.
The two brothers were born in
Mundilla de Valdelucio
(Burgos); Claudio December
18th, 1910 and Ángel October
2nd, 1912, into a family of
good honest Christian farm labourers. Their father was called Eusebio
Lopez Arroyo, and their mother, Joaquina Martinez Val.
The two boys were altar boys, so both were very humble and often went to
communion. They arrived at the Seminary in Plasencia on September 22nd,
1924. They completed their Novitiate and the three years of Philosophy in
Jerez de los Caballeros.
Claudio, as reported by his superiors, was a excellent member of the
community, robust, well mannered, formal, pious and trustworthy, and
stood out for his strength and virility which, without intention on his part,
was much admired by others. Ángel was pious, exemplary, formal,
industrious and trustworthy, healthy, very talented and of good character.
Fr José Riguera, their classmate, once said: Angel and Claudio were really
pious and exemplary. During periods of silence, they were frequently seen
with rosaries in their hands, and every day, without fail, they did the Via
Crucis. They had great missionary zeal, especially Ángel, and their ultimate
goal was to be prepared as good missionaries.
In 1931, at the proclamation of the Second Republic, the seminarians were
expelled from the Seminary of Jerez. Angel and Claudio returned to their village
and continued their pious practices. Several times they went down to visit the
nearby sanctuary of our Lady of Vega, recalling the visits to the sanctuary in their
childhood days. Although their families and friends discouraged them from going
back to the seminary, Angel and Claudio did not hesitate to return. They started
the study of theology in Zafra, but the persecution in Zafra in May 1936 forced
them to leave and seek shelter in Ciudad Real.
It was in this city that they endured the worst days of religious persecution,
becoming prisoners in their own home. Distributed two by two in each room,
Angel Lopez had as a companion, Fr. Jose Maria Marquez, who later became the
bishop of Humahuaca (Argentina), who during the process of canonization would
make the following statement: "We were prepared for death. My cellmate,
Angel, lifted my spirits and begged me to pray for our persecutors, for
Spain, and to pardon our enemies". In another cell with Claudio was Br
Gregorio Barriuso, "He raised my spirits and we spent the day and night
praying." On the afternoon of July 28th, 1936, the two brothers, still
together, achieved the glory of martyrdom in Fernán Caballero. Claudio
was 26 and Angel 24 years of age.
On June 28th, 1913 Antonio
Lasa was born in the small town of
Loizu (Navarra). In several villages a
town council was formed, and on the
religious side there was, of course, a
priest, but when there wasn’t one, the
whole family would go to the
neighbouring village to hear Mass,
even though it was snowing. His
parents were Miguel Lasa and Josefa
Vidaurreta, both devout Christians.
Every four years Missionary Fathers
would go to Erro, at the head of the
valley where Loizu is situated. Antonio wanted to be like them, and when
he turned eleven years of age, he entered the Seminary of Santo Domingo
de la Calzada.
Antonio was blessed with an enviable set of qualities: he was quick-witted,
had a good memory, very studious, and his piety was calm and rational,
fruit of a gentle harmony between head and heart. The report from his
Master in the Novitiate of Salvatierra was even more succinct, but no less
complimentary: "Antonio Lasa has excellent talent and in his behaviour, he
is one of the best novices”.
He completed three years of Philosophy in Beire, and the first year of
Theology in Santo Domingo de la Calzada, but then Antonio had a severe
crisis in 1933-34. It would seem that he didn’t get on with his formator in
theology, and so became a critic and rebel within the system. At the end of
the third year he received permission from his superiors to move to the
Claretian Province of Betica, where the seminary was in Zafra, arriving
there in 1935. From the outset he was happy amongst his new companions,
but social circumstances dictated that the seminary had to move quickly to
Ciudad Real. Here his brother Felix Lasa, a doctor, visited him, and he said
of the meeting: "I visited him shortly before his execution. Having seen the
events of May 1st in Madrid, ... I came to Ciudad Real with the intention of
getting him to leave with me". But he stayed on in Ciudad Real. On July
28th, 1936 Antonio Lasa died a martyr in Fernan Caballero at 23 years of
Melecio Pardo was born on August 3rd,
1913 in Bustillo de Chaves, province of
Valladolid. His parents were Pardo
Benigno and Isidra Llorente, who had
brought up a deeply Christian family.
Melecio entered the Seminary in
Plasencia on October 13th, 1926. During
his years of studies, the Prefect said he
had an outstanding missionary spirit and
he loved nothing more than to preach the
word of God ... Although he was not
excessively intelligent, he stood out in the field of spirituality for his piety,
for his sense of vocation, commitment to the Virgin and his missionary
calling to work in non-Christian countries.
Fr. Joaquin Alonso, companion of Melecio who was with him until hours
before his martyrdom, often remembered the sad night of May 12, 1931, when
they were forced to abandon the novitiate at Jerez . After spending a few days in
Maimona, hosted in the house of the sister of Antonio Orrego, Meletius had to
return to Bustillo de Chaves with Otilio del Amo, his countryman and friend since
childhood. Full of courage, both returned to the seminary in the end of July and
Meletius began to prepare himself for his profession to be held on 5th September .
They were overflowing with joy. Years later in 1936 when the Theologate of
Zafra was dispersed, Melecio and Otillo del Amo took refuge in the Claretian
house of Córdoba, until they could go to Ciudad Real to rejoin their companions.
In Ciudad Real Melicio was able to finish the course dreaming of the
pulpit. "Rhetoric was the weakness of student Meletius Pardo. The pulpit would
be his right place. ", thus it was spoken of him. His jovial spirit helped him
overcome the difficulties he encountered which ended in ruthless persecution. On
the way to Madrid with hopes to reach freedom, Meletius Pardo, aged 23,
received the crown of victory on 28th July. His voice which was trained to
proclaim the true freedom will never fade out.
tonsured and in Orders ... and then later, Minister of the Most High. "
Antonio Orrego died a martyr of Christ at 21 years of age.
Oliva de la Frontera (Badajoz)
was the birthplace of martyr
Antonio Orrego. He was born on
January 15th, 1915, the son of
Pedro and Isabel, humble craft
workers, but firmly rooted in the
Christian spirit. Antonio's father
died when he was very young.
He joined the Seminary in
Plasencia before his eleventh birthday. Without being exceptional in any
way, he was perfectly well suited for the integrity and the life of a
missionary. He began his novitiate in 1931, in Jerez de los Caballeros.
Social unrest forced the closure of the seminary and Antonio Orrego, along
with four others, went to seek refuge in the village of Los Santos de
Maimona, at the house of his sister Amelia. From there he went to
Salvatierra (Álava) to finish his novitiate and then returned to Plasencia to
study philosophy. Antonio was said to be pious, obedient, charitable to his
fellows, had a deep love of the Virgin and was impeccable in his behaviour.
He pursued his studies of Theology in Zafra until he was, again, obliged to
seek refuge with his sister in Los Santos de Maimona. His brother Octavio
said of the events at that time: "My mother urged him to go with her to their
home in Oliva, saying that his life was in danger and that it would be a
great loss for the family if they killed him, but he answered as follows:
What greater glory is there than to have a son a martyr? ".
In early May 1936 he rejoined his companions in Ciudad Real. He finished
the second year of Theology and prepared for his Perpetual Profession,
which he completed on June 29th, the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, a
month before his martyrdom. On July 5th, intending to receive Minor
Orders on the 25th of that month, he wrote to his mother: "Our dreams are
turning into beautiful realities. Son of the Heart of Mary, and soon to be
Friend and neighbour of Melecio Pardo,
Otilio del Amo was born in Bustillo de
Chaves on April 2nd, 1913. His parents,
Eustasio and Basilisa, were staunch
Christians. His brother Eustasio, a
priest, said: “My parents came from a
Christian background. My father was a
labourer. They didn’t want Otilio to
become a religious, but rather a
diocesan priest. My brother was
naturally very pious”.
Otilio joined the Seminary in Plasencia
September 28th, 1927. When he had
completed the Humanities course, in 1931, he had to go home and spend
two months in his village. His brother said of his stay in the village: It
confirmed him in his religious vocation, and never gave in to the opposition
of his parents, and he said to me, "No matter what life has in store for me, if
I give it to God through martyrdom, even better”.
The opinion of Otilio del Amo’s spiritual director, Fr Augusto Andres
Ortega, will be discussed later when we draw a comparison with the martyr
Vicente Robles, but suffice it to include here the important testimony of Fr
Eladio Riol: "Mr. Otilio was a special case. He boasted an extraordinary set
of human, intellectual and moral qualities, such that they even bestowed on
him evident authority among his peers. He was unquestionably an
exemplary student throughout. He could be named superior after finishing his
The sad events of April and May 1936 in Zafra did not allow him to
successfully complete his first year of Theology. When the Theology
School closed down, he had to find refuge in the house of the Claretian
Missionaries in Cordoba with his fellow countryman Melecio. After a few
days they got a message to join up with their companions in Ciudad Real.
On the train Otilio wrote a letter to his brother: "We are walking like
strangers in our own land; everywhere we are hated; we can’t stop
anywhere; at the minute, I'm on the train to Ciudad Real, and from there
maybe to martyrdom; but let God be served". He was martyred at the age of
23 years.
Candido Catalan was born in
Corella, in the province of
Navarra and diocese of
Tarazona, on February 16th,
1916. His parents, Feliciano and
Jacinta, raised their family in
comfortable circumstances,
steeped in Christian tradition. At
the age of 11, he decided to
follow in the footsteps of his
paternal uncle, Fr Catalan
Cándido Monreal, then
Provincial Superior of the
Claretian Missionaries of Betica, entering the Seminary of Plasencia.
He did his novitiate in Salvatierra (Álava) and professed on October 24th,
1932. All those who had dealings with Candido Catalan said of him that he
was "a very young child" of marked immaturity up to 17 years of age: in
his faith, his openness, and in his daily routine. However, in 1934, when he
was studying Philosophy, the Prefect’s report has a very different tone:
"We have noticed a very positive change in Candido Catalan both in
scholarship, where has gone to the top of the class and in virtue". And in
1935, when he began his first year of theology, the transformation was
complete: "He is a student who has matured from a religious point of view,
is pious, charitable, obedient, humble, industrious, optimistic."
When he was beginning to feel a sense of happiness, the tragic events of
Zafra happened, and Candido had to find refuge with his companions in
Ciudad Real. He finished the course there, but social unrest increased. The
Religious were held as prisoners in their own convent, but he thought he
saw a glimmer of hope in the safe-conduct given by the Civil Governor to
the Father Superior, so that they could leave town. On July 28th, 1936
Candido was a member of the first group to head off for Madrid, with 13
other classmates. At the railway station in Fernan Caballero, they were
forced to get off the train, and in view of the other travellers, they were shot
while shouting Long Live Christ the King and Long live Spain!.
Candido Catalan was grievously wounded, surrounded by the bloodied
bodies of his companions. He was to die hours later while being taken to
the hospital in Ciudad Real: "He was a spectacle of utter resignation,
without a word of complaint ..." said the doctor who treated him at the
This young boy was the youngest of all the martyrs of Fernan Caballero.
He was only 20 years of age.
Ángel was born on June 6th, 1915 in the
village of Montánchez (Cáceres). His
parents were Jose Sanchez and Josefa Pérez
Murillo Cortijo.
His sister Matilde says that Ángel learned to
read and write in the village school and then
went to the Missionaries’ School of the Heart
of Mary in Montánchez. She says the
following about her brother’s early leanings,
"From being a small boy, he showed leanings
towards the priesthood, imitating things done
by the priests, saying Mass, and he even had a
confessional ... My father refused steadfastly that he should become a
religious, but my brother replied that he would be the unhappiest person in
the world if he wasn’t allowed to follow his vocation"
Ángel joined the Seminary at Plasencia in October 1928, at thirteen years
of age. Then in 1931, because of the riots and the burning of religious
houses, he had to return to his village, but then returned to the seminary
happy and cheerful, despite having to overcome, once again, the opposition
of his father. He did his novitiate in Jerez de los Caballeros and went on to
attend Plasencia for three years of Philosophy.
From the reports written by his formators, it would be impossible to gain
more praise than he did: "He's kind, gentle, attentive, humble, peace-loving,
easygoing, sociable, amenable and obedient, devout and pious, quiet,
composed, agreeable, active, soft-natured .. . outstandingly talented, good
memory, generous spirit, sympathetic, noble, dignified, happy, wise and
prudent, charitable both in the presence of God and his neighbour".
In August 1935 the first year course in theology began at Zafra, and in May
1936, after a few days taking refuge in his village, he went to Ciudad Real
to meet up with his companions. Ángel, aware of the danger he was in, said
in a firm voice: "Let’s face up to death." On July 16th, 1936, twelve days
before his martyrdom, he made his perpetual profession. He was then 21
years old.
The small town of Villandiego,
province and diocese of Burgos,
was the birthplace of Abelardo
Garcia on 15th October 1913. His
parents, Angel and Estefana, were
farm labourers. Abelardo's mother
died when he was only two years
At eleven he entered the Claretian seminary in Plasencia, probably
encouraged by his uncle, Fr Ignacio Palacios Abad, who also would die a
martyr in Don Benito. His formators, during the early years of his
formation, described Abelardo as humble and long-suffering. He began his
Novitiate full of hope and joy, but was not admitted to Profession.
He began a new phase of his life with the Augustinians; first in Uclés and
then in La Vid. From here on, in 1934, he studied Philosophy, and he wrote
back asking for admission once again to the Congregation of Claretian
Missionaries, "You can’t imagine the great affection, carried almost to the
point of delirium, that I have for the Congregation; day after day, feeling
more and more desperate, I have so longed to get back to the Congregation"
He pleaded for an urgent response, because the day of his profession in the
Augustinians was fast approaching. The Superior advised that he should not
take his profession, despite being approved, and Abelard went home to his
village without receiving a response from the Missionaries. He finally
received his letter of admission, but in circumstances of not having the
wherewithal to even make the trip down to Jerez de los Caballeros.
Providence helped him unexpectedly and he was able to leave for Jerez. He
began a new Novitiate and made his profession on January 3rd, 1936: he
had achieved what he had long coveted. He then went to the Theologate of
Zafra and, from there, to Ciudad Real along with his persecuted
companions. Faced with the fears of one of his companions, Abelardo
replied: "Well, what do you think might happen to us in the end? That they
kill us? Oh, what happiness there would be in that, if one day people read in
the CMF Annals: The following were shot for God and for the
Congregation: Mr. Abelardo Garcia, etc ". This dream was fulfilled when
he was only 22 years old.
Two months later
Brother Philip was also martyred in Fernan Caballero, not in the railway
station but at the cemetery gates, on October 2nd 1936. His cause for
canonization was linked, from the beginning, to that of the 14 Claretian
Students on the first expedition to Madrid.
Felipe González was born on May 24th, 1889 in the village of San Asensio
(La Rioja). His parents Joseph and Ezequiela were well known in their
village for their kindness, honesty and piety, and their charity in helping
those in need, and for how well they raised their two children, Felipe and
Felipe’s family put his vocation to the test, as seen in the following letter:
"The signatories below, parents of young Felipe González de Heredia,
declare that, having subjected him to many tests, they want to really find
out if he has a vocation to the religious life and, finding him totally
resolved and eager to commit himself, whether as a priest or as a brother,
we want to allow him the greatest possible freedom so that he can make his
religious profession, our greatest desires being for the glory of God and the
service of such a holy and venerated Order".
He did his novitiate in Jerez de los Caballeros and made his profession on
March 25th, 1909 as a lay brother. He had reached his goal, and was now a
Missionary Son of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The testimonies of those
who had dealings with him agree that: his was a favoured soul, he was
humble, simple, dutiful, patient, kind and compassionate, extremely longsuffering, a great lover of the Heart of Mary and of the Congregation. The
testimony of Cardinal Arturo Tabera, in the process of his canonization,
will speak for everyone: "Brother Philip, with the loving presence of a lay
Brother, simple, pious, religious, always dedicated to the humble tasks of
the house, far removed from worldly things : I knew him personally for
three or four years in the Seminary in Zafra".
Brother Felipe came to Ciudad Real from Zafra. When the second
expedition of the Community left for Madrid on July 30th, he stayed in
Ciudad Real, taking refuge in the house of his brother Salvador. He was
discovered, and was taken to the police headquarters in the Seminary where
he remained until, on October 2nd, he was taken out in a car to Fernan
Caballero. When they stopped the car in front of the cemetery, Brother
Felipe climbed up the steps to the gate, he flung his arms out in the shape of
the cross and shouted Long Live Christ the King and the Heart of Mary! A
volley of rifle shots silenced his voice. A witness, who happened to be
travelling in the same car, said: I noticed that the Brother went very quietly
in the car and he shouted aloud Long Live Christ the King and the Heart of
The tomb of the Martyrs
Saint Anthoni Mª Claret Parish, Sevilla
The seven Claretian martyrs of Tarragona came from two communities
very close to each other: Tarragona and La Selva del Camp. Their
martyrdoms took place separately, at different times and places.
Claretian Martyrs of Tarragona (Ed. Claret Barcelona)
The Claretian Community of Tarragona, living in a very humble house, had
the privilege of having a group of Claretians who worked as lecturers in the
Seminary and the Pontifical University, where their work as distinguished
teachers was always greatly valued.
The house in La Selva del Camp was a Mission House and a place of rest
for old and sick people, who felt welcomed and comfortable. It was a much
loved place amongst the Congregation because it was there that the
Claretian protomartyr, Fr Francisco Crusats, sacrificed his life in 1868, and
which made St Anthony Mary Claret shout out in envy when he heard the
news of his glorious death. I knew that he would get in before me…….!
The first victim of the group was
brother Antoni Capdevila, who, at the
height of his powers in his 40s, died
with astonishing calmness.
He was the son of l’Espluga Calba
(Lleida), where he was born on
February 27th, 1894. His parents were
Antoni and Filomena. Brother Antoni
was a real treasure in the life of our
communities, especially for his work as
a tailor. He also worked as a teacher of
the first year students, distinguishing
himself by his reliability and efficiency. He fully deserved the sense of trust
everyone had in him, and he was considered a model because of his saintly
When the revolution of July 1936 broke out, our Brother belonged to the
community of La Selva del Camp. His first concern was to take the elderly
and sick Brother Ramon Garces to the Sanatorium run by the Sisters in
Reus. From there, on July 24th, he travelled by train to Borges Blanques,
walking the final 14 kilometres to Mollerosa, near Lleida, where his family
lived. The train stopped longer than necessary in Vimbodí to change
engines, and Antoni got out of the carriage to walk along the platform ...
someone of malicious intent suspected something strange and he was
arrested there and then. They marched him along the streets to the Police
station, they stole the money he had and, at about noon, they took him
along the road to the place they call the Puntarró, about 500 metres from
the village. In front of the firing squad, Antoni quietly asked his murderers:
“Will you give me a few moments to prepare myself?”
His request granted, he calmly uncovered his head, began to pray quietly
and, when he had finished his fervent prayer, invited the murderers to do
what they wanted. Before dying, drawing strength from the bottom of his
missionary soul, he shouted:
“Long live Christ the King!”
A burst of gunfire cut him down to the ground. The ordinary people of the
village considered him a holy man from the start, and were desperate to
have pebbles dipped into the blood of the martyr ... and there began the
glorification of God. His remains are buried in the church of San Agustin
de Tarragona, along with those of Fr Frederic Vila.
Fr Jaume Mir Vime was a son
of Ciutadilla, in the province
of Lleida and region of
Urgell. Born on December
22nd, 1889. His parents,
Jaume and Filomena, were
exemplary Christians. They
had two sons and four
daughters. The youngest
became a religious with the
Carmelite Sisters of Charity.
A few days after the death of Brother Antoni Capdevila, specifically on
July 29th, Fr Jaume Mir was to suffer the same fate. Tall, slim, with drawn
features, serious, always with his nose in a book of Philosophy, he was the
embodiment of the Metaphysics that he taught with singular competence.
His great intellectual gifts and his penchant for study had bestowed on him
a maturity of learning such that he was regarded as an authority on the most
intricate philosophical questions. From 1932, in the Pontifical University of
Tarragona, he occupied the chair of difficult issues or PhD theses.
In his life as an ascetic, he was always silent and thoughtful, the perfect
blend of "prayer, study and teaching", a trilogy that defined him perfectly.
The revolution caught up with him when he was directing Spiritual
Exercises with the Carmelite Sisters of Charity in Francolí Esplugues.
Without knowing why, the fact is that on several occasions he touched on
the topic of the martyrs with unusual eagerness, those who filled the church
with glory. With the dissolution of the Religious Community on July 21st,
he took refuge with them in the Chaplain's house, where they continued
their Spiritual Exercises.
The martyrdom of Fr Jaume seems to bear the stamp of a vile betrayal.
Wanting to move to Tarragona, he went to the Police station for the
appropriate pass. He got it, but the people who gave it to him asked for it
back the next day. He requested another, and was told there was no need
for one, because they themselves were going with him to Montblanc Police
station. His farewell to the religious sisters was cordial and serene: Goodbye! There is nothing else we can do. If we do not see each other in
this life, we’ll see each other in Heaven!
- Father, give us a blessing! So we have the consolation of having received
the blessing of a martyr.
The militiamen drove him to Montblanc to put him on the train. The truth is
that, the same day, on the 29th in the afternoon, his body was laid to rest in
cemetery of Tarragona ...
Brother Sebastiá was born on
December 3rd, 1885, in La
Fuliola, province of Lleida,
region of Urgell. He
inherited from his good
parents, Baltasar and
Buenaventura, many natural
qualities, but, especially, a
Christian education which,
from early childhood, helped
him grow in his faith. Of the
six children of the marriage, one became a nun and two followed a
Claretian vocation.
The pious life of Br Sebastiá manifested itself in his service to the brothers
of the Community, in his spiritual joy that permeated his good sense of
humour and his fervent practices of devotion to Jesus Christ and the Mother
of God, such as the Eucharist, Stations of the Cross and the Rosary every
He had remarkable qualities as a teacher of little children, to which he
devoted himself in schools such as Cervera, La Selva del Camp and Játiva.
In 1932 the School of Játiva was attacked, and in March 1936 the
community was forced to abandon the city for good. The revolution in July
caught Brother Sebastian in La Selva del Camp.
He decided to take refuge in his birthplace in the village of La Fuliola.
There he found his sister Silveria, also a religious, taking refuge as well,
who inquisitively asked him one day:
- How many times have you prayed the rosary today to the Virgin?
“Nineteen, so far” replied the servant of God. And it was only noon ...
Indeed, it has to be said, the rosary and the Little Office of the Blessed
Virgin never left the hands of this humble, innocent, fervent Brother.
On August 15th, the feast of the Assumption, the two religious siblings,
Sebastiá and Silveria, were a picture of miraculous presence, as if taken
from recollections of Benedict and Scolastica. It was evening, and after
dinner these two soul mates occupied themselves talking about God,
heaven, about the happiness of dying as martyrs for Jesus Christ. They
talked and talked, and so they passed the time ...
Three hours after all this heavenly talk, they heard eight menacing shouts at
the door, calling for Sebastiá, who was thrust into a car which took him to
the Police station of Tárrega; can you believe it, at that hour of the night!
The car continued along the road. In the midst of silence, our Brother
started a brief conversation:
“You’re taking me to be killed, aren’t you?”
- Yes!
With a clear understanding on both parts, the prisoner calmly pulled out his
rosary, and began to whisper again and again, Pray for us ... at the hour of
our death.
The car stopped, the militiamen tied our Brother to a tree trunk and fired
eight shots. From nearby, a forest ranger looked on. The fingers of the
corpse were still clutching the holy rosary beads until, shortly afterwards, a
fire fed with armfuls of dry grass, turned the remains of the martyr into
Brothers Andreu Felíu and Pau Castellá,
sons of La Selva del Camp
Brothers Andreu Felíu and Pau Castellá are a fine example of human,
religious, missionary and self-sacrificing brotherhood. These two venerable
elders of the community were a real treasure. Both were born in the same
town, both shared the same religious life in the Claretian Congregation,
both spent their best years working on the tough Mission of Equatorial
Guinea; together they peacefully passed their old age in the same
community with everyone’s care and attention, and God’s Providence,
which had wonderfully joined their lives together, would not separate them
even in death, and together they would go to meet the Lord who rewarded
them with palm and crown ...
Sons of La Selva del Camp, when the revolutionaries dissolved their
Community, both went to their own families, staying there for three months
until the Police authorities of Reus decided to upset the quiet routines of
their neighbouring town and made up the list of those who should be shot.
One of the more reasonable members, and a resident of La Selva del Camp,
intervened to help change the decision:
“Why not content ourselves with just the Religious?”
And the only two Religious on the list were the Brothers Castellá and Felíu.
Arrested without further ado on October 26th, they were taken to La Riera
de la Cuadra, on the municipal boundary of Reus, to be shot. As Brother
Pau Castellá had difficulty moving his legs, he took a while to get out of
the car, so they dragged him out and he fell flat on the ground.
“Let’s do it right here!”
So, as he lay on the ground, they shot him several times in the back.
These two most exemplary Missionaries died for the same cause: for being
Pau Castellá Barberá was born
On May 3rd, 1862, in La Selva
del Camp (Tarragona). From
his parents, Pau and Francesca,
he had inherited a great store of
human qualities and Christian
virtues, including a beautiful
voice. And along with his voice,
a great interest in music.
Pau did his Novitiate in
Barbastro and in that same
community he began to work as a cobbler. From Barbastro he went to
Lleida, and later, at his request, in 1892, his Superiors gave him a new field
of work, which turned out to be much more challenging: the Fernando Poo
missions. As a missionary he served in places and roles that were very
demanding: Corisco, Santa Isabel, San Carlos and finally Maria Cristina. At
all his destinations, he demonstrated his extraordinary qualities of dealing
with people who were not accustomed to obedience. Without a doubt, he
was endowed with so many qualities that any domestic duty came easily to
him. In every Community he was very well received, but was also much
loved by farm estate workers, even though they had never met him. Brother
Pau was a model tactician for preventing difficulties.
When his health failed, he was forced to return to the mainland because of
persistent fevers ... And he was caught up in the religious persecution of
1936 and was martyred.
Brother Andreu Felíu was
born on September 15th,
1870. His parents were Josep
and Francesca.
From being very young, he
had contact with the
Claretian Missionaries, who
had houses in La Selva del
Camp since 1968. He served
as an altar boy, helped the
Brother sacristan and with his beautiful voice he sang in the choir of the
church of St. Augustine, which was entrusted to the Missionaries. At
seventeen he applied to become a Claretian Missionary as an Assistant
Brother. What he most wanted was to be a missionary and to be out
working in mission countries.
He completed his Novitiate in Cervera, where he had his first appointment,
in charge of tailoring. He always stood out for his industry and kind
treatment of people, and was much loved for his devout and pious life. In
1903, when he was in Zafra, his dream was fulfilled when he was sent to
the missions of Fernando Poo.
Brother Andreu Felíu, a master of several trades, served as a tailor,
sacristan, as a very caring nurse to the sick, as an excellent farm labourer
on the estates, and overseer of domestic cleaning and administration. He
was an unselfish servant to all in need. In 1934 he had to return to the
mainland for health reasons.
The boat prison
Br Antoni Vilamassana and Fr Frederic Vila
Throughout Catalonia, the floating prison set up on the cargo boat Cabo
Cullera was infamous, but it was soon moved to another more spacious
ship, the Rio Segre, also a cargo boat weighing in at 5,000 tons.
Some ten Claretians passed through this dreadful prison, but only two of
them would leave to meet their deaths: Br Antoni Vilamassana and Fr
Frederic Vila.
Antoni Vilamassana was born in
Massoteres, province of Lleida,
region of Segarra, on January
29th, 1860. His parents were
Antoni and Josepa. At 23 years
of age he entered the
Congregation of the Missionary
Sons of the Immaculate Heart of
Mary, and four years later was
sent to the difficult missions in
Carguero Río Segre
It doesn’t take much imagination to guess what life was like there. Total
isolation from relatives and friends, sometimes unbearable heat in summer,
intolerable monotony ... But on the other hand, there were diversions which
in other prisons would have been an unexpected luxury. Amongst the
prisoners there were many priests and religious, and the lay people were
distinguished Catholics who passed the time in their own way on deck
despite close monitoring from the red militiamen, who couldn’t stand
seeing rosary beads, even though they were made from knotted string!, nor
did they tolerate seeing lips that moved in prayer ... The way of life was
strict: “No lips or fingers, or knots!” ...
Prisoners sometimes got together in small groups to relax with a little
singing, and the most serious members, like our Fr Frederic Vila, used the
time for discussions on Moral Theology or other church topics.
Fernando Poo.
Br Antoni was distinguished by his formality, his love of work and his
religious spirit. For two years he was in charge of the Banapá farm estate
(1915-1916). This two year stint ended owing to his ill health: tropical
living, under a harsh sun, rain and fatigue, did much to punish his body and
forced him to return to the mainland. He was then sent to the community of
Tarragona. There he continued working as a young man, doing all he could
to attend to the needs of the community, made up primarily of Claretian
teachers at the Pontifical University of Tarragona. When religious
persecution scattered the community, with great generosity of spirit he
offered, during those difficult days, to accompany Fr Frederic Vila, and
both were arrested and taken to the floating steamship prison "Rio Segre",
anchored in the port of Tarragona.
Br Antoni was the epitome of a missionary. His seventy-six years had not
managed to impair his vigorous constitution nor his energy for the job. In
the prison boat he continued to be as dedicated to helping others as ever.
When on August 25th he was 'called', he made his confession, picked up
some personal items and toiletries, in case he was to be moved to the boat
named Uruguay in Barcelona, he said goodbye affectionately and went off
quietly with the expedition, which was not to Uruguay but to the cemetery
of Valls.
There were 24 victims on the truck. When they reached Valls, they broke
into song along the road that crosses the Crec en un Deu, singing the
beautiful Catalan Credo, and other religious hymns, and they managed to
draw the following comments from an old lady, which serves perfectly as a
eulogy: What beautiful songs they sang! They weren’t like those party
songs, but really nice ones, and it was a pleasure to listen to them.
Fr Frederic was born in the
municipality of El Brull,
province of Barcelona, in the
Osona region, on March 3rd,
1884. His parents, Antonio and
Dolors, educated their children
in the Christian faith. The result
of that education was the
Claretian vocation of both
Frederic and his brother Modest,
and that of three sisters who chose to take the habit of the Dominicans of Fr
Frederic spent his childhood in Tona before entering the Vic Seminary
Later he applied to be admitted into the Congregation of Claretian
Missionaries. He was ordained in 1907. Endowed with a strong will and a
good memory, he shone academically because of his fulsome knowledge of
all kinds, for his work as a religious and researcher, and for all the great
cultural activities that he managed to develop. He was a lecturer in the
Claretian seminaries of Solsona and Cervera, and in the Pontifical
University of Tarragona. It was here that he was caught out by the religious
persecution in 1936.
Taking refuge in the apartment of the good sisters, Muntés, on July 24th the
premises were searched, but without any major consequences. Only when
the militiamen had left, Fr Vila, who could easily have passed as the owner
of the house, forgot about the normal expression “Salud!”, as the
circumstances demanded, and proffered the normal “Adios” ... This detail
was a telling moment. They arrested him, they took him to the police
station, and from there, convicted of being a priest and religious, they
locked him up in Cabo Cullera, and two days later they took him to the Rio
Segre. In his personal writings, Fr Vila described both the pain and anguish
that overcame him at times, as well as the peace of soul and the comfort
that the brothers of the Congregation instilled into him.
On the advice of the Commander, he made a request for release, and got it,
thanks to Duran, the Archivist of Catalonia. Except that on November 11th,
when they brought him the much anticipated release order, it was too late ...
The F.A.I. had caught up with them during the night. Kicking and shouting,
they got all the prisoners out of their beds and made up the list of the next
expedition: 24 in total. On the ship’s bridge, they began together to pray a
psalm, according to a witness, and apparently it was the Miserere.
They were taken by truck to the town of Torredembarra, and in a line
against the cemetery wall, all breathed their last breath with a triumphant
Long live Christ the King! ...
Fr. Frederic Vila was a leading figure among the Claretians of Catalonia.
An outstanding teacher and writer, patient researcher and compiler of
Claretian and congregational memories ... But above all, he was a soul of
exquisite sensitivity and disarming goodness. On June 21st, 1959 his
remains were transferred to a chapel in the church of San Agustín in
Martyr Congregation
The Congregation of Claretian Missionaries was the most tested
amongst the religious congregations in Spain suffering persecution
in 1936. A few years earlier, in Mexico, we had already paid tribute
to a martyr in the person of Blessed Andres Sola.
We shall continue to present the different groups of Claretian
Martyrs whose cause of canonization is introduced, some of them
are already beatified.
ANTHONY MARY CLARET, Sallent (Barcelona), 1807. Tireless
apostolic missionary. He conducted missions for the people in Catalonia
and the Canary Islands. Founder of the Claretian Missionaries, Archbishop
of Cuba and confessor to Queen Isabel II, whom he accompanied during
her exile. A life-threatening attempt on his life in Holguín (Cuba) gave him
the opportunity to say, in front of the Fathers of Vatican Council I, that
along with St Paul “I bring with me the scars of our Lord Jesus Christ on
my body”. He died in Fontfroide (France) on October 24th 1870.
Pius XII proclaimed Claret a saint on May 7th 1950, and said of him:
“ A great soul, born to bring together contrasting features ... a strong
character but with the soft sweetness of someone who knows about
austerity and penance; always in the presence of God, even in the midst of
his prodigious efforts outside in the world; maligned and admired,
celebrated and persecuted. And among so many wonders, like a soft light
that illuminates everything, his devotion to the Mother of God”
Claretian Martyrs of Barbastro
The Claretian Martyrs of Barbastro, 51 in total, wrote a glorious page of
Christian heroism. For 20 days in the summer of 1936 in a semi-basement
room with windows at ground level, they endured untold suffering. The
strength of the Eucharist and devotion to the Virgin helped them to stay
positive in appearance and keep peace in their hearts, praying for and
forgiving all who would kill them: "We died forgiving those who would
take away our lives, offering it up for the Christian order of the working
world, so that the Catholic Church would reign definitively, for our beloved
Congregation and for our beloved families".
Martyr Seminary: this is what John Paul II said of them the day he
proclaimed as Blessed Felipe de Jesus Munarriz and his 50 companion
Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (25/10/1992)
Blessed Andres Sola, martyr in Mexico
Andres Sola was born in Taradell (Barcelona), in Plana de Vic, in 1895. He
was sent to Mexico as a missionary during the difficult years in which,
under the presidency of General Calles, foreign priests were not allowed to
exercise the priestly ministry. Fr Andres, ignoring such a ban, "Took
communion to many people, offered up many Holy Hours, and worked
very hard despite endangering his own life." Unjustly accused, along with
the priest Trinidad Rangel and layman Leonardo Perez, of taking part in the
derailment of the train going from Mexico to Juarez, the three were
executed at Rancho San Joaquin, Lagos de Moreno (Jalisco). During his
agony Fr Sola kept repeating: Jesus, have mercy! Lord, I die for your
cause! And tell my mother she has a son who is a martyr. The three
"Martyrs of San Joaquin" were beatified in Guadalajara (Mexico) on
November 20th, 2005.
To the four previous groups we need to add more than 80 Claretians who
were not included in the process of beatification, but nevertheless deserve
all our affection and veneration because they also suffered for their faith.
Blessed Martyrs of Sigüenza - Fernán Caballero and Tarragona
Along with a large group of martyrs of the twentieth century in Spain, the
Martyrs of Sigüenza-Fernan Caballero and Tarragona will be glorified by
the Church in Tarragona on October 13th, 2013.
Servants of God Mateo Casal and 108 Companions
This group is made up of Claretians from different communities:
Barcelona, Lleida, Solsona, Vich, Santander and Valencia. All heroically
died because of their faith, because they were religious, and are included in
the same Cause of canonization. Among them we should mention the
Philosophy Students in the Claretian Seminary of Cervera, another martyr
seminary. Also belonging to the Cervera community was Br Fernando
Saperas, known as "the martyr of chastity", who for fifteen endless hours
was made to suffer the most unimaginable humiliations in the brothels of
Cervera and Tarrega. Shot at the gates of the cemetery in Tarrega, his
remains are buried in the parish church of Santa Maria de l'Alba, where
every August 13th highly emotive tributes of "remembrance" are enacted
and people pray for his speedy glorification.
--------------------Especial thanks to the Claretian Father Federico Gutiérrez and Pedro García,
Claretians, whose writings about the Martyrs has been the main source for the
preparation of this booklet.
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